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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 8, 1897, p. 3

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mmmmtmtk NWM* \ <'3 ' <t 7 w l-^; ', T "--fin '(,; r Vi* *&. Holiday gifts ", HERE is a CHANCE.. To secure presents for all your friends and relatives. You oan select them from the most nobby stock of Hats and Caps and Fur nishings that ever was brought into Essex- -*$*- 1*1 l^l * * M S 1*1 M l*R 1*1 fl*i fl*R wi^ Nsfcr1 Christmas Shoppers Should not miss this splendid opportun ity to procure a sup ply of practical and Useful Gifts at a small part of their actual value. This is economy. a year of vti EVERYBODY is bound to make money go ay far as pos sible, and useful gifts, something that will wave tho recipient a purchase will he moat appreciated. The nale includes audi desirable gifts ns are kept in a first-class Hat, Cap and bur nishing Stock. J. Whitney's HATTER AND FURNISHER, D. \ A Good Thing . Those who want tho best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any othor place. We know this to be true be cause wo hear what our patrons say. What others have diacovorod should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well. Thia ifl tho loaat wo could pounibly miy itboufc thorn, If it wan not for out oxporhjuco in loathor wo could not noil no ohoap. Call and bo oonvinood for yournelf. Sifiu of tho Golcion Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. We Can Give You an All-Wool Tweed Suit in Grey, % Brown and awn Colors made to your 4- order for $12 an extra good line and very suitable for school wear. For $i7 *a^>^ We can give you a Suit from the Clydo Tweeds, These Goods are equal to the Scotch and come from 4 to $7 leaB. They look as well, wenr as well, the color ia guaranteed by the maker. We havo done the bulk of our trade this season so far in the Clyue WoollcUH, Wo can give jou a Heavy Twill Black Worsted JToavy weight and will not ido^s in weai1. Wo havo other linos some lower in prico, aome higher. Wo have Overcoats from ftl 5 up in Bcavora, jUcltom and Kerseys. Wo can pivo you bettor values in Mado-to-Ordor Clothing that) can do elsewhere. It' you nood a Suit or Overcoat lot us bco THE CONTHirOHD PBOM tfUBBT PAQE, Mr. Pqtter rendered an account of his ward, money which, he flaid, he had handled as carefully aa poflaible. If elooted again would try to keop expon- qh down. In the Seymour oase he naid he would have boon willing to givo Mr. Hoymonr $B0 or SflO to aottlo but Hoy- mour wanted &M0. Thomas Paisley made a short npoeoh in which ho charged certain parties with offoring him money lanfc yoar not to run for councillor, whioh brought up ii very spirited dfaouHtumi uud iu whioh Mr. I*aisley- certainly gained very Httlo, hia statomont bolng flatly eontrudieted nud denied, Mr. (iroouway said they had an good mou in ward fi as in any other Ward yet Micro hud not boon a roprtisoutntivo from that ward last year and ho hoped to bo elected to look after that ward. K. K. Wifimor, if olootod, won Id out down oXpoiiHOH and believed in doing road worktby statute labor. Ho would favor dividing tho towiiHliiptt into wurdH. Alex. AfouMfloau truntod to he olootod forwards as thoy had no roproiumtu- tivo thoro iu pasi two youra. Ifc-lloovo Wintewuto said ha was in tho field for County Councillor. TTo had ondeavorod to faithfully dimihuvgo his duty uu thoir reovo for 11 years, fn tho Boymour suit tho stfltomont that ho encouraged Seymour woh nnitginution on Mr. Oorbolt*H part. IIo had udvisod Mr. Hoyinour to drop tho tmifc or ho would bo Hiiro toruiu hlimiolf. Uo then took up tho financial statemout and showed that tho assots and habiliiios wore not corroofc. In tho latter thoro should bo $8.1(1. l(t bolougiiiK to tho Wil- Hon-Quinlan-Wismer drain, ^IW of ward raouoy, tfHO'i for oinrora' aalarios besides othor liabilities, which would iucroato tho amount in tho slatomojit by y3,Hnfl.0JJt loaving a deficit of ^8O0.or> instead of a ourpluH of over $3,0U0. Mossrfl. Bouloillor and K11i aluo made dhort Hpooches rolalivo to thoir oandidaturo for Couniy CouncillorHand It. F. Hoymonr brought tho mooting to a close with n speech. SANDWICH SOUTH. J'OJt ItUKVH. Edward J. O'Neilj by Henry Collins and Hugh Lonnou. Robort F. Burst, by Michaol MeOaun and John Watson. Edward Burko, by Frank McCarthy and Alex. O'Noil. Mr. Burko withdrew. rou coxiNoiriLOjtH. uaiip 1 Clias. Cavauagh, by E. J. O'Noil and Ed. Burko. (Elootod by ac clamation.) wuin S .Tohn Shuttloworth, by .Ttohn McCarthy and John Watson. William Uro, by Alex. O'Noil and John Battora- by. wAitu ii Edward Moouoy, by Michael MoCanu and John IloaJy. John 1.). O'Koofo, by Martial Voligny and Bonis P err in. waiid 4 John Groavos, by Bavid Barron and Michael Lynch. JoHoph McCarfchVrby Oharlos Stowo and Peter O'Conncll. AMIIERSTBUBG. Foit Mayoh Mr. MoEvoy, J. D. Burk and J. G. Mullen wore nominated but tho lattor two withdrew. Fob Bkrvk Mr. Wilkinson, J. A. Auld and J. A. Patten. Morhi-h. Wil kinson and Patten withdrew, leaving Mr. Auldelectod. Fo Djrury-Krnw: G. I) Potty- piece Thomas Tomlinson and B. II. Bniith. Messrs. PottypicoQ, and Smith withdrow. Foil CfiTivriLLOiis George Pettypieec, David fieland, J. A. Pat- ton, ii. L. Brouillard and Oharlos Bar low. wAitn 2 J. B. BiuU, J. JJ. Bob- ldoiu, jr., T. P. Barron,Joseph Tjomny and B. II. Smith, \uitu :j J.A. Auld, W. C. Gibb, ThoH. Lukes, John Oott, Henry Olay, John Lovott, Wia. Snlli- ruu, llc-iu*y F. West, Win. Wilson and L. N. Deneau. All the uomiULCH with- (U ow iu tho throo waitln but jMohhis. Ireland, Patten and Petfypieeo iu No. 1; Messrs. Uuilc, Smith ami llubidoux in No il and Meshi'H. LukeH, Gott and Boneau iu No. Ii. Gigantic CLEARING Fa; Gash At The Great Corner Store.-'- Commencing Saturday Morning, January 2ncij * i ' 1897, we offer the Greatest Bargains .m Dr; Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Millinery;- Mantles, Carpets, House Furnishings, Groce ries and Crockery. .*!i OVU ANNUAL CLEARING SALE la now an event lookod forward to with pleasuro hy hundrotlu of tho shrowdobfc huyors in town autl fiurrounding country it givoa ovoryhody an opportunity to HGouro tho latest an< host Goods at a Groat Reduction irom tho aefcuril coat, Hi/>h pricoH and values world -and have built this buBinoBB up_to it proaont vaBtproporfcions. Ladies5 Mantles. Tlio balance of our Stock of IhuUgn' MantloH will bo no!(l iifc tho following low pnoon: iiofc No. 1, ohoioo for 91.08........ 10 Iiadicft' MnntloH, roKnhir prioo, 51,00, ftG, 85.75, choiao, for 81.08. LocNo. '2, Piolt of tho Lob for 83........ 11 LudioH* MiiutloH, nil tliin houhou'ii iraportatioeti, regular price tf7, S7.fi0, pioK ol tho lot for $li. Lot No. 3. tuho 'em for 85. f Millinery Department, Half Price. jg All Trimmod autl Untrimmod Hutu uud Bouuots at Half Prioa. ll Mon's, Boys' & Youths' Suits & Overcoats' -] -vj^ Mon'H SuitH a Bi^ AsKortmoDt o! t^ hoHb Saita, muda by tho hunt iMnnufaoturorfi of Itoady-to Wat ^ Clothmu m Canadu, "Jhoy ato Hioh and Kk'gaut aW OaumootB, in tho Latoat Stylo of Out nud Finlnli We^ ^j/4 tho boHt 81fj Moh'h Sniti for 812 Tho r)gnlar 8liand^] '$? SuitH for 8ff. Tho rownlur 810 uml 811 Miltn tor JiJo/a itf regular 37 and 88 fltuta for 85, MauV Blaok WorSBSff ^ and V(JHtftforS3.98. Mon'H Extra Heavy ull-wool I'unVf 81.25. Moh'h fino 'J?wood Pantft foe 08j. Boy' and You( l'l Ladioa'Rich and Elofjant MantloH, tho bet Tailorod ^ SuitH at oorroflpondmIy low pricoa. Mon'H, Boya' and Yoqi GiitmontH, ropnlur pnoo 810, 812, 815, your ohoioo of tho Io ?} OvorooafcH olourintf at h'na than oowb of protfuotion. Ohoioa o; for 85. GALL EAKLY, and don't lot your neighbor (iofc nhoad -w? tho Moii'h bout OyorooutH, bout Mattrial, XiHtost Htylon, recall of you, W ^12 uud 8lfi, ahoian for 88.50. t Space does not permit us to enumerate the hundreds of bargain! in All Departments, but you must call and see the G-oods these] prices represent. DIEBEL&BRICKE ^y to All e Time WJien overybody should stnrt tlic New Your by trading where they can get the 'best and moat value for their dollars. 4 L'Ttffeod Candy for............81 00 Ibflf 0r^a" Oandy for............ 1 00 If* " M |ib.(B,anoy Oroura Candy for...... 1 00 (""' Oanfl C *or.................. 1 00 r^Hoji ..............1 oo id Corn for............1 00 8 Ouun Snlmon for................SI 00 112 Dotthui Extraot of Lnwon........ 1 00 12 do Vanilla.......... 1 00 8 BottlbB or Pickled................ 1 00 II JJumIioIh PotutooH................ 1 00 8BuBlioh*TtimipH.................. 1 00 [to k< son we sell so cheap is that SH BUSINESS. ly an 1 get'tho snaps. Toleph^ao Connoofcion. T 1LGQX & BROWN, 1 SCOTT BLOCE. MATjDEN. Toh Mum n- .Tamos D. Oihb.Wm. IT. Wahlron and Francis Lnrnmio. Fou Cous'uir^oits Patrick Jjiiflorty, Daiiiol Pillon, Edward Honor, Jonoph A. Hunt, Frctl. Miclde, L,. 0. Tirtiah and Alfred .Turrott. ANDEUDOX. Eon Knuvn Jobonh JJonotoan and Putitclc Coylo. IJiiTtTY-Uinsvjs To bo elected by the council. EoilCoiI.Nf'ILLOHh \Vm. Whahmnnd W. V. Coylo. v.\m> 2- Alo\. Kmiisae, act'laniation \\ak II Taidoro Cote and Sciaphim TJeaudom. va.hd '1 fTohuph Giondin and Thomas Pottypiece, COTjOriESTEIt SOUTH. Eon Uelvk- TliomnH ilood, Edward JM^o and V, A. Koaiiino were noinmat' oil hut tho two lattor withdrow uud Mr. Hood van oloottid by uccltimation. Eun Dki'itty-Hijivj; Kobert Ilowio and MiloH Patton. Eoji CouNOinTiOUR Edward Udpje, Pobort Aillook, E. A, Tlcauiuo, William I'oirifis, William Staddon and Ancrua E. Wright. . KINOBVILLE. I?oit Bin:\x: Hubert Wij^lo, by aeola nrntiou. , Eon CouNoiLLoit.s- Ehhn Scratch, AIoy J. Wi^lo, Bonis H McOay and ChaH, Leg{j;ott, all hy acclamation. MERSEA. Eon Bkkve Eohoi't Manory nndiTns. Selkirk. Eon CoTINOIIiTjOItH Cloorgo Milln, by acclamation, waiid no. 2? -Tohn Roach and W, JI. Bottor- iiiKton, AVAitn ko. !J, .TnmoH Dvnm- montl, by acclamation. wAim No. 4> Bocinalil J^ostor, JoBuph ThomaH and Bubrr( Cowan. Tho two Deputy- Iloovofl iu JtorHoa aro oIiohou by "tho council. LEAMINGTON, tfon Mayob iT, E. .TbhnBon and ChftH. Ohamborhiln. t yon BicKvia lf, T. OouIbou and O, Ij. Gonitis*. Eok 13kidtv-Bktsve~W. I>, Cox and Arthur Ludlam. ' FOK OotJMOIIJLOltS Win. Simpson, Dr. H. Brapton, IP, .0. Quallius, E. MoOlatchy and E. Eede. bast G^. O. Fo8ter,\Vm. Selkirk, Wni. ProBser and 0. Curtis, wort wa.w> Geo, Oroig, Joseph Peart ^and 0.33. Mann, , v SANDWICH WES P. i Fou Bli'vj. Jucfiuui Pagoau uud Eli B 'luitoftu. Foit Dj I*i iy Bwvis Ilonry LufiamlioiHo and Frank Mtrnux. Fon Cou2Jcui.0H4 AIpx Lan^Iniu, Aiulro Pnro, Soraphun t)upuio, Jo4. Dumoachollo and Albbrb Dufour HANDWICn TOWN. Foit Mayoh - K Guanlot, b> acoliinnt- tlon Fon lli:i \ir Uiclu'rd McKtd and 0. E. MiHon, W\riiK Commi .aioNKas Jnlcn liolnnot, C F. Pequoiinot, John MaronLotto and <7o!t)ph Allan. Fou Cciivuillouh Gooryo Jf Hsop, Thou. LoRdiuf, tlatnoo liaidlaw, W. CJ, ll^u- wood, Potor Tib) nan and Wm, Gatfiohl. Fou School Tnunn,rB N, Pi i-hn, E, Bboigmiul and Tolm llcliti.hv iLcohiinatmn WALKEBVILLE Fou Ma\ou ThoH. Eeid itiitl John Bott. Fou Ai.ni if\n \*~St. Androw'o Wmd R Ktiir, J 11. JJoInn, W. P. McMicJ.iut' That!. Smith, Robert Woir, N Bott and W. Oimtxr, Br. Cloor^o V/ard -E. G. Rwift, E. O. IIiihhpII, Robt. K"ir, Anilrow Rod and William Robmn. St. Doina Wad W. C. Whitis U. A. Walker, W Clintor, P. I. Will' li nun llnhort Wi ir. Scitooi- TiiuaiuUB WiHnini Woalliitt.hJt. Gcor^owaid, and A. Luwitt, Be. Douih waitl, olootod by ucUamutiou, and in Bt. Androw'u ward Ciipt. ! or rout uud William Wioliutt aro tho candidatoa. aOSFIELD SOUTH. Fon Bhkvis, Robi-it ShanUo, hy Win.- StudJon and Andrew Ulcli. Alflx, Putorsoii, hy Wm. CaHcacldcn and Jon. E. Brnnor. Riolmrd Eode, by EIhhi Oorlott and Alfrod DowhirRt. A. II, Woodbrid^o, by Philip Fox and Joh. FlbttWHl. Mr. Woodbridgo withdrew. Fon Dityu'iY-ltLKVifl, Robort Looming, by B. J. WirIo and John Picrco. E. It. Boratoh, hy E. Eodo and Oulvor Arnor. Biohard Eodo, by H. B- Wi^lo and Andww Uloli. lMilhp O Fox, by Jordan Potoron and Alt'x. Dawnoti. Mobbith, Eodo and Bcratah withdraw, Fon CouNwiitojia. Milton G. Brunor, hy A. Dowhirflt and Elgin Corlutt. Judoon Scr&tdh, by A- H. V.'ocdbnfe and jLOonlilin, ' John Btaddon, by Andrew Orton and E'ffin OorleU. Edmnnd RoKers, by\E B, Scratch and jMper Golden. u Frank McCharloo, by W. Cunoacldon and IC. DawHon Luouard Allou by II. S. Witflo and An- drow tllah. Norman Pntnrhou, by E, J. Witflo and John Pierco. John W. Potcraon, by Philip Pox and Jon. FlomiiH!. L. C. Pd.!mor, by It Eadu aud Gnlvur Amor. Mohhi'ii. J W.Putoi'HOD and Palmor with drow. TILllUUY NOimi. Fon IIulvl: Camillo Koboit, sr , by ue- oluimitiQU. Feu Di.pi ix Hi uvl Aljrdioiitfo Gronirr, by uoclamation, Fou CJounciUjOhk Auij. DamphoiiRHc, Xotlqut) Elipuiu and Jon. T. Obauvin, all by acclamation. BEfcliE BIVER Fon Ri:i'vk. Alfred Ladnuoour, by no- clamation. lron Councilt.okh Folix Suivo, John Kaaoh.CliailuM Gcitirdaud Alfred Ouollattn by aoolamation. ROCHESTER. Fon Riilvi Joa^ph Pmduuciur, uccla niation. Foti Dli'uty Ri:lvk John Dowhirot, by Murliu Htrot an 1 E Jwaid Girmri John Wilcox, by JoiupU Dcuiro ami Paul Eioh* bouig. Jittium B) rut, by Paul Diorfbbur^ and OoHoph iJdcairo. H. B. ICniHtor, by W.A. KniHter and Louin Dotriuk. Alonarn, Kniator and Byrno rom({uod. Fou Couwoirxomi Frunoid Bylvcotro, by James Byiuo and M. L, Byrno. Patriclt Mullloux, by Martin Rtmng and A Brook- or. Boi^mun Bie;noi, by Duuih Muiou totto and Jotioph Dt cairo. Homy Hod- riolt, by Aaron Robiuuou and iU. L Byrno Ahrud Wjluou, by Paul JJicnbour^ ai d Douiti Mtirontutto. F", D, JHUlcr, by E lli Maroutttlo and Fiatik Ludouuuur. TiIoKara. Diomctr and Millor .vlthihuw. TlEJlEItiT. Fou Rn-vic W. C. Cruwfoni, J. W. Ilichiirdhou, Robort MoWilUumt", Jumofi Stowart, Dr. Sharp uud J. 6. Riohurdmm. Foit Couhciiji.oiiH Dr. Sharp, Jamoti Sloan, Walter VVebdi, OIuih. O. ^Cippuu( J. J. Jnokrion, Tbori. Moro, Roborfc MaWil- IiamH, Alox, Oau^idy, Uonry ItiohaidHOa. Fon Stnoon TuuBiBKH Br. Blmrp, W- IjutDBluy, Or. Perftiuou, W. A. SbaW und J. L. UiohardHon. WINDSOR. John Davin in clo'od Mayor of the oifcy by aoolamation ; for Water Couimibttionor tho OB-ndidatoa nro !p4 Jf, Holfton, JT X. VfvtLi tutu J. Culi>, ^liil in vh.uU ward the uhuuI number of oundidatcB aro np lor alduriueii and ucbool trunteos. Wetmore Truss. -- /: The Best Ttte in ttf 1, Thin Tiuhh is rooonmioinWl Itoj to Wuar, (Jiinnot Oit Out of Plmiw --. in CnbciH Fhiul to Hold, mul nlto In tUl JlctiLiiiod. It 1h nuiicrlor to all othoia for tho folk iouhouh: lf-fc-Ztlmiauprinfl bow that oan bo adll to Hint L)i<i anno itH to itn,H>.uto, ( 41!Tll',^1lIO0"')tKrt W'mwiltlio hiiia h4 thUm 'Lhu muk pud In ahiiont opnusl n-mitprt.il no that tho vroHBUroia in only rt' \nywinoouH iiutltfoil hy aiJJtiotlrl jiiLdn and iilitipltiRtho ,ow; Ih lljjlit, aua(Lv jiifibaiuf M-llUtay wluiru io boknif/s overvl and nil thri tlrmi. i Jl yartlan in noud of iv TruH* alia :ld Boi JOHN THORNi; DRUGGIST, EBHEX, - ONTARIO. C.4S ......ESSEX- Music * Si(^$l Gtodlrov thut -,X1" Vs \Alliud, a >!arm laborer at riifual, lont hm life in a Are on Friday I burned Mr, Johnston's outbaiUmge. ir ,Vffi 'Kb m # B. S. Williams' PianoM Evans Broa.-;Planpg;,!f| # Singer, Sewing Ma^ial .........tiuva.juat received o-Mv^-rj'i'^f N*W Supply OI VtOJlll>4 AUtohU Ufotmouteaw, ^ViiftM,;jft^ff| Maohind ^csdlQlW^ala. MiLNLtf M d Mr7 JobD8ton> o^batldiugs; ' ' J,d^SpM

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