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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 25, 1896, p. 4

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scarff's. SCARFF'S. *mn Dried Fruits. It's NOW, ike Right Time to Buy. Mike Fox Outdone by Five Oords. ViV 4^ :o:- sjjAKR our advice and lose no lime in leaving your order for what Dried Fruitu you require. We have the best assorted Stock and all Now Goods. jfJBTfrTITi__ Valencia Rtunimi, uuotit Salontnd, 28 lb. )inxon, do Four Grown Tjajom, 7 lb Uoxoii. Sultana lUibiim, Guidon Fruit. Malaga llaifiiDH, - - London Layers, Uluah IJiiMkolu, - - Blue Baiikotn. Currantu, I'^K't, Almondu, Walnutii, And tho Ohoioont Stock of Candy m IMbfirtH, Brazil Nut. town V7o Moot All Competition. A Full Line of Crockorvi Glassware and China Away Down in thrice ..................... GOODS A, H- SCARFF & Co. The Essex Free Press, BRETT A, AULD, PROPRIETORS FRIDAY, DKCpMnKK 25, 180(1. A Merry Clii'iHtimm, To itd friondii, patronn and roailoui, Tuv. Fhhk Fiikbh extendi! bout winlion lor it hap. pv nnd ploaaaut ChriaWtuan and trusts that, nothing ahull occur to mar the happiueui* of thm fontivo Noanou. Sinoo laat Christ- man, fchi journal lino undergone a chango of ownership and manugomont and for tho fltflt timo tho low propnatorii arc in a po Httion to oxtond Chriatmua tfood choor to PnKK I'ltican readorn. During tho punt mr monthri we have added a largo uu rubor of now narnou to out Rubficription lint aud by uainc our boat offortci aud abihtiou to turn out a local nowhvmpor noaond to uono in tho county or tho Proviuco wo oxpoot to Rfcill further inaroiiHc tho liHt, to accorapluh whioh wo would auk our fiuhncriboni to as- BiHt ns by speaking a iood word for tlio paporto thoir ueighborn and iriondit. Wo would aiwo ramind our roadcrii that wo aro ever anxiouH to tfot tho newa of thoir uoirIi borhoodH and auy aamatanco in chat line will bo duly rpprcoiatod. Wo triiHt that tho year which ih juot now drawing to a oloeo baa boon a prooporouH ouo and that tlifl coroiup year wiH bo oven moro ho. Tnic annual mooting of tho towmdup agricultural uociotiett will bo hold ou tho aocond Wodnoaday in January and tho an nuid mooting of ihe Itidinc" eooictiehon tho third Wodutmtiay in tho buihg month. Municipal oloctiou talk in Dhqux. iu vory quiet. No other candidate bun yet an nounced himnalf in oppotntion to G J. TboiuuH for tho mayoralty, aud tho only namoti wo have so far heard for tho Rooyo- Bbip and Deputy UeoveHhip lonpuotivuly aro thoRo of John McDougnll proving of tho roport and o^cpn* mnp; uitm- tnotion at llio manner in which tho work hud been douo, wan carriod and ooraraittio ompoworod to do noma furthoi work in oounoction with tho building. On Friday, tho Education Committoo pronontud thoir roport recommending that VVmdHor Cnilogiato InnfcituLo bo paid *l,a3GD mntoiid of 81,'JOQ and Limmmg- lon tlif'U School bo paid a bulimco of $214 82, balanco of county'n tihare for 18'Jti A by-law appointing Wm. Church a trun- too of Ehhgx nigh School in plaao of T. LI. DoCow, romgnod, wan panned. A by-law to borrow 9X0,000 for current oxpumitH wan pa<umd, and tho Finauco Comimtteo'n roport waa uIho read. Tho roport recom mended that F. 13. Maroon'u ohiuna for Mi 50 and S33,G0 for ntationory bo not outortainedj that tho auditors be oath paid ton dollarn oxtra, that thn county clerk bo paid SjO for oKtra work and that tho county impplomont tho grant of Pat rick Navin, of 8[25, to L. J. Ncal, who wn hurt by accidout durnii tho ropiurn to tho County liuildiugH. Tho report wan adopted. Thr potitiou to tho Minintor of tlio Interior ajkinj* for tho oanoollutum of tho loano o Point (Poloo Muroh Itooorvo to^lho Feloo Club wati adoptod. Tho Committoo ou Janitor preunnted a rtiporb that they had roceivod Boveral applioationu for pomtiou. It wan deoulod that no appointment- bo rnajo by thiH council but that it ho loft with now council iu January. A voto of thanks wan rniHsod to tho Warden for Inn aorviooH and council udjournod uiuo dio on ThurBday afternoon. fT waa not on a tl ark mul Htority night, no wot that it wtm not (it for a cat or dog to ho out, hut it wan ou one ot Uiobo days of whioh wo havo uo many near ChriHtman Hoanon, whon tlio aim uhmon (io brightly that wo aro tempted to utroll tlio nfciootn without our umuil quantity of winter clothinpi; thoro wim no show, and vory littlo, if any, wind, witli tlio giound h07.cn qui to hard, making it tonipfc- ing to podoatriiinp to enjoy a lung walk in tho country (tho roadH having boon made nmooih by i.ho quantity ol travel) wiiuu to hn*K ut tho huh whs to think that it waa tmmmor timo and wonder wliy tho birdu woro not aing- uifij, hut to catt your oyoa on the wood'i and Ixdiold its loafloHf!, dark and dreary anponranon wmlm to become con\mced tlntt it was winter, and that it would ho some lime bofou1 thoho woods put ou thoir beautiful vcrduro ol tho budn deh^lit na Willi thoir cluirnnn^ mudic. It was indeed winter, and diawimr on lo tho fo tive soafiou, when wo in tiny Canada, and especially in tho Town of Kssox and vicinity, dolight to malto merry. NotwithHtaridmg tho fact that tlio aun hliono brightly, it waa a vory chilly day at all oveots, thoro were a lew who stood around tho ntovo in r j>( Wilkinson's Qrocery,^^ who coiiHidcred it such, and proforrod tho inaido of the homo to the outaido. Wlnlo wo woro meditating on tho cKcollout quality of tho (rrocericdwo woro going to roeoi\o /or tlio Christ mas trade, audi hb Christinas Greeting TAKE Una opportunity of tondoring our moat aincoro and hourly thimkfJ to our many Friondu and Patrona in tho Town and throughout tho County of Ebhox, for tho vry liberal patronage which ilioy havo accorded wb during fcho past year, nnd to wiah you air A Merry Christmas. UPON taking a rotronpective vimv of tho year, we find that wo hayo not only retained tho moat of our former cuatomerH, but havo alao gained many now onoH. It ban boon our oonntant aim to furninh Ilonont Goods at IfoncHt Prirort, aivi it. in gratifying to know that our clVorta aro appreciated. Wo ahall oikImivoi* by Straight Forward Dealing In tho futnro to morit and rocoivo a fltill larger aharo of your patronage. At prnHcnt our Stock is LARGE and woll nwiortod in tho aovcral Dcpaitmont'f, and wo extend to all a cordial invitation to call aud hoo our Gooda, and got our price-*. Yours truly, M. J. Wigle & Co. B'UltfSTJlltf SLOCK, 'ESS'ttZ* COLDS AREJN THE AIR. HOW THEY CAN BE AVOIDED. An Authority Living In lissax Speultu on the Subject. This ig tho ooaBon of tho yoar whon poo- and Huijli [ploarohahlo to contract uovoro oolda. and Johnatou. Ah uoiuiuatioun will tukt) place on Uouday. pronpoctivo _candidatoH had bottor tfot a. moyo on. MtJiucn'AL nomiuatioiiH will bo b'dd ou Monday next, tho 2Hth i ist , at 10 a. m., at Pec It' hall Iu Goahuld Noith, tho norainatiouo will bo from 1 to 2 p. m , and in Colchootor North from 11 n ion to 1 p, m. In many ot tho incorporated cowqh advantage ia talton of thn olauao in tho act to hold tho nominations in tho evening. A. n. OiiAiutn, tho county atnruoy for Ebuox, baa aout hiH rom^'uationj aa MaHtor in Chancory, to tho Govammont. IIo found tho work, in additiou ta big law practifp, waa moro than he had phyoical otronRth to perform, honco hiHioHi^nution. J. F. Haio, ono of our bii^ht youn^ bar riBtorn, and formerly of Esaex Town, vill likely Huocood Mr, Clarko iu tho mantor till i p. JEnucx (Joiinty Council. Tho special meeting of the Kqhox Coun ty Council called on Woduonday of latit wook lusted until Friday cvouiny. The raootin" wan for tho mirponoof windmg|un mattoa iu connection with Iho ropurH to tho county buildingo and other budinontt. At tho WodnoHday oeaaion, P ijl. Bartlot, of Windsor, addroaaod the council relative to ncnountu for a book to keep a rouoid of oonyiutiona and for utoiio^raplno aorviceH in taltinfi tho ovidonce iu tho cattle utoal- iuj> cane atiainai; tho JUuidHtono' partiofl. Tho council ronolvod iluncholvoa into a committee or tho wbulo and inspected tho fjaol n ad court home. On Thurnday, aftor mvoral notiauH ot motion hud Ixiori K,v,,n, an invitation \wl proaoutcd by Claoler uud Mro. Spaika to tho in> inborn todino with them ut 1 p m., whioh invitiititni wub accepted, Tho Build ing Cumimttoo thou preaontcd thoir roport, acoonipouiod by tho arohitcot'n roport. Thn onuinal contract pneo wim ftll),09!), of wbioU $1,800 wan for Guolur'a roHidonco. Tho urobitfct'a roport showed 81108 20 for oxtra worlt on Oaoloi'n roHidonoo and 93,- 008 01 for oxtijL work an court houoo. A farthLr account of ya(i'2.1o for oxtra work on court Iioubq wan not allowed hy tho arohitoot, but a compromiBo wan offeotod botwouu tho aoirmuttGo and contractor al- lowing; latter ooo half, or UI31.07, which would miiho tho total oont of tho ropairn 823 44tt.28. Tho iiorua for oxtrao woro ox- plmuud by tho arahitoob nnd Oliaumau Auld, of ths committoo, after which a reso lution by Moaura. Ooato aud Denial ap- if tho uioipieut oold m not looked after nor lous oouHoqoonoea may result. Uvoryhody ban iiorao Limo or another boon tronblod with tlim 'tiiiiQ^inH and tioubUiHomo com- plamc, and many ha\o hucoumbod to ltu of- fectn. Tho qupiitiou uriBCH dt all timcti aa to what remedy ih tho bout for a euro. Thoro ih ti modem prcpttration called "Pyny Pectoral," which ban boon before tho public for Home yearn, and which in claimed to be the boat cold and cou^h rem cdy that can ho had Tehtunonialo aro continually pouring in pnuam^ thin mudi cum, a-ud aro from prominent and wel1 known men. Wo ^ivo hero a rt oont o'jo sent to uii which ita authenticity cannot bo quoationod. "Thoro aro eolith Hyrupn and cou^li mix turns, and^iu oallt-d uoi^h i^medioH in my atook of ovory doncnptiou, but I can truth- folly nay that your modurn oou^h rouit dy, Pyuy Pectoral, is tho ono that ^ivoh tint bunt, Hatiufactnm of Luum all. Mv salon of thm article aro far ahead of any othfT like pidpuraUon, and all my otiHtomoiB who havu um'd it havo boon profimo in their prainoH for thin article. A.a an ox peotorunt it cannot bo rivalled, and I huvo t;roat ploiumro in Mivm^ my tontimony for tlib bunt ooiitfh mixtuio that I buvti hand led in my twonty-ui^ht yoaiH'oxnerionco in tho dru baaincBH To my porwmul know lodno oveiy ouo that has once tried it havi uot failed to return for a Hocond bottle," Yourh vory rruly, JOHN TflORNE, ChomiMt nnd Dru^^iat. Efihox, Out , Novorabei 1.1th, lHf)(i. Thm couflh modicmo m ono that is guar- antoed to imp a uovoro cou^h or cold m a few bourn' timo aud ia also highly recom mended as a vuluablo romody in all canon ol aflootiuna of tho throat and Jnn^o, tron- ohitiB and croup whotbar rocont o: of lon^ BtaudniK AU drufmiHta ko*p it, and u vtry lar^o bottle uan bo had tor 25 oontn- Wlion a oou^h roraody in next required try it and he "onviuood of its virtue. wiNmoii JuatfG Uorno baa itontonood Mrs. Georgo Edmunds and Mrn. Laura Wilson to nix moutliH' irapriHonmont for coiiHpiraoy iu fahioly proourmg a mairiugo hoenso in tho llowuru aaao. ----------- _ Muotor John Gott, of A.mhorotbnre, in uptwlinfl a wook at tho homo of hm uncle, At. Barrott. Tho lant mooting of tlio Colohontor North council for 1S0G will bo hold to morrow, (Saturday). A now urtdgo ih boinfi built ovor tho Canard Riyor at thiH place Mr. Wortloy, tho aontrtiotor, has omployod at prowout six moa and two toinm. Raiains Black Buftketa,Select Valencias, Delicioua CurrantE in packages, Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel, to nay noth ing of Almondtf, English Wal- nutH, Philberts and Bon Bons. They bt f>an to convorno on thn advantatji. tho HUiiHuu wuu ulf<.rin^ to tlienu wno wert- dewirouM of ^ofctuiu out wood, oto "A man otijjht to bo ablu to do a tfuod day's work in tho wuodn," HayrJ ono ; *ycH," uaid an othor, who by the way wan our old friend, Tom ., "I rumumbur onu tune I wiih cultini^ cord wood I avoraifod my three cords a day until I cus hutj Lhrco cordo," It would not havu taktm a very clone ob Horver of buinuii nature to perceive thai tho convocation wro taking a lather Ian j^oroiiH ohunnel, but uh the ImlH of tla lohi [) my didn't appear to bt d( Hjruiin uf ac ceptiL^ tho challenge the dauber wrni he iu^ avt-rto] when Tom--------- - follow ed tho remark by Haying that bo had heard of a man who had chopped Mcordn ot wood between nun aud sun. Tlio compauj glanced at ouo auethoi with an lnoredul ouh oKpreamon, but itppuitri'd to comiidm that it wan nothing oxtinordinary, for hail we not heard ot JVIiko Vn\ wlio lmd cliopi^d Inn 1J cotdn of wood onn dav with unothur. HuL Turn appeared to bo iIohuouh of tenting tho credulity uf t'lo company for ho uii mudiately followtd hm two tin out remarks with tho cluiUor tliat "ho had huarl~n"f a mini wim oumt up from down ouHt who (in a wauor mind youi out l.'j cords ot woud iu one day, bid on the company manifeutinu a tli oaier quantity of incredulity than he appealed to wnut to take modihod itsomi'- wlmt by Baying that ho dmd that ni^ht. Tlio dntitot etood in blanlc iimtiye-mant stai - ing at Tom, powibly wonderiu^ if uo hud not better call iu Sinnon nnd htivo In in so- cured beforo his oano (jot really Huriuui while I wont into roars of lauhtijr, which wiiH not dooruUHed by Tern rt marking in an injured tone, "Stovo HoeuiH to bo very much tiniest d at Homathiuf*," but no doubt wo all agreed that that ruan must havo ftd himself ou suoh Groceries, Provisions, as Wilkinson sold or bo could not havo done buoIi a wonderful day's work. Try Our 25c. Tea and be convinced that all others are inferior. ^^A-Stcck of First-class ^^^ Crockery... ON HAND. Wilkinson, Grocer. Essex County Council. I laving n coivcd a Nomination for C'ounty Councillor. I wish to in form the ElectoiH of tho Sixth Dis trict th tt tlio difl'etont Nominooa havo aranfi;etl lo tpcalt in Lliu evening of Saturday, J)ec. lJ(ith, at the Cheuse Factory ; Monday, Dec. 28th, at South Woods!co ; Wednonday, Doo. liOth, at Oldcautlo; Saturday, Jan. iind, at MaidHtono CVoas, whero I will endoavouv to meet them. F. V. BOUTEILLEU. A vory ploumnjj event took place on WodneHoay oveuinc, Di cctnher Oth, at tho roHidoLco of Alex IMcDo'Voll, ManlHtono, it boint tho woldint,' of Iiih I'ldent dauijbtor Jauo, to Geo. II. Wintemu'o, ouo of Maul- Htono'H promising youri( mon, Tho con- tractiny [iiirties woro ably HMtiihtod throu^li the trying ordoal by John MoDoWtdl, jl, brother of the bride, aud Mud Addio Wmtomute, sntor of tho frocm. Tlui ooroijif>ny, cnudiiUhO'l by tlio Unv Mr. Tlubaudean, nupitrintondent of tho Whit- bou VTothndist shurch, w<n wit.iOHH 'd by about llfty of the noaroit ndutivei of both partiew. After tho nuptial knot wiih tied all Hiit down aud did am pit) inty to an olu (jant rop'ist piovidod by tho hont. Wbou ttll had douo jiintieu to thetnHelvo-J, tho lloor wan cloaied and tlio nwt of tile oven lti'4 was Hpont in "tripping th'i h*;ht fan- I antic toe" to miiHiu turninhed by ,Imh Liwhoii. Thu brido wilh tho recipiunt of many beautiful and useful prRHoiits, Tho teacher and Hob )lars of B. S. No. I, RlaidHtonu, i*n\o a mojt exeolluut eonci'it and eutoi tainmout in tho nohool houne on tho afternoon of tho lJ2nd unit Notwitti ittandiuft the d ty was luu^h and Hiormj tho boiiho wan llllod to its utuiohb c tpuc ty. Tho Houno witluu waH miulo to appear as an evening enlortiuumi'iit the hotisn Ijuuji* durltenod to exclude tin* daylight, mid the UHii-il evening llluniiu lliouu of lights and lantuiuH made a niofat pluaiiug tlfi'Ct. \V AUmon occupied tlio chair 'in i spitko a. fow wordH, con^rutuhitiuj' tlui vimtorn for then attenduuco aud the teacher and Hehohmt for their oifoitH to pliutju. Thu piogramine wiih lony and varied, coiiim itnuj uf ie" ita- tioiui, dtalogiuMi, voeul and luHtrumeutal music, HpocchoH aud pift- 'utatitnis, MihU O n-o M aud Mantor Gulvm II. Hfiymmir piuuontt*d thoir toiehor with t. U<H'psnko bumf* an oil pmntin^ uti tflmn, a n< i no on the Hiyer Speed, uunoundi'd witli wordn of Chriutmiuj groutingK, An addi^ns ajcomtMLUied ifc.Hi^ni'il by both Tho teaeh or received it with marked pkaHiire and aimiration. Whon all tlio chiljrou did ho Wt.ll it 10 useless to particularize, but thu diuloguo given by tho two httlo ptoplo, MIhh Mary Gunu and Mantur Guy Molu- teor waa enpeoially worthy at m uitiun and at-;it tho wholo house into link undid good humor ; thoy wro repeatedly encored and .had to rohpoul a noaond timo to uatmfy thu ttudienco. Mi ah Roiko road the report of tho lato promotion examination and lift tho promotiouH to bo made by bor BUCouhHOr. Tho ohargo frequently mado of promotions beforo loaving cannot bo laid againnt bor, nor oan thoro bo any diHHatin faction anions pupilo of being turned back when thoy bad not boon advanoud. J. C. Dixon and family gavo Homo oxoollout nclootiona of iuotiumontal rauaio, that would have done orodit go auy profotjFuonal orohentrn. Tho audience iihowod thmr up- prociatiou by thoir appltiUHo aud tho roH- pouuo to the voto of thnnkii propoflod to them by Mr. Soymour, who iiaid that had ho hut tho oarao oomrmunl of languagu that Mr. Dixou had of tho bow, ho could oxproiiH their fodiu^g in moro fitting tormti. G. A. Wiutomuto wa ;irennnt by hivltu- Unmistakable Mb Alb Vis? Sib FRANCIS' For Cliristmas. * * % * * Fur Cajpes worth $24 for SIC IB for "10 22 for 12 Ladies1 Black Astrachan Coats worth $40 for $30 Fur Caps and Muffs kept in stock at very^c.Jft low pricen -.4T >f Flannelettes at Qci yard. GROCERIES. 3 lbs selected Currants tor 25c, in boxes. 5 lbs Candy for 25c Nuts and Datep aro all Now Goods 4 cans Corn and Tomatoes for 25c 5 Iioxes Matches for 25c 6 Cakes EclipBe Soap for 25c Best 25c Tea in the market. IF NOT GOOD, MONEY REFUNDED at tion and uaye, a mont excellent addrena, compliment* d Mhh Rorko on lior Hueeonn and eucouraiied the Helular-i to prosoouto their eliortH to acquiro mi education. They woie tlio ouch wo would Imyo to look to Mr otii fill lire busiinj9H and pri.fotiMonal irit-n an 1 wumeii, HOinu of them rut^lit by th'ir diligence Hecuro a Hont in jiarli tun nr(. R F. Sey mour wim n died on for a Hpouch mil re Hpondcn in a few woll ohoriuu lomurlci very appjopriat- and HiiituMe tor th ouamnn Lie wan ulnCJ ruinitiied by the i-ch-d irn to road then nddroHH to tho toaolier, and i\1ihh Ktta Schoolfy made tho pianeulation. The followinu; it a copy of tho Hiimu : School Hieimn No 1, To^uHuip ot 5t iia- fltoiuj. DiwuuhiM *J2tid lBOfi T* Vii^-. Ida .M.Roiho, ttuclur, Wuudhleo, Out J">. ur Toucher To day wn huvui I bo riliitionuli'p which luiH oxiHtod botwuon ua an ttaohor and pupilo. Lon^ and ha[ pily havo thuno rolatiouub nn beta maintained, and it Hecnih burd inde*od to nart from ouo whom wo have ovei found to ho an able uud faith fill toaohor, a tru frioud, and iin tarn out OhnHti an couimollor ; but it m a yratifyinu thought that tho chando \a of your own ehnoHuif* and not bionu3o wo do not admiro and iippreniatu your cfTorta ou our boh ilf. Wo aio Jooply ptuned to rhinl; that our waywardncBo at timoH muiit have boon a Hourco of trouble, worry and annoyance to you, but wo Qinoorcly anlc yonr for^tvononn for thm and amuiro you that your liind and pntiont forboarunoo will iufhionoo uh dur ing our whole livoo, Tha ploawant duty of prcuontinti you with this token of onr lovo aud friondebip hiui boon uiiuiniud to mo, a bawk I fool unable to do jimtno too, but wo trnflt you will uaoopt of thia an a houvo- nirofouv abiding lovo iu and for you Wo pray for oontiuuod huuqqsh aud bappi* noun to follow you and may thonflootiouato foohuRft whioh have united botweon uh romuln unohanyed. Signed by tho nobol- uB. .Una Rorko, nltboueh fjroatly taken uy Hurprise and vimbly affootod, inatt- igtjd by bor j^reat ii"lf-ponconflion" aud con trol to rchpond m an oxtompor.-* Hpecoh that would have done juntico to auy publio 01 -tor. She bun a charming voice, oan itrrcHfc thu uttontinn of her audienco, and wi'h a fluonry of (*pe'eoh obo^vn that uho oould ohmo in more upluuea than eirapjy teiiohin^ the "jming idea how to uhoot," Con. uii*, t. i iyi mmmmit Lost, JMIOM THIS RUhlUBNCE Off J. A- ROBE, 1- I'h x on Monday ovmiuifr,! ocntnber flla^r ii iiix iiioetlm ulil ilioroiiclibrod juir don: aa-**' mvuitj tu tiu name of Tillby. Fjndiir will bo ruwartiu I by rctuininn; to owner, Mortgage 5ale. UNDnil AND BY VIItTUK OF TIOT POW- oi ot nalo oontiuuod lnacortaln Mortgage, winch will he pioiluuud ut timo of dale, ther* will bo offered foi iialu, at I'libllo Auotlou, on TUESDAY, JflplUflllV 12th, 1897, i' (;a Vt ono o'clock in tlio iiftornoon, at tho Aber deen Hotel in the Town of Uabox, by John Gonnluy, Anctionutii-, tho folloui/ijj vory valUr- ablo lironoity, yiy, Tho Kant, half of thn North IniU of Lot aqm boi at, South ofl.hu Malilon Itoatl, In tho Town" iihlu of <Joioiuintir fJortn, in tho County of EJd- iiox, ami tbt wo.it half of tho north Imlf of paid ^< lot oiccptlunabout 10 nnronnold ou* for Town lots **' iindbeliiu tlm wholo of tlio North half of enld" Lot, ovtmpt the part 6 oold, aud containing nun 11 moro or It uh. -'ty'S Taoro in mut! to bo a vory good house and,, V Ouiito, on ii Koud load" about 5 milun from th*>i-J'I^S' thrlvlnu Town of liiiuoj., uud in au oxooll*n*^W proporty. ^ *%<& Truui of Balo : Ton lior cent Cubh , BUfflptJ-^J out to tuiiko up onci-third of tbo purohaMv inonoy wltiiln two wouka from Jay of 6id;Tuiftt, halauao upon Utmu to bo agreed ujion at tlm% of mdo. Tlinud coram may bo varied on day of Htihi to auic tJiopiHchanor i' ,y For further parth nlatfl apply to JNO. QOBMv'f LltlY, Auotlouoor, j,i.uox,orto "l\l&i QIUHQU & 08BORNB, $\tf> Vniulort.' HoUoluur), Ham||toft . ,---------------------... .i iti.^M^i,' nhoumatiKiit m cauaod by laotlo aoid^n'jf- tibo blood, lloor1.'h SarHapttrdla neublfui iai thu acid aud enrtm rbeuuiatiata. '.;:AtL-<;

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