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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 25, 1896, p. 2

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1>Jm K PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a Biirprliilngty uliort ttmn. It's a scl- entlfio certainly, tried mid iruo, aootlihiff am) liu,ill|f In ila vtitwA'i. W, C. MrCoumrit ft Son, Uoudmlbi, Qun . rpnrt tn n l> ttr Hint l'y uy.p... (oral < >..{ htrtf I' < lll-Mllllfl llKlhllM 1)1(1 ||t ill. hlllll'llnOIII li!nl tiH , ft ml kUi> mimiI) W. 0, JlliCtmiW u{ a, luiij tuinltiij <nlil, Mlt. J. II. IIliTTV, Climilltit, $i'l Y<nintj fc.| Toronto, wrltuii: ' Aft(.uit>r*l((ni|'lt mulling iiyni)i l'jnj- I' < I' ml h it numb lnvuhiiliU i i|mmw1ii It li m tlMii Hi* inun >t w,ui,fitr!l(iii tit all \?|m litit n td.nl II. many It iVlMjj (.obmi t<i Inn of tlio h u,.|li* (l.xluU iiu\n Itw tun In III. If rmlll. j ll lii inltuUut >f ulilncjiniin.', Iii liitf |il< name tn th > timtn I' i Hiilti Willi iiia lulu ti ii Wuixl < ful miii I i in alwayu rrriimm.aiil it U fc bulo uiul toll ili.it (fulfil in. tlli luit " Xiitr^f) lloUlc, i.'" <'Ih. Ii'.VIi A. f.AWUKNCF CO, I.to 1. i]< 1'inpt ii tuil \I0HT1 I \\, THE BEAUTIFUL STAlt l-Irnont Butlor, of Winnipeg, oommittad aaioido by drinking autbolia acid. Am woll nu ttvor. Diuu Sinn, /Vftor uufforhitf for two youw from iiauto indi^oHtion, I triod II. 11, B. I took nniy throo hottlon, which mado mo iibwoII an ovor I wan. I highly rooom- mond B. B B. to all dynpaptioa. Mna, Jons WiirnG, Atintln, Man. A.t '.Vontworth, N. S., Fred CoclirunrV hnnso wiui dontroyod by liro and hm two child run, aund two mid lour \onrn, wore burned to death. tfoiiNfiituttou ruri'il. GkNti, I wan in vory poor hoalbh fur ovor four yearn ; tho doctor Raid it wuh oonHtipatton. Not wanting to Hpond ton much ouah I got tbruo holtlon of II. B. B. and took it re^ulatly. I can uortify thai I am now iu tho vory boot of health and fool ycry pratoful to B. B, B. AwnHi) Trnoox, Montreal, Quo, Alfred Buylm, a yrocor, koftpiuc* Htoro at tho corner of Bay und Cannon] ntreotR, Hamilton, committed nuiaidc by taking strychnine. JDr. Fowlor'n Extract of Wild Htruw- borry ouroo Diarrhcoa, Dyaontory, Colic, CrampH, Cbolorn, Cholora Infantum, Cholfiru Morban and all iiammor com. plaintn anJ fluxowof tho bowolo in ehildroti or lulaltB. City Boliottor Merodith, of London, haa informed tbo oonncil that, to hia opinion i tho corporation Imn no power to paun a by law prohibiting tho sale of milk within certain datou that m, to otop Bunday millc<paddllt]^. Dr. JFowlor'a Extract of Wild Straw berry curoii Diarrhum, Dyuontoiry, Crarupn, Colic, Cholora Morbun, Chclora Iufantum, and all loofionoHB of the IiowqIh. Never travel without it, Price 3jc. Amon{4 tho paHsen^ora on tho mail atoamor "Vanconvor, which arrived at Hal ifax from Liverpool, woro 21 Armenian!?. Thoy wero forwardod to Canada by tbo Salvation Army, and will cotuo to Torooto to be taken euro of at tho Army farm. One Every Nijrlit. Ono Laxa-Livor Pill taken oaoh ui^lit during !10 days will euro Conntipatiou, oft." rotnrninf; Hmidachcn and irregular action of tho howls. LiMi-Liver Pilh leave no uupleaoant after-effect. Frank Maxwell, a toucher of modern lanuuttfiOH at Winnipoe, quarrollotl with hid wife, and aho loft him and took a posi tion aa houMekeoper Mr. Hat well called to hoo her, and alio throw a dippurful of boiling lyn into hia faco. Maxwell id frightfully burned, and will probably Iohu hia oyoaifiht. Th wIho men oumo out of tbo out, Followl Da tho bouutiful a tar, And tho ciujml" tlwy rorip Wore wol|{li(] down with tlioir load Of fiplunt) ii(l nobl from ufar, Tlmy fliuno to JrUBalnm*H iintn, And n nioHHuifo to Uurod tllujiutohod Htiyinir, "Tell uh tb iniwh Of tin) Kin if of tin- tTowH, WIiohii wondD^/nl blrthatarwo'voWatohod.** K\t\u Ifurod Hprantl tip In alurm, And tlm HDvtoity ituniiit'mtiil ut inorn, And (b'tiiunili il of tbom. "OKhiu. llulhluhom." They rtipllnd,"in whom ChrliibnhalHw*born-" Bo tho U'bm Hum tn Ilotlilrihitm minn, BtiU following tho bouutiful ntm*( And tlmy hi hi ut tho foofc Of tint (Jhrfut Child no nwotifc "*vmlr a\)\t on und wold from ufnr. Tbnn tlmy rov'rontly worHhlptnl hi in tlioro, TIioukIi u rudo miuikor <-vadli)d th<i hoy, And kvo thunUii to tlio I^ird For fnhUlliiK hln word, And riilumotl to tluiir country with Joy. Atul tho low bonding bouvijnn runu out, Wbllo tlm thrllllnu, iiompblo rufrulu mind tlm rurth lUto u tlood "Ulory bo unto tlod, And on earth potico, Kood will unto mnnl" Clilrn^o Inter Oouuu. PBINCESS LILITI1. CATAUUH OF LONG STANDING RELIEVED IN A FEW HOURS. It la not ulauo tho jieoplo of our own couutry, and proiniueutoituuiis llKe Uihu.ii Lippe, M. F. of Johotte, Que., aud othti memhura of Parliumout, who, having lined Dr. Auiicw'h Cathtirrul I>owd( r, pronounce It tho mont effective remedy thoy have over known, but the people ovorywheru are ox prOHflint; their ^ratiticaticu at the effeutivo noHH of this medicine. C. G. Arclier, ot Brewer. Alamo, nay a : "I have had catutrh lor fioverut yettrH. Water would run trom my eyed and nose day a at a time. About four moiithH ago I wits ludqcert to try Di. A^new'H CiUharrhal Powder, and Hince uoiiifj thm wonderful romody 1 have n^t had an attack [ would not hii without it ' It rohovoa in ton mmutea Sold by J Thome. Over ttiu triply dooi\\ay of tlio CathcJ. rul of Milan there art. three inaoriptioini apuuninn Lhe fplondid uroliua. Ovor one ia oaneu a beautiful wreatti of roses, und uodorueath m tho legend "All that pleaaoB ih hut for a moment." Over an- otnor ih Bculptured a crofB and thoHe ure the words underlie nth . "All that trouhlon 10 but for a inoinrMit.' But under neath tlio ^roat central entranoo in the main tunic ih the uiacription : "That only in important whioli m 'itorual " Your cough, like a dog's bark, is a sign that there is something foreign around which shouldn't be there. You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there just the same, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is not a cough specific; it does not merely allay the symptoms but it does give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old prov erb of "the ounce of pre- ventibn?" Don't neglect your cough. Yolir dnijEKlit keps Scoti't FmuWon of Cod-llvtrOU. Pttt Up in aw. and $.oo id ml How, whon Joimu wnii born in Hothlohom of Jiulien, in tho dayn of Herod tho Uinir, behold, l\u iu rmiifi wiuti Hum from tho oant to Jurintu- li'lll, fciiiyinK, Whci-o in ho tlmt In born KitiK of the .Town, For wo hnvn hi i n hisidar hi tho canfc rind arn < Ohio to wiiri'hip him Win ll lb rod tlin killu'hud In ard tin net thln^H, In was troubb d, and all .Ti i iwiilinn with hiiu And w In n In ha'l iTiitlund all tho < hit f prltHtn and in i ib< <i of tho \>i o]ilo tou'iitb' r. hit denintuldd of them whoru Chrltit iihouhl bo born. And thoy nald unto him, In Bethlehem of Judii'a. ******* Tin n ITnrcid, win n In* had privily culled tho winii nii'ii, iiunuiLil nf thoni diliuontly what timo tlm iitur nppoitrt d. And lio hi nt them to Bothlehcm and h ild, Qo mid Hoarch dill^i ntly for tho youn^ child, and, win n ju have found him, brhiRmo wordncaln, that I may tiumo and wumhip him uluo. * ***** noinit warnod of God in n dronni tlmt tlmy alinuld not n turn to Ho rod, thoy dupartod into tlioir own t ountry uuuthor way. * * * * * * * Tin n n< rod, w hen ho k.iw that ho wiui mock- sd of thowiMo nmn, wuh uinidtiiK wroth. Muttlmwli, 1-10. ______ ThoPrincrfifiLilith, dnughtorof King nrrod, mused uh hIio reclmod upon u bod of purple, and tho negroHH Noun waved fuh of fonthcra ovor Jior foro- hond, and tho cat AHtaroth olopt ut nor foot. PiincosH Lilith whh 15 yonra of rrp. Ilor oyos were iw doop na tho wutor of u cifltom, find her mouth wuh liko u oya- lamon flower. Sho mufiod of hor mother, Queen Mir iam, who dmrt yrhpn Lilith wuh Btill littlo moro than a baby, Sho did not know tlmt hor father hud killed hor in n fit of joulouay, hut aho knew that ho kept her body in tho dcptliH of a secret chamber, (nibuhned in honoy nnd spices, and that ho Htill wept for hor. Sho mufjed upon her father, King Herod, taciturn and always ill. Some- tliiiCR ho Hhut himHolf up in hin cham ber, and thoro ono could hoar him scream nloucl. It wuh heoauso ho thouRht lio aw thoo whom ho hud caused to die Ihh stepbrother, Kosto- bar; his wife, Miriam; hin hoiih, Aria- tobuluH and Alexander, Lihtli'H hrnth- ei^; his fltopmothor, Alcxandru; her eon, Antipntor; tho doctor of law, 15.i- baben-Bouta, and many otherH. Al- though Lihth knew nothing of nil tbiH, her father always inspired lur with Rroat terror ------ tilie mused upon tho Messiah looked for by tlio Jew* and of whom she had heard ro much from her nurno, 13^1,i, now dead. And, although tho MchbiuIi would bo king in Ileiod'n pl.iee, hIio haul to herself that sho would very much like to mg him. Lastly sho juusicd upon littlo Hoyuol, tho t-on of her foster sihter, Zfbondn, who lived in Btithldnni. Ilo/ael was a your old. IIo laughed merrily and wim boRiDUiuK to talk. Lilith loved him tenderly, and almost every duy Mio or dered her rnuk'H to bo h.irneflhed into her cedur ehnriot nnd w<nl with tho nef,'ie-sNouu to visit tho littlo Ilo/.ird. Lilith mused upim all tin so tlnn^H, und then it Menied to her that nho wuh very much alone m the world and tbi|i witliout littlo IIozuol (die would bo very sad, Pie^ently Lihthwent into the (j;urden to walk under the pleat hyeamoiih. Tlniehho met old Zabulon, who lud been forme rly captain of the Icin^'b Kumd. lleiod had lophieed hin Jiwihh ginrd by Roman t-oldnrH, but having coufideiico in old Ziihulou ho hud Kivtn liim the cuie of that part of tho palace inhabited hy Lilith. Old Zahulon, who had been feeble for many years, nab tunning hiuiHult npon a htono bench. IIin back was -o lient with ago that hia long boanl reached to his kneen. Lilith Bind to him, "Thou art mid, oldZubulon." "Yes, PrincpBfi Lilith, heoauho I huvo learned from u centunon that the kino; lias given oiderfl to kill tomorrow morn- nif^ at d.iwn all tho children in Bethle hem undor two yoatH of age." "Why?" "Tbo wifio mon huvo announced that the MoH.mah is born. But it in not known how to recognize him, and the WIm. mon huvo not returned to tell wheio they have found him. By killing all tho bnbioH in Bethlehem, tho kin^' m Bnro that tho UleHHiah cannot! Gsoapu him." "That is truo," Raid Lilith. "That in a clever dovico." Then after a tnomont'N reflection, "Oould I rco him?" "Who?" "Tho McHtiiah." "Iu order to hoo him, ono must know whore ho in. And if wo knew whom to fiul him, tbo king would not bo obliged to kill all tho othor littlo children of tho town." "That is trWimld Lilith. Then hIio added in a low voice, as if sho wore afraid of hor own words, "My father is very wickod." Thou suddenly, "But llitlv HoasaalV" "LiUJe Boaae!," H&id 2nbukm, "will die with tho othorn, for the soldtorn will oaroh ovory hoiiRo,." "But I urn very sum that little Ho- zaoI in not tlm MeKsiab. How oould ho bo tho AIi'hhIuIiV Ho Ih tho eon of my foHtor niHtnr." "AHk your father to spare him," nuid '/iihnlon. ' 'I daro not," mild Lilith. Then Hho toHumod; "I nhnll ^omynolf with Noun fcnd Rot littlo Ho'/nol and hhlo him in my room. Then ho will ho very nafo, for tho kintf almost novor comen there." U M tt # * # I* Lilith ordored tho mules to bo bar- hoHHod into hor cedur olmrlnt, sped to Bethlehem with Noun, entered tlio homo of her foster siHtor Kebonda and laid: "It is a lonp; timo Hlnan I have ween Ilozuel. I should liko to carry him to my puluoo and keep him for a day and il night. Tho hnby i weaned and has no longer need of thy earn. I will givo him adreHH of hyaniuth and a col lar of pearlH." Sho said nothing to 25n- ftontla of what hIio had learned from Zahulon, so afraid was hIio of the king. But she noticed that Zehonda'a faun Bhouo with unwonted joy. "Why art thou no joyouH?" Xehondu hesi t id od a moment, then replied, "I am jnyoiiH, Prinoe^H Lilith, becuufio yon love my son." "And thy husband where iH he?" Again Kehomlu hesitated and an- HWered, "Ho huH gono to gatiif r his flocks upon the mountain Hide," Noun hid the little IIo/uol under hor lontf voiIh, and Lilith nnd tho good no- gresH leturin d to the palace just as tho sun was Hotting. # * # * # # When Lilith reached her chamber, Rho took Ilo/.ut'l upon her lap, and tho baby laughed aud tritil to pull the littlo pvmoebh' long ear pendants. But Rud- denly Noun, who win prermnng Homo corn giuel for the child in tho next room, rushed in orying: "The king! Hero cornea tho kingl" Lihth had only timo to hide Hozaol in a largo basket and cover him with a pilo of silks and bright wools beforo King Ilmod entered with a hIow, heavy trend, tho chains aud plates of geld, with winch lio was covt led, shaking with each movement. His hack was bent, and Ihh bloodshot eyes, glared m his terrible face. His ebmflhcok so \wth tbo palhy th,it bin brihtly heard seemed to Bliuddei. IIo Hind to Lihth, "Whoneo vomoht thou.jM She replied, "From Jericho." And sho raiHcd toward the king her oyoH, us calm uh tlio water of a cistern. "Oh, how she rchomblcH her!" mur mured Herod. At this moment a littlo cry cumn from tho basket. *'Will you keep quiet?" paid Lilith to tho cat Astaroth, who slept on tho rug. Then slrtnmid-to tho king: "My father, yon scorn troubled. Would you like mo to ding to youV" And taking her zither, sho sang him u nong about rohOH. And tho king murmured, "Oh, that voice!" Then bo fled, as if struck with fear, becauso Lihth'h voico and eyes lecalled to him thovoico and eyes of Queen Mir iam. * # * * # * Lilith went into tho garden and found old Zabulon weeping. "Why doht thou weep, old Zabulon?" "You know tho cause. Princess Lilith. I weep because the king wishes to kill tho little child who is tho MeHsiah." "But," said Lilith, "if lio is really tho Messiah, men cannot have tho pow er to kill him." "Godwishe- us to help him, "replied Zabulon. "Piiucehs, you, who aro so good and ho compassionate, should warn tho lather and mother of this littlo child." "But where shall I find them?" "Question the p< ophi of Bethlehem." "But ought I to save one who will chnho my lather fiom this palace, ono by whom I may homo d.iy becomo a poor piisnm r or a beggai m the stuvts?" "That d iy is far n movt d, " siinl Zab ulon, "and the Mes>mh is now only a tiny babe, moru helph sh even than lit tle Ihvael " "But aie yon suro that ho is the Messiah?" demandi d Lilith. " Ves," said Zabulon, "becauso he was bom m Bethh hem at tho timo ap- pomtid by tho piophets and the wi^o nun ha\o si i n his htar." "lie must be very beautiful, although be ih so Hiuall. Don't you think bo, Zab ulon?" "It is written that ho shall be tlm most btnutilul among the childien oi men." "I shall go to seo him, " said Lilith. * * * * M # Whon night eanio, Lilith enveloped herself m long blade veils and tho bratoli'ts und ( nt les of gold upon her arms and ankles, the colhiiH about her neck and the priciouH stones with which she was covcitd Hhonn through her veils as softly as the Htais m tho sky. And thus Lihth re-oiuhled tho night, whoso name she bote, for in He brew "Lihth" Higniiies "tlio night." Hhe left tho puluco secretly with tho uegicss Noun, and an she walked sho mused: "I should not want the Messiah to lake tho ciown from my father be cause it would be very hard for mo not to livo in a beautiful pal net*- any moie aud not to huvo any more suft rugs and pretty dresses and perfumes and jewels. But fltlll I do not want them to kill this littlo newborn child. So I shall tell my father that I have discovered Us hiding place, and as a recompense for this sorvieo I shall entreat him to sparo tho child and keep him in his palace. Thus ho cannot harm us, and if he is really the Mopsiah ho will let us Rharo his power." Lihth found Zobonda and her bus- baud Mothoued, in prayer. Both seemed filled *ith gwnt joy. Lilith bethought ftar of a ruso. "Ho'/ael is vory woll," said sho, "and I shall bring him back to you to morrow. But since you know where to Qnd the Messiah lead mo to him, I am come to adoro him." Mothomol was u simple man, littlo disponed to think ill of othera, 80 ho re plied, "I will ahow you the Way, Prln- ocwis Lilith." When thoy rowihod tho itpot Whoro tho infant lay, Lilith Was greatly nn- tonlnhed, for sho had ozpootod to see HOmothhig uitraordinary and mngnifl- ennt without knowing oxaotly What, und slut only saw a hut built ugaiimt a rook and in this hut an uh, an ax, a man who appeared to bo a workman, a woman of tho pnoplu, beautiful, yes, but palo and delicate and poorly clad. And iu tho mangor, lying upon tho straw, was a littlo child, whom at first glance uhn thought like any othor child. But when she drew nearer Hho saw its eyes, aud in those oyoH a look not that of a bubo, an infinite HWeotnofls moro than human, and she became award that the Htablo wuh only lighted by tho light which emanated from him. She said to tho young mother, "What is your nameV" "Miryem." "And your littlo boy?*' ' Menus." "He seems to ho vory good." "He moans Homotimun, but ho never orietj." "Will you lot me kiss him?" "Yes, madam," said Miryom. Lilith Htooped aud kisiod tbo child upon tho foiohoud, and Miryem wna a little vf'.xid that Hho did not knool. "So," said Lilith, "thin) littlo child la the MeHsiah?" "You have said it, madam." "And ho will bo King of tho Jews?" is for that that God has sont "It him." "But t many n.< on ho will make war and kill , nnd ho will dethrone King Iloiod or his HufooHHor?" "No," said Mnyeui, "for his king dom is not of thin world. Hu will have neither guards* nor soldiers. IIo will havo neither palaces nor treasures. He will not inflict taxes upon tho poople, and ho will live liko tbo pnoroit fisher man on tho lako of Geiiesiireth. IIo Will he tho Hcivant of tho poor and humble, no will heal the sick and com fort tho afiliotod. IIo will teach truth and justice. It is over hi artw, not bod ies, that he will reign. Ho will suffer to teach us tho price of Hutlunng. He will bo tho King of Lovo, for ho will lovo all men. And ho will toach those who aro tormented with a longing which thio world cannot satisfy where their poor hearts can find pouco and joy. And no doubt bo will havo a throne." "Ah, now you seol" Haul Lilith, still rcHisting. "But," resumed Miryem, "thothrono will bo a cross. Ho will dio upon a crosf, to expiate tbo sins of men so that God, his Father, may havo pity upon them." Lilith listened m astonishment. Slowly she turned her head toward tho manger. Tho babe Was gazing nt her, and, vanquished by tho caress of those deep oyos, oho murmured, "No ono ever told mo those things beforo," and fall ing upon her knees Hho adored him, "I know," said Lihth as sho roso, "that King Herod will search for the child to kill him. Take tho ass and fly, 1 will pay its master." Following tho narrow paths which wound iu and out among tho round hills tho little company soon reached tho plain. "Here," haul the princess, "I must leave you. I am tho Princess Lihth, daughter of King Herod. Ilo- momber me," And as they dipnppnurod in tho dark ness ot tho night, Joseph lending the uhs upon which sat Miryem holding the infant Jckuh in lur aims, Lihth fol lowed with iar cj es tho aureole on- cirelmg his divmo brow. As tho pale, mysterious light disappeaicd behind a forest of sycamores Lilith heaid the tramp of horsus' hoofs and tho clanking of swords upon the opposite road. Ic was the squadron ol Roman soldieis marching toward Bethlolum. lively ono knows that the Princess Lihth was one of thu hol> womui who followed JesuH on tho day of his sacn- fice aud that little Ilo/ael wan one of tho first disr iplesof Cluisl, tho yavioui. Translate d Piom tho Fn uch by V. M. in Koinuuce. E MARRIAGE LICENSES. Ii. 1'ABK I8SIJKK OF MAIIUIAOW IjT , ocnHfl, IMotiftrdfioh IUW., Kbbox, Ont. MUAKHKTTi Uttuar of Marilyn Moon *. ComnilBHlonflr h* 0 .J., oto fbintu, Orii IX JI Ju A MAN, IsBUurof Marrlaua Llonnwu., Inauranuo auont Nlffhtolftcn at Dwidllna. TAIjIIOT BTJtKKT, KBHHX fr; -i:..-,rr-n UNDERTAKING. HWjUMMB -ii, UndortaUe^ttULt Furulun* DoalAr. CotlliiM, homo and factory mrtlo ironi $il to 9!i0. Mo(*r*ior, Oi>*- AHOHITECTS. YOHN A.-MAVOOCK, AUOrnTKCT, Ac, IlofijKi.10 ami ll, Flwninir Buildlni!, Wind nor, Onl Phono 2t(>. SOCIETIES I o. o. K.-nm-r.iit'WHK u,t\an un jis L* imiotHiivory'I'huviulay, ovonlUK at 7 *<* OddfollowH Hull, in third ittovoy Uuiiiitnn I VlHltlnKmoiuboriiufothur )odn)HWiU roar fraternal woloomo. W flllAT'l'KIlTON I UHNTItAIj KNOAMl'MMNT, No. IIO. uut OddfollowH'Hall,IJuiuitiLn'H Blooli, on tlif ' uiiHhlvd TnoHday (noach month, Viulton i dlally roooivod. Mombuni of fiubordiiintnlt > In th. jurJiidloHon, Invited to loir UANNAN. 0. 1*., O. 3-, Ulhh, Hoo. Y7*HHKX Vllil] 1HUOAD1-; MUKTH liVl Jli I rlday ovtnliu; In tho Flrmnun'ii rooi tlm Htono bulldlnu Jim. MoMurrrvv, Orniii Hobt. I'arleir, Captain; A linrnhani, rjlontnn- nut; P. Dildo, HoLratury; Fri'd, Ilyatt.Trraiiuror CUUKT KOYAL, NO. 313, T. O. F. MuotHHocondftiid fourth Tuniidriv'tn one montb in i. O o. i<\ Hall at (j o'cloolt n. rj ViditiuK Imithnm will hojjivoa a fuiti.rual wc como, K MfCnunlnnd.O. It., W, C.flhaw.Hco M. J. Wiijlo, C.l>. II. U. It. AOI'iNfH WiintiniE profltablo omploymont tlirounh tlio tmmnun can find it with im, an W( liava no wont lliuuiiiin variotion of Nurnury ntook and now Bond l'utatomi. Halary or com inlimiou. Wntn mi at onoo for territory l'KL HAM NUHHintYUO., Toronto, Ont. ifl 1'lt CHURCH DIRECTORY _____________ j , 'fwtlTtrf Tuoadfty ovenltirt at 8 o'clock, (ieno/il piAT#ff mctlni(on ThurHduyAvonhifi. Oiioitoif oif KHUX.4MD IUiv. AinovorlV.ln-' 4Dinbnt, Hb. I'auls, I2siox. DlyiadMnrtea vory Hunday at V o'clock, p. m Band*? Bohool at 10 u- in. i'ltlhltv Ohuroh.NorthBlOM DlvhiH BorvJooB ovory Hnnday at 8 p, in.r flan flay'Bohool at l.*6|i. m. Tho pabllol aw oor- dlally hivlUd. l'nMHliYTBUUN.-W.M.Flomfnff, Putorfltr* * ylooBoiiHabbatliatllH.m. dud 1,00 p.m.Hnb- bttth Hobool at U:ao p, m. l*iyor m<*tuaand euBtor'H blblo alRRU on Tuody at?,*10 p. m# Hooial Union on Wodnouilavufc H.lBp, , lUrrtHTOHUHOi/.-Kov.M. I*. Oawipboll, Fit- tor urvlmiHtmoh Hahbath at 11 a. m. and t p .u. I'rityor nuiotiiKf on ThUMiday ovontna at H o clock. BiHttH froo. All am cordially wal- oomod. * 7 Uoman Gi.TuoMCi, Khhok-1-V. 0. K. MoGo4. I'RHtor. Hotvlau flvrtry othor Htniday at&BQfc.' m. Hnnday dohoolatup. m. Mauhh'oni' IllKhuiiuiuanil nnriuou at 10.80 n. in., oiLinobluiri iit^ p. ru , huptlimi nt') u m., voitpimiandoomidlotlonat 7,tp.,ni. O. il, |Co* HAnvAiiox AiiMY.-Capt. Hiuitli and Went, Payton in command. Halvatlou montlnKeWed- iioitday, I huruday and Hnnday vnlnKfl;Freo and JMiny.Haturdiiy ovtuiltiK and li p in, Btnnbi-y: toll- nntiM niootlnei- for olirliitlanH Friday iivainnaniid 11 a.in buildup; Kucl. Prill 7 n ni. ovory NuikUV. All aro woloomo. LEGAL. E.A, utan Dlfjclt L. WIHMlGIt, Harrintor, Holioltor, NoUiv Public fta. Money to loan. OmcB,Dat loclf, up-ntalrn, Kmqx. 4-iy JL. PKTKItS Jlnniiitor, Holioltor, Notai ' Publiii Mouny to Loua. OUioo oVJ Htruthorn' Hank". Kmicx ContrVi, /"iLARKlfl, IlAnrbK'J_&_HAimji;r, llarrKi MlGHICANfTEgTgl " The Niagara falls Route/1 OOlNO UAHT TaltlnR offuot Kovomboi !i9lh, IHOfl Kxp Kxn. Accoin Mixod toril, etc. Oillccn, MedMnry Ulook, Wtndiol I'rivuto lundn to loan. A. H. CLAItICK, L. Ii, 11, H. A. BiRTLKT A. II. lUUKI'T, II A. Hr.MtY C. WAI/TKjtR ,L.Ti,TJ , Attorney ainComuiolorrat law, Holloitor in Ohancory, Proctor in Admiralty, i atont Bnllultur, OnVoo, Nowhorry Itiuldinir, ur. Orotwold and Latned ntii , Dotroit, Mich (Caiifidlan rlaiitni aRaiiuit poriiottH in tho United HtatoH oolluUcil ) Hoforuncoiu Iiiipor'jtl Ilatili, Emiox.Ont, J L.Potora, Knri., JiarritiUir, oto,, Kbbox, Ont b.A. Wliimor, Knq. llarrintor, ale., ilaflox, Out ,4l, IJotroit.. Windiinr. . Polton, . . Maidhtoiioo Kill ex WooflHlntt Itiiicotnb . . ('l)lllliOI IMdootouii Itodiif y. HC. 1'ltoioan London kt, 'I liotntiH IIo lijov l(ld({<>tour> ('oiuluir ' IOiiiciinib WooiIhIco I'l&HUX Maidfitonu Polton WuuIhoi Dotroit a in (i W) Mail a.rn, '. 10 OflO UI1H i*. I'l Ii !"> i*> 10 ti It 717 t- in H \>) !i se io.no OOlNO WI'HT a, in. 0 10 10.10 ill 10 I! 5 H 17 11 Til 1.03 p.m. i 10 fi.HI r> M S.17 SflO 5 'iO fl OS i 10 7IiS M10 a in i on us t :io to 10 '<<) 11: Cr p in li ID '1 111 .1 !H H7 .0 1(1 fj r,o I) on n ii ii j i ti \r, 7 10 a in, JO HI 2D a n It! Oft 12. It) Mixed a m a.n .0.16 (J y^ fi. r> 7 It 7 10 7 f,H (J CO ') 2 1 liJ 11 o :li i in MEDICAL. lAitH nninw & juhkn. " "^' Ian lb ion. M D, h H , CJ. P. (\. rtriuluato of Qiinuirii UnivuiHlty, KlnRiitoii, nnunbor or Ool- Iijro of PhyiticJiiiin and hurKoonB.Ontario. Qrad- uato of Now York. Pont Gradunto Mudical Ool- Ioro. J. W Ibrlnn.M D., CM., V. T. M. O. Honor raduuto of Trinity Medical Collect, Honor (iraduato of Trinity Umvornity. MDmboroftho Colliiffoof PtijoieliuiH and Hni-f.nanii, Ont Grad- uato of >ow York Pout Oradunto Medical CoIIoko. Oillcoovor Kniiiit Modicul Hall dritf.' Btovo. CommltiLtion rooinii, both on it round tloor and tlmt Hat abovn. Tolophono hi both ollico and riMiidonoo AH cidbi attondtid to from offlco, iinifj ntoro, oi n fildonco. Uoiiidonoo, Talbot fitrout, front of fall jtroundu St u 'i cy 10 OS 10.12 ic;jo in lib i :ir> .too :i20 .1.17 1 00 P m. tl.(\" ii) 1 tlUI tl u Ii IN t> 15 Amli<>rMtbui- Viocul IVuIiih. WI HI' 1 Alll *< oi- " u' a m a ni. p m 11 t(J rt, it) Imiiux a .15 a 15 ,iu U W 7 ll) I'dKaui I, y7 U <tt .r) 10 li!(K) 7 17 L K & 1J KXitiR dm 'liir 1")7 1J It 7 rl) McO -oijor it 'ill 't 'J') 1 fil li.M H 10 Oordon dor. oor> 1 1> 1J M H.lfl Amhoihtburj? ".('it U 00 t 1( All Uahpniro ruu on cuntrul Htandard timo which in Hlity niinuteH iilowor than Kitnox timo. For information and ratuo to oolon- liitii inovinK wont apply to John G. Lnvon, Pan Honker Aiiont, fit Thotnan, O W, IIh^Ioh, Goti- oral Paimonptnr and 'lit Uot Auont, Cliiciif,o 111 or A O Stiuiuifi, Aqont. KhbcIloiltd Hull I'or tbo Poor. In May, KHil, Lreoi^o fetaverton left a mini of money to nun-huso a bull, which hull lie fja\o to the poor of Wo- Itmi'hain town and nau.sh. Tho annual w'as to hn boiled, tho hide aud the otl'al to he hold, and the nroct crit> expended in tho pun lniM' of ' hoi n and sloclvin^'J, to bo hchtowed upon poor children. Up to tho j ear lb^it a hull was regularly boil ed on tho >il-t of I)( ceinber in tho mar ket place ot Wol:ui^'huni. Bnl in that year tho coiporarinn oi tin town duttr- ninied upon diHcontiiining such ,i nio- ct eduitf, w Inch has miico utcordm^ly btun omitted. At Clui'-tiaas, Ih'.ib, a mob biolce open during the mujit tho place where one of the animals wan kept and boikd it, in hpite (.1 the niajj;- lHtrnto'HciHhavors to prevent tin in, and Bimllur atteniptH have hince been made on other occasions. 13 oh ton Iloiald. L. b. & D R. Ry. TIMF, TAllLI', NO. i'2, takiuc offoct Mondny Supt -7, lh'Hl Traiiiftrun by I-'mitori) Htand ard Tnno. I)ail\ oxcijit bunday rytH Meicr.N/ih & .ir.NNisn. O McKeusdo. M U. C M , Trinity University, monilier or Colbn'c Thy lulana and HurffoonB, Ontario; Oriiiluiitu of Now York Post Graduate Modicul ColhiHo, Ooronor for tlio County of I.mu x lO'Hid.Mict), Taloot atroofc, north of-rail- way, KunuJi. J. Harlo Jonnor, M. D.O, M., Trinity Unlvor- mtj , M G. I', and H. Ontario, Lie, Itoyal Collouo Ptiyniofunh, london, Knt;; lot Bcholarnhlp und Ooid MudaliHt, Trinity Oolloffo, l(i83; anjiointod Homo plivHietan and Snrgoon, Toronto Oonoral Hospital and Itomdont Acoouabuur burnaldo b>Inir in UoHpitnl, Tomato, 1881. Bpccialty, dU- oamiH of womon nnd ohildron. lu>nidonco, noaeo latoly oct upied by Dr. Dowar, Talbot ufc., Bbhcx. Offlco in Imporlal Hank Block. RrOund tloorifc oppohito Tborno'ti diujjiitoio Modluiuua atsaflfr pmiHod In tbo Dtllco. Tolopboiii- connootlou with both oillco and ronldonoon. Privuto tolo- phono liuo botwuon Cyril Pnrjuotto'ti bonno and Dan Koimody'fl houuo and ollloo, NiKbt callH iLttnndod to at oillco or reMdenoo, v DENTAL, HP. MAKTIN.D.D.S., L. D. S. Orudrjafcfi in Dentifitry, Itoyal C'olloj(e of Dental Hm fjoonii, Ontario, and Univornity of Toronto. Dbar([oii,niodorato. Ouico, ovor Brian ic Cob druc Btoro, iB-lv * -* =i3. a M tiTATIOMt nft. c - ii li>| h ]()i A ".I A ') ' t IJ 00 1) U IS '10 S JU2 IO !t t) U lr> o ri() 12 r> t i, 17 'IS7 1,10 |,M 1 I't I, .VI 1 JO 7 Id 1 10 7 17 ii.t I ?i!7 2 'ir 7 <J7 > ri0 7 11 i r> 7.r>i l 10 H"l l-!r>|ri 17 i to h.y fl'H HIJ 5 liS | h \0 !) U|H17 11 0 1' M, fiii)|Pop Wai|{( rv lo Ar ) m IU7|Wii1Ui-ivi1Ic June " I t ! A MI* M 10 0' 1(1 (,'t Id.Hi 10 27 Hi'ir 10 \'t 111 Yil U tl1 U ,M tl al 11 r, 11 n ii id l l /iii uot r2\\{ 12 1(1 U'-l IMton I nidiKHtio ( Pi.qiit tti- MtOiouoi Now ( aouan. I Marnbtlold Hanow t \1IHT . h'iii(;Hvillo Uutlivt'ii r.DiinnnjJtfm . Wb(atlcI ltt'ii\\ iid ( cn'sw in ih I O' nwt i il \* *Tll It i ItllMcn SandlHon h .7 h -f:t H I? M Vi h 111 h t'l ft H h 11 htl lT fill 17 10, 17 21 7 in 7 I01 r> r)0 r, H '.47 b 17 r b fi.l 0 I HI I ( ! 1 '.") no .i ii i li 2 Id I'll 1 .IS i r> 7 tn) u i'l u si mii (1 lr> 12 1 it to. it! no n5ion()W|10fdurKpiii H |H 11 11 UH IS (it7,nluiiliiim JtaiLt'ii.o il il J0 1" M I, Ti ii n 7 1X1 1' M 'Mi; . Uliuiho'ai U, i"1 n r. 1)'2() . .. I Will to It. 10.ie In 0 il Ai WdKittotwa Oi,, DO1 HMD I1 M A M A M 7 fio "i 1 1 7'I7 71)1 7 r 7 ""J 1A7 7 10 7IU l,'2 I, 12 < Jl) U IH (>(]( fi Ii 1 'i Ih ri .(O i> f M r> H' ril'7 1.1 0 1 ." I tl I 'ifi VEYERINARY. WH lUCHAIlDSON, VfcVKniNAKV suit . OKON. Honorary fjraduato of Ontario Votnihiiu> Colluco, Toronto; momhor of On- tuno \nO,rfnary Mudionl Borioty, BiplomlRt in DcntiHtry; tnmtn all dluoiuioii of dnmontlcated animal*, cuttle dchornod h\ tho latent improved Loavitt ohpiKir Oallti by tolcnbono or tolo- Rraph piomptly attended to. ItOHlvlonoo.tbroo doon eiiKt of j;rlnt mill, ofrico in pout Offioo buildlni,, inllruiary. cllreotly opponito. LAND SURVEYOR. : . mi.s s t) and Con IjAIIU), Provincuii Land nurvoVor ntj Kii(!iiu.or( Kaaox Contra, Ont Ollloo, DnnHtan Plock, upntairn. AUCTIONEERS. nKNUY )iromptly uttundod Iir.DHH'K, Auotiononr. Hnles - _ to. Audruim South WotididtMi, Ont. PnifiooH denirinn to iiuouro me may locvo mohI at tbo rui'i Pnr'na n(llo. tl II. HK11RIOK ^1 Viporrt \a*hv Their ^ i mnii on C'lu iMtnmn. In Calabria, houtli Italy, it lHln lievod that vipetu will not bite on OhriHtmas day, or that if they do their bite ih huruilei-H, tho poihon beine; neutralized by tho Ranctity of tho day. CltrlHtiuua HU iclilng Hong, Tlioro'd a luvhiu lure in tho pine cono'ri ombur Win a tho wbitti frost t'ti'lien tho window pitno; lMiorn'H a lhi(,"i hu,' thnnui that all ruin mbor In tlio ioniit r volcn and the lifti a Htimu; Slut, dt hplti tbt joys of the dear Don inhi r Tho niirnl'n glamour, tlm Yolo log" plow I'd rathor ho \shero tlm ni^ht windii rally And blow tlioir buules, u-bo, Ju inb-ho, Down thu vulhy n-hh>i|;liiiii; with bully Ovor tho erlHpy unowl l'orhooth lt*n jully undor tho holly Win n the feet oE tho daneow trip in timo, And therc'n novel- it touch of melancholy When tlio flrtdlo followa tho ooIIo'h rhyiuo, But for nil the fun and far all tho folly, And fur all tho IiiuikIuk tho mlallotoo, I'd vathi'i bo v.hero thonluhtwindu rally And blow their IiiikIoh, u-lio, hol[;h"lio, Down tlio valley a HleiKhlnu with Hally Ovor tho orluiiy tmow I Oijnteii BeoUurd* ( llnj; St itutnii Tiulria htop only when tlieri are par-HetiGor-t lit or for tlioho ntatienH. MixoO tnunii ure at al tiuien iiubjt et to be cauut lied WM WOOTjIiATT Gonoral Mnpmoitondon . To Drtvo anywboro, if oo, yon want a Good ......r,ud tho i)biee to Rot it iu at JOHN IWUGALL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Goodllioiitlorn in nttendauce day aid eight. 1\ hlNTLVllt, LtOIliNSDD AUCTIONBKtt I J* for the Onnntv oflojhnx. llailiff of UlRhth Divimon Court All kiioin ot Farm and othor -ales conduct!d piomptly Hatos reasonable and hirnbdied on implication. ICnuuirortt may iipph at W D lloaiiuLirrt odlco, or at tlio offloe ot TMvimou Oouit Ckrk.'alr John Milan \ OHN (JOIIMLKY. f) MOkNHKD AUCTIONl'IKW for Mm Oonnty of Ehm\ All Itimht of farm ntook milan, etc ' uondlifted promptly anil on nhorfc notion. Hate uh hoi able porHoiin drurublo to arraiiKP Halo? may lo ho h> calliUR at tho I'mais Puishh oillco oi tiy applying to -1 J.OOllMbBY, P.O. IJox is-* Kuttex, Out. rm\NK iievonyi_______ thoOountv rtf Knnox Halonoonduotod prauptWr ind on ro'aaonable torniB. Parries denlring to tlx tho ilure for a nalo can iiavo tbeuiBolvet a drl?o by ralllun at tbo I'lii'ts Pukhh ollico. Wo huvo aruwi^od with Mr. Muinnukey and will flx tho datnn for *oib tt >y tnloirraph, ontlroly free of all oiiaiRo to tlio liorhon holdinj( tho 'nalo. Ad- dronu Frank MoUlohltov.MnidBUmoOronB.Ont. *i ,# K McCLOBKKY, Maidiitonft, thlrty- yoarti1 experience an an auotloneerm BAKER. HORSE-SHOEING In?thin branch of our bimlnoBii wo V flrnt- cluaB Wo v It in on and will -ipiurrmtoo natlnfaotion in Sboolnc* Horeon that, intorforo, Over- Koaoh or have Corn nor Con tract otl'J'Hofc Woniakoa Bpoolalty of Rhoolnfl Itoad and Traoit norneii. IS" Telephone Conntction. DROPSj_CUrtED- TIH3 Undorul((no<l taproparoil tocuroallciuma Of Water Dropsy whollior of loufr or tihovii duration. Ahftolutoly no oharo uuIobh tho rmt(- ont in ontlroly andpormanontly ourod, .TA.MHB CAMPUKLL. Oott&m, Ont. UO MhtabltabA. d Tllboldoat buiilneiin in town. _____ 187(1. Finit-olatiH broad and oakes of oi ul Icindii. Wedd'npflftkeii a npooiality. (JrooeriM - "" provtiiionH.lliur.teod, nail aid vork. Confeo- 4 tionory, orooltpry.i'lantiwaio. Camion"lrnitflofldf -Jl * vecotubloaof all Ulndn. Ooodn prernptly n } llveyod toall partwof tho town. J, M. HIOKB.;^ HIM! ,t ,:;: cAND AND LOAN AGENTS :>Jw .T. TtTOMAK, Ccnvovitno^r. r^tpil^M or, in HlBh ('onri of .luetic; dsMerf,;^ a and Mot tioiL'tni. Mnimt tn i.*W?!t"$ pK^RGM vmvYrt*. n ....... _ a \"*" miwHio Heal Kutato aial Mntt|(ni;on. Moefiy u the lowest rat of intercut. fi'urruB 1^^,,^ and nold. Inmirnnoo taken in tho moBtrpUon*Wiyi'J nnniiv.nilofl. Pniwlnffor doode, mortaofffiB uff.^ loaaeHn, npenlaltv. ClmrtioB moderate mA^tJtM buflluena proiuptlv attended to, Call at tfiae^tj Oentral Tle>*bmi nOloe* KeKoxOentro, Btt#H' Best vmi Place In tho world for yourJ|rta it nil women to boo ure a BQfliQiL. iMluoiitlon,Shorthand,etc,,is til Detroit llunhuifin Vnivorfittv^ irnlt.Mlob lllyBtrateil oittalQi Frco. ItofercncoH; All D#tm F. JEWlCIiL Pron, P. 11. 8PBNCBB, UM'k^^Mi&dMm^ >i ^'^d4^^i^ r^U& -.'i . > ?. ->.\

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