VW^ \::<7 :' '( W: HERE is a CHANCE.. To secure presents for all your friends . and relatives. You can select them from the most aobby stock of Hats and Caps and Fur nishings that ever tfras brought into Essex- 5 Christmas Shoppers Should not miss this splendid opportun ity to procure a sup ply of Practical and Useful Gifts >at a small part of their actual value. This is a year of economy. OKITO. Hoove Burrott lately sold a quantity of wheat to A. J. Green at Ehhoi, roooivintf fllj oonta porburihol for aarao, In ono -load-takoa, there wore 111 oubIioIh. Wo wore iu orror laat wook m Btatinjj that Mr. Phillipf)' toam had run away whllu bo and hid brido woro on thoir way to Oofctam. Tho reach of'tho vohiolo they woro in wan brokou but Urn animalH did not ot nway. EVERYBODY is bound to make money go as far as poa- able, and useful gifts, something that will aave the recipient i purchaHO will be moat appreciated. The Hale includes such lesirable gifts as are kept in a 'first-class Hat, Cap and i?ur- UBhing Stock. D. J. Whitney's HATTER AND FUBMSHER, A Good Thing ... > > ll ICLI.lt ItVVHU. liouin IJuohurruu imd Thorn an Lefobvro huvo procured a ohoioo Hot kali iro boar for tlio ti^rtauHurul nooioty. AJmihum Sharon hurlod hiH Hooond ohild within two wcokw on Tuoudny of laat wook. Croup uooiuh tlio caimo tint* timo. Oonlot'H anhory Wfin (Hiioovurod to bo on flrout four o'clock on Monday morning of Iimfc wuok and in n nborfc timo totally burnt down. Tlio building wuh not of tmioh viiIho, but tho owner Iqhoh bin plant, about tliroo hundrod doll urn worth of noitrlo, that woro roudy to Hhip, und a wlnlor'ii butdnowi, unloHBha oiui robuild promptly, whiah iu diftloutt to do thin hoilhoii.. A mooting wan hold at tlio numo ovoninj.; to dovlHu mofiini to uimiub him and much (juoourfi^unjo.n fc tflven by tondorn of holp and material to lit onoo rooonntruot tho building. ._ h Those who. want the beat of Good Things oome to ua. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to bo true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. cot* a hi. Kobort Juno htui roturuod homo from Michigan. H. A. MoKoo wan in Kundwioh Unt wook ucrvint: on jury, Walter Nolilo in occupying hi-i now brick rohidonco at Cottum. Jnraro Eaiu bun bud a bricit block path hud from hiu front fiiito to bin rotiidouco. lib v. A. L. Bovorly ia forming a con firmation olaHH at Trinity Church. II in Lorduhip, BiHhop Baldwin, will confirm tho momburn of tho chiun about tho 17tb of January noxt, Itobt. ftlillon, of Gonflold North, in on- k'u^od uit clerk in tho utoro of Foraytho, AudorHon & Co,, and moved bin family to town laut wouk, Xboy aro occupying a ronidouco on tha oornor of Aliao and Centro ntrootn. OSFIKIjI> NOIftTH. J. M. Kay will run for councillor fur next yoar. Wo undorutand that tho firm of Low In Williamtt iu about to bo dluaolvnd, John Oroziot ia on tho nick lint. Inniol DupuiM bay hom vlwlting witb hit) paronte horo. Henry IWthhtumo, of Wmduor, hau' boon rotiuwiug iiuquiiiufcuiiooH bo to, U. Palucoi in on tho twmd. Noah Uamtn'ti younU, daughtor id ntill very ill. Mr. Curry, of Detroit, bought two oar load a of timbor.to bo uuod for npiloH from ThomaH Hobiunou, laiifc woalc. Sur Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well. Thia in tho least wo could poimibly oay about thorn. If it wan for our uxporioucQ in leather we oould uot hcII no ohoap. Call bo convinced for yournolf. m i 0 Hign of tho Goldoti Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. Ill rf^*Z*m not and 4!l We Can Give You an All-Wool Tweed.Suit in G-xey, ft- Brown and Fawn Colors made to your fc order for $12 an extra good line and very suitable for school wear. :W $17,. $i8, $19 and $20 fc t4 We-can f^ive you a Suit from the Clyde Tweeds,- These Goods are equal to the Scotch and come from . .$4"to 7 lews. They look as. well, wear as well, the color .is guaranteed by the maker. We havo done tho bulk of our trade this season ho far in the Clyde WoollenH, We crt'i ^ivo yini a Jloavy Twill- Black Worstod Jlbavy woight and will'not, ^loss in wear. Wo have other lines some lower in price, some higher. \v*o have Overcoats from $\ 5 up in Boavors, Alcltons and Kerseys. We can rivc you better values in Made-to-Orrler Clothing than roll can do cSsewhcn:. If you neod a Suit or Overcoat let ur hco you. noutik hiiw;i:. William Co'bloy ulnppod tvvo larga but- tonwood bloclai to Dotroit laat wook, to bo uuod for butohor'n moat blooliu. GoorRo Johunon iu viHitinj,' rolntivoH nnd ttoqnamtanoonin tho.Quoou (Jity.of Ontario. He will iitay thurotill uftoc tbo OhriHttaa^ holiduya. A. wild anew ntorm ragod all day Tuoh- duy coming from tho north-oaat; about 8 inchoH or nijow foil and lota of .people took advantage of tho now and had a sleigh rido, and tho mtrry jin^lo of tho Hloitih bullfl wtti! onco dK11*11 hoard. Our raaiU currior brought tho mail haga in a outtor lane Tuoaday night. Mrs. C. M. Todd waH nworn in aH poBt- cniutroHH a fow days a^o, Bho has been tbo uotiny poHtmiotroiin for uovon ynam antl more, an awiiBtant, arid wc aro clad to know ulic Imu huon proiuotod. Our gonial old friend, SarmiGT'IIioku, wan tho poetiiiaator but bo hc-iit in hit) roai^natiou to thu depiirtrntnit u bbort timo ugo aud it wuh accepted cunaiug a vacancy. \(- Both Bunn, of Huthvon, oallod on tbo MiHHOti Dawiion tliin weak. Woaronorry to learn that tho younjjonb child of John Ellin in dauf;orouiilv ill with a novoro cold. Wo lourn that A. Wihion purrmHOH male trip; an off or t to gain a noat in tho Council ChaujLor thin coming oleotion. rixudiiv NOKTII Potor Chimvm, an old and ronpootod ronidont of Tilbury North, ih doad. Mr, Chaiivin wan born on tho batilcii of tho llivor ThaniOH ovor 90 yoarn iiflo, and movod onto tho furrn, which ho Fiuonrod from the Crown, uud on which ho lived all hid dayn. Thoro woro fow uottlorjj in tliono diiyH in Tilbury V*ont. Mr. Clumvln en dured many hurdnhipnP Ho lived to onjoy the fruitB of iiiit hard labor. AUMClt. On Friday morning liutt, Alf. Ualtzur and Alox. Govorouu wore ciitfuund in rip- piny whool rimw at tbo mill of Kin/j and Wiillo, noar Codar Crook. In cutting off a piouo of thu uud ot a ritn it Oow back atrik- inii Balt.^oL' a ylanoiug blow on tho toinplo, making a wound about on inch and a half lonfi and Knocking him unconaoiotia. Ealtzer Boon revived and ivaii- not much tho worne bat it wan a vary olono almvo. DIEBEL & BRIGKER It Is Easy To Make Satisfactory Holiday Selections at The Great Corner Store- Lawn, Linen.ancl Silk Handkerchiefs, Kid G-loves, Fancy Table Linens, Ot toman Covers, Silk Ties, Silk Umbrel las, Silk Dresses, Fine Furs, &cM all at Popular Prices, Special Sale of mz>- LADIES' NEW MANTLES PI '<<, M Not an old one m the lot all thia Season's Newent croationn, and your choice at %-OITi of regular prices. >K X Mv.firotzair." Tho nalo of tho Bioklontool mill property at MoGroKor, to Mr- Neibor^aU,of Windnor, hau boon oomploted, aud Mr, Noiljor^all will ntook tho ntiLVO mill up at onoo aud put it in limt-ruto running prdor. Mr. Cnmpboll, hitt foromun, wau in A.mboi'iit- butg lant wook looking for a roHidouoo, with tho/intontion cf ronidinK thoro. Mr. Campboll has boon fororaan for Mr, Niob- orgoll for 1-1 you.ro, and jvciH char^o at Stuplofi. Tho pneo paid for tho property wao about $7j000. Millinery Department % Off on Trim med and Untrimmed Hats, Bonnets, Toques, &c. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats Special Low PriccH on ALL the boat Overcoats in the liouae, and includeH the best makes in Beaver, IriHb Freizies, Meltons and Chinchillas, and finest Garments in the County are to be found hero. Now is your time to secure a Stylish and High Quality Overcoat at a small price. Men's, Boys' & Youths' Suits <$k^- Large Assortment to choose ^^r from and Prices the Lowest. M I-: General. ?'uo German 8tr;:irr.nr. Halitir, with a crow ^S myn and a larf;(; tiunibur of jiaHHen- ' ), foundfiri'd off tho ooant of Ronth A.f- t. lant wofili, All on board, numbering ! poriionn, wcro loiit. ?ho llritinh.A.rmy i to bo htron^Lhtnod h oi^ht nu\v buttnHouh of infantry and 'Hcen now battoriou of artillory of four a rniolv; and tho cavalry force in to bo irfiamstod. .*ht) Gorman ship itajah, from Barry, Ion, for Moii{4 iCon^, ban foundorod in ' Bristol Chauuol, Two of her crow *a boon picked up. Seventeen otliorH, iprifiin^ the remaiudor of the cruw, '0 drowned. Ganadlaii. 'Juthorino Halle, an inoano woman, S^od horHelt in the jail at Walltortou. ' \ thit'ttion-year-old Hon of W. II. Crn^e, rtiutfuton, waw Uillfld by an cilto oar. .' 'i. littlo oight-yoar-cdd (.jirl narnod Mary Hlov&.novx Nfawmarkot nbot hurutU : ^whiloplayini; with u ruu. ?'wo' -Kimftitbh l^nitontlary , oonviou 'pou by woalintJ tho wall. Tho moti *' i flfoDouald from Toronto and Myoni "4ri Baaox County. tlrs. Bhzaboth Snook, of Dovor towu.- ep was Hhot by burftlaKH, who flrotl ut iT'thr-ough tho window wbon abo waa ,'. ^W alone in tha bouao. Afto* ntoalin^ putaethemifloreautt* wont away, and grounded wondua loy for thteo dayo , '^oafc cate.antil ebo grew Hfcrontf uuough ua-ke'her way to tbo ueareet noiflbbor'B. V , Is paw in tUe hoBpita.1 ttt Chatham in :L. Wtlo4'litaU. ; JSirdiN. MAKfii-:i.T. In 2ml coi, Altitrlotonu, ou Tuosday-, Dticuinliur 1Mb. to Jlr. and Mm. Guorco M uniidl] ii daui;ht(.-i'. Haymow In fiotftold North, on Tuonday, Uo- ooinln-r lStlt, to Mr. uud Mrs, Kam, Hay - inond, il Hon. IIiii'i'noK :, ou Kumlay, Diirtombcr IUtli, to Mr. and Mrfl. Win. ntlTron, a daunlitur.- AlurriiifruK. Kxot.im At (lio rt'Hidcuco of tlio hriiln'ii 1'nvcmtit, I'Ibkjx,- nn Widnonday, Yio ci-iidtor H'.tii, bv Iti'.v. M. P, Campitofl, Mr. William T. ]!ln(jU-3li,of Dotroit, to Minn Mary I',' Voiipdr. KiDM'Mi.TC-Ciuin In AmJicriitburK, on Monday Docfmbtr Mtli, by Hov. T, NattronH, Mr Fred. Hidndalo, to MIbh MafKfio Gibb, both of AiiihnrrttitUi'K. PmuiAVn- Bwia'.T At tlio Moilindfut Parnon.- uiio, Cotiuni. on Tucudav JJocomborHth, by Hov. \V U. Hhaw, Mr. William Pbillijm, of Mutdfitouc, to Minn Klixaboth Swoot, of flonto. V/iolu At the roHidouoo of tbo brldo'n pareutd, MidilHtona, on Wodnntalay, Dpoom- bor Kltti, by Hov. A. ThUmadoau, Hiif-b, oltlobt fion of Mr, lliubavd -Wifdo, to .7fnnio, tliui[<htoi of Mr. John Carr.ull of Maldutonu. Kshox Hnr.ki] !t. Wheat rati pur buoliol ....& 7uto 7fi Wheat, white .... 77 Oorn .... 2JJ OiltR ..... 13 to 1 Timothy Soud ----- l no Olovut Boed .... 150 to .-150 S 00 to 8 f!0 Aloiko .... 100 to -1 00 <i 60 to r oo 25 to 8 20 00 to o00 . 250 r> 12 12 7 7 BKfl,|?ordois.......... .10 Potatoes, por bunhol .... 10 to 40 Oa^rotB ..... 40 6to 0 0. (flAXDSTONlS. Mrfi. Dicka, dau^htor of Mr Cronmillor, ifl very ill. Have your watohea repaired at Ovens', the now jowoler. -10-tI A. and .1. Beattie and C. Craig, of Loam- injjtou, hpont a few dayn rjuad-hunting in thin Ht;ction laat week and Biicjoodcd tn bafj^uiu quiet a number of birdH. A rumor iu currant that Wm Kllin will oppOBo P. Qorbott for tho Ueovusliip for 18'J7 and Wm Frico will a^am run for Deputy Hcovo. \V. II. PoUer and .Julen Dainm will also utand for Councillorn. Thu unnual CbriatimiH tree and outer- taiurnunt of tho Maidutonc MothodiBt Sun day School hero will ha hold in tho church on Chridtujau Eye. Extewnvo preparation!] aro being made, to malto thin ontortuin- mont oolipao all previoun ontortainrnentB huld hi t.hiH place. Ou Tutrnday evemnj*, Dec. '22nd, there will bo a trrand literary and munieal enter tainment hold in tbo fiohnol-hoiuio in Sco- tiou No 2, Sandwich South. Tho teaohor, -T. Ii. Fucrth, and pnpila aro apurtng no effort to malto thin ontertaiutnont ouo of wont, intoroHtinff of tho acuaou.* Alex. Lain(, of Ehhox, iuvoutor of "Ltiing'H Planotarimn" viaitod our eliaol on Friday Just aiid javo a yory intorooting and iiiHtruetivo addroHH aud exhibition ot hiaiuHtrumont. Tlim limtruniont iq meet- iugwith tho hearty approval of leitdintf cdncatiouftliatii tUrongbout both Canada anil the Unitotl RtatoH and tbo domand for it not only by educational inutitubioufi but alflo by private nuruonu in an cyidopao of ita growing popnlurity. A.n error wah niaduI'm our Maiclwtono itoitui labt week when it wac Htatod that Patrick Moran, ot tho Middle Itoud, had died at Wi.udtior. Patrick Qloran, who it* tho Hon of Douuiu Moran, . ot tho Middlo HoilJ, baa boon very ill for kokio time and wan taltou to Hotel Diou in W?ndaor for troatintinf and ho iu ntill thoro. peuio Moran, tho father, ban uluo boon on tbo oiok hot. The information ao uivon in tbo itoiu publinhod wmi fumiiJvid uu at South Woodoloo. On Woduonduy uvouiuk, a very iutotoat-: ing oaromony wan porformod in tbo prw. enoo of a lar^o number of invitod ^ucatu at the roHidouoo of .John Carr in which hiH dmiL;htor, Jouoio, v.'ai) united iu marriago- to Hut;h, aidant uon of Kiobard Wigl*' Tho youii(i couplo uro both woJl and l&vot- ably known throughout tho Hootion aud bavo tho heafc wiubou of a bout of frlend for futaro proaperity. They left on tho evening truiu for London, Woodstock and otlifr points east,' ' ' nLYTJUttSWOOIO. E. J. Wiglfc, of ltuthvou, ahippod novoral cum of hay from born laat week- Minij M. Beacom, who luta boon living with bar brother in the Stato of Maine, haw returned to viait hor mother and brothorn hero. Georgo Kuox, of con. 9, died on tho 5th, mat., and wao buried iu tho Albuna coin- otory on tho 7th. Mr. Knox wau about (i5 yoarnof apo, and waa a nativo of Ireland. Ho wao of a quiot diapoflition an-1, wan eateemod by bin noiyhborH who extend thoir aympathy to tho boruavod family. A--laruo proaeHQion of friondH and noii^li- norH followed tho romaimi to tho pfravo. Clothing to Order A Specialty om now until Jjmuiiry 1st, we offev Special Inducempnfce in'thin De partment. . Perfect Tit and Batisfaction Guar anteed. .* leociiiCM'nuK. M. Dorau, of Detroit, in viaitinR at M. Sbeohau'f;, F. P. Plomiurt, "teaohor of S. S. No, 7, baa boon rc-on^a^od to toaoh for 1897. Mrn.. lil. Shcoban, who haa boon nor- ibuflly ),iol, ia fant rocovoriiifj and ia able to bo around ayain, K. McNau^bton, ^ouoral morohaut u,t Ituhcora station, ban purohaaod tbo N J of ft.M. R. N. hotter known an tbo Daly farm. Tlio valuablo Egbert atalliou owned by William McGregor, M.P., ot Windsor, died Tuonday morning at tho Camoron it Math er farm whore ho waa wintorin^. He waa yalued at 81,000. Ou Wodnoday morning Lowih Wnltora wan talten to Wnnlaor by Gonntablo Linti- Bay of Comlior aud arraigned on oharfjeu of taking ciparn and cash from tho Mather houHo at KuHoom, and gottin^ ^oodu ou falue protonHeo from Chaa. Lofovn), grocer at tho oamo placo to the value o! f 2 ."iO Ho elected to ho tried by jury and will rocfdvo bia preliminary exiinunatiun he- foro Mr. Bartlet Thuraday. Another man named Coptman, oaid to bo implioated also,, baa diaappcared from tbo district. ^r Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for Everybody. The Great Corner Store. Diebel & Bricker. lliiitIHt I*Ice In Ciuiiuda Intelli^onoe juBt to hand aayo tho moa buHtliu(4 placo iu tho provinoe of Quebec h tho oJlleo of the Family Uorald and Week, ly Star, Montreal, a pap in* which in moot in^ with extraordinary hucoohs tliia your. Tho offioo is a fioono of aotivifcy raroly wit- ueoacd in a uowupapor offio'e. Tho now nabHorihorH nnudiuu. their namoa to tho Furaily Herald and Wookly Star oaoh day would blooli thu atrootH for a Ion riin'titnoo.4^0 could i(]?utly' Pooplo aro asking bow tboy can got Fiamplo oopiOR of tlio Family Horald and Star. A pontal fiont to thoofiioe, Montroal, will aeouro ono. ' ......... Allan Burr, a furraor living about two milflB from Forth, was found lying by tbo roadtado with bin nook brpkon on Friday Mihu Ethel Smith, of Toronto, ban boon preuontod with tha Sauford gold, modal by tho Koyal Canadian Humane Arnouiation for bravery in oJiueing to Sbo boy and baby Galbralth, when, wreokod on Strawberry Inland, in Luko Simooo, laat July. Kobtirt Trumbell, u. younj,' Hamilton man who threatened to olioot liimQdlf a .fow wouky ago beaiumo AfiHa Mi Id rod Bin- soil refused to-mafry him, omnnttod fmi- oide on Friday by taking Htryohuine^whilo being removed to tbo gaol to which bor'wai enienoed for an aBsanU. Division Court Sittings. DiviBiou Court wuh hold in Pock's Hall ou Tuesday by Judge MelTugh, tho logal frutornity being roprosontod by E. A. Wiswor, J. L. Poters, M. K. (Jowan aud J. W. Ilnnun, Tho docko* couniatod of two adjourned caaos, twelve dofondod cmitfi, four judgment BummouHos and four dofaultH after judgment. Tho most of tho onsen woro ovor uon-paymont of uotoH aud accounts but sonio of tho caaeH hoard involved fiomo dolicato poiiitB iu law. In tho Hiiit of Fioldn yH. Whitnoy, J. L. Peters appeared for tho plaiutifY and E.A. Winmor for defendant, judgment being given for' defondant. Thia miit nroao ovor tho payment cf board for men en gaged iu boring a well ou Mr. Whit- noy'n farm which waw loaned by plain- tilt', tho latter endeavoring to collect tho account from dofendant. Tu tho suit of Chas. Littlo, jr., vs. Chas, Nuy- lor, tho Ramo oouu.sol appeared, Mr. Potors for plaintill" and "^Ir. Wismor for defendant. Mr. Little Kited defoudant for $22 for timber takon to lattor's mill, after hix o'clock one ovoniug and un loaded in tho yard, none of tho work men boing present. Tlio timber was cut up without being measured aud be fore. Mr. Littlo again vinitod tho mill, tbh workmen knowing nothing about it, Mr. Nuylor claimed tlio timber was not suitable for tho purpofio wanted and had ho boon present wbou same was do- livorod would not have accoptod it. Tho iiuttiugs from Mr. Littlo'a logH were ho- lootod nn far aa poasililo aud ATr. Naylor was willing to allow Mr. Littlo what ho could realize from thorn but proforrod that tho Judge should givo his decision iu tho ease. His Lordship gavo judg ment against Littlo but bo is to have right to tako away what cuttings In tho enno of Tofcton vs. Huntor thirteen wituesaos woro oxaminod and a couplo of hours' timo wuh taken up. M. K. Oowiiu np- poarod for plaintiiY and J. W. Hanua for dofondant, Tho caso arisos out of tho salo of a horso for which dofondant waa to pay $35, but dofondant claimed tho animal waB not sound and paid ftiO into court. Judgment was given for cofondaut. The yoploviu ooboh nriBing out of tho Qillotfc Wigln and Wiglo- Swootinau ensos woro airocl and' judg ment waa given agnuiBt Wipflo in all oaaos. It will bo"romonihprod that Gil- lotfc loaaod Wiglo's farm and was given notioo that hia loaaowotildbo oaucollod. Wigle then diHtrainod Gillott'a house- hoUVgOods and Bomo othor atuff and also bud sized a team of horsos that S^eotinan had bought from GUlott. The judgments carried oostawith them. ESSEX MEDICAL HALL. In Great Variety, aus Han arrived with-a bomitoous supply of Xmas and New Year's Goods.................. i*tiihh OoodH in Gr(it Vurfctyt Colluloltl fi\ttv*i uimI IIiLii(!k:oi-ohlef fnwt'M, Nplmidld A^Hoftnioiit of tfllblcH itud tlio K'ociu. For fhe Children Wo have a Kplcndid asdortmonfc of Dolls, in all color* and aizos. Tin, Iron and Wooden Toya,. Toy Books nnd Games. Holiday Headquarters* G. A. SHERRIN, m Music ^ $tbro# -mm TT A P *NT $ Piano and, ; 5:|S j^-zxxvxn ^ Organs-- > A '8PKOIAI/TY. ...............Gun furnish uny of tbo following "'" -$$$ Ohi Ilcintzmatiy Jieff, Nortlhcinttt^ yXiW." Stein-way, Chkhrin^ t'iws, <(V., ' . vj/r,;^ Will dujilJoato ituy Itiatvuuiout purohaneil "*u,;i-" iu tho town within tlio pant two. yours for 926. ' '-4 IjWHHtlnui the prloo-paltl.' . V, '^i^ Will' furnlBli ANY PIANO for *2fl"rjB6S than.'^M you oau purohima.olBowhoro. vf^S ' 1*111110 Tunlntr [ .^-'>'AV& By l*rof, Laymau. Organ a aud Hewing MaohlnoB, Kopalrod. Muelo Iiobboiib 85 l>or term of 20loflfloB$- 2nd Door North of B|,,n*M :--,^mi H. M. rAUL, mm 'V.'.:: 95