PPflWP^PWptf^^ s 1 SCARFF'S. ~S4BE Dried Fruits. It's NOW, the Right Time to Buy. :o:- p|A.KE our advice and lose no fcime in leaving your ordor ^_ for what Dried Fruita you require. We havo tho beat asBortcd Stock and all Now Goods. Vulotiaia lUiuiud. flnonfc Selected, UH lb. Boxou. do Four Urowu LayoiH, 7 lb, IJojmk. Rultaim lliiinluH, Golden riuit, Malaga Kuiuinft, - - . Londou Irnyora, UIllcK IlRHklltH, - - - ttluo BtlBUotH. Currants, FiH, Almoudu, Walnutn, And tho fihoiooBt Stooh of Candy m Filbortu, Brazil NutH. town. W0 Koofc All Competition, A Full Line of Crockerv, Glassware and China Away Down in Price ..................... GJOODS A, H. SCARFF & Co. BEijixrEriEir) promptly. Tho Essex Free Press, BRETT 4, AULD, PROPH1CTORS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1800. Nominvtionu lor County Conneilloiii in tho hqvou diHtrict', of Efiso\ . County will bu hold from 1 to 2 p, m. on Monday iit.it. G. J, Tiiouah mformfi uh that having boon rcqunntod by a uumbnr of friondn ho hiiH decided on b^corainf; a candidate for tho mayoralty of Entiox for 1897. Accohdino to tho Municipal Act tho tornifl of all munioip i) councils ceapo on tlio 3lQt of Deaombor. Tho conucil elect foi 1897 will meet for orgam/iition on tho HOooud Monday in January. Ilorotofore tho fimt mooting of tho no-v council was hold on tho third Monday. --------------------------- County Council Elections. In uocordanco with tho provisions of the County Council** Act, 1890, nominatiouH for County Couumllori! for tho Devon dm- tnotH m Eiincx County will take placo on Monday next from I to 2 p m. In all of tho divnuoun raont of tho candiJutoH likely to^o to tho polln ha\o "announced them- boIvoh aud thoro will bo contentH m all of tho diynuouH. In diotrict No 1, tho rundidmcH aro W. T. WiIkmBon, of AmliLiHtbi.r^, N. A. CoHte and J. S. Pattou, of Maiden , and T. B. White, and Oliver Itcaumo, of Andir- don, In Nn. 2 DiHtrict, there mu now li>o can didates iii the field ,]. E. Slouo and J S. Laird, of Ebhox, A. R. FcrriuH and John liioumoud, of Colchentm South, and P. R. Davin, who liyoH in Auilonlou, but who ownn property in Colcluhtor North. Mr. Daviu ih not eligible for office, however, an aootion 5 ol the County CoudoiIh' Vet mua "Each uuoli divihion Hhall bo rLprcHoutud in the county louuci] b) two inemhttH who flhall hold cflicu for tho tot ru of two yenrn and who Hhall he ichidorita of the Divihiop for winch they are councillors" Dr W. J. Campoau, of ILirrjvv, in alao mentioned aH a probable candidate In No .1 District, another candidate ha'i appeared,Samuel Malott.of GoniirId South, bo that iu that district thuo are tlio foJ. lowing candidates* Juhn X. Biown and ZeuftB Orton, of Goaiicld North , C G Fo*. Thomas Clark and S Malott of GonftuU South, and S. A. King, or KintjHvillo Iu No. 1 Dibtnct, \V. F MoKon/H , Wnu Motjwocn aud Efitforton Scraten haye an aouncod with proapectH of two more fol lowing MUlt. In No. j DiHtrict, only three have ho far appealed, J. D A. Dcviol, J. A. Bcmhanau and Bamuol Moffatt. In No. G Diutnot, Waidou Colo m.a V 1*. Boutoillor mo out for tlio oilioe and it , la now as fjood as au anourt'l fact that - G. A. Wmtomuto will iuu In No. 7 Dnitnct, Lnc Montrouil, Nog Dufour, II. Maiiloux and Jon. Duroclier aro tho probablo cuudidutcii. Tho olcctioiiH will take place on Monday, January lth, and tho new county louuci! will moot on the lth TuLsday in January. Khhox O'ouncy Court. ' fJho Court of SoHBiong which opened at Sandwich on TuoHduy of hifit wouk wh4 ooutinuod until Saturday afternoon. Iu tho caao of Brown vu, Neff, tho jiny diaafirnod. In Forry Hood Co. vs. Wuidnor Stmt t Railway Co., tho plumtiffi itou^lit to re cover tho \aluu of a hornu lnlle.1 oi Haud- wiah Htioofc a few weekn a^o, but thn oano waw put off and will bo triod m ohambur^. In tho huid of Walkor vu. Lovett, jua^j- raont wuh K'vou id favor of dofondant _ Abel vh. Nohlu wiui tho only noa-jury oatto tried. The dofendant.Noblo, mudo au offer oi 8125 ohhIi for an old enigma, owned by tho plaintiff, whioh wan at a maohinn i',hop of ono Wadorlow aL Loauim^tou. The onffiuo had provlouuly buou repairod at a ooitt of 2JJ. Tho plaintiff nocoptod fjiha,otfur by tologram, Wadorlow Haying that it muat bo not aud no oomimuHiou. I^Tho dorondant loaaod tho ongino to Wad ,rlow at a cost of 01 a day to pay for tho nrepairs. Uo aftorwardu olairnod that tho dcapttira Hhould bo doduatod from tho 9125 f|nd rofusod to pay that Hnra or to dolivor jack tho ungina. Judfjmoufc for plamtif (or 8125 and full noHtw. M, K. Cowan and I. F. Hu.ro iov plaintftf; D. tt. Davis aud HtaruB (or defendant. [ TIiih iJiiiHlnui tho aiyil li^t and tho oriui- iintl Imt wuh tlicn takon up, Quooii Yflr Thou. CaiHWt 11 waH fiiut cane called. Two chargon worn laid, ono for ntoahtifi a (^uu from Win, I'll ill ipn nnd tho othoi for onminal ii(';;l!(.'onon iu lumdlniK of i> fjuii and idmotin^ young rraouiau in tho let,'. Tho jud^o charged voiy i-tiongly a^am'it the piiHniur in tlio laicony case hut left tho othor to tho jury. IIo wan found guilty on tho laroony oano and ac quitted on thn other charge. Quopii \a John Mulder wan then called. Mulder wan charged with boinff naRoaiattd with Charloa nii^hhaukR in tho larcenv of 41 btttiliolii of wheat fioin Henry Hoatou, of Colchcctfr hoiith. It will bo romombor ed thai lliifjhbanka wan found Riulty a fow wflelca tio and sentenced to four yearn in Kmgnton ponitontiary. Muldor'a ttial took up all Friday afternoon and the judge charged vary Htroudly u^aiUHt him Tlio jury lotirodntfi p. in., and wore out all nigu.li rotcirunif! to tho court room at 0 o'clock on Satnrday raorninfj with tho re port that thoy could not a^reo upon a ver dict, Tho fimt poll flhowed hovou for ac- (juittal and fivo for couviotion and tho !ant olevon for acquittal and ono for ouuvictiou. They woio diuoharKod and Aluldor will bavo to ho tried ('({am, an in rriraiual canon unnuimouo vordiotu uiuiit bo reached. Muhler wuh roloauod on bail. On Si turd ay, Judge Ilorrio panned tno BontoncfeH. Willis Howard, convicted of perjury, wan given ilve your* in Kingston, and Mrs, Geo I^dmundu and Mru. Laura Wiluon were found guilty of couHpmiay iu aiding Howard to procure a marriage h ceiipo. In thiH cauo the jury accompanied their vordict with a recorarcondahon to mercy and Ilm Honor Judge Home ro- maudod thorn till Thursday nf thin weok to conmder thoir Hontonce. Geo. Edmund a, the huiiband of tho woman couvictod, wati acquitted Cartwoll wuh nenb to tho C- n tral for y.'J mouthfi for laiceny. Frederick Sweettnao, of Colcheitcr North, cliurgud with asHanlting an officer in diflchurgo of hiH duty, wuh found not guilty. --------- --------------. rsex Public Mchool. Mike Fox Outdone by Five Cords. ^ f Weekly maminittions December lltli Narnea of thoao who obtained ~>Q", or o^er. Senior Si.cmid Lmim Trcwin, Aea Uowhoii, Ada Stucoy, ErncHt Bush, Alf- rotta Cory, Bohhio Sinclair, Sraud Robin aou. Mihh Aitclueon'H Room, Junior Second C'hmp II Craanwoller U. Wolfe. C Auld, L. llermon, N. Groeu, A. Wilkuiion, .1 I'eetlmni, C. Goaliu, D. Wightman, A. dlonuu, A. Uallman. MibH JIall'H Room Gertio Robimiou, EIhio RuhIi, Vivian Vauce, Blako Agla, Hattie Sinclair, Fred. Wtiddinutou. T wuh not on a dark awl atorii'y night, ho wot that it waw not ilt for a cat oi* dog to ho out, but it way on ono of thoHO cluyH of which wo have ho many noar (.'lirintmaa Hoason, whon tho huh hino8 so hrightly that wo aro fcomptort to troll tho atrootn without our uaual quantity of wintor olothinR; thoro was no unaw, and very littlo, if any, wind, with tho ground frozen quito hard, malting it tempt ing to pedeatrianH to onjoy a long waile in tho country (tlio roiulflliaving boon made sinoo'h by tho quantity of travel) when to lo-d; at tlio mui \wu to think that it was Hummer tirao and wonder why the birds wore not Hing ing, hut to caet your oyoa on tin* woods and behold its loafloaa, daik and (hvary appoar.ineo was to becomo co'ivineod that it wa*. wintor, and that it would Do some timo before tliOHo wo idrt put on thoir bountiful verdure nr tlio birds delight us with their chiu raing mu.stu. It wan indeed winter, and diawiiii; mi to t,he le Live season, wlau wo in Lhitf Canada, and especially iu tho Town of Essox and vicinity, dehglit to maka merry. Xotwithstanding the fact that the aim shono brightly, it was a wvy t-hilly day at all oventH; thcio were a low who ntcod around the stove in '^ * * Wilkinson's Qrocery,^^ Illjjli riohool NoteN Tliogo who obtained over .J3 \"t, ou Form in Br. Latiu exam, ot laat wouk are uh foJlowh : h KiehardHon H'2, K Botry 76, A 1) Totter 77, II II Coll JO. S Wlghtmau HI. riiodo who obtained ovor .'Jd^'(, en form IV 'i ri^'oijornctry exam ut hint week ure au f Ihnvd . .7 J Be ernan 6H, \V Wightman (15, Aliaa L Bird 50 Tliu4 who obt amed over 3'.i\nn ou Form IT Ilistoiy e'Mim. of litut uoeJt are aH foil- ovh: C Kiiiattr 71, A D Potter (/), C Jtodd (J7, S Cunningham CJ, M McHugh (>i>, F Whito B'J, K MiJhu ,1(5, J AJoran oo, W JtimeH 51, J Smiths, M Rorko 10, L Bennett 10,13 Kamea 17, M Jumefl i^f E Bichnnlnon 11. M Alcltao 11, A Catdor 3'.), S Wortlty .}.j Tho-io in Foim I who obtained ovor ,.i"o iii Drawing e\am of lut week aro . V Gourluy 100, W Olvur 78, B Elliaou 70 G .Tatnoo 70, W Allmon G'J, B ThomaH (>S E Naylor 02, h Ililher >fl, J Dewar M, M iMillai 53, B ItObo 13, J DewhirBt 1$, V K/n\on 10, L Wi^la SO, J Edgar 36, J But ton 35, Thobo m Form III (Jr.) who obtained ovor 83'/) on Ijatin oxura. of lant woek, are : II Cooke 81, L Gitffith 77, O McKoo 73, M Cummiford 01, S Kuaaoll 57. Tho liitorary Hooiaty -purpoHo holding thoir hint mooting of the torm on Friday of thin week. All aro cordially luvitod to attond, Sohool cIohoh on Doc. MUud, 1890, at -J p, rn. and roopeiiH on Jan. lth at 1 ,'J0 p. m. T. II. DoOow haw a numbor of valuable heavy Iiothoh and Eiota of haruoiift to oIl at low priooH. Roanoiiablo bimo glyon ou farniBluug good eoourity. Apply to W* Mark DoOow, BflBtix. who considered it such, and profoirod the inside of tlio houo to the outside While wo wore meditating on tho ejuiellont quality of tho Groceries wo wero going to rocoivo for the Christ mas trido, such as Raisins Bluck J3aHkets,Select Valencias, Delicioua Currants in pnclcages, Orange, Lemon aud Citron Peel, to say noth ing of Almondu, English Wal- nutH, Philberts and Bon Bona. They hegan to ronvei'Heon tlio ailvuntiigi the aeaaon wuh offering to Hioho wlio ware deanotirt oi gutting out wood, utr "A mail ought to be able to do a good day'H work in the woodn," iiayH one, "\eH," said au othor, who by tho way uiih our old fncml, Tom ------------, "I remember ono time I wuh cutting cord wood I uvpru^od my thruo cordri a day uutil I cut dixty time cordw," It would not have takon a vary close ob Hcrvor af human nature to pereeivo that the cou\ornation wan taking :t rather dan gerotm ohanuol, but an tho bids of the com pany didn't appear to be deiirouft of ac cepting the challenge tho dahgfr was bu ing uv.rtul when Torn------------follow id the- remiu k by najing that ho h id heanj of a man who had chopped s cordaof wood nt tv, ten nun aud auu. The company gl inced at one auothei with an iiieredul DUH cxprossion, but appeared to eouHidcr that :t was nothing LTtruordimu y, for had we not bfiird of Shkei'ox who hud chopped hia 10 oordn of wDud one day with another. But Tom uppoared to ha domrouH of toatm^ the credulity of the company for ho im mediately followed hia two former lomarlm with tho clinker that "ho had heard of a man who cunie up from down oant who (on u. wager mind yon) cut 15 oorda of wood in ono day, but on tho company m undenting a greater quuntitj of incrodulity than ho uppoared to want to take,wadiUe-d it nomt what ljy Having that ho died Hint night The doctor stood in blank iimuzemont Ma - ing at Tom pownbly wonduriug if ho hud uot hotter call in Ku*non and bavo him ho cured before his cane go! ruully nerioun, while 1 went into rcurti of laughter, whuh wab not decreased ny Tom remarking in uu injure 1 tone "Btevo 101'inn to ho very much urniiaed at Homething," but no doubt wo all (igi'fLd tliat tha* man muat have fed hiniholf on niuh p. -., f5l Christmas Greeting TAKE this opportunity of tendering our moat ainooro and hearty tlmnlm to our many Friondu and PafcroriH in tho Town imd throughout tho County of Ebhox, for tho v*ry liberal putronago wJiich ihey havo accorded uh dining tho paat yoar, nnd to wihIi you all A Merry Christmas. UPON tnlting it rotronpectivu view of tlio yoar, wo find that we havo not only retained tho moat of our former customers, hut havo aluo gained many now onoa, Jt has boon our count ant aim to furnioli Ilonoafc ftoodi at Jlonost Pricoa, rii'I it is gratifying to Know that our offortH aro appreciated. Wo hIiiiII ondoavor Straig-ht Forward Dealing' In tho futuro to merit and rocoivo u atill lnrger fllmro of your natronngo. At prouont our Stock \u LAIi&E and well ansortcd in tlio aovcral Doj>xrtmontci, and wo extend to all a cordial invitation to call and boo our Goodn, and get our priceJ. Yours truly, M. J. Wigle & Co. Groceries, Provisions, OF*. p/if an Wilkinson dold or he could not done finch a wonderful Jay'n work havo Try Our 25c* Tea in(^be convinced that all others are inferior. A Stock of First-class ^~--s^,,""'~~ Crockery... ON HAND. Wilkinson, Grocer. rratcrnal Societies. Tho oflicero of Jjnae\ Council, C. O. C F. will bo niiitulled ou tho first Monday in January, Tho local lodpfo of tho Canadian Order of KorcftterH will oloct oflicora thin (Friday) evening. Nomination of oflieerH of Enterpriho Ijougo I, O O. F. next Thursday evening, with oleotion tho following ThuraJny even ing. At tho meeting of Khhcx Centro Lodge, No. 10, A. O U. W , on Monday ovenmg, donop!i ltobiniion wao elected M. W , M. GoHuell, Foreman, and Thoa. RuhIi, Tin- ancior, by acclamation, for 1H'J7. Nomiu- ations wofo niado tor tho othur oftiocH nnd tho election for Hiimu will take pluce ou tho 'JHth inut. Central Lodgo, A F. .^' V M. olected <iifieern on Tuenday evxuing aud the Hiimu \sill ho iufttalled at the ne\t meeting which will hn luld ou .Monday evening, Decernb- or Sfttli. The elected oihoers an.'. VV. M., A. O. fitimern, S. W., A. Raujen, J VV., II. F. ftlartin; Sec, J. F. MeQuebii; TreiiH., W. J Dtv.'iir; Chap , G J Thomas; Tjler, W. li. K.lgar. At tho iijuctiug of llebuei Tent, No 71, K O T. M , on Monday uvlmuu^, tliu full- owing olhoern wero eilectod for tho coining turra* Padt com , W, J. Dewar, com,, Gi'O. Milhud , Lieut, com , Tims. Follard , li K,, li, Baughman ; T. K , Gen, Coll, cliap, ,J, Ij. Stouo, Searj., John Tliorn- ton , M. at A., J. Sloto; 1st M. of G., E. Iliumaiau 2nd M. ot G., N. .Johuhton , Son , F Hudohlf , Piukot, J O Cleveland, Physician, Dr. R. 13, PottH. At the meet- two members wero lnittatod and five applications wero received. Local W.C T. V Tho Regular meeting of the loc<d union ,v ishtld ultlio homo of Mrs. W Chuich on Monday atternoon at .'1 o'clock, about twenty perhOUH iu fittendancc, Devotional oYcroiHOH Horo led by tho president Rov. M. P Campboll gayo an interesting ok- plauation of a paaaago in the forth chapti r of Ruth. After deponing of a few ltemn of bun uqhh, tlia couutv rroflident, Mi'h, M'^vwcll of Amherhtbiug, w'ifl culled upon to piONcnt hor report of the provincial convention, bho stated that the convention lasted four d-iyn with tluoo meetiuga daily livery HrHhiou Ofiened with prayer, hjinnn and Scripturu. Each morning a conaeciutiou hoi \ ce nab held for half an hour bt foro tho lt'fjultir npf ning Lach rl iy the uiouu- tido prayti watiulfoiod 2') Supoi inton h ntn of Departments reported; tl'eio wore foui depurtmontnl oonforoncos hold; Cor Sec roportod miiuber uuions, '2W>; new uniomi S, active inembeiti, '1,585; honorary mfmbcm, 101 ; regular meetingH 2,17',); public mootingH 18fi , BandH Jof lfupo 81; membern of bands ( 07.j, total amnimt ot money raifial, $12,710.18, coutnbuting for ArmeniaiiH, 81S8. The couventod decided to uontrihnto >100 towarls onabling Miua A^noa Bproulo to act as a tempo) aura raissionury m AJgoma. llov. E. O. Tay lor, who haw boon lonturing throughout Manitoba, was hoartlly ondornod by tho ftub-Fxeoutiye, Otio afternoon wan do- votod to school of Mothodn, tho paper pro- Rontoo dealing with "IIow to Hncooaa- fully oonduot local meetingo." Each mooting Hhoald bo in throo purfcu, vr/ t do- votiona|, biiBiuuiiH, iduoativo, Snporinton. dontd ot dennrtmentii nhould yivo written reporta at loaut ouco iu throo montlio. Mm, Thornloy otatod that "Conaoionofl, Time and Monoy, though hard to flod aro OHiiontial to tho progronH of this important work, You and I nro to blumo unloiifl wo labour to make tho right tho roal. Wo muat pray, work and Baorifloo." Ono rogu- lur mooting ahould ho devotod to thooou- aidoralion of requoets raado by tho torn- porauoo committoo from tho Ontario LogiH- Unmistakable Alt, FRANCIS' For Christmas. fr 4 * + * * Fur Capes worth $24 for $10 18 for *10 22 for 12 Ladies1 Black AHtrachan Coats worth for $30 Fur CapH nnd Muffs kept in stock at very low prices Flannelettes at 6c yard. $40 GROCERIES. - 3 lbn selected Currants lor 25c-, in boxes. 5 lbs Candy for 25c Nuts and Dates are all New Goods i cans Corn and Tomatoes for 25c 3 Boxes Matches for 25c 6 Cakes Eclipse Soap for 25c - " Best 25c Tea in the market. IF NOT GOOD, MONEY REFUNDED at J. A. Francis.' laturo. TCwjry availablo holp towards ed ucating public HButimont to tho utandar l of total abstinence must bo mada uao o( in preparing tor tlio Dominion plebiscite, A leaflet, by Dr. McK'iy, of Woodatoek en titled 'Tho FhbiHf.te. ' I1* w l| fuitud for circul ttion. "\Vr Note^," publiHlmd at the Montreal H'lfii'ss oiii , wiM alio bo fnund Viry tiHofril. At tb cIoho of tho local meeting Innch wuh provided and tlireo now ujomberH woio uridud. Hue fur your divorce in tho Umtctl St ttn Alhi rt Tj Widdtu, Vttotnry at Law and Solicitor in (Jhaucei>, 720 (Iham her of Connnerco, Detioit, Mich. \ I.ov^ly OhrlHfmiiN Work. A botutiful <Jhri*fm iq work ih out. It ih a (JIim t/*i n h licinn of tho Will FIow- orn of {! .uad t, i*eued l>y tlio Montri'al Star, It ih creating a furore. Pieraur Laurior wrote tho publmhoru a moat on- thuniaatio lottor on tho Wild Floworopub lication, and it was followed by oulo^ieo from Lady Abordfion, Sir Oliver Mowat, Sir Charlon Tupper mid all the principal artiatn of Canada and tho Stated. J^SSEX COUNTY COUNCIL. Nomination Meeting, Third Cutiut> Council JliviMou, ot Ehucx. County Sale Ito^iHtci*. Auction nalo of farm Htoolt, implomontn, etc , at lot 08, plan 323, Victoria Stroot, Ehhox, on Taoiiday, Dooouibor '22nd, at 1 p. rn, WmBatton, proprietor; Sinclair it Gormley, auotionoorn. Notice ih horoby qivon that i mooting will ba hU"' "r SS V5AIS iffiza;at-im Monday, December 21, '96, bntuLMi tbe houiHor onoaud two o'olook In tbo arturnooa (HtuiuIiLru timo) foi tlio nurpona of iionilmitluRciiiidJilHtouTor tho ollloo of f'ountv Couiichlnr for th ^ooom] County Coutjoll D\- vifiion of tho I'ounty of Khbok, amniionod of tho TownshljiH or (.oiiUold North ami Goollold houth and tho vtthtRtt of Kirifjiivillo. If a limator nuiiibor of oundidatofj nVo noml- uatod tlmn amroquirod to botlootod, tho riollfl will bo optuiod ut thoiiolllnp!rioy lor each of. Hju iiollirif; uiih (livlmouH wictnu tlio naid ilia. t.lot, on MONDAV, JANUARY 4th. IfloV tho liollo to continue oiion from niuo o'uloulc 111 tbo iiwriiliip until ilvo o'cloplc In tho uftornooii and no lonijor. A. n. WOODnRrDGK. , , it , , Nondtiatlnn oaiaor. Dated tbo liitli da> of Novombor. WOU. Notice to Creditor^ ilcadu of Hpiunmf* whaoln for Hiilo, Plumraor, McGregor. 'Jraoti 11 H. 4VnllcevllM TI10L.E. tfc D. R IX. aro ohitting aovoml of thoir agontfi. Mr. Stokon, who had boou at Blanhoira, 1*000 to Morlin, tho Sferlm agont to Whoatloy.uudtho SVhoatloy a^ont to .Blenheim. Godart and Sutoouri!, tho Fronoh aoron- aut, aro about to or^anko a ballon export ltiou for tho north polo. In tlic cstnte of George Mackenzie, of the Town of Essex, Physician, deceased. Notice in lmiobyjrivon, puraiiant to tbo uro- vifiionnof It, 8.0 1H87, Cfiaptor 110, Rootlon S* and itmimtllnri Aotti, that all pornor/H and uruilitorii timing claim or oliiimn aflalimt tbo oiitato or Oooro Macltonaio, lato of tlio Town of Knuox. in tlio County ol ftiisox, and Provlnoo of Ontario, l'liyuloian, doooaaud, who clIM on or about tlici Fourth day of iJooombor A 1) twill, nro horoby notlflod and Yoqulrnd to tie* livor to Mr. li A. Wlamor, 'J'own of Ehhox, one of tbo oYooutoru.n!) or bofo 0 tlio Sovonth duv of Jauuiivy, A. H. 11.07. htatomontn in wri 1J of thoir imiiion and addruHson mid full oartioiiiara of thulr ohiiinB and what iioomltiuii lir anvi bold by them. And furtbor taku notteo that aiior tlio said Bovouth day of .Tanuury. A. D lbi>7, tho Uxooutora will iirnaood'to aiStrlbnto tlio aniit'tB of tho nald ciKCuto amoiiL' tlio parties mjtmiiri, bftvlnu ronavd only to fcEo olaluiB of vlileh tny uluill tluui havo bad notioo, and thoy will not bo roupoimiblo tor tho said t'iwtfl or auy yart thoroof, no diutrlbutod to auy person or crodltora wbfiHO clulmn thav havo not had at tlio timo of distribution. JOHN MAOI>BtendOtV ) Kxomitora IfiDWAltD A. WIUMKH. I ffiato. IHtod at Kubox, Docomhor 17th, UUil. *, ' 1 A Si n^' ^1;^ 1SM $& T (.'s 1 ,^ jtl !/ '.^ t \r :iK <>w'<'"i} 'r)M>4