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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 11, 1896, p. 8

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^';v>V; '.' J'f{--:,,-V:!'yr5H-:^ I I llllj i leu's All-Wool Shirts, Worth. 76c, this Week for 50c. ----- Joys' Shirts and Drawers, each worth 35c- now 20c. GLOVES I Jnlined Kid Gloves, Price, 80c, this week, 50c. BRACES! Men's Braces, worth 40c, this week, 2oc, TIES! ?he Latest Bing Ties, price 50c now 35c ; 35c. now 25c. ; 25c. now 18c- 3oys'Ribbed Stockings, regular price, 40c. now 25c until cleared. * D. J. Whitney's HATTER MD FTJMISHER A. Good Thing . . . He dry Barlow will bo a candidate tot tnunioipal honors again for 1807* COIiOHIZSTICIt NOUT1I. llev. J..H. Alexander, who formerly wart Hiatlonod at Oolohoatar circuit of the A., M* K. '/Aon ohuroh, wan ou a viait to old frioudH hint wook, Ho in now atationed at Poutiuo, MJoh. Ofllocirti Oiuopouu and Mahonoy.of Wind* nor, on Thumday of hint week, rouolvod In* formation that Hod thorn to ball two that Chorion and Jcmfiph Halford, hoiui nf Win, HaHord, woro tho pnrtitm who ahuunltud tlio Jowiwh podluro tho pruvlotiH Tiioa- day night and wont to thoir homo to urroHt thorn bub without huouohh. On Friday, tho Ilulfordii' wont to Wiudoor and ploadinK guilty wow fli)nd'912.3ti oach. Kddm Uoiiarmi nml lJoiu<Uu .Tottery urn wlnwly recovering from typhoid fovnr. N. O. Wlmloy Hhipnod a coujdo of earn of droimnd hoj;H from om* ntution hint week. Chart. IToUon wont to Detroit hint wuott to hfivo bin lotf examined and probably op- oraud ou. dan. Kottlaii hull on^a^od Wm,Itoadhonno and CI. IIiitohniHOU to run hinulovei* luillor at Wooduloo, A concert wiu e;ivon in tho Tilythouwood ituhnnl limine on IVodnonday evening. Tlio pro^rammo coiiHitdnd of mutiic. by tho Bry- den orohcutra, nin^im*, reading and rocita- tionn hy tlio Jou M, Ilonry Gonoerl. Co., Mimi Blaneho ftodkirk und othertt. ICINOHVlLXilC A. very protty wedding took plaoo on Wednesday, December '2nd, at tho hud. (iunoo of Geor^o Malott, Main Btroob, whon his daughter, Annio, wan marriod to 13, Stafford Fox, of fchlfl yUla^o. Aboat fifty invited Kustu vrituoHfiod tho oororaouy,uftr which all eat tlowti to a moBC dolluhtful wedding BUppor1. Tho bridal uittu 'note numoroUH uud beautiful, indicating tho oh. toom in whloh tlio youti(( oouplo aro hold. Tho brldo waH Hiipportod hy MIhh Ijilho VoiikoH and I\liun Mmnio MulDonald, wlulo Moijnrn. Mo ft on and nilliard Mulott woro tho ^roonmmon. Tho ciiromouy wau por- formud hy llov. Dr. ftlarirt, of llitthvon. DIEBEL & BR1GKER. t'A> Important Those who want the hest of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out oi" our ofTeringH than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patronH say. What others have (Uncovered aliould interest you. )ur Shoes Look Well, Fit Well, Wear Well. Thin in tho leaut_wu_<ioiiliLpa-iHi!)ly Hay about them. If it wa not for our oxpi*riohco in Itathur w. could not hoU no cheap. Call and bo convinced lor yourHulf. m Hijjn of tho Goldon Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. i> m n.iitiiou'. Sumno] WiUon in on tho nick lint, Br unit it MoLcan aro running thoir mill overt iino, , The addition to tho Burrow fixohan^o in aluiiit oornplntdd. Mclntyro Bron. havo inovud into thoir now brick block. Mr. and Mru. ItuoaoU havo rotnmod to Detroit nftor an oxtondod viuit horo. Hiram Thornton, hnvinp; tioonroil a ililu- atiou in Dotroit, had niovoil bin family there*. Mm. O.K. Garrott has roturuod homo after an nxtoiidod viuit to Niagara lrallti and Buffalo. Joaoph Bfiwt in huildmt; an addition to bin rortidonco on Queen ittroot, north of tho Harrow Exohan^i. Thomas Flood will he u oandidato for Houva of GolchoHter Bouth noxt yoar and will likoly liayo no opposition. Frod. Itoaumo and Hobt. Uovvio will likoly ho tho only candid a ton for Deputy Buevo. ikicilm: iiivku. A. <T. Groon uhlppini a unv load of pork from horn on I'riday. fotcr BroHiioifc luui bought from John Cada, tho corner lot whoro .Ton, Ijiipion'ti hurnoMH nhop formorly atood. Mm, Thnman Moltoy, of Windnor, tipont a wook by tho boihtido of bor old noi^lihor and friend, Mm. Brofiitoit, who m utill yory low and iiufforiiij;. Bmhnp O'Connor, with numorotm prioutii from the (nirroundniK parinliuu, conuecrato'l tho main ultur ut tho church horo on Taon- day of laat wood, in protionco of a yory lartfo ooriKrii{4alion, Amonu tVionu prenont wi*ro Fr. Byan, of A.mliQiHtburp;, Fr. Cnnh- inj;, of Windnor, I^r. Buaudoio, of Walkor- villo. Yon an All-Wool Tweed Suit in G-rey, Brown and Fawn Colors made to your order for $ IS an extra good line and very suitable for school wear. "or $17, $i3, $19 and $20^-*^^^ Vve can ";ive yon a Huit f'ruin the Clyde Tweeds, !* These Good are equal to the 'Scotch arid come from &4 to $7 le.s.s, They look as well, wear as well, the color is guaranteed by the maker. Wo hava done the hulk of our trade thie seitson ho far in the (Jlyde VVoolleiiH, k- ?or i^ao Twill V/o J'.Jhifik Wovntcd Heavy weight i;i,vo ot)i'-r Hn(j3 snmo lower in i'om Ijl 5 up in Beavers, Wo csi'i ^ivu you a IK-iivy and will not -.'loss in wear. price, Bonin higher. Vv'a hnvo Overcoats Moltons and Kerseys. \\' eim Riv you boitc'r v,.tlncs in Madoto-Oi'iler Clothing than you c,i*.i do oisowhorc;. Ii' yuu ncud a Suit or Ovorooat lot lis .seo you. r deamington Carriage Ulorks. .-"a Farmers am/ thr J'uUic ht-ncrally : Ooiupctunt' jiul^fiK liavij dt-uiditil onco taoro that our BUGGIES and WAGON- Am; Tin: niitiT. Tbi yoar, 110 unuul, thoy lmvu Rivi-n uh (as I rub prison out of 11. pmirilbht unvon .t tlio joaniiuqtonl^Lir; fom; unit prizus ut Hmn.w ami ut V>cna It Ivor 'air oar 3Ui(!f{ioH Rot tlirco (\i i-.t mizoii out "1 n Oimililo ftvo f'ivi.'ii by the Hucioty, tlum miLlunj; Olojm iiwtui]) tit nil tho I-Siii-H thiil- our work !/tm on itxlilbltlon UjU fall. Our lhiinh wan ox- bUont. m'fiictlt wimthfi utiivtsninl dociHion or voryhodv tliat our vohlcU-fi hur|tntiu<l uny c\- IbltoCauy lormor yoarn. IJfJBt ff all, wi, ti'.hl ioro work at and thirlm: tho FiUib tlum all fchor coiiipotltoni nnhl nil imt tocothur. Bftill. :i1 laltlnR ovevv wook which wlil nujfc Uiu ruoHt 'liRtidioim. Wo avo now rnmlv to tako tirtlmo 'or S'ruit Waponri, Bo;;, Wn anil -CuirriimoH oi 'Wovy doiiorlptl n. Hopiiif'uni douo in all itu irauohoB. Ovdorn oolioitot'l, KliHt'H'ti Hii^uinu and Wi't^na and nil lnmln of foftrm trnplimiont'* und lllcycUin miiiphmlon Short uotlco and at u timull advunuu on coat. ThunkiiUJ our natroim for yimt favors 1 am, Yonrfi very ronnoottully, '. ' . W. P. McKENZIF, AKont- Tot tho abovo Worltii. Mos M. Ijoamln|(ton, Ont Suo for your divoroo in i.1jo Umtid teuton. Albert L. /Widdid,' Attoruuy i.fc Ijaw wtl Solioicor iu Ohaiioory, 7'iOChniti- tear of Corameroe* .Dotvolr, Mich. urmture Tlvoric who nocd Furnituro it will nay thorn to eximiiuo tlio very lino ami woll ussortfid BtOclv lit) tlio Composed of Parlor Huitof, Bedroom Suites,' Diningmom Suites. Easy OLail'H, OtovoryDoHoriptlow, Lounges,"Baby Carriages, Picture Pramew .Miido to order on short notice, and everything in tho shitpo of Fiirnituro too numcroxie to mention. Yon can ^et Fur niture horo for Igbs money than elsewhere, quality of gooda considered. Everything do- livered I'roo of charge. Jm d & HH Essex. if you wunt homo hlaiifuitHyou can tint htt or vaitiu for yonr iuouuy at J. E, S.ouh'h tliuti ut iitiy dthui* place lu the couufcv. Mr. Murphy id ublo to bo around a^niii. Mum Shaunouay, of Detroit, iu tho fjuuht of MinHllutlur. Minn A. Bhuohau han ^ono ou an oxtoiul- od viuit to Wuulnor und Detroit. Minn Clark, of Dotroit, who had boon Vitiitiuf* Mm, Slioelian, huti rotoruod. Holwicrt Dietriolt, of tho Alidtllo Uotid, dit-i on Monday of latit woc-k at an advauc- od itfiu aftor an iIIuchh of Hevurul montliH. MihH li. ytroi.g, who 1i.uh boon viHitnif" frionJH in Italoi^h, roturnut'l homo, uo- cotripaniocl hy ^Iibii I'inlan, of that placo. I injiccinr fipry, uf tho jiout oIVigm dopart- fm-iit, ciiiiihictoil an inquiry into the af- fairu of I ho St. Joachim pent oflluo, tho ro Hult of vurioua ooniphunt^ mado by hotuo of itu patrons, lr. ia undorniood that noth ing nern>UH wiih brought out, but that much improvt'tnoiit ii] pnhbiblo by but tor matia^c- mtriit and iiids'u privuuy in tho huudlinn of tbu innil. xVt Si. Joaahnn on Tuoiulay of lant. woelt, .Jud^u Horno heard an appeal ni;ido by Joh. L'lt.'cairo, from an award undue tlio Wutor ouur-o^ act. Many witnonnjH woro hoard and bin honor will deoido tho cilho at tho town Isii'I Ik'I'l- on WodncHday, tho lfith Du^cnd).:r coruin^. Tho quc-Htion nivolvod ia tin.' u.-iiial out; in all mich dinputeu. vi/..: what proportion of tho cout of a ditoh nhonltl laud noar an outlet, -that can ha dr*dnod witliout, boar toward tlio con- utructii'ii and inainl.ouanco? Hay Youu^, I^hmuk, hi in tho umploy of Juhn L. Winter. Mru. Tjamptnan, and youn^ oon, Goor^o, of Kin^Hvillo, callod on A. Cr. Budolln and wifo hint wook. Itov. W. n, Shaw pronchud an uxctdlon t odnoatioriil diHtiournu iu tlio North, Itid^o MothodiHt Churoh lu-jt Sunday morning. Tho Mothodiit Church will givo thoir unuiial oohool ontortuinmont ou Woduou- day, '23rd innt. A nood tirno may bo ojc- pootod. Mr, Manning, Principal-, public School, Ktioox, in ox pootod to proaoh iu tho Moth- odint Church noxt Sabbath, at 11. a.m. Fritimla cordially invited. Jion. Sfoto iihouldored hid guu and wbihtolud hia way toMuibuukti nf tho Can ard ltivor in Celchontor North omi day hint week and huueeedud in bag^in^ oi^ht partridLjQ. Wo aro ploiiiiod to loam that our gh- toouiodtiobool teacher, Mru. Halt/.or, huii boon oiijni^ed for tho coming yoar. Wo congratulate tho hoction in having ouu no paiuHtakrn^ in hor wprlt and winli hor ureat hiiccohei. The houue ououpiorl by Satnuol Baltzor cuuf^ht liro Unit Friday about noon. A volunteer huckot brigade wan on band in a fow miuutoH after tho (ice atarted and noon oxtinguiiibod tho UamoH. Tho ohirancy firot caught and burnod ho fiercely that tho iihiunlaH oIoho to it alao cauirht. No Horiotid damage wan done hoinuert tho burning of a fow Hliin^U:n elouo tho chimney. A largo wu^oii load o our youuK and middle aped nimroda went to tho Canard Itivor in ColchoHtor North laat Monday. They took f^uiiH. forrota oto, hut, ^aniuwan vory HCarco, and thoy got ono partridge,two rod hquirrolH, and drove about a dozen rab bits into a lano hole in tho ground ou the harden of tho river. \Vonloy Morn* in tho hoy who idiot the* partridge. Goods Purchase. We have passed into Stock the Larg est Assortment of New Dress G-oods we ever had, and commencing Satur day Morning we wilKoffer For Two Weeks Only, The Following Bargains : 25 tJi'?ocft Pure Wocl DrottH Korgon, in Blaok only, regular price 2fio and 28o a yard, Bargain Price, lUc a yard, 5 Pieoi'O of Mixed Twood Klfocte, n-gular price 9'2c a yard, rnducod to 18o a yard. | 0 Pi"e<w of 1^-Tnch Black Twill l-'lannol, regular price iJOc a yard, reduced to 2fie a yar'J. 4- Pu'coh of Fancy Tweed Drosm Goodn, regular price oOo a yard, roduood to i\7\-i a yard. 30 Drcnu Pattornn of Columbia Twood lJrcnn GoodH, ro^ular prico tfl and ft 1.25 por yard, reduced to H74u a yard. J 3 DroHM CoHtnmou in Fanov liouclo, Two. toned, n-fjular price 87.50, S8, $0, ohoioo of the lot for 80.'.)5. Spcuial Offoringti in Black CaHhmoroti at 10;, 50a and 75j a yard. To furthor mtroduco Priestly's Black Dres^ Goods, wooffor dor- ing thin dale a reduction Of 10 per couL off mgul-ir prioofi. Also Liberal Offerings such as no other store will attempt in Ladies' Misses', and Children's Mantles and Men's Boys'and Youths' Overcoats. i r!M I . $ r, ' :.iS 'Hi Hi i I I Rsmembar, For Two Waeks Only. The Millinery Department is again replete with_-Uie latest creations' in Hats, Bonnets, Toques, &c. Tha Great Corner Storo. Diebel & Bricker. i-'Jil # OlilNOA. MrH. Grove Whaley in ill with heart trouble, Karl Irwin iu ill with lung trouble at tho homu of bid uncle, J. H. Hiowurt. Zenuri Urton in on tho war pmth every duy undnayH ho ih kuto of election. (J. It. Gahcoyno in putting a now furnaco iu bid runidence. K. Corlutb did the mtiHon work. Win. Grow, of Young Ireland, haa pur- chaned ti new or^au trom Mr. Ilobaou, ayt'iu. M. G. Brnuer and wifo are on a two Wi'ekri1' viuit with relativoH and friendw in Miolii^an. M. G. Druner in out for councillor for 1H07, tho citizenii of thin ooctiou having do- cidcd, at a mooting lately to btuud by him. John Hosh ban bought a thoroughbred Poland China hog from E. A. Kullivan, of Sandwich South. .John boliovoo iu good Block. Tho Hamilton Smelling Works whipped a carload vi bug iron ore from hero hint week. Ir, wan takou from Daniel Corlott'u farm. MaHter Dan Odotto, of Windsor, who. in uponding tliowiutor uc tho homo of hio uuolo, li. G. Corlott, loll into a wtll in tho collar Jatoly and brolto tbroo of bin ribo. We undonitand that TJ. H, Phillipn, hint wock, roceivod a ohequo through hm nolio- itor, M. K, Cowan, dt Wiuditor, from tho MauHaobUHottn Mutual Bonoflt A^BOoiatiou. for 91,000, policy on tho life of .hia undo, Slmou I?hillipn, who died iu Juno lunb and who wan muuroci in that.oooopany. Proof a of death were funnnhod tho company ovoe throo raonthw u^o, Tho ooinpauy havo boon uomowhat, ulow In dealing wifch tho uittttot though wo aoo no mulhou why they hhould havo been, ut] everything waa satis- factory. MAIONTONi: A non of ex-Keevo 0. A. Wintomuto wan marriod on Wahu'Hday to IMi^ii McDowell, daughter of Alex. IMcUow-lI. Patrick Sloran, un old resident of thhj towtihhip died at tho homo of hia (laughter in Wuulhor ou Tuomluy, of kidney trouble after an illneHs of homo inoutliH. He leuyoH a wife and a number of children, all grown up. odd ot the- daughters buing the wifo of CliarldH Fnx, mail clerk of Wiudijo.r. Chief Camnoau and Detective Mahoii'iy were in Maid atone on Friday investigating tho robber} that, took placo there ou Fri day provroUH. Old Mr. Wylio, who liye.i alioub four tnikMi from Maidntono Cro >h, .wan at the villago that duy an I just about dunk iHiirted down tlio IWimilo roa.l for homo. When about .half a milo from tho Oronb a man camo up behind him and trip pint; him, throw him on his face. The man then kntdt upon him and tnra bin poukob out which contuinod over 1. Tho old gr:ntloman, who in t'uo fatlier-in-1 lw of Alex, 3\lcDoweH,is8:j yearn of ujjo and wan not uhlo to identify tlio pernou who took" bin money. At hrat ho thought bo could but when the tifiiceifi wont to him ho con* fenaud that ho wan not able to do no. An unknown man wan found dead ou tho north donplo track, ono milo oust of Tociurifiuh, ,\Vedm.hday uigbt of hint week. Ho wan drennnd in dark olothen, hoft fell hat, hud 8L.25 in chango in Iuh pooketH, but nothing to nliow whoro from. Ho hud rod hair, bluo oycH and light comploxion, wan clean bbavodi ud hair cut clone bo- hind uuJ pompadour in front, about 20 or 21 yoai-H of ago, looked roapeotablo. Cor oner Roaumo, of Winduor, wan inntruotod by Rooyo Corbott, of Maidntonn, *q yiew tho roinaiuR and oamo up on Thuruday but did not doom it nocepnary to hold an in- qaont. It appoaiod that ho wan iitoaling a rido and waa ittinK on tho oouplinKa whon ho foil off und tho train paauod over him. Tho loft arm waa' broken and nearly Hovorod from tho body, wlulo tho v\p\\t arm wan out, off. Ho waa alao muoh brained about tho head and body uud ono log wan Hovorod. Ooronot Roaumo mado arrangomoutfl to have tho ruraatna intorrod in tho PrdHbytorlun burying ground and thiu wan douo at tho oipouao of tho town- ship. On Saturduy, it ' wan aBoorfcainod that tho young man wai John Ha^garfc, of Detroit, hia aiother having come aver and identified hitxi. Mth. Alfred B. Uaker npent ton dayo vinitin^ at tho reoidonco of hor father, W. Blight. The GhrintnmH entertainment will be hold in tho church ou tho evening of tho 'JUrd mat, Mrn. Itodd ban roturuod from Detroit where nlte had been on a viuit-to bur hou. Dr. K. Rb"dd. There wan a bee iu the churchyard on tho 'Jib Inst.preparing for tho final raihii g of tho church nhed. MrH. Mout^oiai.-ry haa returned to Now Brutmwick aftt-r a protracted viuit to her daughter, Mru. lid. Sweet. Win, Hattou ban returned from the North Went whoro ho had buna on a tour of inspection, llu hart takuu up land tmd probith'.y will return thcro ngain ahorily. Thoro in riomu talk of reorganizing tho Good IViuplar liodgo m tlio Tomperancu Hall but your corre.spuiuhmt in of the opinion that an op^u tempcrnneii meeting onou a month would bo conducive of far moro good. Mr. Baker ban an extraordinaiy gooso, Khe laid in tho apring and hutch* il out, liar gHlmgnbut Inst them all. Sho h m laid a- gain thin fall 21 eggn that wo hitvu taken from her nont and fuel oulhdied that hho ban laid two moro e^gn thnt w: re destroyed by a pig. Mihu. Morton, of Toronto, (Evangelist) preached ih Ou-ito church on bmiday even ing laat and alno conducted tho nervioo thero on Monday evening, Sho ban hot-u laboring m Bolhol church for about four wocUh vary ouccoHiifully adding 05 to tho numhor of convorto. Aa William Phillipn and Minn Elizabeth Bwoot were ou then' way to Cotttim ou Tneoday to Heouro tho nervicon of Rev. Mr. Shaw to marry them, thoir horHfiti ran away and they wore thrown out. Luckily uaithor wan- hurt though their olothun woro covered with rani. Nothing daunted, howovor, ilioy rooovorud their toira and driving' to Esncx got oluanad up . and proceeded to Uottam whoro tho knot wnn tiod hard and 'ant. Their friondn aro ox- tending congratnlationn. I *A ESSEX ME8ICAL HALL. In Great Variety, .^laus IIan arrivod with a botuiteoua Hupply of Xmaa and New Yenr's Goods.................. Flush Uoodw In Grunt Variety. <'.llnl>\)i ^loy'e uifd JtVuiKllc^tlner ClIMi H. SnlOtKllf] ANUOI-tlllOUt Of ItlblCM uud tlio I*oeiH. -^ For ihe Children-'**- Wo liave a nplondid aHtiorfcmont' of Doils, in all color* und sizes. Tin, Ivon and Wooden Toys*, Toy Woolen nntl Guraos, Holiday Headquarters. Q, A. SHERRIN. ......BBSE2r...... NOTICE. TOWN qF'ESSEX. A COURT. OF KBVIfllON FOIITHK HBAH- hill and trial of Aopoalii aalnnt tho Front- aao Uoabuvowontfl or any part of By-Law No. 2,^5, for tho livyinK &a*m of a four foot IMno Plaulc Bldowalk. oa tho omet nlda of GotiUo Bfcvoot, from 1'albot Btroob tstj-foat Houtli, n-nrt from AUoo Htroufe lfU> foot fionth, will ha hold in the Town Hall, at B o'oloolc, p.m.. on tnesday, the 15th day of becembetv 1800. A. Sobtidulo of Raid lota oan bo booh In tho olork'a offloe. JON WALTERS, Olork'a pfflco, TowuClotk. Bsbox Deoembbr 2nd, 1800, Music * Btotiii TT A T?Tsf $ Piano sjti&F ix^xvxM ^ organs- '^ A BPKoiAivry. ^ii^S ...............Ouu luvulBh any "of tho follow! Old Jleintznian, ./?*?//, Nonlheityer,'-': M$L% Stcinway, 'CAtrlvrw^ JSvatts, dr., ' ,$j$ Will duplicate any InBtrumoiifc pnrobjir"J" In tho town within tho pUHt two yoara; fqrTl IjHidH than tho prloo pahh , '/'"-' W'X Will-furnloh ANY mNO.fbreWXBBB$W you.oan puvoha&o uhiewhoro, "";;'.'!"iSii , |||| 13y Vtat, Ijayuinn. OreaiiB and Bewl" MaohlnoB Kopaured. V': Mu&Io IiOfiBOim-35 per tormof 2'31oBBon.^S 3ud Door Nortb ofinL^ JiU'- Biiite^iiMii^^

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