h Select it w WX*/f * ;j<: If ^' Ife. ' [if'i. # You are certainly going to make some Christmas Gifts this yoar and the sooner you see our stock the better selection you will have to make from. JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co. BANKERS^ ^ Atfonts for Tho Royal. Tlio Guardian jmd Tho IjivnoaBhi-i'o, Tho bostliiBuraiifiu CoiiiyaiiliiMlu tho world. . WuknukuibHpoollLlty of Itiimrhift Vunn Vxo* porty. Monoy to Louii ut & uiitl Bki por aout- on Vurm Farmers. Jmttmww in Good Reliable Com/atiii-s. NOTICE. All Aceor.ntn duo tlio Into firm ol ])iih. JJuwAJi k MoKkn/.ik nro payable toDu. Dkwau, Wind sor. A prompt eottlouaout in vequoRtt-tl. The Essex Freo Press. BRETT & AULD, PHOI'HIETOHS- latlBAY, DCEK.uBJSH 11, 1800, Town and Vicinity. Our Stock is Larger and and more varied than any previous year's and you cannot afford to pass us by if you are in search of Fancy China AND-------- K \t- Brioa-brace -*^> Books, Work Boxes, Albums, Stationery, Dolls, Toys, : And All Kinds of Use ful and Fancy Articles Having such an immense Assortment we cannot quote prices but you will find that they are exceed ingly low though the quality is high. In addition to our lar lhrss me have. rega- I'm \y h- Candies, Nuts, Cigars, &c, In Stock. Parents m #' -. will do well to call early and secure what Presents they desire for their children for the coming fesfcivb season. 5 Ifan. raioino 26o. at Hmith'it. 5 lba. oodiiinK fln<> for 'J;io. ut Bmitli'ii. 1 lbn extra ohoioa miititm and currantn for 2Go.ut Bmitli'ii. Tho Public Suhool Trutttoo Bourtf will moot thia (Friday) ovouiiifl. MiiBtor Ewart Gihnon, o( Whoutloy, ban boon vmitin^ ut John MoDou^all'n in town, T, J. L. Ormo, ot Wallmrvillo, was u oallor at tho Fiusn Viuwn ottico ou Friday liuit. M.J. WikIo&Co. aro doinii a runbiujif butiinotm in clothing. Pricca aud qualitj toll. Court of roviDiou ou tho Contra street flidowalk by-law will bo hold next Tueuday ovoniDtf. FOUND will bo do. livorod on payment of tlnsi ad. and proof of owaornhip. Enquire ut Pout Oflioo. A. MoNoill, of Windoor, wau olootod ono of tho direotorH of tbo Ontuno Fruit Grow- oro' Annooiation at tbo annual mooting bold at Kington bint woek, Tbo Ituviow Priutinti Compuuy, of WindHor, bun boon or^uniKod with a citpi- tal of 820.000, tho utooklioldorn boinu F. II. MucpborHon, J. II. Lon^, John Siilo, Dr. Camoy and Dr. Keaumo. Onr now SSo tun. is bettor thim oyer. TVI. J. Wicln & Co. A. J. Croon shipped a uar load of hogo from Kouth Woodnloo on Tuosday of lust WgoU and from Amborothurg on Friday. Mr, Groon baB had hin warohonHo raovod from Muidntono Cronn to Uldcantto. IIo will not build u wartjhonuo at Amborutbur^ but will buy ou tho earn tboro. Twonty Canadianu who wout acroHH tho river at Detroit on Friday to go to work iu tho lurabor camrjfi of Michigan woro boui buck by Iraroigration InHpoctor McGlo^uu. Yot the U. S. Govorumout ban for yoani oucoara^'uil immigrutiou from Europe, with tho rohult that thoy poBHOtia a unper- abundunco of Polackn, ItubaiiH and hucIi like. LaHt wooU'h Gau City Nowa, of Loamiug. ton, had tbo following item: "Whilo Guo Munro wuk lighting tbo (uu in tbo furnace at Gardner Brou.' factory on Tueaday moruiuir, ho narrowly averted a painful accident, Tho HtimoH flpurtod out in hm faco, hin^oinf* hiu oyubrowH and lashos and Hutting fire to bin hair, but beyond thin no harm wan douo." Hifjhoht catih price paid for Uidos and nico frouwiuartoro of boof Hold at 4 cowh a pound at R. Tuto'H. A Hpcciul moetint; of tho town couuoil will ho held tbiu (Friday) evening to paHH what iiocountH aro duo, ho that tho Trcua- uror may got bin flnanaial Htatoment in nhapo for tho 15th iunt. Tho regular meotinir of tho council will bo bold next TuoHday ovening. For yoarn, Ehoox Town council have rofunod to pay any aooountn after tho 15th of December, u practice which inuny oouuoiln will now liavo to fol low, a by recent; amendment!! to tho law their term of oflieo expiruu on tho 3lHt of Dccetubor.- EeHox Council, C. O. (J. F., olootod tho following ofiiuoru en ATouday ovoiiiug fur tho coining turm : Punt Couuoillor, Alex. J. Wilcox ; Chief Councillor, Kuv. H. lCumphcll; Vice-Councillor.MrQ. Lickmau ; Iteaordur Treanuror, Thou. Hush; Aaat. Kocordcr, - MiaH H, L. iiunh ; Prehitu, Mru, John I-Iopqood ; Marnbal, U. Wi^lo ; Warden, Arthur Cbutoli; Guard, Wm. Lippatt ; Sentry, John Koane ; Trubteon, Dr. J. W. Prion, Mra. Gopuoll and \V. fgoto Huthvon, then Church ; lnt ropioKontativo to Griimi Coun. cil, W. MarkDoOow; 2nd roproaontativo, jilra. W. Churoh; lat ultoruatQ, A. J. Wil cox ; 2nd ultornato, W. Church. Go to Adams' for homo blankotn. Thoy arc tho cboupeat and beat in tho oonufcv, hecuiiHO ho raauufaotarun them uud dooa not have to pay tbo middloraau bin profit. If tbo Firo Brigade is going to hay3 tho ilro whwtlo blown on ' praotioo nightQ, fionao undorntandiug iihould bo arrivod at by wbioh the citizouu can tel, when tho whintlo in blown, whotb'or a Aro alarm in boing givon or junfc a praotioo oull- Wlion cbo whiatlo wau blown a oonplo of wocku ago, numboro turned out and hur- riod to tho watorwo.rkH, only to find that tho firomon woro called for praotioo. Whoa tbo alarm wub Bounded on Friday night laofc, vory !o<w tarnod oat. thiukinfj thut tbo mou were oallod for praotioo. In ciFion of liro a tmmbor of tihort blaiitH 'abould bo givou wbilo tho proaout eigual would do for praotiou nighte. Heavy cotton blaukotu 90o por pair, wool bUukotu 52,'2& porpair, at tJmlth'o, Boat 25otoa iu Kbbox at Smith's. Uoavy ulstor coats, atorm collar, for mon, 9175, at Bmitb'w, John Laing yiaitod ut Valotta, Kont Co., laflt Weok, It*d a boauty. Whufc? that 'Jfio oap and luoorut Purk'w. Whiditor lrool olootrto lifthtH ootifc ovr 880 u your ouch. Wdhum l^iy.ar, of AtnliurntburKi vwllod In town thin wook. 11 uadii of Hpiunini; wh't'dn for hilIu. II Plummor, McGregor. Union \J. l.'c)nipl"l.(in in now a|!<ml. un thn M. C. It ut McGi't'gor, in pluco of h. Welch, ro- n:i!ii':il, ;WlHN IlWtllR . IJ. IJ Ul'lllHULIl Wit.i Ut :.:i.i.iu, of .Mrt. i). A. Yiiinu;. of S-mth VvV.<h1i,Ii.m\ a ft:W tlityn hint Wi:t'U. Divinioii Con ft HitiiugH ut Pl'cU'h Hall on Tnct.ilay linxt, tho l">tb in.it. 'SUm dnckftt ptoinu(-'-:i to lie a IfDMLhy one. The A. O. lJ.AV...aiim:HHiin*nt for Peenin- bw in 81. making ftM in all during lH'ji). Tho K. O. T. M. Iiuvd hud V.l uiiat-Hiimontii thlft yoar. W. O. Church, a former J'Jonex boy, now travelling for the largo drug buuno of Ntd. non, IhiUd' A Co., of JJotroit, upent a day or two with bin parontn, thtRWcok. Hohnm'Tont, No. 7<1, K. O. T, M.r will oloot ofhet-ra ou Monday ovoninfj noxt for tho coining torm. Inntallatiou will take place on tho Unit Aloud uy in il an miry. W. Church hold to Andrew Cumpboll, of Handwinh South, 50 acroH of land, bomg partu of imu 1 iind a in the Btb coiioetinion, tbo property of tbo lato W. D. O'Noil, of Sandwich South, Tho repulur mooting of tho W. C. T. V. will bo held at iho homo of Mrn. Church, ou. Monday noxt, at II o'clock p. m . Mra. Muxwoll will bo prooont and givo an addroBR. All aro cordially inyitod to attond. Havo your watchcii repaired at Ovonu', tbo now jewolor. -10-tt Tho momborn of Eohox Couucil of Cuua- diuii Ordor of Choiien FrieniU, will meet at ihtiir lodge roomn ut tho Oddfollown' Ilall at lO.lu a.m. on Sunday next and prooood in a body to tho Ehhox BaptiHt Church whoro tho auuivonmry aorviccn of tho ordor will bo oonductod by Rov. M. P. Campholl. C. Krieiihoff'a annual boan contoht in on. To tho ono guoniiing tho oxaot number of beanit in a jar wdl roooivo a 810 crayon portrait of him or boraolf, Dunidon thirty prorniumfl will bo given to tbooo gueH'iing tbo nonroHt to tho number. Tho yxt in in tho Frke iMnsBB window. Conteut cIohoh Decoral>cr 31st. At a moating' of tho committee on touchem of tho Windsor Board of Educa tion ou Saturday, among other appoint- nionto wan that of Mian Bonaio Cumpboll, of Fhhox, to take tho pluoo of MiimCouttii, who goon to Normal School. Mifla. Camp bell ih now angagod at S, S. No. in Colchoatcr North, T. II. DoCew huH a numbor of valuablo heavy Iioeho!! and boUi of liarncflU'to floll at low prioea. Ruanonuhlo timo given on furnibhing good aecurity. Apply to \V. Mark DoCew, Ehhox. Tho winter ruteu on tho M.C.R. took effect on TucHday of thia woek, cohHequont ilpontho qIoho of navigation aud tho rail road having no oppaniiion from Amhonit- burg to Wiudaor and Detroit!__Tho furoH from Amborotbnrg to Windoor now aro 00 oenta and fti and from Amliorntburtf to Detroit, 70 centH and 81,20. Tho vaoaut poyitionu in tho Leamington High Sobool bavo boon tilled by tbo ap pointment of Lyman Brown, 13. A., of Gan- unuqiiQ, iih elaauical raudtor, and F. J. Woidonhammur an modern mantor. Tho otaff for 1807 will couHint of thono two and'L. M. Scratch, HQionoo iipooialiut, with J, Elliott, B. A., a principal. l3o nuro and get your blankota, Hhcoting, yarn and Uanuehi from M. J. vViglo A Co. Tho Board of Management of tbo Fub Iio Library havo arranged for outorto-in- montH on tho following Friday ovouiugfl and thiB timely notico iu givon in tho bopo that all frioudn of the Library and tho oitizouH gonorally will do their boat to plan thoir own Hooial, oburob or public gatbor- ngu aa to avoid olaHhiu^ with tbom: Jan. 15th, CanvorHUKiono; Jj'ob, ilth, Miihic, reading reoitationn and half hour leoturo; Fob. 2()th, a Viotormn ovonin^ in commem oration of tho exceptionally long roigu of Hor Aliijouty, tho Qucjeu. Mins Morton, tho ovungoliot, who ban been UHamtiug Ilov. C. W. Kunnody in ypacial aorvicoH at BotholMetboditlt ohurch, Elford, for nomn wookti past, left for hor. homo in Toronto on Woduosday, to opond tho ChriHtuiftH liolidayH. Sho oxppcto to ro- tnrn uftor NowYetiraand conduct moot- iugH on behalf of Key. A. Thibaudoau on tho Maidatono circuit aftor winch bho will to Cottam. Mihb Morton was engaged iu tho work in East ern Ontario hoforo coming to thin county and in an. oarnoab workor who ban met with good RUOCOHO. Tho Fire Brigado was called out on Fri day evening laat ahom nine o'clock to put out a liro in a diuglo tary framo bouuo on tho went tddo of Viotoria Ayonuo, Tbo ilro was nofiocd by panHoraby who naw flumoR coming out near tbo junolion of tho kitohon and tho main part of tho building and it took tho ftromon but a nhort time to got out tho booo and havo two utroamB playing on t.ho blaze, tho roault hoin^ that tbo flamoB woro noon oxtingumhod, Tbo damugo 'amounts to about 8i00, Th* building wau ownod by .lonoph May, jr., but had boon occupied by ThoH, Jordan up till tho' day of tbo firo, when Mr, Jordan moved out. The building wua than unoccupied aud bow tho ilro ntarted in a rayntory/' Thero wan an inuurauafl on tho building, which waa a oomparativoly now ono and worth about 8400. tiaiioa'. styliBh boatq ^2.C0 . oaoh at Smith's. . &r Itaiaina, Ofio a box,at Smith's. Got your Xmui groooHoa at Smith's. Boots and bUooh, wxtra aboap now, at Smith's. Kli Irwin, of Olinda, is visiiing In town, Mr, Kdmnnds, of Toronto, is tbo now drug olork at EaHOiC Medical Hull. Mihh Grace Wiglu, of AmhorHtburg, ban boon visiting in town at J, II. Wiglo'u. Colloctor of Cuntomii Gott, of Aiuliurst- burg.wau iu town on bintirniHii ou Tuciiday. Miildon townuliip and Kingcyillo village will vote on Local Option by-luwii ou flumiiiry ttli. Kprcial prioi'H givon on front page, aro for Lim month of l.)i irmlior only. K. L, Park. V*. .J. Lovlniiu in viiiiting in town with bin family and will likely rumain until afti.-r tlin holidayii. Central Cndg.i, A, V, A:. A. M., will eluct (jfii ;ut'H at itii regular meeting ou Wed- unnilay (iVi-niiig nijxt. l.-'or bootfi, niluon and rubborii go^to M. J. Wi;ilo & Co. Jubn Hojii-ni, who hay boon in tbo em ploy of Witcu ai.d Brown au bakoi', loft on Monday wit hunt Htatinj; where Jio .{jwiui going. The Comity Troamiror'n nalo ot laudu for tax en will tako pi a en on ^Wodnooday, Do. cijmbor Itjth, ut 10 a. m., at tho Court Henna,.Sandwich, Alox. Laing Hold ono of bin Planotarinmii thin.wookto tho Fublio Sobool afJildgar Mills, and ono to Hoy. Father Bomuid. of AmherHthurg, who donirou it for hin ov/n fipocial UHO. To tho High School Soholaru of Eauox High School,I have in utock a lot of uouvo- nir China with High School Building on ; A nioo proaont to one another. Furk, Jowolor. Now onrranto, raininH, Ggn, poohi, oto. at M.J. VViglo JiCa. Diobol & Briokor shipped threo our load a ot dreiiHod hotjn laot Wodnenday. Notwith- ntanding thn prononc low prioon over] threo thousand livo hundred dollars wan paid out to farmuio. . Among other reduotiono in tho titaff on tho M. C. It. woro tho laying off of nearly at] of the day oporutora at tho ntatioiiH in Canada. Only four aro now. loft wont of St. ThomaH, at Itidgotowu, Combor, Easox and WindHor. The wardens who will bo elected undor tho now County Uouuoila'Act, I8'J(>, will hold oflico for two yoam without ro-oloa- tion. ltopronoutativen raunt bo rouideutn of tho Divmion thoy r(jpronout and hold "office foTtweryoarn. Ekuox Contro Lodgo, A. O. U. W., will norat nato ofiicora on Monday evening noxt and elect on tho following mooting night, the 28th inat. D. D. G. M, Roan, of Valotta, ia oxpoctod to vinifc tho lodgo on Monday ovouing: noxt. Tho Ladioa' Aid of tho Proribytoriau churoh will hold their Annual Bouofit Salo at tho homo of Mrs. C. L. CraBUwoller^on tho ovoning of Deo. 11th, Tea nerved promptly at (1 o'clock. Admiunion,25contB. May. A. B. Coorisn, Booretary. . W. H. Kenuody, forraorly of Watford, has opened up a law oflioo in the corner of tho Aberdeen block. Monoy to loan at 5, b\ and G per cent., according to Hocurity. Collecting, convoyauuing and winding up eHtatou, a Rpooialty ; alno a number of fluo farmu for nalo, M. J, Wiglc ifc.Co. are ntill Rolling ovor- ooata at ridicnbonoly low prioon. Court Royal, I. O. F.,on Tuenday ovon- ing, olootod tho following ofiicora for the coming torm : O. R., W. J.Dowar; V. O. R., N. P. Wiglo; Reo. Sec, W, O. Shaw ; F. S. and Trean., A. Rainon; Chap., Houry Barlow ; S. W,, R, E. Gregory ; J. W., G. M. Thornton ; S. B Court Fhjniciann, Dm. J. W. Brion, J, E. Jounor aud J. Bneu ;.C. D. II. C. R., M. J. Wiglo. Inntallatiou on Tuowday oyon- ing, January 12th, by Court Deputy. >i lba. gingor auapa 25o, -1 tina fiardinoH 2,'5o, 3 boxon of inatchon for 2oo, lomon pool fil)c. por lb., at Smith's. An' Explanation. Omeoof Tho Mercantile Agoncy, R, G. Dun .t Co. London, Out., Novombor iJOth, IHKtf. Monnrfl. Barrutt it Co., Wallucoburg, Ont. Dear Sirn-*Dy nn unfortunate orror in transmitting- information over tbo tolo- graph, tho itorn of yonroiooingup bUHinoou in Ehbox way incorrectly reported on our bulletin an anaigued. We regret thiH very muob, and havo tuken the oarlioat oppor tunity thin morning to topograph to all intorontod, correotiug tho name, and wo havo a]no oauaoci an item to ho printed on our Bheot for to-morrow. Wo approhond that no damage will bo donu in any way, but wo can recognize tho fact that it would bo annoying to you, and wo tako thin early opportunity of informing yon of tho action we havo takou to correct tho orror, and to apologise for tho name. Yours vory truly, R. G.Dun, Jk'Co. Headquarters For Fine Watch Repairing. The New Jeweller, Ilan all tlio latent iiunrovna tools ami doyiooH lor iitljuiitlnft tlio ibiont ami mont December Cuts.. Continued mild weather, means LOST Profits. G-oods MUST be sold to make room for new lines. We mean to slash prices at once FOR CASH, dome early as no lines when." out will be replaced at prices quoted. Twood \>v(*n Gooda, rogular, iifio. itnd 80c. lnioii for 18*( IHiuK- and Golorod, rogular, 50o. and CiOo, linon rcJucod 1 Extra Moavy All fjinoH in 'lo.; 7/io. and Ho. for r7.; Si and $1.26 for H7o. Thooo CiiLsi aro lil'.LOvV Mannfat'turorfi* Pvicoh our Iohh in your gain---- jufjt come and tioo for yoiu-Holf tlio GREAT VALUE wu oifcr. Extra Uaiivy Groy Gottonn, regular Ho. lino, for 11^:,, by iho pioco. Something Special in Towoliu--, worth Be, for 'IJc. a yard. Regular !(o. Flannolctto for Be. Standard Blurting, 10c. a .yd. Heav* Feather Ticking, Die. yd, Floor or Tublo Oil Cloth wortli -loo. for 27c.yd. Ladies' Heavy Under-Vests, 18c. Fino Wool Hone, 1040. por pair.--------' Girft' Vmtn or Praworu, 20o. each, Grents.' All-Wool Underwear^or Top Shirt*. 4Cc. each. Gonta.' apocial lino at 2/io. each. Sen our floecolinod for Mon and Roys. ......Snaps in Ladies' Fine Shoes...... Regular $1.75 lino for !$1.BG, rogular $2.00 and $2.26 lino for $l,7/i regular $11 and $8.25 lino $2.50. Job Lot of Girls' and Hoya' Laco and Buttonod Shooa at about half-price in sizes 10, 11, l'j and 13 000 thorn. ......Grents.' Fine Shoes...... Regular Valuo $1.50 for $1.15 ; $2.25 and $2.50 lino for 81.85 ; $8/2,"; and $8.50 lino for $2.75. Numerous other Cuta will bo given. Special Prices in Rubber Goods. (4b1V. - ... - ."Men's Extra Heavy Freize Ulsters, with Stormy Collar. '1.75. JJoya' Linos from $0 up. '. Boys' Suitfl from $1,75 up. Mon's Suits $7 reduced to $5, $8 and $Ji roduced to $0.05 ; $12 and $1-1 reducod to $8.95. Greatest Values gvcj shown. Ladies' Goats deduced from $5 to $2.50, $6.50 to $4 ; $10 to $6.25 all new and atylish. GROCERIES 4 lbH Now EaiDino for............ 25o 4 lba Now Onrraotn.............. 2fio 4 lba Laundry Starch............ .'Jflo 4 Barn Oatmeal or CiiGtilo Soap .. 2no Ground Blook Peppor........... 15c lb 0 lbn Baking Soda.............. 2fio 4 lba Good Piga................. 2Co .10 Ibp Bollod Oato ............., 26o 4 lba Tapioca.................... 26o IJ BottloH Extract.......-..-....... 2ftj 4 Boxoh SardiuoH..'.............. 26a :(. Boxon Qlutchoa.....'........... 2Ca Loraou and Oran^o PooIh........ 2QoJb 8^, Best 25c. Tea or Coffee in Essex. 6. E. SMITH & CO WHITNI3Y B1LOCIC, ESSKX. t have them coming' almost daily. o Do you want to buy one this fall ? . . . H Come and see us. Wil try and please you . Richardson, Hardware, Essex, Ont. .rE^oi*. rraac^s!- Wilcox & Brown plloatoil WiitohuB, and Can OurtraKitco BntiBfaotion. . oom- Orders tttlton from Catalogue for nil kinds of Watohos, Jew- ololry, Bilvorwarof'&e. Homombor tlio Stoud. May'a Blook Throe Dooru Bouth of Iiu^urlal liank, Talbot Street, Essex. Canried Goods Pamfv Tomatocs, Peas, Corn, Kidney and Boston Baked Boans, lcint!, Hulled Corn, Pino Apple, Quincca, and PeachoB. Salmon, Sardines, Candied Lomou, Orangu and Citron Pool, Rniaino and Currauts. Walnuts, Almond, Brazil and Pea Nuts. IS- Romomlior tlioao Gooda aro raEsu and IS*1 not last year's. Wo will givo spooial tS? yjricos noxt wook on tho abovo linos. Parties wanting Grocorioa and Fruits for their CluistrnaH Oaken ant Puddings will find that our Goods aro what fchoy should have. ; ~- Vegetables . . . . Potatoes, Squash, Onions, Oatrpts, rJPimii))s, Swoot Potatoes and Celery. Telephone Orders Promptly filled. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. -i 4'1 \\M 'i'i *$ WILCOX. &BROV^iF >-'^m ,'V^>:^|i KSt^^^-^-" ^!,:i^^ sBmHtiffsBli^