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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 11, 1896, p. 3

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vi- fJt^ &:. W"," j' t > Fifty Years Ago. President I'olk In the White Jfovwc cbalr, While In Ivuw'U wau Doctor Aycr Both were bu'iy for human veal t Oijk to jjovcru uiitl one to hritt, ' Aoil.jin ii jircuMcut'ii |iuwi!r of wilt faojiK'1-inicn depends on u llver-plll, Mi. Folk took Ayer'ii l'lllu I trew Vor hit* liver, SO yeiira e^o. Oyer's Cathartic Pills ^oro doaiernod to aupply a model 'itirfyativo to pooplo who had cio loner injured thoinnolvos _ with cxipinnr modioinca. I3oiufr I 'ttiktctiilXy proprirod and thoir in gredients adjustod to tho oxact necessities of tho bowols and liver, thoir popularity was in- ' el'antanoous. That thia popu- , Inrity haf( boon icnintainod ia vroll rnarkod in tho modal awarded those pilla at tho World's Fair 1893, 50 Years o" Cures. English Drinking: fkmg*. Tho bout of thoKii^liKh drinking song* Worn written by thn chimintintfl of tho seventeenth enntury, mon who trollud oat thoir vigorous eootiujonta, linked Hwopfcly tfitfuthor in flawing verso, with out tho wnmlirHt thought or four of HliooKing nnylioily, l"niukiy indooorou'i, thoy Invito tho wholo wldo world to drink with thorn, to miinty tho brliu- mliiK tunlcurri jmHHod fiomimlidio hnnd_ and to rcol homo through tho frtwfy atrootH, whom I ho watchman grhiu ut. thoir unwtoudy hUjuh, and qulofc Hlooporn, nwakouod from dull droaaiu, ooho with drowwy nymputliy tho liwl uwollhitf *i- dtinco of thoir uproitrimiH non^. Wlici'O thoro iH o ptihlio nontimont to clofy oven hnoohimalinu Hotorti mid bnuoliii- iinlinii vorHt'H couho to ho flpflimt. What uduiirublu j<ood totupor and Hhicorifcy m Flotoliur'n gouorouff impoiLmiityl Prink today and drown all mirrowj You nhii1l porhupy not do It tomorrow. Heat, uhlhi you havo it, uhu your breath; Thuro lu no (Irinlcliitf Af tor death. Then lut iin Hwlll, ljoyi, for mir In nllli. Who (IrlnkHwoll loveit tho coniuionwonUh, And ho Mint will to bed go iiobor Vuilii with tho loaf, utlll In October. An .liultottlvo-ftonlktiy. - ------ One of tho drollowt iiiHtanoos of the uionkny'h koniiuuHH of obHorvution and power of inimiory thufc wo havo mm with 1h tho following A rothod admi- -ul and Juh wifo living at Choltonhuui .Hid a fnvorito uimiUoy. On dny-thn- \adyt Juiurinaf a HtnoiK" noiao in tho lining room, looked In to mo what it wan. 'IMm Hi^ht vvhioli mot hor oynw was a hiilioWaiH ouo. Hoatud hi tho arm- uhair,_witli iho udmiral'H HmokiiiK rap /in hiH Jiurttl and tlic Hdniiral'H ttpcota- rli'H on iiiH uoHit, wan tho monkoy, and in hiH hand wiih tho optm nownpapnr, whioh ho Hhook and patted, wiiilo ho jabhorod and uoriljuulntod with Kt'tiafc omphawiH at tiiooat, which lay blinking on tho hoarth vxi^. It wa a olovor and oarofnlly Hhuliod imitation of tho tonty old admifid'H tono and mamior when toadinp; to JiIh wifo Homo panmipjfi from fclm nnwHpiipor wliioli oyoitod hin wrath or indi|,Miat;ioM. ItiHHtvaiiRO that so Ufctlo attempt i xnudo to utllizo tliiH HtroiiK imitativo faoully in monkoyH. Thoy might onwily ho trainod to porform an athloUiH and aorohatH. Somo GO yoavu ago an Italian totsefc-r fll thM ivenucs; of th^BoW^ls, IKl^noyslana LivcrJ carrying ofif ^radlDailyj without wejkcnin^ ihd Uviitem, all the impurU 'uwanj foMll huiporr. of jlhe scrci!ons ; at tha Uimc time Correct ing Acidity of tho Stomach.ouring Bili ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,Constipa tion, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim ness of Vision, Jaun dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart Nervousness and General Dobllity; all thctc and manyotlirr sltHilar compl.iints yiefd to the happy inllucncc of BURDOCK BLOOD IBITTEKS. T-MiLDURMaCo* --------CHURCH DIRECTORY 'MjETHoitiHr, Dc. 1'nnooc, lftt >r. Borvioe 07eryHiiiMtnyutJlu.nl anil 7 1. tn, Kuhlmtl ttolioolat V-iltj). in, (j, H. Ua.yluc, HujtorintiJi il- 9ut otuoliml. JOpwoith IjomfiHiprayjrmootlia LY.tttMlay (ivmiluii lit d o'olook. tjoctinfoil Thurmluy iiv/itilntt. oiHtuy pray*jj u on o/n 1 pruyoi J^JWARRIAOE LIOEHSEST" Eli. VAllK IflBUKR 3rf MAEI^UoZl* , oooboh, ItloJmrdBOh Blk., KBflBi,,Qftt;. Ont F> Tha French army on a ponco footing buH 60,000 bornoa in tho oavalry and 35,000 in tho artillory. All told, tho number of hornoB omployod in tho French army iw 125,011)'. A. haiico 'Vo make Irtanoy, III tho pafit tliroo moo tho I huvo cloared 1C00.75 RolliD({ Dwh Wauhoni. I did raont of tho work, my brother holpod nomo. I expuot to do bottor next month, hh ovory pinh Waimor aoJd advoctiHoo itoolf, una Bella Hovoral more ; I don't bavu to loavo tho houKQ, People boar uhout tho Dinh Waahoru and aond fur thorn, thov aro bo ohoap. Any lady or gentleman oan make xnoaoy in thin hauinoou, aii every famil* wauta a DlHliwanLior. Any of our nadem wh'> huvo onot'tij" onough to apply for an agyupy oan oaoily make troni $8 to 810 poi day. You oan i*ot full purtioularB by ad- resfling the Mound City DihIi Wanbor (Jo , Bt Louia Mo. Try it and publiuh your [aaooonfi for th bonoub of othoni. 000000 C. A. D oonnt, who had a villa on tho hIiovo of Upon tliiH Hong HucroHHivo ohimgOHJ Jbnko Albano, kopt n monkoy whioh ho havo boon bung, until now j(h variatioiiw j1IK] taught both to row and Hail u mnall uro bowildormg, and to it wo owo th, BkiiV. Tho monkoy \iwwl to navigate thli over popular and utterly IndofdJiMihlo' tiny craft with groat Hkill, but unfor- gloo loatTd out for gouoratioiifl by many tunatoly one day, whuu olimbiiiB tho miiHt, ho oupHi/.od tho boat and wiih drowned. Ah jookoyH, monkeyH might miroiy bo mado uHoful and would fulfil wry purpose for which tho jnauikuiH who ndn on raco JiorscH are artilioially Htunted uiidLweatcd. UhamborH1 Jour nal. Ilood'a Pilh aro tho bent ufter-dinuor )ill; afimut di^eHtion, euro boaUaciho. 2jo. A oodfirth routmtly caught off Flamboi- oagh Iloud, England, had inaido of it ilft>- .Biuo Jinh-hooltB. ilVCarry tliis Girl, Somebody 1 I have boon roadioj* in your pipor about aevoral mon and wornou that have hecii very ouoooaaful nolling Bulf-huatjug ll it irouo, and I oonoludod I would boo what a girl ooald do. I havo worked l*j liaya and havo Hold 151 iroiiH aud havo '218 de-Ham loffc aftor paying all o^cpmiaca Kverybod> iu delighted with the iron and I null ouo aluiooc ovory plauu I uh.iw it, hh pcopl'1 thiak thoy ou,u't ufford to bo with mt, m,e as thoy aavu ho maah-fuol and timj ami don'fc burn tho oloth.m. I Icno.v I can clear tivo thousand dnllartt in a year. How ih that for a girl ? Bploiidid, nay ^irl, Hpl-unlid, you are a truo American girl. Anyone can j^ct eom ploto inforfnation about I lie h>\1 lieutin^ iron by adilronniuj ,f. K Cihi.y tv Co , St. Louih, Mo. It Heuini to ho a vmut r, a-* ovorybody aelhug it writia m itn piaii 15 000 u InHty tavorn ohorun: He who k'oou to hud and |[oui to hud Hijhur iValln (uj ttio 1* nvoii do unci dU 'i In O to bur, Jlut he who uof ii to lied and v.m-ii to lit d mellow LivoiJ (in hi) oiidht to do and dim uu hoiuiit follow. AguoH Ropplier in Atlantio B(II<limi<l JV.trolt>uin, Tho claim hoiuo lirno ago Hot forth by Paul d'Humy, a French naval ofllcer, of having originated a pioue.su for tho succoHsful fiolidiflcution of petroleum for commer'ial und induHtrial pnrpoM'H Iiuh been farthor explained by him. From thin account, mmimarizcd in Tho ProgiOKHivo Age, it nppnara that Iioavy common oil liaH Leon converted by this iuvoutor into n Holid blrxik, oh hard iih tho hardest coal, burning slowly, giv ing oil au mteiiHo Jioat and allowing not tho Hlightent uigu of melting, a ton of buoJi fuol reproaentinR im many hh HO tonH of ooal, and tho space occupied b^ ouo ton of it being about threo ouhio foot, a agaiiiHt tho largo upuco ntquiu'd for tho coal. At a recent gathering of experw, M. d'Humy exhibited Huniploa of tho ai'Lielu and cvpuiimentcd with thoiu. On the tablo \\vvi\ hcveral cakes of tho solidified polroloum and of low grade oily r*' variona nizc and nhapon, and in nddiuon to the oakoH there woio HiwnploH of tho Hiimo fuol in dry powder and jmafo, tho petroleum powder and paHto mixe together and prenHod i'onn- iug a homogeueouH inaHH, with u great epociflo gravity, hard almost aa Htono, and, when burning, giving off a il.ime BOO times its own volume and a heat well nigh us great iih oxygen. TpkN *o determine tho, production of hmoko or smell failed to indicate tho cmuuation of either of these. lions Lo < all ii Halt. The vital Kt.itiatics clerk felt rather than heard bin visitor enter tho ofllee. Ho looked up from the desk and heludd u cadaverous and woebegone individual, in whose eyeH \\a4 tiie t'eveush glitter of one to w hobo lid.s Hjeep coiiutli not. "Poor cominihHioH thr< o dooiH to tho right," haul the official glibly. "I don'l \ nut tlic poor conimiMsioD. I want to si you," haul (be intrude r, I^Ii;lltl)011KO Y-JglltH, 111 a Hones of paper;} contribnted to JCngiiieermg by Ou Hieho JVoller on lighthouHOH in Europe tho r* mnrknblo Htatoment is made that tho JuiiiinoiiH rango of a light of 500,000 oandlu pow er in tho Mediterranean (4-i uiileH) ih equal to that of G,000,000cnudlenin tho ohanuel lirnoo, it in addrd, that, with tho excep tion of tho electric dabbing lijdifc of Plnnier, near MarboilloH, of 000,000 candle power, tho most powerful min eral oil lights recently installed on tho French, Cornirnn, Algerian and Tunis ian coiiHtH of tho Mediterranean do not oxoocd !lfi,0()0 candle power, having a luminoiiH'rango of about JJO mileHiu av erage weather. On tho other hand, in tho channel and in tho bay of Bi-cay tho largeHt mineral oil hghtq have lu minous powei-H up to about 200,000, and the oh etric lighting flnfrh liglitH up to aa.fiOO.oOO and 7.GOO,000 candlOH. F'urtlier, tho maximum light of French lighthouso lower.H -that iH, the height of tlio focuH above giound vnes from about r>0 to 70 inotciH, but homo toweiH are, of course, on very elevated posi tions, bo that, taking tho height of tho fooua above the Hoa level, tho IngluHt light, that of (Jape Bream, i 751 feet abovo the high water nea level, while itH Inminnuh power ib 0,000 citndlns and itH luminous range J}o miluH. TIiih light ih an oil light, and the geographical (range, or direct viHihility of bueh lights on high eh-uitimiN, ih uHually in exechrf of their luininouH range, the icveine of thiH, however, being commonly the ouhO with electric coast lights. SlUlk.4'<l li-'I'llllHT-, Water brut-h h and decunii i n. wh u tttainol aii'l dii'j 1 o'un.', i-li i Id Imvi: a few to i 1 turn pur i i n<l ihun, und a Httlo Miio'^'ir ii hied. Hluil .. tltc In l(lo about, und I"t itt-Ui.d r>i ,l 'i w hour'.. Til' n i rnp y out Ilu vim j1 i u.il lei ], aVi-, an 1 nn ho I bo nottli with r'umw .icr. Tn oanen ivhcro the utility ari \< rv b id i* m iy bo noci tttnry tn u-n a hoi,-!,' ia-ii-1, MAN AND WILKIN lUSTKKHS From Chroma Catarrh Hut In-r t tuneouii Hflief FoiIdum tlv Aiifilic ition of Dr AgiU'W'H Cttairhal I'owd-'i' [) n'l N g- leot tlii- Sinipl ii' Cild in rhf II ad. it M'ty Unvohip into thet Dii;;ri-t m^ Ma |idv AliNfiht liifo'ij you Cun K^nliii^ it. KeV. Up. Bochior, rf liult'l to t. U m ; "ITy wifi nod I win- t-o'li irouhlfil with dm. tiCf-Hi ij.1 cat'iiih lint nc httvn enj lyod in i d< in from ilu-, ag^invatmg tnulndv IIIn5* Ihi'ilny W! lu-t ,|.. d 1 Jr. A jcew/'n (Jatarrhal Powd. r. llHact'nit win lnhiitn- lam-oiH giving 11 j * ii.Mht j/rnftliil n In f \Ml Ion ti ii into ut i h iff t-r (hi! lirHi >ip|ih- oat.i n We n JiihKit r ii a goihirnd i.f hu Hiaiulv aud iM-lievr :hnt no o-ihi* ciu he -o ohiotnc oi dicjt'v nail fj t h .t u will not inmii-ilinU'ly reln-vi ami pi rm weutlv ouie " Sold h\ .1. Tliniij, . Giruaeii iw KnIjaw Uuv. A.Ji.Ilovorly, in itiwdwitit, Ht. I'iiuIh, Kruiix. 01vinaiirvJo Vry hlimhiy ut 7 o'oloi'lt, p m Hmnlay Holiool utlli 11. in. i'rinltv (Jhnruli,North Itldu.' Hun rti*y Hhool at l,ifi|i. ju. TU imhllu w nor- \tnUy luviU il, l'aKJMiVTHitrAN.-W.H.l.'lojnlni,', Piwtor a r vl'ii"ion Huhhatli tit, llu. ni.uud V.iUlp.m hoi tnlh Moluiot itt'J:IWi, m, l'xn,yar mi dtluauml ' tmlot'Hhililo ahum ou 'I'lamaiiy nt7.:W V- m. Hocinl Tliiltm on Wttilmmilav at H tfti> HJLIU'IM Uhihcuu. Kuv.Kf. 1'. Uiunphall, Pirn- tor o'vlooit uuoh Hahlmtli ut 11 u. m. and 7 v. ,;J', I'wyoriiHialhiu* on Thurmlav ovimluu utHoolnoli BtuilH trmi. All ar nordiullv wl- uonwul. MI1AUHKTT. iHfioor of Mata'igii b' k Comraiijflionorln O.X.oto. Oant-i, yt/ D. 31HAMAK, ~^" iBtmor of'Marrlftu IjIu&iiijm. lnauriuiee aaont. MlKlit Ofllfio nt Dwollliiff. _ TAIjIIOT htuekt, jwsbx. UNDERTAKING. "" I'JjUMMi: -It, Diulortalror-a:ia~Fm-n"Uuie n ti to -?!). MVlrvigoi-.Oi'*- II (roi Uomak Oatiiolio. I'V. C. K, Motion. Cuiitor. Hr *o. ,vvV otlioj- Huuday ut H.llOn. Hunduy 4uhnolat:ip.m. m MAiunTfiHi; nijrh tnium und mn-inoii ut 10.00 a. m canialilkin ut il p. in Jiaptltimat U n. ai., vonpnriniiHl DiiiidiHotlon at V n, m. O. K. Mo- 0<ic, V, I'. Haj.va'iion- Ahhy. Oimt. Htiiitli nail Mnut. I tytaii ni cuinujiiiiil. Hiilvatlon niootiPRH Wod- noiidiiy.Tliui'Hday mnl Htmday ovoiiinii;l"i'oiiuud J',imv,Haturdav ovoniiiK audM n in. Hunduy; Koll nniiri nu>fitiui;f. for alirinthuiu Friiluy iivojininitiul II a.m. Holiday, Kuoo Drill Yam, ovory Hunilay. All aro Widi'uino, JLECAL. rj* A. WIHMKIt, IlarrhiUr, Ho|JoltorT>loti 'J* rnhllo Ao Monoy to loan. Omoan.Bm Html Uloolt, uiwitulrii, Khuiix. -l-iv f L PErKIlB IJurrlHtu, Molfoitor, NotaJ ' * Pnbllo Monoy tf> hoii. Oilloo ov* -Itrutliorn' Hunlc. Kwiox fnnlrL CTiAUICK, KAKTIiRT d: JlAIlTLET, Warrli torw, uto. OIIIopo, MudlAiry jiiouk, WindHC Prlvuto fmirtn to luun A. II. OIjAhUK, Ij. Ii. B. K. A, IlAHTIiKT A. It. lUaifinT. Ii. A. HKNHY C. WAi-J mJj.h.U., Attornoyand C'oimiiulor ut luvp, Solicitor in Cliuuaury, Vtootor in Admiralty, 7iittJiit fiolioltor. Olllou. Nowburry Uiu oImk, 0r. Gr.nwold and Lai-Hod iitii, Dotrnlt, Mien (Outiudlnn cl' i ii ufjainnt poruonn In tho United Htatmiunn. / y(.) Itofonmeoni lui .. il Ilmik, Ennox, Out, .1 Ij. Pntora, -ii, , I'.urriiitiir, otc , Kmiox, Ont K.A, Wlnnihr. v- o. Harrlntor, otc , Kbiiox, Ont __,.....ARCHITECTS. JOIIN A.'.MAYCOOKr"" AiionrfKcr, .to,, rtoomJO and ll, iriomiiiK Huildlntf, 1M.DUOQ10. WinilHor.Oi,! SOCIETIES f v- I"--^NTKItPKISBI ^odKo^NoVlV n7i/,,oot,'0^or/ ihiuuduy.ovenhiK lib 7,J"> OddfolIowM nulfjn third HloroylJuimtan '> yinHliimombuMuf other lodnnwlll toccfnttnraal wo ain. v*. flHATTKItTON V Oddf.dlowH'lIall.niinHtaii'H lllook, on Ut! Mid third XuoiKliiy lnnaol. month, 'vinlto/i UAl}lTAJlV;,Ht!iafclon hivltoil to joic. HANNAK, O. P., O. l\ HILL, Hco, YJii BHKX FIltM niS^irilKKTH "Svi thi trn1fyiIIVMl,l,l||l,l,ll| Flromoa'y rewt I ' tJl I *H*"t b"',(U,|K- J". MoMurrav, Ouiot In?y nM,",r'i?ftpfc:lln: A' """'Iwra, 'Uw^ ant, I. diIhu, Hflurotary; Pmd Hyatt, TmaiiuroK pounT itovAr,, no. aw. i. o. f .V JJIUi0tn u,5k0'"1 ftni1 'nnrth Tuomlav'i la due- montb in | O. O. V. Hull ut h o'olooltV- Si, yidthiK hrothoni will lioiavon a fiatfemaf vK AGLNIH wanting prolltiihUi omnloymonfc through tho mimmor can And it with ua nnwo havo riowont Htinnian viiWntiouof Nnrwry fltoo!: nnd now Rcod Potatoon. Halnry or com- UAMNUUHKJIY CO., Toronto, Ont. 2fl.lllt Mat lilncry I^nhrlcatlon, The iTsulth of homo valuublo experi ments on the lubrication of machinery beai'ingri li.ivn bei n hot forth by Mr, ,\ < arc tnr VKuiiIimih. Apply tincuni* or lodnn- fntdy to tho j -intH n'g'i' and morning letting it dryon. Thi'h g me t-hould n('v*<r h.* uijmwzi'd in- Wardu by tltn b >ot oi whoe, tbn Ih-uIh of which inunt not i"ttvid thn-o-qiiarti-rM of an u.cli to an inch, tho pus uu oniined by no- ixh-rt nf tin i Mil- imp iu ,.-h in>< joiotu und tjnda 'o pnidm u b n io -. I* cm 11^, Uurn iuu J^km DiHcafiit Curod J'\r !r> l-i ulti Di. Ai.'m .'.'V (Jintiof ut r< hevt'B in ono dtty cuioi toittir, iirL't iiiu-iin. pil-h, hu-iUI ' no 11 /., i ap bin lj, i^' iitdi, nlcerH, blotchih und nil "i upturns ot the t-ltiti. It in hi uihun.' uu 1 (pm :him im d uch lilt*- inaL'iu in u i*are < t cii imhy Iiuuiioh, ;!,"j Ci 11 H. D( wrance m an address betoro the Civil With hoinoilnng very liko delianco in Kngiueers' nibtitute, London, Hin o'i- hiH voice aud yet with that nndertouo1 eervalions show that olive oil bccomeB of dohpair tbut aroiihod tlin hympathy of black and thick after passing through Ivi- The a moll of p tint irf not only unpleasant, but dooidodly unhealthy l-Vw pLOple know tbat there ih it very winflo way of removing the odor of a neul>-| aiuted rooiu. Talco a buclitt of wtu* r and in it put a handful ot hay L> I thin Ktand 1:1 jho fooai, an1 in a row hourn ibo hintdl will havo ont inly dnappoart d. Novor uho Bcee-orn to out fur. 1'lnce tho wrong aido of tho fur upwanlH, mid chalK oarofully und plainly upon it ibo uhape to what 1 sny .' D( tuui JN< uu, which yoa wib to cut it, ami then innort tho point of a f-harp peiilunfu on tho chalk linoH, not with ihe lor lying on the table, cr with.'auythinii under it, but holding it In tho hand. ICoop ihu point o tho pon- ,knito downwards, and run it along tho lino. Jti ia Htatod tlmt it in an nnpoi taut i nli the clerk. "And >\ hat can I do for yon?" usfcorl the latter. "it isn't what you can do for nie, but what I t*an do for yon," le-pondcd tho visitor. "I've hicn tiying to do alto- gctiKi' too uitieh, and I've got to have u n-t. J. don't hehmg to no union, and I'm willm to uork n\eiimui when it h ijcce-.s.ii), out I'll Ll; hlaim d if 3011 ain't trettin me a heat that 'ud dis tance anybody but me. I've jyjt to liu\o shorn r houia and a (Liy oil onco m awhih, an A I don't ^et 'em, I'll quit, bul*:' ' "But my d( ar hir, I m v< r haw you b< foie I nt \i 1 ( mployi d}uu. Who aro you, K113 \s i.y'r" "JVlt : OJi, I am t auybtdy but Ileal t Failuie. Tn.it't, who I li.au I mean T.itj Tt)U']ditiim i;ur. A Geiiunn newspapc r u-iorts that about Jiu.OOO of the inhabitants of Jjer- hu hear considerably bettirwith their h It u.u tha.i Willi then n^lil. Tins li,i> bei'ii oh-eivid in continually mcreasiiif mea^-uu for 1j"i}mh. Whui tin cnuw wan nought foi, 1. ltp;a an-d tliattiioit that tho paper on which lcttcrn to tl 0 who aro thtN afYcctcd are inijiu in, uhoi'k Quoon aro written must uot be folded. No ui tn" telephone. The ht-u uing part of I* coiumunication which hoaiH tvuk-nce of having been crr.anod will '-vor hud itu way to Hor MnjfBty'h IiuucIh. Thu propur meth od lu lo write on thicit, gtooy white paper and to dpKputeh thu nd^Hivu in mi onvUJupo whioh fltu it. Any folded oouununication novor roachon the Quec n, for tlio nunplo roaHon that oho won't look at it i:' & fe' ADaiicly Windmill, Make it Your- soli". I htvo a noighhor that malo ono of tho Pooplo'a Wmdinilla, and I liav< bo"1 Watohing it oloao y ; it in tlio host mill I have ovor oon and any ono oan mako ono for lofiH than S10. I am going to uiuke two immodiutoly and don't hog why ovory lar mer cannot havo a windmill wlion lio can mako ib liimawlf for ito littlo rnonov, Tho mill iH durable, po.vorf 111 and ruun ountly. \&'x Any portion on got diagriunu and oom- \$is plejo ^IroatiioiiR by flooding 18 two ent \\fc,.' Biampa to Franoin Oasoy, Bt, Loniti, Mo ( und any aotivo man oan undoubtedly raako monoy anywboro putting tbeHo millw up or ofcliora. and I two no ubo of paying ft/10 or 8G0 for a mill when you ain mnko ono juat ub good for 310. A Baoririsii Faiimku. 4b 000 tho iUhtruini>ut it. geiuially held jji tin lett hand and put to the lull ear, while tho right hand ih often ummI 111 taking notes, uto. in tho case.-, observed thi- hubjeets heard tlio hiiyhtoht HOumi tluough tiie telephone with their kit oars, hut could uudei-shind little 1 : nothing if tlio instrument weio put to thoir light oaih. it ih therefore con cluded that the telephone hus an appie- oiably htiuiulating eilecton the uuditoiy nerv'LH, una tho rc( oiunu ndut ion : nuido that too inhtiuiuuut he used alter nately ut thu right and left ear. m ffi TTSTA^T13I)~R]aV13nAr' PAtTnPtlliMKN OR |g( . VV Wornou to travol for roiipomijljla ontab- Kr Ilabed bcuao in Ontario. Salavy. ST60, pftyahlo ' 6l6wookly anu\e*n(nflH, lJonltlou)>onniuioiit. lv, Bufarenoa. Bnolouo Bvh'-ioltlro&iiod Btamnod on- \^y Mlopo.- The National, Star "uttdlug, OhtoaLO, Overdone. Uukano I don't know how you cuuio to lo.so money in that hchenio. You told 1110 it wiih a varu investuient, GuhwoH The nivchtment may hiwo boon a rare one, but. I was well dono bofore I got through with it. Pittnhurg Ohrouiclo. It in miid that tbo tat book printed iu thiH country from aturcotypo platoa was a oaloohimn by a Mr. Wiittn, ThiH work waa iHBued in Now York in tho year 181U and wuh compiled for U10 benefit of the children of Hovoral Now York churcbcH. * A bushel of awoot potutooa oquala 4C poundw iu Iowa and 56 pounda lu taotit jf tho other Hiates. the bi'iiniigh pcveial times. Thifl oil, alter liltialion, wmh eoinposed of 1(1 per I cent of oleato of lead, 0.57 pcr cent of oh ate oi ni id und 7-1. (JU p< r cent of ohvo oil und glycerin, tho oloate acid 111 tho olive oil appearing to aUaek had, zmo and copper with great activi ty. Thin disks oi motulu used in tho I niaimlactuie ot bcarmgh wen immei"-"d in oleato acid, occasionally drawn 1 p out of the acid ho iih to be expoHed to the air. Lead anil zinc rapidly corroded away, coppi r was corroded to a lehH ex tent, while tin and antimony were not appiwiably alheied. In regard tot 10 oonipri hhihiluy of alloyn, it iH huggcbled bv tin*, authontv that 110 alloy be used until it is hutislaetonly demonstrated that in point ot lust yn Id is consider ably ahuvo the greatest load or shock to which it will ho hub;)< cud in 1140. In ti sting the (ll'ect upon .solt nietii) bear- uigN whui tho hbatt sustained a he.ivy pu hhuro a iniiiKil iron was found to loavo no mark upon a suriaco HOitH' than ithelf. Home'u (ireut Flro* In A. D. (11, lu of the II municipal districts of Koine were deatroyed by a conflagration instigated, it. K Kind, by the Kmpt-iorNero. Thu number of In oh hjst in known to amount up ljito tho hniidredb, but tho value oi the piuperty destroyed cannot o\en bu ehlnnutod. By tho emperor's command, thou.Miuds of Hoinuiw rendered honielosH and desti tute were employed in removing the de bris and lebuilding tho burned oir\. Neio, (o dneit tho odium of the erm o ii'oiu himself, charged it upon tho (Jhiistiuns, antl thuH began ono of tho gicute.st p( r.i(ciitionii in tho hiHtory of tho early Christian ehuroh. Oun IlarrolH. To brown gun burrelw, wot u pieoo of rug with ohlorido of luitiuiony, dip it into olivo oil and rub the barrel ovor. In 48 hours-it will bo covered with uu* o coat of iiiHt, Thou rub tho barrel with a flue Hteel scratch brush und wipo with II rug dipped in boiled liuHood oil. To rcbrown, rtmovo tho old 0011 ting with oil and omory papor; thou rouiovo tho groawo with oauHtio potash. Tho lam-it Piri.ui fa hem if tin -. 1 nj- tho hiiir hln w tin higoon ipiiet lnh on too hoad, flo rniuli >>j 10 fid, that it en- tircly diHiipp'arn Ith-mh rho hat. Wav ing tho buir 1 < f* |i ipnlar -n t'V< r und it 14 a r nig rl to a4* tr> In \ci, looh-o mi I Huffy H'iinit tin In-'- und ic hmil in filai-e at the b 11 k "A ill 1 1 nrvulcnibs. The pom- padinn trui.t I-. '.v u ii, au<( can hu roado ho- 0 mint; in alnin.' mvitv f-re with a few curhnj loi-k- io f 11 on Mm "Pi. hcul. EDICAL. Trvnfl, nitrr.v .(- iiuikn. " Jan Ilri'io / h, h. K..C. ?: 3.. Rriidunto of Qiiciin'iilhit' nMv, Kiiiftiiton, moiabor of Gol- lofin of I'hYniciiiwmnfi ^urjjoonii.Onturlo. Oratl- uiun ot New York. 1'oht Oriulnato Atodlcal Col- lojro. J. W Urloti, M\ D., C. M., 1'. T. M. O. ironor grnilunni i.f Triuitv Afodioal Collnfo, Honor tmuluatr 'if Trinity Univornlty xrmbr of tho (lollo(,'ft of t'tivfiioliimi and Hurrjooim, Ont fimd- unto of ^uw York Pout Uruilunta Muriloal Colh'Ho. Ollloflover KriHoit I\rci(lloiU Hall -Iriitf iitoro ConiinttatlDii rooriui, both on crouml floor and flmt (lat ulmvo. Tolophoun In botti oilloo und roiiidonon. All oalln attomlod tfl from oilloo, flniK ntoro, or roiiidonco, Honldoiioo. Talbot Htniot, front of fair crounrtq. Michigan Qjewtmiv "T/w Jfiaaara fallr liouie." ^^ a McKouzIo, M V.C M, Trinity University, rnomber of Collnfjo X'hy-loianii and HnrnuoiiB, Ontario; Qnutuato of Now VorlU'ot Graduate Mudicul CoIIuko, Coroner for the County of l^anox II0 ni don 00, Talbot Htnuit, north of rail way, Knnox. J. KarloJounor.M, D.O.M., Trinity Unlvor- lly;M O. I* and B. Ontario; Lie Iloynl Collogo rnymclaiin, London, Kn ; tnt Sehobirohlii and Gold Mitdiilidt, Trinity C'ollofjo, iHH'i; amoliitod Houno IMivhiohin'und HargGou, TorontoGonorul Ilo-pllal und Itciiiident Aiioonchour IiuriiHhlo IvyiiiW in MoHpItiil, Toronto, 1HK|. Himclultv.iJlH onHuit of women ami ohildrcm KoHldimcci, lioium liLtnlvnc(ii])ii>il by Dr. Dowar, 'lalhot ut., Knst'x. Olllcn hi Imporiiil Hank lilock, ground floor, uppomtti 'thoruu'ii dniB iitoiu Mmiiuinoii Ulii- jitntiod In tlio oflloo. Tulophom coiinootion with both olIU-o md rtinidouccu. I'rivato tolo nhouolinii bntwoun Cyril i*iujnotti' Iiouro and Dun Kouuody'ii Ikiuho and ofllco. NiKlit 0 illu attondnd to ut oflioo or rtniduueo. DENTAL, nP. MAltTIN.D.D.B., L. U. S. Oradnato In Iioutifltry, Koyal College of Ddiital Siirfjoomi, Ontario, and Univorfdtv of Toronto nimrcoH, moderate. (Hljcu, ovor Urlou 6c Co t irnc utoro. lH-tv PYNY-PEG TORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS In a surprisingly short lime. It's a ccl- cntlficrcrtainty, trlul and truo, sootlnnp- and healing in ita (ffects. ' W. C. McCoMin u ft Son, IiDiictiuoc, Que., rnport lHR]i)tti>rt'mt 1'j'iiy 1 u tmnl t urul Mrn. O.nitrciiuiHilt liro lii mill 1)1 tin Htlilul Itrtun lilfil lull'", am) iiluo tvunl IV. G. MLCuinhtr f a hini[ maiiillni; tulil. Mk. J. II. Hurry, Chumrn, 5^li Y(inf;e Si , "lomntn, u rites " AiH|;i>in'r.iUnii li i.u.l lii)i -i.vniti J'jnv. Pirloril h 11 lim t I it v ilu ,ll.i pi.! u ,ti.>n H Jiiul Klvnn tlio iitin< -t i itnli 11 ut in nil lm ItiHf Oil (I ll. in mi' It i\It - .[ ,1 . H \i, ii,., ,if 11 .. lituulUo (luiVL.I fi. ii, ju ,, in In tli lr fm li i Itliiinilfalilitr.ir <ml <-rj i , t r . tint 11 .n Jtiinlmvulitu I. i im. i..,i ,i il mnl 11 ui nhi"* i tm 'nun i ii . it in i ,, , . , i roll UiitJioii, i u,. ,ii iu T.itvjjo k ' c . h.Ui.i ,'. f. w/f '. ',)ol- IT. ____ VETERINARY. WJI. IUOlIAUtiSON', Vr.Vr.KENAKY HUH CIMON. Honorary crudtiato of Onturio VtiturJnary follopo, Toronto; menihm* ot On tario Yottiilnai v Jledir il Koriety; DiploiniHt in Dontintry, tronta all dlHeaHen of doinindio Ltd aniinuln; u ttlu duhortii d h\ thu latent iniprovod Leavitt clipjior Oalla by tch phono or tele- Rl'itpli umniptly uttonilert to lleHlditliuu.throu doom iiHt of jjriht null, offico in pout office buihHiif;, Iiiflrninry, dfrnutlv oi>ponit<. TalflllR effect Novombur ii',) b, lHSJO. Dntroit... Wlndfior.... Pol ton...... Mufdntonuo I'jniiBX....... VVoodnloo... Itunoomb ... Combor. It Id ati town.. Itoiinoy..... Ht. Thomuii Loudon ........ ut. Tliomua... Rodnoy ...... ItldROtOWIl..... Com hor... Itijncomb. , Woodnlnn KlIDOX . Miu.hitoiio Cr Folton .. . Windnor I-iotroit. Amiiertitbiirt!: Vjiical Vrnlnu. wkst i;AllT pm. a.m. inn. am. a.m. n.m o.oh ii.-io 7,:u> ehaox t,.:i5 o.45 Vao in j n m 710 KdaiuH oy7 o-n cio 0 21 12(0 7.17 TjK AUUXIiiB O'Jl !) 27 4.B7 HS2 12 IB 7.50 MoOrORor H a rt.ii.-i 4.Bfi 0*10 12 11'. H.H) Gordon 0 05 0 Ofi 1 aft tM5 1^.10 H.15 AmhoriithurR 11.(10 <>.on 1.30 All traliniaro run on central fitanda.rd tlmo, wbich in Hiity inimitoB nlowor thim Rmmx time. ]"or information and raton to colon- lntn moving wont npply to John G. Lavon, Fuu- HDHRor Afjont, Ht. Tboman, O. W. Iiii(ij;loB, Gon- oral ParmonRor ana TloKot Acont, Oh loo go 111 or A, O. Btinioro, Acont. 7'lanox. Midi Kip. Exp, Aocom B llYn.i a.m. lUttl, a, ni p.m. a. in. r.o U-JO 9.10 4 40 r, bo . 0 f.0 10.10 fif-i i on fiOH B.10 i.i ft a i*. BiH i :io ns v.yr, 10 flfi fi,w r.9l r, Hi fifil) rs Vi 0.IW ft nfi 71*7 ACS am 8,20 ti 17 11.61 7 10 io.fyj UAQ 7.M t.iirt IJ.60 10.00 1.06 UA0 2.26 noiNCl WHHT. MUod p.m. 1 HI. a in a.m J2.10 6.16 '2 4(1 0 30 B.an fi-ar; 3M 7.:m 7.10 107 10 2(J 7.B8 ono B.y-i D.2:j 13, Hi fi4(l o:w 110 (ssn 0 41 105 O.0M II.UI 1 52 :ioo li M 10.03 JIM fi a 10.1Q :i7 G (5 2.0.1 lCMlO 100 7.10 12.40 lO.fitl L- L". &. D. R.Ry. TIMK TABLE NO. 'It, tiiltloR effect Mondi y% Kept i!7.1Mfl Triiinnrun by Fantoro Stand ard Time. Daily except Runday LAND SURVEYOR. TAMKH H. LAIHD, rrovnicuil Land Burvoyoi and Countv HnKinooi, I'li.tiox Gontru. Ont Olllce, Diiiihtiin lllocK, upntairn. AUCTIONEERS. IfliNKY IHIPKK K, Anctiunoer. halet I promptly atteudnd to AddroHH Bouth Wooddloi, Out Pot Hon ti ih inriiif; to unrein uu may Ichvo wotd at the Fjn i: I'ki.hk olllce. tf II. HI-DK1CK V2. A V A II n.m l-'OO 9 :u ia:) !13 12 10 (I 1.1 12 1.1 ODD 1>> fl3 0 17 nr.7 i.io ft i I '" I " IT I - ^ o ~ 'A Htatioko. 1* M 1120 0.27 11.'Hi 11 10 W Hop Wallterv'lo Ar WulltorviUo Juno. 0 (!1 ... Peltoii.......H r>7 . .. I OldeiiBtlo , h r:i ... t PiifiiK'ttii. .. n 47 McGregor . . |(J 42 a ii,A 11 ioW I'll. 0 101 fi.5n 7B0 1002 1.Ito60...f Nov Canaan.,.[ti 10 10 0't l.:i0 7.K'.., + Mandilleld ... H SHI 10.10 1 50 rir 10 H7 2.0.'t 7 27 10;i7 2 M 7.117 10. js *> Till 7 |4 inri h.i' 7 5i 11.11 1 I*1 HrO Wanted. PoncoolcB gonoruHy scream vooiforons- lywhon a oliuugoof woathor iH impdud- itifj. In tbo ooimtrlwj wlioro thcao birda Ho imtivo tlio Higu i rogutdud as un- tuilin^'. Kublai Kbon, tho flrnfc mogul nui- yoror of Oliimif vvufl oullod tho Mui*- (kvor, from the trngodiea in his own A M A V-TO Rl^r, OANADA Gnowrn '"V 1*1 i\ i " Jt'rml ttnfl OriiHiutoitiil Vrcofl, ShrubH, Uobi'h, liullih'uiil iUiI'ioiih I'laotw.Grapo Virion, Rtiiull F.ultH, Hei-d Potatooii, etc Wo oataloimo only tho hardiest ami moat nopulitr vm it turn that H'u-ceeil In the ooiilont olimnteti New ueioion nui\ oouimimciiii;; uomploto ntitf.lt troct, (inlary and u\punrm pttol from nt art for full tltiio, m-Hbciiil unmiiiimunu fnr part tlmo. Ajjplynow, uddriiiHiiiK n.'iuobt oflloo, und el.oloe of torritt rv. LUKK WtOTIIMltt; COMPANY, Inti riiutionnl Kuriiorieti, f'HicAno, Ir,T*., or .MosriuML. Qui:. Western Advertiser For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free, Only One Dollar To .Yuiniary luv, 1898. sixteen Pngou lHach Woek ------WITH------ fill The Mews of The World. Market Reoorta^ Stories* Etc* Kitoollrnt lloitdinf,'...... for ovory membor of tho family Wo offor (jood iuduoomontu to ugonty. For terms, oto., addrtiuH ADVERTISER PRINTING CO.. ILONDOIV, ONT. DBINOLAIlt, UCENBKD AUCTIONKEIt for thu County ofr.in.ex. IlaihtTof I'Jiuhth Divluiori (ouit. All ltindii of Farm and 0O1O: Kalon uouduotcd promptly. Katou roiLPoniihlo und furni'tlied on anplioation. KiKiuirorn may apply nt W. D Beiiman'ii ofllco, or at tlio oilleo of DIvIhIoii Court Ch-rlt, Mr. .Tohu Mlluu JOHN GOUM1.KY LlUbNBlcr) AUCTIONKi;Jt for tho County of Eruox. All Itiinhi of farm otoek milon, oto, conducted promptly and on nliort notion. Itaton roinioi'iihli) I'orfouii de-iruhle to arrauco union uany io ho by aallliig ut the I-'nrn l*ni:t>H oilloo or by applying to A .T. GOltMUilY, P. O. Box 155 ( JShhox, Out. I^KANK MoOIiOBKHV, -Maidntouo, thirty- (Kivoiiyoarn'oxporUmoo nil an nuotioueorfn tho County of Kimiox. Haloo caiidncioii promptly, and on niiujomihlo totmii. PartUoi donirlii^ to llx tho durit for a iialo uiui navo thoninolvoe a dri/o by ndliui; nt tho Fiuiu Pni:n oilico. Wo bovo avrhii|{Od wilh Mv MoOlnidtoy and will ill tho datoH for mil' u >y tulograph, ontlroly fioo of all ohm go io (ho poi'bon holdinj; tho iialo. Ad- drono 1'ranli McCJloidioy,,Maidntono Cronn.Ont, 1 ^ 1 -10 5. lU'D 11 y> 1131 n.-n 6 U.B0J -i 'J 12 01 COR ja ii 13.10 i2;w V M. 6 IB li lr 7.00 I*. M. ! M . Tlarrow .. ... t Arner ..... Khipflvlllo,... Kuthven ..... Leamington .. . Win atlty ..... ^.17 | Itcinwiclt . ... H ii'-i ,. . Coutuwoi th . 8.H2I......tG'emwood..... 8.10 ...... Merlin ......... B 171 . , Ihixton........ H ft'J...... Rfuidhion ...... ft DO|...1 Cedar Sprit'tfii... 0 07 Ulouheiril Jinict'n 0.12 ......Iilonhe'm ...... 9'JO,.......tWill-io........ 'Jill Ar ItklRotownDbp (j ri 7 ci 7 >io 7 '21 7 IS 7 10 7 00 fi.J-H 5.27 5.17 5,<H fi.00 1.40 t,:ia 'li?Q 1.00 :i.i5 :t,iG 2.40 l.fit 7.3T 7 33 7'i7 7.G2 7.17 710 7.CVJ (1.6!! 0.-12 0.10 0.18 41.04 l.SB 651 l.lfil r,An 12.30 0 38 Bill II 6^)12.21 OW'l'il II 10,13 00 0 31 a as 0 1!l|il.!W (1 20 Jl.lfil 4KB U 10 1O.10| 4 41 (iOollO.OO^.Hu A.M.'A.M.'IMtf, 0 1(1 B.07 5 00 t Fhifi Btutlomi. Traino ntoii only wlion thoro > aro pauHenperii at or for thcoo ntauoiKi. Mlxod triiiim uro nt nl tJmon imhjoot to lie eunoollod WM WOOtiLATT Gonoral Hqrjorlntondnn . BAKER._____ THEoUlont bunlnotin iu town. Eatnbllnuo 1870. Flrnt-olanti hrond and oalam ot al Itiudit. WoddhifiimliGs a (ipoolnlity. UrooonoR proviBioiifi, (lour, food, nalt itiid porlc, Confeo- lIonory.orocliftry.fjlUFinwiUfl. Cannedfruituand vogofcublonof all Uludii. Goodo promptly io llvorod )01-tf uAND AND LOAN AGENTS GHOHGB J. TXIOUA-B. OouvoyanOor, Oom- uiinmonor, lu HIrU Court of JUBtloo: doaler 'In Uoul IQfltato and MortaaRod. Monoy to loan at tbo lowest rate of hitoroRt. Vamia bouoht mid (told. TuHuranoo tukon Ju tho UioHfcrolIaido oompanloH. Drawing of doodB, mortcagoa and lotLBOBU BpoouaHy. Chargeb modorato and nil bxiHlnoftB vromptty attondod to. Call at tlio Contra) Tolebhone oflloo, BaaoxCentro. BU-ly You Want To Drive anywhoro, if no, you want a Good " * * ......r.ud tbo idaoo to fjot it Is ut Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Goodinootlorn In uttendnuco day and hlgbt. HORSE-SHOEING 1 1*11100 lu the world for young mu und worn on to Boonro a IlafdnoHd Kdnnafcion,9borcliai3iT;eto.,iB tho Detroit llqaloOBS UnivorElty. De troit, Mloh Illustrated oatalORue w , B*r68. TlnfTin*m; All'nf.rftlf Best InUtblH branch of our UubIuobn wo fc flrst- oUfia Worknion axal will (niarantoo Batlefaotion Id t)hoohi(4 HorsoH that irjtorfero. Ovur-Boaoh or havo Corns or Ooutraotod IToofc.* Wo make a H poo laity of Rhoolng Boad and Traok Horae>* IS" Telephone Connection. ' , DROPSV CURED. THK Undersigned Is prepared to oare'all oaJJat ' of W*ter X>oDay whether c^Iouk or abort.' duratlorj. Absolutely no chama unlet*tho patl- i & :& '. BoforenoeH ; AI1F Detroit, en'o lil entirely aiidpopmacontlyoQre^i^AliffiJJ C r; ~tf \V*j . ' T"".l. "1 A-_ i" ! "tn . V,... " UAH' i'.^:,^ ..-^,^^^ 638234

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