e$ BH|PII!$Pi^^ fc?- Relief for \ljnTig ^Troubles r EMULSION ft1: c/^^ ^^*]rt.'. ' -* i;."." *: itn! nM .*'*' i'..." " ' . \j: -ivj'impious. i'r j- fi., i'iH'h', .' : ' .: it :h. > j ' A ' .-^ it HY-f 4> X Wfcrrlodmy wh>, ,whyf XiaWn, an*I'M toll you. Not IxMituiHo bho mak^u ngood pla, Vbougb wfc imn.l toltyou; Not lxVoaiiHO uIio'h wimdruuu Wlim, Vornud lu (Jrok mitt Lathi; Not 1m 10auHo hIui Uinta to tlrosa In flnu nllk or Fmthi; Not bt<oi>UHi> Hlin rldon u wboitl (I Htill Ww*r tho hlooinum)i Not htiMUM> ill lcUnlltlH'ltH All iny orwhuU humora; Not hiwmutm on polti Ion Bho Utiupii ulwayn pfjrit-iwl; -Not lt(uilinn who known hn\v I LUttt my incut wlum rouslnd; Not lii'oiuuiii i)i Imiiiity rum (1'liut lu qiiioUly uviir); Nn!. ln'i'ini!!*' whlln ijiti \v(r)in hard I <'<<nId llvu In c.h.vr; Kni brrmi.-i' flllt; i\(u;t pn- :ii"'i F"V| mil- tint'-: i ininrr; >n .i!. llOuit, h'jlllid rniiuinta t'Uii.i'j. (.Iliiirh^ \V. J Lird lit Iinjiuii J.", V 1UU W LETTER'!. caused ull bin pulnon to throb with Omo- Wo- . ' . "Surely' I know that writing," ho said to himself. "WiiHf, I Hhould think I .do. Lot's Hoewhut ehe bus to flay I" Dt'.XH MlU TouiUNUTON Ij)tt inn oOUKrntu- lut you ft thoimuml tlnioflmi your muooohh. Wo nil know thut you worn b<>1iik to bo farooun "I wonder who 'everybody' isl" Kvnrybody miyn tlmt you wru-tUa Urut-blnok aud wldto m'liwfc of Hid day. "How strange that you never told mo sol" thought Jack, Your rlrawlniM In Up in llilu nro (amply I* Hiiw any'lii"i[ ^Vliy. Vrli ll.'lVH AYOUKG-LAM'iSE'SCAt'B. FRIENDS THOUdHT 1IIAT THE SPAN OP Hfctt LIFE WOULD._._. BE' SHORT. lovely. Mnthrr thut Hie lll:< 'I c Ij-i.I .'ill Mm f ' tv< n< in.- At I-nst WItli <Wit u (Iniln <>f Fullli llur Mothtrr- Admbiliiered Or. Wlllluma' Pink l'MIrulSlicU Ni>w CurL'H. Krnm tlm M ulr- 1 iior 1 I. l!lM .11 UMI , ;;i 1 WCrltv ,) lw cp Wtili SiH'-.'l'lU'illtL. Ll'ijlll it \W\~ Vlliti* ItlU Dp UOt n-iI'i*-.' ; !-] k.nd diibilituU'ii. I , > . nud Htrong !>.\ t"'.'- : ! Tho uumu win,.', n- >i ou word, "liwaotk'," >" auBo tho flour from :ni At* WrH n > Diun Biuh, for two ymiin from iioutu lnrli|*t.'ntion, 1 tried li. 11. 11, , ,i! n< r. V'.wr, X took only tlircu bottk'H, which muilo iijcj aawol] ait over I wtm. 1 liiu'dy ri'oom- uoud B. H. B, to till dyfprj.ticH. Mub. John Wiiiti;, Aimtin, Man. Minn Braddon, tho novolii't, in no opjioicil to boin^ plio[o(*faphofl tb.it nho rouontly wfuimd ftlOOiu ONhb and a royalty on tdl jphbtoKrupba ol lut thut nu^Ut bo uold. CoMNHiiutloii <!iiri'I. GKNTit, I wan in vury poor himlth fur ovor lour yoara ; tlio doctor nftid it wiih ooDHtipatioii. Not wanting to flponH ton much ortuh I got tbruo boHlen of B. II. B. and took it rcffulatly. I can mortify that I mm now in tho vory hv.ut oi b ulili aijd fom ycry grateful to B B. B. ITruit and Nut Cuku, One cup of butter, 3 oupn of ini^ar, 1 onp of awuot milU, whiun ot 7 (icfin* 2J oup of ilmir, 2 tnuHpooufnla nj baking powder. Stir wull. Chop toouthnr 1 lb. of NUbIiir, 1 lb. of fijfH, 1 lb. of dati'b, 1 lb. of hioUorynnt nidulH, .} lb. of citron; drfldiio woll with flour uud atir wull into thocako. Alfju'.d Tkboux, Montroal, Quo. Dt, Fowlor'a JUxtract of Wild Btruw- borry ouroa Biarrhtea, DyHontory, CoIil- Crampa, Cbolura, Choloru Infuntum' Obolora Morbua and all HUtnmor coin- pluiutn and iluxoaof the bowola in childruu or adalta. Dolioato Ctoam BiHouit Adi to 2 qaart of floor, n toanpoouful of butter or lard, 1 large toaspoonful of nu^ur, 1 aumll toa- - apooafnl of salt, 2 tabloapoonfulfi of ytiawt. Lot it rino ovot ni^ht, aud in the morniu^ kndad lightly and baho in a quick ovmi. NUoWUIi fof nu Invalid. Pound up tho moat from tho tandorebt and wbitont part of a boiled ohickon, with an equal woifiht of atalo broad crnmbn. Add tho broth of tho ohiokon, ntir well, pub jo to a eauoopau, and after boiling for two minatoB nib tho wtiolu through a niuvo. ' A promiDQnt phyaioian ohurnH that there will bo no dipthoria.Hoarlot foveror worin^ for childron if thoy oat plentifully of oniono ovary dayt oHpooially when tbcro in 8'oaroityof fronh fruit. Ho buyo oniono for bin youuR folk, and they aro aorvud in every iraa^inablo form, .Dr. Fowlor'o Exiract of Wild Straw berry onrcH Biarrhoja, DyBontory, CrumpH, Colio, Obolora Morbun, Chclota Infantum, and all loommauEi of tho bowobi. Nover travel without it. Prico 35c. , If you want a aico, mnooth nook and plump tihoulderB, and alao wunt to ^aiu a fow poundu in woi^ht, tako a cold opongo bath ovory day, daahiug tho water over your ahouldora, throat and choot and then robbing with a coaruo Turkish towel. It will hurdon and whiten tho nkin wondor- fully. One ISvory NlsUt. Ono Laxn-Livor Pill takon ouoh oi^bt during 30 day a will euro ConHtipution, oft- roturniuK Utmdachea and irregular action of tho uowoIb. Laxa-Livor Pilla loavo no unpleaQaiit after-e'ffoct. "The propor way to brunh tho hair, ' saya a woll-kuown huirdreHHcr, "in not to brush it longthwiao, but to hold tho giiJh of tho hair, if it hi Jong ououfjbv and aim- ply norub the acalp with tho brush. Tbiu procotiH proraoteo tho circulation of the bfood, and oxoiton tho oil glands to action. Aftor tho hair baa boou thorou^ly bruHhod in thin way, it should be thou finished with u fow 'vifjorouN atrokon loufjthwioo of tho hair." i A bright flro wtm hurniu^ in tho; Htudio of .Tuck Torrin^ton, tho <:eln- hvatcd imwupnpiM' urtint, and ovorythiny iudicatod thut hn know thovoiiKhly how ^ n , ,111M, , ,. to nppruciato IIiohu cnmforU to wliioli run in li-'hior in ^n "'^ on^ ^u,ol>* bfiiiomo oiititlod, for I only about a mouth Ueforn Jack, liko ' Lord Byron, "awoko ono morning to find bimsnlf fitnioiis. " IIo luid had a Ioiik and bittor ulrut;- gluwith advi.'i'.so fortuuo, For morn than li'u yciirH ha hud toih'd untiringly, re warded only with poverty, Ktuwutioii and lK'^h.'ct. IIo had livod and worknd in a garret, rurryhi^ bin ilrawingn from editor to editor always on foot, for ho could not atTnrd to j>ny omnibus faro only to bo told llmt thoy had not enough to iriva lo their own Htaft*. ".'< .ib thi.-' , Tw o yeai'M hjjij wlint vctihi ii'.m t-mii ait ihvital.ion imv. v to > 11 r' i V \ !i!ll" of tliat a,|ji)iui(i:iif' i'aiili in hinlnten! wlii'b Mabel )io',v det-lan ii 11* i-.--1 15" lo have folfc all along woubl IiaV'"- imiiim wundt'i'H townril helpiiig Join t<> ^ucci i-t-i. And thin was tin* i;irl wlio had rel u,-ifl him thri.'O t iUi'-i. '!'lin '. tiny, :iot) ti inert, if he \v\-vi\ Id rnuitt- the uii-pnl:in languup! of' lie- rye/ At ih-ii it had amused her lu po-e 1'fir him, hut when who found that the nlieffdien wero puhliHlied Bin: Homi wi-tiri) d of it, Do i'Oium, anil I will i>m t-ir ynii mi nmMi u:j you liki!. Yours vi ry illlfl'!'! C .M A III I, P. H. i- you in ml" of mu -'iii i iu^ hi i hi- olil willow? I W .ifliT liu < : When Jack hud flnhln d -'. AN'liMAS. ..i-tcli whi'.'il ,Ul liinh'i' tin.' i! ntlllV rcadinjr I his work giva But now at laht futti had Hiuik-d upon him mi enterprising art editor had "dintrov- ored" him and hbliad booouio tho lush- ion, " lie wiih Heated at U\n cuho hoforo tho lire Hipping his cofiYo, Ho had already lnnkid ovi r tlm daily pajii-r nnd thrown it aside. A large |iibt of letters lay ou the table beside iiini, but ho hail not. opened any of tlieui, probably beeaiiHe ho knew bel'orehimd what their uon- tontK wero "ikely to be. When he had completed' bin metlitatiouH on the morn ing's neWH, howevov, he tool: one up and opened it. It was from the editor of ouo of the leading Imlieu' weeklies, Tho Glass of FuHhion, and it ran thus: "Bear Air. Tovriugloii^ We have been much grafcitied" "Oh, hang this com pliments," exclaimed Jack, and ho hung them thut, in to nay, ho fikippod them. "Would you*" tho editor contin ued, "Imvo time to undortako ono or doc'iuneiit, he filled hue!: hi.-i' ehaiv, threw baek his !; !m'-1 aloud, Then he took it up and read it over again, and then lie, laughed again. Ilia favorite fox terrier, whioh was lying anleop on tho hearth rug, jumped up at, the Hound of (lie unwonted merriment, but finding nothing more interesting This world ih full of ehango. There ;>ro ehmigi s Ihut niVo.el the ron^'itulioi: i; tb.\ individual, eliuligea Ut<d Aiiil e '..;o. v.*a ci:Mttot avert their ooniin^', h*" ". > r o. Injii in/iiiencu WT(nniuihood in hn met prion i.-i MU^e-jptlhle of ehaugeH that diiijiuiid tho laost judiidotm atloutiou anil prudential cam to uiimiro perfect dovolnpmout and h-ippy maturity. 'lMtofltf ohaugoftarft no vital and an subtle in thoirtdiiirtioiortliiilutiloHH tho utmost viuibuu-o uud dineri mi nation is oxor- ein(dintho ehoioo and application of reputuri remedies tho worst restdtu may iioorue. Tho couBtitutioa mayboun- itcrxninod and tho gonna of dinoauo fofltorod. Vigorous life is at tho basin not of all enjoyment and' kuccoha. To bo weak in to he niisorablo. It iri thoro- fore fuiailauioatal to ovory interOHt of humanity that lifo's rod, rod stream bo kept puro and hoalthy, Owing to ne glect of these purtioulni'H many young women Imvo allowed lifo to become a burden anda wearisome round of dutioH. Faint nnd weak vory aptly describes their condition after venturing to per form sumo ordinary honnobold duty. What can bo tlbno to accomplish tho rejuvenation of those- unfortunate onos? There in a remedy widely known and KiXO' :s /" in Ofier this _* Former Ones- Year P)0 YOU v:-:i.i a; a. live up-to-date local paper that gives you the news of your own dis trict and tiro county ? If so, Subscribe for The Essex Free Press. -i. I the End of 1897, than an inanimate bit of paper be curl- loudly applauded, whoHo virtuen aro ed hhnmdf up into a round hall and proclaimed on tho hotiHO topn aud whin went, to fdeep again. Then dark got up, j,cri,d u the atreota. Ton thouHand pushed baek hi.s eliair, put hi.s hamlHiii mnli1(.rH |mvo' rocommomtod it nnd hi.s poeketH and walked ovur to the win- twico Un tUollBftml fUn^htorrf praiao it. dow humming to iimHelr Home thing _ iww, iiiiuiumii, h0U(| w]jitt one of thorn hns to nay. la which f-oundud.very like: And siaUlli: t h<m my uray wur ntcud, Fur I'll go nii'l wntt el.sii\vhur<!. And tho only letter-that hn amrwcrerl wuh that from tho little modal. Ex change. tho village of Tjaueiifltor there livenAlrti. A. <T. ^tacphernon, widow of tho lato A. J. Maephoraoh. Hho in woll and favorably known hi tho community. Some four or (lvo yearn' ngo Afro. Mac- . _. _ ] phorsoii fiont hor oldoHt daughter to Cooil Nntura nml .Tmlli... ,yow Yorfc. While thoro sho rosidod ForoignerM aro frerpioutly linpwasod witu hor unolo ftnd attondod echool. With tho extreme good nature of oiu boiuff thon only about aiiteon yearn of neonlo in trying tureumHtanceH and the * ' 1 - .^ ,. y .i ,. .,,!,,,. iniVri KKQ' "ho Hocial life of hor temporary putionco with which they onuuro naia- * . n. _ ' J Ships and discomforts which Rpring homo mado rather aevorodomanda up- woulribo'BoniotliiuB appropriate to tho from thoiiRhtlowmcsfl. and injnstico. ( on her time, and being ambitious sho Boason You can name your own price." Now, patience mid good niitoo nro otf | wiib omoub to mako rapid progroBH in "Oli un'St likely," aid Jack, and collent qualities, and tho field for then ho throw the iutter into the fire. This exercise ia a wido ono. Tho grujnbliafl was tho editor who had written to him disposition, which fruitloflflly. complamfi onlv two yearn before, "Ah you do not of and nuigniUea each panning annoy- y y......' " ' "" anco, diHrpiioting and irritafchiR every one in thowicinity, in worthy of Hinoorc roprohution. At tho eamo timo there aro limits hoyontrWhich an cany good naturo ceaRes to ho a virtue Wo plume ourKelvoH upon it and comparo itsGOOth- Tlie Free Press lias an excellent staff oi correspondents in all the surrounding town ships and villages and special attention is paid to home news- -------------.fH two full page (IrawingHjor^onr mimniur mirnbor? Tlie aubjoct would bo entirely your own choice, but of coui'ho it excel ut this kind of "work, I feur it will not bo poHHible for uh to employ you." TliiB letter was followed by about a doss- on moro from other editors in very much the Hiixuo terniH. The next letter that Jack picked up wan directed in u, graceful feminine ing oil'eetH with tho influonco fitirred \\\. band. Thoro wuh a dainty porfumo by an oppuHitu cour.so, to tho entire ad- about it, and thoro was a crest ou tho j vantage of tho former. And in thin wc envelope. I are correct just aH long as it dooa not "Whotho devil can thin bo?" thought ] Jack, He opened it. ."Dear Sir '* it bogan, "Surely I can pander to injuHtico, To Hinilo indulgontly at a wrong that oallB forcorraction, to boar with equa- not ho wrong in aupposing you aro tho , nimity what ought nover to bo borno at aamo Mr, Torringtou who waa sketch-' "" ' " '"' "" i~ .* ing down hero a year ago" "Let's kco what the uamo iH Anna Delaoy Thorne. Oh, by Jove, X know. It'H that woman down in Shropshire who uned to como uud bother ino tb ehow her my nkotehes, and who used to toll mo how happy I wan.to he able to do auch ohuriaing work, and who never once asked mo into her hotiKO to have a cup of tea. Well, what more?" " 'Those delightful pen and ink all, to Hubmit patiently to evila that opring from unfaimoBs and to influence otheiH to do tho nanio plainly tend to foHter tho continuance of wrongdoing and to mako thoBo engaged in it Belt HutiHfled and Boouro, Patient endurance, no efitimablo under certain circum stances, may undor othern be an ac tual injury to wooioty. From tho reaiHt- auco to an injurious fashiou or custom up to tho correction of gravo abuHUH, the oarnofit Hooker aftor justice is a true If you want to take one of the City Weeklies along with the Free Press you can take advantage of the following offers: akotuhiiH.' Oh, bother. 'Everybody ; philanthropist and demands tho esteem and eo-oporution of bin follow nieu.-^- Philadelphia Lodger. Any doctor will tell you that Professor Hare, oJefferson Medical College, rkiladelpliia, is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs. In his last work, ' speaking of the treatment of scrofula, he says: uIt In hardly noceimnry to otnto that cod-llvei elUutlio boot remedy of nil. The oil tihoulJ to given In emulaion. eo prepared no to bi tnlatnble." lie also says that the hypoj)hosphites should be combined with the oil. Scott*s Emulsion of cod ,liyer\(7oili witCTiypophos [;/\phitesf is precisely such preparation. know that you would bo famous koiuq day. My husband buw your portrait in ono of tho papers, and lie nays ho in quito tsuro it ia you, etc. Is thero any chauco of your coming down this way next Hummer? Wo should bo no glad to : bco you, and I should llud you plenty of xnodola.' Thanks, I can do that for mysolt 'Have you tho sketch still which I admired so much of two girls standing on tho bridge and would it bo very expensive?' "Yes, madam, it would bo oxponsivo, but yon could have had it last year for C shillings." This letter also wan toss- od into tho fire, Tho next was directed in an untidy .scrawl, with many smudges aud ortho graphical mistakes. It ran thus : onnunl aur i wuh no ulud to burn of yur auacea and no wow mothor imu miryu diHurvd it if finny won did for yu liuv workud hi> lunjj for nuthin uud hud ho much truhblo 1 hop yu mr vcrry wnll i abud" bo ho ah:d if yu uud civ inu fmm worlto mother Iilh htm ill uud futhur in out of workn mul i liov hud mithhitf to do f(jr a inonthH nnd princH uti* ho hi jnut now wo air lovlnv! now at immbor 10 Kldnny atrcot. yur ubuduut nurveut, Boi'imv litATiiiiWB. "Poor little thing.!" suid Jack to himself. "Sho had rather good Hhoul- dors. I mutit seo if t can find anything for her to do." Tho next lottor was from a follow atudont of his who had boon rather buc- ooflsful as n portrait painter, but of whom Jack hud soon nothing Hinoo their atudont dayn, except now and thou when thoy had mot by accident: Dkau.Jack I roiilly muflb cohu'ratulato you oh your uiipruuotluntod nuccofin. Evorybody In aukinK nn ubout you. I foul quito proud of UuvhiB hoon your follow utudent, Bxit I nlwuyu Jcnuw thut you wuVo 8lnu to do ui-out thint'H. Why, I arjvur unw ny ono fiufc nlonK u you did. You'idinply gallopod, wlijlo othor follown orawlod. You wore oortnin to muko youf murk Boouor or lutor. I wish you would como round luid oritlaiuu tho pottruit which I am painting of Mvh. Doltoj), tho oulubrutua htiuutiy. Ib in nearly UuIbIumI, uud I nhould uo' liko to uoo whnt you would think of it. 1 urn "ub-horaa"- I'hurmhiy urtoruoonu, "The dovil you are I So am I," aaid Jaolc '"'" " The next letto* that ho took up was HJrooted lu a hand tho eight .of which hro or three years ago -would Imvo TftOiicLMi uud Color RUndnoHH. "Color blindness is on tho increase,*1 eaid Dr. D. L. Blinsof Now York. "Tin; cauKOH of this dofect in vision that may be otherwise perfect aro not all very Jt would soem that the her ntudioa. .In each particular sho enjoyed acovotablo measure of aucooBa, but at no small cost. Many remarked hor palonoBti and Iobo of color. Hho began to feol tired nnd weak after a littlo oxoroiao, such an a short walk. MiflB Macphorson's Btay in Now York lasted about two years. All this timo she ate and slept fairly woll. In tho spring of 18!)!i hIio camo homo, and hor mothor could not but remark how changed hor dau'ghtor was pale and languid instoad of boiner bright and ruddy. 'Thinking that nourishing food and perfect quiet, with judicious exor- ciBO, would restore the lost vigor and ruddy glow, it waa participated in to tho fullest oxtont. For a month this was tried, but still Miss Macpherson waa an palo as before, liable to turns of 'weakness and with an unsatiahlo desire for sloop. At this juncturo the family doctor was consulted. Iron pills were prescribed and a trip to tho Thousand Islands takon, tho stay lasting about six weeks, during which time every thing was done to help hor recovery. Tho frionds with whom she stayed camo to regard hor recovery as extreme ly doubtful, and when she returned homelier mother saw no improvement. Ono day whilo making purohaacs from a doalor in vegetables ho (tho dealer) took tho liborty of making some re marks anont health of Miss Macphoraon, Free Press and Weekly Globe till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press till Jan-, '98, and . Weekly Mail for 1 year. Free Press till January, 1898, and Saturday Mail for 1 year Free Press and London "W eekly Advertiser till Jan., 98,..... Free Press and Montreal Weekly Star and Picture, "Orphan's Prayer/' one year, Free Press and Montreal Weekly Witness, one year, . - Free Press and Leslie's Weekly, one year, Address all communications to $1.50 $1.45 - $3.IO $1.40 1.80 1.65 3.00 BRETT &AULD, ESSEX, ONT. well understood.....------ , use of tobacco had a good dnal to do ( which was obviously uofc promising. with it. 1 have examined a groat many Ho strongly urged the use of Dr. Wil- for color blindness, having on soverul hams' Pink Pills. Airs. Maephorson was not over credulous of tho rjualitios of tho Pink Pills, hut thoy were pur- occasions bueu employed by railroad companies to do so, aud in every in stance where the man examined was advantage, found to bo coOr blind ho was a user of , . tobacco. Women areseldomamicted in, BPn after beginnmg the mo of tho this way, hence it must bo caused by | pills, says Mrs. Maephorson. I thought something' that men do which women I Baw a reddish tiugo upon her cheek do not. What cases exist among women and in tho course of a week or so my will bo found to bo inherited from male' daughter felt bettor. Tho tirod fooling ancestors. I have never known a worn- \ ij0gftU t0 vanish and tho abnormal an to bo color blind whoso .father was, HleopiuoHH be,au to -yiold to tho in. iluenco of Dr. Williams* Pink Pills. Continuing the use of tho pills tho procri'osH of hor restoration way contin uous and comploto, and her improved WM. T. SIMPSON, Manufacturer of Foa- tor'nPatout Unlou Artificial Limbs 112 A 111 UlltOD ut. Do- troit. Mich, I'/tmeriptivo mttdo^iion and blunltn for ixihkltiR (ipiilloiitiono for Rovunummt ordorn for Iltnba inn] truminortntlou or comniutiiLion thurofur oout froo on anrilioatlon 20- 1831 THE CULTIVATOR AND 1897 frue from the defect. I am a smokor nd my perceptions of color aro unusually good, so that it is not impossible that a man may uno tobacco without such an ofl'eot, but I believe a largo proportion of tho oases aro caused by tobacco." | iookfl wDro tho snbjeot. of favorable Washington Star. Timo Occuplofl by DreninH. Tho timo occupied by a dxoam ia one of the marvels of sleep. In tho work .on- titled "Tho Philosophy of Mystery" we road of n man Who dreamed that ho had tnlistod as a soldier; that ha had joined his regiment and traveled to a foreign oountry; that ho finally desertod on no- oount of tho harflli troatmont ho had ro- ooivod at tho hands of his miporior ofTfl- oois; that ho had been apprehended aud carried back to hiu jegimcufcj that upon arriving, thorp ho was twiod by court martial, condemned to be shot and was led out for execution. At this moment tlio guns of tho oxooutlonors exploded, and tho sound awoko the droamor. It was clear now that a loud oiso in mi atljoiuing vooui had both $roduood tho droam and awakened tho 'droamor rd- uiost ut tho Bame momeut comment for some timo. To-day hor health is all that could bo desired, and both tho young lady aud hor mothor are Jlrm holiovorH in tho medicinal virtues of Pink Pills and ofton recom- mond thorn. . Dr. "Williams' Pi.uk Pills create now blood, build up tho norvos, and thus drive disoauo from tho system. In hundreds of cases thoy havo cured after all othor modioinos havo failed, thus establishing tho claim that thoy aro a marvel among tho trjumpliH of modern modioal soionco. The -genuine Pink Pills aro sold ottly in boxofl,boaring %\iq full trado mark, "Dr. Willlamfi' Pink Fillet for Palo Pooplo." Proteot your- Bolf from imposition by refusing any pill that dons not bear tho rogistored trade murk arottud the box. THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age Takon Intomally, HGuraa pirur'icja, Cramp, and Pain In the y.nntach, Sore Throat, Sudden Golds, l .'n :;'-"., etc., Oto, ' :" ^.'zicfrislly, Ft Cures :'. '..-. t.'i.'.'ic,;, Hums, Scalda, Spraina, '/ 'oihuchc, Pain In tho Face, Neuralgia, IHiQutiHttitwi, Frosted Fcst. !lnnvlli;In i>vit nttnliMil tn i>n<:li mi'utHmlml' i>npii)nr- liy -.s'iif.-m oiivri-sr. Wm-iiii ln'rtr ti'Hlluioiiy to Mm i'lll'-iu-y at llm 1'aln- llfllnr.. WoliHvuini'ii tlH innuli: ill'i"--- 111 ifctltltirf tlin iiitvrri.t jiiiln, and Jcnuw R Id ba a noml lulktii.-o'iiirdi- Hiitllmyut- li, jii'tilitnir1iniiyi^ui-|).-s<il tlio VuhflClllnr* wlilrfi U tht iiKiat vuluablit family mmlKHiin now In ub. T-muttit* O'VHIl. H linnrnl tnrrlt 1 nu a mi^hm ot r4invli>u itiln, no ;noi)ii-liiit Inm ai'i|iilri"l 't- )<>|iuUiil(iti oqtiAl tu l**rry j)a.vl* l'ulu.Klllcr. KtW)HHi A'liiej, Jluwarn 'riiiiitml()|i llnyoiily t]ttttfinuuu "paav DAVIfJ," Buld HVnrywhANi | lutvo (wittlo, i;6c Vrr lture butUu. U^. THE BESTOF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. HEVOTRD TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Live-stock and Dairying While it also iuoludoH all minor depart-, monta of Rural Intorost, auoh aa thp Pool- . try Yard, Lntomology, lioodteoping.&roen- ', houno unci Grapery, Vutorinary Hophea, Farm Quoationn and Anuwars, Pirosido lloading, DoraoHtio Economy, and, a Hum- ' mary of tho Nown of tho Wook. Its. Mir-:-', kot Itoporta aro ununually oompletfl aud much attention in paid to tho Proupoots of ' tha Cropn, as throwing light upon- ouo of tho mont important of all quontionft When to fiuy and When to Sell, It is liberally It- luairauid, and Qontuiuu morQ.roadiog xnv\.t- '. tor than ovor before. Tho BiibHoriptiou;., pnao la 82.50 nor ybar, hut wo offor a Bpoo-;./ iul Itetlaotioa in our J-.- CLUB RA.TES FOR 1897. ,' ' y^XM Two BubsoriptiouB, in ono romittanoo 84.00 ;v '.'^ Bix do do io.qo"VV'rt#i Tou do do lS.OO.'^jS KS"To all Now Btihttorlborn for '1897;:^!^ payipu in advanuo now, wo will send th0.'?'^$(| papor woolcly, from our rocoipt of tho; ra-uv^wl I mittauoo, to ifanuary lat, 1897, ohargo. A.ddreaa, , > .\i.vm LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Y3? Spooimsu Oopioa Preo. AMUNY, N.Y. PiibliBhero^^f Why upb profit by tho. experien'o<iv;-bQK others who have found a pormauont flUrO;,'" fbr ontarrh in Hqod'e Barfiaparilli,?^ ;.|M '&& 0709 73