IBilJfiPs^ " a-w^SS '$s Jtt*- A Snap! Men's All-Wool Shirts, Worth 76c, this Week for 50c,v Boys' Shirts and Drawers, each worth 36c- now 20c. GLOVES! Unlined Kid Gloves, Price, 80c, this week, 50c. BRACES! Men's Braces, worth 40c, this^week, 20c tiesT" The Latest King Ties, price 50c now 35c ; 35c now 25.0. ; 2f>c. now 18c. Boys'Ribbed Stockings, regular price, 40c now 25c until cleared, D. J. Wliitney's HATTER AND FUBKISHER. rrrrr:------... ^ . -" A Good Thing . . . Those who want the best of Good Things come to ur. They get Greater VahieH, Better Styles and more Pleawure out' of our oiferinga than at any other place. We know this to he true he caiiNc we hear what our. patrons say. What others have (Uncovered should interest you. 4J<>St'III,l> NOHTII. Mrti. Oyroiio Orow, of Oaltfary, N, W. TM haa boon vmlting with rulativott in thin lowntthlp. A plouuiug ovonb took plaoo at tho roiil- donoo of JamoH Morntfc, Gottum, on Wed- iiofiduy, Novomhc* 11th, it bomtf tho mar rlugo of hia_uldont daughter, Hubina lilu- tfono, to Will tor .T. SfotToy. TlifTCrfilirwofo a very pretty ooHtumu of dark fuwn Indian' cloth with fancy ttimmluKH and a boautl- ful oalla lilly and whito ^orniiiuimi for adornment. On tho brlde'n bond routwl a protty wreath of ivy intortwinod with whito chryHanthnmumn, whiuh oomplofculy oaptivatod every ono. Bufuoo ib to nay tho ^rorim never loolcod nicer. Tho brldo'ti motor, Miiiii Author, iictod an bridoamuld, unci wnro intuit of lu'ht brown with orim- nou floworii, which hud n ploaniug offtiot. Tho bout man wan Goor^o Motloy, brother of tho j>room. Uov. Mr. Shaw tied tho nuptial knot and by bin jolly and plouHiuit wanner won the roopcot of Uioao who had novor had tho ploaouro of mooting llio rev. tfontlemau bnfuro. About forty rolativon of tho brrJoand j*room nab down to a woll- ladon tablu. Tho pronontu, whioh wnro prntty and unoful, wore uumorouit. Tho oveuinjj wan uncut with muuio. All went homo winhinii Mr. and Mm. Motley uvory iiucQOHti in life*. woooiLKr; G, TI. iVIillM, of Leamington, In lemming uKhuu from thin neighborhood for bin puitoh Intnl. .....-----------...... itlAIi>N'r>NK. Mr. Booth loft laufc wook for hiu homo 11 our Btratford after upoiidniK tho mimmnr monthii making ohuoMuufc tho Union ohoono factory. Tho uvo-yuar old 11011 of Abraham Olnir* ron, who livou noar IJello Kivoi*, diod on Thursday nljiht of laitl woek, ot inflamma tion of tho lunjjH. Our Shoes Look Well. Fit Well, Wear Well. Thin u tho. least wo could poanibly nay about thorn. If it wui fur our '.:.\[ii-ri(;!i[:i! in leather we could not nell ho cheap. Call bo convinced for yourHolf. V'dfc. 3i mm < tj t %& not ami a. Hij^n of tho Gohien Hoot, WIUTNKY HL0CK, KSHKX. ^^^ Mm. (j. Jolloy in viHitin^ hor mother in Huron county. aim. .lainen TacUahorry and hou, Harold, tiro vimtinj; hor hrotbnrn m Michifjan. W. Feotham will pruauh in tho Muth oil- ifit olmrcli noit Habbath evening in tho abwnuo of tho paotor. Mm. Torronco, wife of Mr. Torrunco, nhoemakor, diod on Monday, nftor a uhort illnena, Kho Inavon two little nirl. Itov. W. II. Khaw loft on Wednesday, uccompaniod by Ihh fjrandtion, for Chicago, whoro ho vhiitn hiu daughter. Mm. (Itov.) A. K. SauiitiorK, Ho will preach tlipro on Tli!inkHKivin* ami tho following Bun- day. Ileevo Brown recontly recoivod from riuKh-McCrcoi:y,_pf tViimlio, Wasih., n. fluo photograph of T. II. DeCow and bin un^ of inoni nuiiibijrini; -1-. Tho mon aro Htandmn on u utick nf timber y 1x2 1 and 100 feut loii^; it in loaded on throe card and iH to lie noiit to China. Tho piuturo iti a fine olear ono and our old fnond and towns man, llu^h, ih irnnily roooHiiixod, an ih aluo tho familiar faoo of T. II. DaUow. Hoy. F. CI. Newton, of Strathroy, con ducted evan^olintio iiorvicosi in Triuity oburcb lata week, lie iu. uu oarnont. dlo- qinmt and foroiblo npeakor and tho mooi- iujjH were well attuiidiid. It npeakn well foi'.Uio mornberM of other ohuruhoH, who havo ntianded in lar^o nmabern anil have holped on the i/ond omnie with their pren- tiiiuo and contributioim. "Bohold how U,oi)(i a thnifj it in for bruthruu to dwull to gether in unity." A younc man ntimotl Floury, 1R yoam of iiKo, diod at Hollo Eivor on Friday niidit. Yomi|j Floury wan an orphan liyinj; with an unolo, Michaol Dhuiart, at Hollo Uivur. About a month baforu ho wont to u. ohop. ping boo ut Viotor Ilubort'n on tho lako Hhoro, UoolioHtar. Whilo thoro a rjuarrol arono among nomoof thono pronont and in tho moloo, it in tiaid, young tlobert, a youndor brothor of tho man who had tho boo, kicked dnceanuil in tho groin. Young Floury wan taken homo to hid unolo'n and had tho attontiouit of Ur. Amyot, of Hello Kiyor. Ho nulTerod oonwidurablo pain and gradual ly grow woniu till bin death,Vridny night. DdcoaHod ban a brother living at Tooumuoh. Coroner Koaumn, of vViudflor, wan notilled and wont to Jiollo Kivor on Kuturday. Tho abovo itom appoar<id in th o \Vindnor Ilooord on Saturday hint. Gnronor Hoaumu mado a pout rnortuin examination of tho young man and found that death wim duo to iippundicitiu. DEEBEL & BRIGKER. ^J/v^l/v v\W> vV-f- -ito^TA. v\J# vVA" M/> vVfr ^*A- Important Dress Qoods Purchase. ii %pW Is wlmtcan be olitained at our t-HtabJislimeiit, Dunfitaii Blk, (3ur work is the best, our de signs lire up-to-date and our prices very low. We are the only .store in town . handling Tweeds oi'Clyde Milln, best in Canada and buying at niill prices we save }rou froui 50c to Si on pair ot ptmts and JJ2 lo tf-1 on a suit; we" have also a splendid line oH'smcy colored \\MrHted.s wry ]-ea.st)iiable in j)iii\-. A.\re iiiuito .you to in- .^].;et:t our *i(.odH before buy in. o 1 &g 1W Li alii m Mtil Iieamington Gaffiage Ulorks. 7'u f'\iri/!fr> a:ui lhr i'::' : thl'.L utli' UGGIES and WAGON?. ^'UlV "1 tllf Uirtruit clMtoniH Ol]\':i.;i-rt who lrt\e tti'i-n h[ki! Lin;; Octroit. cu^timi-rii whu iM.'iit- n\'iT ijiiiiH li Wimlilfir, ar<: iiii't I!!;', '.'.idi w.u'in nui-ptiun-, by l.hu Wmd-or riihi'cr-. 'I'1l'.> (,.'iii'!.ih'.t.ii Hi fmnee lid ul .'.iiirri'^Di li-di u.'ii: l^iiid i>n iTiiLtudii^. T!n..r L'"tlf;l ht-izf,-d it . j l . wuri: fi'^ iit-tti in Aiir, 'nii. i:i' -1. Thin your, nn imilul, lliny huvc j;ivf:n un nix Unit priKOfi nut of a [ios.i-iIiI.* Hnvt'ii nt. tin* T^ammi'trm Knir; ("i"' lirsit i'riz<!. uL Hnvrow i::,,\ n.t lU-\\n Uivur X'ttii* our ThifiuhiH t;ot Mp*'-n tln-l i>d/>u( cut nl' it riQiiuU)lo iWo iviMi liy 'l1'1 "iotv, Oiiih ui^lii'ii! a clean bwocp at nil tlut LYini Mull our wurli \t Wlin on oMhibitinii' lhi:l full. (M)i' ll-.i:.h \:iv\ i:x- [{' ' rollout, in fiiftt It wuHtlio univiiivnl dccibi'-in of uvorybods* thitttuu- vc.-liinlcii hiiriun-^'il nny cx- hlhit of any former yoiLiH. a-i.-it nfill, wo n6l<l tnoro work at and durim; tho T'lLin; than all OtllrtV com)iotltorn Hold nil put toi^tlwr. Still, WO havo a lot of diiToivnt ntylnn on lumd ai:d iimlduft ovovy wohU which will unit tho inout ^tftlitldioiin. Wo aro nov/ n-trdy to lului urdnm . for Fruit Wncoini, Ilui*:,-ici( imd CtLrriiuiuH of (ivory (loncrlptinu, Hcpiiirmf; douo in all Ild bmnahoD. Ordorii Holicito-J. Wrifitorn Uiijitiioii nnd Wiiroub unrt fill kmiU of Farm IiitplotuonU and , liicyulud iiunpliml on ' uhort notioo and at a mnnll cdvonuo on cout. ' 'I'lianidiifj our V't-tronit for rant fiivora. I uin, Yourii very ronpoctfully, f. F. HeKENZIE, Afjom foi tho abovo Worlm. Box 03, Ijoamlnstou, Ont- tmp Jul. ii.Hi 1 llif; /i.n:(j[-ir-p.:j HTl-.v.-i U) I'llUX' Ill-'ili t lMi\v. ' ."Jin <! ihljnris, (inoi/.t! C'lhiy, 0:ivi.l Ilm.iir.l hitvi: Ijc.uu nt>:iti.m: IJllUltlln Wt;rt; riL'i-'Il m (-'tinti-. Hi HtHl tu -j:* iri'iuii nl. 'i'oronto, by y All tho loading Ran aompanioH of New jVork City havo oonoladod' to form a *Mub(j. It iu furthor roporttid that tho filandftrcl Oil Conapauy Ih at tho baok o! ihe movement. MaMiMr'.U' ]j;irtl(;i, for hiir^hiri/.ing Smith A; Tuvhw'H htiiri; two wiruk.-i' ago. (ii-or^i.- C'li'-y, II. Knvanau^Ii atid (IIultIoh WiIhom, cluirN,; 1 v. i'.h tvc.viyinn tho ^oud.-j, v/on.- t:i.-iil|n;iu 1 (.HI .--UripuM-ii-il HOLltijIlIJC. On TuuMtlay throii of tiiu KhIuuIIh ^an^ and Ilw> Crittcii'-li.-d woro auutenood tu ono your in (Jcntnil priHijii (or iihsmdt. 'J.'Ip Priiicciui of Ohiniay ;-nd Curaman, wif'jof IVineo rlufuph uECiiiinuy mid Caru- uiun, UuJt'.iiiui, has idoiicd with u Jluu- y aid an iiainwl Tzsfitiiiio, a nnuiioiau, who wua uocuHtomud to pluy in tho l'ariu i-oh- tiuiruutH. 1'iiiioo Joiioph will briu^ nuit u^uiuHt liis wifo fur a divorce in tho Brim- uola oourtH. Tho PrinconH watt t'onuorlj Mini* Clara Ward.'liL'in^ a duufjhtor of tho Into Capt. Kbor Ward, of DL-troit. Hor jmolhor wan t\\u iiocoud wlfu oi tho lato AloKundor Cumorun, of VVindiior. Sho married Fttuoo Jouoph m Purly in 1890 and iu tho mother of two oHMron. MtM. Scott BulduuK, tnu autronH, d:od iu Faria ou Friday. W, Fi:ulli!i!ii will pruuch in tlu Motho- dint chui'di next S^ljhuth. Jo I'm L, Winter him built a now nhauty roof li'jihlo for Ihh horta'H and coivh, John PciLOock, of North Dakota, culled on Iiih ciiu-iiu, Thoniurt !->. Kioto, lant wook. Androw fjucou. ol Cmup I'ltltiior, callod on Ahjnzo llnd^eu, wifu and family hint Btinday, John B. Hillirij.', huu hnilt a ^f^d wood- hhe.l. .If-nmy .luhn.^on, of Wooiltitock, did the onrpcutur work, .lames Cuiiuiiifurd, one of tho auryivorh uf Lh.i uniih'iiwiMtiitjhH of lH.'(7-;iW, uttendod thti Bnhln.Th1 ro-uni-.ni nl 1 ^amui^tou on tho lHth iiiHt. Mi'M. Waltur \V. (loleuvitt ami dsuii^hUrs, Ada, I'carl and IOIhic iMyrtlu, of Miiidrftono, callod on Mrii. Sainuul Siu-^fiii, ar., iiinl- otlii-r rohitiVL-H ho.ru hi;it Snnday. Sairiii"! A^h pur|inKon ijuildin.^ a burn Host, hu.unu'r. ] U: rtnidt-ri mi thoSlh con.. Hi) has ninHt of tho lumber ncodi"! aln-ndy on tho ground, Tim h:ini will bu i"ii ftsoi hi lon;;th hy :ili ft;i-t v.'ilUi vaLli 20 ft. pOiit !1. 'William HomU.-i'-^on, frurut-i.* and huildor of North Kid^f, Lum tin. contract iiiid hu will comintMici' f)[ii-rut.]o;i:i in a uhort tiiuo, lu-n.lth and wi-aUn.-r pi rmittin:.!;, Uov. I-;. iWcdd, I'h. !>., :>l ItuthvHii, ph-acliod in Hie ?rIothoiliMt olur/oh ln^t Sun day tiKirnini.; from tho wunla, "Awnko iiwul',", put on thy nt.ro ii j.; .Ii, O 'Aiou ; put on thy bt'itutilul f;annoiit.M, 0 Jerusalem, tin.- holy oity." Tho i;on^'ri>ipi.tion wait lart'i' and they li-donod tu tho H-.iV. Ur. with rapt utt(mition to his inmost and iin- proi^ivii diiioi.u'r^o. Uov. \V, 11. Bha w | proM'.hcd in tlu; liViicii:'"- to a well Tilled olmrc.h from tho woidi, "h'or without mo yo oan do nothing." Tin; ruvn.od yornou roails "I^or iip'iit from tne, yo oan do lioihiiii^." T/h-j tua (ju Mondtiy owning wan noL vi:vy !ai';^-ly attoinlod on accuunt. of rain. Tho untortuiumont in tho chnrali afh.-r the ton, wau a hiicC'.-H?). Iinnnbia.lly, a?i eiion.^h wan loaluod to pay all bilU inunr- rod in tho rt \hui-h to Lho clmroh. Tho rniiniaal tu-hcumiH woro j^ood and wore well rondi!ii;d; rocitutiuii:) worn p;ood, nnd do livorod in Indy hko and exoollont atylo. Ul'V. E. Medd, l'h. I.)., luldroHued lnmnolf to the youiifj men in an oarnoat, roaMOii- ablo nnd practical way which wo hopci tho yonnf, mui will put ju prtioticp. Itov, .!_ It. Gundy, of Windsor, nddroHHtd himnolf to tho womnti and ho appoarod to bo par* fiiotly at home. Amou^ut many j^ond tluti^fj ho haid, wo woro planned with him boniK an admiror of noein^ womon on the wheul; and ho ardontly hopoil to tioo for himKoIf womou votm, nud ahio ho hopod to live- to hoo women roproBOutativon in pariiumonb. TIiqhg taking part in niDHioal porformauooii . woro : IVlinu G, Shaw, Minn S. WilhamD, Miflfl Gruoo Foot- hum and Low in WilliatCM. Mrs, John P, l\lcCroory i;nvo an oxoollont recitation, also MiflB Jouuio Munloy, 'Xho ropairu to tho ohuroh ooafc about $80. (JKNTO. Joiioph Swoot in building a lar^o barn on bin farm. iteovo Barrutt and wifo wero ton yourii married on Wudnouday. .Edward Finn lmn gouo to work for Wm . Lounnbury nn thoBootten farm. A now bridtjo in buiii" built aoroiui tho Canard Hivor noar New Canaan. lticl.ard Socord will commence runi.in^ tho mill at Edtjar'a in a fow dayH. l'otnr fjan^loy iu flrootiu^ a fine uow houno on bin plaoo on tho roar road, Jim. Go tilt ur in now liviiit* m hiti uow Iiouho on Main utrout. IIo han hiu ntablo alnooomplutod. Tho Gonii Modicino Co. aro holding forth Tor two woo Its in tho town hall. Froo ontortaiumcntH aro fiivon eaoh oyonin^, Wm. A. Campholl in nuroinj* a vory aoro hand. Whilo grinding apploH for cidor bin miLton wan oautiht aud liTu hand wavi drawn into tho maohino mllmtiu^ an ngly wound on' tho wrif-.t. S. S. Smith, who livon ou the* North U'jar Jtoad, noar Ehuox, i^ hnildin^ a lar^fi now barn on hia farm. .Tohu Wortlcy i doin(4 tho carpenter work. After tho barn id completed, I\Ir. Smith contemplatoii Imililmjj a finn now homo. At tho iMothodint tea mooting hold hero a lad by tho liaino of Wohbn ahoved T. Moore into a crowd of ^irlH for whioh Moore atruuk him and caused tho blood to flow. Mooro waii arruittud and tried bo- ioro Srjuiro ItoUd. llu wan finod $2, We have passed into Stock the Larg est Assortment of New Dress G-oods we ever had, and' commencing Satur day Morning we will offer For Two Weeks Only, The Following Bargains : 25 l'inoen T?uro Wocl DroHti Hereon, in Blauk only, regular prico 2!ia arid 28c a yard, Ilar^aiu Prion, 1 tJ-s a yard. 5 Piooeo of Mixed Tv/oud Efn.-atu, n.^nlar prieo 'JUc a yard, rednood to IRo a yard, f 0 I'ieoen of 12-Inch J31uck Twill Elannel, regular prico :i0o a yard, rodneod to i},r)tj a yard. 4. Piocoh of Fanay Twood Uratin Goodn, rumilar prioo 0O0 a yard, reduced to JJ7i3 a yard. 30 DroHH X'attornii of Columbia Twood Urenu GoodH, rotjnliir prieo 81 and 81.25 per yard, reduood to H7\a a yard, 1 9 Droun CoHtumufi in Fancy JJouclo, Two.toned, regular prico 97.50, ^8, SO,, choioo of tho lot for 9(1,'.)."(. Bpcoial Offonn'tfrt iu Blao.lt Canhtnoron at Kjo. nOj and 7."j0 a yard. To further introduce Priestly's Black DrQSS Goods, wooffor dur ing thin ualo a reduotion of 10 per com., off iv^nlar priuen. Also Liberal Offerings such as no other store will attempt in Ladies' Misses', and! Children's Mantles and Men's- Boys' and Youths' Overcoats. Remember, For Two Weeks Only. The Millinery Departiaie-nt is again replete with tJie latest creations in Hats, Bonnets, Toques, &c. Tha Groat Corner Store. -Kssex Market. soitii u iM>fl>i4i,i;i; Jlr. Fiul.;r, of Windsor, wan in town for a few dayH last, woelc. A. J. Grooii fihippod a cur load of pork from horo on Tiuaulay. ^liha Downing, of JJutroi'., wan tho guent la.it wuok of iMjmu ,1. Wilcox. Mm. J. I'. Homy Wiu vt'i'y i*l for a few ilayu hiHt week but hi rocovorin^. L, Binith, of Norllutni JMiulnyan, i;i vioitin^ wnh lun fathur, Natluin Hinith. It. (J. l?coH han bought another lut of tinihur and intondrt putting aiariforiiuok in hiu yardu tiiiu winter, Win. Melntf.er han l,:u hoit'iu inovod to hiti farm and IK-nry littchnor in build inj* an additiou lo hvs ronidonoo. illru. Muriain, who liaa noon homo re- ernitin^ for hoiho timo, roturuod to De troit ',ni Wodnonday mornin;;. A niimbor of the mem horn of thct I\l.eth- odiHt church (locidt'd on oryanizini^ a hoe on Thankiigivinif IJay to repair tho uhud- at tho cliutoh. Thoman Fit^,;iinihl and wifo returned from tlu-ir woddin^ trii'on Wcdnctulay ami had a Iiouho warming in thoir new rt/M- duiiou that ovi'iiiu^, J. A. Smith wart l.akoii ill on Huiulay last with a ruahin^ of blood to tho hoarl, and wan laid up for u. uhort limo but in a,itain able to ho ut work. I'atnek Murphy and Frank I:Ioj.;an were invilud to enij; at an i-iitcrtaminont 111 tho KpiHoopal ohtuch al. Harrow on Thauku- j^iviiif; ni^ht nnd acreplud tho invifatiou. H. (VKooH intrndsi putting up a building on hiM property in South Woodnleo, tho building to bo framo, :jO.\('iO ft. und two tiiorioh in hoi^ht. The lowor purt iii to be cecupiud an a hard war u ntoi'6 by Wm. Hiunhall, formerly of INlorlin, and tho up- titaira will bo tahon by Jacob Mitchell who will uho it as ti hall. Geor^o Hunt wont to Loiunin^ton on TnoHday to ivo ovidonco in tho trial of Audrow Votor, who wan ohar^od with tho htroony of n wot of hurnoHH from Chariot) tlarriu. Tho harnoufi wan htolon on Apnl lHth latit, aud on tho 11th of tho flume month, Vetor bottghb u bufjRy from Mr. Wnnnor, ol Leamington, ^ivini; hira a lien noto on tho vuhiolo. Ah ho did not moot tho payments, Warner took tho bcgy baok, Votor aloo uivmg a net of hurnonii with tho rifi. Wa^nor Imuy tho haruenu ju bin placo whoro it wait noon by Hurriit, who laid iuformntioii boforo P. ftl. Sellark, of liearaint^ton. Attav tho information waa laid it wao anoovtamad whero tho liar. noBucamo from and|Votorwan utTOHtod, At tho trial on Tuoaday, ho waa found guilty and nontoneed to 1)0 dtiyn In Buudwlob gaol. 80to HO 77 1*7 lo to 111 1 :io 500 to m) 8 00 to 8 00 "j I 50 to 5 00 3 2."> to :i -i(: ~> 01) to ;"00 2r,o Wheat rod per buahel .. ..ft Whoat, white .... Corn .... Oatu ____ Timothy Seed .... Clover Hcod .... Hay por ton............ Alaiko .... liouf pet owt............ Pork tAvu weight........ .Mutton ............ Hidoa ............ Chiokeus per lb.......... Duttor .......... Lard ......... I'-M^fi, per do/. .......... I'otatOtJd, por bUiihol .... Onions .... Applna .... TuruipR .... (Jarrotn .... TurkcyH per lb.......... Duokn .......... O-Iery per do/ .......... Wool .......... KL.MNTKAU). .1. S, AiiHtiu viHitud in Dutroit thid wouk. The Hill Brott. n'-ti buriy huruin^ brick and tilo. II. Wright went, to Chatham on buH.iue^ lant week, (J. Tid.lit, ol St. ThonliiH, viaiud at lilui- nto id huit wiifk. s ;\:> to 10 to JO to \> to - to o IH to 12 in ;{."< jo 10 7 no 10 Cauudian reflnoru hayo raiwed tho prlc ofaugar. HDTUVflv.V. Hannah Uunaull J)initjr wm horn in Tuntorden, Kent Co., Kn^laml, on tho l.Hh of Dooerubor, 1B1;(. In IH'AVt, hho with lho uther memborri of tho family oaino to Canada und nettled in Kent Co., Out., near CjhariiiK Croan. Tho following yoar uho married tho late John Jomior, of Benou Jen, EnMliiiid, a town noar Touteudeu. Tliuy wore HuhoohuatoK iu tbe old laud ami thoir rnarriti^a vowo wero pli^htod boforo uuiliii^ for tho now world. They lived together Ufty-fonr yearu whou her partner 111 life wuh called home. Of thirtoon ohildttjii born to thorn, nyo houh and live daunhtorn mirviye. Soon after the duoonHO of hor huaband uho cloned up tho old homoutoad and lived with horohildruu, opundin" moat of her -itno with her daughter, Mrn, S. G. Wiu'le, of ltuthvun, and hor hou, Br. .Ten ner, formerly ot Kingnvillo. Sho waa noted for tho nwootnonB aud amiability of he* diBpohition whiuh oudearod her to till, who know her, aud whioh doubtlcBfi contributed mnoh to hor longth of daya. Sho wuh a momber of tho Eritabliahod Church whilo in England butjoinod tho Wonloyan Mcth odioto ou hor arrival in C a inula, of whioh denomination nho oontinuod a- devoted mdmbor tintil hor doath. Although nolthor Hiolc nor aufforin'c pain uho- know hor pua wan fanb approaohing end oft cxproHHod a deiiiro to depart and ho with Ohriufc, Her vomains woro iutorroil iu fcho family bury- InH ground ou Lako I3rlo noar tho homo- Btoad. " ' President Isano Lewis of Snblna, OH!o. Is highly respected all through thai Bcctlon. Ho baa lived In Clinton Co. 7fi years, mid has been president oi the Stibina Hunk 20 yearn. Ha gladly tontines to tho merit of, Hood's Sareo- purilla, and what ho says ia worthy attention. All brain workers find IJood's Sarsapurilla peculiarly adapted to their needfl. It makeR puro, rich,. red blood, and from this cornea uervu, mentnl, bodily and digestive strength. "I am f;lad to any that Hood'o Saraapa- rllln ifl a vory pood modicino, uspocJally na a blood purlflur. It haa dono mo good ' mnny tiinofl. For covoral yoara I aufferad greatly with painn ot > !n ono oyo nnd about my tomplos, o#- poolnlly at night when I had boon having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remcdlcH, but found help only In llood'a Saraaparilla which cured moot rheumatism, neuralgia and, headache. Hcod'a Saraaparlllahna proved itaolf a true friand. I aluo talto Hood'e PIllu to keep my bowuls regular, nnd llko tho plUi vory muob." Isaac IiIDWIH, Bublua, Ohiou m, m I'M Si 11 arsapar la the Ono Truo llKtod Puriflor. AH driiKelsta. <1. rrojiaretl only by 0.1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. J ^,1? iri'11 nro Prompt, oColont and HOOCl S PlllS oasy in effect aoooDU. Pronator Iiauvior \r&a Cs yeRttf pf K o Friday laafc, November 20th. . '1 Kalnh Mathoi'H, fir., haa boon troubled' with fjaufin-no in hbv loft; lc for p.omu time," Dr. Aiidoi-Hfin, n^s;HtLid hy Dr. Kinfi, of Staplofi, amputated tho member bolow tho kinooii ^londay of hint week. Sir, JUtlth- oru, connidorui/* hiu aj;o, ia . doin^ niooly,, : Ho in over 70 you.ru of uro. ' Eii, Smith, of Unaaorab, who iiioloaring a, larHo tmet of laud in thin towuahip, Boat to Detroit for a number of Poloa to 00me, aiul work in tho biiah. Tho PoIdh oroBaeo! :.}$$ over to Wiudiior on tho forry boat on Mon- .. "'A>0jj& day morning with their qhwh, ukch, atores^ -\f'($$* olothiuR and vavioun toolH. r.Cho Canadian :/^H| oiwtomH officer, would.nofc allow thom.'to"1-'.^^" papR without paying duty which Sh 35 pet"-'tftiJJM oout. on tooln and a lowor riitoon fchoothet'-j-^M artioloa, Tbia tho Polos could not do, boft i}'i^M having tho monoy. Tho oUHtoma offioorfl/'^p would not allow thorn to prooood ud: word'a;'v'^ ' waa aeLfc to Mr. timlth; Who.WQnfctoWWl^ir flor and paid duty. Thy roaohod Rasoomi'^ iu tho evauine thoah it was ;30. in .the; if * naomhid when they oroaaed tho river ' $*" WindBor* \$!'\$d i^^i'fiffl^&ifei;'""' ' ^^v^