. --..^.m '~tt$ s I fi EMULSION IiM'OVHI'tll-TfoN nrid nil MfltfO wihkakkh. Hk-rrriN<i oruLooo, <oi <;ia. to** or .vi-i-iuti:, DlllElLllV, Oio iHsarllfriurthU ^ iirllclouk-o liiout li)ituir^M(4 liylli.tnM of Tim "D. ,1 I. " 1'nniMnii, I liav*irt ttil <f tt liuililni; i-iiih:)i wlilrli liiiil Uoul>lil nirt IW nvtr h yr.ir, t.ii.l iuv onial r<>irililiiil>ly In Ow.lulit. 1 llk"l tiilu KmiiMmi 'id wall I Win yljul wltuli Hid li/i.n imihii .lrnii.Ki .1 L ,' It. ~ T. ii. wisciiAM. o.i: ,M(jntr.!,ii' Kile., uiul lit lint* UtnlHtt DAVIS & LAWliENCE CO., Lru.,MOHTHtAL 4 Tho body of It. GroomiliiolUii, o' 0 aw, Witu fouud flouting in tho rout uf tho pumj:- lioiKto, It iu buluivod to bu a uaiiti of nui- mdo. /tuwrll iu UlViir. Di:au Sinn, Af tor iiulToriuf* for two yourti from acuta indi^fiBtion, I tried U. B. B. I tof.k only threo botiluii, which tnado me Em well iih over I wuh. I highly recom mend B, B. B. to all dynpoptioii. Mnti. John WiiiTK, Auiitin, Mat). Mnt. iHitbi'llii Kidilln, of Miirltliain, \h (load ut tlio advanocd ntfo of 10(1 yaara. ^omullpulloii Cim-<I. Gkstr, 1 wiui in vury poor health for ovor four yourn ; the doctor rniid it wan oonHtiptitiou. Not wanting to upend too much cutih I get thruo bollloii of II. B. B. and took it regularly.. I can certify tbat I urn now io tho very bunt of health aud foul yery (jratuful to B. B. B, Aw'ai;i) Tuaoux, Montreal, Quo. The MoIhoiih Bmilt baa placed tho Sheriff iu oharco of tin; Vitiligo of liintoa- burg for a, debt of 30,000. Make "Your Own Lantern. Your homo in iucumploto without, it, and Lho.prico iu wiiliin much of all. I ordered ono for my own uno und it wuh mo haudy Mid eouvouk-nt I wont to taking oideni for thorn and Hold 51 in one day making over ~95~olcar; Itrgivott a buautiful wlutu li^ht,, ohunnoyo ueyor break from heat, it in alwayti cIcjuu aud ready, Frauoia Jasuy, St. Loum, Mo will oond tianiplo for 13 two cent HtampH, write for ouo. 1 (jot my ututt from biuj. -15-lBt Gkoiioe B. Promior Haliabury, in a npooob at Lou dou last wook, announood that thy Von- OKUuUri trouble bad boou amicably nottleid. Tbo King of Swodon haa boon appointed ouo of tlio arbitrator* aud tho Chief Juh- llaoB of England and (Juitod StatoH will eiioh soleot two othora. Dr. Fowler'o Extraot of Wild Btraw. borry ourofl Diarrhcoa, Dyuoatery, Colic, Crampp, Cholera, Cholera Infantnir, Gholora Morbus aud all mi in m or com* plaiute and fluxonof tho bowolu in children or adult*. Tho steamor Tiber-in leaving tbobarhor lit St.John'H, Nfld., collided with tho aaboooer Maggie, loadod with fiuh und Jam bor. Tho Hcboonr sank immediately and Of tho arow of niao pernouH and 1-1 pas- dongem, thirteen woro drowned. ii DA. MENTHOL PLASTER I linvft jirranrlhM MtntholPIiiUrIn n numlwr ataiAnut nuuralclc uj rlimimntlc ikiIdb, and mn vury mud) ptcaoAd with tho ttfmlM nnd Iilnuuritnoii of IU ttpplleatlun. W, II. CaIipeh- W.n, M.D., llotol Oxford, isnntnn. I UtiT \md lluntliol I'luitora in *evtn\ aufa of miucuhr rimiimatlirn, nnJ find In ovcry cut tlint 1% mvvtolmfittniUntrnl purrnanuot rellof. J. U. MonitB M.D . WaaliliiRton, V.O. It Cures Snlatlcii, Jjiimbugo, Nou- rnlKln,, ralnw in Hack or Side, or liny MuHcular rninu. 25c. | Solu Proprietors, Moiitkual. s A. denpatoli from Bombay naya that in elevorj diHtriota of tho Ducan aud Oouonn a million and n quarter of people &ra bo- liev<jd to bo ou the verge of uturvatiou. The dohpatch uddn that riotn have ooourred at Shahabad and JXar.od, Dr. i'owler'a Extraot of Wild Straw berry curea JJiarrhuMi, DyMentery, CrampH, Colit:, Cholera Morbun, (Jhclorn Infantum, and all looHonohs of the bowuln. Never travel without it. Price Hug. Don't dally with rbeumatiem. Purify your blooo aud ouro it at onco by taking a courne of IIood'H Baraapurilla. Tho London Daily Newa'Conutantiuople oorronpoudout oayh the Kvorek m&Htiucio Ian tod frona noou of Friday, October 30th, to Saturday ni^ht, wbon it wan Htoppod by the troopa from Caouaroa. Tho Armen ians Bay that 300 poraona woro killed. conditioes In some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is rapid. For this reason we put up a 5oc size, which is enough for an'ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slow, sometimes almost irnperceptible.health can't, be built up in a day. For this Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourish ment, food rather than medicine, food prepared for tired and weak digestions. &arY& &OWWK, ChmUu, 50a. Mttdli.eo THE 8ILENCE OF LOVE. OVk)exprf*nihlfl ni tronot.., , LoTtokn,niy voio*> ownyv - t ouViTioi tnll thnn wlum wo moot' Whnt tiiOHt I lonK to Hay. But httdufi thoa lnuirltiK hi thy heart To knoV wtonfcbaatd in mhjo :, Thmi Hhptildnt thou Walk, whoro'or thoa nrt, In muliklWH dlvlun. Bo Wurljlhn; blrdn lift lilulmr no toy Thoii to our nam ImiIouk. TJhi mtutln tlllH tlmlr throhbhUf throatj*, But Mllimcn HtiMilH tlio noiitf. OuorK K. Woodburry In Contiiry. "THE TIME IN PEKIN." For two duyn tlio (lootor'H fouturo* hud worn 1111 xiirfiHion of gravity M lio bout oviu* tho bed nf my Hick friend, but now, uh I wutclu'd him olo.xdy, thn htvowu fiieo roliixod, and iih lio raiuod hiH bond I hiiw tho light of Hutinfuofciou in Iuh kindly oyoH. Ilin bat, Htuilc and tfavutt lay on tlio droKHing cum*, nnil uh- ho croiiKod thD room to tiikn Ihom ho nutrient! my look of Ort(!f* inquiry, uiul, puuHinK abrupt' ly, laid hm hund on my Hhoulrir~. "Wu'ro doino; Hplendidly, fiimouuly, my dour boy, fimtouHly. If litoraturo fnilH you, cumo to mo, mull will p;ivo you your crodontiulH ad 11 nuruo. Flnr- onco Nightingale could noli havo:dono better." "Tho wovflt in ovor then?" I iiHlcod. 'Yen. I b(di(!vo wo can pull him bhroun.li bctwoon ns, " Ho punned, uud a ho turned onoo nioro toward his pa- tiont liiH fuoo Rruw Mi'uvu a^ain. "Ithink tho oriHJHiH paHsed," ho Huid quietly. ' 'All thnt any mortul phymoiuu emu do for him Jihh boon douu. Natttro ulono muHt mipply. tho only rotorutivo ho uocdH. Ho muKt Kloep. I havo juufc given him n wedativo, and ho ought hoou to be undor itHinuuoueo.' Konptbo light tnruod down, and do not allow him to tulle. Sloop in imporativo. Ho must bavo fileop." Ho Htoppcd lightly to tho drcHHhig oaflc, and as bo raised hifl gloves a dnut covered heap of mmiURcriptH caught hlft eye. Ho chucklod Hoitly aud flhook hid head. "Odd people, you, American*),'* ho naid, with i\ Hinilo, "la our poor litora- turo fio impovoriHhod that you xnoafc needfl inHtill Yankoo blood into its voius?" I wiw looking at tho palo faoo of poor Tom and did not reply. "Ah, well," said tho cheory doctor uh ho nppropriatcd bin hubumlatiok uud advanced, with oxtondod baud, "tho fairy voIooh of tho Bow bollfl are far- reaching, nnd I liopo that tboy will ouo day rmg'UH morry ohan^oH for two Yan kee ladH a they did for that fortuuato yonnpt bOKKuri Dick Whittington. Good night, my boy; good night. I'll ago you in tho morning. And now, romombor" Ho put his flavor to his lipa, nnd a momont lator bo waa gono. I cloHcd tho.door gently and rqturacd to the bedside of my friend. Hifl eyes wore cloHed, and, bolioving that tho Red- ativo had already bogun ita work, I tip toed to tho gas jot and turned down tho light. Then, souting mysolf boforo tho grate, I revitalized tbo dying embera and put in two or throo more piooOH of coal. For fiovoral minnton all was Btill, thon I board a movement nmong tbo bodclotbes and n fow niomontH lator tho voico of my flick roommate: "Hui.M "Yen, Tom." "Huh tho dootor gono?" "Yen, hu left jn.st now. You muat go to nleop, old cbup. " Thero was another movement on tho bed, then all waa Ktill again, and I bad jnHt begun mentally to congratulate tho dootor ou tho efficacy of hid prouoription when 1 heard my name pronounced. '.'What in it, Tom?" I uHkcd, a littlo impatiently. "What time ih it?" "Half pant -1." "In tlio afternoon?" "Yen." "What niakoH it ho dark?" "It'n tho fug. Como now, old boy, yon muHt hu quiet. Tho doctor suya you muHt huvoHluep. Thu worst ih over, uud flvo or Kix hours of rcyt will make you your old nelf again." He did not reply at once, Imt at the expiration uf two or thruo niinutew ho usked: "What time in it; iu Now York now, Hal?" "Yuu nniHt Htop it, Tom," I com manded, but immediately rolouting I continued, "About half pant 12." A deep High broke tho titillnesH that ensued. "It iu Saturday," fluid Tom. "Satur day, isn't it? Iu six bourn mure tlio old crowd will be in tho restaurant in Mil ling. I can see them all old Guvnor,, George Leslie, Barrett and Bueh. " "Now, Tom" "Como here, old chap." I rose, and, going to tho bod, I placed my llngerH on uiy friend's lipn. He tuek them iu hiH wanted hand, and iih ho re moved them bingrawp tightened, aud he Biniled. "All right, Hal. I'll be quiut now. Good night." I returned to my chair, und for ten niinutoH nothing hiivo the ticking of the clock broke tho HtillueaH of the room. Then thero w.uh onco luoro au omiuoua movement on tho bed. "It'H funny, iBn't it, thiu difference in time?" he murmured. "In Chicago it in an hour ourller at ill. " _ There wuh a puuao. "What time iu it in San Franoinoo, Hal?" "Oh, 1 don't know, Tom. About two hours earlier, X guOHH. Why won't you go to flleop?" "That would mako it about half pOHtO." Ho paused, but a fow reomuntfl lutor I hoard him muttering to htmeolf. "Confound it, old chap," I began. "I was iiist trying to flguro it oat," ho wont on. "It takes 34 hoars for tho world to mako a oomploto .revolution. Whoro do thoy begin to *eokon tho timo any way?" "Oh, IE don't know. Im&'uium. Qon ,,.,.., 1 holiovtw-yoB.GroonwlohtManf Buro. Now for heaven'ft nako, go" "Well, if...U,Br.haUtprt4,at. Qroon- wioh, what time Ih it on tho otbor Bide of tHo world in China? What tlmo la it in Peking, Hal?" "Hang it, Tom," I snM/rlhlug im~ pntionfcly. "Toll me, old boy, I Want to know/" "About half pant ," I hnuarded. "Thui ".n't bo right, you know. There i. a screw Iooho Homowhoro. It oau't be. Ibut" I concluded that arguing with tho boor follow would bo in vuin, ho t re turned to my ohair. "Hal." I did not roNpond. "What timo*in ib in Polringr" I jumped up qalokJy and wont to Uie bed. "Now, roo hero, Toin UiIm aorfc of thing in uttorly ahnurd. Your life in bunging by tho lnoroflfc tliroud. All you ueod iu oleop. Wo huvo all dono what wo could, and now you will hiivo to tako a band yournolf. What tbo douon bavo you to do with timo or Poking now? Como, go to Hloop, Thbro'fl a good follow." "I know I'm noting liko an una, old, boy, but I ouVfc got tho infninul thing oot of my bead, n I oould nguro it out, I would ho all right, for I do fool a bit Hloopy." "Well, I'll hoc-if tho old lady knows," I mild indulgontly. "What urn I to auk hor?" "Tho timo inPokin," ho naid feebly, "All right," Iropliod. Then I ran down Htuirfl to tho landhuly. ' 'Mrn. Hleramor, Tom wauty to Ituow what timo it in in Pokin." "Lord blcsfl tho, Mr. Caraon, 'ow Hhould" ' "Got a geography 'oyolnpodia? Al most any old book will toll." "Why, I aiu't got no books. Mobbo tho obildron" Juflt then two of her youngHtorfl camo tambling into tho room. "Freddie, go for tho doctor," I tmid dosporatoly. "Nell, run over tho way and get a geography. Horo, tako this from door to door until you got what it oallfl for." I wrote brief note oxplnining tho eiromuHtnuoea and got tho children off. Thon I wont up Htairs, Ono glauco at poor Tom gave rao to undoratand that tho dronded fever had again assorted itaolf. Hiu oyoa woro au- poruaturally bright, and aa I eutorod tho room his features woro a look of nnrontrainod auxioty. "Well," ho aflkod irritably, "didn't you And out?" "Net yot, but I'll havo aomo books horo in a minute." In two or thrco minutoa I heard tho Hound of rapid footatopa, on tbo ataira and listened to tho door. I mot tbo grocor'H wifo. "I hurried oh faHt aa I could," sho gnapod. "I eaw Noll, and -and hero is tho book. Poor boy! Shall I go iu?" I eoized tho book and, perceiving that it was a ready reckoner, I returned it forthwith to its owner. Other atopa were- now hoard on the Btaira, and in u fow minutoa tbo narrow hallway and oven tho room itaolf waa thronged with sympathetic neighbors', who had placed tbomaelvea and their mcagor libraries at my aervico. All, howovor, failed to contribute any in formation which would meet tlio exact ing demands of the invalid. The floor waa fltrown with all aorta of literature, varying from toy pieturo books, con taining pictured of Ohinuiaon, to tech nical workH on navigation, and houeo- hold economy, but Hfcill tbo feoblo voice which emanated from tho bod inspired mo to clamor for more I ouracd tho inherent ignorance of tho Anglo-Saxon race. I railed, atormed, porapired and trembled for tho safety of my friend. But all was of no avail. JPiuallyl heard u murmur in tho hall. Tho doctor had como. Leaping forward I soized him by tho lapol of hia coat. "What iu tho timo in Peking?" I cried in hia car. "What ia tho timo in Peking?" de manded Mrs. Slummer, barring hifl way to tho bod. "How tho devil should I know?" ox- cluimud tho iiHtonishcd dootor, uh lio mudo bin way through the group that surrounded his patient. "Hero it ih! Hero it ial" ahoutod a voico in tho hall, and an old, white haired gentleman with a book in hia baud wan puahod by a dozen eager handn into tho room. Tho voUnio waa opened, and the de- aired information wuh before my oyea. "At luHtl" I exclaimed. "Hero, doc tor, I have it. It ia" "HuhIiI" aaid a warning voice. A moment later tho baud of the Eng lish physician wuh laid gently en my ahoulder. "Hu knows, my boy. Ho known." Excbuiigo. Th JVurl. The pearl ia tho ono gem that comes to uh perfect from tho hand of nature, and to thiH its great antiquity aa a gem la largoly duo. Preoioua stones whose boauty and brilliance depend on polish ing and cutting would naturally bo dis covered and utilized lator. Tho diac#v- ory of the diamond, for instance, proba bly dates within hiatoriu times. Though known earlier, it waa not gonorally in cluded among tho gem treasurea of roy- ulty even aa lato uh the seventh century. Tho modern cutting of diamonds in reg ular facots waa invented aa recently aa, 14G0, Indeed it is quito probablo that tlio pearl was tho flrat gom known aud treasured by prohistorio man sinoo tho sooroh for food must havo boon tho first occupation of tbo earliest of tho raeo, . und tho shining pearl would thus havo boon discovered in river musKols if not in marino oysters. Certain it is that tho Old Testament and tho ancient written histoHofl nlludo to poarls and that ro- motor ovidonoo is found in tho tombs and excavated oitios of still earlier oras, Tho Egyptians, Babylonians nnd Aaayr- iauB Ueld tho pearl in an ostoem verg ing t>a rovoronco* Popular Soionooi Monthly.. INTllESH<lDQW0tTH. THU CONDITION OP MANY VOUNQ OIHLS IH CANADA. Pale Fac* and ItloedltJ* Lip.-* (liven to Head- HChei-Bitreme WeikneK, Heart Palplla. tlon and Other Dtstrefln2 Symptom* Tlif rtcam 0/ Cure ReuJlty at Hand. *roiu thi Yjfliimlri|;t(>ii X*nnl, The uitontion of tho PoBfcJhailJ.utoly- boou frequently called to n romarkablo euro in tho chho of a young girl living within a fow miles of this town, .wlmno lifo'Wnb deapaiyed of, hut who waa com pletely ourod in a abort Hpaco of time by tho moat wonderful of all remedies, Dr. Williams' Pink Pilht. Since rending in almost every isaiio of tbo I'ost of the euros utTocied by tho nun of tliin mei'li- oino, wo folt it to be a duty we owed to inveatigato this oano which ban no ur gently boon brought to our notice, and wo aro sure the intcrviow will he read with interest, by tho thousands of young girls all ovor Canada, as well n's by the parents of such interesting patients, Tho young lady in quoution is not an xious for notoriety, but ia willing to mako hor oaao known in order that others who aro similarly ufllioted may bavo an opportunity of being equally benefitted. Tho symptoms in hor din- onHo difl'orod in no way from those af fecting thousands of young girluj about hor ago. Sho was suiVering from ox- tromo woaknoiis, caused by an impovor- 1 F=it,,.\-' m. *><;> * ^^^:;.*^ ' ':-/< $< '^ ' ishod condition of tho blood, and-her- chancen of life t-ooraod to grow Iohs ovory day. The bout and brightest fade away as well as others, but when wo seo a youug girl of sixteen yours, who should bo in tho best of health, with chocks aglow with tbo rosy flnah of youth, and oyoa bright and flashing, just tho opposite, with sallow cheeks, bloodless lips, listless in ovory motion, despondent, despairing of. lifo with no expectation or hope of regaining health, and "with only ono wiah left, that of complete roat, physical and mental, wo think it ono of tho saddoat of sights. In tbo quiet littlo hamlet of Strung- field, in Esuox County, just such a case wna presented to tho sorrowing oyeH of loving friends a fow months ago, in tbo person of Miss Ella Boacom, who fre quently said who did not care how soon sho died, as lifo had no charms for her. To our reporter sho declared that lifo had been a burden, but after suffering in thia way for months, and after trying all sorts of romoilies proscribed by phy sicians or furnished by friends from Bomo cherishod recipe handed down from their grandmother, but without being benefitted in the least, sho was at last persuaded by a uoighbor to give Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills a fair trial; but sho hud tried so many remedies without getting relief that sho still ro- fuaed for soruo weeks. However, after ropoated urginga by her parents and friends sho began tho uso of tho pills. Boforo a box waa taken sho experienced Honio relief, and after tbo uso of a few more boxos bIio wuh restored to perfect health, and thoro aro fow young girls now who enjoy lifo raoro. Sho says she owes her life and happiness to Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills, and is willing that all tho world shall know it. Her enso.,at tracted much attention and hor perfect rocovory baa created much comment, Tho facts above related aro important to parents, as thoro aro many young girls just budding into womanhood whose condition is, to say tbo least, more critical than thoir parents im agine. Their complexion is pale and waxy in appearance,troubled with heart palpitation, hoadaclies, shortness of breath on tho slightest exorciso, faiut- ueHB and other digressing symptoms which invariably lead to a premature grave unless prompt stepa are taken to bring about a natural condition of health. In thia emergency no romody yot discovered can supply tbo place of Dr. Williams'I'ink Pills, which build anew the blood, strengthen tho norvos and restore the glow of health to palo and sallow cheeks. Thoy aro a certain euro for all troubles peculiar to the fe male system, young or old. Pink Pills also euro such diseases as rhoumatiam, neuralgia, partial paralyaia, locomotor atoxia, St. Vitus' dance, norvous head- aeho, nervous prostration, tho after ef fects of la grippo, influonzn and sovoro colds, disoaaos depending on humors in tho blood,such as scrofula, chronic ery sipelas, ote. Iu tbo case of mon thoy effect a radical euro in all cases arising from montal worry, overwork or oxcoss- os of any naturq. Cheap Reading*. Our Clubbing Offer this Year Excels All Former Ones- O YOU want a live up-to-date local paper that gives you the news of your own dis trict and the county ? If so, Subscribe for The~-^. Essex Press. ONLY $1 till the End of 1897, i c Cents TiU the End of l896< . The Free Press has an excellent staff of correspondents in all the surrounding town ships and villages and special attention is paid to home news. If you want to take one of the City Weeklies along with the Free Press you ean take advantage of the following offers : Free Press and "Weekly G-lobe - tillJanuary, '97.......* Free Press and Weekly Globe till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press and Weekly Mail till January, "97 OiinUvory NfgM. OnO'Laxn-Livor Pill tiikon ouoh night durine; 30 clays will cure Constipation, oft, rotnrniiif; Hnadnoheo and irregular action of tho' bowolu. Laxa-Livor Pills loavo no unpleasant actcr-etfaot. Free Press till Jan-, '98, and Weekly Mail for 1 year Free Press till January, 1898, and Saturday Mail for 1 year Free Press and London "W eekly Advertiser till Jan., 98,..... , Address all communications to BRETT & AULD, ESSEX, ONT. 1831 VAT0R 1897 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DKVOTKlt TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-growing Live-stock and Dairying, While it uIho includoH all minor depart- mtitiit] of Rural IntoroHt, huch usi tlm Poul try Yard, lintnmology, bce-koopiiifj.Gruen- hnuHU- and Grupury, Veterinary HoplieH, Furm Quoutiona and A.nswdrn, Firomdo Uoading, DomoHtio Economy, and a huiu- innry of tho Nowh of tho Week. Ita Mar- kot RtjportH iiro uiuiH'iully comploto, and much attontion ib paid to tho Proopoota of ths Cropu, uh throwint; lijjhfc upon ono of tlio moHt important of all cjtutotionH IV/tsn to Buy and When to Sell, it in liborully 11- hiHtriiliiil, and cont'unu rnoro reading mat- tor than ovor ' boforo. Tho mibnoription pnoo ia 2.50 npr your, but wo offer a upoo- ml Kbduotiou in our CLUB BATES FOR 18D7. Two Subfmriptiona, in ono remittaaao 8-1.00 Six do do lO.'OO Ton do ao 15.00 IS?* To all Now Bulmorihorn for 1807, paying in advanuo now, wo will Hond tho pitpor weekly, from onr receipt of tho ro- mittanoo, to January hit, 1897, without ohar^o. tB^ Spooiroon Oo'pioa Froo, Addronn, LUTHER TUCKER A SON, AuiiNv, n.y. Publiflbore. A MoGill otudont named J. T. Stownrt, of Athlostau, Quoboo, diod from bomorr- oro ot thp luiifld, brotJflbb on by over-oxort- iou iu a eoufflo botwoou two of kho olaesca. THE GREAT Family Medicine cf the Age. Taken Internally, It Cures pfctrr'uvn, Ontmp, and Pain In the , iitcmuch, Sora Throat, Sudeten Colds, Cov'.jhs, etc., do. O'pecS ^xtemaGSy, It Cufcs C'./fn, Cruises, Eurna, Lvcdda, ttpraitis,' r icfjlfrr.cho, Pfttn in i!w Fttco, Neuralgia, (liieimutiiGnit Frosted Feet. Js'fturiji-ii t-vi"- nitnlmul to audi uiitxiiiiulml Jinitulniv Ity ,,: III,-.,'- i'. \\' i-uii 1...... I'-.l'nifMiy t> l'i^ flfllra<iy ot Mm Tflltl- . Kill, i, Wt: li-.v. ! Mvmi'tiLj'lirj. iuri ;>(ii)W ll 1l> li<i it i,"1"' atlicl\i.~ UtmUti- n.iii f>i*r:-li. iinllllin; !i:i!iyfliniiT(|n-il tlio J':iln-lv!l'<iV, wlilcJi I llio itiuhl v^I:t;:l.iti li.rmij' liittikuionowlu uao. TtiHHdUta . Cryii/t. ltli.iBTo.il mfirlt; aa a milium of Tomnvlny jiftln, ut* mi'Uli'lun liiu ii^ i[iiln'i! u rn|inual(m ofjiiiil to 1'nrry DavU'. I'iiln-Killer. .NVrrjmil J\'nui, llnwaro or linltiitliitiu Uiiy only tlifl iroimllld 'TKIUl*' , DAVIU," duKl uvitrywliorn; lnri[.> U>n\n,'M. Vmjf larijo Lulilo, Lw, 35C- $1.50 ' 35C.# $1.45 - $2.10 $1.50 WM. T. SIMPSON,; Mrintifactnrfir of Pob- tot'o l^atont Union Artificial Limbs 112 AIM natoo at. De troit, Mich. 3>OBCrlptIvo 2fttaJ0ftU08 and blanks for mailing.applications for flovwVnracnt ordera for, liuba nutl transportation or uomnuitAtlou thorefor HOUt froo on application rMftfcrr.r, ,.7';v,.,; ,- m&MM