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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 20, 1896, p. 6

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'./>' pp$pp?^p^^ i$m^ x- .,.:,:Pj Your Own Artist, A Child Ban Use Diamond Paints- -You oa tfilcl, ailvor, uromco or ooppar fancy baul<tn, iramon, omblomH, nun flx- taron, lampii, furnituro, bouimhnld arua- monta unci Htatutoii by mihu; Gold, Bllvor( Eroi'ucu and Copper Diamond Paiutu, whioh art) jmiuuhtoturod by tlio proprtotoni of Diamond DyoH, By tho aid at Diamond Palntii you oan roalco old thinjjH look lilco now. Nono of tbo ilfty ooutpuintii Hurpaiia thorn uitlior in quality or quantity, and but faw uru aH Hood. With 11 ton oont paoltago of Dhtmond Paint and a bottlo of Diumond Paint Li quid, ovon a child oan double tho worth of iriiuiy a honnohold -ornament, Whon buyiuf! any of tbo Diamond Valuta, buy at tho mimo tirno a bottlo of Diamond Paint Liquid with a largo nizo oaraol'u hair brmih, uold at ton oontu. Kaoh bottlo oontainn enough liquid to mix two or throo paokagou of paint. THE WOOD. Wttnli hrnxt], dofiwoixl mid tho muplo boro, Au<t thyro tbo ti"lc mill hickory/ Ijlnu, jn)|ilnr mid tho buuoh troo far and uww AU tilt) OllMed (tytfi (Mill H(]0. Wild ((liun'if, -wuhoo, .wlthJto roan l)nUoon And brukort of brior^ of u twillyhfc yroon, And fox wrujioH jilumod with BUiiiMbr, and iitriniK mooiiH Of maitdrako HnVvor bntwoou, Dodp it'o\A grooo turau, otid mooantj rod and Itniy Main for what naWI my 111'a white foot .nd cool und oalw u cintoado fur awayp With ovor falling boat. Old lopfi ihado awoot with death. ronidi bltti td bark. And tiuifdod twlK and knot fad root, And Hujiubinn nplimhcn, mid urcmb poola of AnvXi, And many a wild liird'a ilulo. Horo lot mo nit until tho Indian dunk With oopjior oolovuil font ammui down, Sowing Llio wild wood with utiir Uro and mrnili And uluulowu bluo und brown. Tliun nldo Ly nldn with nomo niactnlan droam To hiko tint nwlot hauntud lano, Dalf roofed with vintin, ld by a ilroily (doam, That brint{ "hj homo u^aia. Mudhion C'awoin in "Uudurtonot)." HERALDRY. Tlio Tax Collector May Bocomo Tho Landlord, Undor tho p'roviaionii or tho latout abnnKs mado in tho AnnoHSimont Aot at tho JftHt KOHHion of tht Onturio Lo^iidaturo, tbo tax collector may bocomo tho landlord of pro portion in town on which taxos ire not paid within tho lop;al timo. - Boa. 131 roadn m followa : Wharo Caxao are duo upon any promiaou oooupiod by a tonant who in not liable to pay tho aamo, tho oollootor may givu uoh tonant notiao in writing requiring him to pny tho rent of Much prorniaoo an it booamon duo from tirao to timo to fiuoh oollootor to tho am'onut of tho taxoo duo and unpaid and cantn, and bo aball hava tb aamo authority to colloct nuoh rout by diBtrer.a or othorwiuo for tho nmaunt of unoh unpaid taxoH and coats an landlord o! the promiflon would have ; but nothing in thin aub-aeotion containod ahall preyont the rooovory of any portion of naob taxoo whioh may remain unpaid after applying any payment or paymontu that aro mado in tho maunor providod by law for tbo collection of Uxeu. A Groat Chance to Make Money. I want to toll you of my wondorlul huc* oodb. BoinK ft poor girl and. Hooding monoy badly, I tried tho Diah WaBhor bnaiuotia and bayo oloarod S200 every month.. It m more monoy than I over had boforo and I can't help tolling you about, for I boliovo any poraon oan do aa woil uo I havo if thoy only try. Diuh Wahborn aoll on oiglit; ovoiy lady wantH ouo. The Mound City Diah Wanhor Co., St. LoniH, Mo., will ivo you all uoooHHury tnatruotionn, ao you can bo'fiin work at onoo. Tho Diah Waahor dooa Hplondid work; yon can waBh and dry tbo dishoa in two or throo minutes without putting your handa in tho water at all. 'Pry thia buninoofl and lot uu know how you Buocood. Euzaiikth C. 15O00 TCliaiiltairivlna: IHwtory. Hiotorically tho ouatom in traced to tho carlioot Dottlora of Now England. It wan tho piltfrima who ourao io tho Mayllowor, and thoBo who joinod them lator, who or iginated tlio tho Tbankagiying York, and ultimately became a uationa! obHervauco in tho TJnitn-1 States and Canada. Evou tho day, Thuraduy, adopted by the Now EnalanUera, aot tho prooedeut for tuo future. That Wonderful Churn! I want to add my ttHtimouy Lo tho lint of thoao tnnt hnvo unod tho Liuhtning Churn. It dooH x\\ th il ik uiaircca for it ; you oau ohurn ounily in ouo :ninutu aud po'i a larjfi) porotntafjt; more but tor than with the common olntrin;. I never took tho agency for auytliiuy bofoto, but ao many of my noiphbora wanted ahnma that I ordorod ilO and thoy aro all Hono. 1 think in a year evory t'urm-r will have a Lightning ohurn, in fact thay can't afford to bo without one an tiiny uialin ho muoh moro butter and a good littlo bit of monoy can ho mado in ovory townHlup hoNiu^ thono ohurna, 13y writing; to .1. F. Cahry & Co., Bt. Louia, Qlo., you oau (4ut ciroularn and full particulara about tlio ohurn. A Keadeh. -IG.O'OO GhooMinu; i* Turkey, In ohoofiing a turkey, the ago of tho bird if] fcUo principal thiug to bo attended to. A young gobbler ia beat. Ha may bo din- tiuguiahod from a hen turkey by his comb. Tho ago may bo ttHourLiLiuocr by tho lower part of tho broaatbono if aoft and pliable, tho turkey in'young; if Htiff, it iH old and ib not good for roaating. It can only bo unc-d for boiling or braibinj;. Turkeyn weighing from eight to ten pounda each aro thought bout. TJtaiiltHiriviiitr Hounty. Ono o( tho benign ronultH of tho obaer- Vliuoe. While it io a day Hot apart for tho acknowledgment of national, family aud poraoual bleaningH, ovory Canadian id taught froirj ohildhood thai on thiH day ho muot aharo tho loaf, feod tho hungry and givooarto tho cry of diutroHH, Tho aig- nilloanoo of the day ia lout to thoHe who appropriate it imloly for pornoaal gratitudo and aelllflh onjoymont, A X>andy "Windmill, Make it Your self. I havo a neighbor that made ono of tho Booplo'n Windmillu, and I have boon wutuhing it clouoiy ; it in the boat mill I havo avor uoon aud any one oan mako ono toy loos than 010. I am goiuR to mako two immediately and don't noo why ovory Jar- mor'cannot have a windmill whon ho oan faiakn ib bimeolf for ro little monoy, Tho Vriill ill durable, powerful and runa oaaily. Any potaon oaw got diagrama and com plete dirootiomi by sending If* two-opnt MtampH to Pranoiu Ctuey, Bt. Louih, Mo., und any active man oan undoubtodly mako monoy anywhere putting fchoao millfi up lot othora, and I noo no u^o of paying ftfiO Or 8(50 for a mill wUwtftr&n' sun mnkn one itttt uu go id tat *lO;#&;BubTiiisn l^nMisn. ,.' '. $feY';' ' ' On View of tho Shorthand of Huitory und Ohronolojfy. Hornldry enn maJco tbn world u glorl- flod world. It in a quarry whoro ovory onn may how and a huh whom iwory ono may dip hiH our, and if hornldry ho- enmn iiRain a fino art hIhi oonld bo once morn tlin hrido of hinlory, whilo ni't with hor tumult of onthnsiiiom iilono can dock lier iittingly. Without uvt hornldry ia nn uncouth and dond thinpf; With art Hhn livuth for ovory ono and id truly a Hiiionco. Horaldiy oroutnH intolljgont onrioflity and HtimuljitcH hifltorin mmginutioa. Sho uwnkniiH intnraht in gonoratioiiH Bono by und fihould ho tuuflht, Hayu Mr. iluHkin, to tho young men and maidgn.s gf tho Htroot and lmio, for hornldry hofpH to decipher tho forgotten hand writing on tlio wall and tho glorious record of our .nricpHtorH' doings and HtrivingH aud progrosa and upward climbiiiR in tho long crmmflo against tyranny and nlavcry and iguoranoo and iutolorunoo. That heraldry iu tho shorthnnd of his^ tory and chronology Reomn to bo now allowed, and heraldry, in u Honfio, should ho tho application of tho fine artH of Houlpturn and painting to family history. It in tbo tdlent luuguugo wbioh ChriHtoudom adoptod and dovolopod uf tho timo of tho ormmdcH, Inailu&co and in hopo hIio Hpfiko, through tho oyoe tc the heart of Chrintmidom, of tho noble doodfl of hor oHUdrun, und sho ia nlto- gothor indiBpon'sable if tho horaldrle nl- lusi'ona in Danto, Chuucor, Spenaar, ShakoHpoiiro, Scott, oto., aro not to be entirely loHt. Heraldry ban received tho Hnnotlon oi oenturics, and a herald of tho true strain iH neither finicking, fretful nor faulty, but full of goodly joy and nt times ovon of pious mirth. And if fouio poop and mutter at abunns, forgetting that the abuso of anything is no argument against ita proper uso, others rco and learn that heraldry*" law educational value, iH to many a ruoo a wnyflide auc- rument and blazeo broad its potent in fluence namely, that nothing must be done to tamiHh tbo family escutcheon. In England also, in tho absence, of hereditary rank, coat armor in tho only distinctive mark of birth nnd high blood for tho untitled nobility. .Nine teenth Oontury. Tli'uvy <ytinticn> It snoinH that ahiioruially Rtout people havo their uHes in thifl world an woll i\t other thingH. Tho other duy, as nn ex ceedingly corpulent old geutloman wiu leiBurelyproooeding along Regent Htrcet, a dottictud piokpoolcet, who wa ileeinfl at tho top of hin Rjip-od from two myr- midoiiH of tho law, violently oollidod With him, and tho pair rollod over in the guttor together, the Htoutgontloinar ou top. The pickpocket made etronuoua but un availing ofl'ortH to oxtricato himHoll from under tlio mountain of flesh, hut tho corpulent gentleman remained o fixturo until tho purauera cumo up nud captured tho raucal. Then tho fat mau picked himHolf up, nothing the worso for his niiHhap and moved ofT with tho remark that so long uh ho had breath iu bin body, his weight would "always be thrown on tbo Bide of law and justice " Poaraon'n Wook- ly-______________ Artificial IIhIoh or "Sun no_jn." An experiment which illustrates in o very curious manner tlio actual philoso phy of the formation of haloa or "kuh- dogs" has boon made by Drs. Browoa und Dixon and in oxplainod by thorn afi follows: Take a Holution of alum and spread a few drops of it ovor a pmio oi glass. It will readily orystiriizo in small, flat octohedrons, scarcely visible to the eye. When this pane of prepared glass is held between tho obsorvor and the huh, or oven a eandlo (with oyos very nlosu to the Hinooth sidu of the glass), there will bo seen three different but distinct und beautiful b'aloa, each at a different distance from tho luroi' nous body. St. Louis Republic. A Itoynl UrnftHiimn. The late shah of Persia was an okcoI- lent tiraftsnian. On his visit to England seven years ago ho sketched tho artiut of Tlio Graphic as that geutleman wa:; sketching him, nnd tho royal drawinc was dashed off with a keen yet unexufj- goruted power of oaricaturo not oftc-j; met with in un umatour'a work. Albany nlaimn tho honor of having mado the first carriages manufaoturod en tiro in this country. Several weiv built in tho year1 IBM, and tho ovon: waa duly noted nfc tho timo aa nn ovi- tlonoe of tho spread of Unitiid Stutea eoi- torprise. Henry III oJ Franco waa ournumed tho Minion, it ia said, on acuount of hip compliuuco with tho wiuhos of tho em- poror. Ono thousand oubio uontimotora oquul a quart of tbo standard meuauros hi uae in this oouptry. ^ Bank l*roitident laaaa Lewis of Sabhia, OH!o, 1h highly respected ull through" that section. Ho has lived In Clinton Co. 75 yonra and-haa-beou president of the Sablnn Dank 20 yenra. Ho gladly tcHtlflos to tho merit of Hood's Sursa- parilla, and what ho ttayu la worthy aUoatlon. All brain workorn find Xlood'u SarBUparllln peouliurly adapted to their ucudu. It makeu puro, rlob, rod blood, and from thin comcni uervu, rnoutal, bodily and digowtivo Mtrcugth. "I bui {flad to any thnb Hood'a Barsnpri- rlllft ly a vory cood modlolnc, oMpoolally hs n blood purlflor. It hnu dono mo ^ood many times, for several youra I uutfored greatly with painB of fSleuralgia In ono oye und about my tomple*, e*- poolally at night whon I hod boon having u bard day of physical and rmmtal labor. Itook many romodloa, but found holponly In Hood'u BarHttpnrllU which eurod mo W rhotimatlmn, neuralgia and hettdacho. Hood'a SrtrBttparllla ban proved Itaolf atrua friend. I aluo tako Ilood'e PIIIh to koop ray bowels rffular, au4 like tho )>lll_t very muoh," IflAlo Lbwm, Bablna, Ohio, Hood's Sarsaparilla lathe Onft True Blood Partner. AlldniKKlsui. |1. Pfeparodonly by C. I. Hood JU Co., Lowoll, Ma*. IX**A9~ 'njn arfl prompt, oftct(mt aud The blaolt aheop ofton ban tho noftoat wool. Tho umall boy has hia akatoa ready, but that outs no ico. A ({rout many women want to voto bo- oanne they can't cook. When a man dctonninos tcr ocouo- 3iil9_lifl_boginM by examining bio wifo'n oxponoo uocount. If a man really rucoivod all bin puniuh- ment oti earth what a lot of fun hiB oueraiou could havo. "I think," Hho said earnontly, "that woman who truly loyon a man always has hiH boot intoruatH at hoart." "Porhapa," ho MiHWorud, "but------ ' "What wero you (joing to say?" "If that'll tbo cane, what makoH her marry him.?" To oloan aatin hIiogii, tako a piaco.of now flanuol and dip it in Hpirita of wino, rub tho satin lonythwiHo ; chan^o tho soiled part of the flannel, ao aa not to rub tho dirt on to a plane you havo cleauod al ready. White oatiu (ihooo should bo kopt in bluo paper, and if laid by for' a long period a ahoot of wadding ovor tho bluo papor will exoludo tho air and provont tho aatin from acquiring a yellow tint. A groat many ptoplo do uot understand tho method of electing a Prenidont in tho United States, lloro ib the plan in brief: Tho people of each state ohooao as many olcotoru an it hau Henatoru aud raprcuonta- tivtis, aud thoHo oleotora moot at the atato capital and ohooso their cnudidatoa for ProHident and Vieo-Proaidont, and uoud a cortificato of thoir choico to tho providing oftloerofthe Heiiato at Washington. Those electors aro mount under the conntitutiou to oxorcino a pcrtoct frcodom of judgment, nudjcases havo boon known of eltiotorn votiu^ for perHonai frionda of tho opposite party. Tho people have couflequoutly no dirent voice in .the election of a Praaident or Vieo-Prohiilout. Rebuilding The old and Broken-down House, Keeping tho Structure in Good Condition. Filling it with Hoalfch, Comfort and Happiness. Whon a house hocoraaa dilapidated and boyond tho possibility of repair, it in re moved to make room for a struoturo that will have Htron^tli und permauonoy. Our bodies, whon not properly oared for, beoome frail, weak and brokon-down, and whon the work of rebuilding is not coin- rnericod in time, doath nuroly alairaa the wasted and worn-out frame, and it ia re- moved forever. Can wo rebuild our wuotod bodioa? Yen; tbo work can bo dono ovon though the ai>ark ot life glimmers but fitfully aucl feobly. This work of robuildi ig ia done through tho une of Paiuo'n Colory Com pound,that marvellous medicine whioh baa brought new life to ao many in tho pant. This heaven.aeut remedy aatii directly on tho groac nervous nyslom, giving new strength to evory nerve, makoo fresh vital izing blood, inorouHOH weight, and givoa fresh povvor to ovory bono and muaqlu. When this is aeuotuplishod by Paiuu'a Celory Compound, it ia easy worl; tu keep tbo rebuilt housu of human structure iu l/ood cniHlnion. Ordinary uaro in diot, r1'jcji and general Jiving will nuroly keep up the fcGod work. Then will tbo robuilt mun or woman bo filled with true health, comfort and happiness, and life will bo worth living. Will you, dear reader, rebuild' your broken down uyatom ? Tlio work oan be acoompliohbd by you if you oall'to your aid Paiuo'a Colory Compound. No physi cian ib required to aid you, and you havo no heavy bdln to moot after von are mado woll and whole Tho work baa boon dono for thousands of othora; will you have your abaro of tbo g ad thai it boatowa ? Uvor -1,000 hiimdn of drh'd appbm w<,ro bhippud from lngm-noll one day rucnntly. WnttiirHon, a widl-lo-ilo farmer of Liirio- banlt, in thifcounty of Clurlntoii, nimr Ob- tnwii, shortly nftor nnini! Friday morning committed suicide by cutting his threat with a razor. Oato, being iicurrilounly treated by a lew and vlaioiiH fellow, quietly said to bun: "A contfiBt betwuen uu in vary uncapial, for thou uauuti boar ill lan^uagu with (.nun, mid idLurn it with pleanuruj but to mo it is un Umal to hoar, and diiJ'if(roual)l<> to apeak" On Haturday, at Oobniiru, Mrs. 11, Jjiinri aftor drinking a cup of ccml oil, miturated hor clothing with the llaid anil then uet Are to herself. liofora uusiutanuo ooald reach hor alio waa terribly burned about cho lioad and cheat. At 10 o'clock that night death raliovod hor "of. her ituffe'rin^H. Tlio Comrmiauonur of Piahoriec at Ot tawa has discouraged the litookmq of Can adian wiiturn with carp. Thn tiitli iviu in- troduool into United Htates waters al a ooal of 9100,0(10, and nou Ihihurmeu claim thoy are absolutely useless, and doittruot- ivo to roal food thh. Over '2.1,000,000 pairs of gloves are iwed annually in thia country, Lhreo-fourths of that number being worn by hidioh, at an annual expenditure ot nut lens than 810, 000,000. Of tho largo number of imported . Rlnvtiii, tho principal uupplied como from Gronoblo and Par in, iu Franco, Wnrocmter, in Entjlai^d, from Brtixsola, in llolgjum, aud from Copenhagen, m Denmark. For dogskin glovoa tho Kti|;hsh maiuifaoturcn uurpiLimall rivals. About tho mont ridioqloun election bet of tho rooont Presidential campaign came from tho village of Sliarpeatowii, Md. John Maston and Martin Wooloy wagcrod that if the Republicans won Master was publicly to hug and kiss the wife of Wooloy, a young and handsome woman. Thoy wore to meet at the town hall, and tho bet wan to bo paid with much giuno boforo au audience of nearly COO people. Plans for a revolving Hky acraper 100 feet high and built of steel have been nub- utiittud to tbo Paria Exhibition Commiii- aion. The twonty-four (itorieH aro to no lot for rostaurautfi, concert hallu, thoaterH, and so forth. Tbo building will turn alowly on its axis like a merry go-round, and onablo visitors to survey tho wholo oounfry around Paris while they eat their diimors. TV/O VIEWS OF PENSIONS. Not lUmiy Itlt-li In Our Warn, Write* JGi- l'rcHUlrnt Itiirrinuii. "There n:;iy hn fair diu'eroncos of opinion us to -the extent nnd conditions, of pension rnl'ief, but there Is no room for doubts: kh to peiisiens," writes ox- Presirtent Hurrisoii' in Tho Ladies' Homo Journal. "Kleven dollars umonth for war service implies lit least relief in case of wounds or sickness for the soldier und that tho public -will euro for his widow und minor children. When the law of pillage prevailed, it wuh otherwise1, and when our rich men take to fi^kiine; our warn we onn ab'ol- inU tin: pi-ii:-;ion system, but thus far it is ns historically true of tho nrinies that won our independence, delivered uh from the Indians and the British find saved tho nation in tho great civil war us of the kingdom of heaven, 'Not many rich.' "There uro two views of tho ponsion question one from tlio Littlo Hound Top at Gettysburg. looking out over a field sown thickly with tho dead and around upon bloody, blackened and maimed men cheering tho shot torn banner of thoir country; the othor from an ofilco desk on a busy street or from an endowed chair in a university, look ing only upon a statistical tabic" Woalth *\t Atom, The wealth of ucturs is generally over- cfltimiitod. Joseph .leil'erson, Sol Smith Hussell, Joseph Murphy and William Crane are rich men, of whoso solid for tunes (.hern is little doubt. But most of thwn.'Hlcod Nat Goodwin aud Henry E, Dixoy, whilo they make enormous sums, spend money as if thoy wero pos sessed of Fortnimtus' purse. Thoy seem to go on ib" principle that govorucd Sarah Bernhardt, when, at ono of hor periodic amnions in Paris, sho roplied to somebody who protested against her prodigality: lil have my capital in mo, and it will last us long as I do. Whon I lose it, I ahull no longer bo in need of mouoy. " Hau Francisco Argonaut. Two Tumiitinu; Oflfera. Ono of the down town olothiora hns this advertisement, which ho hns dis played in several newspapers: "Wo ugreo to give all our customers atfl." A patent niwlioiun dealer, who caught sight of the ad. yesterday for tho first time, said that ho mtiiuded to immedi ately insert another notice bonoath it, i,n follows: "Iwill euro thoao fits choai uh dirt." Syracuse Post. Truo Devotion. Will I am tired of thin lifo, and I am going to the othor world. Marie What I Do yen moan that you intend to commit suicide? Will No, no. I moan London, Paris and povhups Vienna. Marie I, too, am tired of this life. Take mo with you, aud lot's .havo n double funeral I Town Topics. Ucftslo Bawd the I'uduintf. Boflslo announced one day ufc luncheon, "Wo wouldn't havo had any pudding to day If It hadn't boon for mo." Tho roafc of tho family all looked up at her, consider ably Burpriaod, for Bounlo was only ft years old, and thoy know aho could not havo made tho dossorfc. "I saw lb on fcho table," ho wont on, "and I might huvo let In tho cat,', you know. Thou Whiskers -might havo jumped on aohalr and oaten it, and thou we wouldn't Uato luul uny pudding. Bub X didn't do It," New Vork Thnoi Biliousness la oftUtied by torpid llvr, which ^rnyunt-i dint* Lion and ponntts food to fnriuont and iutxliytu thn Rtomaah. Then follow dUalnKK,-h*udtt0liq, Inuomtnb, norvonsuoMB, und, t( not rulkvud, lilllouu fovnr or blnml pohionlnu. Hood'u r*lllH ntltniibitd tho nUmmch, you mi tint llvar, euro boada(ihft,lirxlnOB*(l cniw Htlniitlou, ntfl. 'it conU. Hold by a 1 druiflrisbL The only I'lllii tofcake with Hood's bargapiirllla. Pills .Who woupti with yon wlwai you aro iiad, au^l lauuliH with you whon you are glad, and aweara with you when you aro mad? Tho editor. Who has to ho both kind and wise, and novor (hardly ovor} lies, and when bo dooH, createa mirprho ? Tho editor. Who owns a heart as well au oheoh, in pnsnnsHod of a apirit proud but meek, and livos on 10 contsi a week ? Tho editor. Marry thin Girl, Somebody I I have been reading in your paper about several men and women that havo boon vory successful Helling iiolf-hoatinu Hat irons, aud I oonolniUtd 1 won 1:1 see what a girl could do. I'havo workud PJ ilayn and liavM sold 151 irons aud havo 21B dollara lfjft after paying all oxpenacii. J-jVoryboily in dtdiglitod with tho iron and I aoll ono almoin ovory place I show it, as people think thoy can't afford to bo without one ilh they navo ao much fuel and time and don't burn tbo alothoB. I know I oan clear llvo thousand dollars iu a year. How is that for a girl? ' Kplendid, my girl, splendid, you aro a trne American girl. Anyone oan got com plete information about the nolf-hcating iron by addrosmng J. }'. Casky it Co., St. Loiii, Mo. It seems to bo a 'vinnor, as everybody selling it writes in ita praise. lfi 000 a GALL AT Those aro tho tunoa when1 a man thinks it is tho middle of the night, only to Hud on connnlting a timopioco that it is time ho wan up aud about. l?or Cholora Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Cramps, Colio, Diarrhoaa, Dysentery aucl Suramor Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Kxtract of Wild Strawberry iu a prompt, oafo and aura euro that has boon a popular favorito for nearly fio yearn. *'Aro there not timos," said a man ontemng' tbo office of a busy editor, "when you can writo hotter than at othor titnos?" Yqh." "Ah, I thought no. That mon who writo aro aftectnd by thoir environ ment I havo no doubt. Now, toll mo, when oau you writo tho boat?" "Whon I am alone." replied tbo editor. Yl7'_-^_-l'_^_-l Hoyoial Drfuut young mon W ailTiCl to do work for uo in thin vicinity. If thoy linvo Ilicyolmi nil tbu bottor. Addrosn "Adviuitiijku," Brantfortl, Ontario. May's Bazaar; vau AiiTi mum ov t Window BlindH uway down Chinawai*o, Bric-avBrac, L Fancy Goods, iNovoItioH, Books and 9fcationory3 school supplies* Toys of-all kinds, Berlin Wools 'and Fingering Yarns, New Stock of late Wall Paper. THE ESSEX " Hotter tMilK JAMES NAYLOR Tnltoii thin opportunity of aimouualntf to the porjplo ol tbn I'own und County or Kwia* that bo hurt rnmoilolml tbo Kuhox Uollor Mills &o- oordinK to plans nropurod by It. N Prloo, ot Bt. 1 liomaii, ami aluo mieurml tlniiinrvloea of Huborfc Htraclian, ilh oxporioiicnd and thoroiifdily oom- potunt nulllor, Tliunkinff thopooploof tbo town andooutity for the iJittronafM bwitowod upon hitn in tho limit, will Kuarantooiiatiiifaetfouln tha future. Cristin/y and Chopping a Specialty. IS- The fitst Grades of Woitr, Fet Commeal Kept in Stock and w/d at /'rices. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats, " --_* "DO You Eftde ? If so, you want to have l> the best there is and % everybody knows -ihati- The Nobbiest Turnout Ifi TO llli HAD AT- Johnston Bros. ! Builders a. i Contractors, British. Oolumbia Cedar * Slinks, Piao Shingles, $1.00 Up. All Kinds ol Building Material, SASH, 'DOORS, LATH and HARM /MA//USA', VW Satisfaction Ciinrnuiecd. Opp. Water Works, Essex. JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery, -^^-\_ Good Roadntern. JCastj Hiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriages. A Call Solicited. SatUfaatltm Guaranteed. North of tho * Railway Track. ESSEX, ONT, Essex ~ Furniture Warerooms. Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description, A fine Parlor Suits Oak frame, Good Plush, $18.00. Wo uovor waro ao woll proparod to da buainoaa. Lota of gooda and pricoa right. It will pay you to (jivo ua a call and Kooda and got pricoa. Wo aro ploaaod quoto prioou to any who nood fnrmtd'. Wo havo boon doinR a i;ood atoady btf noflfl now for about 16 voaro and wo wi to tondor our thunka to thopuhlicRonoic^ ' tor tho vory liberal patrouago wo havo coivod ot thom during tho lOyoarH that , have boon in buninoaa in tho now Town Ehqox. UNDERTAKING A SPEG1AL1Y J. A. HICKS & Go,. Essex. # J. GOIIRIiAIT &, SON. ESSEX, OUT ' ' 'I .- y-'tA THE TIUOMPH COIIN SHELLEU _ X33ESSO3E^XX>>0CriXC>3\r. ThiB Maobfno consists' of n. horlzonbal oast oylindor, with wrought iron bnvo, with Qtool tooth boltod to tbo oyliador so an to bo rovorsiblo whon the tooth hocomo worn on tho front sido, mnning in a porforated ooncavo irori : iholl, which tho sJicIlod corn pasaos through into a shoot iron oubo, with a an or olotmor afctaohod bolowi which talcos all tho dust fvom tho grain. The .hoapost bout, moat Bimplo and durable Powoi* Corn hollor in' uso; ehellB sorn porfootly oloan in any condition flholling and oloaning from ono to two housand bnahola of oare per day, according to powor. Dimicnsioks.' Pulley, 111 in. diana-' dtor.'fl in. faco; Motion, B00 to 800 revolutions por minute; Weight, 550 lbs. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J GOURLAY <fc SONS. ; 'rin " !"vi(";j; "*/ ! i : l.V*J V^SMkk':^^ Ws'.L 'Mi^^^^i^^iM^iMi^^^SMk

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