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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 6, 1896, p. 1

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% w Wi >' The VOL XII. No 45. ESSEX, ONT,, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1896. WHOLE No. 617 AOHMH o/ Iwprovoil land on thtiiik-okvilHaii in a roo<1 framo turn tut In cood yotmbj also imiahle and other out) btilldhiRH. Airily lo Mw Win, I'luiHlnahain.Hniithof fairgrounds. 1-t 20 Wanted fMMi WA.NTKD For t'ftmmil homw-work Of Apply at KIWIS PHIJHH OUlon. 41-11 Strayed. &Co. STUA.YMD vnoU THU PIlKMIHHtt 01? TnK midhrnlumJil, Lotus and 7, (Inn. 0, Townnhln of (loinnld North, U Hhoor> itnd 3 Ijambii with Mhhox Town Couueil. nlg-rlim In Kilt mtv of oaoh. Suitable rowurd for luformnttoti that will load to rouovory of umuo. J. n, UONlQOUKItY, North Uldtfa. U Cider flaking, Tnifl un<l(irtil(itui(l lrt iirojmrr'l to nnuiufac tuY Clilr at 2otn. jio Gallon, on Wort nun (liiyfl, ThuvHdayii and Ilrlng uloni; your Applou. ill Yldiiyn of oaoh wook, n. CHAR IiITTLB, Matdntono. *~ .*# I/1 Along* For Sale; i flfi aoiu:b of land poh half-; m ac. lv/U rorioloiirod; oiih mllo from J'Mfiar Bfca- tlon, M 0 It,, and ono from tiohool, poutoftloo oto ; oliBftp 1'ormn, to unit purahnnor. M. lUUHKTT, Ooiito 1\0. The County Gouneillopship, In With Low Pricos wo aim to give yon Gcod Quality. Bomo things aro bo cheap in quality that tboy aro doar at any prico that kind of tfoods wo don't want to deal in. Ilonco you find among our Stock Standard Brands that are house hold words throughout tho land, such aa "Crompton'o Corsets," " Totloy's Toas," " Corticolli "Silks, '* " Christy's Hats," "Campbollford Flannels," "Tho Cram's Prints," "Granby Itub- bors," Richards' Pure Soap," "Delhi Cannod Goods," and bo nn thrpugh_thoJist. Anything wo soil you can bo relied on as tho boat of it's kind. Money back if any puichaso prove un satisfactory. To the JiUotorn of No. 2 I>intrictt the Count)/ of JCnncx ; Fi'LLow Vti.VA Toiin.~r rtoniro to ntfito that I intnnd offoriua myiiolf nn it ciindldntu lor your RUttriijuiH for tlio ollleo of County Councillor for No. 2 Dldtrlct In tlio County, thn oloatloa for which In to ho hold on tlio Unit Monday In Jiui uary, 1807. Youru roopoctfully. ./. J:. 8TQNJ5. Kflnox, Ont., Ootobor 11th, itfjo County Gouneillopship. Fellow I'} fee torn of District No. , County of ffwcj. : Having consented to stand an County Councillor of this District your votoa and influence are respectfully solicit ed. Youru respectfully, JA1VIJ2S S, JjAIUO. November Necessaries: Men's Heavy Wool Socks, 2 Pairs for 25c. Men's Heavy Wool Under wear, 45c. each. Men's Good Tweed Pants, 95c. up. Men's Blue and Black Heavy Beaver Overcoats with Velvet Collar, $5.95each, Ladios5 Long Sleeved Vests, 10cM up. Ladies' Mantles, Largest Variety in Essex, $2 up. Men's Senlette Caps. 75c, each. White Bed Blankets, 90c. a pair. Dress Goods in Great Variety. ^Millinery for Maids, Misses and Matrons at Prices to suit all purses. Try our Shoe Department, Largest in Essex. Clean, Fresh Groceries. Prompt Service and Close Prices, T. H. DeCEW Wants at Once, TWENTY MEN TO CUT WOOD. Steady employment for the winter. .ESSE22:. Forsythe, Anderson & Go., Iir' ESSEX. Music * Stwe. "PT A "RTtf $ Piano and JS.Z1.K1N I organs.. .. A SPECIALTY. . Cun furniwh any of tho following Old I/, itit~wtin, /A //, Nordhi I'uct, Stttnioay, Cfa<k<ruij, hvam^ itt., Will duplfcato iLiij Intitrumout iiurohafUid in tlio town within thn punt two youru for $^0 )jI<4Slhiin thn prico puid Will fumitih ANY 1'IANO for ^1>5 LESS thuu you cun pmoliithu uhtuwlioru 1*1 an o Tunlnx; By Prof. Layman. Orcann und Howiufi IMiiuhlnuii Hopauud Muuic Luuhoiio >*5 poi tarin of 20 lonaoiiu. H. M. TATTI,, 2nd Door North of Ifl.C.ie. The wedding nui ia worn ou tho loTt hand booauoo, HymbolicuUy, tho right hand donotou authority and tho loft hand obedi- onoo. A Canadian putont oovorn tho Provmoea o( Ontario, Quohoo, Now Brunowiok, Nova Sootia, Priuoo Edwavd'o Inland, Mauitoba and Britinh Columbia. All Bntlnh patonta aro (j ran toil for four- toon yoaro, but aro rovolcod at any tirao after tho fourth yoar upon tho nonpay ment of tho Govorutnunt tax. 1'uoHdny, Novomhor Urd. Council mot at 8 p. in. Ptonont, Koovo Jjnird, in tho chair, Dopnky- ltoove MoDoukuII, Oouncillord A, Rainca, ,T. M, HickH, David Whitney, J. A. Roho, T, B. Scott, J. A. Hiolcn, Br. Totta und O. .T. Thomaw. MinutuH of provioua mooting wore road and, on motion of J. M. HiclcH and rJ'. li. Bcott, udoptod. A oommunlcation wnn road from Mo- Laron & Co., rolntivo to thoir account, ro Ehhox and Thriwhor, which wan writ- ton on tho day on which tho $100 choquo waa nont. Anothor communication from tho aamo llrm van rend, which was written after tho rocoipt of tho chequo. Both lettora wore ordorod fylod. O. L. OrnHflwollor wroto, nokiupr for tho uao of tho hall for tho ovonin^ of tho 20th hint., for tho ECipjli School Commencement Exorcinon, which ro- quontwnn, on motion, prantod. Tho following accounts wore road and roforrod to fchoFinanco Oomraittoo: Joseph Myorn, wood for wntorworkn, &12.87; J, A. Iliclcfl, actual work at watorworkH und trip to Detroit, ^21; W. H. Edgar, work on fair grounds, #1.W; Labav At Smith, blaoknmith work,$2.80; J. R. McEwan, ntationory, commmdion, oto., $7.03; A. Wnddington, nalary for Ootohok* and oxprons ohargon, ^31.78; Wm. Lning, olootric light for Octohor, ^J)!J.a-t; W. H. RuBfloll, ooleotinf? jurors, $2; J. S. Laird, selecting jurors, 2; J. Walters, selecting jurors and extra work on throe local iraprovomout by laws, &5; E. A. Winmor, rebate ou side walk on lot 34, Plan 181, .^8.91. W. B. Gallangor addronnod tho coun cil, stating that tho collector had chargod him in his tax domand for tho total cost of tlio sidowalk along his pro perty, which whs a corner lot, und ho wanted, robato for amount duo him. After Homo disounfliou it was under stood that tho propor amount should ho ascertained and Mr. Gallangor would ho granted choquo for proper amount. By-law No. 251, to provide for tho oolloction of taxes, was introduced and road tho required number of times and passed. The by-law providou that tho roll shall bo placed in tho collector's hands not later than November llrd, that a robato of !i per cont. shall bo granted thoHo who pay thoir taxos be fore the 1st of Docombor and 1 per cont per month added on all paid after the iilut of Docombor. Doputy-Boovo MoDougall said W. II. Edgar would agree to take caro of tho agricultural grounds for tfl5 a yoar. Tie had left tho koy of the place at Mr. Edgar's. T. B. Scott thought if bo got the grass that should bo sufficient pay for taking care of the grounds. J. M. Hides moved that W. 11. Ed gar bo appointed carotukovjof tlio fair giounds at a salary of ^15 a year and the grans and that ho he empowered to piosecuto any one found trespassing. Mr. Whitney seconded tho motion. Dr. Potts thought something definite should bo done with this If Mr. Ed gar is g-oing to reeoivo such an appoint ment bin duties should be doiinod. J. M. Hicks suggested that tho Dep uty-Reeve have an agreement drawn up between the town and Mr. Edgar doliu- mg his duties. This suggestion was agreed to and tho agreement will be brought up for nmfmnntion at no\t mooting. The condition of tho culvert near DeCow'h mill on the townlmo of Col chester Noith was discussed and, on motion of MoBsrs, MeDougall and Hose tho Hoove was instructed to moot tho OolchcHtor North council at its noxt mooting and arrange with them for tho remedying of this grievance. Tho matter of robato to E. A. Wismor foi a sidowalk was discussed, the ques tion being as to wbothoi Mr. Wismor's lot should bo considered aeornoi lot hi ss much as theio wore two residences on the lot and one faced on each street. J. A. Hicks spoke relative to his ac count of 31, of which tfl wasfortriy to Detroit to see about pipe and the bal- uuco for actual work at waterworks, lie had spout a good deal of time in connection with tho rocont trouble at tho waterworks and ho believed ho Bhould bo paid tho samo as others who had worked thoro. Tho amount of tho bill did not begin to pay for tho time he had spout theio. Ho could have made much more by attending to his own business He had spoken to some of tho other members of tho counailand they thought ho should bo paid. Mr. Thomas said Mr. Hicks had worked hard at tho waterworks. Mr. Laird moved that tho Finance Committee bo empowered to enter tho account in thoir statement, Mr. Robg seconded tho motion, which carriod without a dissenting voioo. Dr. Potts thought thoro should bo council to pay any of its members or enter into any contract with one of its momhers for any work. Mr. Laird believed tho workmanwas worthy of his hire. Mr. Xlicku said ho believed in enter ing account** just as thoy wore. Tho finance Committoe'n report was road, recommending payment of ac counts of Jos. Myri*, #91; Frank Lew is, #12.87; J. A. Hicks, #21; W. H. Ed gar, ijl.5; Labar & Smith, &2.80; J. tt. McEwan, &7.03; A.Wnddington, #01.78; Wm. Lning, &8H.IM; W. H. RuhhoII, 83: J, S. Laird, #2; J. Walters, $6 aud E. A. Wismor, >}aOi. On motion, .tho roport was adopted. Tho Reeve said there was a pioco of sidewalk nonr tho Catholio ohuroh that Bhould bo ropairod as it wan in a dan gerous condition. The condition of tho Hidowalk noar tho Imperial Bank was altio brought up. On motion of Messrs. MoDougall and Scott, J. A. Hiolcs was inntruotod to see Mr. Whito, of tho Imporial Bank, to havo tho sidowalk along aido of tho bank ropairod. Tho Roovo aloo brought up tho mat ter of sidewalk in front of Mr. Roberts' property. Mr. Roberts had told him thot ho would not build tho walk. Mr. Whitnoy stated that Mr. Roberts had promised him that ho would build tho walk but now says ho won't. A long disouHAion followed and it won finally understood that if Mr. Roberta would not build tho walk tho council would pass n by-law to havo tho work done. Mr. Whitnoy gavo notice that at tho next meeting ho would introduco a by law to build tho Hidowalk referred to. Dr. Dottn onid J. L. Potors wantod a sidewalk laid to his plnco and ho want ed to know if tho town wore willing to lay tho walk in front of tho lot botweon Chas. Naylor's and Mr. Potors, that tho town bought at tax sale. It was ascertained that 250 foot of wabc would bo required, of which the town would havo to build lUOfoot. Mr. Thomas thought tho wholo front- ago tax system was an imposition. Tho land owner has to pay for tho whole sidowalk while ho believed tho town Bhould pay for half of tho cont. In other placou ho know of that was tho way sidowalkn woro built. J. A. Hicks brought up tho mnttor of anothor boilor in tho waterworks. Tho present one was not satisfactory and one-third more fuel is used than should be. Anothor boiler would havo to bo put in and ho had asked some of tho manufacturers for ilgurca. The best price ho had quoted was &1U7.50. The present boilef~HlfouUl be turned around aud the pump should be lifted out of the well in which it is. Mr. Thomas did not believe in doing the work necessary by patchwork. If roquirod ho approved of issuing moro debentures to pay the expense. Moved by Dr Potts, seconded by J. M. Hicks, that J. A. nicks, Roovo Laird und Deputy-Reeve MeDougall bo a committee to prepare a lepoit with plans, specifications and estimates of changes and improvements necessary at tho waterworks, said report to bo pre sented at next meeting, Carriod. On motion of Messrs. Thomas and Potts, Mr. Hose was allowed to pur chase two tons of coal from tho water works. Council adjourned. others jnturoutod hi (ivath'iilioal work uro ontitlnd to mombornhip und aro vory cordi ally urflod to attand tho convontioo. To ISbhox <JoutyMk S, Workew. HoHpootod Krionda, Tho Ehhox County Sunday Hohool Convention, a program mo of whiah In limited in this woek'H Fhkk PftMsii, is to bo hold iu AmhornLbur on Tuoday and Wodnonday tho lOtliaud 11th iuuts. An Sunday Sohool work m by all ooncodod to ho of vital importanoo, un a department of aliuroli work, Uioumloraifm* od vory voopflotfully urtfos that you will make a vigorouH effort to bo in attondanoo to help and to bo liolpod in itu furtherance All aotivo, obnorvuufc workoru admit thoro in too muoh denominational iiculumon in fchis| dopartmonb of christian work, that thoro is not onon^h interchange of opinion for KOiiorul improvement. Tho County and tho Dintiiot conventions, organized and oouduotod undor the dirootion of tho Pro vincial Asnoomtion, whiuli in lutorduuomi. national, gi\o Huitablo opportunity for Buoh reciprocation of opinion, Alfred Day, Esq., tho vorsatilo, vigorous, praotiood and olocpaout Secretary at tho^ Provincial Association will (U.V.) bo proHont. Ploauo bring with yon for exhibition any appli ances you|havo for toaobiuK. or for illustra tion of work. Lot Ehhox workont rauko a rally that will bo to thoir orod't. Yours ronpoot[ully, Nov. 3nfl, 1800. D. A. Mixwiaii. Tlio Hoc Choiera, MAN1>WVM* MOUTH. Hioholuti Ferouf^ll states that he had about 26 hotfa Hick from what appeared to bo hoKouolora.&Homo of them died and nothing gaumed to do any tfood oXoopt pok root Hnd stonu coal. Tho poke root was procured on tho farm of John Dawaon^n Maiilnton*. Mr. l^orou^h bolioyeo that above will ouro any ouyo of;Iiog cholera, as before finding it 10 of his hofis died whilo ho lias not IohS ono Hinno. County S. S. (Jonventloii. Tltti following in tlio [irngnunnjo of tho II" \ (' unty S ihlnith Suluol Couvulilion to ho held in Wesley MotliodiHt churnb, Amli-Tritl ury, on Xu. s^ay and Wcdiiciilny, tho Kith und lllli iim> some other way of ontoring that account Tin tuluy iittt rnoun,2 o olouk . Df \c,t ion- ul K\( u-iiiLH, led by Rnv. J. Berry, M A.; uppomiiMtiit ot nominating onmiuiiruo; ' Subbtlli Ki-hnol Tt*cI)L'rn' Pri puratinn," hy Uov Dr Cook , Homo Ol uiHoH.by Alft <)d Dny, S cri-tun of tho l}iovtnoial Ahsii^ir- tion, Hibhith School -tluriio, by A Rnm- Uult riitHfltiy evening, 7.:10 oVlock D-vn- tioual exerai-oH lud by Uov. T Nattrcf-s, B A , ArldroHN of Wukoino, by Kev. O. W. Biown.B. A., B. D. , Rrply to AddroHO, bi A MoNoo, Cunuty PVemcteiit; AddrosH, by Alii*. I Day, Wednesday founoun, ,) n'olook: Doto- tiunul tixciomoii, h d by Rov. W. P. Town- Bond ; Klootion of ofiloors and miaaolluiK ous bu-inohH; "Dow to Interest Young People in 9'ibbnth HlIiooI Work," by Rov. P. AI. Unburn; Addro-ifl, by Alfred Day ; Report on Oouuty Work und of Provincial Associ ation Convention, by It. O. Woeno. Wednesday af tarnnon,l:30 o'clock . De votional exoroisos, lod by Hov. J. A. Hole ; AddroHS, by Mr. Farmor, of Detroit; Ad dress, by Alfred Day ; "Primary Woik/' by Mum Toottr, Probably a "toaohor'a raootnift*' may ba hold. In vicv of this bring your blblon, oto. RoaduploBson for Novombor 15th Dok'^atett' nam oh should bg sont uhbooh mi pOHHiblo to A. K. Wulkor, Amhopatburf.'. This droaded dinoiuie has caunod a groat doftl of Ions to tho farmers of this oonnty but principally to tho farmotfrof thotowo^ ohip of Muldon, many of whom havo had to kill thuir wholo horda on acoouut of some of thorn boing aflootod with tho oholora. Dr. MoEnchron, Chiot Dominion Votonnary Inspootor, wan in the county last woolc and paid a viaifc to tho afTootod dintriot, aftor whiah he insuod matrnations that a quarantino should bo plaood ovor tho townships of Maldon, Andordon, Cob chosfcor South and Gofitiold South, though from what wo can loam no oacos of the diaoaflo havo yet boon reported from Goq- flold South. Biuoo tho beginning of this yoar tbo disoaao has broken oat on 50 dif ferent farms in tho abovo named towuHbipo and about 1,500 hoc,H havo, so far, boon slaughtered under tho Contagioun DiaoaBos Animals Aot. An mdornmty in paid by tbo Government to partiou having animuhi alaURhtored imdor the act, ono-tlurd of the value for thoao which aro actually din- oancd and threo-fonrths of tbo valao of those which hiLve been in contact with tho dinonsod animals. It hna boon tliou^btad- viwablo aUo to stop tbo movomoutH of bogH, bog prod acta and hog manure within the limits of tho ubovo named towimhips to provont tbo disoaao being ottrned boyond tho in(oatcd area. This County is largely deyoted to tbo growing of corn and feeding of hogs, and consequently tUo matter ih of Vital importance to tho farmers "of thu county, aud tho oflicorn of tho quarantine uervioo aro promised tho aotivo coopera tion of tho farmers and municipal ollioers. This co-operation is oiiuenLml to tho com- ploto Hncooao of tho plan of tho department. On Monday morning last a uumber of far mors from OoBiield township brought thoir hogs to Essex station having Hold tboni to tbo bnyem hut, on arriving hero no caro oonld bo obtained on account ot tbo abovo order. After considerable tolograpUing back and forth tho animalu woro finally loaded and weie nlupped from horo that mghc. Drs. MaJUaohrou aud Wilnou ar- rivod horo on Monday night and on Tuqb- day morning tbo former lnHpoctod a lot of hogs that had been bought for A J. Groon, though none wore from tho infected dio- triot, and iwaicd a certificate permitting Mr. Greon to nhip aamo Dr, vVilson 'vmitod Sandwich South township whore four casoB woro reported. On Wednesday, two new caaoa were found iu that town ship and otopB havo boon taken to prevent tho sproad of tbo disease thoro. Thoro appears to have boon gross nogb- peuoo or oarelQaunoflo ou tho part of oomo of tho votorinary inspectors anil the De partment ohould make a thorough mvoati- gatiou and moto out anvere punmhmont on tbo ou"ondorn. Ah soon u.n it waw found that oasoB were known to exist in Maldon tbo Domiuion Department wan notifiod but ib waa oix flay a' lator boforo tho Din- trait Inopootor viaitod tho county. Had ho otartod out to walk from London whoa bo was notified ho could havo reached thoro muoh sooner than ho did. Even after bo. ingsatisfiod that tho canon woro gonuino oholora, no monsuroti aeoin to havo boon takou to provont ita oproadiug. Tho farms, on whfab tho cason existed, woro not quar antined and tho shipment of ho,;n waa not stopped. It doos not malco any difforonoo who tho offondora are or what are thoir politios, tboy ulionld bo iiovoroly dealt with and it tliGy can not attond to thoir buoinosa properly othora should bo given their posi tions, Tho loos to tho peoplo of tbi county is too hoavy to bo overlooked. Pcloo JHlaiid. At Ougoode Hall, Toronto, on Tueaday, in Sohool Trustoos of Townnhip of Pelee v. MoCormiok. J, II. Moss, for plain tiffs, movod ot ^parto ou potltitm for an ordor roforring it to ono of tlio local Judg- os at Windsor to sottlo a aohomo for the munagomontl and adminintratiou of tho trusts proporty in question. OrJor made an asked. Further dirootions and|oota re served till aftor report* " . NTJUt*IiWN. Mr. Aubin, our now tailor, haa.aommorjO- od btiainofui. Mr. and Mrti. Kidd, of Hivmilton, have boon guoatH at tbo Wismor 0ouuo. I Misb Myrtlo Brooks, who had boon vot ing frionds at Bollo Rivor, ban rotur,nod. "5J Tho now proprietor of tho Dfotol Marlole i.iJlmakiug groat improyomonta in the * hofitolry. T. A. Ridor io moving bin maahiuoshops to tho front Jotreot near the Leamington sideroad. Tho PoDt Ofllao ban boon romovod; from tbo offlooof thoNiobergall Stave & Lumber Co. to thoir ntoro, !?,D. G. Kelly loft last WOok to visit frionds aud rolatioun m Montreal and sovoral plaoos in Quoboo. John Middloton, of Joricho, has takoa poiinoaaion of tho Mariolo Houso, Mr. Man- olo having gone to Windsor whoro ho hon takon charge of tho Office hotol In that oity. Mrn. A. B. Rondot has boon quito ill as tho ronult of ujpartial stroke of paralyalH. Colin Witilo lately prosontod WeHloy MothodistChnrch with a handsomo now pipo organ and tbo organ was first unod on Sunday last at tho fifth anniyorpary aorvicoB in tho church. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Maodonuld woro prosont aud addod much to the auoconn of tbo Derviooa. Thomas Randall, tho eldont son of James A. Randall, tho woll-known Detroit lawyor, and a bright promioing yonug man of 32, went ont duok-huutinc on Friday laBt and as bo did not return bomo either that day or thu nest a noarch was made for him. IIo \veut out in a row boat with a duok boat towing behind. During tlio afternoon of Friday a hoavy wind otorra sprung up and thoro ia ovory probability that bis boat waa oapiii/fd and tho yountf man drownod as on Saturday his upturuod dnok bnut waa found on tho north shoro of tbo hiko m Maiden along with his decoys, and on Sunday his othor boat waa found bolow nickory Ialand onjtlio American side. (Jn Monday, men otartedBto drag tho rivor in tho vlcinity of tho plaoo whero tho last boat waa found. Thoro Booma littlo doubt but that the yonug man found a watery gravo. Hojwas studying for tho bar aud gave muoh promitiQ for a nucooaHfol oarcor Drugging for tbo body was oontiuuod all' this wcolt und Hoyoral dyuomito oartridgos %voro exploded in tho hopoa of bringing up tho body. The parouts of tho yomig man aro almost frantio over tho nad affair. in tho report as it was not legal for tho ' All pastors, Sabbath sohool workers and Thoro aro about four hundred medical practitioners in Toronto ovou when thoro is no trunk Howor. Thoro are upwardn of nix hundred lawyers, aomo of whom must bo sorely to nip tod to ouoouragu tho tun to for litigation. Klnistoud. On^ThurHday ovoning, Ootobor 29th, the lolativoo and friends of Mrs. CoruoliUH Fitoh, numbering about ono handrod.gayo her a gonuino Burpriso, tho ocoaaion boino; tho 00th anniversary of hor birthday. Tho company root at tbo reoidouoo of her duughtor.Mrs. Moson Damm, J. 8. Auatiu was oallod upon and mado a fow introdno- torv remarks explaining tho objoot of tho gutboring, and Mrs. Austin pronontod Mm. Fitoh with tho following valuable presents from hor rolativos and frionds: Mrn. William Prioo, a blaolc natin dross; Mrs. Arthur Prioo, a pair of fino shoos; Mrs. Wm. Fitoh, a dross; Mrs. Noah Gauthior, a drosa; Mrs. Sylvostro Fitoh, a pair of pluqb Hlippors ; Win. Fitoh, ailvor pioklodioh; Mrn. Wm Fitoh, ohmapioklo- diah ; Donis Sauvo, water pifoher; Mr, aad Mm Maioonyillo, two ohina cups and saucors; Mr.Daiioroft, watorpitohor; Mrs. J. S. Aufltin, table linon ; Mia. Martin Noi- non, pair of fauoy hnou towolo, aftor which M. Fitoh, or., in a fow wolbohoaon words thanked tho rolativos and friends, on hor bohulf for thoir kindness. Wm. Prioo waa then oallod upon and mado a noafc littlo pithy spooab that oallod forth rounds of op- plauao. Then all sat down to a sumptu oub ropast gotton up by tho ladies. Amuse ments of various kinds xvoro thon indulged in, intorHporaod with music, aftor which the company ropairod to thoir sovoral homoB, all boing well pleased with their ovtnmg's onjoyraout. Mrs. Fitoh has boon marrlod forty-oigbt years, baa two sous and five danghtoro, as follows: An- nio, wifo of Arthur Ptioo ; Emily; wlr0 0 - Wm. Prioo, doputy-reeve of mfoidBtotio J^e.wlfo of Joseph Damm j Awlla, wife ofMoaosDammjand Kate, wife of Noab. Gauthior.""" Wautbior.BHor two sons are Bylvestra and "-A " * William, both of Maidatone. She ^uJ^tiM grand-ohildren and 0 reaii.grand.ohUar-' Si"' V.1 m < &:'. ^M 81

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