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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 30, 1896, p. 8

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HA 1 3. I Hats ' Special Sale of hats, caps and gloves this week at D. J. Whitney, HATTER AND F0BHIBHER. A Good Thing Those who want the best of Good Things come to us. They get Greater Values, Better Styles and more Pleasure out of our offerings than at any other place. We know this to be true be cause we hear what our patrons say. What others have discovered should interest you. Our Shoes Look Well, Fit Well, Wear Well. Thin in tho leant wo could poaaibly nay about thorn. If it wan not for onr experience in Rather we could not fioll ao cheap. Call and bo convinced foryournolf. BiRn of tho Golden Hoot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. A CHOICE OF STYLES ar-h- v Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are up'to-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to 84 on a suit; we have also ji splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goods heioie buyin On the 1st day of November we give up poH&ession to our Successors, Messrs. Wilcox & Brown. In that time I must reduce my Stock as low us po&hible. Below we give some of the prices we fell at: Light Brown Sugar, 26 lbs., $1 Joffee w 24 ' 1 Granulated " 22 " 1 Hico, 25 lbu 2"i, flour, SI 8 j ; Soda, 10 lb* -!T>i! , Tea, *J ju or 22o or 5 llju for Si , Cnff '<-, Mr fni '1 U , dl Extract*, lOo for 7c , I'uiu I'nppf r 'JOc Jor lGc ; Puro Ginger, 40u loi ,l(h , t'i< da, puro, lOo for 30c , Allnpiu, pino, iiOo foi I.ju, MiiHtarl, pun, Klo f ii .JOt, , Nutting, He for (ij , Cream Tartar 10c loi Ktc , tone , tru, Cliuinn, MilK Phuh, Hutr. r 11m ( kHt .Vu , Kju pi i j;J , PiuLlih, 'J\ tipnts, Ac , nt l >st $!<=> Come Early and Secure the Bargains as they will Hot last long at these pricey ftomombor thono prices aro Striutly for CASEI or lirn'-alaon Butter and Eggn. Partien Indebted to mo bv Bock Account or Noto will kindly call and nettle. M. E. WIGLK uottam. Walter Jamoa hurt w>lil tho proporky kiiowu ad tho doublo-houiio with bamu and about 1J aorou of laud to D. F. Mitohell for 8100. Quurtorly meeting nervIoeH will bo held doit Sabbath afc 10.B0 a. m., W. It. Bhaw ofuoiatlnti, Fnoiiduaro invited to bo pre- Hour. Tho obooHo factory will BOou be oloHed for tho Hoauon. A uumbor of the Patrous aro well natiannd. Ohoon and batlor bo- iii(i nearly equal lu prion makoy ohoouo making very profitable. .Tudgo Homo was horo yoatorday, (Thuruday), holding court on tho appeals agalnnfc tho Goallold North voters' Hut of 18(10. There woro about GO appoolrt din- pOMOd of. Lant Sabbath evening m the Mothodmt Ohuroh wo had tlmploanuro of hatouiug to tho Rov. E. Modd, Ph.D., of Ruthvon, who wart proaohing in tho intoroiitti of tho Superannuation hind of tlin Ohurob. Dr. Modd id a young man of marked ability and bin uormon produced it ploanmg and happy offoot on tho mitidn of hni hcarora, Oladly will ho bo woloomod at any time m our midnt. Financially, tho norviocti woro a nncooHfi. .-------------, p*.------------------- NOMTIfX UMXKJH. Sarauol Baltzor and wifo wont to De troit I nut Saturday. Largo numbornof wildgoouo aro noon fly ing nouthward daily. Rov. E. Modd, of Ruthvon, proachod in tho Mothoditit ohuroh Iioro lant Sunday. Tho Mothodiat olmroh ia now undor. qoinj* improvomontti and in oxpootod to bo ready for ro oponing about tho 23nd of No- vombor. Potov Gilboo finitthod hunkin (j bin corn on Wodnotiday, aiet Oot.,tho day after John A. wan olootod M.P.P. for South Eimox. JaraoB Laird,P L. 8. and Roovo of E anox Town' wan loouting linoa on 8ch oon. UHt Saturday for Wra. U. Billing, ur. J. P. Wra. Cobloy, Wm. Roivou, V/m. A. Mout- yomory and Alonzo W. Bridjjon. NANDWlCll NOUTH. John Wortley, ooutraotor^ has tho town hall junfc about roady for oooupanoy. ArrauKouioutH aro bolniftnado at Hrookor Baptlai ohuroh to hold thmr Ohrlutuaau ontertainmotit on Woduodday Dooomber 2:ird, for tho Sunday Hohool ohlldrou. Willis MoOraoken, who ban boon ill for no mo time at hiu homo on tho fith oonooa- nlou, loft on Thuriiday lant for tho lumber flolrtu in ArkatiuaA. HVJMOOM1I. Or. Q. Smith in attending tho Provincial Sabbath Bohool oouvontion in hohhiou at London thin wook, uh dotogatn from Rua- oo mb, ..... AUNKIl. Tho Ehhox Qaii and Oil Oo. havo boon uniiiicooimful In thoir oporationn at tho domokH otootod on It. EqUg'k farm,having failod to find oitlior giui or oil, Halt wator being all that wan found after drilling oyor a thousand foot. .Ton. Townuoixl in putting In tilo on tho faiw of Wm. Rhoppard, Gottam Plamfl. Mra. Wm. Lovitt, of Orawnvillo, Mich., rottirnod to uor homo on Monday uftor aponding a fow wookn with hor father, P. Rnwlina, and othor rolativon, THE Event of the Year. x Plain, Sirn.pleH IDotxnix Iglrb __Mr. Bwoot, hc, m rooovorinp uiooly. Mihu Leah Koano ia upondiug thin wook in Windoor. Mr.and Mrn. MoMackou havo boon viait- ing Mr. and Mro. BliRht. A. G. Bakor, wifo and family havo boon vmitinf" thoir fnondii horo. Goorgo Colonutt and wifo vinitod rola tivon in Detroit thin woolt, Lionel Butt ban boon quito il) for nomo timo, ao the ronulb of a bruiiiu on hio lof,'. Tho truHtooH of tho McthodiHt ohuroh nro planning for tho orootion of a urnt'oluHa alied on the ohuroh grouuda. Thin in much notdod. Th't aunivornary of tho MothodiHt Chuich will bo hold lioro on Monday ovon- iu next, Nov. 2nd. Tlio MothodiHt oboir of Ehhcx. will bo in attoudanco. Tho MothodiHta of Goflto hold their anni versary toa-raootuifi noxt Monday nifjht. JJxtonHivo pruparationa tiro boini; mado for an oxcollont uuppor and programme. Tho I^hhux MothodiHt choir will furuiHh a finit- oIiihh miihical progratntno. Mr. Knoghoff, of Khhux, will recito. Rov. Mr Shaw, of Cottum, will QGoapy tho ohair. Tho Rev. Mr. Tlubaudoau and other Hpoakera alao otpected. south xvoom>kij:i: M. L. AlliHon in vimtiug hm homo in thin plaoo Tho U. T. of T. will fiyo a concort in St, Lawronco Hall nhortly. A Ilednolt ih building a now kitchen to tho rear of hm roaulenco, The Httuu mill atarted up on Monday and ih not running full binBt. II. Plant hun bought tho houHo owned by G. M, Millei, now of Detroit. Quarterly meeting in South Wooduloo MetbodiHt Church on Sundttj noxt. R. Fader, of. Blind River, Algoma Dis trict, hau boon visiting in tho village JameH Mcllao, of Walhiooburt,', roooutly out IH thoUHiuid HtavoH at Tl. C. Room' mill in i)| houru. Tho 11-montliH old child of Ed. Rooh- olcau died week beforo laHt from bowel complaint iVIr McC jp', gLnural agent for Noxon liiutj , of Iugcrnoll, waa hero on buHineoH thiH week with tho looal agout.Jaoub iUit- Ctiell Rev. W. Aiors an! J A. Smith loft on TuoHday morning for Loudon to attend thu ProMncial Sabbath Suhool oouvontion. Mr. Smith will uIho vmit Woodatock with a view of locating theie. A aon of John Boworn, of tho Rouaud Lino, wont to a dance about two jmleo from tlim plucu on Monday uiL,bt and while in iho liotiHo u now net o' linoa aud a now whip worn Htolon fioia Inn buggy. Mirih E. Alhuou, who baa boon away Vihitmg at ^t. ThomaH, htifi loturnod homo II. M PuiiHuttu, gontral agont for tho Oniuda Life Ahsnranoo Co , haa been horo tlim woidt on hniineHfi with tho looal agonb W, S Curnmiford AlliHou i^ Haaoook aro rumodolhng their wiiii rootua hr 10 and putting in a now on gino ami bailer to run tboii cornnheUor and eluvator. The machinery wati i>nr- ahaHt'd through .laoob MUoholl.agont for (lLoryo Wluto tt Soiih, of London, Tho Kickapoo Indian Modioino Go., loft on Sunday hint aftor a two wookn' otay, having giyeu a poiformanoo in St.Law- re. en Hull ovory night to orowdod liouuoo. On ThuiHuay evening they offorod a pri/o for Tim boat looking lady in tho audionco whioh wiiB won by Mum Boobol. In Apnl laut eight borHtu and nix ho ad of cattle owned by P. Daly woro Reused by tho Rochoalor taxcollootoi, D. Marontotto mid brought to the Southern Ilotol at South Woodoloe whero they woro kopt for a few (iayii. Mi. Daly roplevined tho niiruahi and tho eiuio oamo up boforc .hi. ge MoIIngb at Bollo River on Monday ithtjii judgment wuu given in favor of the tti* uolliotor, with uontH. Somo of tho larraora horo aro turning a portion of thoir apple orop into cider. Tho homo of Mr. and Mm, Jaraoii Ken- dnok waa vimtod by a httlo Hon lant Satur day. Arthur Wilnon ban flnmhod cano-proim- ing thin hourou, having mado moro than fifteen hundrod gallonn of nyrup. OLKNA. Mr. Manohoiitor, of Kingiivillo, ia vinit- ing hor anitor, Mra. Elmor Ryall. Mioo Edith Jackaon, ofCottam, ianpond- infj a oouplo of wookn at hor nnolo'a, Ruo- bon Brunor'n. Uriah Phillipn in noarly through making Horghura, aud ban tnrnotl out nomo of very line quality thin year. (J, Lofobvro ia Bhipping largo qnantitioa of wood to Detroit. Robt. MoNaugliton, morohant, ban boon appointod poiitraantor at RiiGoom, in plaoo of J. D. Mathor, ronignod. W. A. Knintor in rohoving A, A. Lunty, ntation agent horo, who ia apondiug a few dajo at bin homo in tho village of Rodney. Minn M. VanSuvan, of Walkorvillo, who had boon iipondiug a fow wookn with hor aunt, Mra. J. W. Kmator, hftH roturncd homo. rtCAinSTONlE. Alox. Unnn, of Maidntono, ratnod a bmld- ing a few dayn ago whioli waa an good work an ovor done in thm towuHhip. Tbo work wan dono by Malcolm Hondorfion, of Eiford. Mro. W. D. Boattio doiiirou to atato that tho item in tbo Free Pi.i hs two wookn ago waa not wholly correct. Tho fow friondn that woro invitod did not indulge in dano- ini|, aa atatod Tho townnhip have nold tho Seymour and Wilflon Quiulan Wmmor Drama do- beuturoa to R. 8 Morrin, of Hamilton, at a promium of 312.1. The two lota of de benture!* amounted to $1,5.11, ao that tho townahip reooived $l,Gfj(> for thorn. On Tucaday morning of hint week, Mihh Aunie Quiulan wan united in marria^o to Jciomiah O'Connolt by the Rev. Father Hodgkmnon. Aftor tho Loromouy tho huppy couple, accompanied by about mxLv friondn, drove to Ehhos. and thence to Elm- atead, thonco to tho homo of tho the bnde'n parontH, whoro a moHt enjoyable afternoon aud ovoning weio apent Tho wodding proHontii woro numoroua. COLCUKNTKIl SOUJril. Tliat tlio couruo cf love doou not alwayn run Htnaothly waa oxetnplilied by Georgo Webb and Maggio McClory hint wook. Young Wobb, who had boon working in Dolray, left horo by L. E. & D. R it. on ThurHduy morning Jant nod Mian McUloiy dio\o to Windsor with George'u brother, Jacob Webb. At the forry landing in Do- tioit tho two mot oud proomin/r a marriage hcenao woro mado ono flehh, Wobb giving hiH ago an 2 J and tho g l'n n1** 18. Wh< n Mr. McClory heard of tho affair ou Friday ho wan greatly enragod and Imh son JumoB wont to Windsor and aworo out an mforrn- ahon beforo P. M. Bartlot againat George Webb for carrying off Inn muter who wan, ho claimed, undor Hi yearn of ago, and alao against Jacob Webb, for aamating hia brother. On Sunday, young McCloiy thought tho Webbs woro going to loavo tbo country and lie applied to J. P. Richmond for a warrant but young Wobb Hhowud Iuh marriugo oertifioato to tho J.P. and tho warrant wan not iimuod. On Mon day morning, ovorything wan Bottlod am icably by Mr. McClory going before Mr. Bartlot and tontifying that bo holievod his daughter to he ovor 10 yotna of ago where upon tbo Magiatrato iiarainnod both ao. tiona. The young oeuplo w 11 now hkoly nail upon lifo'n rough aea without any fur- thor trouble from irato fatlior. nwxnutiwium. Mr. Toyor in lomodolliug aud briok-ug tho oxtorior of luu lomdonap. II. P. Jeffery roturood from Manitoba ln->t week. P. D. Stottn has dooidod to gb out of the farming bnninonn. lie haa already on- gaged with a largo film in tho oant, aa managor of a ntook ft> 'm. Near Oallander, Mian Alioo Souloa wan aooidontallv uhot by bar bVotbor, who waB putting his nflo away, Sho died in Hix llOUfH. Commenoing^--*^ Saturday Morning We Place <m Sale ! -19 Pioooit of A3 Inoh Flannolotto--tho regular 10c. quulity for Go. por yard. 2-Yardfi Wido Plain and Twillod Shooting rogulur price 22o. a yard reduced to Lie, por yard. a-Yardn Wido Bloaoh Twillod Shooting the 26o. quality ro- duood to IRq. per yard. nO-Inah Eloavy Groy Cotton reduced to Co. por yard. 10 Piooon of 32-Inoh Printu to Clo&r ut fio. por yard. 10/1 Whito Sproadu, worth Sl.fiO for 91,00 11/i Whito Marnoillon Sproadn, for 81,25 Romnantn of Uronn Ooodn, Priutn, GinghamH, Batooiiii, Zop- hyrn, <ta., during thin ftalo at Half Prioo All Our 3Sq. Boot French ChaUion- during thin Halo for lOo. por yard, Special Ss/e of Table Linens and Towels. fifl Inoh FinoTablo Linon rogular prioo SGo. por yard Sale price 26o, por yard. 57-Inch Fino Tablo Linonn at lino., 37$o., 10c, '15o. and COo, por yard worth regular 20 por oonfc moro. Throo-Quartor Si/o Linon Tablo Napkinn for 31 por Dozen. Boautiful Towolii at 2 for 2Co. Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the G-reat Bar gains in All Departments, You flust Call and See. wmk*j" Our Wonderful Bargainn in Now Dronii Goodn. Our Romarkablo Salo of Mon'n and Boyn' Saito. Our Roanonablo Offonnga in Clothing to Ordor. Our Great Roduotionn m Booth and Shoon, Our Special Quotation*! of Sugar by tho Barrel Our Giganfcio Sale of Ludion' and Ohildron'H Now Fall and Winter Mnutlon. The Millinery- Department is ISTow Open. DIEBEL & BRICKER, XVKNOSOU. Fathor Bayard.for tho paeb twonty yearn pastor of tho R. O. church at Sarnut, h,\u boon appointed to tho vacancy at Windiior cauHod by tho death of Dean Wagner. .... ------------------ JRLFOUD. Special ovangoliHtio nervicoH aro to bo begun in tbeJtlethodiHt church horo begin nmg nomo time noxt wook. Mr. Konuedy ia to bo agisted iu the Horvicou by Mihd Morton, ot Toronto. Tho Imperial anthorition havo trann- ferred to tho Dominion GuntonoH Depart rannt tho deapatch regarding tho BOi/uro of tho mud-ncow Ruoilo by tho Potrel in tho Dutro.t River laht your. Tho Ruello whh dihcovorod dumping garbago into our watern aud tho captain wanta componna- tion from Canada. 1*1,11, KM! N. Flenry Fonrer died on Thuroday of lant wook at 7 p. m Ho had boon aick for nomo yours and baa boon pationt, being a ntaunoh ChrmLiuu for nomo yearn and a dnacou in tho Firat Baptist chnroh. IIo haa boon a leaulent of Maldou for 10 yoara and wan lnghl/ eHtoomod by all who know him. He whh bom in Virginia 7ti yearn and 11 montlM a^o IIo leave i a largo family to mourn bin loaa. ~----------------------- LISMUNGTON. Tbo Loumiugtnn and Moraoa Sabbath School Aaaociatiou met at tho cull of tho Prosidont, TIioh. Fuller, in tho lectaro room of tho Mothodiat church for tho pur paao of ro organisation. A numbor of Sunday School ofhoern woro proaont, all anxious to advanoo tho work iu which they Wore ongagoil. Devotional oseroinoH woro conducted by thu Rov. Mr. Ulatworthy, uftor which buamoaa wan trauaaotod and roaolutiona paaaod. Tbo following ofliooro wero then oloatodi Prenidort, Thnmaa Fuller, of Lonminglon; lut Vioo-PrenideUt, Joel Rodgora, Whaatloy; 2nd Vioo-Proni- dont, Jamen Robiiiflon, Blythenwood; Sec- rotarv* Bedford (J. Woeni\ Lonmington, dologato to eountv convention, J. J. Lat ham. The International ConHtitutiona for Townnhip AHaooiationn wove adopted, and tho aoorotary wan inutrnotod topurohaHO 25 oopion of the oonutitution, to be dintilbuted among tho ofiioorn of tbo Anaooiation and Diiporintondoutn of tho Sabbath Bohoclo. Tho noorotary wan inutrnatod to got printed programmon for tbo convention to bo hold in Loamingtou on Monday, Novombor 9th. Tho Aanooiation waa nub divided into thw o divifliono, viz. : LoaminRton, Whoatloy and Blythenwood, and a mooting will bo hold in oach of tho iiub-diviiiionn during the coming your, nubjoot to tho call of tho PronidoDt. Hdraarka wore thon mado by novoral of tho gontlomon proaonb, rolatitig to thoir onoourugamonto and diBoourngo tnontn Iu Sabbath Bohool work. ur,i.i,*r, mi viae. Tbo Ootobor nittingn of tho 0th Division court woro hold at Bollo Rivor, Monday, IIih Honor, Judgo McHugh proaiding. Tho deckot oonnintod of 12 oontoutod cafioH. Tho mombora of tho logal profoaaion pro- Bonfc woro ; MoHnru. Clarke, Sutherland, White, ITaldano, Potorn and Ilauua, At tho cloao of the oourt tbo judiciary and bar repaired to Mru. Taylor'u, whoro, ao ununl they woro hospitably entertained, Jndfjo Horno, who bad arrived by a later train, preuidod and it ia nocdlooa to nay that urnplo jiintico wan dono to tlio olaborato cniHino of tho whole ponied hontoan, who ih never huppior then whou Burroundod by bonoh and bar. COLCIIKS't^K NORTH. Mr. Haumiotta. Nolan, tho woman who figured in tho lata murder trial at Sand wich, and who haa taken up har abodo on McDougalbnt, in Wmdaor, wan iu police court Monday, but aa complainant this timo. Jonoph Rood, a oolorod man, ah old friond, it in naid, of Henrietta's, went to tho noufiQ Sunday night aud took for" oiblo ponnoaniou. Homiotta gave him to undoratand that all old friendships had boon doclurod off and .loaoph booamo dm- orderly, putting hor and hor motor out of thu Iiouho. Juaoph m dofault of an 9H flno wan aont to goal for 30 dayn. Mrs. Nolan gave hor ovidouco in a way that ploanod tbo aonxt o>.Qeediugly. Dr.,Wit,lo, owing to failing hoalth', is obliged to givo up bin pruotico bora, his pbymoian having ordorod him to go to tlio northwout m ordor to roauporafco. Novor in tho hiutory of tho ohuroh has there boon auoh a vaat aouorably as turnod out Babbath oveumg liiutj to lioton to the farewell onrmou of Rov. A. J. Samidora at tlio Baptiat ohuroh. Kvorv noat waa oo- oupiod after which tho orowd surged to ttya front and took po'iuonaion of tho ohoie platform, ctopu bohiud tho organ or m faot any vacant apaoo on tho floor adjacent to tho pulpit. Tho ainlos woro lantly filled witb ohuira whilo lastly dozons Btood up ouhudo in tho ontry. About two hundred' othoru worn iiiiaDlo to got auy alonor than blie ytdowalk and had to roturu home, which goon to nhow tho high oatoom Mr. Saundoro in hold by tho roardonta of Kings- villo. Mr. Sauudora?proaohud a powerfai ' normon. Tho local ohoir wuh ably flfiaiated ' by Mm. Oar oh no WoHtoott, Miaa Augolma King aud Milfrod Wiglo. Mr. Saunders loft on Monday foi? MoMaetov "Uuivoratiy. . <*: -4 I n 0,! 4 1 G<;rim'iU. Right Hon. and Right Bov, ITred. Tem ple, D.D., BlHhop of Loudon, Proviuoial','.'! Dean of Qautorbury aud Dean of tta*,/L* Cb.apolH Royal, Ima boon appointed Aroh- *>jf biahop of Canterbury and Priniato of rijvp BuRland. ' ' l-

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