KM . PP^^^J^?^2;^ $SwSjK ". tK^!?^?rr j * Township of Colchester North. , .--------o------------ is BY-LAW No. 329. n & BY-LAW to providb for drainage work in tho Township of Oolohppipr. North in tho Oomity of Ebbox and for borrowing on tho credit of tho Munici pal Hy the aam of 8852.00 for complet ing the eaino. Provisionally adopted tho 31t day of Oct,, A.D.1B9Q. WnEBBifl, iiotloo I11 writing bun boon HAryoil by Moaers, Jamon C3<ira.r<l and TliomuM Komiody Upon tho Municipal Oouiioll of tho Towimlihi ofCoIoboiiorNorU, uotlfyhm thotii that if they tiSH not Improve tho flralns on tho Baiidwlch Bouth Towullno andHtb oonooHBion.whloh worti ovorflowlnflthnlr landn und ibminidng thorn thud they would bring an action for 1b1.n111.4tun agalMnt tbem. ANWHRaMAB\tuoroupoiiBiiI(l council ban pro cured an oiaiulnatlon tobomado by J.H. Ijoird, O. I*. B., bolnri a person oomputont for ntioh pur- poftu.of tho area j>ropooil to ho drahmd.aild tlm xaeanu BU(jtfoiitod for tho drainage thu.oof, nixt Of other lands and roadH llnblo to unoHnmout audui thin act, and ban also prouurorl pltnu, BpeaiflcatloHH and eittlmntoii of tho drai mi.o work to bo mado by Raid J. t\. I'minl, OJj.H., it id anaoflOBflaioatto ho mado by him of tho landn and roada to bo bouortfctoil by mioh Uruhiii-.o work and of other lumlw ami roadii li able for contribution ihorolo.iitallutf, an near ly aa ho oati, tho proportion of bonoilt, out'ot lZabMty and lnlurlin; liability, which in bin opinion, will bo iWlvort or iiicu. ud In ooiuio- gcenoe of mioh tlndnn'.J work, by every mud and lot,or tiortiou of lot, tho said uutiowiUJont ho madobaluu tho aenoHHiiiont horoinnfi.or by thin by-laW ouaotod to bo ufiHoHBod and lovlod upon tho rotidn and lotn or jnirLn of lotii ~ .oroluoftor iu that behalf oiipoolully not h and doNoribod, und tho roport of thuiiaid . Laird, 0.1j.B., in roiipoot thoroof and of tho drainajjo work boluu uh follown; ;bo Hoove and Municipal Councillors of tho TownHhip of Colchoiitor North, in council aBflomblod: OKNTTjKtfv.M In ncoordar.oo with Inatrnolionn fjfoniyour honorablo body.notliiK .nndor 11 notlcu from Jamofl Gortird for tho Hnnilwlch Houth- TownUno, and Thoniaw Kanniuly for tho 14 th con. road, I hayo oxnminoil both ditohuH uiu! bog to roport thoroon an follown: I found tho ditch on tho flaudwioh Bouth Towullno uttorlv unfit for tho dmi uigo of tho land in tho immou* lat* vloiuity and I aim found tho dltnli on tho B3ldl4t'i oouooBflion road ' 1 an had n, nhnpo. Ah both dltol 00 ara in tho namo looality and both made for tho drainnRo.of tho namo land; I would re ommona that tlio ditch ou tho nouth ido of t'uo Kaudwioh Bouth Townlino from tho 1 trio be two on lots 0 and 10, wont to tho Kdgor 8Jd^road,bo Iniprovod in aocordanoo with tho annoxod profile and flpoolflontionii. Alno that the dltoh on tho oast nldo of tho 3d d gar Hidoroad b cloauod out andJinprovod In accordanoo with tho annexed V)V6tlio and Bpocitloatlonti. from tho said townlino oouth to thrrKftia"1ith- coucocfJou road, and that alno tlio ditch on tho north sido of tho feaid 14th oonoo^alon toati from tho Wilton Tail Drain, wost 460 rods, bo cleaned out and Improved la uceordatioo with tna an- noXd ptonio'iiiid npoaifloatloiiH. X And that It will ooat $H5'1 all oxpatmoH included, to nut tho Bitid throo ploooB of dltchog in good Woking u'dnr. Of thlu nmouiit X havo tuxod tho Towu- Hlll'j of Oolohoator North for bono (It to ro Ud wltii-8&lB,oO, and tho renminbi!* 8B.i0.tS0 I hnvo [iHHomod titfaiiiHt tho lot and parta of lota that wilt In any Way ho affootod by tho oloatihitf out and improvini/ wald dltohoa. Aooompanyiutf you will find p Ian ii, proflloH, b 11 ooi float loud, oati- niaUu, aHHoaiitnouta and all otlior papers nooo'- Hary ror tfuldauon in tho onnitti nation of Bald d ruin a. Thonu ditohos uhiill bo kopt hi ropa'r by a tux ou tho landn and rondH now <uisBitod oxoopt tho chuuuod yntom of draluatfo nboiild mako It nuaoHHary to alter tho ittiBoainncnt, I hayo tho honor to bo, Rontlumon, Your ohudlont yurvant, JAMlilB H. LAHtD, OXH. 1-Jyuox, Ootobor Oth, 1600. And Willing ah, tho wild council In of opinion that tho dmhinflo of tho aroim donorlbed la dii- Hlrablo. Thorofnru, tho mild miinloipal council of the tiuid Towiiiihljt of Colchoiitor.North, pursuant to tho provlHionH of tUo Drahmifo Act, lb9i, enacts fin follown: Int. Tho Halil report, nhuiH, aiuiolflaii.tlomMi.a- noiiumontn and oiitlinntoii aro boroby adoptod unci tho druiua^o work uh thoroin iutilcatodand uot forth itliatl bo mndo and couHtruotod in ao- oordanco thoruwitli. JAS. D. ANDERSON & Go. BANKERS, Agents for The Eoyal, ~ Tho Guardian and Tho Lancashire, Tho baatlnBurauoa Oompanlealu the world. Wo make a npoolalty of Inaurlntf Farm lkro- porty. Money to Loon at ft and &H P*r ooni. on I'arm 1'roporty. Fanners Irisurttitnt> in Good JRdittbU Cotnpamts* NOTICE, All AooountJi duo tho lato firm of Pits, PiiWAit k MoKknzik uro payublo to D. Djhwak, Wind sor. A prompt Bottlomonfc iy roijuoatod. lind. Tho Iloovo of tho aahl towniihlp m,ay borrow on tho orodit of tho corporntlou of tho iiuld TownHhip of OolohoHter North, bho nam of ;?8tvj,f i, boinij tho amount of funtla no' naiiyv for tho work, and may homo dohonturoii o! tho corporation to that amount in iiumn of not kin than $S0 oaoh, and payable witliln ton yearn from tho data thereof, with Intercut) at tho rato of Ave per centum per annum, that in to nay in ton auuiil Iniitalmontn, ituoh dohon- turon to ba payablo at tlm liranch of tho Imper ial IIauk at tho Town of Ennox and to havo at- tiicbod to thorn coupouo for tho payment of i-\- torowt. ,1rd. For paying tho imm of S4in.50.tho amount oharftod iifiainut tho naid landn and road 11 for bonoflt, aucl tho imin of 831' 1, tho amount oharftod ai'ainHt tho naid landn and roadii for ontlot Hahlllty, apart from tho lundH and roadn boloiiRlnfl to or oontvollod by tho mun'oipali./, andfor oovorliiBintoroHt thoroon for ton yoaru at tho rate o| nvo por oontuin por annum: tho total Hpoolftl riite over and ahovo nil othor ratci, nhall ho nHHOHnad, loylod and collcjctod (In tho tiara0 manner and at tho namo timo an othor taxoB aro lnviod and oollcotod), upon and fro 11 tho undermentioned lotnand partnof lota, and rondH, and tho amount of the imld total (ipoolul raton and into rent nhall bo divided into ton equal pavtu ami onn ouch part nhall bo aBnomiot', levied audcollootod an aforonald in onoh year for ton yoara after tho final panning of thiti by- nitwrdurind whioh tho naid dobonturoi! havo to run, The Essox 'Free Press, BRETT 4, AULD, PBOPRICTOHS. tfltlDAY, OOTOUEU .80, 1800. Bohodulo of lotn and purU of lotfl and roadw in tho TownHhip of Colchostor North aciflouHod for tho cotititrnotiori of tho riandwioh South Townlino, Kduar Sido Road and 14th ConcoHHion Road DitohoH. i ^ <o ' o a 8 klith o (-1 td Oi -u u * o 13th 12 6hf.ll w bf 11 ohf 10 whf 10 n qr 9 Hbf n hfO nhf Hlaf 9 h qr 9 8 7 o hfn hf10 w hf n hi 10 n hf 10 uhf 9 ohf 9 nl/8 8 raptn hf 8 h qr n hf 8 nhf uhf 8 n hf (tqr B a 1/8 8 pt a hf 8 on <u M O 4 100 GO 50 5C 60 20 25 35 25 100 100 50 M) 100 100 100 35 50 25 GO 25 25 1 UJ a M > 35 00 -15 00 40 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 25 00 12 50 23 50 15 00 as co 15 oo fl oo 12 00 C 00 10 00 5 OH 5 00 50 3 i I3 > 15 00 7 50 7 50 30 00 .10 00 15 00 15 00 IS 00 15 00 15 00 25 00 113 50 Onroudfl.................. 318 50 220 00 a & M as -. ^ <a ci-3 s- Eh 16 00 7 50 7 50 65 00 75 00 55 00 35 00 36 00 55 00 90 00 GO 00 12 50 22 50 15 00 35 00 15 00 6 00 12 00 5 00 10 00 6 00 5 00 50 g:^:j 50 218 50 14 a) Is- ,H t> o hi O^ & g c 4 50 2 25 2 25 19 50 22 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 16 50 27 00 15 00 3 75 G 75 '1 50 10 50 i 50 1 80 3 GO 1 50 3 00 1 50 1 50 15 190 05 05 55 823 55 J8'l 05 82 35 28 40 Total on lands and roada.. 803S 00 220 00 852 00 255 00 1107 00 110 70 4th. For pay tan tho nuia of $SlB.G0,tha amount aBSCBfiod ftoaiunt tho naid roadn and landn of too munloiwr'ity, and forcovorinft iutoiont thoroon fortonyoaroattho rato of Qvo porcontum por annum.anpocial rato on tho dollar, nutlloiont . to i> OdU' o *^o required yoarly anjouut thoro- 1ot, PhaL1 ovor and ahovo all othor raten, bo Idv.lwI and ocMcotod (in tho namo mannor and atthonamo timo aiituion avo loviodaudcolloct- efl), upon and from tho whole ratablo property hi Bflid Township Of Colohoiitor North, in each yoar for ton ycaru ftftor tho final nanninR of tni by-law, durmp which tho oaid dobonturon ba-jo to ran. ; B*"). That Jamon S.Laird, tORUthor with tho conncll aro horoliy appointed coramif,nionorii to lot tho contract for hnprovintr naiddrainnand 'wo.kHOonnoctod thorov.'ith, by tondor (not e: - ceortlufl ontlmato). but ovory imoh contractor, with two C- id and riutlflfii :tory nurotlon, unall h 3 i-eqiilrod forthwith to ontor Into bondu for duo "perforumucound completion of cb' dinf, to naid pliinii and opociiloatiomi within tho timo moutionod within nuch bond nnlenaothorwino ordorod by the council; and it \ phoU bo tho duty of uuch conunlnoionorn to caut-o said drain and workfl connootod thorowith, to bo mado and contitrnctod in accordance with finch piano and apocificatioun,not lator than tho (unlonti othorwiuo or- floiod by tho council) nud to Rrant our- h tifloatflD to tho Boovo from timo to timo, to each contractor, loan 25 por cent, of tho amount dno, until the contruot ib fully coinplotod and ttphKTWCO'itod, and for tho dno poiformauce oi "ttfeSe aud'all othor dutiou of comininiiioner tho L%aid conimiiinlonorii nhall bo entitled to rocoiyo u Feamioitnilon of thrco por cout. on tho actual Ppoet ot tho work. K- 6th. That tho eommiDrdoner bo required forth- //with to ontor into hondi' in tho tain of $500 for S'the duo completion of tho work eccordiuc to I plane and nnoaiQciitiouH-and within tlio timo ripeciflod within ouch bond. 7th. Thin by-law nhall bo pubUnhod onco in every wook, for four connocutivo wtioitn, in tho 'J3Sflex J'V-oPruiw, nowupupor, publiHliod in tho Town of Ehuox. and nlia'1 como into force upon and after tlio final pansim; tUoroof, nud may bo clcod tho "Haudwich South Townlino, Jidfjar Hldoroad and 11 th 0 jucotmioii Improvonioiit B>-law li'iO" J. A. COULTEIt, M. UAItllETT, Olork. Itoovo, I horoby certify that tho foroi;oin in a truo copy of a byluw proviiiioually adoptod by tlio municipal council of tho naid Towiuihfp of Col- chetitor North, on tho 2lHt day of Oct., A. D. J. A. OOUIVTEK, Olork of tho Municipality of Colchoiitor North. NOTICE 18 nEIUSBY GIVEN THAT A Couit of ItoviHion, hold purnuaut to tho provittiouii of tlio Dra'iiiifjo Aot, 1991, for tho Leariuf* and triu' of appaahi mailo iif,'iiint tho ubovo uimonnmojt.or any nart thoi n- af, will hold itn flrntfilttlnfjn a tho Town Hull, Colchoutor North, on Huturday, tho 21t day of Novombor, 16%, at tho hour of ton o'olouk iu tho J'oronoou, aud that uny poruou intending to appeal itf'uinBt tho ahovo umioHiunont, or any part thereof, muiit, not Liter than ten duyn bo- foro tho timo fixed for the holding of naid Court, norvo on tho Chtrk of thin municipality, u writ ten notlco of nuch uppoul, or otliorwioo ho will bo too late to bo hoard in that behalf, And fuvinor notico In horoby given that any person intondinj; to hayo mioh liv-law, or uny part thereof, quuHliod, muiit;, not later tliau tou dayo after tho final panning thoroof, norvo a not leu in writing upon tho lleoyo o.* othor head olllcer, and upon tho Clerk of tho Municipal ity of Colclmiiter bin intention to make application fo that purpose, to tho High Court ut Toronto, during tho mx woolen noxt ouuu- ing the final panuing of this by-law. J. A. COULTER, Townnliip Clork. A<l<11ttoii:il JjocalH, K'Silfr. and Mm. D, MoMackoii and oof of jHighfiato.'uro viflitinR at -J.-E. Btono'H. K-Mrtt. Harry Ohattorton haw moved to jomhef whoro who lum opened a drtsnu and tak^lo making nhop. p'la Tilbury', whop a bi,by oommcnaoH to in church tha pruacbor .requoBtH tho Epi)ufirogttt'on to om ,l hymn. ',y,;E*Dilao moved toLoamintiton hint wook. [o will bo unployod thoro hy Gurdnor troB.( I thoir bundle worlco. ^iiMr, and Mm. Alox, Douglao, of Walker- He, attoadod tho marriif*o of JaniQH ijpoufzlwi aad Minn H. Smith, Wednotiday H^'^Lttho reoont Soilth Ebpox Toaohoru' jquyoutiou at Loamin^ton, tho oOjoorfl feleotodAVoro . ioe'Prea., MiuH Loo; Boo.-TroaB., G. II. lller; Dirootoro, Moonrti. Luakham, and Poarno; Auditorn, Monara. ler and "Wifihtman. Mrb. O, K. Naylor uj on a two wookn' vinit to friundn iu Dorwout, Luoau and Windham. At Dorwout who in tho ^uoat of Mm. ThompHou who, an Mina Lonnox, formerly tauht iu IOhhox High Bohool. Enni^n Scobol will conduct a luutorn Horvioo in tho Salvation Army on Saturday night, oubject, "Littlo Jamio." Ho will also hold npeoiul mootin^n all day Sunday, Public cordially invited. Mihh CeooliiL Hquiro, who viaitod friondn in town for a'fow days last wook, roturnod to lior homo nt Kuthvou on Monday, ac- oompDiod by hor aunt, Mm. Joh. I?obm- non, who will viuit friendn tboro for a few daytJ. Dotootivo Prod, Campoau, of Windtior, bun boon appointed* by tho Ontario Govern ment to nuooood Dotootivo MoKoo an ohiof of tho fiontior poliou at Windnor und G. A. Mahonoy, of tho Windtior city foroo, ban boon appointed to snooood Oumpoaa, Town and Vicinity. Koad tbo Fituu Phkhh olul)bin(* raleu. Hpooial nalo at Smith'a ; J off. Soo billa. Louniinctoti'i! bounou will bo numbered, Ovcr*coatii for mou from 8-1.00 up ac Smitb'o. Tomorrow (Saturday) ovouint; will bo Hallowe'en, York county council ban decided Co abol- IrIi all toll pjjit.tu. . Regular mooting of town oouneil noxt Tuonday ovoninf. J.VV.CoatoH, of Lou An^oloB, Cal., viaitod at J. . Btono'ii this week. Buy your boot and bIiooh from G. E. Smith & Go. ; bar^ainn in all Jinou. Mnt. Jamon Malono, of Bollo Riyor, viuitod thia wook with hor brothers, S. B- and Frank Groom Four now momboro woro initiated into Hobnor Tent, No. 74, K.O.T.M. on Mon- day evening laat. Tho frioudu of Dr. MoKonzio will bo ploaucd to luarn that ho in oxpeotod to bo home noxt wook. Mm. Olvor biw boon ontortainintj hor BiGtorfl-iu-Iaw, Mm. T. J, and Mrs. A. W. Uarrin, of Amhoratburfl. Tbo topio lint for Graco Mothodiat Ep- worth Loa/juo from Ootobor, 1890, to Ootob or, 1807, will bo found on page 7. Rov. Mr. Bardott, who bad boon vinitinq hia daugbtor, Mm, (Dr.) Jamon Brion, ro turnod to hio homo in Ridgotown on Wod* nonday. If castor oil ib applied to a wart onao a day for a month tho wart will ontiroly dia. appear. In many canca it will not roquirc oo long a time. Boardoru or roomorH taken at MrB.Fanl*n; warm roomn with ubo of Piano or Organ for praotiao, froo. Talbot Bt., first door north of M. G. It. Robfc. Deacon, of OolchoHtor North, on Weduoaday had Allan Doan beforo P. M. Bcaraan on a charge of aHnanlt but tho oano was adjourned till to-day (Friday). Owing to proaBaro of othor buBinono wo woro unablo to give a report of tbo county Epworth Loaguo iu our inline laet wook bot a lengthy report will bo found iu tbia inauo. John MoDougall lont a vainablo colt laBt week. It was paotured at W. D. Boattio'o in Maidotouo and gotting out of tho field wont ou tho M.C.R. track where it wao ntruok by a train. I*. Brady will move bin family from Col- chenter South nose weo^ to Ehbox and will occupy C. II. Fuller's hotiBO on Brion avo. Mr. Brady ban two hoiih who will nttend tho Iligh School horo. Buck & Franoin, who havo conducted a meat market in town for tho paat two yearn, havo dissolved partnornbip, S. F. Franoin continuing tho bnninoHa in tho name otuud. Mr. Buck baa moyod to Delhi whoro ho will open a moat market. Frauk Baxtor, of Chatham, han par- chanod tho Tilbury Nowa. VV. A. Shaw, of tho Timoo, huB purohaaod tho Bubecription lint of tho paper from tho former publmhor, S. F. Monro, bo that thoro in a mixod-up affair in tho nowupapor buainoaH in that villago. The Sunday Sohool convention an nouueed to bo held in Ebbox on Novambor 'h'd, will not take place,owiny to tho even ing being; taken for a aoaiul under the atm- picoH of tho Prenbytorian ohurch. An of- fort wan mado to havo tbo mooting hold on tho ovouing of tho 112th of Novmbor but without Biiccoiiri. Thoro wore a couplo of ranawayn in town on Wednonday aftornoou but only ouo resulted in any damugo being dono, MiBB Phoobo Hyland, of Maidntono, being thrown out oi tbo buggy in whioh ubo waa and being nomowbat bruinod, Tbo nhaffco woro dotachod from tbo rig and the horao rau a oonBidorablo diatanco with tbom. Tho buggy waa ulao damaged. The family of Robort Gfoalin Hying in the littlo frame hounearound tho "out off," havo boon noroly afllictod. Sinoo tbo firofc of July tho father, mothor and one child havo had typhoid fovor, tho mothor having boeti vory low,' and in only now oonyaloB- opiit. Within tho paBb two wooka, tho fivo children woro Htriokon down with dipbtbaria. Tho baby, a years old, wao tho firBb to tako tho diaaaao.and the par- onto thinking it waa merely oronp did. not Bond for their pbyaioian, Dr. Jonuor, until tho aocond night, Whon the Dr. nrrivod tbo ohild was alroady dying imd Hvad only a tow houra. Tho oriior abildran aro nil down with tho droaded diooano. Horo ifl an opportunity to dinpeuto ohutity for aoy bo luolinod. D. Fry, of Cayuga, was a visitor In town laab week. It. P. Serson, of Ridgetown, ylaitod in town this wook. Mine Itaohol Robinson hu returned from a visit to Dotroit. ___..... M. J. Wiylo A Oo. are gettlrnl up ovor- ooatfl to order at remarkably low pnoefl. Oardtior Broa. made a shipment of bandloa to Rosaland, B, 0.,on Toeaday. - Dlobol, Worrin A Brickef ahipped a oar- load of live hogB to Hamilton ou TuomUy, M..J. Wlglo AOo. aro ullinfrlaruoquau- tHioH of bootu, uh oo n and Granby rubbora. Laing Bron, aro whipping ouo of their Planotanumii to E. Bent, 1. P. B., at Man- iton, Manitoba, Ladum' coatH roduood to alwiut half prion ; mon and bnyi' clothing at lonu than not mil oottt at Smitb'a. Mra, Chufl. Garrett, of Harrow, viaitod a fow daya thin week with hor brothera, S. B. and Frank Groon. Wiloox A Brown tako poadoHBion of their now atoro on Monday next and will abow a bright new ntook of gooda. Mr. Gilby in night operator at tho Ml Gt R. horo during tho ubnouao of Goorgo Barnea, who liun gone with tho lmntern to Munkoku. Mina WilliiiM, who ma It on hor homo part of tbo time with hor uiator hi Florida, and part' of tho timo with another alntor in Lonmiugton, viaitod in town thin wook with Mra. E. L. Park. . The annual commencement oxoreiaoa of tbo Ehbox High Sohool will bo bold in Pcok'a Hall ou tho evening of November 20th. AjrrangomcntH are boing made for tho ocoaaion and further partionlarn will bo givon later. W. H. Richardflon and wife attended tho golden wedding of the formor'a undo and aunt, John Riohardnon and wife, at Valotta, Kont Co., on Wodnonday. Tho aged oouplo have bofcn ronidonta of Valotta for about 36 yoarfl. G, E. Smith A Co. givo 20 Ibft, cranula- tod augar for tbo dollar; potatoon 30o a buabol; rainina and currauta 8c a lb. ; htaroh GJo a lb., fl boxoa matohofl for 25o.. toa worth '10o, for 25o,; boot Canadian coal oil at I83. a gal. A. E. Parkhill, in tbo omploy of W. H. RiohardBou, hardware nuorahant, has movod hin family horo and in occupying tho roBidonco of Mra. N. J. Jonon, on Alice nfcrflct. Mrfi. Jonon will movo away from Ebbox and will havo an auction aalo to day (Friday.) Provioun to loavmg St. Tho man to aa- nnrao control of tho Montreal Horald, J. B. Briorly, who hati, for tbo pant fifteen yonrB publiabod tho Journal at the Rail road City, waa tondorod a banqunt, on Thurnday night of last wook, by tbo 3iti- zonn of St. Thomaa. Tho towmihipa of Andordon and Maldon aro plaood undor quarantine owing to fcbo provalonao of hog cholera thoro. Tboro arc alno a fow canon in Sandwich Wont but no oaBoa havo boon roportod from any othor townahip in county. Tho farraorn of Mai- don will Buffer hoavy lonnon. It is oxpeotod that a now timo tablo will como into foroo on tbo Miohiuau Central on Sunday, Novombor 16th, Ab far an tho Canada Southern diviHiou in aoncornod rhoro will bo littlo change in tho running timo of paaaongor trainn, but throe fast r eight trains oaoh way will bo put on tho foard. J. F. McKay, who leavoa Chatham thin weok for Montreal, waa tondorod a compli mentary banquet at tho Oarnor Honao on Tuesday ovoning, tho banquet being undor tbo auspices of the Young Liboralo. Mr. McKay, wo fcol anro, will give a oroditable account of himself in tbo Canadian met- ropolia an ho ifl pooBoaHod of mncb ability in tbo nowapaper buflinefiB. LaHt Friday ovoning, Mr. and Mm. S. B. Green gave a proaroflsivo podro party to about thirty-flvo young pooplo in honor; oi thoir sou, Brodie. Aftor tho oontoato woro oyor, iu whiah Minn Maud MoRao won lirflfc in tho j-oung Jadioi' contoat and Edioon Laihg in tho boyn' oontont, a tasty lunoh wiih noryud whioh all onjoyed. Music and dancing . holpod to while tho aftor hoars awuy. The VotoranB* AsBooiation of 1806, con- B'flting of the North Ridge und. Leaming ton Infantry Co., who did norvioo in tho Fenian invasion at that duto, bad their firut annual mooting for organization at Loamington on Monday of last weak. There was a good reprouontationfrom both oompanioH. Lieut,.Col. Willnnnon wao eloctod Prenidout and W. H. Ryull, Secro- cury. The flmt ro-uniou will fake plaoo on WodnoBday, Noyember UJth, at Leam ington. Thoro are yot living about 80 momberH. The organization will bo mado pormanent with annual ro-uniona. Cap. tain Billings and Major Fox woro elected vice-presidents. Tho anniversary Boryicoa of Graco Motb- ohurch on Sunday aud Monday last woro very luioeoauful. On Sunday, Roy. C. W. Brown, of Amhorntburg, occupied tho pulpit, both morning and ovoaing, and created a vory favorublo impronaiou. On Monday evening, the annual tau-meoting wangivou by tho ladiea of tho ohurob, toa bomg oorvad in J. E. Stono'a \varorooma and, tho programme boing furniahod iu the ohurob. Tho oproad waa fully up to tho high standard for. whioh tbo Eanox ladioa are notod, and tho many who partook did juatioo to tbo various dolicaoioa providod. Tho meeting in tbo church wan pronidbd ovor by Roy, Dr. Pascoo and tho program wao attentively hatonod to. Short ad- droafloa woro givon by the chairman, Itovn, MoHara, Brown, Thibaudoau and Ayoro; a Boloofciou was given by tbo oboirj a quar- totto by O. Krioghoff, G.A. Suorrin, G. J. Gardnof and J. It. MoEwau; a nolo by G. ICrioghoff, and a duofc by G. A. Shorrin and C, J. Gardner. Tbo reaoipts amount ed to about 840. X M. J. Wiglo A Co. aro the clothiers of Eeaex- P, Oilboo has ranted and taken potmen-, aiou of tho hotel at 1'urgo from B. F. Hon- ainger. Por a oholao roast of boef, or bholoe meat of any kind call at Tuto'n. His prloon aro tho lowest, MlBSrK^Oundy, of Windsor, wa the gnosi of Mina A. B. Coloman for a fow dayu last week. Eiiaoi Lodgo, No. 10, A. O. O. W will liold a Hooial in their hall on the ovoning of November 9th. Rov. Father Oollinn, of Sandwioh, oooupiod tho pulpit of tbo R, O. ohurch in town ou Sunday lanfc. Miaa Bortba Honor, of Muldon, in apeud- big a oouplo of woekn at tho homo of hor auuta, the MifmongAuutin. And atill they como. TIuh wook, Alox. LaingBold one of hia Planotariumti to the BIythuswood aohool board. Several dayu thia wook were typical In dian Hummer days, nothing finor to bo found anywhere out of doom. Mitts Ooooliit Itono, of Detroit BuninoH TJnivoraity, upont a fow daya in town tho paat wook at tho homo of hor parents. Mina Bortba LyppH, of Kingavillo, who ih attending tho Model Sohool at Windnov, spent i fow days" tbo paat wook at B. Wil- kiuaon'a in town. Minn Effio Loy roturnod to hor homo horo on Saturday, aftor nponding a oouplo of wooka with hor friond, Minn Sarah Wright, of Wbitnon Bottlomont. J, H. AUIbb baa movod into Goo. Barth'n hotiHOon Alioo utroot, and Mm. Wotlinrly baa movod into tbo rosidonco vacated by Mr. Alhna,. adjoining the Pronbytorian ohnrcb. VVoolon blankotn, 82.25 pr pair; yarn 42o. a lb; all-wool undorwoar '15o. oaoh ; 2 pair wool box for 80a.; ladioa1 wool bono 2 paira for 3Cj; groy flannel at llo. a yd. at G. E. Smith & Co.'n. Tho Ladioa'Aid nooioty of tho Pronby torian cbnrob will givo a aooial at tho homo of Mm. John Thraahor, (Abordcon Ilouao) on tho ovoning of Tuesday noxt, Nov. 3rd. Hot oyatora soryod at 9 o'clock, A good programme. Adminaion, 25 eontn. Mnti. A. B. CooPKn, Soo. 4,'l-2i A vory _ pleasing ovont took place on Wodnoaday ovoning at tho-home of Cyrua Smith in Maidatono, wbon his dangbter, Happy A. waH unitod in matrimony to JaraosDouglan, boot and alioo morahant, of Ehuox. Rov. Dr. Pasooo offioiatod and tholfoouplo woro anointed by Enon. Mo- Caualand and tho brido'a Hintor, Mina Viotorla Smith. Only a email company of immediate rolativoa and friondfl woro in attondanoo and aftor a Bumptuoun ropant had boon partakon off tho nowly married couple ropairod to tbo groom'a homo, Alico stroot whoro tlioy havo nottlod down to Iho realitioa of married lifo, with tho boat wiahoEi of a boat of friends for a long and happy union. Mrs. Doan, of Port Rowan, is visiting aft H, W. Allan'j. M. J. Wlglo A Co.'a handmade boots alQ goiug out like hot oakM, J. E. Moore, of lluthyon, has boen en* gaged a salenman by G. E. Smith A Oo, Wrn, Church, of Ohio, haa been sponclJDR a fow dayti at tlio homo of hit* parents In town. Alex. Wlglo of Ruth von, la Id attendance at tho Provincial Sabbath Sohool conven tion at London this weok. Tho mootingn of tho B. Y. P. U., In con. nootion with iho Baptlat ohurob, are well attended and full of intorent. W*. M. DoCow loft on Monday on a busi* uohb trip to Buffalo, Toronto and other oasfcnm plaooit. Mw. DoOow aooompauied him. A mooting of tho Connty Buildin^a Oom- nuttoo Will bo hold ut Sandwiob on MoU" day noxt. A special mooting of tho Coun ty Couuoil will likely tako place duribg tho Unit part of D>ocombor, aftor tho ra- palm to tho bnlldinp; arit oomplotod. Tho ovungolinticHorvicOH in St. Paal'N ahnrchtho pant wook havo h*iou largely attendod and much intorenc haa boon man* ifontfid, Rov. A. Murphy, tho ovangohst, is vory oarnont in ido work and no doubi muoh good will renult from bin viHib hor*?, Tho lanfc mooting of tho noHoa will bo kola thin (Friday) ovoning, Tbo following Hporta loffc yostorday (Thurnday) for Munkoka tonpoud a oottpln of woekndoor-hunting: C. J. Thraahar, Walkor Gardner, C- J- Gardnor, Henry Spoooliloy, Jool Whitnoy, Frank Btott'* and Gooro Baruos. JohnGormley g,nt1 Dr. .7. W. Biion oxpeotod to join thi party on Monday. Bool Broadwoll of Qoq- Ijold Sonth aud H, M. Miaonor, of Oaair Palmer, also loft yoatorday. Alfrod Gayd- nor, who wont to Barrio a wook ago, ]!, join tho party at Ronaoau. Alfrod Day, Gonoral Hoorotary of the Provincial Sabbath School Association, o- Outario, will vinitEBaox- County during th*' firat ton dayu of November, holding oon- voutions at the following plaoou; Comber, Monday, November 2ud, affcornoon auf. ovoning; Eauox, Tnooday, Novombor 3*0*, aftornoou and ovoning;Wihdaor, Wodaee- day, Novombor 4th, aftornoou and' ovon ing; Harrow, Thursday, Novombor ffcb. aftornoon and ovoning; Kingayillo, Friday Noyombor Oth, aftornoou and ovonmg; tioaminf>ton, Monday, Novombor 9th,affcer.- noon and ovoning; Amhorntbnrg, oonioty convention, Tnonday and Wodnoaday, No* Yotobor and 11th. At oaoh of the ubovo convoutiona Mr. Day will tako *ii aotiye part, and all intoroatod in tho ad . vanooraont of Sabbath Sohool work ahottld bo prcnont and help to make tboAo conven tions a anocotiB. In addition local holp %r- rangomontB aro being mado to aoouro tbc- aaaistanoo of able workorn outside the county. R. G. Wkkbu, Soorofcary of the 1 Ebbox Connty Association. "v Over=Stocked! We are Overstocked in Ladies' Coats, Regular S3.25 line cut to $2.50 ..... 4.5C e.oc 7.5C 9.0C it it M It 11 it it 6.00 8.00 10. 12. " " All New and of Latest Style. Snaps in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Suit or Overcoat Hernia JPrteo U 4b 4 U u a u To, $6.00 Out to $4.6< 8.00 c 6.0: 10- " 7.5i 12. " 9.0 16. " 12.0^ Lots of Odd Suits for Men and' Boys about Half Price. See Them. a Special Inducements in Ordere< Clotliing Don't buy before you se< us "* Our Stock of Boots and Shoes, W carry best makes only prices hav: been Reduced to suit the Closes buyer. Special Line All "Wool, Large Size, Whit^ Blankets, $2.25 per pair. G E. SMITH & CO. z.m ^7,;.,V^-4f?t -^- Jj^ . i" ' ^?<$.^