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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 30, 1896, p. 4

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V >\ - ' iscarff's. SCARFF'S. SCARFF'S- G-roceries Orookery Ohina G-lassware Then we Want Your Trade. p :o:- try Chriatio*s vSoda Biscuits in Tin Royal Salad Dressing. Lipton's Celebrated Black Tea Our 25c- Japan Tea, Box eB. Don't Forget we have the Bost Assortod Stock in town. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. A, H. SCARFF & Co. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY- The Essex Free Press. BRETT A AULD, PNOPHIETOHB. FRIDAY, OCTOBEK aO, 180fl. Gko. Lkiic, Searotary.TroaHuror o[ tho Koohontor and Maidatono Agricultural Society, will to-day (Friday) pay the prized woa ftt Belle llivor fair lant wooli Hio ad. droHH in Woodoloo P. 0. Tub Liboral-CnnHOtvntivo Union of Oil tario wan ori-auiKod at Toronto ou Tuoaday with Bit. Maclcou/io Bowel! an Honorary Pranidout aud Sir Cbarlon 'i'uppur aa Proyi- dent. Dr. S. A. Kin, of Ein^villo, at- tended tho mooting and tho party in thin Province wan fnlly organized. Tnis Sxbmijl OboorvGr aaya: "Tho two latoat aoquinitionfl to tho Ontario Logtaln turn aro nownpapor men-MoaorH. Pattullo and Auld. Tho joumaliota aro comma forward aa public raon, and being thoroughly oquippod with an intimate kuowlodgo of public affairn, by their oon- tiootiou witli tho proiiH, thoy ontor the poli tical arautt roady to take thoir plaoou on equal tortnn with tho monfc oxpononood politioanfl on oithor uido of tho houno."------- Tuonan thoro aro aix tickets m tho field for tho Proaidontial election in tho Uuitod Btatoa on Tuoaday noxt, tho principal iu- teroHfc contrca in tho oontoHt botwoon tho Hopubhoann and the Bilyor Deruoorata. Tho loadmfi candidates aro : Uopublicun, Wm. HaKinloy uud G. A. Dobart, Demo cratic, W. J. Bryan and Arthur Sowell; PopuImtB, W.J.Bryan and Thou E.Wataon; Gold Democrats!, J. M. Palmor and H. B. Bwokaor. Thor are uIho the Prohibition- ifltB and SocmhotH. It would appear now that tho Republican ticket would carry the country but politico aro very uncertain. At tho namo time, membera will bo olooted to tho Ooaao of RoproaontativoH, aud State LogiHlaturofi.------- OFFICIAL RETURNS. South Essex elections. HhoriiT Her, tho returning oilicor, at- tondod nt Kingimllo on Mouoay laafc and doclaroil J. A. Auld duly looted aa member for South Ebbgx iu tho Local LogiHlnturo. to Hueceod tho lato Hon. W. D, Balfour. Tlio following aro the fuli roturuH of tho election. amui nurnuaa. Auld. Scratch. Wurd 1.................. 87 20 Ward 2................. jfi 18 Ward 3.................. 88 HEALTHY DIGESTION. A UOON AND fA BLESSING TO MANKIND, The Life of Dyspeptic one at Constant ni**ry Oao Who Has Htilfcred Prom 1U Pnu Point* the Way to Renewed Health' 51 25 11 C7 270 Town Hull................ til Turnpike................ 3i) Front.................... 70 107 COLCIIKHTKB SOUTH, wid i.................. oi rr Ward 2.................. 53 39 Wurd II.................. 80 17 Wurd 4.................. 83 16 280 8G coLcni.o-ricn north. Goiito.................... 72 38 Now Canaan.............. 41 21 McUrotfor................ 13 19 120 78 nasi.x town. Ward 1.................. fi'i 22 Wahl 2.................. 71 22 WurdSi.................. 53 21 181) 08 LKIMINOTON. Ward 1......V......... 03 11 Warn 2.......TS..,...... 57 50 Ward .1..........\...... 15 45 No. 1. No. 2. No 3. No. 4. No. 5. TlUlOItY NOIlTa. 105 130 19 8 15 4 7 No. 1, TrLDORT WUBT. Modal Wlimcre. It in a matter of uuivoiaut interest that tho Art Uonao of Prang Si Co, have con sented to produce tbo groat premium pio* turo, "Tho Orphan'o Prayer," for tho Fam ily Ilorald and Weekly Star, Montreal. Prang & Co. may bo said to bo amongat tho groatoHt medal wiuuora (n exiHtonee. At all oxhibitiono thoy carry off honoro. Wo hoar that Prani* A Co. admit that tho Family Ilorald aud Weekly Ktar, of Mon- trcil, hnvo necurod what iq porhnpa tbe fluent premium picture extant "Tho (Jr- phau'b Prayer." 245 79 No. 2.................... 12 No. 3.................... 32 No. 1.................... a7 No 5.................... 27 53 101 23 11 15 9 187 180 JUh.ucx i*ublie School. oxnm Tho following ptiHaud tho weekly ination on Friday, 23id innt : Fourth olasH W Auld, N Alexander, B MoDaugftll, M Auld, B llaunau, A Liiiug, A Campholl, W Cruohwollor. F Uourlay, L Roao, F fitaooy, K Wiglo, K BiiuKhmiin, K Corey, L Sitinon. Senior Third J Uomuii, A Wytuan, It IIickB. Junior Third PupiU who obtained over fifty per cent.* May Beetnau, Ethel Dol- HOu, Corl Gonnloy,Myrtle Thornton, Ethel B.mith, Roan IJill, irchio Na>lor, Dora Faul, Mabel Phillipu, Gordnu Kobmson, Viva Hiokn, El wood Monntcer, Uorbert Allou, A B Buck, Ro\ lUinew, A.rubol Kob- intfon, Ada Wightman, Lena Allen Mioa Aitohibou'a room, Jr. Second Claua: -II CrauHwellor, A llallam, K Uaiiuau, D Wljjhtman, II Bunnell, A Wilkinson, J Feotlmm, K Daviw, A Edtjar, E Gormloy, M Itobiuhon, C Auld. Sr. Bocond CIubo: F Liunc, M Kiehaideon, E Philhpa, M BuhIi, G Naylor. MiHn CraHuwollor'a room, Sr. Part II: G Fornytho, G Laird, M Wymnu, L Ubyn- droHHt A Btono, A Ilickfi, L Wortloy. Miaa Shaw'o room, Jr. Part II ClaHs. MarltH pooHiblo, 50, Obtained by bi^hcnt ton: W Wlfilo 45, 0 Robinaon 45, W Ubyn- droBH 45, G Loo 10, J Tarnor 10, B Domau, JJ8, F Brown 38, S Brown 30, M Sinclair 35, F Hart 115. aoariKLD houth. Sec. No. 1................ 21 KlUUHVlIlil................ Oil liutlnen.................. 38 Olinda.................... 30 Divibion "i................ 23 17 47 BJ 41 24 178 182 (>ohi ii i,n Nouni. No. 1, North Kido____- .. jfi 38 No, 2, Cottara............ 08 ftO No. 3, Uolkio'o........... 31 U No l, Ireland........... 26 9 183 111} in;itoi:A, Ward 1.................. Hi 11 Ward 2 A................ 0.1 13 Ward 2 B............... b.i 73 WtudS.................. 01) 115 Ward 1.................. 151 71 12') 310 I'LIXU IMLiN'D. Town Hall................ 80 16 liINOHVlLLL. Town Uall................ oi t;7 Divmion Street............ 1() l'J 101 109 IOUL VOll'. Auld faoratoh Total Amhorntburg........ 270 Maldon.............. 1(,7 CiilchoBter South...... 280 Uololiontor North...... 120 liHbex................ lb:t Goafiold South........ 178 Gnunold North........ 18.1 KniHBviUe............ 101 Meraoa.............. 429 Leumiugton......... 105 Tilbmy Weat........ 187 Tilbmv Nortli........ 215 P.dLu Inland.......... 80 51 07 80 78 08 182 110 109 Jib 130 189 5J 10 1500 I c MrH. Gardiner and vVilliara McOoaiaa liaye been oouamittod for trial ut Wood- atook ou the chargo of murdering tuo wo. man'* huuband on Sopt. 20th. All tho partiou aro oolorod. Tho TJnitqd B tat oh Mtuiator at Constan tinople has lodged a claim for 940,000 a- gftiuut tho Turklfth Govornmeut on behalf df the mother of Frank Lonz, tho bioyoliot who waa nttodorod by tho ICardw, 2591 MUOHIIILH. Amhoratburpr ................ sifl - OolchoHtor South................ 194 - Tilbuiy North.................... 193 . Ebhux Town......................... ns - Meraea.....,........................... n;j - Maiden............................. \qq - Poloo Talaud........................ 04 Colchoutor North.................. 48 - Gosilold North..................... :j0 - lioamington ........................ 39 - Tilbury Went...................... KingBvillo........................... Gosilold South..................... 321 231 300 201 251 300 329 210 715 30! 370 298 90 4001 /' 1108 14 1 8 4 14 Majority for Auld............... 1,049 Mro. Goorgo Truoklo wan killod by a Gaolph atroot oar whilo roBouing hor amnll tjraudnon from uudor tho wheole. Tho boy was not oorioualy hurt. Vrotn tint Cor11wu.ll FroohnltJor. The life of tho tlyHpoptio in proverbial ly a miKernblo 01 in, eliciting univorfiul oomniinoration. Not ho much bocaime of tbo actual paiufuhioHrt of tlio ailment, but largely bocauao it projocta itn poani- miutio Hhudowa upon till tho conooruM of Hfo, and lioro thoy Hit like a deadly inouhmi upon every ontorpriHo. An im paired digoatiou given rino to an irrita bility that expoHOH tho poraon to much auuoyauoo, bonidofi being oxtromoly trying upon othorH. Wo aro all awaro of tho vuluo of choorfuluoHH in lifo. It in a ilovor of tho raronfc worth and Htrongont attraotiouH. It iu 11 touio to tho dick aud a difuufoatant to tho healthy. TIioho thingB that dofitroy a mim'H habitual ohoorfulnoHH, lontion hiB uHofulnoHB, and ought therefore to bo rouiatod by Home drmitic and ofllciont remedy, Tho dutio that devolve upon tbo avorago man and woman aro invoHt- od in bo much tliflloulty aB to put a prommm on hopefulnonB. Tho relation between tho provniling moodn of tho mindj and tho health of tbo digontivo nppnratuH ifl cIoro and vital. Hence it iH not Hurpritting that many would-bo bonofaotoro have caught tho patronage of Buffororfl from indigcBtion. Judging by roRtiltH Dr. WilliamfT Pink Pills in u roniodyunupio in ita huccquh, thorofo>*o it m conildontly rocommoudod aa a Hafo and aduquato euro for aouto dyiipopnia. This claim ia aubHtnntiatod by oxpori- enco an tho following ftictH will allow. Mm, IX McCrimraon, of Williams- town, Glengarry Co., auftbrod untold miaory from a novoro attack of dyspop- ein, which manifetitod itnolf in tboao many unploaHiint wayn for which dya- popaia in notorious. Every attouipt to tako food vrtiH a mouiico to ovory fooling of comfort, until tho stomnch wan re lieved of its burden by vomiting. Whon not Huflfeiing from tbo proaonco of food m tho tomacb, thoro wore other oymptomH more or Iobb diaagroo- ablo couaoquont to tho functional dis turbance of tho Htomach, such aa im paired tnato and appotito, unwontod languor, incroaaing apathy, and failing ambition. Buch an aggregation of tho symptoma prodneod a trying atato of aflUiru, audiolief was oagorly aonght. One of the boat pbyfliciana of tho neigh borhood waacouHultod. Uoproacribod. 1Kb modicino waa tnkon and hia diroo- tiona followed, but unfortunately throe monthfl of tho troatmont brought no eubatantial roliof. Whon Mra. Mc- Orimmon oxproaaed her intention of trying Br. Williama' Pink Pills the doctor laughed and hold tho thought in derision. Howovor, Mrs, McCrimmon decided aho could not afford to leave untried auch a well recommended remedy aa Dr. Williama' Pink Pills. Hence aho took a course of this medi- cino, which after a fair trial waa emi nently ouccoaaful. From being only able to tako atale broad and milk or soda biacuita, aho became able to tako a hearty meal of any vanoty, without tho painful effectH that onco assorted thom- Htilves after every meal. It only re mains to bo Baid that Mrs. McCnmmon improved in ileih and gonoral comfort from tho first taking of tho pills, and almoat anything going aho could oat with impunity. Dyspepsia bocanio o, thing loaa dreaded, and largely belong ing to tho past. It is little wonder therefore that she urgos tho use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pillfl upon others simi larly nfllicted. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create now blood, build up tho ner\ea, and thus drive dihoaso from the ayatom. In hundreda of caaea thoy huvooiued after all othor medicines had failed, thua ea- tablishiug tlio claim that thoy aro a marvel among tho triumphs of modern medical acioneo Tho genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, boarinp the full trado murk, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear the register ed hade maik around the box. Big Bargains! We Find *K #*^^ That wo have altogether too many Overcoata, and although it is unufjual to cut pricoH ho early in tho season, yet we have decided that for tho NEXT TWO WEEKS we wilj offer for Cash the Choice of our entire Stock of- *.... Men's Fine Over=Coats WORTH-$10, $11, $12 up to $15 at the Ridiculous Low price of-..................... $0.00 And any Over-coat in our Stock worth f\ i <fcx less than $9, all go into this sale at...... " "n'y $0.OO If YOU Intend ^uy^nS an Over-Coat this winter you cannot afford to _ --. . - - " ignore thia great money Having offer. TOTES MSSTS XJ&STBHS ^ At $6, $7, $9 and $10 are all "plums worth picking." YOUBS FOIt CAIMJAINS, M. J. WIGLE & CO.. DtTlsrSTAlT BLOOK. ESSE2T- The Fukr PnKflH domroa to call apooial attention to ita advortinora. No portion of a papoK Bhould provo oT more intoroHl to tho roador thftn that oaoupiad by buninoflH mon. Tho country ih boin^ from tirao to tirao ilooded with advortisin^ htoraturo by olty nharka in order to ^iill tuo raowt tful- hblo. Wo want to ropent onoo moro thnt ovory advortinor in tho FaKis Phebo in do me; a logitimato and honoat bumnofiH, and money will oortainly bo oavod in Hoouring yoar noodn from them. Moro, thoy aro hero to ntay. If erooda aro not aa ropro- flonted you havo tho romody in your own hunda, but if yon buy from an outride lirm it simply moann a Rambling (jamo and in nino caHosout of ton the pnrohaoor will bo tho lOBor. ThoHo of our roadorn who have hud oxporionoe know thio to bo a fact. Yonr ovory want can bo supplied to yonr ovory natiflfaotion on oonHUlting tho advor- tiaiuK colurane of thin journal. If not, wo will bo ploafied to look aflor your ovory in- toroot and afloortuin tho roaaou why. SPECIAL SALE mot con- C;in;uli;in. Dio Cuntuba.n liidopondunuu Club it Moutioul latidy and adopted u flUtution liliH huuiiett, ng'd 70 yetirti, \wlh killod ut u railway oro^m nj; ll1 Cobourf*, lant WOP II. Twoliiiliun women were killod noat cho lll'ind redfli'vo, MacLeod, last wroK. Tlio name Indian who killuti (ho Indian and attuuipttd to lull A^cut WoNciil ih tho murderer, tho vjctimu buinj; hln mother and biider. P hut) Ofiiacr Bioadbont, of Montreal, wan lined ?50 mul (hmniu^ud fiom uho foroo for aheotin^ a rn'in in tho arm. Ho uaid he wanted to frighten tho man, k.-ownifj Inm 10 be a dangoroiiH charactor, "\Vm. Ro^crti, il fiirmor living abont a milo from Belmont, MiddleHox Co., shot himttelf novoral timmi and out hm throat-. IXo uout hiH liounukooper. Mr. Brnith, away in (he morning on an eirand to hor hus band, who wan working at a noiKhborin^ farVier'H. Whon aho returned itho fonud Romero dead. A hoad oud oollimon oaourrod on tho Bb, Lou'm & San Franompo Hallway .near Meaamoo Highlands at 10 o'clock Sunday by which nino pooplu wore ltdlod and a score injured. Xho uoono of the wrcok 1b thirtoou milou woat of St. Louis, Mo. Sale xtotriHtor. Auction aalo of farm otock, implomouta, oto., at rcflidonco of Wm. Jonkiuo, lot 21, 2nd ooncoonion of Maidiitono, on Saturday, October Hint, at 1 p.m. Sinclair & Gorm- loy, auotiodoorfi. Auction tialo of farm atoclt, conointinfi of borfioo, cattlo and hwiuo, at lot IU, con. 8, towualiip of MaidHtono, at 1 p.m., ou WodnoHday, Novombor -lth, 1890. Thou. Barnoa, propriotor; Frank McClonltoy, auctioneer. ^^__OP Ladies' Mantles Birtlifl. Mulltnb In Itochoflto*, on Haturday, Octobor 10th, to Mr. and Mra. John MuIHuh, a daugh ter, Tatlou In flDuth Woadaloo, on Sunday, Oct tobur 11th, to Mr. and Mm. Ohoui Taylor, a duuclitor. 11)C3 child illcd tlio namo dny. IUnlky In lloofcuutor, on Thumdny, October 'JJnd, to Mr. tiud Sliu. Putrick Huuloy, u cluURhtor Ti-SLOB In Maldatono, ou Ttionday, Octobor 27th, to Mr. and Mra Win. Taylor, a daunh- tor. AnNnn At Ainor on Thursday, Ootobor 22ud, to Mr. uad Mm, Charlofi Amor, a (.ou titill- boru. Kkmpiuck In Maidotono, ou Butui'day, October 21th, to Mr. ttiul Mm Jiimou Koudriok, a son. LrrTLK in Alaldntono, on Httturday, Ootobor 17th, to Mr and Mru. ChaH.Littlo, a nou. OrtuoitNi; In Gondolitboutb, on Mouduy, Oa- tobor 10th, to Mr and Mru. Wm. OHbomu, a hOll. And Dress Goods, J. .A-. FIuAJN CIS O'C'onnkij.-Qdinlan On T by KtiV, author Hodahiniioti, Mr. Joromiali DovatMi At tho ruiildonoo of tho brldo'a futUor, Cyrun tiinltli, Maidiitono township.on Woduoaday, Ootobor SStli, by ltov. Dr. Pueioou, Mr Jamuii Doiifjluij, of Ka- uox, to Miuu IIiLpi>y A. Bmith. uouday.Ootobor i)0th, iinon. Mr. Jorom O'Connoll, to Mian A'uuiu Quintan, both of Maidotono, UlciiuMAN-Dawhqn Ou Tuondav, Ootobor 2Qth> Mr. Qoorco Hoidinan to Miuu Lii'rio Dawnon, both of Maidiitono t r- .-:, . .. ------ : - Ksaex Market Wheat rod por buahel ... .8 75 to 75 Wheat, wlnto .... 75 Corn .... 27 OatH .... lfi to 19 Timothy Sood .... 1 3D Clover Sood .... -1 % to 4 23 day per ton............ 8 00 to 8 00 Aluike floof pet owt....... Pork Live weight .... Mutton ........ UidoH ....... ChickonB por lb..... Batter ..... Laid ...... B^a, por doz ..... Potatoou, por buBhcl Onionn Apploa TuruipH Car rot a TurkOyH por lb....., Duokii ..... Oalorv per doz ...... Wool...... 115 to '1 15 I CO to fi 00 fl lOto B 40 5 00 to 500 250 7 12 14 15 85 40 25 20 40 0 7 00 19 6 13 8 85 to 40 to SO to 5 to 8 to 18 to Are You Buildin.gr ? Wo can supply yon with all kinds of Wooden Material, plain and ornamental, Pino, Humlouk and nativo Lumbor always on hand. Sliinglos, Codar Poete Doore Baah'aud Goal. -Mlet Your Storm Doors and Windows Made Now. - Laing Bros.

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