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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 30, 1896, p. 3

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... -, -. -/J : vrsa A FREE CURE -VOH- -rr Ooao-oxaption. Tho BritlHh Modioitl Inutltuto, of Do- troit, Miah., han, nftor mmiy yonrn of paLluut iuvofliti|ll>oi difpoyer<id it tront- taoufc by which oatarrh, cuturrhiil-doaf- jiohh, utithmii, broiwhitiu, and oonmmiption Sn'itH tirHior Hooonil Mfcii^o.oim bo radically and pormitnuiitly outrod. So wnll iiiiliniliKl in tho Inutltuto thai it" euro ih a upooitto, Unit ic will, for a lim ited tim, homcI a full courno of itii medi- ointiM, HUftloimit to liiHt tor throu iiiotithH, almoin boly froo to all iippltoatitii. AddroBH; Bhitumi MimioAi. Isutitutk, (10 Wiinliin(!tou Avo., Dotroit, .Mich. Kin^BVilIo biiH ono and only ono Dolorod oUizon arid an to pnouliaritioii, oto., wo bo liovo Iiih mato iiJ not in Ontario. CJuortfo Wiuihin^tou nrrivod in thtii part, porundor- I* round rail way during tho Into war, from tho South. IIin ago i.'i unknown but ho oun't bii fur from 7f>, a vory intnlli^ont bond, jovial diuponition and ulmnnt a mul atto. "Wiuih," an ho in familiarly oallod, in not only a hurmit but a minor of tho xnoHti pronouncod typo. No -board, norap of p<vp(Ji\ oi^ar otubba, or in faot anything from an old Htraw hub to n pioon of iiorap iron willl ho ptum by untouchinl. JIo owiih a lar^'o.lot on Division ntiuot north with a lartfo burn and'a 12x1(1 nlpuity ou it. The barn iu Htcrully full of nearly everything, For at ovory auction that hiui taken place in ICiutfHvillo for tho pant thirty yearn 'Wnah" alwayn bidn and fjijtn iiomothing. In bio barn may bo noon Ifi ftood cook- utoveii, dozoiia of quiltn, pillowH, ohairn, fiofiin, iu t'.icfc ovory houHohold articlo from a tin ou[> up to a bod room nut and thore thoy remain ymir in and out with addition to thorn wunlily. No homm, barn or yard in Kin^Hvillo in kopt noater, eupcD'ally tho yard witli tonu of eld piocoti of boxen, bar. rebi. nte. Evory thin/* in pilod tnmtly and ni'ioly"II t'V'jd to r wtiuin until it rots, ho pr-ferrm;: to i^o to bed in a cold room rather ihuu burn any of bin hand-gathi.-red fuel. If over a mini hud tho gift of clair voyant flight, Geor^o Wanliiii^ton haa it, 1*. oplo from* afar and noar come to have Viin. tell their forhinoH for a dime each. Jl;"oi's it appurontly by pulmintry, for after Lxaminmj* thuir handu closely he in variably tell i with tolerable o'li-reetnt! hii ptmt evenu an woll an futuro in their ro- . ap'jotiyo Huoh. He can noithor road nor write but UHesi the heat of language whilo oxaimninn; tliem. Oiih tiling notieeabU', bin eyen have a droamy nxprnfidion, and when ho lookn at you they aoeui to pone* trato your iuut-Tmom itnii!, There in not the loaHtdonbt but thaL ' Wanli" haH mone^' buried. Ho worku hard at any and evory- \ thing and maua^eii by hook and crook in ^ Bayo ovory oent. ^Ieot any inoal time you may nee him at tho kitchtm rtoor tolling the fortunou of tho lady of tli'e liouno whiuh outitleH him to tho boiit ^rub iu tlio plauo. Wn predict that wlion ho dii:s there will b(.- a ^r-Mtt j^athcrin^; aroumt Iihi |n >, nii-.oH. People will wciip for joy whun they reeo^- ni^-j tliiri boo, that rake, axo or ultovel that thoy lout yeai'H a^o and how that earth will bo Rpaded up in tlunr :i.'aroh f->- *>,.;: >-. It in positively known that lie ii:lm 'r^iJO buried. "Wttoh" ih a iwalouu ChriHtiuu, Can put up a ^ood Hpeecli at any prayur meeting in town and hi.iie'-. to dio iu the Baptifit funli, I [o in \<\ ilm uuly c'oloreil ,pnan that Kintfavillu will allow to live in itn oorporatio'n. Ojhern have tried but havo boon ilrivon out. Topic UHt. The following Ih the topio lint and oourno of wtudy to be followed out by tho ynir." piople nr tho lipworth jf^onc'i') of (.Jnu.i- oliunili, IOhih'x, for the year:..... Th<i Prlcntlrt ofChrl.it. Oct. 6 The Outer Circle. John 2:23. John 7:31. John 8:30,31. CON.'iKCUATION, ~ Oct.Ij The Circle of Duty. John 4:34. Matt. afi:Hr). John 15:1.f- MISSION HANI). Oct, 30 The Inner (Circle of Duty and hove. John 11:33,38. Luke 10:38,42. HI'.V. IHi. TAiiCOl'.. OCT.37 -Tim Inmost Circle. John 13:1. John 15:13,15. f.ITKKAUV. ClirlHt'.t Tcutliuonliif. Nov. 3 To Himself, huku 4:18,23. hukc 'iy.3. , Matt 26:63,6.1. CON.SKi-'HATION . No\' 10 To His Kathcr. John $-.YhS7,-\3 lhn 3:35- MISSION HANI'. Nov.17 To the Holy Spirit. Mm 16:9,i.f. lohn 14:16, 36. miss n. iiii:ks, uk. masms'u. Nov.24 To His pisciples. Juhn 1:43. Mall 16:17,19. Luke 33:34-. Matt, 2o:js. r.ITBRAHV. Thu Imlwelllnir Clirhit. Due. 1 The Hcneiliclinn of To.Umtnny and Thank s|;iv inj.;. I,nice 12:8,9. L'oNSK'KA 1 ION. UaC. iS The Third P^rsrin 111 Kvtry l"i'it:tid- ship. Luke 24:13,15. MISSION HANU. Dice. 15 Present Still in the Sacrament. Lnlte 22:17,30. nits n. rurri>N--MR. rusniNC DKf',33 1'rescnl hy tin: Huly Spirit. |ohn IO-I3.I4- miss 11. itnsn miss a.' cakonkr. l)v.c.2<) The Kvur-l'ieiL-nt Christ. Matt. 28:20. Acts 1:11. UlIj. i j;S. I.I I'l'.ltAUV tins pel In l.'inlnh. Jan. 5 A C.racious Invitation. 1.^.55:1,3,6,7. rONSKCKATION. Jan. 13 Thi: Sure Word of 1'romiie. Isa, 30:19, Isa. 65:24. 1'sa. 105:42. MISSION HAN]). Jan. 19 Wells o| Salvation. hia. 12:2,6. MliiS M. (JI.irroM -KICV. DR. l'ASCOI'.. Jan. 36 The Highway of Holineuv. I .-.a. 35:8,io. 1-H'ICRARV. Ilic Christ .. u.iiah. Fitl!. 2 Immanutd, (iod With Us. Isa 9:6,7. CONSKCRA'I ION. Klili. 9 Christ's Character Described, I<,:i. MISSION HANI). Kkh. 16 The C1.0-S. Isa. 53:1,9. MISS r. COSNEI.I,- , t. ai.mson. FttH.23 The Ke.iurrecleil l.ord. Isa. 25:6,8. i.m.KAiiv. Allsilons in the Prnphutu. Mak. 2 TIk- C.ill to Ibe Work. Isn.6:i, 10. < iNsrritA'MON. Mah. 9 I'hi: (!|'-^*.riliu-ss of Missionaries, ha. 52:7,10. MISSION HANI). Mai;. 16 1,9, MISS I). RiMUNSON.....MR. RkHKRIm. MAU.23 Prayer f(*r Missionaries. Isa.62:6,7. MIIS 'I "MORN ION .miss i".. WIOI.K. Mar.30 I.U'KKAKV. Pnrulilun In Provrlui. An:. 6 Wisdom anil Kolly Pertonitiol. Puv 9:1,0 ; 13:1s. < 1 JN SIIC 11A I ION. Apr. 13 The Slin^-.ird'.i \'ir.evard. Prov. now SAi/r is METHODS EMPLOYED AT THE EXTEN-- 1.:::: voriKS in r."^higan. Tin* i-.ii|)|tly ul ltuiv .Material, Wltleh Tm Urlius In 1'riK'tleully 1 ncvltatinlIlil**-Tho Jutlimi-ry-JHruH <lrivn Kiinrikifiuul.v SIiiim* 1)01(1, Ml. Wlileli Tim.- It IU nily Ii.^ui. Tho oxinl.f.'iico of Halt HpvinuH in the lower poiiiiiHuliKd' Miclii^uji wnHlaiown .ko llm Judiuim Ioiik prior to rim advent; of tho white men in Mm country, ami they wern rcKorbd to by hoth Indiaim mifl wild iminiuln. So woll known wum tliiH fact; of Mm prewnrn of Hnlt sprin^M that thn goncriil K^vcrtiiiii'iit. I'mido uu- ini'ioiiH iTNci'valioiiMof IuikIh which with Huppimed to contnin nnlt ilopnHifH. Jiy tho not of admission of MioJii^un into tho Union tin* Htato wim authorized to Holent; 12 HoctionH of wilt hind, or hind whom Mm preHoiiro of Hiilino HpriiujH in- difntcd Mm oftmrronoo of xalt depoHits. On thn or^ani'/iition of tho k'onlnjjfirsil Children idiould br uncustomed an hooh Us-i jiOHHibln to uleep in a dark room Un- mirvoy tint Ht;ito j^oolo^ist", .Dr. Dou^Ii.h j 1(;,*!t ""'Y ,lliVl' I'-ano-d to bn afraid of it lh'iifrliton, Jievde mi examination, will) thn durknettu in HOulhin^ to the net-ven, mill the ri.'i't 14 mori; profound ntid refr'nli- inj; than when there in dim uneoin-eiomi Miimnlution of h;'ht, It in purtiuol-u ly denirabli! foroluldriMi of a nervous tempera ment thut. lifdit nhonld be oxehided, yet it im inont oftun Mm nervonn, Hen'<itiv ohild- wIioho lrnitj^inatioii Imn heer>, fill.il with fcarn of the hlmpen the dark muy liido. Novernboi- Liuhen Kome dournal. MiO VH'W to the hdiidion of tJirsn liuifls, and in 1HI18 reported tho result* of Iiih observations). Still Micho exami Mali ohm were limited t:o Hurf'ar^n indioat iony, and no extendi d experimentH wero nuulo to probe the cDMHt far bidow th" mirfaee. However, horin^H were finally under taken in several Inealit ies, re.milt iiif^ Koitoi'ivlly ill Mieh 11 l^oud iiHMistiiedf Huo- cchh us to Htniiiihilo mill further trial", d('vel(i])iiif^ studi ijratifyiiif* reimltn, 1 n- peoially in tho ^ii^iuaw valley, (hut in lHo!) Mie first" rompany was organized for tho lmthufitetiiro of salt, ^UIloe whieli period thin industry Im.s readied it" present Htupi'iidouH pro[iorlioiiK lidding greatly to the wealtli and reputntioo ef tilts Htato and espeeially fo tho growth of .tho cities mid tho region in wdiicdi tho biiHinessi in carried on. The origin of theno drponitH ih not wiy'rin:i- an. o ;iiauy wiuUIih. known. Wlumco the waterH, lyiiitf ho At Uu! time ot Mm a luptiou of nirnamew far benetith tho nurfnre, derivd llndi :i- 'Oveiy artiHan whonn work reijuirtd tho lino property tliero iM no apparent means j ittrikin^ of blowH-mi metal wum known an of dotennininf.', nor i.s tin- boundary of j a HniPcr or hinilh, and the ctamimnity, tho Hurfnco Jniown benejitli which tln-Hn ; th.-rrfor.-, Im.l itn blueknmith, whitesmith. depoHiU of 1-rino may he found. Thn K0|,iHIIllUl| MlverMn.th, arrowiiiniih' hi.i1 Whi e thornniih m action, Ayer'n TUIh mr: n^Miun ratlier than stimulate tho ox en -tory iir^aiiri. JjUiidin^ phymcinriH re ooiiirnund them beoitUHe tboy urn frue from ealoniid or other injurioun drn^n, heme; orjuiponed entirely of tlrj bent vom.-tublo iinei ieiith. TRIALS AND TROUBLKS When Inferior Dyea are-Used. Tho Diamond Dyo.q Aluko \Vorlc Eukv and LMoii-iiot. It in admitted by ail that thu p;nod wife and mother bus, in lier laaoa^umiint ot home affairs, many trialn and tribulation:-.. Thone trialn and trouhleH. aro very fre quently ineroahod wlu'ii tho mother or - vl : il.-.l" >N HAN|). AilTio---The A i.h-i and the ('up. (Ttm- pei-;nn:e) 1'ruv. ^3:^0,32. Ri'A'. I*K. I'ASTt )! *,. Ar.37 i Simple Life. Prov 27:-!.).^. 1.11 KRAKV. livery Ojiy Wlrt.Joiii. May .}.....A Soli Aiimvlt. Prov. 15:1. (' i\:-,l.i"|;.\-niiN. llAY II -A Wi-.e S 11. Prov. io:I. IVoV.jn: 17. M e-Mi i.N i:a:>ij. Mav' IS- -A Hood f\':ime. Vt.,v. 22:\. MR. 1 . l'l.i:K IN -MISS \\'I1J.1,\\I:i. Mav ^5 -Th.- P.iMmfthe Ju.il Prov. 4:18.: I.I I r.K \l; V, ! Hvery Day Warnltnf*. fi.'NK I I'l.iih Word.-, lo Kvcryoofly. I'rnv. 26:20. ' ' iNSK'lLA"! ION, J ON!'. S -Kel]i';-it' nts I r the Dep.u lllieilt of Fimmee. Piuv.i6;Sv Prov 2^:^,22 M!t>!( IN HAM). I ON i', 15-- Th<: Folly uf Pride. Prov. iO:iS. Pi v ^h- > RK\'. Ml; l\\M : >E. maltL-s iiHe of home of the inaiiy j ji'Nh. ^2 - A Hint to th.- Social I Jcparimeni. I i""V 21:17. '.IP, S ^AVI.nU M U, MANN I.No, (Me.L.' (iL'iii.'uv nnd'v.'oL-thF.'.-i-, pa^!-::i[yi dyer, put up for hui.no dyoimj. - jjurchantn who .jell eueh dyen e.re eur- t'teily doaorvhif,' of public cot. mv und eon- (i 111 I. ' . Til: '.V0:l)vll l,\ l.'j-tbl, Wlio Ufio dw::; \wth the vjuw of oeonomi/in;: ^'"ahotiid never 'be (U.uejvi.(l ; it jh crin-d ,m<J heartloi'H to iio an. Ilnwev/jr, tho oumi: it J J"l-V 'J-'lhs KeUii.m to InrJustry. plain to tbone who Know ; thu "recdv dt-nl- . |S:-'.J Aet^. ^o:33,34. & MiV.Iu:; i;.\:;n. ri.v JO--A-. a Pivacr.er. i;a|. |:l 17.22. 2 Cor. 11:25 Iiih beht cuitomeni, MiSb at.viix -.mr. i. i,. sii-waiu. All tr.iii'i!e3 and loshen in home dyeing ' Jei.v z-j - The Pii-oner of lesm; (.diti^t. Kph. MioliJRan Halt ^ronp haH a wide extent in tho Klato, though tJiuH far Um ^reut- t-Kt fiuc:oi'fi.soH JiTTvTi ooVifo from the ,Siii- naw valley. Whero 1J10 lowest horizon is-fnnnd in the unit fTrnup the brine in found to bo the Wrongest, ^reate.sl in amount; and best in quality. It is for thin reiunii tbnt. .sail; wells in Iho vSagi- imw valley luivo proved to ho morn val- uablo than ('Isewhei-e. It is the region in whioh tho greatest'depression ocenrs. Tiio hi 1 It; group here lies at a depth reaehintf to, more Minn 1,000 find below thn huiTiton of tho lake. At wli;it; depth below Mie Kuifaco of tho lalce tiiiH brine ifl found the writer is unable to Htate. Of one thin;; there is an apparent cer tainty, that. i!;e ,iup]dy v,i the brine is iiioxhnustible, The extent to which the manufacture of salt in .Michigan muy be carried on is one of eost and demand. The brine may bo u.ssuuif.'d as exintinp; in quantity far in Lxce.ss of our ability to diminish it. Of tho two modes of securing the evaporation of the water, Other by Mm npplieat inn of Kolar or nrtilieial heal, tho hitler is the method mainly resort- ' od to in the .Saginaw valley. Molar evap oration is elVeett (1 by exposing the brine in shallow wooden vats, ftuoh yats as are used are ahoTit IS feel, .square and (1 inches di cp. They aro mipported on posts aljove tin; ^vouiul and arc provided with a roof, whieli \w readily moved on the van or oil" from them to cover the brine from Mm rain or to expose it to the, Mai, an required. The process hi he- Kun in March and tho contemn remj/^ed in July, the product of the necond fill ing im taken out tho 1st of September, and ti:i third and final removal ooeui>; tho last of *. icloher. The annual product of a fdnglo .salt vat of this size is oO bushel;. A kr.ttlo Mocd; c_mitaiiis 60 ov 60 \i\ t- tli'S, net (dose to;:eihej* Rial iu rows in- ' ' closed in Htonewoik or Liiekwork. A ;' launder connects. \vi;h a ci.^ti rn Li pt 1 filled with brine and runs ulon^ be- j f"- tween the ro\\',s of kettles, and from Ihiri ; t^ lauinli'r the brine i.s drawn out into tho kettles, liy <>\h ning a lateral hijoiu. When 70 per cent of the water has been boiled away, tin; Halt is dipped oat into u basket or nievo to allow tiie-waJer to run out of it, after which if. is emptied in11j n bin, where, alter a suttieiuur, time -ir. is ready to bo put ilit0 b.nnds, JlJut. Mm greatest" ;ui- neveral otheoi of tho naim- character.- The number ol Smitlui of the present dtiv may, t n-r.fore, liD readily accounted for, when wn remember that each of the different Jcituhi of uiniiliH W114 an much nntillud to the u-Jn of bin tr.idi^ nitimi for il cognomen a* any other ai'tnau. John, the black- H'liith, anil ilohn, the eoppi.THruith, wero h.idi known an John, the B;nitb, an appel lation whitdi naiui'idly rettoived it.ielf into tin- lamily inline of John rimith. >ifiord Howard in November Ladien' JJoim) Jour* n d. WHY TTIttY DO NOT Pi\.S3. Kulncy Disoarits ProvautH I-Iun- uU'olIb of Apparently TXoo.Ithy Men from Pn:-.sintf a Medical KxiLii:in;Uiou for Xjitcln- surLHico- It you hitve inquired into the matter you will be tiurpri^-ed at the number of your frielidii who hud LbtMirt-dvc:) l,--j-.:t;[t',-<l an up pile -n'n for lif,.- 1 ismiii'fl n::i*. beCAtiH*-' or f.idney r.reiilde. '.I i>>'V ihii.k lie :i.Hi iy^ lie;d:.b. 1: i 111 r til"1/ limlef^o Mii; Oiedliwd t j-i.ani ;le-\ Pol in t Om one jii.-int-. Soutli Aim: I'li'iin Kuli,i-y (Jure will relooVo ij(jt aioiio til" . ill I V f) mpto-i.s, but .ill foiTiln (;f l.iiiiii-ydl- fee, I". 1 lei- i,| i li'ii'dfidie' -in': : t.t.ci s t.hiit litid jitacu CHURCH DIRECTORY MKTHOOlU'l. I)j'. I'diieor., Pmilei-. HitrvKU' vry Hiiudnv "t II It. 01./nut V is in. HiiMn.1i 4ohoolitt U;:ti e 1,. O, I!. Ntiyler, l-ii.i;--j. f. -.sir out (if notion] I-.(lunitl: J .1 .. 1:1111 mie r im, thi| l'm.H<lay ov4u.iii([ iilU o'fiooi-. duiii- ..1 nnv rnretlliijoi) '1 OkUHOU OV MNoriANO 10.v. A.ij.llevui'ly, In ninnboiit, Ht I'uiiln, . Mn-iux. lJlvi'..e iitirvloo tvivy hiuiitay jit 7 n'uloalf, p in Huinlay HoIuhjI at III a. in. jVhiltv Oliinob, Nnrth Uld((( Hun lay H(]}iool at l.'tfiy. m. Tim publiu. uro fior- .ttully invltdil. W. Sf. t"liindnc, I'mitor Hor vliiiutori HubhuUi m [( u. in. nml Y .III) p. 111 Hah- oath rielinul nfl;'.) )i. m, I'niyor iiifdtiriii iiml fiiulnv'ii lilhln uliiiiu on Tmwiluy nt7..1U p. tn. Hotdiil tlni'iii mi W<irlin"nliiv nt, BJti]). lUi'Ti." (nuiieu, Kitv.M. I*. Oiuujiliell, pun tr,r ::-vii:iMi mien Mabltatli nt 11 a, in, 11ml ' p ;. l'niyor hinntliii,' 011 Thunnluy nviiidiir atdu'eloeli Seat,, lreo. All urn eunliully wot- coinnil, Koit,\:i OATiienin. Kf.m'ii-]':!-. 0. V,. iMcOdO, Can I or. H-tr/Jui nvnry other Humliiy nt H.IJO p. in.'- Himday -Jchool at.( p. m, MAUiii'n.:.*i: Iliuli iinum and iiernioii at lO.Kf) a, in., iiiihichliuu ufc'J p. in , huptiiun at ;i p. no, vnnpent und oeiHidictioii at V u, m. O. l-;. ^lo- (U'v, V, l: Hai.va.tion Ahm.y. Capt. Kmitli and ldout, Ciyton iti command. NalviiUon ?m HOncii Wed- uouilay.Thurmlay iukI Kutiday ov4itiiiii:n;i'"roo und Kiifty.Saturday ovoninn and :i p.m. Hunduy; Koli noun meet fni," foiMjliriidiinin lriday oveninn und 11 a.m. Hinidiiy; Kudo JJrlll 7 a.in, every Hunduy. All arii wiiluomo, LEGAL. "1/ A. WIHRIKK, Harrint.il', HollcHor, Neiiu I J t I'liblu; Ail. Money to hum. Olllert'i, Ihlt iititn-lJIork, up-fttaini, l^ieutx. -t-ly Th. PKTHIlK Ilavvfntor, Hnlioitor, Nota; .Public Mfinny to Loan. Oilino ov( -itruthiin' Hank. V.nnox Centre. riLAUKK, HAIt'lLKT A- lMltTI.KT, liurrli \..' torn, etc. OillccH, .Medbury Hleck, Wlmluc 1'i'ivati: IiiimIk to loan. A. II. Ci.Aluo;, h. J,. H. N. A. ItAHTI.K'i A. H. Hauii.kt, ]i, A. nKNItV (,*. WAbTIWtS, r,,I,.H., Attnniny aim Coiinneloc at law, Solicitor hi dhiiiicnrv, 1'roctor in Admiralty, i'atmit Solicitor, Ollluo, Neu'lierry I'.ui dine, cor. (iriiiu'olil and remind Mtti, Uiitmir, Mieh. (Canadian clahmi umi-itiiit pornonii in tho United Stated collei ted.) Ili'forenei-m lnnn-rliil UnnU, Khtiox, Out. .J. Ij. I'ot.eni. Kttq., Harrii.t..'r, ote., Knutx, Out K.A. Wirimer, ki.n., liarrir.titr, otc, Kbhox, Out MEDICAL. "\ItH. JlllIKN A' UitlKN. Jafi. Hrien. M. 0 J(. H., 0. p. H., cnuluiitn of QnociOi Univondtv, Kingston, nieuibnr of Col- lij.'io nf I'liyiiiciuiiH and. Htiri;rjoun.OntHVin. flrad- uii'to o( Noiv York. Poht Oriidnuto MediuulCol- lejio. .1. W. Hiien. M. I) (,'. sr., I-'. T. M. d. Ifonor Hraduuto el 'I'riidtv M'idicul fjolhs^'t. Ifonor uniduutii i>r Trinity UniverHlty. Moiuher of Mm Colleen of I'nyniciaiiK and Siin{nonn, Out. (Jjad* nato of >.i;\v York Tost (iraduato Modical Collofio. OtUci ovor Knfios Meilioal Jlall lnu; htom. floiihiiltation ruoiiM. both on (.'round fluor mid Unit Mat aliovo. 'I'iili!|iliono in hotli ollleo and refiidonoe. All culln attended to from ollieo, Una; htoie, or rciildoneo. Uoiiidoneii, Talbot (street, front of blir ^roumlfi. .. J ""kits. .MeKK.NKtK & .IKNN'KK. " (i. McKuuy.lt>, M ]>| C M , Trinity Uiiivernity, member ot Colh^i) l'liy-dciunn am! HiireonH, Ojitin-iu; firndufilo .of Now York i'out. finnhtatu Medienl College; Coroner for the County of Kust-x. ItisrddiMiee, Talliot strcut, north of rait- way, Kksox. J. Kin-li* J.-inar, M. I). C. M., Trinity Cnlver- iilty; M, C. 1' and H. Ontario; Lie. Itfiyal L'olle|,'o I'UyhiciiOih, T.on.hni, :*:n.; )Ht Kiiholnniliiji und liold Mednli-t, Trinity Oollr^e, iwi; (tnpolntfd lloutio Plivhicinn inid Siirceon, Torrmto fieiiiirul Hospital and U.u.id.-nt Acconclmur Hunifiido Iiyiiu,* in Hospitul, Toronto, ifjHi. Spoelitlty, din oasitiH of Women anil ( biblr.m. Itinddr-nco limine lately oe.eupied by ],-. liuwur, Talbot Ht Kkhi-x. ~-^i MARRIAGE LICENSES. 4HUKII OV MAUIAG_ mnliioh Bll(.( KflBox, Ont. m \? it. I'AltlC JHtiVKH W MAUIUAGB M-. I-J. ronudK, Ulohl - Vl DAKf! TT, liiuiior of Mun-Jsno Uooa^ aI . OfiiiiiiOHHjomirlu (J,J.(nto. OonU), Oat vy O. iii-iAii.vN,-. " ^ Iiimicjf Df Marrlnffo hUumttvt,. inmmuioo tuieab. Nliihtomnrt nt Dwelling. . TALHOT KT_llK_MT,.JiJHHBX, UNDERTAKING. r I ITiUMMK ., t'n.Iertul.-m a.wl" l/u'rnitwo ,'/ "a.,1!0'-" " Solium, homo and fautory nude from 9:1 to *:wi. M(>f[rni(or,Oi.* ' ARCHITECTS. JOHN A.JMAYCOCk!......... ..... AKCIIITIOCT, An.. Itrmm.iri and 11, Mojnli,({ riuniliiii/, WioiiiiQIO; WiiwUfli-, 0 | societIes" ^ Hlfiel:, on tin S Mid third Tunnday Inoach mouth! ' Vli Itc" . ]? HHKX I-'IJtK liltrfJAIilV. MKIOTFRVJ J.J il'laynvriihiiiintlKj Plnmioirn roon I 1. Htono b.oidln,;. Jan. McMurray, Om u l^!1'.1!:.1" ""- Koerotary; Fre,l.6Ilyatt.Tr a i-tror. AfiM.Nrnn-i^Mt,"K ',rr,,lt'-lj"> omployuumtj -f\ t iroiii;h thoHimiiiiur ean find it with im a 1 wo havo riuwont llnnruan variation of NrH"ry B(ol and ,mw Hood Potatoes Halary or <S II AM MHtShKY CO., Toronto, Out. 20-iat Michigan ffoq^S" The-Niagara Falls JRouUJ Of) IN (J EAKT Taldti[j elfoot .rune ^ir^, jhqi>. fHUee in Iinpm-ial Hunl: Itlonk, (ivonnd flooi' opjiohito Thorno'ri liruc Ktoru. Med'iciueii dln- peiiHiiil In tho ollice. Telephon.- eonnuctioi willt both (dlb: .um itmidencuH. I'rivalo toln ph.me liu-i bi't\i.',tii C: ril I'mjuutto'rf hoiimj itm J^mi Kuniii dy'rt h-iuiK' und olliue, peimed In tho ollice. 'I'eleplion.- eonnuction willi both (1III.10 .111,1 mmdimcuH. I'rivalo toln- l Nij,'ht eelifi i:.tttUiileti Ui at ollleo Or refiidi.nce. DENTAL. Untrriit."."'" Windnor .... 1'tdton........ Maidiitonoc J'*Hnex .,...... Wondaleo... JUincomb ... fJoiiibor...... Hidftctown.. itodnoy....... Ht. Tlionuiii London ......... wt. Thoniufi... Itoilney......... Kidf'otoun..... OninbiT..,....... KUhcotub....... Woodfileo....... Khkox............. Maidiitono C'r I'elton........... Windnor......... Detroit........... o\.ir ti.r.0 10.10 G.OH li.l!) Mail Mxn. Kxp. Accom accnm ." . f-ni."a. m. p.ln> a> mt fi.eo c.20 "u.'w'^".tw " "~ .ii.r. 7,an fi.10 7.i5 S *'ri 7^1 : c.mi h.ir ..., fi.MJ H,!M O.fJfJ H.JJrt 7 1(1 7.:w s.-in Wi minor ac/jom a. in a.m fi.l.1 fi.na 7.:j-i 7.58 .-J:i B.10 !t.:i:i die 0,11 u 2fi 0/12 (1117 10.0:i 0.47 I0.1U il firt IC.I10 7.15 K).Bti H.yi .-17 11. M h. r.i I!..':(J I'J.(X) 1.03 OOINO WlifiT. p.m. a.m. lli.IO li.-ill ' fi.:io :i.:ifl 1(,7 m.-ifi ti.'i-' ft.-11) fi.W) ..o:i ii.ui i) Il 11.4.1 lS.Oft 7.10 12.10 AinlieruilMir^ K.ornI UiiiIiik. WKST p.m. a.m. a.m. (j.l'f. 11.-m H.(15 i".) I ll.r,:i h.ijs Khhox Kdi;ur;i ( i l: MAllTJN, 0.7). H., t,. 1). H. nnulllhU- ;. :lB in [iditl..t;-y, 1:r,'-,-l fi,]lue of Jtmital in the svr-l tn no, io.ei l.'i.ivi.rhitv ur Tumntii 1 .. , i\i i .1 . eH, modeiatti. Ollieo, ov-i" TT1T0TI' .'- (Vn brooivr.^ii,,,., ^Ui :.: ; for ihive vearfl Iroiii lniL, ,it()n(i ',^u! " Ul f 1 '1 L-oionMr-.i: *-d i',K-.-i>r |.;diiey iliMinii1., and !<< ol no ridiff until he n I South Amrrieuu Kid- le-y (.'ore, ninl li retv-t over hm ov.n ri'iL'na- itir- tliat. l"-;ir bo: ! em-.'d him. .Sold by A. Tltornc, <':iO;uli;iJi Geb 1 U ol Hi", o y- ':i*n old oi Simeoo, \v;ih HO bndiy i,uno,I ;:i:r:n:; lb'- abs-uneo ot' ln-r naieii::, o'i :-'uu:.hi> tlint i-le- dirrt m.-xr, day. orri- on, .*; 1 vt ;li"* '-b' In ;v,'.i 0:1 the d.T. U. ' Li.l daV '.'Mo II'.' ! t i 'i ol'l, \,M,- ellt n 1 u St. tur- '. ritl'.' oil a 1' i,:hi i.nt mh-hhi. Ii:m. IiojI I 1! I e- y I 1 . 'j'l.'.'l, W j 1 .-..[., of SlUn I lie I vhlr, (J\biro 1 'ij , v, ci.i I. 1 >i in i:'1ilior'i-i on Kntrir- flay ] at ho [in-. Dur- Oi:: li ;' -i: - "i.i-.l'- e!i,t!nti.j iniljit liro -i 1 d : ,, dlf'il ill i<- !'. .'.- b.-iir'. <nk -in The D.ou:er in Delay. Vtuv.iy.i. j V;uioo in ilm \v:iy of (dioajienin- thn.his-:: I.I IKK.\UV. St. Paul mid 5ochil Welrttlnnii. () At II (.*ili/rl| 2 ( Ot, J I ,22. -I :.i'i K'nii. t \: 1,7. ' u.'.SJO'R.'i J |i IN. er LhinJtH inoru of bin hie; j_ro(iU thun no dot'H ubout the welfare ami hninjinenj o. Acts Ad: Acts; IE W aro avoided when the niani-'ini I>y<-n iu tmeu. liy ibeir um: wmk in well and quick];- done ; rohultn aro pt-if, ,ily satin- funtor> , an i:u- euloi-ri an- ," i.ll Liiucn bright, ch-ar. brtllnuit nod fu^t. In order to gnfird i-Ktiii.at all fiunro trouble, yuu tOUfit wutuli tho merchant who reaom- iMondfi the iiomcthiii{4 juut 114 good a Dia mond Dyoa. Tell him pluinly tliat no otlioK tlyon arc an good hh tho "Uiumund" Tulio only the "Diamond," ami your work will bo done oaailv and well. A1 j: I A< Ifi 10:2 \. I.I J KKAIlV. St. Paul ae a Alan of Pruycr. 3 1 he i'tayei at (jinver.iion. Acts 'JCllo Uemalnn of tlio <:xtir**. Tho remuiiiBof ull the Czttra o[ Itijbii^a sinco Petoc tho Great ho in a memorial ohupel built on ouo of tho itdundH of tho Nova. All tho oonotupliH aro exactly alike, buiug 11 block of whito. tnarblo, without ^iny. doooratiob whutovor. Tho ouly diu- tinotiou by whioh ono ia marked i tlio iiiLtiio ol tho doooaooU Eraporof. Catarrh in a oooHtitutioual dinoaco and requiraa a . oountitntional rdinody liico- Hood'B Bavaaparilla, which purifiea tho blood. <j:0,I I . O 0;*,Kt;i<Al ION-. Auc. 10 u Milclus mu\ Tyre. Act-i ^o:;6. Acbs 21:5. MlHruoM Hand, Am;. 17 The Prayer at the Shipwreck. Acts 27:23, 2.\. MlhH JtA.NIlirjtv. .Mil. Al.OI'JON- Auc;, 24 iycr for the Churches Kom. 1 :y. Thess. 3:10, 13. Miiiti j 11 .\mm lMwrioN. Mh. itonnuTH, A1/1;. 3' i'rayers for I'er.sonal Friends. 11 Tim. 1:3. Phil. 1:4. LlTKKAHY. The Clirl.1t of St. Paul. Sri'T. 7 His Uirth and Lineage. Uoin. 1:3, '.'ONHlSOIlA'riON. Seit. 14 His Early Disciples, i Cor. 1:26, 2S. (ial 2:9, MifuuoN Band, Ski*t. 31 His Character and Teiicliin'gs. 11 Cor 10:1. Rom. 1:16. Miph C. Olvisji. Mil Oohuino.. Ski'T. aS Hiii Uctraynl, Crucifixion and Resurrection, 1 Cor. 11:23. 'Cor. 1:23. LlTlEUAUV. of tlio .null: pnidtndiou im.s lua-n iwdiit \---r! by tho um' ui Hti-ain to nd'onl ln-it lor ovjijifiratiun. I'\ir this purpu.so tho (-x- Imu.'-t stoiun uf the ^rcat milln in tho fcia^jimw n'KJi.'ii in ummI. i':inw nronlsfj made use ol'. A so call ed p;;n blord:, coiiHisiin^'ol' ;l "settle}'11 pan, und pnrkin;-ji'ooiii an> inch Mid in t h^ Hamo building. The hrino is drawn from tho .settler into thn pan, to tho bot tom oi' whieli tho lire is dhvelly an-, plied, making tlio ovupuration vory rap id and cHiuuiif,' Iho unit to iornt oontinn- on sly. Tlio Ktilt lu.siniiHH in JMitdii^an Im:; Rwolhiii li'om the iiiaiiul'imtiinj in JfStiU of 4,000 harr(ds lo J!,!i()7,^8(i in' lHlto. Tho estiniatt.'d oapaoity oi' tin.' 1 Hi (h'ms now oiitfujjtal in tho nianufiiotiire of Halt in Huh ndito iHo.UoO.OOO hnrrulu per yoar. Detroit Frt-o PruHH. bApiireclateil Scotch. A woll known learned judgu, who was a. Jcouii politician before hiH promo tion to the honoh, weiit d(nvn whilo yet a plain Q. 0. to help tlio Liberal candidate for a Scotch borough. Ho hu- Uixn 11 Hpnooh with a Seotch story; but, failing in giving the "awaoent" with duo emphasis, tho ntory'foll flnt, and the audience Iioruu to murmur. Tho prac ticed orator ohnngod Iuh key and ro- Humed in hiH natural and Htontorinii voioo,' V'Gontlcxnou, I do not BponL* Sootoli, bub I voto Scotoli." Tromcn- douH applaiiHo followed, whoroupon oui Q. C. procoodod, no doubt vory repro- honBibly, *'aud I ofton drink Sootoli.'1.' After tiiiu ho wan tho uurptHmtiouod ido). of the haur. Hounolold..Woi:da. VETERIP2ARY. \y 11, iacn,\!;nsoN, vi:vi.;itiN.\nv suit V> , fil'.ON. Monortirv ;;i-iulimte oi Ontario Vun.'i'limi-y Collet,'!!, Toroute; iiminber of On tnrln Vnlenimi y .Meiliei:! Soeiutv; Di|ilojni;.t in l)ctiti:;try; tn-nt.-i jilt ileuinsfH di iloinchticatuil finimiih,; critrk) iluln.rm-d by the litttrs.t iinjoovnil 1,'invilt clipper CuUh \>y tuli phono or tvle- (.:rii]ili nriiiiiptly uin-n.li-it l'. ni-fudency.lhri'e (Judi'ri enst ol jjrir.t mill; filtiee ir; pent el'lieo hinlilhii:; inlii i*it.r>, iliruetly opposite. LAND SURVEYOR. jTAMKH M. liAIHI). I-iTiviiiviiil I.iunl Snryovoi ns('X Ut-'JitL'u, Out OlJice, Diiniitiin lilot-k, upi.tairri. AUCTIONEERS. ITfNNKY IlKl)iai"K, Auetieneer. H 11 t e 1- 2 J. promptly uuunded to. Aildrin!i Kmitl Wnndulrn, Out. l-ernons 1!e:ijrili(,' lo Keetiri) ine muy luiLVM wool tuthe Fiu-:i: I'iikhh efllee L- II. HKDUICK KAHT A.m. a.m. p.m t>MT> P.R0 H.UO .-i7 aiO fi.io 67 ..:," !,:.!. "r- 'M<-""-Kor ti.-ju o,:io .i.m f.'1S l~'.-lf) H..10 Ainhorctburtf t;,0l) l.l)5 \{.:]Q All tmtiifi in-,, runrm' eentntl Htinnlard timo, leh h Hixtv mlnutoH Hiowor than I-W rinio. I'or mrorniatMiii and ratun to colon- -iti. mnviiif- w^l njiply to .lohn G. Laveo, Pail- M'ii[?.r Aj:,,.]!, Ht. TlioiniiH. O. W. I.iimflnH-Qon- rV^l lJiiT^Vl' UI,fI Ti':IU!t AK-Ut, ClllOHRQ, III )0 L- t. & Du R. Ry. Tt-I!,;^V?K: *!? takinf: "^ Monday, Sept -J<.1WK.. Triiiiifirmi liy KnHtorn Htuijil- iinl limo. DuIIy exeept fiuudav /- "= K '< * . O I 'A Il.'j.l 1^.(10 d.:l' iu.:io '.l.:W lli-10 n.-i:t l'J.-lfl Ktatiunb. o < 1 'A V M V, Y. 1.2 ; : " <o o i o" 'A \A K H:A Jf tH'-'UX'l' WiiUa-ry'lo Ar.O W Tj/iO (W7|WiilUorvillo June. J WJ: ,r. :iH 'i.:ni|..... ^.-I'rlron......... H B7i-r"J7 n.-in l'j.-ifl n.ioi......t oi(iettiitie......!Hf.;i; ^17 '.J.WI.lli/.:! (U7 ......t l'ftqiiuttn......:8 -17' fi'rfl f<7 1.1" ti-M ...... MeOro-or ......!h ' r.C0 <>.() -! LID il.fi{) ...| Nov Canaan...*fc '.% -i..| iMW l.:0 V.io... | Miii'Kbtlfdil . ja jj> nt.NCIjAUt, ldCKNSKi) AUCTIONMKU S > tor the Coumv oi"Khmix. IStiiliU'of Kiyhth I>iviniun Conit,. All kimlri nl' Farm mid oil ov oiilu'i eo_ndm;l.r.l pi-i,]tiptly. Katen n;n-oiuil 10 und l'n n i it -lied on utiplle;U inn. Kiupiiruni nmy Hpply t, \V. lJ. lleiiiii!i.ii, ol!iei). or nr tlu\ (dlieo ol Division Court. CU-yh, Mr. ,Iolnj Jililm- J 01IX COUMIjKY, tJ JdCKNHKJ) AUCriONKKU Tor tlio County ol Kir-ex. All loiidf. or tiij-ni htm:!; nuUm, etc., eoiiduen-d proniiitly und on Hliort notice, Hiitff, ruioini'iLldii I'ori.oni; .U'sirtildi! to iirruiinu .' -.iluii imiy .Ioko by e.idlliij; iu tho Fiu-a: l'iu:.'i oltk-e or Liy applying to ;' j. goi.mijMy, I', o. Ue:; ir).", J-:i,nux, Out. l^KANK SrcCLOHIiKI', Mdidi.tono, thirty- i. tiuvoii yoiivi'<!xi)orkuicr) an an niie; iiniooriii Hte(;oiinty nt Kfitio:;, Hult cnudiieted prmnntlv, i-.ud on rottHonnlile tunini. I'anieH dofiii-ii,^ (o fi>: the date for a mile utin Huvi) tbiiinmdvee n .lli>i' by citllinf,' itl the FitKK Vuv.iih ollieo. Wo huvf arnui;;iui with Mr. McCIciHkoy und will IU IhedaLosi for nab o .y toIii^rH.|ili, outiroly fruo o't tol churfjo lo tii(!pon:on holding tho milu. Ad- iilroi.0 l"runU.;.;JloHl;oy,Maidntoiie(h-0(fi,Ont1 lo. 1 H'.l'i 1 fill 7.17 in.irr M4M 7'27 lO'.iT ii.'I."! 71(7 u).-ir. *j.r.o 7j.i ni.v. :i.-r> 7.r>i n.ii -i.iu h,:o ...... Ilarrny-/ ......iH 2'J, .|.*J3 ........i Arum-......... 8 11; -1.00 ......Kinmivillu......:fs (j'lj ;j..(5 ...... Kuthven ...... 7 fil1 ;i.]j> ... I>n.ininjjton ... 7 '101 J.-10 ......Whoutiuv ......!7 Si' L.ri't ]l.ii_); '|.y: n.17'......I Kenwiel: ..!!J7 IS! OlS U.V:. -1 -li) :!.- *:......OoitlHivfirtli ... 11 :i-' <> -..Sill! ......| G1'iii\V(hh1...... '- i;b ' iMn,.........rioriin......... U.5II. o 1-J. K-J7,....... Jlnxtoii......... nr,r, r..r,-):s,w...... HumiiKon ...... a . S3 P.M. 7.r>o 7.43 7.3t 7.33 7.'27 7.2D 7.17 7.10 7.03 0.02 0.43 fi.JH) 0.18 f,(IO fi.fil 7 10; U5f B.-ltl 7 Ui)']l!,:l ti.IUl tl B*Jllli.i?.l| 5l>9 (i 'iR:id.i.'| r..iU 40:12.(10' fi.10 l.!.t)4, il.ii.ri('.>ti(|...K:i.ilnrMii**lp|-!R... u :iliij!i c.07 v.. 11 ti 1T> im:7 illeiiln-ini Junet'iiio iUIIJ.yb: fi.Ofl i'.'..]li fi.;ij 1 l*.:jr>r 7,1)0 O.l'i;...... Klnnlie'j.l ......f> '^lU.Hi 4.Dti ' .MB '.UljAr lu'ihretowi] Jj<,|i!(i (10 lO.OO'^l.flti >'-* 3' m: fA.M.'A.lt.'l'.W-"" ' 7 \ I' lut; htutiontr. TriiiiiK ntop only whou tho* .im piinnenp'i", nt oi'. for Uiobu HtiLtionR. Mixoi'l tniinn uru nt nl times i-ubjeut; to ho can cell od ' Vivr WDOLI.ATT. Gonoral Hnnorlntomlon . 1115 FOR TWEWTV-SIX YEARS Tiff H b> H ' ' V THECOOKSBESTOIii^J Largest sai-e iu canaoa, BAKER. TIIF. oldtmtbuuiiHuia m town. nti.blinue 1H7. FlvHt-cliKiu broiul mid oiJcok of al itindit. Wodilinn oahou u Hpooiulitv. QrncorioG iroviidonii, Hour, food, miU'iiml porh. Connie- lonory, crockery,ifhififiwaio. Caime-drrultuuml rof'otulilonor all kimlfl. Goiulb iirnmiitly do ttvoroil to ul! partnottbo town. J, M. HIOKb, ?i)l-tl UND AND LOAN AGENTS GKOnGB J. TnOMAH, Convoyanoor, Com- mtniiionor, in 5I1([U Courl'of JUBtloo; doatoi n HoilI ICiitatu and MortftaRCB. Monoy. to lour a.t tlio lowout rate of lntoroiit. ITarma hotiolit vail noltt, Itlfluranoo taltou In tlio mont rollablr ^ompanioH. DrawliiHof tloodn, mortfiiiffuii lint' loanon a npoolalty, OlmvcoH-inoilOirato and all buslnonu promptly BttomlorJ to. CpII at the aontrnl Tolmmoim olllcn. VtatioxCotityo, Bt)-1Tci Drivo imywhorc, if ho, yuu-wmit a tlooil ...and thn plnco to j;ot it j at JOHN MeDOUGALL'S Livery. Sate & Feed Stables EGoodjHoiitlora in attemlaucu day aud ultfhti ' HORSE-SHOEING \% Pluoo 111 tho world for: yoinitfmen iniil worn on to aoonro a BuiihiiiHf) Kdiioation,tihortliaua,oto,,lB Uin DdtroltlhiHiiwmii Unlvorultv, Do- trolt, Mloh Illuutt'utud ontaloftuo Vtoo, Kofof duoom : All Detroit, P. JBWBLtj Pi-oil. P- B.-BX-BNOBB, Boo. Best In thin bvanoh of onv bunlnuHH wohavaftrafc- olinia Workmen and will Huarantoo satitifaotlou In RlioolutE IIornB that. Intorforo, Ovor-Hoiioh. or havoCormioy Contraototl Foot. Wo make a- Spoolalty of Hhooln lioad anil Traok Horaee. - '. tStr Telephone. Connection, ' Iti wan pert young lady, who, wj-on tho minietor remarked that it was hie bUBineaa io nave young'uiou, ftBkod him"to save a iiood ono lor hoc m 4 .> /Mi. D0D

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