iffflF? Wffiffi'fi T ?%'*' ?". / . in<;*mkr.iikT)KNr<i nm w,irw<a ' irtKAHi:K,Hi'Krii\c oi'nioou, 0 m <oi'<:ii, v.okh * ttk, * nF.itiiirV, (ii iii^tfiwHorihiH v tiy tlmfttil uf'llin "D *t 1, " llinulilmi, I lmni;iit 0 rlil of u hi*, klnii i 'mull wlii li li iiL Imntilixl nmfi.r ($ tivnr a y*r, Mini liii< rnin.l ciuuiiiInnUily In wul^hl. I likixl tliU I imili inn uu will I \.nu ^l.ui j* WlKin t)tt) Until iiilini arm in.I i.> i lU.i II., W , ^ T. II. WINCHA.M. C i: .Mimlnul _ DAVIS & LAWREMCE CO., Ltd., MqhTreal * tJ Tho ('unucliiiu ittuuiner IVtre! captured novum I thouijuiul ilullarj' woithof twhu- Volongiug to 1'lrie tlnlu'i men in LnUo' liv'w oh Friday, und guve neveiul Huh tugii a hard clmtia. Thirty lugH have their nctn Ifi nuleii north of Kno, und, a(i the bound ary there :il in dinputo, i( m not eorhuii thoy are out of Anierirun wtitem. Aw well aw l';v'r. Dkah fSinw, After miffurin^ for two yuum from uuutu indigehtion, I tried H. II. II. X took only three bottl.H, whieh inudo me uii wall an ever I watt. 1 highly recojn- moud B. B- B. m all d>HpeptiuH. Mini. John Whiti;, Aumin, Man. At Ilclleville, thu diug I'ritubliHlnuont of L. W. VuomuiiH, whh burned to rhu ground Saturday morning. Air. Yeoumnii wua uuablu to muUe luu cnaipu in time, and whh burned to death, hm chuned leiuuim- boillg diHcoverud iimon^ the del)rin. Catarrh and Colds Relieved iix 10 to GO Minutes. One Hhort putt of the breath through tho Blower supplied with euch bottle ot ]Dr. Ajj;now'a Otarrhul Powder diliunen tbnt powder over thu Hurfucu of the nemil puBua^cH. Buiulefiu and delightful to uhv, it rehuvoH iiiHtuull> and permanently curoa Catarrh, liny I'V-vcr, CoUU, Iluud- aohu, Boro Tliroat, Toin-ilitiutuid UeutnuyM. All dni^istii. bolci b> J. Thome. The bi^ woodtu uteamer, Aufltralamu. loaded with 2/200 tons of toft coal fiom Liiko firio to iMilwiuiUeo, l<uruc*d in Lata- Micldgan on Saturday ni^ht, and the nunllun wreck ih at the bottom ut Whitt fjbh bay. BVi'Fowlor'fl ilxrmct of Wild Straw- btrry eurt'H Oiurrban, I)j>eiiteryt CriLinptt, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Clu.lera Infaninm, and till Inoyenehh of thu bowuln. Never travel without it. l'nc '.Wm. Iumi>Uln IM \\ ltliout Kkkk. For one pie tuke thruu lnmpiu^ tuhle Bpoono bifted MjUfiHh or pumpliin, one liuapiug Uible^poon llour, nin mid one-hull ytintn rich mi|k. Mix eijuaBh or pumpkin umooth with Hour; add milk. Sweotcn tu tatitu, add a tmy pinoh of Halt, tluvnr witli nutraog. Pom into u deup piu-plutu lined with good pio-criiHt and buKu in a mow ovon. NoVember Jjadien' Home Journal- Toliucci* Heart. Much heart and nervo weaKiu-HtiiH cauH2d by undue uhu of ton, coffee, or tobacco; palpitation, nervoupuudfl. irritubihty, ex citability, lack ot confidence, etc., tire huri- aymptomH. Milburu'H Ueurt and Nervt PiIIh bnn rLady rubtf, by Htead>m^ tbt norven and renulatU'g the heart. Tho^ tiro a true boart and nervo food. The Britihh Medical ."Jourmil miy-3 that tho paper Uhud m many brunda of ci^ar GttoH made m Ln^hmd cuntaina urheiiic. When arHenio ih inhaled in a mull quan- tititB ito.tiiH(H a chronic cou^b und othur pymptoniH u iu illy tiHioeiati d witli con cumption. A OKIPPLE FROM EHEUMA. TISM. Cured by a Few Dosee of Suutb Araoricau Rheumatic Cure MiraculouH but Fact. Mi'H. N. Ferrih, wife ol u well known manutucturer, of lli^hjj;iae, Out., huvi . "l^or many yonrH I wan Hoi'^ly uiihc'i-d Willi rhoumiitic paniH in my ankles and at tiiueu wuHiilmoat dibablcd. I tried every thing, uh I thought, and dueturud fur year-* Without much betnifit. Tiiou^li I bud lout confidence in medicinei 1 whh induced to uuo Honth tVmerican Hlieuiuntic Cure. Tu TOV delight, the that done yiivo mo more relief than 1 hud bad m- yeaia, and two bottleH have completely cured me." Hold by J. Thome. ------------- Ih that a valuable nny ym Imye on jour Armor? aaked Gun De Binith of Sajilc> Well I've hunt* it up for 7j. Tt imiHt be quite valuable. Yea, I've hmi(* it up auvouty five timea for u dollar each timo. .v ' the doctors approve of Scott's Emulsion. For whom ? For men and women who are weak, when they should be strong; for babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat; for all who get no nourish ment from their food. Poor bipod is starved blood. Con sumption and Scrofula never come without this starvation. And nothing is better for starved blood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is -1 - cod-liver oil with the fish-fat taste taken out. Two sliest SO cents und 91.00 4COTT A BOWNB, ' Bl!vlrt#,<te. A LVHlC OF LOVE. Ah, t\vnn^: whi-n I'm nl'U at htiar* Mu\ nil tuy world K" lib Onii iiwilt tlioui.-lit charm* Ihn mood awny1-* bnar lit ait, jmi lovn mti iUHII Yuii Unuw not wbutt'VViiHt fulth It brtnuH, Wlion duyri mo ami tint] drmr, To llilnlc Dint fled liiilh nlveii lilu you To lo\o and live for, dour. For what If Hkli'H be tfruy Hiul nnUl, Ami I'loudu Hiiut nut the blnti, Ami lull in cniH wrcmuldj In vnln, nwiuib one, And lny.il 1m ni'ttt lm fi wV Tim i.unhi'lit wiu'iuh, tlm air in auft A'i Hprbur, win n jnu ntn nimr; Tln-re"! Hiifli u Juy in living, for I lciiuw yen love ine, dear. Ami. bivn nf inlnc, your nurn nycji' ildno hliall lu.'lit mi' mi Hi" way. Your iliy, HV-iot Id-' < <, dnar, uliall lin>:illn A 1 It -lii^' "'i r iu> d.o. O'urii.iili-i tli.il li'iul ilniiiichiliiu'riiml thorn, A'i i'l..uiL;ini! ht .i >oiim ill ot, Ono li-ii'li r tlioiirhl uliall huIiIo my life 'Tui that you lovu im-, swi ni! ]i(*nt(iii Traii'u rijit. li'UEAfvINd A JIKCOJM). Thu innnii{,'urnf the London niul fMni- fjfnw air liiir niih\jiy, .Mr. Sw tpr-., wni nu: mi imh.ttinii iii:iri;ul " \w\\ ale," MiUiij: tlint bo \\iis hound to bc.it thnvcnrd in.iili' by I lie LiM' ^li'H'o nntl Mbdiij-'un .'-oul hoi n r.'ilinnid now that tbey hail (-umooiit uitu tirlnt nliiiut It. Ih- iuldiil lb.it when thn New Ynrh tJun- tnd hi'oKi' i lie r,n;,'li-li reronl t hey did mj with tlicu* I'luipiu' St.ite c.xpi'i's^, \v hit h any niu' could have lm\ clcd on w ho hud tin4 nioiH'\ to p:iy hi-) fare, 'i'liw, |uj cl.iiniod. was (he riu'lit way of hrcaUin1.'n lvcnid il you ai'c ;-.'oihk to wrlic jilnmt it alti'rw.ii d | >r\tTt lu'li'sH he wjis ;-'oino; to follow the Ij.ikn Shorn and Mi<lii"-,m .'-nutliern t.isll- li>n, ju-.t, to -i c \', lint liii r.ilhn.ul i ould do, and lio in\ lti il inc. iiin pet .mh oy, nui^r an Auiericaii watch, to mhiiii upon the trip, "but lie^fcil inn l-o i.i.\ nut lunK w'hah \cr about ii, lor, In- '-aid, iu-U .id ol bn.iLin;' llic ri'iuid wo nn^iit perhapti break our nei b.^. | I was to meet hi in at the bondim nnni- nim of I be l.ondnii and (iln^nw all- lino atexncllv l'J liiidniKlil, thri'ij weeks ;i;,'o. Then' -wan home litileu^k in K"'"K '"" <* t buL hour, for it b will known t liat one ni | tin- most obnoxious and nppve-Mve laws, [ iniide Iiv Kiln,' 1 '.dward Jnin^eli, u t li.il cv- j t'l'\ III,ill 111 l.olidoli nillsL hi] in bis n\\ 11 , lionse at >: Iu o'clock and ha\e lights out aiul be in hi d lit '> An.\ one out alter (hat liuur U liable re nrri st, -o I -tide up and down through 1 be HI lret s and (lotl'j-cd (lie pnlli ejiH li lllll ll I caiue to t lie (< run on- lb re I w i-- .ini.i/i d to In id an ) in i neii-.i' li icon ml i\ rand ouu llat uir, with twiic.iiiiiiMniibini it. "What's this pa/" I i-nhl to Swipes. "We're tfoniK to break the ntonlwitli tlllstiain," he replied. " I want, to Ii.ivl lj. as Uyht as possible, 1'or any otdinary curriittfu meets with hiicdi resistanee in pii^sliiK suipdidily through the al inos|ilien that I concluded to take u irelj-dit ear, and if w o have a sinuKh up it won't bo ho ex pensive. " "JJut, \ou don't <'\pect mo to hit on one. of tho-e siooK in the open nir li'oui here U. (ilas^'ow ';" Leried a^'bast. tih, that's all 1'i^'bt," he said. "Tlit MooIh nre bi'-tened to the floor ol thn ear, and 1 ba\e t-bawl straps with which \ mi can fasten your.-elt to tin stool. '1 lien won't, ho any trouble on tbm score." "Where are the other fellow-v" I n.sked. "'riierearen't any," he answered. " Win n you are t;oln^ to break a rei ord, the tcwej you biive on board the belter. W.nche*- dilfer, ami it. would bo bad it there was a quarrel about tune, Your watch shall In the only olliri.il timepiece iu i be company. Mine, as 1 think 1 told you In thu letter, generally loses ~ hours out ol thn ^l, mi 1 think we had better not trust to it." 1 strap] led my self lo one Moo I mid Swipes .strapped him-elf to t hi) ot her, illld at U' 1.j wV pulled oni of Marylebone tor- ItlUlllh. IL Was a^jci'd that we wero lint to befim thu record until we pas-t d 11i^lijrittt?, ami were linis tiuiely out ot tIn* inlluiiuee of Loudon. '1 he distancu from London tolJlas^ow is I'll a nilh.s. We bad lor engineer Peter Met jump, who was a Scoti lunan, and tbereloie knew the road to (ilas^uw well, ami Hilly Jones ol Whiiechaped did the Wc had no bralceiiian, becaii-se, as Swipep saul, it was nob on the brakes we weje eju- j Iny to depi ad lor lueakln;-,' tin iei old rlbe ingiiiu w.is known as the Mary , Jane and biiiuhar to all the opt rat urn mi ' the l'oad as' Hit (addon I lair N llniiKi" IJoWU 'er lSai k " She )n'els ibis nu kliaiue troui liii'K"at ^jieeil ami iroin the tact tb.n the siuoku with sparks tu it trails out i behind like a e-reat banner. j Alier h\i\ ui^ UiKh^nte I'eler i*n\o hci inore sie.uu, and tho spued bewail to Im i hoiin'tbm^r appalling. | (Jb, it's iiotlniig lo what we'll have htun] bj , " .^aid Iswlpes, as he walciiid me making an nieliei nial (;rib at, my hut, which dlMippiMi'ed in thu ilarkness. i Sw ipes counted the milestones whib 1 tlckidulf the biroiids on iny watch, and be lore lon^' \\e were {join;? 70 nilleH an hour. Wu had tho iul\ant 11(^0 o\rr the Aim I'll an mad in tin lu< t that there are rarulj any i^iaih: crossin^.s in Ku^luud and that one railroad Is ne%er albaved to cross another nil Lbe le\el. liy the tune we passed Toad-iii-Mu'-ilolo we \m-i\i(1iiiiik H." miles an hour, but, 11 ^ the Lake Mime tram had attained a speed of u^.;j, swipes jcIIliI to l*i Ler as well ns be eouhl to 1^1 vij her more speed, because if hhe didn't put. in her bust licks now, wli.it could wooxpuel when w c ciiiiu: to the biMh KrouiuU and the t.tilf guides, of tho mid- landsv * This hboutingof Swipes, however, bad no utleet, because we weie fjoin^ mj fast that hl.4 words never reaebed Peter, whu stood with hi* bund on the luvur, watching grimly the track In tront. An Swipes con tinued to shout nut the mile posts 1 cried: "Hold <m! It'n the telegraph poleu you are> counting." "No, it Isn't," ho replied. "U'a tho milepost.s " "Nonsense-," leried. "In that way wo are Kuing ai,*tbe rutuof 108 inilosun hour. " "A hundred and eight il Ih, tiiun," he said. "Stoke her up, lJeter " 1 then willed tho geneml muiuiKer'H at tention to the fact that it wan nuLutlquuttu to tell an ongine driver to "'HtoUo up," an that duty wan performed by Billy donus. He apparently learned for the Jlr*t time that engineers do not do their own Htok- inu;, and lie thaukod mo tor thn informa tion. AthiHt tho mlluHtonoa pawHort ho rapidly that Swiicn could not keep traolc oC them; bo >vo iibandonud tho attempt to uuunt thoin and took only tho HtatioiiH, iih wc had a record of tbudlutanco butwoen tlioiu. 1 bivw now by niakinjf ti (jaleulutioti lio- twoon two BUitlonu that wo worn tfoing fit tho rate-of lGu.-lB im hour, and my hair would havo Mtoud ou an end worn It nob foi* tho faot that it wan tfttmdlni? Htraight out belibid. By thla tlmo tho fltutlotis puHBOd u lu ttno oouUuuouh Htrcak, ua !C wo wero run ning through thn dtiburbHof a bltf olty, and I wiiM wondering all Ibo tlmo wliun wu would eomu lo tho town, but ilnally 1 real 1/ed that It wun lmponslhleta Keep tlnm with my excellent waleb, and ho we, would have to lump thn thing by euleulutlug how long It Um)\c nu to eomu from Jjondon in CJlungow. , Tlie lid of my wateh, which T now inml viu'tently ex[itii>ed to the breeze, Himpped and blew away, and T wiw tbnt tlu K^ld ot the hunting eie>n wan beginning lo llakti nIT, ho I put it In my pocket lonave thu Vl'Ht of it. T knew" It was not yel two Ikuiim sine*! \ve b fl London, and to my astonlslinienl I spied tlie hpnvs of (lln^i'iiw 1 recognize.] the j I'ii e I.....uiisi) I was born t here. "'1 hat can't be (ilu--.'mw," iHhoiiledtf s,\\ ij t ., " If It K, we lia\o t raveled some tliiii'* lil.e '.'nu mihM nn hour, and 1 bo Lon oiil\ ! 'ov.-l what spei d we ntlldlle.l u liiaklin' up |nr the lli m when we wen eravi linr on at 7u and hO. " " 'I hat's < ;in-;'ow all light enough,' f-.ihi >v lpe-v '1 hell be \i lleil to J'eUv " Km* iie.uen's cike, shut uiV lleaiu. l)o> V Vim *-( e w lo re we ni'e'J" Uiii I'lierwns i-11 iit,'Hug wilb hi s en gine, and nil at pin 1 In \ 1 lie*I hack n( iih* "1 ( .111*1 Ktop her, 1 it-!" ' lleaveps and 1 .irthl" wild 1. " What li to be diii ' "1 (l.m't know," ribl SUpes. "It's my own hi ult 1 l )ld I'.ur in t be hr a i-l a;.' of tlin en;-1 ne, and - lie is one of t Im cutest eiiglui s op the road, lli.n wiiwi'tii bound to bie.ik the Aim ri( :in leeord, w bi-'li Ifi 'MlhiiiW. You ^ e, it's only PH.a mile- to (,'I.i^-l'oW, and I'll bel jmi that brute l1- bound to do l he other lull miles tonight, e\en il sh b.H to i\i, it 011 the highwnv. 'J be railw.iv-l-i'p-.-il (dasjrow, and I don't knew w hal' g in1.* to liapp. n " A-- he < 0in b.ded the M'litenee there w'tw a erasii and a bang, and the ne\t moment w*e \m ic in I hi principal ht rei to! f ila-gnw teiring along the rails of J he si reel car line. Luckily, t he -nine la\V"lion*g in lorcc us was in Ivui'lon, nobody was 011I on thr bin el -, and Hi We Went at t he latent iS I.Vo null s an hour up t be main l boioiuddiire ol (l];e-gow ,iiol lin.illy r-ti'in k tlie north routl for the Highland-. When we gut about 5h milen on tho mnln roail Iroin lile"n\v, soniethnes t-lowdnn down to Ml mih s an hour, on the bills, Peter, with a vv lute fai e, t urmd to us aim shouted: "My Cod, sir, we're on lbe Craigeiiput- toi b I.01 h ro.nl, ami the ('inigeiipiit locji lot liis at the end of it, about bb mile" ahead." "How far U it liom Londonj*" >idled Swljie^, put ling ills 1 i.iml-beside his moid h to make I he oiind 1 arrv. "'1 lie middle o| Cialgrnputtneh loch if- jii'-t bin mih s li'niii l."iidoii nm! it Is5 over 1,000 leet deep in the middle," shouted Peter, "That's when* she's making for," cried Swipes unbuckling tho straps and clinging to the stool. "Jump, Peter, jump," cried Swipes uf he threw off the straps. Peter did so, and I cut thn strap thai held me. Instantly wo weie nil Peh-r, the stoker, Sw ipes and myself ljingon the hillside on the J1e.1ther. The doomed train pi tinged right Into t he center of 1 lit hike. Ir hud completed its .Mil mile race and used up the fraction by tanking 1,<>U0 feet to the bottom. Luckily nono of us was hurt iu the pligbtevi, with the exception that Swipe* sustained n compound Iract lire of thu thigh. Petei bad both arms broken, Jones had all his ribs and one unklo Riiiashed, wliile 1 had my ,vora< lty sprained t-o badly that nr one has e\er been iibln to believe 11 word 3 have uttered since. A lUt With Kvry rinlr Cut. It is not ofti 11 that rats are permitted ir a but her shop eond tided under union sine tinn. Vet there is such a shop on Slate street, 'lbe rats aro white rats, and the} are put to a nn'S; faneilul isr In the enter- pricing toiiiorad artist who eomluet.s the eslablishinent _^M_>he whlLe i.iIj given away with every child's liuir out," is the enticing Hign fiwiing when* it ceil bo easily read. Not only is 1 he sign literally true, but t he bar her givis a pair of wblto rats to every youngster who liriugs him seven custom ers. "1 give only one rat in each faintly," the barber explained, "and 1 have to keep bonks so's t iiey won't double up on me." "Vou don't olten ghoaway pairs', de you'r" ^vas asked. "You pnuuiseil that youngsiei aioiii)lo awhile ago " ".- omeiiiiics 1 giveaway a pair, but net often, as they seldom send me seven eim toinei's." I hiiggcstcd that if ho gavo awny many paii'H the nelgbbiii'houd. vyoiibl__hiinu be n\erstocked, and t li.it his white rats would cen-e 10 bo u drawing card. Tho barber smiled contentiously. "J'erhaijs so," he replied, "but you see I used to play poker, and I still remember that two of a kind make a pair. " Chica go Tina s Herald. , A Toli'plinmi Idyl. Ho win otio among a number of clerki in a hu-w olbei lie was at work adding up a long row ol figures Just In the mid-t ol his work he wuh called tothotele phone Willi an ugly .scowl on Ids faeo and muttering tjuiilnrsawH, bo went to the Udephoiiu and yelled savagely, "Well?" As if by magie' the seowl passed away and a happy smile toulc ItH place. After a long pause bo wild in a gentle voice, "Yes." Another long piuiHu and another " Vea. " Then, niter a long wait, he Hald, "All riglif, I'll bo then* at B o'clock." What is it, dear reader, that will thus so Hiiddenly change a man'i Wo know Hot 1 London Answers. Iiimclnutlou und Jiwlcmont. Dr. Katun, president of Mudlbou unlvor- hlty 10 yearu ago, wuh beloved by tho stu dents uml bin good opinion courted above all things, One coinmoncomeiit day tho student who bad delivered tho valedictory upproaehed the doctor and timidly united him what he thought of tho effort. Tho doctor looked at him a moment and then Buhl ulowly, "Kdward, if you would pluolc a few of the feathers from tho winga of your imagination and stick thorn Iu tho tail of your judgment, you would maUo hotter speeches." I'ownr Minim Knowledge. "Wot iioiihunHo gruwod up people talk," l-uminated little Willie. '-Pntold mo t'oth er day that knowlcilgo Ih power. It may ho ho w'en you're gmwed up, but it don't work with un felleru W'y, only tho othor day luigHy, tho bootblack, aimo to our school for tho flret time In liln life, nn lio liudn't heun thoi'o two hourfl 'foro he'd llekeil e\ery hoy iu tiehooL" Woafc Mcd- ford Windmill. Xliroo Kin (111, Thoro iito throo l:inda of good- tho klttfl tliat fcelu gond, tho kind that looks good and tho kind that GpnosGS ovil. And tho flrnt two mo (food for nothing, lUm'u Horn, COWPEAS AT THE. NORTH, acHiilin of l^\iHirlnu-lii^ hi New York Kbitm und In ('oioioell.'iit. Three expiirinioiilH with cosvpeus urn rnuordnrl. Cue watt inudn at Cuvun, N. V., on fairly good Himdy loam noil, that would glow ltiO to UOO huHhobi ot pota- Looh in u fiivoruhlo houhoii. Tlmy wero Hown htoadoiiHt June IH, t[\iiU\ a heavy growth of vyo huving hcun turned un der 11 1'nW dliyH prfiyifiuH. Tliey name up quickly, but did not make, rmmh growtli and wm*n nvnrloppr d by 11 Wei d Ineally known iih burn or pigeon grami. 'J'liny were sown with tlm intent urn of plow ing undor -next, spring fur polatoe:i. riiini thisyeui'Vi trial thn experimenter thinks thai, (hoy can't take thn pbiee of elovi r for Unit pur)in';e. Clover rfrpures a lonj.;( v time lo grow, but lemi Inbor and expense. In un experiment conducted 'by a Long b hmd farmer thn peas \vt l'u fdwii at llio 1 .do nf iiim bushel p -r acre. Tin 11 nut i weie Mown. Thn cow pom iitlaim d a hiigbr of only about a fool. They certainly wire n, Liiluro in the oats. Tin y Were ulni frn il iji rorn n.i w< 11 ih potidrieH, but thin i'unuor tl.niikti lie Iiuh tin 1141' for ibem. Al .i'lui in Omiu etient repoiN upon llm ex]n-nmeii(M of live trii mis us well iih hia own. They all want< il something to talce lbe plueu <-!' the (J:^i:ida pea to hnw with oals for ;v forage eioji. The covvpi'.i'j in every case wem howu with oaH, but they did not linden growth for u crop to turn under. The conchimnn in this report is thai eowpi as aio a plant for hot, dry weather iiiul not huitid to this latitude. The writer idso thinks tliar tho oatH wnro hown ton thick for uny kind of pi a to do well witli them. Tho flop was left on till thu outn were ripe, ami all wem mn tlnough the tlir.e-'hing marhino. The hi raw will bn fed to cattle tho coming winter, us rat- tin should liavn Home dry fodder t-very day in connection with eiiHilaga. CJonci rning theno three (xpininnnt^ The Kural Now Yorker, which reports them, Htiy.s: "Tlie peas were howu with outs and havo not given Katisfuotory lesults. This in what we Hhonld expect. These ]iua.s Hbould be howu alone to do their bet. They aro really hums, and do nor havo tlm upiigbt growth of the Canada Held pen. in llm south they are u>ed alonejOnuinying^ the entile, ground eirheiTor stook food or fur plowing under." Tbje Chief Organ of the Body. When Rebellious ami Out of Order Paitie's Celery ! 'uin- pound is Youi* Only Jlope It livings Comfort, IIit])[iinoss mid UenKh. Too few recignizi' lbe fuet 'h<il the Hronuiuh ih tint uhii'f ' rtfiiu ot th. b :r>- When ibiH ^r< at an.I guidine 111(41*11 is oat of ord.-r, tveiv other ornun depending on it tor n 'Unsliiin-ui isaffected liv ij me'Lihy. So luiiji un .li^i Htion is properl) pi 1 f 1 00 d iuii healthy tluuit- hcmeitd from the loud, thu body in nourished, Whm tin* r-toinaeb is inactive the hystem is unpovei islieil, Mid dihoat-e ntpiuty rlev lopn. Jf your Htonmch i>- n,nelliuus and t ut of Hear, hn nhHtiit-U your whole Mstiiii will Muoii oive evidfijoe of trouble, and ' 0111 hie will bu a inireruhh one. When vou hiiuVr tin- tortures uf indictu- tirm and d\ape|iHiu, jiidt reii'-'lnO-i iliat l*u 1 in-'h Celery Compound bun brought OIIH'-, ci>IU'foi*t, htlppllieHti und llvilltb to LhoruiiuidH in tin- past. Tbiri imuvilloui and wonder wu! km," iiu'iicim wi in u-eil for a short time 1 ->nnor p. i-ie t it, 110 1, and mvea 10 every oivan m-w lie .11 d m - tivity. ThnUrianilH i.f thn sLnaigeh- ii-iiiinmnb arti on fyln fiom <oir bt n'^ (Janadi 1 1 ' pit t -sLlfyine to 1 be t (lie .e.\ ol Pali 1 ' < 'to. r> Compound in cieip ot stuin.o b .o-uole. thatuuuld net be uui< d h) lu\ . b. nn tl - oiuo, TluHo liUij' el teHtiili'i j hi uitipL'oti d at an) t iuii . . It la full}, di ui 1 aci< r, L>. e j> iduu HUlti.ruij4 truin iliiu^iiiuie- Iijiu cb 1. nbli-n One boHle ot Pmie 'h reti_r> 1 (l , u<>nnd iuay niilliey lo give you treedmn Pom 1 am uiul nuneiy ; one r-ui;.! imiiim Ii -. jii<n hauiilu d thu iireadud em my fui v. r. Youi in i^bboru and frieiul. baVe b-. a n 1. d ny PalUe'H Ci h-iy Coill|KMlid Uu 1 oebiy its U'u m yum uvva on " . Origin ola .llucn itt,,,t,t' **"W The onmu ot "A oml uml hirt h.oim \ tuo HO JII pill ttd" llari HO 1 l.erli M-eetLaint vl With e 1 tainly, but tin follewn g nioiy > r-otne- timoM ttild : ' George llacbauai . uu .r to Jiuut'B IV ol Beo.ld.i11i, made a Im-i ulill a courtier that he (hueliaO'in) lmhijiI in ilto a coarser vjrno ili-m 111 <j courtu r ; Liuei auan ro-e and piokiat; up the eomner'n motiiu walkedoff with tlie temnik, -\ n.el and his money are hudii parted."' Nm mhur Latheu' Homo Jourmd, TAKEN WITH SPASMS. A Oolliugwood Eesidont Tolls Hoav South American Nerviuo Cured His Daughter of Distressing ISTeryoue Disease. Thu father of .leur-io Jloicleint, of Col- liuf>vvnfid, tolls thin utorv oE Inu eb.von- venr-nld diiuuhter; "1 dnutuied with tho moat uldllod phymaiaufl in Col liny wood without any relief oomiuf* te my daughter, hpoudiufi noarly live hundred doilaiu in tliiii way. A frioml udluuneid mo to ti;y South American Narvinu, though I took it with littlll hope Ot it ueim; any jo.ied. When nho begun" itn uuo who wan hard'y able to move about, and Fluttered terribly from norvoiiH Hpannm, but after talcing a few bottloa hIio eat) now run around uu othor children." l"or utomaoh ' troublnn nd norvaumiOHM thoro in nothpu! ho good an South AUDoriouu Norviuo, Bold by J. Thovuo. Better than Ever. ... Cheap Reading-. Our Clubbing Offer this Year Excels All Former Ones- r\0 YOU want a live up-to-date local paper LJ that gives you the news of your own dis trict and the county ? If so, Subscribe for The ssex Press. air*1 $1 till the End of 1897, i w events ^'" *'1C ^nc' ^ I^9^- The Free Press has an excellent staff of coirespondents in all tlie surrounding town-, sliips and villages and special attention is paid to home news. . If yon want to take one of the City Weeklies along with the Free Press you can take advantage of the following offers: Free Press and Weekly Globe - - i er till January, '97....... ouw* $1.50 - $1.45 - $2.10 - $1.50 Free Press and "Weekly G-lobe till January, '98, (15 months) Free Press and Weekly Mail till January, '9V Free Press till Jan-, '98, and Weekly Mail for 1 year. Free Press till January, 1898, and Saturday Mail for 1 year*. Free Press and London \>V eekly Advertiser till Jan., 98,..... Address all communications to BRETT & AULD, <^"ESSEX, ONT. Harvest recursions In order to ^iv*. oveiyone an opportunity to hpu the grimd uropu in 'he Wetitoru ntr.tcri and enable the intending aottler to. -ccuro a homo, the Chicago, MiKvauUeo iV St, Paul U'y him unuiigd to run a huruB of hurvL'Ht exeumioiiH te South and North Dakota, and to olher htutes in the Went, Northwest und SouthwcHt on tho following dateti: July 21, Aui/iiHt i und 18, R( ptem her 1, 15 '^'.1 und Ocrohur 0 mid 20, at the low rate ot two dnlluiH more- than 0110 furu for tho rniind trip. TioUofcn will bo :oad for roturu on any TuohcHv or Friday within twenty one duyu from dato of mile. For ruttiB, tuuo of tr'unn and furthor do tails applv to any coupon ticket auent in tholiuHt or South, or addro^u A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pufthfu/jjer agent, 2 King otreot 15., Toronto, Out. ~--------------<^.--------------- Madairio Calvti und Mudainu Molha will both appear in the next iuuuo of Tho Lmhon Homo Journal with articlea on the voioo. Madarao Media haw wrutou boforo and ih in fact , no no^icn with tho pen, but thiH in Madame Culve'u llrnt attempt ut authornhip. She wioto the urtiolij in Frunoh, andafturan EughHb tiaiiEilation had boon miide of it oho had tho original mauuiioript bound botivomi moroooo oovorn an a souvenir of her debut uu a write*. Yon run We Well When your blood iu jmre, rich ami tinuriuh* iu for norvoii and iuuhoIuh. Tho blood ih thu vital fluid, und when it iu poor, thin and impuro you muat Hiifft-r from uonm UhttrDBtung diocuao or you will ctuly lull a viatim to tuidilo 1 ahaugQ, exposure, or ovorworlc. Keep your blood puro with IIood'H Bavoaparilla and bo woll. Hood'H PiIIh aro tho boat n/tor-dinnor pill; UHfUHt dit;eiitioii, unro hoiiduolio. 25 COtltU. Tllli GREAT r3H\ily Medicine of tlie Age. Tnl:-\u l>r'nrnaIWi It Cures t~)irtir>it> ' C .mi/), and Pain lit the c ../if ', 'i' ' Throat, Sudden Colds, 1 Ih .:. t ' - ' , irnQ, ocaida, Spralna, - '," . i i.'n ht the Ftico, NuumkjUi, '*' 1 'i 11 li * mil iinWiwli (1 I)i>|nil4r< >": 1 iiv- \,. : , I lit 1 \. 1 iitui ' '- 1 tl r l * ,JV .. ll'l'lll. 1 I IMi.-l., liiiKri DAVIo. ' 1 1 i 1 t 1 ",'1'i'ry nf llm T-l'ii- i 111 I-' >i 11 Inu llm 1 i-1 I > I O .> 1 J ,,- il .Ulli III- LlllCiH- -.14,. 1 111 lu.n-ICllW. wJilrli |tj 1 mi 1 1 'il ,*iiiu\ liitno 'i'r ir-tuti I 1 ' n 1 i' 1. 1 -if 1 n ivIiik |finl 1, vw 'i ,.j.um> iiiHjunlti) I'urry UdvU' ' ". .1 - if < dliTtVi ^otitUno **1*U1U1V 'i , V . * lui, I. . II.*,.!)*.. ' Aft i < ,'1; i Vi ,.r<3 WE 1 SIMPSON, Munufuctin-or ol Fob- tov'ni'utout Union Artificial Iiimbs in Si 114 Ilatoo at, De troit, Mich. J>orintlT* ^atidoftnoB and blanks tor mibkhiM ii^plloations for . fovcu*nmt)t ordara lor" ^ ',$& luibfi and ti-iniBportatlOu ' "j'S n or commutation therefor Btmt fruu on apnlloatloa S6- /: / "" lei ' 1 Ar ijitikihtiu^ ,-iM^i^^ y-> ii