TEST - IPR records

Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 23, 1896, p. 6

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^ ' ' ' unuVifM ill"'.!" $-# IT Bf;> fe;:' 7ft'/* St.- fej. Is invaluable. If xou-ato rtin. dovra* as it is a food atfwolW.a : Will build you up if your gunural UcultU la ; Impaired, ; The D. t L- Emulsion : nf ! "cfttfl tomuohB. * LThe D. & L- Emulsion ] :.Japmcflbed by tho ItuulliiK phYiucUirooi .-, f /TheD. fit U.,Emul3Son 'j :ll a torvoUouflB8b product* uiul w,llr> ^ '. you an appedto. ^ r 0Oc. & 1 po* Bottle 3 : Bo surt you got | Davis & Lawrence Co.> no. 3 : the genuiao I Montreal d ;.,tix ni......M 'If"" * lAAlli-UUilAAi i A1A1J No room oan be thoroughly wholesome unless it is floodod with Bonnbluo in eyory corner for at loaBt two b'ournadtiy. Dlroot sunlight Idlla Germs of dinoaso. To Bit in a shaded room whoro thoro i no mnisliino admitted if* to invito disease aud ft poor oomplexion. Br. tfowlor'u Extract of Wild Straw- . borry curoH Diarrhoea, Dysontory, Crawpu. Colio, Oholora Morbus, Ohclora Infantum, ana all Ioohoiiokh of tho bowolfl. Novor traVel without it. Vrioa Out). * i An authority in mattcra of tbla Jciud states that the upprouoli or wrinkloH may be' retarded by half an bour'o absolute* faci al ropowo uvory day. Ah jjootl a way to obtuin this as any, nnd ouo which will ao. compliflh another result, in to go into a darkonod room at a regular hourovory day nnd tako a nap. Sloop smooths out tho wriakloH wonderfully. \u woll KCver* Dkaw'$mn, Aftor suffering for two yoarn from aouto muigoatlnn, I triod 11. B. B. I took only tbroo bottles, which raado mo as woll us ovor I wan. I hijjbly rooom- mond B. B. B. to all dyspcptico. Mnu. John Wiiitk, Auatin, Man. THE MEN .WHO .UWE-vALONE, ^Ho, ho. ha, hn, tho jolly man,. ' Who 1ivy,a)ptol. WJur,j[Mi- '.' v Wo ^o*biw hoiWt-(bat^, laptm , Tho tTrtu(lopt.flrd*u W " v, ,f7 ' Tbut'a Uko to mlno and have a plo Up high lometimoa, you know. "J9uMhat'i-*~0plendid thing to brxoft A foliow up who'H slow s Jit, climbing, wl thi>y *r0 notyto^ uiuU Nor yot too larrfu- ,Now; nilno ' Irt Hiiug nnd wnViu, oxoopt when all Tlin oil's burned out, and flno. But, nay, my viiw noroHH tho atreot Ih wdII, OlHtarblng. Nny, Mot quitu ao bad, boouuHu It'ri awaoi And Kod, But ovary dny Or ovwnlnKl can look uotoba Through wiudowri oleur and briffhi Ami hoo i\ futhor romp und tooa 11 1h youttgHturH in tlui light That u1wh from out bin flro and boo Ilirt wifo Ionic mulling on Anrl kins Him bullion lovingly . Until tho plnturo'M gono. Thoy pull tho mnrtniu down, nnd thou I'm ohorrul na n idnno Ami lnuKh 1"*. hu, tho Jolly nion '" "roonm" iilonol Vnttlty. ?ailo<1 to wnni me pt nppronohina foot- itpps, and W^ion ,jt ,,ton]od it wm th ituvtiud movftiaont oirnaed by a half stip* pWHsod Horouiu. Tboro woro two iadloH, Yoi tho oldor tuixiojiBly Hop^orting tli< yomiRi r, wiiOffe 'faoo wan blahohod und t __L ^ L 1 wlioyo oycB wero fi^trmod npnn mo HA i ; thnn^li 1 wore a torrityin^ upparition. I . i It wuh tlio KUlrthoIndiau Hcrceroo hud 1 i shown mo in Pivrin, but whut did she j ! "Enow of 'niii?"' . j | u",in I,. |. -in 1 "'Wiiut can bo tho ^nattnr, duutfh- t . 1 tor?' iiakod tho oldor. 'You bavo nlwh.w '. 1 b(wn ro Ktroiifr'.and viinronB.' ; ' " 'Ih your'iihino Houry Morton?' icdc- ; ^'" ' cd tho yonn^or of mo, without hcoilin;) m i. t m;u MISTAKE. tho mijtlior'H ([imstion. "lJt iH Wilton ltoholry,1 I roKpondfd qniotly. At that inHtnnt it UukIiciI upon mo that in a doniro to conoonl my idni- tityl Imd ^ivcxithomutioof ibmry A1or ton to tins fortuuu tollor. Thou, with tho intipivatioi) of all uuxiouB lovor, 1 , uddod, 'But I liavo u oounin of that THE A'RTTST'S STORY lmul0'wh0 bv,irH u ttUikinv; *^id.mco ' "- - * t^ mo/ ' 'My immodinto rowurd wan a rovival A i 11 V jlliti i . yi-ui * ! . V.'ii. lie <ii- t . t; .'Ldcapds The i I"a.i?iii!h. Celery ' (-nipt und. 'ulirilitutow aro Dun'- i- > h and OthnrH. niiftuku whorj you 'II lOHt tll-ltltll, ii"\t ouri! itii'l i > vm ttimmirn oi IN DANGER.FROM UNDERTdW ll H> !( WlU) livo In "rooniR" iilonol I V p. i II-t-1 Tho diflloulty of removing" Huh bouou and similar obhtruotiono lropaotod at tho lowor ond of tho onHophagUH ia woll known, and varioqu moohanloal moaHuros and appli- anooa liavo boon iuvnntod to deal with tho difilQiilty, Ooo of tho most Himplo, liow- evoV; and, an reported, ouo of- tho jnoHt -etfaatuu], iH to udmiuiHtor to tho pationt a pint of milk, and forty miuutoa altorward an omotiQ of oulphato of mno, Tho fluid eablly paflBOH tho ohutruotiou,' un.d ia, of couruo, rapidly coagulated in tlio atomaoh into a moro or Iohh oolid mum, which, on boiuij cjoQtod, foroou tho obdtrootiou boforc- it nud no fcffaatH its roraoval. V MONEYJAVERS I?dr FamilieB Who Desire Economize, , Diamond Dyes tho Agents. to It would require many larfjn volumon to jjivb a complete rooord of all tbo fltronu toutimonial lottorH writtau-hy-tho woman of tho oountry in favor of Diamond X)yo0. l'hoso indiiipouiuibln mdii in good houHO- keeping aro gaining in publio favor qvorj wook, and opoo triod, thoy bocomo por- manont homo fayorttoa. <1ut think of it I Ono paoliafjo of Dia mond Dyo will color from ono to uix pounds of goods, according to shado dt- aired. Thin in wonderful work whon tho amalioxpoUBO i ooutiidored. Your laat yoar jacket, Quit, oapot drooa, and your huabantTu Hntt and cbildren'H olothoa may bouoitod, faded aud unn*t;htly; but with a ton oout puckugo of Diamond Dyou yon can work woudoru,{aud mako the old tlunyH look nlto now for thin ooilhou'h wear, Havo you ovor triod tliin work with Dia- mond Dye*'? Ono offort-iu thin direction of truo ooorioray will oonvinoo you^that Diamond Dy'ou aro money Havoca' to tbo family. Now Guinea ih tho horuo of tho motit wonderful feathered croatnro known to tbo htudont of ornithulogy tho awful ripir u'doob, or "bird of death". Thovonom of ihtfl bird ia moro deadly than that of any aorpout, except the cobra. In fact, no untidoto for tbo bito of tho enmturo iti known. A wound from ita beak oautien txoruointiug paina in ovory part of the body, loan of flight, opeeoh and boariug, cotjvuhiiouH, lookjnw aud certain doatb. m.:: baby .growth The baby's missio,n is growth. To that little bun dle of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added hap piness and comfort! Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby beauty. Scott's Emulsion, with hypophosphites, is the eas iest fat-food baby can have, in the easiest form. It sup plies^ just what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth. Scott & Dowwi, Belleville, Out. jo6 aud . "I tell you, ladioH," dcolarod hand* omo nnd oynioal Wilton Koboloy, tho arMfit, 4,a fortuno tollor ahowod mo tbo imago of my wifo two yonrB boforc I ovor huw her in tbo floHh nnd tliounandM of mlloH from tho place I ilrnt mot bor, " "Vou aro tbo hint man in tbo world wboKo mind I would think pbHcurort by tho oloudu of myfttiaiHni, *' rojiliod tho rich Mm, AuHtyn, hiufrioud and patron, "Vou huvo novor Rhown nny piitionco with tbo charlatana who protond to ox- poBo and oicpound thonoorotn thntawiiio providonbo ban ordainod Wo Hhould not fathom. And yofc you oro taxing our orodulity with u utatomont that would bo murvolouH if truo," "I miiHt inaJHt upon my voracity in thitt inHtnnoo," mnilod tho arliHt. "Now, don't stop touvguo, mmmnu," nrgod tho older of tho Auntyu RirlfJ. "Thoro ifl (v Htory in thifl, und uftot Mr. Hoboloy bus told it yon can reoliuua bhn from thD darknonH of liiH uuporHtitioim and ait your thoorion. Now, do toll xm nil about it," and tbroo protfcy HiRtorw Hifthed thoir ourionity in choruH. "JustHO. Vou don't nuk mo to ex plain," Hiiid tbo artiHt with u quizvuioul look. "I shall give you tho romurkublo factH und loavo you to wrontlo with thorn. Eight yearn ago^ I wan in PariH purmiing my otudioH and livod tho life of a Bohomiim from choico rathor tliau from iiecoHHity, Wo follows hold tho ro- HponnibiIitioM of lifo vory lightly and laughed at all hmnan phonomona that would notyiold to tho toHt of matorial-- im. I was ohiof among fcho naofforH and found barofaeed fraud in ovorything from clairvoyanoy to tlfd pioroing of tho futuro throufih tbo medium of tea groundH. ___ ,'Thoat~u5* now, i occaaionally broko ontiroly away from my usual Hurround- ingfi and was ouo day BimntoriiiK along through lino doBoguoH. Anlpawflod ono of tho moat protontiouH Iiousoh I wan Htartlod by a scroam for holpand danbod through tho open doorway to find a woman battling with fliimoH that with groat lonpa and flashes woro couHumiug tho whito drnporion of what Btraok mo as a confiooratod altar out of pliioo. Our combined effortH hoou maHtorod tho in- oipiont conflagration. Ah tlio woman nnointod my bands with some soothing lotion I Haw that aho wan an dark aa a gypny. Hor hair rippled back from bor forohoad iu waves of bluo black, hor oycfl woro brilliant in tbo unmo doop coloring, nnd bor Htrong, ovon tootli tmggoatod polialicd ivory. Sbo was an amazou in aiz'o, yot tho awoopiug ourvc of beauty woro mtcli an to fusoiuato the artiflt, while hor motionH woro as eup- plo and graaofnl a thoBO of a tigor, " 'Vou aro a goutlomau, and thoro in but ono way in which I can offor return for your aorvico,' Hho flaidaal turnod to leave. Hor voico wan oft an tbo notes of a Into, and hor accent gavo uuhuh- pectod ohiirms to my mother tongue. 'I.^yas born of royal blood in India. Through study of tho Bacrod Vodna and tho puro doctrino of Karma I attained tho power of divination. Your pooplo would olaflflify mo among fortune toll- orH, but I am poloa apart from tho vul gar humbugs that trado upon ignorance uudHuporfltitiou. Promise you will come tomorrow, for I am upset by this acci dent. Thon I will bo both your historian and your prophet. I shall count on yon, m'sour.' "Though I mentally sneered at tho woman's pretensions and lay awako half tho night aHsuring myself that I would never sock hor out, I was at her door ton minutes beforo tho appointed time uoxfc day. She had oither assumed, her professional air or was undo* tbo spoil of hor supernatural attainments. Ii of strength and spiritu on tho part ol tlio young lady. Tho nmthor hitrodnoid horsolf as Mrs. GiIhou, hor daughter an MImw GilHou, and then Haid, 'Luoy, wt had bust get bunk to tho hotel' " 'Liucy GilHmi?! And yot it wuh hoi prOHonoo that bad boon conjured up nti my brido to bo. yho was tho girl of my Hkotoh and my dreams, Tho next day 3 called at tho hotol and inquired after hor. I called often. Wo walked, drove, piiinted and boated together. I oariio to i know through tho intuition oflovo that Hho was not indiil'erent to mo. One. evening as wo. drifted luxily through. the water lilies she handed mo a Hkotoh of myself and asked, 'Is that a picture an of Henry Morton V " 'II'h perfect,' I answered, though dumfouu(li:d. A Hhadow of anger crossed hor fuco, and shn was about to tear the picture to pieces whon I caught hoi hands and suddenly showed tho ropro- . duetion of iiornelf that X had made iu Paris. It was hor turn to bo surprised, and when I told bor of my cxporientfo ab the fortune toller'HonB.uodoBouges, , giving hor tho date, sbo quiokly ox- claimed; " 'Why, 1 was thoro with Maroia Ar- 'in ' Urn It. II'., Ill' It' < I ll \l' < J'lH.- I s i mi' 11 N-i \ -ii' v.. I. I'M ii i n< :< ll HI H en U'*- < (' l>o it YmiOCi'Dtly, 1tei:nim) Tlioy I> Xul Know How lo IU\ WlvH, Women may bo charming,' wholly devoted to their homes and thoir hus- n .f i v i-i r *. * bands, and yet bo no tactless, thought- nold. .Mamma and I did huropo u. loM and aggravating as to drive hus- seaHo tand wo two girl vjmted tha 01imlfl to tho 01tronio oS raiflor Any Indian princess just to a lark. That; ollKOrVHllt ,llumolor oouldrecall numbers was where I saw Henry Mor on, whom of illHtanc0H of .wom0|| who lrmn Want How * Quick Wlttod Xlostonlnn ttavod Three TUvp*. , Hero ia a Btory whloh ia too much to the.erodit ^f two ladies andta gentlo- uian to be wholly suppressed. Thoy nro all strong HwimmorH , and oan bnttlo wikh tho waves In valiant fashion. They qbanoed to bo in, the sea at ono time and on a shore whore tho under tow is irresistible a. short diBtanoo out Tho man st^ddonly felt, himself in that Utrcng, torriblo, outward pull of thowa- iors of the mighty deep. Ho understood Immediately that ho and his com pun- ions would shortly bo no moro unions by iromendoaH, instant, individual oxot- tion thoy pullod for tho shorn. In that trcmehciroufl current not ono oould help another. H-oW to got "thoso girls" ashore withoht terrifying them.and put ting thorn in still greater danger through their fours was tho problem of that torriblo moment. ' Tho num solved it like-" a horo. Ho made a sign, a Hound of personal dis tress and bogau swimming iiiHhoro. IHh companions in tho waves hoard and saw lu' v/blto face Both boliovod, as ho meant them to, that bo was throat- cnod with cramjw und swam inshore, too, calling out cboerful, encouraging words to him um thoy pulled for tho shore, assuring him that ho would soon bo all right; that; they could got him iu ,- <.i .iim.'Um. huh Hijr-1 nafely if lio really should give out, and I'a i n*- Celery dun-; othor words to that otfoot. Jt Was not long bofore this man of mortal courage stood upon tho boaoh in safety, and thoso ho had thus rosouod from death stood on either sido of him andboard what it would havo meant for them nil to havo spent another momont in that outrushiug tulo. It was a noncombatant in tho ntrifo for lifo who remarked: "That follow was a groat; phijosophor. Ho know how to appeal to tho now woman when swim ming hor strongest against tlio old or der of things. Ho only offorod his plea to tho 'ctornal womanly/ to woman's maternal need of taking oaro of tho sick or tho liolploHH. Thoso girls will prob ably always ttiink it was thoir own phyn- ical strength and powers that rosoruod thorn from death by drowning, but it was really tho 'eternal womanly,' bout upon helping ono thoy boliovod in dan ger and need. " -Boston Tniuscript. In llrti d[ tho Hunt li i i>- i h prii.llioed, 'I'll.' i "in ) ..i ...I (liuiil rcHLMimil ' I I ' :< 'Ml iierviuin i||h- 1 ' .M Hb(-pl(ihHII-HrJt -^m n ., rhuuiiiui'Mii), i' i i . I ' < ink by ilit* iisti (i ! i tn ii 'i. mun aim \i\<-' \ ' ( . tn oumpltoiito j ' 1 U M- I) I S, ! i t 111 - mil I Ol 01] I'll ll'lV" I - '-An-- ' ftaiatityyVfi&Jjtfy Deutftohraann, according to & mwlipii'.:".,^ p&per, has succeeded ia ouring blfodnrnv.^ by injeoting,tho liquid o( a rabbit's eyft ^>'*& into the vitreous ho mor of the hum an eye.' /;,| Tbla ia oonaldcrori the moat dohqi4aurjU*o-'jtfiM al ooertiQD;Dver,pei"fo)jtoeJ. ~ty% FVERY FAMILY :^^ SHOULD KNOW-THAT ii i lie fi.mo good worn im i s|Ji<i:iiiii<riln.| w(ir ( do mi I- i < < Mini, piiiniiiM-m : the ltoil euro- in ii t'Uilihi up every inn w Hiiun even ttlt' i tliM (Jootor bavo h' Ml Hi l-n * ' I) V< l I tierllilH' Puiim'ii M'i"" fn in \nnr doiiler ; /lonk ; ..rin *IJ,ntie' " inn! th*,p M|6elt of WOMEN WHO'(vlADD'E^il MEN, I was told fato had decreed as my fn tiiro husband, * "Beforo wo rowed homo it waH all explained, and tho sequel of our strange experience was a happy marriage. The dusky prophotONH who had confused the name of the two girls nvuh'ii cultivated fraud. Jt was all a trick of tho minors, ladies. " Detroit Free Press. of tact and intelligence aro almost driv ing thoir husbands mad by getting on thoir nerves. They forgot that busy men roquiro ubsoluto brain rest, chango of uoeno, change of subject. Thoy 'forgot that, however worrying tho littlo affairs of a houHohoJd may bo, tho anxieties of a groat business upon which tho whole family's proaont and futuro depend aro ,, far greater. A friend of inino who ia uh rtiou r s Wy. uow nearly a millionaire told mo in ,??" y dly ! confldenco that while ho whhsitting ono night over bis smoking room flro won- doring whether ho could next day possi bly survive a torriblo oriaia which was , , , .... , hanging over his head and might load trad Rhcdfl Bi-eni to vio with ono another! to disastrous bankruptcy, with debts to in tbo exhibition of tbotio hupo pnmtod | tho extent of 200,000 or so, bis wife a letter of tlio alphabet oould havo boon descried, oitbor on tbo Surrey or tho Middlosoxslioro of thoThamoa, but now mills, wharves, hotels, chimney stackn placards, which aro uu abomination to fcho oyo and an offootufll bar to tho im provement of London from an aesthetic point of view. . But if tiny one is Ran* guino enough to aupposo that "business mon" will give up tho system on the ground that, while it iinuoys other peo ple, it does not benefit themselves, ,we aro afraid ho is doomed to disappoint ment. Tho people who go to tho expense of putting up these placards must know boat whether thoy aro of any uso, aud it can hardly bo believed that they would j contiiiuo to spend money on thorn un-1 camo whining into tho room to say tho butcher must bo paid tlio next day. And tho amount of tho butchor's bill was undor f)0. It is on such occasions, that a man wnnta n helpful wife ouo who will toll him about or road aloud tbo last good novel, who will say: "Oomo, let us go to tho theater tonight. Youneodchango of.scono." Aud, above all, ouo who knows just whon her husband requires nothing moro than to bo left alone. It is women .who got on thoir'husbands' , , , norves that drive thorn to tako baoholor less they wero. Whether many among; holidays when thoy ought to bo gotting /' I HAD NO I'AITH." Ia n vary xuni'iu liable turandy, bat!'-, for ITST- .TEIlNAti niift MXlAItU/.Xj up*, r.Mi'Y'oa- darfui iu IU quluk action to ri.Uovo Iteb-oaM. PAIN-KILLER ftSSZTZSi 2?X IiI1Im* lllurrhonn, njfHriU*sryr CromiM. Clioleni* ftbiittU UuWulCoui^Uluu. PAIN-KILLER ' 1,Ei sir. ItncU or Hide, llhr-Uiuiitl^ut and Alcarularln* PAIN-KILLER tn^SSVSKJtS SI.tOE. Ul'HriKN HI-XlllV ANU ITIIMANKUT VILIKr tn all rnnou of itruUvitf CiiIk. Hprulnii, tfevero PAIN-KILLER BJ& a^r. Hid or thfl HXnltnitlcv Vitvinvr1. I'liini*!*-. Hullur. nnU In fAdftU i:I;im.' wttlillnu n Iiie<tf-llt ulwr at haul. utdnAyiCi'MixK lufufuuiiy or oxtcruully with cuUlnty ofrll*f. . ll<iwkr tit liniUtluti*. t*ko IintiA but lliu ReUulnt Tiuny VXVu." Sold itvrywh<iri i '& ^if littlo. Vor/ lutgtt bottlo, Wo. W A-lSTED- and Women Oau- VimHorfl for Cn.)nidn cnil AustriLlIa, "Quoen" Vlotorin, \U)Y Liftt und Kiiitfn." IiitroductlQd by Xiord DuUorla. A UulllluK wt'W book. Baled miivvolloufl. Tbn Quoon n wirl, wlfa, mothai, mouafoh. Itouda liko roniutioo. Qratidly illua- trat*(l. Ill|( ooiuiuIhuIoo. Bo -Khou ilme-Profr. txiotun Iron to cuhvaHBom. KsoIubIvo territory, IjOfcHof .Kionoy in it Tine llKArjt-.iiV-OiimKTHOV Co , Li'n., 40 Hiobmonu Ht. Wost,.TorontoaOuk m. I SiMPSJIN, ManufaoUn-or ox Fo^ tor's Patont Union ' Artificial Limbs tho thorn would bo found publio spirited enough to saoriflcn tho advantage do- rivotl from such erections to tbo mom lovo of tho beautiful which,'.unhappi ly, has not that influenco among Eng-' lishmen which it possesses in some other countries wo flhould bo disposod to, doubt. London Standard. moro onjoymont from tho wifo'a com panionsbip. Of courfio there nro mon who are al ways out of sorts dyflpeptio boars with Roro lioads, who requiro strong minds to manage them but there aro very many others who only want judicious, Hym- pathotio treatment to bo tho best hus bands in tho world. Avoid boing silly, x:ntiuK Riowiy, 'avoid*Buying silly things or trying to Tho opinion that hurry in eating is a nmic0 conversation or commenting on proline cause of dyspopsin is founded on Bomo romark your husband una made, common observation. Tho ill results of Rma and think in order to cultivate in- bolting food havo boon attributed to the tolligenoo and resourriofuJuoflH, with the lack of thorough masfiioation ami to the objoot in view of being his counselor incomploto uotion of tho saliva upon the ani\ j^ifj friend, and, above all, "chum." food. Two thirds of tho food which wo That word moaua much. London But My Wifo Porauudml Mo to Try Groat South American Ilhcnmatio Guro and My Auoni/ins Pain Was Gone in 19 HourH, and Uouo for Uiod. J. D, MoLnod, of Loirli, Out., iiuyit:. "I hate iH'on u victim of rhoumatium for H.-vtiu yoitrw oaiiihiL-d to my bud for rn'ii'thH at a Mtiht; uimble to turn mysolf. Iht-vi- bwfii liL'iiti-u, hy m^iiy phyniointiH" wi bout ui.y l.oiifcti'. [ luiX no fiiiih iu ln*umitia aurt-n I huw uiivertittiid, but. my wift liiduucd in-; to g-t h liottlo of South Vmoriotin Kbouumiio Guro from Mr. Tuy- or, druuuiHi, in Owen Round. At'tliut i'i,o I wan in iii^ouy w/i \i p-nii. Inmde of 12 bourn itfter I Mini tultim tho llrnfc ilosa lio puhi had all U-ft n.o. I continued un- ! I had UHod riiro-v b ittk'M, and I now con- h -U-V mvwlf cotnji'i ti-ly ourd." Hold by I Thorno. 11QA1M IltttoB nk . Do^ trait,-'Midi. 1/odcrlptivo mtaloKUos and bliuihs for mukinu apulloatlona tot povommont urdors for limbH and trans port nti on oroommuUtion tho rotor Hout ttoo on applioatlotl ao- Wanfed-fln Idea jiayg. WoahltiBum, n. o.,fnr thoir i.fi(iO orlzooait nd lwt or two limniraii lnvontloiiH wanuwi Who.fljir. nilnk ot hod:. '.o tblatf torwwnt? ESSEX HfirveHt lCxeurnioim. oat is starch, and starch cannot bo util ized in tho ayatom as food until it ban boon converted into sugar, and thifl ohango ia, principally oft'eotod by tho saliva. 13ut thoro is a third roanon why rapidity of eating interferes with diges tion, Tho prononoQ of thoHulivury secre tion in tho stomaoh acts as a stimuluR Graphic' ... , , , . , to tho Boorotiou of tho gaatrio juice. Ir- will not describe tho 'inner temple of' r0Hrjtu,tjvo of thopioohwiicul function of myatevies' to. which sbo conducted mo, : tho tcoih| foo(1 wJlioh e0uH iut0 t,1(] but in tho wqird olYcot of itslmngingH, mirrors, grotesquo carvings and mythic al symbolw it challenges tho most hard ened skepticism. Throwing the whole light of a golden light upon my ^co with a powerful roflootor, she general ized upon my piiHt lifo as any shrowd judgo of human nature might do. Then, suddenly knitting bor browH and lean ing closer, aho slowly spGllod out 'Mar- cia Arnold.' " 'That is the name of tho girl you will marry,' she announced in a dreamy voioo, 'and theroyou se.fljjpr,' "With that tho lights" faded to tho dimness of doop twilight aud thoro fol lowed tho darkness of a dungonn. Oppo- sito mo as if in lifo was tho imago of the swoot and beautiful woman you know-as Mrs.. Hoboley. Novor boforo had I beon dominated by tho tondor pas sion, but thoro I was fathoms deep in lovo with what might havo boon an en chanting illusion or a superb painting. So deoply was I impressed that aftor leaving in a bowildermont of doubt I skotohed tho mnguifluont orenturo so in- dolibly impressed upon my momory. "JEightoon months later I was iu southern California, enjoying tho modi- oinal virtuos of tho elimato nnd'fluding subject*) in some of the doliglitful scen ery. Ono morning I had my oasol at the edge' of a wooded prooipico overlooking charming spreud of landsciipo. The Velvet carpeting of grass and moss had gOuH stomach incomplotoly mingled with saliva pauses slowly nnd imperfectly through tho process of stomaoh. diges tion. Thorel'oro, as a sanitary maxim of no moan value, teaoh tho children to oat slowly, and in Giving this inGlrno- tion by exauiplo .tlio toucher as well as tho pupil may rcooivo beuoflt. Troy Times. Hlmipliiff a Flno Art. Most persons labor under tho dolusion that sleep is a natural function, and that slumbor is a state that requires no preparation. 015; ^,^ j i* ' \ G r.iii.' Ati- \ -i hit ('in -! Kw' ' I I (-hi ! --Vust*'i"* ^ "' i ('H A 'd nf J i t\: lit \*. 'h IJiir- I or I bi ll Dr. Ani'i-U"- Can I r it- il. (in' !. \n:-i \vi 11. lei.ou n (;. ,\ !(. in i.r (tf \\ - . V i , 'ii'(| !) '.My uinn> .. p Ij'itu lion Mm) tint' '.-niiii i>f t lit- i iii-ho i .vo'bitti.ltiii 'll yoiii' VfilU'ii e i:n It'll ijlw* a new nniti. I li-tvi* t'U"n i d I'O'I.U-h of (iiIht inndiuni' - lit Ip I-un rui Hiiir it- io in y (iifii'lh onp ,1'tiii.ny psm-ihir*. U m". l'tu .- 'lutidii cf ,'JU Kiiuini'h afu.r ih loMj't h:i ! i(j'ht-f " Soli by -J- I'll i t In order to giv<i ovutyouo an opportunity in hoo the urui'id owps in ihu Wootoru f'tOH ai.il (iiiablu the intending niuilor tn --euro a liomo, tho Cbiougo, I\filwaul(oo & ^t, I'nit^U'y htut iirningi-r] to run a m-nes 'f barvpHl oxcurhioun (n South and Nortli "iikou, ami to'orher v-tiiieu in tho WoHt Nortluveut nnd HuutliW'-wt on tho following .hitus: July 21, Augunt -1 and 18. S< pti-m- l 20. at thi- w ruto of two .flolbtrH moro Minn one r.- for tho romul' trip, Ti.Otet- wi.) ho <i:d for rt'iiirn no it-.i-y-TucHdaynr Friday within iwmjt> oin- (l.yH ft oin du'e ; f hiiIh, Kitr rates, time of 11 .him and further do- ' - In uppiv to any coupon licltet tmont in i.oKt.Ht or South, or u.tiiio-iH A. .1. Taylor. ' n-i<lmn Phhhi ni*ot agii-t, '2 "Kin/i utrtol K. ' Toronto, Oot. Tolmeeo jDt-;i i, Muolihi/arl 'mi omia'o ^veafiiK-fii) ih r; un.-.d bv undue ihn < 1' :>. i, ptdpittttiou, inn1. "ii'M ."-, -U'lh'-hihn, n\- . itahd t.^.laok o) coniidenoo, eto., pro Hure HVmptomn. Milburu's Dearb und Norvo Pills briu ready relief, by steadying thn norvoo and rogulatii-g the heart. Thoy aro a truohoiirt and nerve food. Medical Hall! lloadquartors 'tor School Hooks, School Supphoa, Noto.Papor.EnvolopnB, Inks, Writing Tablets and offioo Stationery. CI. A. BUSBBIXT DISPENSING AND FAMILY DKUGGIBT- o d , ,. h 11 111. \ t I i II ill llr- iHaliollo KulHor. _.......___________ _ Mile. Isabollo Kaiser won tho, prize Givon a bed and a certain ' offorod by tho Swifis government for tho hour .of tho evening, and sloop follows best cantata to bo sung in chorus at the iH thoir simple creed. As a matter of, opouingof theGonovnexhibition. Thoro fact thoy And tnat thoy do not always Bleep whon thoy think thoy should, but it never occurs to them that thoir the ory is wrong. But it is. Sleep is a stato requiring careful preparation, and with out that preparation its bost rcsulta can not bo obtained. Tho MlulHtor Did Ii. . MKinnoawinskootskor, bus tho Most uumauageabio name on oarth. Ho says that thoro novor was but oho individual Who endoavored to doBignato him upon first aorpiuiuttmco." 4,Whowaflthat?,V uTho olorgywian who mnrriod him. Ho looked at Klnnoy . for a moment,, glanced at a card in his hand and then laid, 'I pronounce X pronotmco you man and wife.' " Philadolphia Ggli was coiiRiderablo competition, but Atllo. Kaiser was .facile prineops. Tho council' of stato sent her'a uomplimontary lottor and a handsome piece, of hrouxe soulp- iuro. Sho baa beou winning prizes iu limilar competitions Hiuco who waa 10. ITCHING, B'JRHING SKIN DISEASES CURED FOR 35CEFTS .^ pr. Agnow's Oiutmenfc rbhovos in ono day and oiiros tottor, Bale rhonm, piles >ou|d head, oozotba, harbors* itoli, uloorp, blotnhou all ornptmna of the akin. It is Hoothirn/ and qnitituiii and aots like ma^io in tho cure of all baby humors { 35 oouts. Bold by J. Thorno. A vory oxcollout authority claims, that tho diuugurummit popularly cubed "olaok- hmtd*' ono hour, bo pruvuutett by the apph- omiou of tho following preparation, once a day for. a wet-k or hu, or whuiiovor it uooms uecoHsary : solution of ammonia, ilvo drops i oenontial oil ot geranium, fivo drups; ^outimo (jsson- tiitl oil oi laveudiir, hvo drops, addod to oimoo of ruolitloci Hpirit- ol wiuo. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wilson Avn., next Aberdeen Hotel. Tho lutoHt improved mnohinory for Ironing Collars una Guffs. Will not, oraok or bruuk too wing. Fnmily work nho.-ip. mil delivored. Parcels oallud for . PlniiHi' onll und try. It not satisfactory no aharu'f will bo rnado. t our work suits you, reuorniurnii un to vmr fri'.uds, '^.^^'.. ' f" M *:j -.V COR .D|AK*n;-h-.tA. ' ,'-'^- COL(0v!?Af:::'S ,' CHOtEfi'A ImK'vMTUM' RICE.OW'S v.Wiloc-tC In what, you imn.iiiy on gcitiing whon ynu buy lr m un. Our wajou goos do ah parts of the town. 8uns, Cakes arid Pastries, You cant nnd nicer, fresher; or sweet er in ilio oountry. All kinds of Fauoy Oaiiua uiul J.llv Jiolln. faesh Taf/y and Gafidias-:- .> lay, Wo sull nolJiiun; ataloor every, d ry.. a 4 ' A mr m iLUil yon.ciUi rely on prompt do- ' M. ,iv,'ry" '... . \--$:pM -. i|1^ ' ' FRA'HK'F&SSy' ":"'"*" (ippoaito iluek (t.'JKvttlioln, Eaaox V" FOR TWFHTY-SIX YEARS ry,.;."^gl THEGOOlCSBESTfRlEiNbll . (LAfiGesTa'At-E.iN Canada^' 'wtyy| ^w \:-\#>.-:--tfciWM iiW^teitjl^

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