mi 1$ JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co, BANKERS, v^jrth-Agents Jax.Th.B- Boyal, .ii* is": The Guarolan and' The ljaixpashiro. '"','" . The bertlnrarftnoeOouipariiMin the world. VVarOfikoaBpeclaJty of Insuring Farm I'ro- pwty. Money to Loan at 5 and &H r *n*-on Farm Property. ' .. Fanners Insuretmu. in Good Reliable Companies. NOTICE. All Aooonntd duo tho Into firm of Dns. DicwAJt & MoKjcnzik aropayablotoBB.BEWAR, Wind sor. A prompt Bettlomont iff requested. in: \'\f The Essex Free Press, BRETT & AULD, PROPRIETORS. FRIDAY. OOTOBKtt 23, 1690. <*<- Town and^Vicinity. So IreAadtaple Smith*fl 25 oent toa, Ohoice haimH &rfu baoou aliocd, aheap a Smiths. V Oharlea HeroiuRwaY, of Ypwlanti, Mioh visited in town laab week. .*;, Miaa Ella Pettypieoo, of Komptvillo, in *v" visiting her aimt; Mrs. Wm. Trimble. M. J. Wiijle.AtX'&ro dotting up ov'- coata to orclor VyromarkablY low prices. MiBBefl Stella Hoblpaoii, Aoulo OaHlor . -and Mlvart BobitiBOii apont Sunday with friends m LeamiuKtou. Aside of uuolalmod goods will tuUo , plaoo ct tho Customs Warehouse, Essex, on Monday next at 11 a. m. N. W. Ford, of Hb. Thomas, haH pur chased the Chatham Banner and ban taken poBBeBBiou of tho Bttmo, Thou. Squho and dauuhter, Oooilia, of Kntbvou, called on Joa. Robiuson on Huu day. Mibb Bquiro will remain in towu for a low daye. Dr. McKonssio la slowly Mcovorintf at tbo Chatham GoaoralHoHpUal, though il will be a fow wooka beforo ho Ih able to ro turn to bis homo hero. ' H* M. tfoaaotto, general agonfe for tho Canada Life ABHuranoo Co., has bopn in town tho puttt wook on buulnoaa with tho local auont, G. J, Thomas. Tho Windsor Rooord saya: "Tho in tention ib to rebuild tbo burunl toll tffltoa , at an early dato. It ib aaid that oaoh fcollhouao will bo armed with a gatling W. J. Bryan, tho Democratic oandidato ,' lor President, completod hia Michigan .'" tour at Detroit on Saturday evening last by addressing throo difforoat audionooo from 8 to 11 o'olook. Tho oatio ol tho Windsor Water Cormnis- sicnoru va. tho houdsmou of C. J. Bold, late collector of wator ruton in Wi minor, was heard by Chief Justice Armour labt WHtikaud dibtnitided. Owing to tho fuuhionublo fad of tho Bryau faoo, it in nuid that in Toronto whiauora and roooataohen liavo boon shod in such quantities that tho prico of hair umttreHaos has declined lifty percent, B. Houdoroou, of tho G, N. W. Tolo- ginpb office huro, loft on Ptiday last for hia homo in Gnolph in rcHponoo to a tolo- gram that thoro waa aioanoua in tho family. H o will bo pouo for a couple of wooka and hin plaoo horo in boiuf; taken by Goorp;o Tbatohor, o( Bidgotown'. Dour Boaaan opoufi on tho lnt of Novem ber and laatH till tho l5th and tho follow ing tfontlomon from thin vicinity will loavo on tho BUth inut. for Bosbouq, Muakohu Diatt-iot, to pot iu a oonplo of wooIc'h aport: Chafl. ThraHher, Walker Garduor, C. J. Gardner, Frank StottH, Henry Bpeochloy, fc , Chae. Mmnnor, John Gormloy and Joel it .Whuuoy. GoorRO WaltcrH, Wiudnor corroHpondont of tho Detroit .lonrnul, whilo uttppin^ off a htrtt-t owr in Detroit Wednesday, of Jan^ weolc, was run into by a eoorohor on a wheal and badly hurt by bointf thrown to the pavement. Ah tho whool waa oou- | Bide/ably damaged it waa indeed that tbo jfotfacorohor hd been oui'fiaiemly puuiuhod Vfand bo wan allowed to go. lun MaoLuron, author, of "Buuido tho Bohnii/Briar BuhIi," who in on a viuit to <Qanuda astounded tho people of Hamilton $$ : by (taking K>U0 for a 'lecture. Id m uvidont that tho uood old Reottiah prayer, "LorJ [{io uh a tfuid opinion o1 ouraurn," waa a favorite in Drumtoohy. Aud it ih evident .that it lino bt-cu auHwered in tho oaae of the mieioter of Drumtoohy. frod Day, Gonural Secretary of the rovmcial Babbath School ABHooiation of Ontario, will vi'ait l^Hatx County during tho flrat ton dtiyo of N svoinbor, holding o0"* veutionH at tho following phic-'B:- Orimbor, Monday, Novomhur and, ultoruoon and . ovtming; Konox, Tufldayt Novomhor Itrd, : afternoon and ovoniui!; VVindnor, Wcdnea- ' day', Wovoniber -lth, iifteriioon and ovon- iug; Harrow, Thurnday, Novombor. 5th, afternoon and evening; KiiiUHviHo, Friday Noyenber flth, uflornoon' and evening; JjeamioKton, Monday, NovomberUfh.after- noou and evoninji; Amhoratbiirpf, county MS".:, convention, Tuobday and Wodnouday, No- J^.'T; . yembor IQth and 11th. At oaoh of tho p-'u.;,'".; above oonvoutiouH Mr. Buy will take an "fe' aotiyo part, and all intoroated in tho ad fe. .'vanoeniont of Habbath Sohool work abould 'Mil b^preseut and help to make tliono oonvon jfe'. Uons aeuccOHH. In addition local help ar^ Jiil'|!, ianffemeutB aro boibfj mudo to Hoouro tho ji!</:'. aflaiatauoo of ablo workcrH outtiido tho y$0\ i-pounty. B. .0. Wkkbm, Buorotary of tho Kfficv! JEbbcx Oounty AsHOciation. ".' OhjyBftnthomumfl aro m bloom. ^fO oen flannelette (or Go at Bmith'B. JSl\r% good towoltiug 4 oonta a yard nt yflmith'a. A light flurry of enow fell hero op Wed- nesdav morning. M-J. Wlo A Oo.'a hand-made boota aro Rolu^Yui like hot oakoa. MrB. Wm. Lalng baB returned from her viait to relatives in Wellandport. Matthew Cunningham, of Boyno City, Mioh,, has boon viHitin iu town. TbOH, Held, of WaUiqrvillo, paid a visit thin wook to hia nioot, Mra. J. A. Frauoin. Iioavy tworfQ droHB goods reduced from 29 ounta to\/ota, y0 otH to 144 ftt Bmith'H' Mm. A. 1. Clarke, of Windsor, has boon quite ill with diphtheria hut is improving. M.'J. Wigto JfCo. aro BoIlinglarKoqua"- titieaof boots, bIioob and Granby rubbora, For a ohobo r/Jalib of boof, or ohoice meat of any kind o\jlat Tate'a. Hia priooa aro tho lowest. j Apploii for nah), GroeningH. Baldwins or UuaaotH, baud picked, for loooutfl per bua., at W. H. BuHBoire. Mrs. B, Uoakiu, o I tho Bobinaon Coraot Co,, will bo at Khhox to roociye ordorB from October '24th to October 29th. MrB. J. Oatmaiii who han boon apendiun a fow week with hor aintor, Mrw. Wm. Hil- , lier, returned to hur homo in TilHonbur^, on Monday.' Boarderaor roomotH>keu atMro.Fanl's; warm rootriH with usb of Fiano or OrgaU for practiHO, fko/Talbob st., first door north of M. CAtf. Grain bags 91\VQo^.at Smith's. Cat prices in alUt^ooeriea at Smith's Men's underWar 35 oeota up at Smlih'H Henry WilliumB, of TJtioa, Mich., spent Satarday last in town. P. Brady, of Oolohoater South, will move to Ebb ox Town this fall. Wellington Btotts, of Fargo, Kent Co., baa been visiting at the homo of hia par- ontfl lb town. .7. McLaren and D, MoMaokoy70f IltRh; itato, have been upending Homo daya at J. Ifl.'Btono'H, Wilcox A BroVvn wjrfTtako pohbcbhiou of their atore in tb\ fcrott Block on tlm iMt of Novcmbor. H. lliobardaonand wif(of Detroit, via- Itod. laat wuok at. \V. TI. BiohardHon'H, A-Hou etroot. A New York girl dialooatcd hor jiw while yawning. What a utayur her young man iunnt be 1 . ' Kuhox Iiodgo. No-lb.A. O.-.U, W., will bold ahooial in \fytox hull on the evening of November 9th. 'filiub Ida Btraoban loft laat Saturday on a hii weoka' viaib with frlondB in St. t- -1 W &.<' til * w Horuoo Luho, who haw boon ole'rlt at tho Crawford Uouho, in WindBor, for nomo timo.haB roturnad to bin old poaltlon bh olerk at tbo International, Bov. M. P- Gampbull was Bway preach ing anuivorHary ttormono at Euphomia aud Bothwoll on Sunday luHt, whilo Bov. h, iter, who ia pan tot iu tho abovo named Htutiout), proachod in Ebhox and Brookur. On Monday laat there wan reported at thohoftlthofhoo, Bt. Thomas, twopty oanoa of diphtheria, with two doatliB ou Sunday. It appearB tho dread diBeano has a tight grip on tho oity. Tho foliowinu.oftioorB wore elootod in tho Yonng l'ooplo'a Society of the Baptist church for tho next nix monthfl: Proa., hi. Willflhor ; Vioo-Froa., P. Sloat; Sec Jamoa Baymond ; Troaa., Mias A. Mo- Cuffory. Tho nalo of 50 uoroB ol lot 3, in tho 8fch oouooayion of MorHoa, took plaoo at tho AbordoonHotcl, on Wednesday, by Daniol Sinclair, anotiouoor. Thoro waa no bid and tho land (joon to tho pofluoaaion of tho rnort^U|{ooB. CharloB Giracoy,. of Pioncor, California,. epout a fow dayo in town laat wook with hin niator, Mra. 0. fi. Naylor, Bo had boon in Philadelphia on buaiuoHB with tho mining company with which ho ia engaged and waa on hin way back to California. A flag Bigni.il mootiug will bo hold in tho S. A, barracks noxt Wodueftday ovouing; Colored nignal flags will be run up the muBt head and oxplainod, with nonya and Htonon of tho eoa intorminglod. Thin in a very intorontiug, malruobivo and bountilul Horvico. PartioH who with to write at tho civil aorvioo oxaminationa ahonld writo at ouoo to John FrunoiH Wator^, M. A., Secretary Board of Civil Servico oxaminationa, Ot tawa, for blank forms of application. Tho examination!! oommonco on Nov. 10th, and there if, no time to lono in notifying tho de partment of intention to writo. Owing to tho heavy applo, corn and root crop ttno ueaHon farmora are conautorahly buiiind with their fall plowing, in fact wo no not remombora yoar uo littlo plowing wao flnihhod at thia date. Many aro too buay to drivo thoir graiu to- market, al though tho recent advanco an whoat may only provo a temporary apurt. .Ladioo' undor-'rtTjar 18 cento up at Smith'H. \ / tiormoDH iMiohulf of tho Trust Funds of Grace Mu'tliodint churoh will bo preached on Sunday next, October 261 h, by Bov. fl. W. Brown, B. A B. D., of Amhoratburg, at 1.1 a. m. and 7 p. m. On Monday oven- ing/.lio annual tea-mooting will be hehl in tho more of J. 1*1. Btono itml a publio tnoot- iag will bo hold in the church at 8 p. m., to be addrotiHed by tho Bovo. 0. W. Brown, W. Ayui'H and A. Thib.idoau. Suitable miirdo will bo impplied by tho choir. Ad- miHfiion, adulta 25 cents; children 15 oonta. Collections at tho Sunday uervices will bo in aid of the trubt funcin, Mon'a winter bopnOroduuod prices, at Srn'ith'u; The MiuHioiVin the Englinh church, com- inoucod.on Wedneaday evening, pot. 21at, and will conclude ou Friday evening, tho 30r.li inot. Kerviec-^ will bn ab followa; 10 a.m. prayer meetiiig ; JJ p.m. !iddrt-n On coniiocriLtion ; 115 p.m. oliildrona' oervicn ; H p.m. FjVangelifjtio norvico; Sunday 11 a. m.; -\ p.m. and 7 p.m. Tho horvico at -1 p. in. nn Sunoay ia for men only.'Tbo prayer mooting and children'^ servico are conduc ted by tho Bov, F. Al. Holraoa, of Loam*' higlen, thu other meotingn by tho Bov, Artlmr Murphy, of Ingeraoll. At tho Bnbux AHHizoB.tho nnit of Brown va, Coutdno, an aotiou brought by John B. Brown, grandfather of an. infant, Edna CoUiiIuh, Mgainnt'iTolm Coudlna, tho father, for M 200 for support of tho child. Do. fondant liven m'.tbo U. 8., and undor rule 1 -l!l9 It in nouoasary to provo that defonfl- ant had property to tho valuo of ft'200 in order to bring tho action within tho juria- dicbiou. Justice Armour dirooted that judgment be entered for t he plaiutiff in tho event of it being proven to tho local maHter at London that defoudani hilia th'i ruqtiiHUo amount of proporty; Aa the de- fcndanii ib ouo of four/ hoira to hin father's $20,000 estate at London, which- Ih now being adminiatered, plaintiff oipooU no difficulty In getting judgment. ThomaH and London. John Goodmun haa returned tohiwhome in Tilaoubnrg uftor upending a oouple of woolm with friends in Ehihix and Geato. C. G. Sootfc, burHar of Uppor Cannda Collogo, Toronto, Hpent Friday and Sat- urdtiy last in towu with his brothora, N.Yj, and T. B. Scott. Hobt. 13. Gregory has boon engaged by. G. E. Smith <& Co. an naleaman. Tho Htafcoment that he had piirchaand tho atom of F. lliddoll at Amor ih not correct. Mrs. D. A. Maxwell, of Amhorstburg, will attmid tho Froyinond convention of thoW.O.T.U,, at Fombroko, which ooii- vouoa on Tuesday nhxt and continues till Friday. Dining the proHent boiihod, J. E. Btono haH shipped from Eaaox utation 2,032 bar- rols of hand plokod winter apploa for tho Llvorpool markot. Frank Stotts, off Windsor, has boon at the homo of hia paronta bore for tho past throo weekH laid up with au attaok of la grippe. 030. Calli tonsorial artiat, was laid up last wook but is out aguiu able to attend to bunini.'Bi(. Mra. John Milno and Mrs. O. O. Barrio are on a viuit to rolativen iu town but will louyo this week for Mrs. Barrio'H homo in Chicago. J. B, Tbompsou waa in town on Wed nesday aud looatod the well for tho Eusex Qm and Oil Co., tho well to bo put down near C. E. Naylor'u mill and worlc will,ho puijhod rapidly. Lovolaoo, of Stony Lako, Foter. boro Co., spent a wook with hia family and other rolativen in town and loft tho flirab of tbo weok for Ohicauo, wbithor a shipment of mica,from tho mino of which ho ih man- agor,had boon sent. W. II. Manning ib having hi lately uo- qnlred rosidenoo, oppomto tho Epioopal church, thoroughly overhauled and will movo bin family thereto at onoo. Tho roBidonoo at present ocoupiod by Mr. Man ning will bo taken by G. A. Shorrin. A. E. Farkhill, of Cliftou, haB bocu on- gaged by W. H. Riohardaou, as (lalesraan in hia hardware atoro, to take tho place of Alex. Wallaoo. Mr. Farkhill ia'a married man and will move his family horo at onoo. John Caaoy, bmkoman on the Arahcrat- bqrg branch of tho M.O.B., waa ansiHting to'ourry three iron pots at tho L. E, & D. B, R. Junction at McGregor, on Friday ovooiug last when tho platform, which was Undergoing repaira, #wo way and his Bbooldor was dislooated. Tho Ladies' Aid ooioty/6f tho Preuby ttriun ohorch will give a jnooial at tho homo of Mm. John TlVaohor/JAbordcon House) on tho ovouiug o\ TuMdiiy, Novombor 3rd. Hot oyntcrH Borvod At 9 o'olook. A good programme. AdtmsRion, 25 oontn. Mnn, A. B. Coopkr, Soo. + . 43-21 Road Smith's v4Ior out pneos in ladioa' co fit o. Hoy. Dr. Fascoo will leavo on tho 2nd of Novombor on a trip to Richmond and Danville Virginia, and expects to be gone over throo Sabbaths. On November 8th litH puipit will bo occupied by Rov. W. Ayoro, of Wooduloo, and on Sunday, No vember 15th, by W. R. Manning, Principal of the EflRQJt Public Seboo M. J. VViglo A Go. orb tho olothlors of Ehhgk. Tho many frienda of Rov. Fathor Mc- Goo, of Maidetono parish, will bo pleased to hoar of his roooyory and that ho is out of all danger. At one time tho rowaB littlo hopes of his recovery, but through. tho hkillful and untiriug attoniiouof Dr.J. W. Brien and tho trained nurao, MiasMaddn( wo aro glad to say that ho iH around again. Henry" C' Niece, of Colchester North, was brought before P.'M. Bonmitn yostor- day (Tbursflay) ou a ahurgo laid by Dr .Tenner that it wati dangerouH for him to bn at largo. Mr. Nio'oo, it will bo romora- bered, last spring nakod to bo oonflnod as a lunatic au ho waH afraid ho would injnvo iiimi^ortho'niorabiira of hia own family. P, \1, Beaman coinmlttod him to Saud- wiuh. . Alex, lining, has Hold Flauotariuraa to the sohool boards' of Tilbury and Valotta, Kent County. Thia instrument la ooutiu- .uinq to rooeivo tho highoat onoomiume from educationalists'all ovor thecouutry, Th3HW two hoards aro oortahily to bo ootnmondod for their aplrlb. ThoywiH.no doubt, find as all Other boardo who havo -.mudo a aim ilar mveatmout, that tho monoy pont for tbo Plunotarium is well put. Mr, Laing bus reoeivod an eioelleut testimonial from Mr. Park, iuBpeotor of nohoola for West iCont, who is anxious to havo tbo instru ments put in every uohool in hia inspector-; ato. Grain baga t^)5j^r doz, at Bmith'a. J. H. Wlgle will move bis family to' hi new farm at Leamington the early part of November. Diobol <b Brloker thi wook shipped foor oarloade of corn, three of oatt and one of live hogs [rom the Han ex Btatlon to eastern rr-arkots. .._.. ._.. Dr. Thornton, ef Chatham, President fo tho London Conference Epwortb Leaguoa, was the guest of Principal Maiming, dur- tntt'tbo-Convontlon hare thia week. Tho ealo of lumber, plank, eto..at T.U. D.-Cew'H mills at Gamp Palmer yesterday (ThWHday) was largely attended and good prions woro realiz/id for the sfook Bold. .LuhL week, Thos. Morns shipped two earn ef Ismbu from Leamington to Buffalo, paying tiU.CO per head. He Ib buyiug an other lot which he will ship next Tuesday. On Wudnosduy morning C. Ifl. Naylor rocoivod the following telegram from Hon. Jnbii Drydon, Minister of Agrioqlturo : "Convey my congratulations to your work ers ; am delighted with majority." On Haturduy afteruoou laat, a game of football was played on the AHrioultural GroundH bore botwoen Vauaox aud Trinity toaniH which resulted in alio; each side scoring a goal. Tho Essex team conwBted of EiUhoh Lamg, goal; J. Gonrlay aud W, M..DeCow, backs ; O. AU'iaon, L D. StottH and F. Gopoland, half backs; A. Gourlayi J. Handuook, Em. Laiug, W. Church and W. W. Guuuinghatn. forwards. Nelson T. .lonea died at hia homo on Alice streot,on TuoHday.aftor an illnoaa of about throe wooks, from a blood olot in tho heart following an attack of appendicitis. Deoonscd was 37' years of ago and had We are Over-Stocked in Ladies' Coats, Regular $3.25 line cut to $2.50 spout hia wholu life in thia vicinity, h having at ono time owned 100 aorow ofjland in Maidatooo u mile above the towulino. Ono brother, Capt. A. E. Jonop, of British Columbia,, and two ointore Mrs. . S. 0. Coatos and Miss Alva Jonoa, of-Owoano, Mich., uurvivu, together with a widow and a aix-yoar-old daughter. The funeral took plaoo on Wtdneaday afternoon servieos bo- ing oonduotod at his late residence by Rov. A. L. Beverly, and the interment boing at North Ridgo cemetery. The bereaved family having the sympathy of tho com munity. ________ _ High School NotcH* The next mooting of tho High Sohool Literary Society will bo hold thia (Friday) afternoon. Tho program ia an followa: AddroBa, Rov, Mr-. Boverly; chorus, ar ranged by Misses Griffith and Russell; reading, S. Wightman; dobato, resolved that tho following Unci from Goldsmith : "And Yot perbupH if tiountrletf wo oompuro, Anil osthnato the ulanulntf' whlob tbey suaro, Thoufib watrloU flattor, atlll shall wUdom nnd A.u u<iual portion daalt to all muaklud. A dliforinit good by art or uaturo (jiven, To diitotaut nations mako their bloBHlnus even,' douotoorreotly doaoribo thoconditiooof tho world, Affirmative Mossra. wloKoo, Pot ter and Riohardaoo, nogativo, Mesars. Wightman, Oooko and Buomau; recitation, Edward Berry; dialogue, arranged by Misaos Rodd and Thihoaudoau; Argus, Edi tor; National Antbon. A u invitation ih bxtendyd to tho public to attond those mootingH wbioh tho mom- hers cf tbo Literary Society will ondoavor to mako as lutoroating as possible A Grot PitwfO ana Paper. It ib littlo wonder that tbo publishers of tho Family Horald and Wookly Star, Montreal, hud thoir buHinewa tromoudounly on tho inorouBO. True merit tolls iu Gan- uda as well as any country in tho world, aiid uu ono-oiin deny that tho Family Horald and Wbokly Str ia a thing of raro merit that would command hucoohb any. where. Thoro aro peoplo in thia country who havo boon taking tho Family Horald and Weekly Star for upwards of a quarter of a century,ami fchov declare that it in mak ing,greater advances in tho way of im provement than in any yoar in tho twenty- live. Comparing it oven, with tho paper of two years ago no one oonld boliovo, with out seeing it, that it could iu such a short time become so Vastly suporior to itwolf. Wo nnderfltand the price in only ono dollar a year, and this year tho dollar will scenro that woudorfully pathetic picture that is eroatiug Huch'a sensation abroad, ontith-d "Tho Orphan*'a Prayer.". South fHKt'X TeiMthorH. Ono of tUomofltintovoHtiugftiid proflt- nblo inootings of tho Toaohoru' AaBooia- tion of South Eflflox waa hold in tho Public Sohool, Lofimington, on Thurs day aud Friday, lfifch and Kith iust, Tho tot fioaoion waa oponod Thnva- day morning by dpvotionnl flervicon, aftor which Homo routino bxtainosB whs trnnflftctod and oomruittuoH appointod. TUo ofllcora woro ro-olootod forthonoxb your and,Amlioratburg ohoaon ns tho next place of mooting, . At tho aftornoon Hossion', MiaaJLoo, of King'svillo, gave a vory' nrnotioul oaaay ou tho toaohing of Geography. Sho urged tho noooasity of toaohhig geo graphy aa conorotoly na- poaaiblo, by vaakinp; uao of 'pupilfT Iciiowlodgo of thoir natural andiirtiiloialaurroundiugs by tenohiuLT from mapa plucdd horizon tally, and by uaing tho moulding board to atiow tUo real Hiivfuoo of oountrioH. Principal Elliott, of Loaraington High Sohool, thou gavo a moat inatruotivo addroaa onthotoaohiug of Composition. The ohiof points mado woro to. require tho pupil (1) to writo from his own knowledge, (3) to ho ablo to diutinguitih important information from txninlpott- ant, (8) to bo able to maintain a proper connection and sequence of thonglit. In tho ovoning a free concert and lec ture woro given in fcho Town Hall, which waa crowded. 'A number of pleading Vocal and instrumental aoleo- tionaand kindergarten exeaciaes were it a M tt a 4.50 ':<VjH it tt 6 00 :M a tt 7.5G ' -:j# a tt 9.00 6.00 8.00 10, 12. All New and of Latest Style. Snaps in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Suit or Overcoat $6,00 Out to $4.60 8.00 a 6.0^ 10. " 7.61. 13." u 9.01 16. u 13.00 Lots of Odd Suits for Men and Boys b, about Half-Price- See Them* u U u u Utruiiir ct 'M We Offer Special Inducements in Ordered Clothing Don't buy before you set* us * Examine Our Stock of Boots and Shoes, "WV carry best makes only prices have been Reduced to suit the Closest. buyer. Special Line All Wool, Large Size, White- Blankets, $3.25 per pair. . G. E. SMITH &C0. WHITNiflY HIjOCK, BSSlflX. rouderod, aud a vory. inBtruotivo loc- Oral Bonding. Ho flrat showed th ture on "Canada" with appropriate whilo oral roading in our hcIiooIh ih Im limo light illustrations, waa given by Bov. J* H. Long, of Windaor. Tho aubjoct waa treated undor throo divi- aiona French Sottlomont.Engliah Oon- queat and U> E. Loyalistfl, and was much appreciated by tho tonohora, and ahould enable all to mako an important Bubjcct moro vivid to their pupila. It would roflult in much good to havo tho leoturo ropoatod in every community in Canada. It ia to bo regretted that nomo who could not appreciate tho loo- turo had not enough consideration for thoao who realized ita importan'eo to either refrain from talking and laugh ing, or,loavo tho hull tothonowho wish ed to rocoiva proilt. At'tho morning aeaaion on Friday, it waa dooitlod to iBHuetiokotH infuturo for the uao of teachers and thoir frionda at tho even ing aoesionfl. Principal Voaden, of Kings villa Pub lio School, gave anoxcollcnt addrosa on Arithmotio. Ho urged treating mini- bor na a measuring quantity, and' bas ing" all teaching of Arithmetic on that viow of number,- His method of treat ing tho solution, of problem" in "Back ward movements of thought," and "Forward movomonta of thought", was vory vivid, and would provo vory oiloc- tivo. It wan reaolvod to havo tho paper publiahod.for thohouelltof the toachors. Principal Craaswollor, of tho JShhox High School, then gave a ye'ay iutovoat- ing alcotch of the EngliBh.Publioyohool System. Tho English idea has boon thatindividual paronta'woro as veapon- aiblo for tho education of thoir children, us for feeding and clothing them. Ho gavo a Yory.clear account of tho pupil toachor ayatoin, Hhowing that it retiuirod aixyoavsof continued training Jco bo- oomo a toachor. A. fow uiiuutoH woro oocupiod in call ing tho tonohora' attention to Oaxton'a oxcollont soripiibf illuatratod charts, of nearly alt the BubjeoU of tho .Hchool programme, and to Mr. Laiug'a Plano- tarium, which ia certainly tho nioM; complete Invention of frho kind known to man, and whiph has rocoivod teMi- monialH to that oil'iict by the'highest oducationaliHts ,of America., At the afternoon session, A. B. Ouah- ing, B. A., of Essex High School, gave a vory able and exhaustive oanay on the Infinitive. , Tho clear tteutmont of tho aubjoct aud tho . readineas, with which Mr. Gushing, answered '.questions show-" od him to be quite at homo, and will bo of.muoh help to tho teachers in teach ing that difficult part of speech. Principal Manning, of Essex Puplio School, thon gavo a forcible address on M ' iM i.'/i coming pooror, tho demand for the; who can give oral expression to.thi' thoughtH ia greater than it ovor wj ... Ho urged tho necessity of having i) * pupils intona'oly intorostod in evcv reading leaaon, 'of doflnitg lossons vowol Bounds, consonant "accohfc omphaaia, pitch, tone, etc., practice in tho .expression of ditt'er* , emotions sido by ido with word-roc nition, and of tho use of much road': ., outside tho school readors. Very spirited and profitablo disci : sions follovod tho addrcnaoa, and tho teachers will go back to thoir dul much benefitted by tho mooting of .. Association. Br. Maxwoll, tho otr - gotic and able Inspector of South Eat i ia president of tho Association, and i apt suggestions, questions and prm ' cnl application.of tho points broutrht < by tho dilTcront spoakors wove Vv,- stimulating and helpful to all, About a month a^o a fctifiohor in a pu'. (toliool"nnar Oombor waa ma-mad to a, t) rowyirl. Thuro aro a rao d.itails in o nuoMaa with tho oorornony which h juat oo no to li^ht. It. uppaara that youuii man baa bot'ti lcunpiu^Bnnipany tho yonnu lady for tho pant four yours, whilo thu twu wore rotntlint* -noar t other matturn 'mn smoothly. H montlin ago ho stidurwd an appointmoni thu tuaoliiin^ iMiff of tho aohool i Oomlmr pd - ho bviiloutly mot yonnji laily thoro whom ho tliou. morn ol than tho young wnman ho f , 'promi'ifd.tn marry. Shu wuh ui>fc lon^ - iVnibni* thin out'aud aftor, expoittulaii with lioi* rooont lovuv nhj doji'lod.to i\. loual atorw to compel him to livu up tor' promiHUH. Hlio (jaiiJO to VVinrlaof aiuVt- Hultod a nolioiLor about tho vlvl^ahilltiy OLitcritu! prouiituliug* for breach ofpmrii' ., ami tlio prtliinmitiy Hti'pii won- tal ., Thu d 0(0 mi ant wat* no'ilhiJ. and bjatrantio ounonhnio-i ho apptiad to " aiiiio lawyor.for tidvico'. "Tliinuwv*)r"lv*~7 dontly waaol tho opinion that tho i ,. Hhould be unrriad, and with tuia oud ' vit.w ha ttdviHoft'lWyoung m n:to Hot- '/' amarriajjo liot-'iiho uiiiiimiuuiliiLtQlv uo tint youtit! girlautl, uak lur to marry h ;:' ThoVohoibot 'aruilod, that.hhn would, pi-.,;, ablv objoot ,ta gottiog inarried on b- :. shorj- iiotiq.0, and that the oaae would tl ,. -j-' hayo to be dr^ppod.. TUo- yohurf man't-.;.^.;.%^ hia odvioe,.aini.while ho waa on h>a'. ^ */f>"^ to tho yountt lady'a Iiorao;' she robWy^'^'lVj^ffl ineHBago.froin chu lawynr, who advweij'u,*'^^ toatonoa aaoopt hi oororpony. :Shoal^o when the yoantf rna m