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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 23, 1896, p. 3

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v'i":',/""'"' ' ' ; "<:-wti^wM l/fWanvrYovc Boilevo your N eiffli- > l>ors? ' i.-- iJi*;; Tho^o ptoftJHHyo riirnfinwc in Essex. , ^ They maynfe noighbora'i5lf yonra. ^'fi'.'itf^ ' ' They -have been cured by taking Bonn's fir His oar word Tor it, bataek them; ^*J4{aj.fP.Qftn5pbell,tbo highly esteemed JQM^oc ot.tjhp py-pUet Onurpb, Kbbox, Ont., iK&tes^ " "From my personal ijfae~*bT~" Doau's Kidney Pille.wblch'LgqtatShQrrm'B drug store, I can aay that,they ato a moat ex cellent ramedy for all kidney troublon." Mr. J.'A. Kobc, the woU-kuown uldor- mant Esaox, Hiatus, "My (lati^htor huH ibeen ailing for Hume tlmo, and I am glut! to'say'v'haard uf'Doaa'u Kidney Pills. My Bon prooured a box of thorn for hur at Sberriu'u drug store, aud that one box onred her. *'It ia with pleasure that I uivo tho credit fur the roatoratlou of my dau^htur to porfeqtihealth to this romurkublo medi- oirie. t "fool 'vory thulnhful indeed that they have boon introduced in thiH dis triot." . Mr. William Smson, our excellent Ohiuf of Police, huH thin to Hay, "From tho beneficial results durivod from Doau'ii .Ei4itny|MllH' Whieh '-1'tfot al Bhorriu'u drug Htoro, I huVe no hesitation iu rnuoin- mending them ua a t\tut oIuhh medicine for all kidney troubles, lume back, wouknGns, eto." . . . (Signed)1 Wiwmam Sihbom. MINERAL MANURB3; i* ' drops aro reported uh ruined in tho wont of Ireland by rooont storms and floods. Right Hon, ana Moat Uov. Edward White BonHon, D.'D,, Arohhmhop of Can terbury, Priumto of all England aud Mut- ropohtuu ano Privy Councillor, diod oud denly ou Sunday while attending Divine service m tho ohuroh at Hawardeu. ." VAv, OUT OF THE TOILS. . -PhysioianB Failed Oura-Alta Failed But tho Groat South Araorioau Kidnoy Core, a Bpeoifioo ltemody for a Bpooitlco Trojublo,.Onred Mm. A. 33. Young, of Barnaton. / P. Q.t Quickly aud Per-. , .......... nmnontly. Thin ia bor toHtiruonv : "I wau takou aiok in January, 1808, I employod noveral of tho best lo'oul physioitius and wau treat ed by thorn for kidnoy disoaso until thu autnmn of tho sumo year without reooiv- Ing much beuonb, I thou egau wing _ your South American ICidnoy Cure, and " derived groat bonoflt almoHfc immediately, X feel now that 1 am quito ourod. 1 Uuvo takuQ no modioiuo for-Homo length of time and have not had a return of tho olightotit aymptcji of tho diHeuHO." Sold by !. Thome. Oanudau. There aro CM oonviottj in Kingston Pon- ^ itpntiary. Mra..Philip O'Moara, of Ottawa, ia dead [j&t tho ago of 111 yours. Honry Parker wan killed on tho Grand Trunk teaole at Burlington. -----------*"------ Tho impuriioo iu tho blood .wbioh ohuho BorofulouR oruptioiiN aro thorongbly eradi cated by.Hood'H Sareitparilhi. Try it. ------------------------ Arc You Tired -All tho timo ? Thin condition [a a hurt* indioatiou that your blood 10 not rioh and uouriflhlPg as it ought to bo and au it ..may bo if yon will take a few. bottlett of tho great blood puriflur, Hood'it Saraaparilla. Thoufla da writo that Hqod'H Sarsiipurilla baa onrod them ef that tirod fooling h. giving them rioh, rod blood. Jouvualiatn aa a profusaion iH evidently appreciated by the Bwedtah Qovornmeut. The Storthing haa jnwt docidod on giving , two urate granto of 1,000 krouorB each to young journaliRtn, to enable thora to gain oxperionco in foreign countries, and the oditore of nownpapera aro honooforth to bavo tho froo ubu of tho otato railwayr whou travoliiug in tho oxeroiao of thoir .0alliiiR. _________' ' . n Kvory Night.' Ono Laxa-Livor Pill taken each night during 00 daya will euro CaiiHtipution, oft- roturoiug Hondacben and irregular action . , of tho bowolo. Ijrtxa-Liver PiIIh loavo no uuploasanr after-effeut. Hot milk Ihu reungui^fd drink in some of tho Gorman owfon. It m nerved in n cup with a Hanoer, and two lumps of sugar alwayn iiooompany it,, 'J'ho drink has eov \ erul thingH to commor:d ifc.hinoo it hau uonu ^J'1h dunuerous qualilieii of toa, ooCfoo or aloobolio drinloi, and is doolared by tho doutora to bo mi eXGollcuit remedy for di^. .oirdora of tho aton.acli aritting fromteortain fbrroH of iudigoatiou, roiiMtlputloii Cured, GiiNTn. I wna in vory poor health for 'over four yearn ; tho doyinr Baid it wuc .aon^tipatinn. Not wanting to upend too much ouah.I got three bottloH of B. B. B. and took it rogulaily. I can uortify that I am now iu tho vory boot of health and fool verv.uratcful to B B, B, , Au'uun Trhodx, Montreal, Quo. How to Apply S"or Be(j Resalttf -EffBotlTe Nltrato of tindm. There is a diveraity of opinion uh to ttio profit in UHiug oommorbiul fertili- orn, moat of whioh uro minoraL Tl9 dill'oronco in opinion uh to vulno Imjiur buHud on oxpnrionoo hIiowh tliafc it in mainly a uuoBtion of how minorivl ma* nuro.4 aro UHtid, , TIioho who apply miu- erul manurort to grow grain oropu, with out Hooding cither to olovor or gruBH, find tlmtwhilo tho grain orap may tom- porarily ho prof)tub)o it luadN to hucU dtitoviornUoii of noil fertility that tho land bocoitu^ too poor for anyprofitahlo mho. But when thoati mineral fortiUwii-fl aro applied in connection with atablo matiuvoH nnd are mado to grow rouovut- ing oropH tho rnnnlt iu not only an im mediate profit in thoir uho, hut iuortuwo of fortuity. In tho early liintoiy of farming in thiH country minora I mauuri'H w<!ro lit tle iiKcd. On tlio nowly oloarod landfl thoro w'iih for a number of yoarH an ox- oods of potuHh, which mado applioatiou of this mineral unnoeoHnnry, By aud by otimo an era of poor crojiH and tho no- oofiHity of reHortinjjf to olovor and miner- ul fortiJixorH, TJintJo Hhould fjo togothor. Knell aupplomentH tho other, according to Amnrinan Cultivator, authority for the following: It w a miutaku to up- pono that mineral fortilii/.oru aofc only an HtimulantH. Thoy will indoed enablo poor (toil to grow Rraiu cropn for a fow yoiu-H, but it in by fm-niHhing tho kind and amount of mineral plant food that the grain crop nondH. The plant can only bo mado to fyrow rapidly by being fod with nutrition in ita monfc availahlo form. The fertility in. tho oil unuHod i ho much dead capital. Tho amount of unproductive capital looked up in fer tility that in not availablo ih cnorniouH on every farm. To a comiidomblo oxtonfc thin cannot boavoidod. Stable mnnuroamunfc decom- poso boforo thoir fertility can bo uaod. Moat of tlio commeroial fortilizor/i aro HONEYFOR SALE. A SaoMMfal Ohio AplwUt AtWUei AwoH- I'lng IB Into Tllr0 Grrf*. , Tho produotB of thb^piarywill all be realized during August But few lo calities yield any honoy during Septem ber and Octobor. Where lato patohoa of fbuqkwhoat aro grown, strong oolonlea do flomntimoH All their Bupora with a dark grade of honoy that some people aro fond of., While it domoot command tho highest price in tho market, it can bo readily disponed of to tho lovors of buckwheat honoy, who profor it to tho more fauoy grades. In nnsorting honey for sale it is better to make three grades. Tho firat should bo fancy, overy Roction whito and uni formly thick, with ovory ooll llllod ox- j oopt thoflo on tho outer edgev. Suoh honoy j will always command the highostprioo. ' Tho second grade should aIho bo white, tho honoy juat aa good as fancy, hut not so uniform in size of Hootion, some being bulged and tho Root ion more tlinn full. This will ulso command a fair price, ; but will be a ocint or two lower than tho first grade. Tho third will couainfc i of dark colored honoy gathered from I buckwheat and fall flowers. This oIuhh ! of honoy will ulwaya find purohasorrt ! when tho prico is low. Being sold by I itwclf, it will nob injure tho Halo of tho finer grados and will miifc tho purao of many who cannot afford tho fancy kinds. In manipulating oolonioH,'taking off full supers and putting on empty ouoh, thero Will be no trouble from boon rob bing during the honoy flow. But whon- over thiH ceaHoa tho apiarist should bo careful to avoid dropping honey or combs .that would givo tiiom a tasto aud put them on tho warpath. No hives should be left opon, and noodlcHH exposure should bo guarded against, in .taking off supers full of honey, boo osoapos eau boused at this soason with advantage, with littlo exposure of full combs to pirato boon. Thoy oan bo had from all dealers in boo ibcturos. Thus writos Mr. Balhmtino, an Ohio bookeopor, in Tlio Farm Journal. From long oxporienco in an apiary ho has como to tho conclusion that clipping tho quoon's wings iH a deoided advantage KTo swarms will thou ,onoapo to tho woods. Tho owner oan go from homo or There are fads in raediome aa in, ^very thing due and a "new- thing"" frequently ael'ff for a Hhortrfirllo simply beoauiio it (a new. But in raeaioino, as in nothing else, the poople demand and, will be satisfied only with' positive ubholuto merit, i Tho fact that Hood'a Saraaparilla haa. atood ita ground ugaioHt all competition, aud its buIub have uovor wavered but havs re- tuaiued^uteudity at th top, domouairatoi, beyond any doubt too intrinsic virtuoa of thiH tnodiuhio, Tho now tbingH have oomo and norm hut tlood'n Hurmipurilla rests up on tho boIiiI fouridation f ahHoIuto merit and itH powor to mire, and itn ^alen oon- tinuu to bo the larift'at in Ui world. , , . , . , . . , attond church without having his mind quick acting. Thoir value is ^nrgoly for , di t rbo(1 with thoughts of losing tho first crop. When those commorcial fortilizoi-H aro applied with stablo ma nure, thoy hasten, tho action of that alao. It is olso a fact that tho stable manuro makes tho commorcial fertilizer, especially if mineral, more permanent, Ono class of mineral fertilizer is inoro effootivo than any othor, ospooially whoro qniok growth is desired. This is nitrate' of soda, whioh is now very largely used by markofc gardeners for starting early .crops. Combinod with stable manure it hastons ita decomposi tion, go that more of. itsvaluo can"bo utili'/od tbo same season. It ia too ex- ponsivo a manuro to ho used on ordinary farm crops oxcopt in small amounts to givo crops an early start. Wo. think it *bnu also bo used with ad van t ago whon- ovor clover seed is sown with grain. It is truo tlio.clover itself will seouro ni trogen from tho air in tho Roil through its roots. But this does, not occur until tho plaut has mado a considerable growth. Tho olovor needs tho nitrato at flrafc to givo it start, so that it can sooner begin its work of decomposing air in tho soil. All farmers know tlio groat advantago of a top dressing of stablo manure in giving clovoru vigorous start. It is roasonablo to supposo that nitrates applied early in the spring, so as to bo immediately effective, will ho no less boueilaial. C rim Hon Clover Hair Drills. Tho feeding of crimson clover allowod to stand in tlio field boyond tho flower ing season lias resulted soriously to horsos in several sections where this plant is (ucteijfiivBly-raised. Tho trouble is caused by the prickly stems of tho ovorripo plant forming hnir halls in tho stomach. As the hairs of crimson clover do not become stillj. until tho plant has passed tho flowering stage and begun to ripen, old crimson clover hay should bo fed only with great caution. Death to horses by crimson clover hair balls has boon reported to the United States do- swarms in his absonoo. It is better to do this than run tho risk of losing excel lent quoons and swarms, Tho bees will noyor loavo for good if tho queon does not accompany thorn. This, of course, haH reforouco to first swarms, us second swurms may iHHiio at any time, with a young queen fully fledged, likolMinorva from tho bond of Jove, ready for flight and legitimate business. Those hitter oan also bo'proventod by oponing tho hivos aftor thoy have cast swarms, ex amining carofully tho combs and cut ting ont all qnoen ceils but ono iu oaoh hivo. If this ia douo, no Rocond swarm will issue tinlo of FortfllscorN In Now York. The proaont law, whioh tookoiYoot on tho 20th of May, applies to "any com mercial fortilizor or any matorial to be used as a fertilizer, tho soiling prico o* whioh oxceods $10 per ton," and re quires that thoro shall bo afllxod to oaoh package a plainly printed statement cer tifying tho net woight, tho name, brand or trademark, tho name and addross of tho manufacturer, tbo per cout of uitro- gon, percent of jwaihiblo^ phosphoric[ acid, or, incase ofundisiiolv.Q^bQnoytn-- tul phosphoric aoid and per cofifc of pot ash soluble iu distilled Wfttor.jjoforu any fortilizet'eau be legally ofl'orod for sale in.this stato, tho manufacturer or agouti must iiki with tho state experi ment station jit Genovaa statomontliko that provided for on packages and also an additional statement in January of oaoh year. Whon fertilizers contain leather or similar inert products, the fact must bo explicitly and conspicuous ly statod on each package. New Koimxly For Chlekon Lice. At tho Arkansas station they aro us ing a new mixture for the extermina tion of lice on fowls and animals. It has been named korosono extract of pyr- ethrum. Ono and a half gallons kerosene aro soaked through 2J6 pounds pyr- Mo Ato (Mhbago ana XJvetl, Wonderful are tlio whims of the hu man etomaoh. What killfl one man gives another life. Ono of tho etratigost oases of a craving for feed on tho part of a si ok man in narrntod by Mrs. Hnzen iu "Our Army Nurses." Sho was at tho fcimo (18(5-1) nurflo iu tho Oolumbiaa hospital at Washington, Among hur pa tients wus a "boy" though ho was a voteran of four years' standing who hud oomo to tho hospital aoveral months bofore with u wounded Jcnoo. This ia her Htrango story: Tho surgeons had held many exami nations, , He was failing rapidly; could not retain anything, ovon cold wator oausing hemorrhage of tho stomach. "What is thovordiot, dootorj"! nskod one morning. "Ho can livo but m, low duys at tho longest," was tho answor, "and may die in a few hours," "Then, doctor, ploaso lot him have what ho wants whilo he docs livo." "1 givo him into your hands, Miss Titus, Do what you ploaso for him." Tho bandages woro at mice romovod, an ho had complained that thoy wore uncomfortable. Then, as soon as tho othor patients were oared, for I went to a markofc garden and bought a head of cabbago. Ho had often said he wanted something green, if only "boiledgrass." Whon tho cabbage was cookod, I oarried him sorao, with cider vinegar, and fed him. Ho ato nil thoro waH on tho plate, asked for more, which was brought, aud still a third and fourth plate, till ho had eaten tho wholo cabbage. From that dinner, in May, ho began to improve, and on tho 14th of Juno I started with him on a strotohbr "tof" his honiB in Pennsylvania, as his lifo oven then depondod upon his diot, aud such meals an ho ato would have mado a well man sick. Ho recovorod, but had a stiff knoo. 250,000 CTJFtEQ IN SO YEARS. tTGUR&3 GUARJiN'T&EO-DR NO PAY I SELF-ABUSE, EniSSIONS, VARICO CELE. CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT URE OLEET, SYPHILIS, STINTED PAltTS, LOST TnANMCOD, IMPOTEN- CV, NERVOUS DUOIUTV, UNNAT URAL I)ISCIIARfU-:3,' K'S'C. ^r*$fc' A Ni;i[V()i.vr.v:;.".c::t, The New Katlioti Treatment is the Grtia^at D!-iijavci'ifi3i'fIiaAgB. FOH C?.!i-!^!0 THrrRE DJSEASES 'I'linnx.'ir'nU (>K j'ouriif and mltU^I" w--h\ \.-\\ : i-Tinn-Mly i'."in to n, iirmnntwrn jrravo uircMiKii i-auiw HoiiicwrnoN , riKCi-ssiri, am> r:uc)i> uistiASi's. ir vrf'U hava any of tlio following nympioma f!niwiuii usi' ( i.t la tnoiniM. Ani you imr- v.'fiia and ivniii:, tV.it]*nn.:r;iti * |i,ii iiorl: cli'(!l'i tnidnr tlt>lii, wiinV. \uu-\t, J.lihi'yn Iri'ltulilt', (i;ilpil.(iH';n (,( Mr' lc ;M'f, h;i;ihl'i), rlrruimt ami lOHKoii, ii"dljnnnt 111 urlim, plni|ilim on tlio tw:\\ nvivi nimlu'ii, hollow olirolai, citrnworu t ,1 hiun, r;'i.Mli!:t.'i jili.-htM, r jjinic:1 itmi nail pi'tinu-.- J^ : .;rn<iiiniy, Imjin puliiM/ imlr Ijodo, Hum throat mo. " YOU HAVE SEW1NAL ' W'R NliV/ iVIi'T "OD TMWi'MIJNi* 'ilnnn ecu , ; c.uri j<<u, and m:ili"' a mun or jou, (J ruler it.-i lnltu- J^oiii'*' Did brain lutiTntiUMl fU'lliv. lltft hlimrl piiilSml /t I,(J lll.'lt jll J plnipl'"!, Iilutr:'.rcn HU'l lllrriv, (] |r>uppiMll' J ^ ii'i mnn], f,< i.iuu iini'voiifi- il| ii'ifui, hiuthhilii."!.:1! vr.i\ tp'xjinrMlniiiT rll.iatiii"fii:; f-ij MiO nyll tnTii'M-i I.T-I^iiir tin* l;i"n fi:il uml i'|r,M', i'!j , Mi-' Hi'i r.innil, [ih vnhrul jli ilihI Htiximl liyi'.ri'iii-f ari^ J:nj!^,:,*i'i.'l; ,'i;l dnihui Al (!')ilH"-llO llinv'i vl!.".l U'JuiUi Ytwui Lii.) fiy .t.'in. 'I'll') '\ WtlYlOWH nrC""'l I.*:- ^Ifnnl yountotf . m'./iii citinri* \uvJ a lallnro. Wo in . . .!.'.it, m, ffflunn.ndonllHlly n:> 1 fi1'--* <>i,-\w-.\ lum'j j ,t,;nuclei CThikI falilru futi joti ni'yuiu- li...--! tiiinnni c. >\\r.v*.-A -1 We null aim y /, WBAVNE&SI j1. '. , * \ r '-' i: i i ,\'\- v v^ has Yont' nr.oow bkiin sjisuased: r.T, jrsnKniTAitY nr.ooi) nrsKAra, I'olutul Aintwort* Ou,,"*-lon*. An admirer of tho groat Russian re- contly wrote to hini asking a roply to thoso questions: , . JPirst. Ought a man of modiuni in- tolligonco to oxproas publicly and prop- agato tho principles of lifo whioh ho oonsidors to bo truths? Second. Is it worth whilo to try to know one's self perfectly? Third. By what principles onn a man know at a deoisivo moment whoth- or it is ronlly' his cousoienoo which prompts him or whothor it is only his reasonings corrupted by natural woak- II OS.4? To tho first two Tolstoi said "Yes." To the third ho replied that "reason ia given to us by God, and thorcforo it mnst bo listened to whoro consoionco has to decide." Now York World. SYPHILIS i tho intv:t pr'H'iilont and nioul, M'Mlmi't BI.OODillm'.'un. U H.-jia Win v-'i-y lii'n hloini of \{\,i victim itml mil"^ I'uHn'iv i-rail !< dt A 1 i-"M iii hjm- ti will afflict (ho <iil'.-[irli). Jijiwiirn of Mru-c.iiry. It only mipprnniit.':) tho iiymptnMi.'i niir NliW MHl'HOD pnnltlvoly nur"n it for ovur. VOUNO OK i'UII)I>M>A<1HD MAN ay lifo, or ImlulKoaia tlio foUIou | of ynutli. Hulf-tihiiflo or JatT t^uu-.-i n liavo hrokni down your fiynttim. You fun I tho (iyiiiplomri iilonlliif.* over ym, Min:;il!y, phyfilciilly ami noxunlly you aro not lh" man I you iihihI to ho or Mliould Ij'), LuoLfui ]uutjLli;ii:t roup rich liarvi'nt:i. Will you homl tho dnutfor ulirnnlii. Arn yrvii avlotlni? Itav> yon lout; hnprt? Aro you nontnmplatliiif inarrlai:o? Ha-iyoiirhluoii tn^ni illi.faHCil? Hamynii any v/raUii'iniii* Our NowMothod ITroatmont will vmvh yon. Wlnit it han dono forothi-rri it will <lo Tor yon. Consultation Proa. No mattor who luw nvatoii you.wrlto for an honout opinion l>o of ('\mvKO, i |01mr)jnn r^unotuvblo. iUu\r, free ~~ "Tho (iodhm Moid tor" (iihuiiraiiMl). on DlmsuHofl of | Mon. Inoloiiii poiitni.'o, 'j crmtit. Hoahid, Hook on "UliiOfinoH of Wotuon" I-Vou. jyVi-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WIHTrCM CONGENT. PlflVATE. No moitlelno soul C.0.D,| No namcii on boxoG or cnVL!opi!J. Evtrjth nn contnlcnllal. Question list ant] coct of IVcut- moitt. FIITE. RBDER! DRS. KENNEDY & KER8AN. No. 148 SHELBY ST. KUWIM^ DETROIT, MICH. Are You liunllHli VormiM Gorman UnlvovNltlca. If the troo is to bo judgod by its fruits, wo shall find it diflioult to difl- pnto tlio proposition that university oducation, at all ovont.s iu so far aa it boars upon the physical scionooH, is somehow moro sutisfuctorily managed in Germany than in England. Tho the oretical and technical output of Ger many is far larger, more regular and of bottor quality for practical purposes than our own, tho proof boiug that Gor-. many is rapidly monopolizing tho high er and moro lucrative branches of man ufacture, and in addition is exporting largo munbui'H of toohnioal oxports. London Times. We can supply you with all kinds of Wooden Matorial, piuih and ornamontal. Pino, Hemlock and. nativo Lumber alwa)on hand. Shingles, Codar Poses > Sash and Coal. Important to Farmers. We have jus* got in a fn'st-cte. line oi barn lumber.at $12 per M. ft. We Make Screen Doors and Window* That will last a Iiife-time. Laing Bros. Jas. Mclfurray THI^DISTRICT partmontof agrienHuro from Delaware ' othrimr(persian insect powder), form- Virginia and North Carolina, as many ing |V y(Ji|0Wr oily extract. Dissolve a as 1 to SO balls being removed from a p01iml of BOap in ft gallon of the oxlrnct single animal and tho mutter .boing deemed of suflleient importance to issuo a special circular of warning. Death to tho uujmid i caused by tho balls form ing tni impermeablo wedgo iu tlio bowel, thus preventing tho onward movement of. tho food material aud completely shutting on? tho intestinal blood vessels through tho pressure exerted upon them. and churn till thoroughly emulsified. When using,'mix a pint of this emul sion with 4 piutH of water. This mix ture combines tho properties of kerosene and pyrothriim and is cheaper and more convenient than either. Tlio IJindhwly'H Opinion. Old Boarder I understand, madam, that our imvv associato -at-"tho festnl board is a graduate of Ktou. Landlady Don't you behove ifcl Ho'll uovor graduuto from cntiu as long as thoro'a anything to eat. Boston Courier. IS AGENT FOR F OR Sfllcntlflc Farming. After nil tho ridioulo heaped npon book farming, or soiontiflo fanning, it bus come to puss that this is tho only sort of farming that can bo mado prollt- able. TcxttH Farm and Ranch very truly says: At present low prices for farm. \uny to out the l,Uy. products they, ninsb bo produced-^Hiu^iq, out noino of tho oats th.;t way aljoufi Wliut Otlicrtf Kuy. I Tho Now Engiiind Homosteud report* a short potato yjonl in iN'ew York, New HnmiJshiro and Vermont. . . Iu tbo Now i^u'.;laud states a fairly m Ik'":'. A Wanted. MAN: ,TO flBLIi CANADA.. GROWTH Fruit and Ornnmcmtiil Troon, lnurltoted at tho lonst possible expeVsi), and this oan only bo done by thjijo^li- ontion of tho domonstratod prifraMjilcfi of Hoionoo and tho usb of good oouimou bouho. Lot common sense govoru tho ap plication of Hoientiflo methods and all will go well and tho work will prospor. Yield of Corn. Experiments mado atthoOhioexpori-- mont station proved that planting tlio Italks six inches apart incroased tho jciold of fodder and the per cent of nub- Oii Way of Cuttlnir Timothy. Kurel New Yorker reports that Home farmers have tried the experiment of cutting timothy with a grain binder in stead of mowing The grass seems and is much n takes up less room third and is easily leu our. it is a p. It is a good tiling It in reprwti'i] ili.ti.around.^ilo'^O Jent In diujiudiir and ;;i) lYer ("u* p l.uiii. /tun:-) and cti.ils ^' o i,\~2\v.\\ \iu- ty-W^ -sihi of nann' rapacity co.it.s i- | seed nn'i.i to l'u-d with 'riiidi'ni: appit'.'il' Wliut is Jtr a.skH Kiu'i.i Ni;\v Vnrkor. TIte Now l-in^liMul .1 louii'riicad riay.-i, Ur.[..orfs i'r.'dU LJi:i;iW;.!^',^viu-.i'i1 l-li-j-.vail is a sniidy li^un v-'irii :t" ciay"HUl>h.jJ, show tlmt poarlt Iitu >; ami yiraw.LiL'rnosj did miu;!i be tier upnn .^uhiu)ili'<i ;.uid thun'on that not-ko treat^m. ' iteek beforo you would, out .thorn tor giJin, Tlmt makes "out hay/.' or.yi*iiin" ami fodder on tlio msme/rlHlt:. fe,*: Vtiion, flnnll Piiiita, Hotxl Potatocn, oto. Wi> *>"]?: J-oa\oiago ot lull siaod oais is Sfi.- , 10 in/ilinn f':, .VI W. N '.V'j; *- p m : cutiilntfiio only' tbn lnmlionb imJ mont nopulur vitrictttiH tliiLtmiflCodil in tho oolrlaiit ollmatci. . iiWHtJiiRon now ooinraoimlnij; oomploio outfti froo, siilarv . inul oxihiuiiuii pind from Btarb fo> IbII tlmi), or Hljitral uauimiiiulnu for part titnn. Apply now, afMyodiiliijj' n >ntoot oilloo, ami oho loo of torrltnry. .LTJRB BHOTHtiltfl COMPANY, Intttrnatloiiul Nurnortoii, GiiroAeo,Iiiii or AfoNTaiurj. Quid. Dr. Fowler's Eittruot of Wild Straw berry cures Diarrhcaa, DyHontery, Coho. Cramps, Obolom, Oholora Infantum, and all Bummor com. w. Sr. *' ' fe"Obolerft Morbus ^ plaints tLudf fluxes of tho howola In children B#vorBdnitB. lloduood to 154 per. cout. At 12 inohos apart tho largo ears average B2 per cout. Tho maximum of tho nubbin yield is 70 per oont whoro two grains woro planted ovory six inches. Tho J'runo Industry. According to Tho Rural Northwost, thoro were 8,000 acres or.800,000 prune troos sot out in Washington, Orogouamt Idaho, during 1800 and 1801, and upon a consorvutivo estimato these,trees will produce iti pounds oaoh of i'resli fruits this year, a total of 19,000,UOO pomide, ov.SOOearloada, Sloricatto Xi).(l4il)tft(liiun. Tho last census report urn lies it anye-ai that tho number of . fiuuilie:; owning' farms froo from uneumbriinPn is cnii^in- erably larger in tho south and w*est. tlian in tho east. Tlio Tierceiiiiuri'<i' delit in Illinois is.U-1; imliana, HO; 'Kiimwn, Michigan, Ji^; IVuiuienoiii, ill,; Iowa, !;:t; Nebraska, !J2,. In the eastern statis it is; New Vork, 4)1; New .Trr^ry, -lO.C-l; Pennsylvania, 40.flfi; Dehiwiive, 11; (,Vm- uooticnt, 40.04; Hhodo Island, V-i.ti'.i. ICviiporatod Krtiit, The domimd for evaporated 'fruit is: constantly inoroasiug. Ono reasn'u for this is that when dried by the latest methods it is vastly superior" to that dried in tho sun or about tho kitchen BtOVO. Until miito recently tho evaporating procosH was 'otfootod by. ilro heat in unitablo ilues. Steam,coils beneath tho trays have boon found to'answer a bottor purposa Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drill '"tn :^i^ Lies t *4 ' tiS 'y 2- .a ki _ V i *.9 rll U ' JJ i li S it C ii 'Aihbi Ilm TcHtiinouy tt> \Ma Mithi C1ii.(:i'rlul i.'i)\vri,jr" I'd.* C\l- ,i { ; ' miil Colli iu i U-\ I l/;iu! I I'n H . yn'lt I" l'n.'i'liii.'., , . Mi-i'ldw" riis i hr. i"i:>w5 )uu'.n>r >: Al'm.-v'.-^Iui .i i'lint I'i'i.'-'Ii r f..iv ol m . i.v-i , - -'y i) I. ' milil .uri'l ) i'!. n I) ' i 'ill "V t'funn'l' "', ,-<*, 10 'il'> :( -4), li ' nlwivyM.!', ' Th'ai-M ." Plows in Hie Market. First-Class Farm W,ago.n: Farmers Should See Ifty Stock Before Purchasing, . s/ A ALSO OJCAlilillft IN $ Qtarao^'s. Sto^ss, -Ti'&TZT&XQ-, $& North of Railway Track, - - i|ajy^ 6269

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