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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 23, 1896, p. 2

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pllll^ p^p^p^^l te1-':."1:,:' ' ' K" ; ' ^.mi -*MMM* I-- r h i'*' itfv SOME COMMd'N N"AME8. titty of ths Moat Nuinoroui In Great Brit ain and Iroland. ""' These ore tho GO moat oommon sur- 'ifttocfl of tho babioB born in England nd Wales, in Scotland and In Ireland, ulTonged In tho ordor of thuirmunarionl ilnpartnnoo: fiUi gland Ifcnd Wftlo*. Scotland. Inland. '....Smith.........Bjutth.........Murnhy. '/.. Jodoh.........McDonald.....Kully. ' .....WiHiftina......Jlrowu........Sullivan. V ...Taylor........Tlioinwm......Walnti. V ...Duvlou........TlubnrtHoii.....Smith. .,..Brown........Htowurt.,.....O'Hrlon. '...'. Thomu*.......Cumplwill......Uryno. '*... .Evanu.........Wilson.........llymo. \.. .Rohortu.......Andoriujn.....Connor. 1i..JohitMon......Btiotl..........'.O'Nalll. ....WUt4ir,.......Millnr ,...,.,..Jt'iillly. ......llnbbinon.....Mi'IvVnvJu.....Dyl. ;. (,.. Wriwht........KiiiU...........McCarthy. '. ...Wood..........HdfW...........Uulliiifhur. ...Thompson,. ..MoKuy........Dohorty. .....Hull.,.,.......Ji-linntim......Konuody. ,',i.,Groon......... Murray........Lynoh. ;, ...Wulknr........Oliirk..........Murray. . ) HuiflHiU.......I*t frm......Qnlmi. i...Kdwui-fln......YtJiniK.........Mooro. ., ..Luwln.........I'mwur.........McLaughlin. .....Will to.........MdLuiin.;.....Cur roll. , , ..Tumor.......lli'iiilumou,,,,Connolly. ....Jiickium.......Mitnht.ll.......Duly. ... .11111...........MiirrlHOu,."... .Conwill.' n ..Harris.........Citmoroii,,,'. . .Wlliion. .,.Clark.........WnUon........Duiino, ......(Joojmr........IVulkor.. ,,,.,nruimun. ... .Hurrhion......Taylor........Burlai. i. ...Wiird..........McLivod....... CoIHuh. . ... lliii'lin.,......I-'m-yuHon......Cumpboll. ;-,. ..Uiiviu.........iJimeim........Clurlto. i . ...Bakm-. ,. ......Uruy..........Johimtou, . ...Morrin........Duvldiion......Hu^hoH. .. ...Jnimm.........Iluntur........Fai-rull. , . ..KhiK..........Iliuiilltou......Flt-/(;oruld. .... Muruuu........ Knn*...........Brown. . ...Allun..........Grunt ........Martin. . ...Mount.........Mclntofili......Mimulro. i,.. JJ)U'Uur........(Jr.ilmiil.......Nolun. i....UlurlHi.........\Vbit<...........Flymi. i, ...Cook..........Allan..........Thompson. .....Price........, .Blmpmm......CuHuifhuu. i.'...riiinip.4.......McUriinur.....O'Donnull. j,...Hlmw..........Munro.........Duffy. !,, ..limiotr........binclitir.......Miihouy. i-----Lin*............Holl............Boy In. i. ...Will.-.on........hliirtin........llmily. J....OrimtliH......UiwHL-ll........"Blion. -i,i..Cartur........Gordon........Will to. Pall Mull Gazette. President I*aftbL<iwis of Sablna, Ohio, Is highly respected all through thai lection. He Laa lived in Clinton Co. It yean, and hw Jbeeirj)resident of the Subina Bunk SO years. He gladly testifies to tho merit of Hood's Sarea- parllla, and what he says U worthy attention. All brain workers, fl^d Hood's Sarsaparllla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, rod blood, and from thin comes nerv^, mental, bodily and digestive strength. 111 am find to say that Hood's Barsapa- rllla li a Vury good medicine, especially u a blood purifier. It has done me good many timed. For aevoml years I suffered groatly with palna of Neuralgia In ono eye and about my templetf, pcoIaHy at Bight when I bad been having; a hard day of phynlcal and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only In Hood's Barsaparllla which cured aeW rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood'a SaraaparlllahaH proved Itself a true frlnd. 1 altio take Hood'fl PUkt to keep my bowels regular, aud Hko the pllU vary muah." IeaAO LQWIb, Bablna, Ohio. By - Law No; TOWNSHIP OF MAIDSTONE. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Bluod Purlfler. All dniRfflata, 4t troparedonlyby C. I. Hood &Co Lowell, Haas. A FALSE TEACHING. Vhttt HIiui'm ChltT End In to Crucify Spo*i- tiuiulty on tho C'roHn of Drud^ory. . llioBov. CbarloH H. Parkhurnt writoa ' :t"tt'ho Vouug Mun at Play" in Tho ijadies* Homn Journal. Ho Hflort thnt "It iti pluy rather tlian toil thut'ifl'moflt '.urrxiaiu' tu our truo unturo and that iea oloauKt to tho divino inteutiou. Tho ' ;Uro nocdiufj to bo oxorciuod m to tho "ttiulity. of our amuHomoutH must novor .jQ construed into ii vordiob agnluat . iiuuKonieutH in tIiomelvoR oonnidorod. -Vitli most of us tho play impulaoHtuudH urmoro inucod of encouragement than 5 rloOH o restriction. Tho proverb, 'It A hotter to wear out than to rust out' ) true in form,, but falHo iu npirit.' Tho Uowors do not \voiu&out|. hut neithor do i.boy rust out "Ono roiiHOU why ao nmuy peoplo uro wking whothcr lifo in worth living in hut wo uro toaehing uiu'hoIvoh. that !Uuu'fl chiof cud is to Btrugitle and to * tacify spontunicty on a ci-ohh of drudg- > ty. Wo are not' urguin[ for iudolonco. uidolenco in a ditinct from pluy uh a .'..uol jh from a mountain brook. But .I'OHuall bo Kroatly disappointed iu hoav- u if it does not.givo u grout doal of - pportunity for energy to jhsuo in no- -ivity that takes no thought uud in a joy so itself, and an experionoo that will o eaintly in hoavon can iiardly with JUBon bo criticised hh limp and puurilo -.j! indulged in belorowo en tor houvon. " am prompt, ufCctimt and Ho Got Jud^mont. A Washington attornoy is rather otod for tho facility with which ho oreota financial obligations. Ho has wod a cortain grocer tpH for a year or vo. Tlio other day tho luorehant con* iuded to try a new courtio with him. . footing him in bin wtore, ho said : **Judge; 1 have a customer who owes :,;0 a Hiuull bill and has owed it for a ,ug time. He makcH plonty of money, at won't pay.. What would you dor" I'Qsno him,"eaidtho lawyer om- \ hhtieally. ""Well, 1 will put tho account in ; our hands," and tho morehaut pru- <culud a Htutemeut of tho account uaiudt himaolf. All right. I will attend to it," aaid iho diKcipio of Hluek.stono. A few dii'yH later the merchant ro- * Oivcd tho following noto from tho luw- yati "In tho cuho of-------againHt-------1 saolc judgment for full amount of your laiuj. K;;^eiitiun was indued and ro- . timed 'jio pi.oiH.Tij' found.' My feu for obtaining judgment in tflO, for which .mount ploiiHo send cheek. Will bo glnd o Esorvo you in any other matters in Pushing ton fcitar, A IJiiMjno Villiijio. Buokhmd'-on-thu-JMoor, uuecludcd vil- !ugo of DevouHhiro, Kughmd, has no ublio lioufcil,', parson, poliuomuu or pun- ^ur. Tlio siiuire owns all the land. The aruie arc hmall, but protitable.. The M'ux lahorern live in the Kipnro's cot- LigCH. When they fall sick, the Kqniro jiuyn their wages as usual, and wh'uu hoy aro too olil to work any mure tln-y .to continued on the pay list and potter .bout, doing, what thuy plcaae. ___..^_ I'll** <>i-o\vhoiiio iMuhrnttii, Tho grov.'.somu muhvatta wadkah, the coupon of the Hindoo assassin, iswhapod '.iko a tiger's ohnvs and fastened to the itigci'sot the right hum! .by rings. With i treacherous embrace the murderer lupH his victim and tear.-} him open, oaving him mittihitcd in a condition \lmfc loads tho discoverers of the body te '.loliovo a tiger or hoiuo other wild bea^i ,iu clawed the man to death.' liii 1801' McndoKu Huffcred from ;ii: '.flirthquake, which sliat tored niai./ '.roiiHCH, ami uro broke out among 'the s^ins, ocoaHioning tho most terriblo' ecu- '.lugriitioir tho city hail over .linowu. 'Over 10,000 lives were lost, on this ;r. uikaiou. ' ; .Wboitt.-in 100 parts, contains 14.4 ' &."( ulbiuin ^ 'anw. [^Ilber, 8; fata, t-C , Jii.?ii' ', "" ' tlOOCl S PUIS easy luotlaot-Oconto. Nw Iu Aiu-st-Icaii Acrleiilturo. A now departure iu tho nummor olami now being conducted on tho farm of Georgo T. Powell in Columbia county, N". Y. Tho Htudouts aro young mom from tho cities who havo capital, and who doHiro to invost that oapital in farming onfrtiit growing. Thoy spond throo Hummor mouths on tho farm in orchard and Held, doing huou work as spraying, .pruning, shipping fruit and cultivating, learning all thoy can of the ncooHsary work on a well ordered fruit farm. In tho. fall thoy will go to Oer- noll and take a soientino course, in tho meantime nolootiiig farmH of thoir own and planning to lay thorn out while -studying. Corn Hurve.itInc Maolilnory. Sovoral mauufaotnrors.of.farm implo- monfcs hnvo mado cheap com harvefltors for doing tho work by borsopowor. YIr'ko uro simply mado in tho form of a slocl, with largo, sharp blades of steel uu oach side oxtonding beyond tho sled. ho sled in driven botwocu tho rows of corn, with a man to drivo and rogulato tho cutter, whilo another gathers tho stalks as thoy uro out and dropped into his arm. In this way two men and a hqvHn can cut suvoral acres in a dny. Travelled. Half tho Globe to "Find Jifealth Without Succor. Tonic ilio .Hlvlco iih< I'rlcnd n iut Now M>rorl;tTi)iu |( I'roivi I Ilo Blou^tlop *'-Smii Aiinrlcitii ivcrvlnti Suvi-cl .Illy Ltlc," Mm 11. Btti]"ili*to:i. of Wir.-hiiin. wntea: "I have tii.fn vuiy nuu'li ttoii('it.d for >i- ib- riiuco 187R~rW!.rli rrcr* oijii atbitity idstl d)H[it'('^in, Hud I"i-u-ii tronl.-'d iu Can itila auil Knyjuud by euioo ot tho bt-^l phy- uicittuH wUh'.tit periij:un;nt rf.-lici. I was 'idvi'ied jtl'^iit (hiT-.: in-ntb^ <tur- t<'> bill's S.-ulh Anit-riuaii Nt-i vine, iiird 1 liuitly bt- HlVm r (t\v<- my Me to it. ti'dii). I can trnUil'ully finy lb;t I In.vo cU-riveil niaie l)Lii"Jit fruni it l!::n tii\\, ti'i n'vuijiif I evur had. 1 .I'm f^ron^rlv tcconums'id u, mul will neyor bo withort it uiv^olf " Hold by J. Thornu. A By.LAW to provide for druiuugu v/orlc in tho TowiiHulp of MnidaLouo, in thu County of Usaox, uud for horrowinn pn tno orodit. of tho munloipalifcy, tho bum of I"our llundrod and Twuniy- eigbt DoIIuth for Hamo, ProvlBlomtPv adoptod tho 0th iHy of Ootobor, A. D. lHOfl. WmBiuaBl.TohiiI*bllHpH andothurHpotltlonort tho niunldlpal tiatinull of Mm ']'owuh1jIj> ofMuM- Btono to oIoho a <\af iilu oiilvort, nituuto on tho north roar rotul at tho sou tit oimb am-ln of lot numbor It) In tho flfcb coiioorh'ou of Raid town- nblp, or fallhiu In tlilH. to aonatraot a illtoh ftlon^'thowemt Hldit of tho lino of road, hotwoon tho Mh uud (1th ootioounlonM frtm Hidd on Ivor*, to tho Llttlo Crol( ami thmioa uorth onntsrlv via tho Inttor to tho llivor I'uoo to curry off tho water from' "Tim Hoar Jloml Ornlii" whloh, at tlruoH of froBliot, IIowh tliroiih thu ft >trl onlvort, and liy uo <U)iuU. provuut. Iohu mid dumiiKO to tho hind crops or tho natclpotltlonom. ' and Wukkkam. thoroupon tb<* mild oouuall Iiub |iroourud mi oxatiiluatlon to bo uindo bv Jamoii H. Ijrtlrd, Kh<i bolnjf a pornon a'>mpot- out for mioh jiurpntot, of tho hh1<1 afa. protiottoil tobodndmiil mid tho iiHiimM HUHHtoii for thu ilniliaiiK<i tlmroofi mid of otlmr InnrlM and rotula liublo to UBHoBHinonfc ini<lr thin Act, uud linn kIuo ^roourml pliDiti, HitooiftOntioim and ontliu* iUoh of tho ilnitnnao work to bo mado by tho Htiid JfLmufi K. Imbd, and nn iiBHOBHmcnfc to bo mnilo by !dtn of tho luiidw and rondu to ho lon- oattuil *by* Ruoli drnliidKo work, a'id of othor lutido abd roiulH lhihlt, for contribution thoroto, Mtntliiu, art noarly o.H ho'oim, tho nroportiou of Ijniiuflt, outlofc 11 ability mill UiJurhift liability,, whloh,bi IiIb opinion, will b * doriviidorinoiirrod In coo(tuonfl of mioh drahiiii.'o work, hywory road anil lot, or portion ot lot, tho mild uiihohu- , nionfcHO tiimU hointf tbatiHoMHmoiit hnroinaftor lty thlu by-law otiaotod to bo iiunotmod and lovlod upon tboroiKlMand lotn, orpartii of lotii, lioro luaftor hi that bithnlf mipoointly not forth and doiiurlhod, and tho roport of thu mild .rnmoH H. fjaird hi tomioot thr-iof and of tho until drain- n work bolnu an foUown: To tlio ltfiovo, Doputy-Koovo ami Munltiipitt OounotllorHof tbo Townnblp of MiUdiitouo, In counoll aflHomblod: GlfiNTfjUMBN. In acoonbmco with linitruo- tionM from yur honorahlo body, I hnvo oxnm- iiiud tho oiilvort at tho junotlon of tho (1th con- eoKiiIon road and thu North Hcnr'rniul and bojj to roport thoroon ilh foIlown: I (bid that mild uulvort hiLxhoon in oxtutor.uo for mem than 110 yoarn; that tho miopia to tho iiouth of iiald aul* vorfc havo unort It for a waterway during all that Tho (trade would bo * * to nvoyj- SiO rodi. tliat Ijt nllttioovoro limboB In ovory bloovoro limboB In ovory'20 rod a. I than ataUud aud lovallod on thu fltl) uonaoHnlou roiuj from thu na(d culvort not th 'MH rod to tho ninali orook ou lot 17 and found tho full from tho mir. fuoo of tho around to tho Ha d llttlo ortiek U> k<t B fo't, H Inchon, tlmt la, RObif? to the north would liavo I foot, 'l)j luolitirt tho ruoro full, I ulno found tho fall In tho bottom of thn drain from wild oulvurt norcb tu th Maid HtLlo uronk 41 font, 7Jti jnobofl. that iri tho fall to tho north hi. tlx> bottom of tho ditoh would bo % bjobim ttio mora. You will mm by tho luiii-xnd profllo of thu ditoh from Haid onlvort ouhI to Min Hlvor ruou, that tho out would bo for about UK) roda, 0 foot, 4 inobuB, WtioroiiH tho out, by tho fitb ooti- uoHiiton road aud tho llttlo on.ok, would bir an you can eoo by tbo umioiod proillo about t ff ot, hlnoboH, Aifahi outthiif tho ditoli on. tho Kouth itoar llond fl.ft-ot. 4 li-ohos <lu*ai> would malco tho top a (front doul widor than it in now and an you aro Hhorfc of rond In ilil looallty now I do not think It would bo wino to out it away whim you can avoid It. You can aluo hum by tho an- uoxod oHttmatii tVuit tho coot of tho oloimhijj out tho ditoh and inakhiU It larf(o oiuiuuh to carry tho wator from thn ald oulvurt onHt lo tho i'non would oont tnoro than ulttaiilny out tho flthooiiooBHloti road uud tbo llttlo orook through lot 17 in tho Gcb ooiiQOHulom Thoroforo tukluu ovorytbhiH Into ooimldoratlou I "would rooom- iiioud tliat tho Kidd utilvort b loft an It Ih and that tho tlih CoiuMifoiIoi) Itoad Drain hooloiuiod out ii |i far an tho Biiid llttlo Crook and id no that thn tdttlo Crook hualtinnod out, throi;h nald lot 17, both to V)o dono hi aouordancio with tho iLimoitod itrolllo and Hpooluoatlotiu and thnt thn lotH and parly oflotB and mad who minonimd au oliowu In tho mmoxod Hhoot. In nialdnji nald aiiHOiiumont 1 havo tnkou Into aooouut thn amount; of dama|(" to any lot, uud hnvo aiuuniHud far uououb ovor and aboyo tho dtima|{oi Whf a you take Hood's rilli. the bl j( n1d-fi>W lonedpiucibMoAtod pills, which ta&r.^u AUt^ plfloei, are not In It with Hood's. Guy to tak ftttd aiy to oparute, U true f Hood's PIUs, whloli nr up to data In crory roapoot Bate, certain and inro. Alt drUKjistfl. 260. O. t. Hood & <Ut Lowell, Ma. Tbo only Pills to take wlJi Hood's BarnpailU*. Pills limft, andyouoannot now oldKOlfcup without you fjothr uhIi tho followlnj,' prouonH: PaHii a by-law dooiioninuaud wldoniin( tho North Hoar ltoadPrain and muko it lnrj(o ouoiiHh to carry off that which now fjooii by it uud ultjo that which conn by tho onlvort uinl put a oIiiiiho in your by-law Unit nald oulvurt iilmll ho olotuul m noon na auld improvomontu aro tlhlHbod. Tlion, if your by-law in not quriHhf d by tho oourtH, you will bo uhlo to oloiio it lojjally. In tlio your IH82, tho following lotH wt'ro aiiiioniiAd for tho North Iloiw-HoftdDrnlm-Lot 10,8:10; lot 18 82H; lot 17, 817, nil In thootb oouoonidon. But tlio by-law dnotiiiot nay that thoy nro to Iiilvo n couiploto out oif only thnt thoy nro briioilttod to that amount nud it lit a wo!I known faot thnt tho nnid North Hour Hoad Drain (loon out olf a inrco amount of wator from said lob. Thon bivvbiii natin)lod mynolf that youootild notucw clono uii nnid culvor., I wont to work to Ibid out whloli ditoh. in the intorofet of tho ratopiiyorn and thn towimhlp, would bo tho bout to oloau out. I Htartod and loyullod from tho mdd onlvort omit to tno Itivor Puoo and fouud tho dlHtnnoo to bo Gl'J rodn aud found tbo fall from tho tmrfaoo of tbo ('round at tho nald onlvort to tho uurfnoo of tlio croupd nt tho uahl Hlvor I'uoo to bo 4 foitt, h% Inchon, and tho fall in tho bottom of tho ditch, from tho nnid oulvort to tho bottom of tho Pucq to bo (Hoot, a luaboB, that In by taking a foot nut of tlio ditch at tho nnid oulvort and i;iv- hid mi ovun uriido to tho bottom of tho I'uoo. JAMKfifl, hAIltD, T.Ii.H. Kimox, April 2nd, 1801, And WuKKiUH, tlio nth! ooiinoil In "I'opinion that tbo drninnuoof tho urom donarlbod In du- Hlrahln. Thoroforo, thr> mild mnnloipal oounoil of tho Hiibl Towmdilp of Maldiitouo, puniuant to tlio proviHioiui of tho Dralnatfo Aot, 1BIU, onuotit nn IoIIowh: Int. a'honuld roiinrt, phniti, Hpocltloationn nn- imnHmoutH uud ontluintoH aro hnroby udoptod and tho drainai^o work an Imroln bidioutod and not forth Hhull bo mado and countruatail in no- oordituao thnrowith. 2nd, Tho Iloovo of Hold to^uiihlp may borrow on tho oi'odit of oorporutlonof nald 1'ownnhlp of Muldiitono.tbir mim of 841W.0C. boln|( tho amount of mo toy noooHnarv for tlio domitvuction of tlio mild dratn.niid may Ihkuo dohontiiroH ol thn oor- porutiOM to that amount In auniiiof notlonn than AOuno)i,and payable within four joanifroni Kho duto tboroof.with IntoroBfc at tho rtito of nix pr omitum por annum, that In to tiny in ton onual InBttihnontH.Huoh dobituturoa to bo puyabfn at tholmporlal llnnk at tho Town of tinnox, and to havo uttaohod to thorn couponu for tbo pay ment of intoroBt. 3rd. l-'or puyinc tbo imm of dllJjO.dO, tlio umomit cbur[(od afiaiiiHt tho nnid litndn and roiubifor bonollt, and tho um of 8 tho umomit oburuod iiiiaiunt tho nald lunilii and roudn for outlet Hnhility, and tho Bum of $ tho amount uharwod uijninHli tlio nuld Inudii and rnadfi for injurinij liability, npurtfmin thohuidii and rendu bolonnliin to or controlled by tho muuloipulity, uud for oovorlnR intoront thoroon for four yoarw at tho rate of nix por ciontuin por aunum; tho total uiioolal rate, over and above nil otljor ratort, iilmll bo anHotinod, lovUd ami oollootod (In tho iiiLiuo mannornnd at tlio name time ufl other taitdB s,ro lovlfd mid aollootod), upon and from tho undermentioned lotn and tmrtH of lotn, aud roadn, and tho amount of the uaid total unoebil riiton and bitoronb nbiiU bo di vided Into four ooual purtfi, and ono nuch part rihull ho nmioNuud, levied and oolloctod an afore- nnid, in oaoh your for rour yonrn after tbo final piuinliifi of thin by-law, duriufj which tbo sulci dobetituroH bavo to run, A < ryln-i icvll I'JVory orvuiK evil should-bo promptly removed. Blok hoadaolio in a erybi^ dvil itffeotni^ thounanda of CuiiiulianH, whloh oin ftiiklly be removed by thu uao of llur- (loeU niood Bittern, tbo bout ktiown iitomaeh.-livor unci bowel rei(til"ter and oure for nick Juiaihtoho from whittovor ciiUHu urinin^. Jj'or Cholera Mofbun, Cbolnra Infantum, Orampn( Coliu, Diarrbani, Dynoutory uud Kurnmor Compluuit, Dt. Fowlur'H Exttnot of Willi Strawberry tu a prompt, aufo ami mire ouro that him huuii n popuiur favanfcu for nourly fiO ytarw. AU KINDS oir WSMlXeCl totlowoik for iih in thin vioinity. If thoy have TUoyolon nil thn liotter. Addromi "Anvi-.H'nHini," lbantford. Ontario, Hovoral nrlyhtyoimij men to do woik for Johnston Bros., Builders Ana Contractor/ Si Window Blinds-^-away down Chinaware, Brio-a-Broc, tancy Gooda, Novelties, Books and stationery, * Bchool supplies. Toys ofallkindH, Berlin Wools and Fingering- Yarns, New Stock of late Wall Paper. THE ESSEX Roller J MM*, JAMES NAYLOR .' ho ban remodeled tho Kmbox Huler Ml la m- oordhijj to pliLUH ureparod by H. N. Prloo, of St. riiomuo, nud alno HocurxdthonorvIooH of Hobort btmalian. an o*porloiicod uud thorotiKbly com- poteut miller. Thankhitfthopoo v for tho luiftiiapooploof thn town nndoontitv -4- mtroiiiiHe-bontowod upon him In tho imArxiiH IH - British Columbia Plant hit; tbo White Tlno. A Now iluin^pilnro contributor to Oormti-y Gontlcmmi tolla of tho excep tional hucochh obtuinod byn sioighbor of Boutliim baiTtiii wiiHto plains to tho white pin'o. Tho land wan plowed and needed to outn, which wovo harrowed iu, and thou worn nown from ono to. two quarts of pino (Hied bi'oadciiHt to the aero and then tho land rollod. Ho writes: No doubt pino sued nhonld be lcept iu it cool, dry placo till nown. Ouool triod to kucp tho wood in tbo coiioh through the winter, but Komo woovil ate ji'oarly every grain of it. That whioh I boat out in tho autumn uud sot away till Hpriiifj wuh not eaten at all. Notwithstanding tho kuccohh noted, I would try the ox- porimont of flowing pino seel in tho fall on land sown to winter ryo IriKtoad of Hawing in the Hprinf* withoutH. Tho rye might be out high and late, if there wan ouoiiRh to pay for the hibor, for tho late cutting would oauBO koiuo grain to fall out for roKooding, and tho tall fltubblo loft would furiuHh'Hhado. 80 far ao I know, tho pino in eafo from Buiifltroko af tor tho aecoutl your. Indeed it beoomou the most ardent of aun worahipora, fitrotchiug up far above all our othor trees to )n\ak in hiu blaze. A FREE CURE -VOR ^(pwfiP'i Tho lirithih Medical lutititute, of -Dp- troit, Mioh., ban, tiftor many yoarn of pationt invi'nticution, ditionyorod a fcrout- ment by whicli oaturrb, oaturrlial-douf- jk'Hh, iwllmin, bronchitis,'and connumptlou in itti ilrnfc or HOQond Htngo.oiin bo rudioully and pormanoutly enrod. So well Hfiticliod ih tho Ii.'utituto that itu onro in iL'flpoaiflp, that ifi will, for a lim- iVod timo, mmd a full coercm of ity. modi-. citiCM, Huffiolout to lout for tbroo months,. a.bHoluttily. froo to'all upptionntB, ( AddtcHH.: Buitirh MiionyL Inb^itUte, GO WaBbinfttou Ave! Detroit., ATioh. it ,C 0 0 a 0) a .2 c u ca o5 J. r. (11 ID a* 3 CJ 0 a a d n 0 c d ol i O iJ tj . > > > N M li (i ii w qr 50 - 7 50 (i H 0 qr 50 7 50 G n 0 qr no 7 50 (J a w qr 50 7 50 7n hf- 100 15 00 7n hf 100 15 00 Suhf 100 lb Oft SHhf ' 11)0 15 00 Ii n hf 1U0 15 00 1 Ofihf 100 . 15 00 . 10 u w qr 50 7 50 10 u e qr 50 7 50 11 n w i|r 50 7 50 11 n 0 qr 50 7 50 12 n w qr 50 1 00 Oth 10 150 45 00 18 so ({r 50 a;j 00 18 n out 50 23 00 IN h w qr . GO in 00 lfi n w <ir 50 <i 50 17 h e qr 50 23 00 17 ii e qr 50 11 50 6th IS) w i 50 4 50 IB h iv qr 50 1 50 IH n w (jr fO 1 50 17 H w qr 50 33 00 17 11 hf n w qr yf>. 4 50 17 h hf n w qr %h 0 50 17 0 hf Totol.on huulfl,,. 100 50 $850 00 ft 00 00 QJ "" KM <rf = M J3 VJ CEO o a nI O CJ & it. o a > M t 1-4 U > - <u ei "al 'o (/3 o a in l"zi J. - a Ml < * tu 01 c : IF *f 8 7 7 7 1 15 15 15 m 50 fiO CO 00 00 00 15 15 16 lfi 31 31 hi H U 8 8 17 17 17 05 05 05 05 31 31 ill 15 00 2 31 17 31 15 00 2 31 17 31 15 00 2 31 17-31- 7 50 1 15 8 05 7 50 1 15 B 05 7 50 1 15 8 05 7 50 1 15 8 05 1 00 Kb 4 01 45 no C 01 51 01 23 00 U 55 211 55 23 00 :i 55 20 55 13 00 2 00 15 00 0 50 1 00 7 50 23 GO 3 Ff> 20 55 11. 50 1 77 13 27 4 50 Gil 5 10 1 50 00 5 19 4 50 00 5 11) 23 00 .3 55 20 55 1 fi*0 00 5 It) 0 50 1, 45 10 Oli 0 50 1 45 10 90 . 2 2 2 o w 4 4 4 1 1 -4 o 2 2 2 1 12 0 B 3 1 16 lti Hi 1(1 32 32 32 32 32 32 10 10 10 10 15 98 03 B3 75 87 0 03 3 31 1 2fl 1 20 1 29 0 OH 1 2!) 2 7-1 2 74 Pino Shinglos, $1410 Up. All Kinds of Building Material, SASff, DOOftS, LA Til and BARN LUMBER, V*jT SuilMlurilmi Clmtrnuu'cd. Opp. Water Works, IOhhcx. newt, will iiuitriuitooatln(actioiiin tbo future- Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. KS- The Best Grades of Fhttr, Ihtd and' Lonunml Kept in Stock and sold at JRigK Prices. ..... A Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats.' DoyouIftdeF "If so, you want to have tho best there is and everybody knows thafc^ The Nobbiest Turnout % -III TO IllC HiD AV- arerooms & $359.00 ft 09.00 .955.42 8414.4281011 B0 10,05'ft 70.05 -819.91 Total on laiuitiund roads,,.,....S 128.00 lth. For iniyinn tbo mun of SfHt.00, tlio amount umiounod iiRiiinut the nnid romlti uinl JnUiht of t)m municipality, e-url for eovorlna lit- Lernut tbtr.on for fanr yearn at tlio rnto ot nix jior coiitiim ijv uiinnni, a apodal rnto ou thn doliitv, oulllolent to ihk1iico tlio required yoitrly uinount theretor, Hhull, over and above all ether ruti'ii, bo levied and collected (In lliuniiuio m.m- nur and lit tho name thnt an tuxciH are levied and uollcctttil), upon aud from tbo whole rutublo property, hi tlio nnid Towimbip of Maidntono, in iilit:h your for Inuryotirn aftov the final paa!iiiir,'of thin by-law, durinu whicli the aaiii debenture!] liavo to run. lith. Tlmt.bfl.TjalnhKtiri.,iii hereby ium..into(l cniiiuiiHnioii(/r to let tbo oontmot tor tlio con. HtnioLinctho uiild drain and worlcu counnctutl MiOL-ewitli, by public Hiilo, to tlio towent biddnr (uot exctjeibiiu ilio entiniate), but every imch uontiruotor, with two ^ood and uatldfaetory uur- etfen, Hhull he ruiuiirod forthwith to enter i'Ho hoiuln for the due porforuuinuo and cciunlotion of the contract, ucenrdmn to mild plaun and iH-ocinoittioiiii and within the time mentioned within tjuoli [jond. nnloiin otherwluu nrileroil by i)ih couiidil; [Ltid it nball he tlio duty .ol' tuioli C'jnuiiiHHJQiKir to can no uaid draii] and wothn ommoi:toil Uioiewith.t'j bo Hindu end conHtruct- od In (icoordiiiiae with mioh plunn and Hpecitlcu- tloiiH, uot bUi'i'than the lid, day ot DiKiemher, A. X), lbi)0, (nnleiiH otheirwiiiu onleved bv tbo coimoil), and to |(iant cortineateii to tlio Iteovn from time to time, to ouch con true tor, limn 10 nor ouin'i.oftlie (iiiiount due, until tho nontruct in fully completed and duly iioooptod, and. for tlio rhio pDrfevniaueo ot tho jio and all othor dutloi of coininiHHioner, tbo iijiid nommiiinlontr nlial 1 bo entitled to reeelve a ooniininiiion of throo per cent, ou theiietual com of tbo work. 8438 00 S60.08 940-1-08 i?123.52 0th. Tliat tbo cQinmUeiiouor bo ro^ufred forthwith to 'until* into hondu, in tho mini of #4ilb',[10, for ibe duo nanplctlon of tbo work, lie- coi'dliu; to plunn and upeoiboablomi, i\tu\ within the tluiutii|f,oiilod iuoiiob bond, 7th, 1')\U\ bvlnw cluill bo imbllsluul onoe in evory wuelt. for four couuocutivo wooUh, in the Khh'/x:.]>1i'oo l'ronu, newnpapor, puliliHbod in the 'i'owtt of ISuniix, end tjlin.ll oonie into foroe upon and uftur thu lluul pariHlnii thereof, and may ho oltod tho "Little Crook Drain by-law " M. MoJlUGII, Olorit. PETI5K COltBBTT, Itaovo. I boroby oortify tliat the foro((oitu,' in a truo copy ofaby-luw provinionally udoptod by tbo Munioipfil Ooiinoil ol tiio nnid Town whip o( Mitiiliitono, on tlio 9th day. of Octobor, a, D. 1600. M.MtiHUOH, Clork of tho Municipality ot Maldntonc. "N" ITOTIC^. OTIfiE in boruhyfjivon tbiit u Court of Ko- vhilon, bold puniuant to the provbiionii of tho DminuRo Act, iHiM, for tlielieurini,' and tilal of appealn mado uftahiiit tho nbovo iiiinoim- ment, or any part thereof, will hold itu flrut nil- tii)f,'K at the Town Hal), Maidntono.on'Saturday, tlieTtb day of Kovumlmr, lhflO, at the hour of 1 o'olook In tbo afternoon, and tbut any portion liitoimhif! to uppmil ii(;aiyjnt. tho above amiohn- mont, or unv part thereof, intuit, not later than ton duvfl before the time ilxed for the holding Of naid Court, nerve on tbo Clnrlt of tbiu muuic- l])abty, n witton notice of moli uppoal, or otboi-wlne bo will be too Into to bo beard lu that buhalf. And furthor notioo in horobv ({Ivoii Unit any Tionion intondlufi to hnvo. nn oil by-law, or any putt, tboruof, quieihncl, intuit, .not later than ton dayii aftor tho 11 mil piumlnu thereof, nerve a not ioo In wrlthij; upon tbo Hoove, or-otber hem! offleer, and upon tho Clork of tbo Municipality of Miiidntauo, of hln intention to iv.alfo applioa tiou for that puvpodo, to tho TIl|(b Court at To ronto,' ibirliiR the nix wortl(o next onautnij tbo Ihial punijlufj ot tlibi by.luw.; Dated at Alaidtitono.tbo 0th day of Ootobor.lfiOu' M. Monuon, ,. Towimbip Olerlt. Packed with Good Furniture p Every Description. A fine Parlor Suit* Oak framev Good Plush,-.$16.00; Wo nevor waro ho woll propareil to do buainon^. LotH of ftooebi and prioon ri^ht. It will pay you to pvo iih a call und unods mid t!'t pricon. Wo uru ploiuiotl quote pricon to any who need furnitt Wo bavu boen doiun a n;ooil EiteaGy tr nonB now for about 10 vou.ru und wo wi . to tcmlor our tbanltft to tho public Ronotc tor tho very liberal patrouuuo wo bavo coivofl of thorn during tho 10 yearn tbnl have bot'ii in biiKinofin in tbo,now Towi. UNDERTAKING A SPEC5AL1Y J. A. HICKS & Co., Essex. JOHN A, ROSES Livery. _^~^ "Good Ilaadtitcrn, J'kmjj Hiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriages. A Call Solicited, Satisfaction Guaranteed. North of tho # Knilwuy Trade. ESSEX, ONT. lD AT ONCE Sovoral hoavy toame to truck logs; also buyers for sovoral IIousob' and . Lots in tho Town of Ehbox, and a lot of wild lands in tho surrounding country. Tueso proporfcioa aro oiTor- od at u saoriiico. Aldo a largo quantity of codrao dry Lumbot for sale. It may bo aeon at. tho Colchester mills. Apply to T. H. DeCEW, .M.DEOEW, Ck or to J.GOtTRLAT &; SON, ESSEX ONT 3S& Afefe/II '!!Slr':)!) FOB TINE JOB PRINTING You cannot do better than call xne * TUB T1U0MPH CORN SH13LLEB :69 um Mauhfno oonsista of a horizonlal oast cylinder^ mi\\ wrouglit/iroiJ hmjS w^h scoel tooth boltod'to tlio o'yli'idor 'bo as to bo rovorsiblo when the ^fjth become worn on tho IVont-sido, vunning in a porforntcd concavo ,iro.n ioII, which tho shollod corn passos through into a shoot iron c:iae, with b q or vlPiiuor attached bolow, wbiob tatee ail-tbo dust ^rom tho grain. 'The f '; wipbttt' bosh, most simple aitd durable Power Corn Ueller in-.-use;'-!'^.^IJB.^'iVjAiSl ^orii por'lootiy oloan in any couditicn ^boiling and oleariingi^mone'totwbv^!/^^ isabd bushols of oars ^er day, according to power. ' ^': I)iMEN6ioNs. V^uia .ft in. face; Motion, 800 to 800 devolutions per minute; Wwpht.'SfiO.lbsi'^VlSS ., if,' ,? EVERY SMELLER WARRANTED. SHELLER WARRANTED. .. -: ^,Z+m J GOURLAY & SO^: v^s^S /..>""'."' '^"'-'^-/^v'^'^X'^^m

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