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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 23, 1896, p. 1

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pi1;- * ' 'I1 I;':, VOL XII. No 43. w> # to-.. . BS3EX, ONT., FEIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1896. WHOLfe No. 916 1 >' ' Forsythe, Anderson & Go., I-/ If.;. r.. Leading- Store of [*. I'* . Hi jt-"' We Want ^1 Your Trade >,) fax . V,."' "Ha- 4" <ju' M '<: .'f.1' :,i ^. DROPS>_ CURED. npIIR tTnilorBlflnod laproparod to aaro all ciwofl Wator Dropsy whethor or low? Of nbort da ration. Absalatoly no ohamo tialusH Mm tmtt- ent In entirely and porowinontly on rod. J A.MKB CAMPBELL, Oottain, Ont. 80 Cider flaking. TUB undorfllfjnod 1h pro parr d to matiufao- tur Oluor at Qotu. pnr Gallon, on WodiioH- (Uys, Thursdays uud Fridays of eaoh weak. Urluff ttloiiK your Applon, 43 OHAfl. UTTIilB, Miiidutonft. For Sale; AO- SO 1UU rea cleared; ono uillo from Edgar St\- tloi), M.O.U., and four front bqUooI, patoaloo. oto; oheap. Tormfl, to HUit mirahnHor. M. WAUHBTT, Gonto t'.O. Lost. YN WNGHVIIajK. ON X torn bur QUh, u lilauk TItUMSDAY, HHP tomboy 2*ili, h lilaok uiul tut) hound, an nwfB to tho naran of "Drum." Any pornon fur- ulublna lafortiuitlon tlmtwlllloiiil t} his ruaov- ery will Imj nultably rowardud. 'OHAH. THnABHEH, lflwHox ^The County Coufieiilofship. To the Mectora of No. 2 DUhHot, in the C'ottnty of .fikticx : FKLtow KIjKotouh, J doctro to ntalo that I Intond offorluo inyHclf at) a imuuldato tor your mi(Irn.u<ifl for tho ollloo of County Coiinolllor for No. 'J Dlutrlot In tliu County, tlio olootloti for wblab in to bo bold on Mio tlrHt Jjtouilay lu Jan- nary, 1H07. Yourn r^iHpootfuIly, ,/. M 'STONE. KflHdx, Onfc., Ootobdi* Wth, 1800. CMllK'S AfiVEtlTISEfflEJlT 0FG0UI}TlMNEWSPfiPER. ATOTIOlil IB TTKUEUY GIVKN THAT A X> Court will bo bold.purHuaufc to tho Ontur- Jo VoUrs'Llutfl Aot of \m\f by U1h Honor, tho Judfro of tho County Court of fcbo County of IOhhox, at tho Town Hall, Cottam, on Uio S9tb daya^Ootobor, IbOH, at ton o'olook in tint foru- noon to boar and oxiiiuino tbo nnvoral coi- nldlntii of errors and ombmlomi lu tbo Votora' LiHt of tbo Muulolpallty of Ootirtold North for All porwoiiH bivvlufi bunluuHo ut tho Court are Wiquiroil to attoiid ut tbo uaid tlnto and plaoo. Dated tbo 10th day of Ootobor, 18011. IPAAO JACKSON, Clorkof tho mild Municipality. T. H. DeCEW Wants at Once, TWENTY MEN TO CUT WOOD. Steady employment for the winter. BARGAINS: AT ..H. M. PAUL'S.. Bella River Fair. .lust about two weeks go tbo JMreo- tors of the Eoobestor and Maidatono Agricultural Booiety decided upon hold ing a lull fair at Bello Itivor and "Wed- neflday and Thnrflday of this wook woro Bolooted na tbo datca, yot in Hpito of tho abort notice and latonosB of tho eonon tbo oxhibitiou wad a pronounced huc- cofifl. Wedneitday waa somowbat of a wintor day but Thursday was much ihilder and tbo sun ahone brightly, so that people who desired attending tho fair had exoollout weather for doin^ bo. Tbo nbow waH hold at tho Driving Purk about half a railo from tho villago and there was a very largo crowd prowont on Thuroday afternoon. Tbo dilTorcnfc directors all worked hurmouiouHly and iuduBtriouflly for tho Hitocesa of the af fair and aro worthy of credit for bring ing it to tmoh a HUCCOBHful iSHUO. Tho entry Hat was quite .i^'large'-one and tho o3chihit would bear coThparisoui with those of any township show in tho province In tho livo Htock depart- mentH, exoellonfc nnimuU were shown, the bent Of tho variouit oIohhoh in tho two towUflhipa being brought out. Tho principal oxhibitors woro from tho two townships. The socioty has no building for tho exhibition of horticultural and agricul tural products and tbo ladioo' work but thoy have a largo sized tout that wua used for this purpose and u good dis play was shown theroin. Apples made joerood showing, whilo pours wore also good. Owing to tho lateness of tho season, however, there was an absonco of poaches. Tho balance of tho spneo on tbo south side was tnkon up by tho canned fruits and dairy products, whilo several baskets 6f oxcollontoom showed that few plaoos iii this country can com pare with thoso two townships in tho matter of growing this cereal-, Tho eafit ond was illlod with products of tho farm, including a wafcormolon whioh woighod )]8 lbs., and grain and bogiIb, largo sized maiigolds, turnipH, oto., showed up conspicuously in prominent places on tbo north huIo. The centre part of tbo tent was mudo attractive hy exhibits of Indies1 work. . ow Tina onouNDH, H. M. Faul, of Essox, was on .the grounds with his phonograph. . W, P. MoKonzio, xvbo has oxbibitod at ovory fair but one this fall in Kbbox County, showed live rigs from his es tablishment, a phaoton, two top bug gies, n democrat and a lumbdr wagon. C. E.McCloukov,of Hollo Hiver,agent for Wm. Gray & Bonn, had a top buggy, a two^Beatod democrat, two euttorfi and a lunibor wagon, Mr. MoGloskoy ia al so agent for tbo Mnssoy-Hnrris Co.,and showed a mimbor of thoir agricultural implomonts, also Wilkinson ploughs. Jlonry Taylor, of Bollo IHver, exhib ited a Noxon.disc harrow, a root pulpor, a cutting machine and sovorul 1'loury ploughs, for whioh ho is agent. A number of stands and pedlars on tbo grounds appeared to do a good bus iness. M. Xj. Menard,of Bollo IHver, bad tho largest and best exhibit on tho grounds, including implements, etc., for which he is agent, and vehicles of his own man ufacture, Tho exhibit included a corn binder, manufactured by tho Dooring Harvester Co., which was inspected by a largo humhor. of fai-worn ; n Dooriug mower, threo Oxford stoves, one sot of double harness, two KotR of single hm- noHH, one top buggy, ouo*open buggy, throe two-sontod domocrats, a' delivery wagon, a cart and a lumber wagon. Mr. Menard's exhibit was west of tho grand stand, occupied quite a space and ho was kept buay with visitors. W Scott Pnlford, of Loaoiiugton, was aluo ou hand with a gelding, Ut George Leak; and Thomas Phillips. Span working horses, JTohn Mulling, jr. Brood mare and foal, 1st Thomas Phillips, 2nd John Kobflon. Foal of 18110, 1st and 2nd John Robaon. l-yonr- old filly or gelding, A. B. Ruatou. 2- year-old filly or gelding, H. Hedrlok, 8-year-old filly or gelding, IfitN. Moub soau, 2nd Thos. Phillips. Bpan working horsofl, 1st J. J. Dowhirst, and H. Hod- riok, - (JAltUIAOK nOHBKH. Brood mare and foal, 1st A. R. John ston, 2nd It. P. Seymour. Foal of I8i)fl, 1st P. P. Bouteiilor, 2nd JX. F. Soy- ruour. 1-year-old filly or gelding, let D. MoAlister, 2nd S. Deimer, 2-year- old illly or golding, Thos. Stothard & Hon. 8-year-old filly or gelding, Titos', Btothard & Sou. Span of horaosl Int Loaroyd Bros., 2nd 1), Moison. Bmglo horso in barnoss, 1st H. Q. Arnald & Son, 2nd W. Burchiel. Baddlo horse, 1st P. Daly, 2nd H. Hodriofc. MtieciAXiri. ' By ,T. F, Wear, for best Bingle horso io-opon buggy, box of .cigarft, H. G. 'Arnald & Son, ByLoaroyd Bros., for best pair matched ponies, best hat in thoir 'storo, A. W. Cohoe. By Wm, MoQrogor, M. P., for boat paitmatohod carriage horses, 5, Loaroyd Bros. CAJPTLE, Judges, Wm- B. Ash and James Rourko. DUUUAMS. Bull, aged, 1st H. G. Arnald A Son, Sad John McMumn, Bull, 3 years old, .T. J. Dowhirnt. Bull, 1 year old, D. MoAlister. Bull calf, 1st I). MoAliator, 2nd H, G. Arnald & Son, Cow, lat D, MoAlister, 2nd H. G. Arnald & Son. Hoifer, 2 years old, 1st and 2nd EC. O. Arnald & Son. Heifer, 1 year old, 1st I). MoAHstor,- 2nd H. G. Arnald k Son. Hoifer Oalf, 1st and 2nd D. MoAliator. JEltStDYH, HoiEor, 2 years, A. E. Johnston. Hoifer calf, A. B. Johnston. OttABEH. Cow, 1st F. P. Bouteiilor,' 2nd H. G. Arnald &., Son. Hoifer, 2 yeard old, Thos. Stothard k Son. Hoifer, 1 your old, 1st and 2nd Hi G. Artfald & Son. Hoifor calf, 1st H. G. Arnald A Son, 2nd D. \ 0. Dowhirst. Pair yoarling stoors, H. G. Arnald A Son. Fat cow or hoifor, 1st and 2nd D. MoAHstor. HPEOJATj. By W. J. MoKoo, M, P. ^P.p for best Durham bull, 1st S3, J. J, Dowhirst: 2nd $2, H. G. Arnald k Son. SHEEP. Judges Wm. Milieu, J, E. Birch and Wm. Elliott. UlilOUHTJ&na' ANO I'HIBIR GUADWS. Ram, aged, IstH. G. Arnald'A Son, 2nd T. C. Rodgors. Bam, shoarling, 1st and 2nd, II. G. Arnald A Son. Ham lamb, 1st Wm. Ash, 2nd H. G. Arnald A Son, Ewos, agod,' 1st H. G. Arnald A Son, 2nd T.' C. Bodgors. Shoarling owes, lsti H. G. Arnald A Son, 2nd Wm. Ash. Ewe lambs, 1st T. O. Bodgors, 2nd Wm.. Ash. OOTflWOIiUH, Bam,' agod, 1st and 2nd H. G. Arnald (ScSon. Ham, shearling, 1st and 2nd H. G, Arnald.A Son. Ram Iamb, 1st "Wm. Abu, 2nd H. G. Arnald A Son. Ewes aged,-1st H. G. Arnald A Son, 2nd Joh. PhillipB. Bhoarling owes, 1st H. G. Arnald A Son, 2nd Wm. Ash. Ewe Iambs, lotWin. Ash, 2nd H. G. Arnald A Son. DOWNS AN3) TinSIH OUAUKS. Ram, agod, 1st Jos.-Phillips, 2ndH. G. Arnald A Son. Ham. shoarling, 1st and 2nd,H. G. Arnald A Son. Ram lamb, iBfc.ToH. Phillips, 2nd H. G. Arnald A Son. .Ewos, aged, 1st If. G. Arnald, 2nd Jos, Phillips. Shearling owes. 1st Jos. Phillips, 2nd H. G. Arnald A Hon. Ewo Iambs' 1st Jos. Phillips/2nd, H. G. Arnald A Son. Pat owes, any brood, Must 1)6 Cleared Ont'in Four Weeks: $850 150 50 1S5 35 25 20 15 Mandolin, ' * ' - - - D UiilturM. VioIIun, oio., and ti inmilHM ortiflM>ndi"liiiiul Ifliictliliicit At a Bargain. H. n. PAUL, Holn Ai(ont tor Kara Planon, Kavn OminiB, Hliifi vr flowing Muohluod, uto. KKPAIItlNO NRATLY PONlil. . 1 KvmiM I'lmiOf new, - 1 V!yiuiu 1*1 it no, mourly now, 1 Kiim I*lnitO"Cuuo or^an, . irood aw noiv, PhoHiAgftiiili, ncafly no>*, oinili ooinplcd', Now Sitinilaril.s'4'Wiui<r W(ft- cliliui, Koiiny, Now Nianilurd Nowiirg Mu- cUinr, shwillle, / "ilruwcrNnw Wtlllimi*.' Kur- OurIllnt1i)t Nlugfii\.' *- - - WINUSOlt. Norman Pattoraou, paving toller of tlio of tho Traders' Bank, Windsor, ban dinap- pearod, and.no. on Sooma to know whore ho baa gono. Mi*. Pattornon loft thy bank on.Friday itftoruoon, uud, as far as can bo ieamod, this xh tho hu.t kuown of his mov^. monts. Mtiuu^nt' Mair, of tho ban It, in authority for tho Htatomoat that no irroi^u- larities aro known to exist m his books, .Tlio miHSing man in about 2fi years old. ilvo foot, nix iuokatt in huight, weight about 165 pound*, dark hair and tuountaohe. Ho loft no debU behind him, and hie mys terious action is antxplainabK top buggy. TiTyT OV ISNTItlKS, Horses,......................................c Oattlo.......................................5,'j Sheep......................................50 Nwino..................................... !U Poultry................................;.....49 Grain and Hoods...,....................D4 Piuld Boots.....................,..........r>l Garden Vegetables..................'...5-1 Pnut.........;................,..............5U Hairy Products.......................,.,52 Homostlo Manufaotuvos..'.,..,.......42 Ladioa1 Work.......................r.....;{j) Plowors and Plants..................... j j\laimfaoturoK of wood and iron....10 Specials.................^....................<|a Total....................................san BPHRDTNO TN THIS 1UNO. With.aviowto tostiug tho roadsters and to affording1 more amusement for tho spectators tbo special attmottons committee ^ organized somo trials of speed, which woro well contested, and rosiiHod as follows: , VAUMKllK" npllBKB. Rhodio C, O Menard....;:..............2 4 ti .Toxns Ijow,J J Dowhirst..............4 fi ii Nellie Hunter, It BoggH...............11 2 ! Dick, A Chovaliov........................1,1 l Lady Bono, A Maroon,..:..:............5 ;i 5 Time, JU0; 11.07; Jl.OS. .THINNING HACK MIT/Ifl. Topsy.PDaly...;.............................it George, W Ijuvoio,...,......................n B JoHsioKJng, HHodriek..................2 2 Time, CH sec, Ci) h. HORSES. badges, A. R/Johnston and Jamos >;ott. UMAVY BltAVOU'I'S. 1 Brood mare and foahlst Geo. Leak; 2nd ;rhos. Phillips. Foal of 1800, 1nfc Georgo Xoak; 2nd Thos.- Phillips. Ono year old Ally or gelding, 1st Thomas Btothard A Som-2nd< Wm. Smyth. Two-year old Ally or gelding, Thos. Ttothard A Son, 8-yoarrOld Ally or 1st T. O. Rodgors, 2nd H. G. Arnald A Son. Pat wotbors, .H. G. Arnald A Sou, SWINE. Judges, Samo as for snoop. IUBHKHWIUSa Boar, aged. 1st Wm. Ash, 2nd A. R. Johnston, Boar, under 1 year, .1st Thos, Williams A.Son/3nd R. F. Soy- raour. Boar, under six months, 1st nod 2nd Wm. Ash, Sow, agod, 1st A. U, Johnaton, 2nd Thos. Williams A Son. Sow nndor 1 yoar, 1st A; R. Johnston, 2nd Wm. Ash. Sow 'under (i months, 1st Win.'Ash, 2nd A, R. Johnston,' Sow and ilvo pigs, tot Wm. Ash, 2nd R. P. Soymour. "YOinCHIUBKH. Sow and fivopigs, Goo, IjouIc- VOIiANI) OIITNAH. Boar, aged, Adrian Broolcor. Hon'r under 0 montha, Thos. Phillipfl.' Bow and livo pigs, I), C. Dowhirst. POUTjTRY. Judge, Wellington Wigle, of Kingst villo. Turkoys, bronze, J. P. Rnston. Tur- koyH, ftommon, 1st, .73. ,C. Dowhirst, 2nd, Patrick Dally. Duolcs, Aylos- bury, J. P. Ruston. Ducks, any other kind, iat.and 2ud,'Thos. Williams A Son. .Goose, 1st Hoouan Bruuor, 2nd 13. O. Dowhirst. Brahmaa, light, iat N, Moasseau, 2nd Wm. Smyth." Black Spauinb,' 2nd Chart. COrnotfco; Jjog- horns. 1st Thos. Williams A Son, Sad Paul .Deishpurg., XMymojii Rooks, 2nd. B. 1. yoymour, Guinea fowl, 1st Pat rick Dally; 2nd Chas*: Coruotto. Pig* oons, 1st James Malono/ 2nd M. . Monard. , GRAINS AND SEEDS. . Judge, Wm. Milieu. Wheat, whito,B.P,Soymoui'. Wheat rod, 1st H. Brunor. 3nd Wm.Burobiel, Whoat, amber, 1st Jno. Mullins, 2nd Geo. Ijoalc. Barloy, 1st D. Poisson, 2nd P. Diosbourg. Small peas, Wm. Corn, yellow flint.Honry Taylor. Corn, any other vorioty, 1st A. It, Ruston; 2nd H. Hodriok. Flax seed, 1st H. Hedriok,3ndD. O. Dewhirat. Small white beans, 1st Wm. Burchiol. 2nd Noah Walker. Clover seed, H. Hed- riok. Timothy, 1st J. J. Dowhirst, 2nd E. St. Pierre. By A. J. Green, best 2 bushels of fed wheat, 84, John MeMurrin. JTEBD BOOTS. Potatoes, Beauty of Hebron, 1st Jos. Grainger 2nd John MoMurrin. Pota toes, Rose, D. Poisson. Potatoes, any other variety, 1st Wm. Smyth, 2nd II. Rhodes. Swede turnips, Ut R. P. Sey mour, 2nd F. P. Bouiolller. White turnips, let It. F. Seymour, 2nd D. Poisson. Carrots, yellow, 1st H. Bhodes, 2nd F. P. Bouteiilor. Carrots, wbito, 1st M. Ij. Menard, 2nd V. P. BoutoiUer. Mangolds, long rod, lat E. Leak, 2nd D. 0. Dewhist. Man- golds, yellow, letD. O. Dowhirst, 2nd S. Doimer. Mangolds, yellow globe, D. O. Dowhirftt. Parsuipw, 1st S. Doimer, 2nd H. Taylor. Pumpkins, Ut Geo. lioak, 2nd D. C. Dewbirsfc, GARDEN VEGETABLES. Onions, red, lntGoo. Leak, 2nd Potor Onellette. Onions, white, P. Dios bourg. Swoot green corn, 1st H. Brunor, 2nd H, Rhodes. Cabbages, lot H. Taylor, 2nd G. A. Wintemnto. CaulxIl2wors, 1st Geo. Leak, 2nd<:'Kd. Leak. Tomatoos, largo, Potor Ouol- letto. Watermelons, F. P. Bou'toillor. Oolery, M. Tj. Monard. Turnip beots, Ut H. Brunor, 2ndH. Taylor. Citrons, striped, II, Taylor. Citrons, Californ ia long, Ut H. Taylor, 2nd A, Khlator. Red poppers, largo, 1st H. Taylor, 2nd Geo, Leak. Rod poppers, small, 1st Goo.Xoak, 2nd, J, F. Ruston. Col lection of gardon vogotablos, J. F. Ruston, FRUIT. Judge, A. R. Johnston, of Woodsloo. Apples, Baldwins, 1st J. P. Ruaton, 2nd'A. W. Cohoo. Russets, 1st A. W. Cohoe, 2nd Wm Ilarvoy. Snow, 1st A. W. Cohoo, 2nd H. Hoctrick. NortlA em spy, 1st A, W. Cohoe, 2nd <T, F^ Uuatoa. Rhodo Island Greening, 1st J; F. Rnston, 2nd H. Hodriok. Sook-no- furthor; George Loak. Greatest col lection, corrootly namod, 1st A. W. Cohoe, 2nd J. F. Ruston. Grapos, dark, 1st Goorgo Loak, 2nd. G. A. Wintomuto. Pears, 1st R. F. Soymour, 2nd J, F. Ruston. Crab applos, lalrj. F. Ruston, 2nd Wm. Smyth. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS. Judges, Mrs. A, W. Cohoo and Mrs. L. Mills. Crock of butter, 1st Mrs. H. Hcdriok, 2nd Mrs. Adrian Brookor. Roll of but- tor, 1st Mrs. G. Leak, 2nd Mrs. Wm. Burchiol. Homo made bread, 1st Mrs, Hoonan Brunor, 2nd Mrs. Adam Knis- tor. Honoy, extracted, 1 st J. P. Rh- ton, 2nd John lytoUiu". jr. Honey in comb, ThI N. Moussoau, 2nd J. F. Rus ton. Pioklcs, 1st Mrs. Adrian Brookor, 2nd Mrs. Hoonan Brunor. Collection of cannodfruit.lst Mrs. ITeoiiau Brunor, 2nd Mrs. Ghas. Coruotto. Sorghum syrup, 1st D. 0. Dowhirst,2nd William Ilarvoy. Maple-Hymp, 1st Jas. Mott, 2nd H. Bruner. Tomato catsup, 1st J. F. Ru8tau,_-2ud_-Hnrry Rhydey. HPRfUAtiM. By J. 0. Pock, host 20 Hi. crook of butter, $5, Mrs. H. Brunor. By Novoux, Clinton A Baxter, for four loavoa homo mndo broad, 1st ^2, Mrs. Hoonan Bruuor, 2nd .1, Mrs. Chas. Coruotto. By Morton & Christie, host coliob-.- tion of canned fruit, 1st $2, Mrs, H. Bruner, 2nd $1, Mrs. Chas. Cornetto. LADIES' WORK Judges, Mrs. H. 0. Roes and Mrs. 0. W. Underbill. Embroidery on muslin, 1st Mrs, John Walkor, 2nd Mrs. N. Walker. Embroidery on oottou, Mrs. H. Hod riok. Tidy, 1st, Mrs. Wm. Bnrchiol, 2nd Mrs, A, Brookor. Hair flowers, Mrs. Chas. Coruotto. Berlin wool ilowors, Mrs. John Walkor. Borlin wool work, flat, lot Mrs. Chas. Cornetto, 2nd Mrs. H. Hodriok. Borlin wool work/raised, 1st Mrs. H. Hcdriok, 2nd, Mrs. Wm! Smytho. Sholl work, Mrs. H. Bruuor, Orooliot work, 1st, Mrs. J. F. Ruston, !3nd,Mrs. H. Brunor. Lninp mat, 1st Mrs, Wm. Burohiol, 2nd, Mrs. H. Hodriok; Pillow shams, 1st Mrs. J. F. Ruston, 2nd, Mrs. Chas, Cornetto. Darnotl socks or stockings wool Mrs, Goo. Loalc. Darned hocIch or stockings, cotton, Mrs. H.' Hcdriok. Child's dross, 1st Mrs. A. Brookor, 2nd Mrs. H. Brunor, Bracket lambrequin, Mrs. H. Hodriok. for carrying' it to'"^ In a largo measure""'M tbo fair and altio such an end is due __ to tho ofiforts of J, J. Dowhirst and 0* F, Cornotte, who worked OHoiduouely" both in the matter of proparing the apecial uttraotlonn and getting the people iuteroated. The president, J. F. Ruston, A. W. Cohoo and the Sec.- Troaflnror, George Loak, also labored untiringly. ' The gate receipts on ThuradaT amounUdto^JO.JH; $l&0 was rocoived from the county; $ut), Legislative ' *50 from Maidstono; $2/> from Bello River and fylM from membership foes, no that the total receipts will exeood ^fifiO. g g Khhx Town CoiikkAJl, vs ;'M BPJSOIAItS. By BaVtlot A MacdouaUl, for host collootidu of ladies' work of 181)0,1st $2, Mrs. H. Brunor; 2nd $3, Mrs, H. Hodriok. ' DOMESTIC /MANUFACTURES. .judges, Samo as for LadieB' Work. ; Pipco quilt, 1 st A 2nd Mrs. H. Hcdriok.' Pauoy quilt, 1st Mrs. Wm. Smyth, 2nd Mrs. G. A. Wintomuto. Log cabin quilt, Mrs, AVrn, Smyth. Knit quilt,' Mrs. G, A. Wiutomute. Hand-made oovorlot, 1st Mrs. Adrian Brookor, 2nd Mrs .Wm. Smyth, Rag mat, 1st John Walkor, 2ud : Noah Walkor. Rsg oar- pot, 1st Mrs. H. Hodriok, 2nd ]\frs. G. A. Wintomuto, Woplen socks, Mrs. Wm; Smyth, .Woolen Btockings, 1st -Noah Walker, 2nd Mrs. William Smytlu .; Woollbn hiitts, 1st Mrs, Jamos Mott, 2nd Mrs. Goo.Leak. Man's ,iiuo shirt, Mrs-H. Hodriok. Man's course shirt, Mrs. Goo.' Xeakv Man's night shirt, Mrs. .Wm.. Smyth. Home spun yarn, E. St. Pierre. k ^LOWERS AND PLANTS. Collection of wild flowers, Georgo: A. Wintomuto, Manufactures, wood a iron: JudgOi J. MitcholL Lumber wagon, W.^ j P. . MoICeusye. Open Tuesday, October 20th. Council mot in regular session, the Roove in tho chair. Prosont, tho Reove, Dputy-Reovo and councillors J. A, Hioks, T. B. Soott, David Whitney, J. A. Rose,, A.Rainos and G. E, Pornytho" Minutes of provioim mooting wre toad and, on motion, adopted. A number of accounts woro referred to tho Finance Committee. A communication was read from the Landed Banking and Loan Co., ro as sessment of a portion of .thoir property. On motion the Clerk was instructed to notify assessor to explain above matter to the company, A communication was road from Mr, MacLaren, solioitor, of Toronto, re* oosts of appeal in the matter of Local Option. The question was fully discussed, after whioh, on motion of Messrs. Forsythe and Soott, it was rowolvod to pay 8100 on accnunt"rimd"an"attompt will bo made to havo tho rest of the ac count either thrown oil' or.sottlod by tho tqmpornnco people This brought on a lougthy discussion in whioh the ^majority of the mombors took part, - ^ f'-E. A. Wismor, on bohalf .^ho hotel jkeopors, addrossod tho council, asking tfcli'at the council carry out tho wishea of thoso who had petitioned tho council to submit a by-law to ropoal tho Local Op tion by-law. Ho thought the council should submit tho by-law in view of tho opinion of tho Deputy Attorney Geuer-^'., W: a\ and of tho lengthy potition that hadW" ^ boon prosentod to thorn. J. A. Hicks thought nnothor petition should bo brought in. If a good pro portion of tho ratopaysrs wanted an- othor by-law subraitte'^ne believed tho council was in duty bound to submit it. Moaura. Scott and Whitney both op- posod submitting another by-law. Thoy: did not think the opinion of Mr. Cart- wright anfliciont. Thoy should ' have tho Attorney Gonoral's opinion. Tho whole prosont trOublo was caused by tho hotel mon. ' ' . r Mr. Win^^ said tho proBont con dition of affairs was not tho fault of tho hotel men. Tho by-law could not bo enforced boforo it was on account o tho quostion boing boforo tbo Privy -Council to ascertain whothor tho Pro vince had jurisdiction in thoso matters.. Air. McDougall was in favor of sub mitting auothor by-law as tho people of tho.towdrwero tho onos to decide it. It appeared though to him that thoro was a majority of tho council opposed to submitting tho quostion and on that ac count ho would not bring in a by-law.;- Tho discussion was continued at some1 longth. Tho Finance Committee submitted thoir roport, recommending paymont of following accounts: J. R. McEwau, cloaningditohtflS W. Koown, cleaning streets...... W. B. Gailangor, laying walks... 0. Walker, work on fair grounds .Brott A Auld, printing.....,........,' A. MaoLoron, npponl on Looal Option by-law,........,...........100 W. D. Boatuau, to cash paid W. T. Jones............................; 11,75. J, A. Rose, ditohing on Thorn: ' - ./Ij ton contraot..^................;.., la 25 Movod by Mr. Forsythe, socondod by Mr. McDougall, that tho above report' bo adopted. Gorriod. By-law No. 2.12, to ropoal-.by-law* No. : 2110, whioh was passod in 189fi,to oatab- : lishasystom of paying throo-ilfths of cost of sidewalk on one sido of lots, was road and adopted. l Oounoil adjoumod. :J S Toronto, Iiuh juntgiymi 92,000 to tbo .Biok'^Sl plnlrtrtm's hospital In-Torbuto/' This' .in olndon hffi '(iesKlonal iiiileainity of 1Sl,OO0ii/fii;S mid bringM .'Mr. Robertaon'a :bphefactipnsrs^SS to tho iustitution up ' to tbo / muuitiaien^|| iiiiinol- SuO.000. Mr. Uobertaon Bet^/^-^' good-example to monld men fi.verywhflice^J-S He does noo'l With h)9 wealth while: jieVfM livofl/ " ' -:^:Mm M A": 05 -A.' 27 ^5 00 corner *?M m .NjimerouscoiUplaintBare ma"^e throDg)iv;fM out our proyltino aaumet oampets* for/,!t^fc(i!:S mg their pet utii^ilh them to- tho/p)ir^p)J![i gi-onndffand leaving them .,tb,. jfoaj^'jfttilf wiloerfteea and become Wild pr .'Btftivefe* Har.ey. White oatsiTst H;UruneT, De^orot, "ffri/'-Mtote^^^OpS n-f' ^ ^ff t^;^^^ 2nd Joa. . Grainger. BJook oats, 1st buggy, .k L. MonaSdT'OoisS'f^ :*^&$*1& Geo. Leak, 2nd Ed. Leak. Corn,whitu huggy, single, *W. F. MoKenzie, Field " " L ..,-.- Phaetpn,|W. F. Corn, yellow dont, 1st. N. Moussean;! MoKenzie.' .. 3nd H; Hedriok. Corn white flint/Jst I / . R. P. Seymour. 2nd Peter OuaIIaMa ' \ rmlA^j:ij: y'.NOTpsi, The oredik for ha 14 to bo hoped that the Humano^Bobie^J^ will panlBh-.vcrv severelyt::."aU'^wio^vi^*aW punish Y.v.ery found ftullty.,: 11 i.V; Wlidt-'i' ^^^^^mmmimmmmmiimimmm

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