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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, p. 9

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' _._____.......... . ' ' \:/^ '- \!'f.p '.' ^ err JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co. BANKERS, ?K< |;; ^JEj-j&.geiits for The Royal, r* Tho Guai'dionaiid Tho luuieashiro, TbabOBtlitBumuoo CoiunanloMin tlio world. Womokoaapoolulty of lunurlntf Vn.m\ i-w perty. .__________._____..... >*. Mooey to Loim i.t b mid B^l lif con*, on l-'arm Property. Farmers Ittsuun&it> in Good KeltdbU CoMpttttits; fe , V.:' PV' NOTICE. All Accounts dxio tho Into firm of Dhh.Dkwak A MoKmnhik aropayublo to Die. Dj-jwaji, Wind sor. A prompt Botllpmout ia requested. The Essox Free Press, BRETT <*, AULD, PKOpniETORS- F1UDAY. OGTOBEU 16, 1806. Town and_ Vicinity- Graiu bu-uu 81.95 por dnz. ut Smith'ti. N. T. Jouuh id laid up with uppondioitiH, Tai Collootor MoEwim lum siturtod on the war path. Miaa ttuohol ItobinHon in viflitintf with relative in WindHor. 4&> J. Wiglo A Co.'u Imnd-mado boatn aro goiutf out) liko hot oaltofi. Mm. Alox. Wallaoo left for hur now homo iu Windsor on Sunday hut. Mm. Ooooliu Robo in ftpondinj* norm) diiyn in Harrow at tho homo of hor (ion, Goortfo. Mibu G. Hoho, of Detroit J3umnoHtl Uni versity, upont Saturday and Suuday at hor fathor'y homo J)6ro. Applon for Halo, GroomiiRH, BalawiuH or JRuuaotH, hand picked, for lScontu por to., at W. H. Buflfloll'o; I' Angaa Gowdy and Minn Hawlio, of Loauimutou, upont Sunday in town with Mr. aud Mrti. G. A. Bhorrw. ' E.J. Ppwoll roturned to Iuh home iu Loudon.on Tuoiiday aftor a fow day' viHit with rolutiveo and friondu in town. ..... ;MrH. 0. U. Iiindnny, of Dotroit, accom panied by MrH, 0. Ajlon, Hpuzit Monday in town, tho gUQHtn of AUdhoh Greouway. ' Bdardorn or ronmorHtakon at Mrti. Fuiil'a; ."watm roomw with uiio of Piano or Organ or praotifio, froe. Talbot ot,, flrufc" door orth ol M. C. it. XhO'OliarfiOjii*aiiiBt tho old man, Jamon !olly, wan heard by Judftu Hor no at Sand- oh on Saturday hint mid diHiniftHed, aftor is Honor had given tho old man a noon oro. pa Imperial Bunk aru innuiuy a now which ih moro aiiowy than tho green %H bilhi UQod by tho bank ho lontf. Tho bill in a bright rod and a lar^o number |*6f thora wore brought to tho bunk horo laiit "' woflk, . , ' Tho concert (jivon in tho Baptint ohuroh on Tuonday ovomn^ of lane woek by tho :; Canadian Jubiloo Biufjero wan very moll !'att(ind.ed, in upitn of the vory inclement .' vooathor. The financial part way alo nat- ' ",'iqfaatory. Tho undionce wore well ploanad > with tho entertainment provided. .-'. Bitf reductioiiH in ^ood dretm ^oodw, hco - G. K. Hmith A Go. Tho theory that apptaidicitin ia oanHo-3 by.' Hwallowin^ tho ueedH of irrapea ih .'authoritatively donied. Neither tfrapon .nor^rapo ueede have anything to do with caiiHinji appondioitio. Fear of thifl (Iihokho '.. liao loHHcncd tho demand forgrapoHinateri. . *:.,Blly hut thore ' in no ground for the fear. r, Grapen, like all othorliiuda of ripo fruit, V;aro healthy. Eat all you want. ,i- Mrs. William Morton, wifo of tho ex- j!' Burvuyor of onetomB, at Windsor, died at ? her home on Pitt ptruct, Monduy morning, ..at tho ngo of 73 yeiiro, Sho wan tho tfrand. i-jnothovot Mr. O. E. Fleming. The re- '^'inaiuH wore conveyed to Kin^aviHeou Wed. Vposday for intormont. j5 "Wood wanted for dry goodii olothinfj, and .'; shooH. G. E. Smitli A Co, ' Qt\ Saturday lust, tho following team '.'wont from hero to Utioa, Mich., to piny Vfqotball again wt tho team of that town : iV'GoaV, J. B. Fncirth ; backn, J. Gourhiy aud ^;H. Ooil ; half hncUB, G. W. Thranher, L. StootB and G. Elhiion ; forwardfi, A,' rlay, J, Handcoek, \V. Ghurch, W. lhl^hum and F. Copeland. The gLimo too amch ono nidou to bo intoreHtinf;, f%ii& }%bmx team winning by 11 goalH to 1, i> 'jjfijii the fjoalu boinft put in within tho luHt 1!> rlrininuton. ,,.i(TtbaflUt'or Plant, of tho Great Bonth j^eatorn board of direatorH, wan bunj on ^ijttonday and Tuemiuy paying off prized ?siVttrdod at tho late fair, which amounted j|tq about 81,'100. In upito of the fact that Ifittiany thought a percentage would have tu ,'$8 paid, tho prize takera were paid 100 vloenGH on tho dollar. In addition aloo tho fijeipat of tho, now poultry honKo, WM, wuh /iaken out of thin yoai'u reaoiptu.- The l^eBtvioflt pi'iap wiunera were H. G. Arnald Pi Son, who took away $1*22. fe, Did you notico tho recent riho in wheat ? ^ifyottr harn ia full of thiu Btaplo take ihinga into your uorious connidora- Jv|ibu. There in a Preindential election in ptlio' Utlito'l 3tatou early iu Novorobor. All 4lhe moiieyod roon of tho Btatou want Mc- l^iinloy to win. Tho othor candidate df- larou that MoKiuluy'n policy hoops tho wioe of whoat. down. If tho raonoyod &Bse, aolifcrolling tho market ao they do, jtajta to scud wheat- up for a raontn or ho lie; effect will bo in MoKiuloy'u favor. Wfyer the election'thoro won Id ho no objoofc ""'V'tjtoeplu'f! lh I'"01"1 UP *or a 'mftbor iriod. Study this oat for jouroolf and ot( aoeordiugly. Gonts' fnlt hatH from 25 ots. up at Hmith'a. Mian Lottlo Groonwuy is vlBliing rola. iivoy in Detroit. J. A. Franc ia in oolling 8 J. 00 and $2.60 mon'a folt Fedora huts for ft 1.00. Tloiiry WultnrR, of Dotrolfc.Hpont Buuday at tho homo of bin father horo. Mm, Krod Dittriok, of Humiltou, ia viw- ithig with hor brother, A. J. Wiluox. ^ larKo oizo, 9S,2tf por pair. Hmith & Go. A, J. Gronu nhippod a doublo-(looked oarload of hoga out of Amhorufcbtirg ou Tuonday. W. A. aud G. ,T. Gardner aro at Loam* ingfcou thm wook preparing for their re moval thnro. Mr. and Mra. Frod, Kohoror, of Lmiiu- i/jton, upenL a few daya hint woelt with MrH. .7. A. Ttoiio. W. F. Mudge ban been imying all the fairfiin thin (lectiou a vhut with H, M, Faul'H phonograph. T. O, Gurrie, of Htrathroy, wan at tho convention at Kingnvillo on Tuouday and apont Wodnenday in Ehhox. MUh Aheo Itatuliffu loft yontorday for a month'ii viiut with hor auiter, Mm, Win. Atkmuon, of VatiHar, Midi. Mi-h. Pout, of Dotroit, and MrH. AtkiniP of Uollovillo, oiijfiyod a fow dayu with thoir couHimi, Ellen Iloao and J. A. Hoho, thin wook. . A football match will bq playod on tho Agricultural Grnuiidu horo to-morrow bo- tweon the local team and Trinity football club, Kogular mooting of town council on Tuonday ovoning, providing tho momborn can got Hottlod down to thin kind of work on olootion night. M. J. Wiglo and Co., have jucit received a largo oonnignniont of iiupor audi extra Huper, wool oarpetti in tho nowoat pat., tornn and oolormgu and at corroot prioeo. llov. Leonard Her, of RUgotown, will prouch at tho Bap tie t ohurch horo next Babbth morning and ovoning aud Rov. M. P. Campbod will take Mr. Ilor'n ap- pointmonta, Rov. Mr. Bnrdott.h of Ridgotown, hao heon_viQitU]gJYJt.liiuii_danghtor, Mm. (Dr.) Jamoo Brion, Mr. liurdetto occupied tho pulpit of Graco Mothodiat olmrali on Sun day ovoning latit. M. f. Wigle & Go. aro gotting up over- coatti to ordor at romarKablv low priooti. Arthur Taxaaman. who ia in tho employ of Cliiiii. Ilannan, fell from tho run-way at tho rear of tho lattor'a butter howl worliH on Thurnday of laot wook to tho ground, a dirttance of about '20 foot and waH badly Hhakon up but no buiiou wore broken. The paHt month bolda tho record for the coldoht Keptniubor in 51 yearn, einoo tho Ontario' rooorda have boon kept. During ranch of the month, tho weathor wan ooldor in the poniuaula of Ontario^than ak Battloford or Calgary. Bev. W. ProHRor, who was to havo con dnctod tho anuivoraary aorvicoH of tho Ea- hox Baptiht church, on Sunday laat, and given n leeturo on Monday ovoning, wuh un- ablo to attend oivnu' to illnoHH, and Mr. Campbell took ohargo'of tho porviconand pruaoliod excellent normonn. Wo load inlowjiriceH Tor good groceries G. E. Smith & Go. Tlio rcportH from tho farmorii in Ohio and Ind inna aro alarming over tho Jof.hoa from hog cholera. I'lio corn prop in very largo, but the hogs aro dying vory fant. The nog oholora haH prevailed for aomo weokH, and during tho paat wook tho Iohhoh havo not increaHed in the infeotod diatrict but tho difteiiHO ta becoming general tlirou^hout tlio Ohio Valloy. Rv. R. McCubli. Rector of Chriat church, Chatham, conducted tho Ilarveat Homo Borvieoa in St. Paul'a church, Eaaox, and iu tho Town Hall, (Jottain, on Sunday hint. Gooct congregationii thoroughly enjoyed liateeing to tho earncBt and eloquent preacher. The offerings wore good, being nearly forty dollara by tho former and twenty-three dollani by tho latter congro gatioiiH. Gall and got u frtie Hamplo of Halada Tea at J. A. Francis. The meeting of tlio llign Behool Lyceum on Friday' ni^lit wan u ilociuled HuccehH. The pro^rumujo Gpou-jd with a ohorun ar- rangod by Mearira. Cull and Cooko. After readingH by Ghaa Kmater and iVTiHH L. Wi^lu, Mr. Gushing delighted tho audionoo with a line aolo, .1. J. Beotnau' mad an oanay. "A Fight After School," and the Argun wan read by tho editor. It wuh tho moHt inturueting paper road this torui, and tho editor deaervefl great credit for it. Aftor binging tho national anthem the meeting wuh brought to a oloac, M. J. Wiglo & Go. are aolltnglyrgo quau- titioH of bootH, hIiooh aud Granby rubl>erH. On Saturday moruiug, a young painter named George Cuahmau, diod at the Chap- man HotiHQ in Sarnia, nnder tiuoli ciroum- Htauoen that tho corouor decided an inquoBt n< eoHaary. - Tho coroner atated that whoc ho wan colled to aoo GuHhinmi tho latter wan iu an almont inHonaiblo condition. Two bottlea were in tho room hearing tho label of a man named Woaley and tho oor- oiier proaumod that Cuuhimm had been taking mcdiciiio from thorn. On calling in the afternoou tho corouor aaw that tho young inau was going to dio and Dr. Mor riaou waa called in but too lato to render any uaHifitanco. It wan doomed noconaary that a poHt mortom oxamiuation ahould bo made and tho Htomiioh waa Bout to Toronto for analyaia. Tuo romaino wore buried at Sarnia ou Monday. Doaounod waa un married, about 2'1 yoara of ago and a brother to Mrn. Goorgo Hanford, of Eaaox, Mra. Robt. Millon and Wm. Onahman, of Goafleld North, all of whom attoudod tho funoml at Sarnia. Deoeauod waa at ono titno a roHidoufc of JBaaoi Towu, Good toweling for 4ota a yd, at J. A. Frftuoia. Try our now 2fiot. tea; ban no o(juivI, Smith & Go. Mr. BlHaell, of Proaoott, oalled ou frlonde In towii tliiH woolc" Mrn. .TaineH Durdiok'-Yieitod in Kings- villo luut wook with friunda, Mra. Nelaon Wiglo and ohildron loft on Wudnoadiiy for a weok'H viHit ,Ju Loaming- ton. \V. VI. RiohiLrdaon, V.H., watuu Watford laat wook attending the wadding of bin alator. H. F. Bailey and family, of Gait, viaitod Mr. B.'a aiater, aim. Wm. GohiioII, on Tuoh- day laat. E, L. Park ia onjoying a viiut from hla brother, who livoa at .larviH, Haldhnund pounty. For a ahoiao roatit of beof.or ohoioomoat of any kind cull at Tato'a. Ilia prlcon aro the lo'woHt. MiiiH Cecelia Crow, of Oliima, ih upend, ing a week with hor brothor, Jon. Grow, of thiH town. Minn Eftlo MoKinnon, of Detroit, viiutod MrH. John Voaper and other frionda in towu thin woek. R. Sonloy, who nan boon laid up for tho pant couple of montha, ia on tho mend and ia ablo to ait up. Mm. J. Poaraall and non, Clark, and II. Miaouor, of Watorford, aro guouta at tho homo of D. B. Labar. At tho nou-jury ruttinga at Handwioh on Tuonday, tho oaae of Stafford va. Learning, ton wan again laid over. Mm, (Rov.) McDonagh, of KiiuEiivillo wan tho gnoat of Mra. (Dr.) J. E. Jonner or a fow daya tho ptat wook. Yoatorday waa tho opening day for quail ahootiug and a number took advantage of the beautiful weather for a duy'a aport. Minn F. R. Smith loft laat wook on a viaifc to hor aiator. Mra. John Baker, of Kalamazoo, Mich. Sho will probably ro- mnin all winter. Tho ohildron of tho Public Schoola in tho South Riding aro having two daya holidaya thin wook, on account of tho toachora' convention at Xjoamington yoa- torday and to-day. JaraoH Cunningham, who han boon un well for aomo timo, nnderwont an opera tion at Dotroit on Monday. Hin many frionda will join in hoping that ho may noon regain bin old timo hoalth. M. J. Wiglo1 & Co. aro tho olothiora of EflHQX, Rov. Arthur Murphy will conduct a fiorifts nf ovanireliatio Rorvicoa in tho Eng lish ohurch, Eanex, hoginninc on'Wednen- day ovoning, October !Hat, and continuing fnr ton daya. Ml aro cordially invitod. A nnmbor of young ladioa, who wore clcno frionda of Daniol Welch when ho waa a reaidont of Ehhox nome yearn ago, gave him a aurprino party at tho homo of bin nieco. Mra. Handloy, Albert atreot, ou Wodnonday ovoning, at which a vory on- joyablo and pleaaant timo waa apont. Ladiea' coata, latent otyloa, extra low pricoa for 1)2.50 up at Smith'a. Tho hanoraU match horo on Saturday hntweon Shuoll Sottlomnnt and Cottara.ro- anlted in a viotory for tho former. Cottam did Hrat-claaa playing and loci by throe runs unt'l tho hint inning, when by a atrouk of ill-lnok, thoy allowed their opponQnta to pile up hix runn. Tlio battnrioa for Cot tam. -Tune and Noblo; for Shuell, Shnell and Ronahaw. Tho acoro waa 1-1 to 10 in favor of Shuoll, J. E. fltnno and Jamm R. Laird both announce that they will bn eandidatea for county councillor for No, 2 diatrict at tho election to bo held on the firat Monday in Jiinuary. Tho other nam oh no far men tioned aro A. R. Forrian and John Rich mond. Reovo Barrett, of Colchoidor Nortli, will not be in tho race. Tho ntmi- nating nflicar for tho diatrict will likely bo J. A. Coulter, of Geato. Big driven in over-coato and auitn at Smith's. Wn regret to chroniolo tho death, thin wook, of Thorn aft Joaeph Rnahton, who waH eugaged by Robt.. Tate in bin moat market und whono death took phiao on WoduoBday afternoon, aftor an iIIuohh of but a couple of weeka. Death wan duo to stoppage of the bowela, following an attnek of Htomacli trouble. Mr. Ruhhton waa about Hit yeara of ago and oamo horo in FoVirimry laat from Windsor", whore ho had in biiHinchafor hinificlf. IJo waa an Eng- hahmau and leavea a wifo but no children. Neither himaelf nor wife havo any rolativoa in Amorioa. Tho funeral took placo yen- torday (Thuraday) afternoon, the interment taking place in the Cottam cemetery, and Rev. A. L. Beverly officiating-. What came nearly proving a fatal acoi- dent ooenrred iu town yoatorday (Phurfl- day) morning W. B. Gallingor, an old man, wan croaaing tho atreet near tho M. C. R. crouning on Talbot otreot whon the expreaa waa paoaing and a ri^, in which wore tho aehool teacher a going to tho con- voutinn, Waa approaching. On account of tho noiHO of tho train, Mr. Gallingor did not hoo tho rig und wan oloao to the hornon without knowing it, Tho animala wore Homewhat alarmed by tho engine and apriuging to ono aido atruck tho old gentle- mau and knockod him down. Ono of the horooa rauat luivo atopped on him an when ho waa picked up and oarriod to Dr. J. W. Brion'a oflioe it waa found that hiu loft arm wau. broken, hia uoao badly out and hia head alao badly.out. How ho oaoapod bo- ing killod in a miraolo. Hia wounda woro attoudod to and ho ih getting along tia well an oiin bo oxpootod. Try our now 2$ ota, tea, oxtra valuo Smith (V Go, Suupa iu boots aud flhooa^at Binith's,...... Tho annual Ibaaineay mooting of tho Grace Mofchodint Ladies' Aid wan hold in tho aliuroh on Wednesday afternoon, Mra. Churob, rotiring proHidbnt, in the ohuir. Vory gratifying roporta wore road by the SoorotaryTroaauror, allowing the aooloty to ho in a vory flourlHlnng and proaporoua condition liavnif/ a mutnborHhlp of . 70. Each of tho ofhoord in retiring thanked tlio mo tit bora for tho help and aaalHtanco givon to them daring tho your making it plouauut for ilium in tho performance of. thoir dutlea. The election of oiueoru waa than prouoodud with by ballot, and tho following oflioora were duly declared elected : Presi dent, Mra. Jamoa Robinaon; lat Vioo Pt'DH., Mra. Oyrua Gardner ; 12nd Vice Proa., Mra. Cliaa. Flint; Ohaplain, JMra. John Ilopgood ; Soorotary-Treaaurer, Mra. J. R. MoEwan. The ihat buaineita tho new of- lloora havo in hand la tho Annual Anni versary tea mooting to bo-hold on Men- day ovoning, tho Mflth mat. Partioulara will bo announced next week. Khhox Public Bc1ioolHu Tho following pupila paanod tho laat regular weekly examination in the differ ent elaaaoa: Fourth olaaH, N. Alexander, ArchioLaing, B. Ilannan, B. MoDougall, L. IIohd, VV. rhortio, W. Craaawoller, W. Auld, M. Auld, F. Staeey, A. Gainpbull. Mian Hhaw'u room, aonior drat ohum, marka poaaihlo 50, obtained by highest ton : A. Wothorly 50, W. ftluloaator .">0, B. Naylor CO, W. Foraytho II, G. Wiglo 11, R. Waddini'ton 1)9, W. Anderaon 32, N. Lippott 20, N. dolmaon 2IJ, M. Campbell 25- ' Hr. II. Aoa ilowaou, Cordio Wiglo Laura Dihbloy, Louiae Trewin. Mian HalTH, Vivian Vanoo, Gortio Rob inaon, Ilattio Sinclair, Mabel McCroory, Ethel Robinnon, Auuio Eutitaco, Goorgo Stone, Minnie Green. Illtfh Heliool NotoH, Owing to tho South EaaoxToaohor'HCou- vontion in Leamington thore will bo no aehool on Friday, The morn bora ofjltho Litorary Hooioty wore vory much ploaaed with tho attendance of tho townapooplo at their mooting on Friday laat. It ia hoped it will bo juat aa largo at thoir noxt moot ing which will be held on Friday of noxt weak, Tho following aro the namea of tho atudontii iu Form 11. who obtained ovor Xi^% on tho rocont Arith. examination:* Sybil Gunninglmm, 70; Mabel Rorko, Ul; W.S. Jamoo, fiO; Clara Oivor, fit); J. A, Smytho 58; Maud MoRan, 57; Eroma Rainoa, 51; Annie Caalor, ol ;Frankio Jar- min, 51 ; Mary MoHtigh, 17 ; O. E. Kniator, Kathloou Millar, 11; L. Bennett, Hi); 0. Moltugiy, ;(7; Charlotto McQueen, HO ; Clara Rodd, H3. Tho following aro tho namea of thoao in Form I. who obtained ovor 33J|X in Arith. examination J. Edgar, 57; S. Pizer, 411; L. IliJlior, -lei; J. Coatigan, M. Millar, .18; E. M. Naylor, "37; J. Dewar, :it); E. M. Lamg, IKJ j G. Jamoo, 3iJ ; M. Linoh, ;lil; B. Reno, Ji3. K.hhox County Jtipworth 1jOac;uo. Tho third annual convention of tho Windaor Diatrict Epworth League will be hold in Graco MothodiHt Ghurch, Eaaex, nn Wodnotiday and Thuraday noxt, Oc tober 21at and 22nd. Tho following pro* g'.'amine, will bo oarriod out: Wodnoaday Morning. Dovotionnl Hut- vieoa, conduofcod by Rov. Mr. Shaw, Cot tam. Roll Call and Organization. WediiOHday Afternoon. Devotional Sor- yicea, conducted by Jamea Longhmd, of Kiugaville. "WhatShall wo Head," by Rov. G. W Brown, B. A., Ph. I)., of Am* horntnurg. "Soul Winning," by Dr. Thorntou, Proa. London Confuronco League. "Ghriatian Gitinenahip," by G. E, Naylor, Ehhox. "Our MiHHionH," Rov. J- S. Cook, Ph. D., Walkoryillo. "Tumpor- anoe," Mra. D. A. Maxwell, Amhei'Htburg. Appointment of Bumnomi Coimnittce Wodnoiiday Evoirng. 8 o'clock.~An- th(!m, "Gloria," Mozart'H xn Miiaa, Kingu- ville und Ehiux MothodiHt Choiru. Addroaa, "IlerooH of MothfHliam," Uov. J. R. Gundy, Windaor. Anthem, Selected, Essex Meth- odiat Choir. Anthem, "Pilgrim Glioma." Verdi, . UingHvillo luothodiat Choir. Ad- druHH, '-Character Building," Dr. A. W. Thorntou. Anthem,' "Tho Iloavona aro Telling," Ilaydon'a Creation, lungavillo aud Ehhcx Methndiat Choira, Thuraday morning Consecration aervico conducted by Rev. J. II. Kirkland, Com ber. "X'rovalout Evila," Rov. .13. Medd, Ph. D., Ruthyon. Roporta ot Diatrict Seo.- Treaa. "Tho Holy Spirit iu League work," Dr. Carman, General Sunt. Mothodiat Glinrah. Report of Buhwiohh Oommittoo. Thursday Afternoon. Devotional Hor-' vioea, conducted by Rev, Mr. Ayera, South Woodolee. "Tho work of tho Look Out Committee," Mina Galloway, Leamington. "Tho Woik of the EvangeliHtio Com mittee," John Biggar, Gembor. "Tho Work of tho Mniaiouary Cominittuo," Miaa Ada L. Pawcoo, Eaaex. "Tho Work of tho Literary Committee," Minli Millie Conkhn; KingHville.- "The Work of tho Social aud l-*lorul Committees," Edward Gtboon, Whoatloy. "Giving to God'a CaUHO, tho datv and ploaaure," Dr. J. Earle Jonner, Eaaox. "Junior League Work," Rov.J.Mof- riiMm, Whoatloy. Queatiou Drawer, Dr. Carman. Thuraday Evening, 8 o'clock, Addroaa, "The Epworth League, ita dangeVa and pOHHibilitioa1/' Roy. J- Galloway, Loaming ton. Addrolia "Douominatioual Loyalty audi Tnter-denominaHonal Fellowahip," Dr. Oarmau, Muaib tumiuhed hy tho Ehbox Choir: Smiths' Closing: Out Prices erv DRESS GOODS, regular $1.25 line for 89o. ' " " 1.00 \ 69o. .60 " 44o. We show the Largest range of 25c. Dress Goods in Essex, special lines reduced from 40c. and 50c. to 25c. These Goods for value have no equal at price quoted. Ladies' Jackets m Latest it-* +*g\ F T*^ ............-Styles, from ^^-5 UF Heavy Vests for Ladies, from 18c. to $1.26 Underwear for Men, from 25c, up. Extra Heavy Arctic Blankets, 80c. per pair. Large Sized W. Wool Blankets,.$2.25 K'r. ......Clothing at Prices Sure lo Suit,...... Roller hhudj Frauoia. ooruplotp, for UiiptB. ui Men's .Suits from 8:2.90 up.......Boys' Extra Heavy frotri .50 up... .Over Coats at all price. BOGT3 and 03SOHSI '. In Great, Variety. We make a specialty-of this line and guarantee prices und quality riglvtT" We are going out of business and stock must be disposed of, regardless of profits, G. E. SMITH & CO. WIUTNKY BLOCK, E9SKX. Auction Sale # ... .There will be sold by Public Auction at PALM ....Township of Colchester North, on.... , Oct. 22 At 10 o'clock, a.m., Sharp, Mapie, Ash, Oak, Elm, Sycamore and Cottonwoo. Also All Kinds of Bridge Plank, ScantliE Joists, &c., besides a quantity of GOOD 3^HJISr013S} Ct-. Must Be Sold as the Proprietor ts Closing Out H/s Entire Sto* TEEMS: All sums of $10 and undor, Oash; over tl amount six months' credit allowed on furnishing approv j oint notes. F. McCLQSKEY, Auctioneer. For further partioulara apply to W.-MARK OeCEW.Essi NOTE. the day of Bale, an, adjournm^uD will be had until next dvV , . October 23rd, beginning at the same hour. ' . IS"-On the.above date, 0. R. TAYLOE, General Mo> chant, at Camp Palmer, will gellGoods at. his store At Coat- irt sfil 'A W 'M :d :M Ik, :^mMi^^sM^SSM V " . 'fW^i'W^^^ri^'i

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