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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, p. 8

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important products of thia couaty, it woulcl uoora that an effort should bo mado to hold tlio fait at loaafc two weeks curlier. The ladies' department was, aa it al ways is, tho grout attraction for tho fe male sex. Tho buildings have boon great ly improved sinco last year, and tho interior in mnch bettor fitted to display tho work brought for exhibition, but tho directors should hoo that thoro is moro room for tho sight-scera. Whoever de signed tho buildings made a great mi-*- tuko in making the room for the public visitor* bio limited. There wua a Jiiits display of ladies' work, and it was well wortli seeing by the grout crowd that surged and aijuoezcd and jammed through the building. In the budding, W. I). Cox hail a hirgo picture frame filled with photos, opposite which I'1. Prllyatt had an exhibit of a number of horse idioms of his own make. P. JJu-i-aey, of Cottam, wa.i agiin in evi dence uiih a large ami creditable exhibit of honey and apiarists' Kupphe:i. llti was not given a prize on his honey, how ever, as it was contended that his exhibit was there for Halo purposes and not for exhibition. Mr. Busaey Iuh shown at the fall fuir^ in all purtH of Essrso.x County for years, and thia in the first time btich an objection was made to him. The north- 'west corner of the building was fitted out as a drawing room by S. G. Morse, of Lf-umington, in whieh uai nhown a lmm- ber of mantles, capus, etc , judging by the number of ladiea who inspected tho ex hibit, Mr. Morse will, no doubt, be re warded for Ilia pniuti by un increased number of salen in these departments. Adjoining Mr. Morse's display to the south, U. H. Toll showed u lut of furni ture from his Leamington store ; 11. \V. Gray, decorator ami grainer, exhibited some specimens of Ids work ; II. M. Paul, of Iv.-jsox Town, agent for the well-known Kara pianos and organs, hail some of his pianos on exhibition, and during both hocond and third days Mrs. IAluI, who is an excellent pianist, delighted the patrons of lIuj fair with choice selections ; L. II. KoMnson showed some New York Singer sewing miiehines for which he is agent ; Charles Johnson showed a lot of harness, rohi-s, etc., from his harness shop, and 13. .1. "Walker, of Windsor, occupied a largo ypaco with Gerhard -1 leintzman pianos and Morris .organs, for both of which he is ageat. His pianist also contributed limbic for the benefit of the hight-ficers. The new wing was also visited by most of the people who attended the fair. In this part, the dairy, llowers and field crops exhibits were shown. On the grounds, the manufacturer*! of this section of tho county were again very much in evidence. W. Scott Pulford was on tho 'grounds with his tent and a number -of vehicles from hio worka in Leamington, consisting of top buggien, phaetons, lumber wagons, ate. Mr. Pul ford made a sain of a top_ buggy to II. Biokford, of Homney, for 125, anil at Kescx the previous week look an order from .John Barnes, of Maidstone, for a lumber wagon. W. F. McKen/.ie made tho largest and best exhibit ever tdiown at a fair in Essex County, having out 'JD rig in his exhib it, consisting of ,'i phaetons, 10 Lop bilg ing, 1st, A R ProndorgftHt ; 2nd, J T Bay. Filly or gelding, yearling, Ink and 2nd, 8 G Wifilo. Foal of 1800, lilt, G Coulter ; 2nd, Geo Miaacndor ; 3rd, II White. Brood mare, foal by her aide, 1st Evans Bros., 2nd, G Conltor, 3rd, R Whito. Mate-hod farm team, in harnonn, lot, W H Settorington ; 2nd, Clina Coul ter ; 3rd, R.Proqton. HKAVY IiItACnilT. Stallicn, -1 years old, And row U'lcb. Filly or gelding, 3 years old, Win Orton, Filly or guiding, 2 years old, 1st, Wm Orton ; 2nd, S G Wigie. Filly or gild ing, 1 year old, Int. S G Wiglo ; 2nd, Wm I) Raid. Feat of 181)0, 1st and 2nd, 8 G Wigle, Brood mure and fo.il, 1st and 2nd, fi G Wigln. Matched team, lat, Chan Coulter ; 2nd Joseph A ltuid ; ;$rd, S G Wigle. Buggy hoMo, 1 dt, Windell Hyatt ; 2nd, II G Arnold it Sou ; 3rd, Walter Taylor. Carriage harries; lst, Arthur Brown ; 2nd, Lewis Wigle ; 3rd, Wcaley Liddlo. .Sad dle horse, 1st, Win Dresser ; 2nd, Wesley Coulfon ; 3rd, Johnson .Sheldon. Lady rider, Mra T Morris. CATTLE. Jntigo, J A McGregor. .ii:itsi:vs. Bull, 2 yenra ohi, let, J, 2nd, Joa Wation. Cow, over 3 years, J ,1 imric. Heifer calf, ,J J Imrie. hUIillAMH. Bull, 2 years old, It Preston. Bull, 1 year old, Thou. Squire. Ball calf, D iVlcAlhitcr. Cow, 3 yearn old, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, D McAlistor. Heifer, 2 yearn old, lst and 2nd, I) McAIistor. Jloifor, yearling, lat and 2nd, P McAliator. ilnifcr calf, lst, 2nd and 3rd, I) Mc Allister. AViisiin:i:s. Bull, 3 years old, Thoa Williams it Son. Bull, 2 yearn old, Calvin Cowan. Bull, yearling, let and 2nd, Thou. Wil liams A: Bon. Bull calf, Thoa Williams A- Bon. Cow, 1st and 2nd, Thoa Williams it Soo. Heifer, 2 years old, 1st and 2nd, TIioh Williams & Son. Heifer, 1 year old, 1st and 2nd, Thos Wlllioms it Son. Ileifor calf, lit and 2nd, Thoa Williams A' 6on. rioi,s'n:iNs. Cow, D Wnlas. op..Uji: iu;miAMS. Cow, 1st, Thos Stjuiro ; 2nd, Rnbiaon Broii. ; 3rd, Collingwood Foster. Heifer calf, 1st, Thoa Squiro ; 2nd, James Fostor. (iHADi: JliHHKYS. Cow, lst and 2nd, Kobiaon Bros ; 3rd, Wm Orton. Heifer, 2 years old, lot and 2nd, Hobioon Bros. ; 3rd, Stobbs Bros, lloifer, yearling, 1st and 3rd, Robwon Broti; 2nd, Jos Watson. Heifer oalf, 1st, Wm. Orton ; 2nd, Rjbiaon, Broa. ; 3rd, S. Bettorington. (iiiArn: HOLSTniMH. Cow, lst, Robieon Bros. ; 2nd, n ItTampnol] ; 3rd, Wm McCnbbin. ileiTer oalf.lst, W WHilborn ; 2nd,Stobbs Bros. FA'I' L'ATTI.i:. Cow nr ht'iftu' ovor 2 years, lot and 2nd, I) McAliater. Ht*::riAL. V,ht firadu ITohiteiu cow, ,j0; hat, by W I) Cox, D Wftlub. Joseph Derbyshire. MtU'iaUNKOUa, Sost hour, of any brood, lat, Ttabinon Broo. ; 2nd, R B McMullin ; Hrd; .T J Imrio, Beat oow, or any brood, lat, KA Sullivan ; 2nd, .T J Imrio ; 3rd, \V It Anh. POULTRY. Jadgo A. Harrington, of Leamington. F0WL3. Brahmaa, dark, S Tdloon,of Blonhoim. Brahmas, light, lwt, Geo Ilobioon A Sou ; ^dnd^S Tillaon. Langshano, 1st and 2nd, S Tillson. Plymouth Bockfl, barred, 1st, Wm McCabbin ; 2nd, II Chamberlain. Loqhorna, blaclc, lnt and 2nd, H Tillson. Cochins, butf, ls5 and 2nd, S Tihaon. Cochinu, black, S Tillson. Dorkings, silvor ray, lat, Isaac Uoid ; 2nd, S Till- aou. PotkingH, white, S Tillson. Game, brown red, S Tillson. Game, black, S Tillson- Game, any othor variety, 1st and 2nd, S Tillson. Ilamburys, silver pencilled, 1st and 2nd, H Tillson. Uani- burgd, golden npangled, lst, S Tilluon ; 2nd, C fl Fullor. namburRs, ailyer spangled, 1st and 2nd, S Tillson. Minor* cau, white, S Tdleon. Minorcas, blaclc, lat and 2nd, S Tillaon. Legliorna, white, lot, S Tillson ; 2nd, C Roadhouao, Houdans, lat and 2nd,S Tillcon. Spanish, white faco, black, lat, S Tillnon ; 2nd. Chas Coulter. Polandg, white crested, black, lot and 2nd, S Tillson. Polandu, goIden.K Tillson. Wyandottea, golden laced 1st, S Tillson ; 2nd, C n Fuller. Wyan- dottoB, silver laced,S Tillson.Black Javaa, S Tillson. Wyandottos, whito, C H Ful ler. Bantams, game, blnok red,1st,Lionel Kobison ; 2nd, Bert Miller. Bantams, any other variety, lst and 2nd, & Tiiluon. CHICKS. Brahmfts, dark, S Tillson. Brahmas, light, 1st and 2nd, Goo llobison iV: Son. Cochins, buff, 2nd, S Tillsoa. Cochinu, black, 2nd, S Tillnon. Dorking^ ailvqr gray, l&t, Isnao Hold ; 2nd, S Tillson. Dorkings, white, 1st and 2nd, S Tillson. Plymouth Rocks, barred, lat and 2nd, Wm MoCubbin. Plymouth Kocka,whito, lat, S Tillson ; 2nd, C H Fallor. Game, pile, rod, 2nd, S Tillaon. Game, any other variety, lat and 2nd, C II Fullor. Humburgs, silver spangled, lat and 2nd, S Tillson, Hamburgu, golden spangled, S Tillaon. Leghorns, whito, lat, Goorgo Stowart ; 2nd, S Tillson. Loghornu, brown, lst and 2nd, S Tillaon. Minorcau black, lat and 2nd, Geo Stowart. Hoa- dano, black, S Tillaon. Spaniah, white face, lot find 2nd, S Tillaon. Polanda, golqon created, 8 Tiiluon. Wyandottos, golden, 1st, C II Fullor ; 2nd, Gordon Adama. Wyandottoa, oilvor, lot, S Till son ; 2nd, (3 fl Fullor. Wyandottoa, whito, C II Fullor. Black Javaa, lot and 2nd, S Tillaon. Bantamfl, game, black red, 1st, Clinton Footer ; 2nd, Roy Wil kinson. Bantama, golden Sobright, lat and 2nd, A G Baker. OTIIEIl FOWL. Pair piqeono, 1st, 8 Tillson ; 2nd, J McU Selkirk; Rabbita, 1st, Arthur Branor;2nd, J M Settorington. Pair pet birda, lat and 2nd, Dr Hughos. Tur key a, adult, 2nd, Jo3 A Roid. Goooe, J-hnhden, Robt Wiglo. Gaeiio, Toulouse, James Whito iv Son. Bucks, Pekin, adult, l.ir, Lowia Picklo; 2nd, Robert Wiglo. Bucks, Pekin, young, 1st, TJ Sod, James White ; 3rd, Edna Greaves. Sw-odo tnrnips, lat, Evadb Bros ; 2nd, B A 1-jvana. Whito turnips, lat, John Liokman; 2nd, WC Lounsborry. Car- rot,,rorl, lat, Jon Derbyshire;1 2nd, Mr>i, R Liddlo. Carrots, whito, lot, Sol Wil kinson ; 2nd, livtinu Bros. Mangolda, longyollow^lnt, Sol Wilkinuon ; 2nd, C Liddlo. Mftngolds, long red, lut, Androw VVhittlo; 2nd, Hoi Wilkinson. Mangolds, rod globe, C Liddlo. Boots, whito ougar, lot, Sol Wilkinson ; 2nd, H Chamber lain. Boots, yollow sugar, M J Malott. Field squash, 1st, T J Fox & Son ; 2nd, Androw Whittle. Pumpkins, 1st, Geo Whito ; 2nd, Jos Uorbyshiru. Tobacco leaf, Ibi, W R Wiglo ; liod, R Bruner. Cabbago, let, Enoch Beech, jr. Cab bage, drumhead, 1-it, V McLennan ; 2nd, L C Palmer. Cabbago, winning- ntadt, lat, M 'J Malott ; 2nd, Arthur^ Brunor. Table [carrots, long, lat, W C" Lounsborry ; 2nd,'Mro R Liddlo. Table oarrota, otump, lat, C Uoadhouiio ; 2nd, Honry Fo3ter. Tablo parenips, 1st, Enoch Bocch.jr; 2nd, (I Chamberlain. Whito celery, H Chamborlain. Red notary, II. Chamborlain. Tomatoas, lot, W R Wiglo ; 2nd, Joa Watson. Table boots, long rod, 1st, Lowia Picklo ; 2nd, Wm Dring. Turnip bnotd, 1st, V MoLonnan ; 2nd, Mro C H Robison. Onion3, rod, lat, HO Arnald it Son ; 2nd, I Vanidour. Oniona, white, let, II G Arnald A Bdn ; 2nd,K Booch, j'r. Oniona, yollow, lut, H G Arnald t Son ;, 2nd, lid Nash. Winter radish, lot, C Liddlo ; 2nd, Jamee Whito A* Son. Hubbard squash, lt, R Bruner; 2nd, Wm MoCub bin. Summer aquaah, It Brurior. Rod poppers, small, 1st, John Joffory ; 2nd, R Brunor, Rod popporn, large, lat, I Vanidour ; 2nd, W Staroa. Swoot corn, largo, lot, Lowia Picklo ; 2nd, Thos Clark. Watormolomi, lat, F E Adamo : 2nd, J W Smith. Citrona, lat, J W Smith ; 2nd, Mra John Whito. Collec tion of vogotabloo, lut, E Boooh, jr; 2nd, James Whito & Son ; 3rd, ii Chambor lain. HORTICULTURAL. Judga A n Woodhridgo. COLLECTIONS, 8 vuriotioa apploa, lst, Thoa. Clark; 2nd, Reuben Brunor . 3rd, F W Dead- man. -1 variotioo poaro, 1st, E Boeoh, jr ; 2nd, Thoa Clark ; 3rd, John Lickman. Collootion of grapaa, lat, R Brunor ; 2nd, H Chamberlain. Collootion of fruit, B Booch, jr. APPLES. Duobeaa of Oldenburg, John Joffory. St Lawronco, T J Pox & Son. Aloxaudor, John Joffory. Maidonla BInoh, 1st, C Curtia ; 2nd, Thoa Clark.. Gravonstoin, Robt Boacorn. Cayuga rod utrcalt, 1st, Btobbu Broo ; 2nd, Wm. Drosaor. Snow, 1st, Thou Clark; 2nd,. J E Johnson. Orange Blonhoim, lat, 0 Ourtin ; 2nd, W R Wiglo. Fall pippin, Jameo Footer. Ribaton pippini lot, J E Johnaon ; 2nd, J M Settorington. Yollow Bolloflour, lat, H Chamborlain j 2nd, G Straubol. Port or, G Straubel. Baldwin, lot, S Ash ; 2nd, G 0 Foster. Bon Davis, lot, Jos A Iteid ; 2nd, Alex Stowart. Spit- zanburg, lat, J M Sottovingtnn ; 2nd, R Cook, Golden rtntnot, lut, 3- Liokman ; 2nd, J J Latam. Roxbury russet, 1st, J E Johnson ; 2nd, Thou Clark. Kinga, Mrs W M Wigfield ; 2nd, Hiss B Fuller. Oartants, blaok, 1st, Mrs W M Wigfleld ; 2nd, Mra W Willan. Eldorbori-y,-Mr<i W M Wlfltlold. Qninodfl, Int. Mra W H Willan ; 2nd, Mro W M Wigfiuld. Citron, Mra W M Wiyllold. Boat collection of jollies, lot, V MoLonnon; 2nd, Mrs T Fnilyr; 3rd, TJ Fox A Sou. HOME MANUFACTURES. Jndgo-T M Fox, Farco pump, wood, J H VanZandt. Foron pnaip, iron, 1st and 2nd, J 11 VanZandt. Suction pump, wood, lat and 2nd, J H VanZandt. Suntion pump, iron, Bit and 2nd, J II VanZandt. Tile, lst and 2nd, G E Phinn. Brooma, 1st, Reuben Brunor; 2nd, ,T J Latam. Buggy harnesa, lat and 2nd, Chaa Johnson. Wagon harnoaa, 1st and 2ad, Chaa John- Hon. Covered buggy, lat, WFMcICoo- zio ; 2nd,-W-S Pnlford. Pony cart, let and 2nd, W F MoKomdo. Bomoorat, W F Mfillonzio. Phaoton, covered, lat, W H Pulford ; 2nd, W F McKomdo. Lumber wagon, lat, W F MolCnnzio ; 2nd, W S Pulford. Open buggy, lst, W'F McKen- yAq ; 2nd, W S Pulford. Two seated car riage, \V F McKomdo. FINE ARTS. Judgaa ?rra Lowia Arnor, Mro A T Sottoriogton and Cora Whito. lUOri:SRI0NAIS on amatklmis. Oil painting, ammali from hfo, It W Gray. Wator colors, lat, R W Gray ; 2nd, Mioo B Fuller, Pencil drawing, Imc and 2nd, W Staron, Pencil portrait, W Stares. ron amati:uii3-,oni.v. Pencil drawings, 1st and 2nd, Jarfimh Wataon. Pon and ink sketch, lirt aud 2nd, Mm J Melt Selkirk. Kl'IXIAI., Boat half dozen photos, ulippora, $1.7j, H A Dunn. LADIES' WORK. Judgou Mro L Arnor, Mra A F Settor ington and Cora Whito. Infant's hood, crochotted, wool, l<jt, Mian S Contta ; 2nd, Mia^L Contta. In- fant'a jackot, wool, lat, Misi S ConttH. Knitted atockinga wool, 1st, Phyllia Der byshire; 2nd, Ritas M Footer. Knitted Boclca wool, lat, Mra R Liddlo ; 2nd, Alice Liddlo. Knitted mitts, fancy, Bilk, lut. Miss S Coutta; 2nd, Via McLennan. Knitted mitta, fancy, wool, 1st, Miaa L Couttn'; 2nd, Via McLonnan. Painting on silk, Mrs Ed Winters, Painting on satin, 1st, Mro Ed Winters ; 2nd, Mibq L Couttn. Painting on molojkio, lat, Mro Ed Winters; Miua L Couttn. Painting on bolting cloth, 1st, Mro Ed Wintoro ; 2nd, Miaa L Coutto. Paintiug on felt, lat, Mra Ed Winters; 2nd, Mioj S Coutto. Painting on glaeo, lac, Mra Ed Winters ; 2nd, Miuo B Fuller. Painting on wood, Mra Ed Winters; 2nd, Miss S Coutta. Painting on volvot or pluoh, Mian L Coutta. Tatting on volvot, lat, Mieo Edith Daloa; 2nd, Miaa B Puller. Fancy pin cushion, lst, CRoadhopno ; 2nd, Mrs D MoNivon. Slipperu croohottod, lat, Mt08 L Contta. Slipporo ombroidored, lat, Miaa E Dales; 2nd, Mies M A Jonaa. Fanny apron, lut, Etta Wright ; 2nd, Alioo Liddlo. Fancy ornament, . hand made, 1st, Alice Liddlo; 2nd, Mra E Wintora. Embroidorv on lUnncl, lst, Alioo Liddlo ; 2ud, Etta Wright. Etn- DdoAliBter, R.' E. Dodson; Goo. E. Morris, Arthur Holmes and Thoa. Bur- cldol, while in grades thoro wan aloo n largo Hot of ontrioo.. Tho ahoop and awino pona wore all ocoapiad, H. G. Arnald it Son being again on dock with tboir animate. A roforonoo to tho prizo lint will ahow that-thin iirm took away a good deal of the prizo money, though uoyoral locnl man carried many rod tickots also. The principal oxhibita in swinu wero Borkahirea and Poland Chinas. Au tiHual Arnoa Kelly wi\a tho largest exhibitor in poultry, Tho judges in thia claim recommended that in future tho old birda ahould bo aoparatod from tho young birds an thin would bo more antiafactory to both exhibitors and tho society and thi3 recommendation will likely bo acted upon by tho diroutora another yorr. Wm. Wood and Bonj. Brown were alao largo oxhibilorn in thia class. Tho roots and vogotabloa exhibited in tho oroction at tho roar of tho ball wore not up to tho30 of ly',)5. Potatoes wore not numoroua, tho largo pumpltine wero mUaing tbougn the mangolda shown wero of a good size. Grain aud seeds wore ftho behind laat year's, though a credit able lot was flhown. In tho building to tho right of tho entrance was tho exhibit of llowera and adjoining that, tho fruit display, which was a very largo and fine one, a a might have been expected from any fair in thia fruii-sjrowing county. Tho wall at tho oust end of tho building vim covered with mapa of North America drawn by chil dren fi'Oui the uouoolo in tho village and the towiiJht*.). Too mapj allowed tho products from tho different sections of continent and wero well oxocutud. Thoro wero aUo a number of oimploa of plain penmanship by aohool children, which wore excellent. Tho ladiea work took up tho contro of tho building and waa largor than laat year'a exhibit. on* Tin: onouN'iH. J. A. McK'ion had a tone erected on the groundrj mid alio wad a Cambridge, a Mikado, a Coming, il top buggioa and a domocrtit from thy wurke o Wm. Gray & Sou, of CiMtnam, for whom he ia tho gunural agent. Thoa. Ueattio, of Comber, rcpraaonta- tive of tho Miissoy-HarriB company, dis played a number of plougho, eultivatora, harrows and othor agricultural imple ments for which ho ia agoiit, Samuel Hughes, representative for tho Bam wagon ubowed ono of their vohicleo. W. l'\ MoKomdo, of Leamington, had hla tent up aud ithowod 2'lnjibor wagono, ono demuarnt, ono cart and ono top buggy from Ida Loamington worka. W. Scott Pulford, of Loimmgton, waa alao on tho grounds with his tont and a phaoton, three top baggioaand a lumbor wagon. Tho baggies woro all well trimmed, substantially built, and oaey riding rign. Tho usual number of stands and booths wero-oreotod an I uuemed to do a thriving businoen. Bicycle raco'i wero to bo hold forapecial prissou offered but the track waa not in good condition ao that tho ridera would not ontor tho content;. Tho opooding in tho ring was also forgone as no entries woro made. 1st' and-'3roVD'^ Morris. Heifer, 1 year old, 1st, R E Dodaon ; 2nd, D MoAltator ; Urd, Arthur Ilolraos, Hoifor calf, lat and 2ed, D McAliator ; 3rd, Arthur Holmes. HOLHTKISS. Bull, 11 yoara old, Adam Foiinor. Bull, 2 years old, Gilbert Masse. Bull calf, Adam Fonnor. Cow, 1st, Adam Fenner ; 2nd, G Mqbqo, oiunKS. Cow, lst, Wm Wallace ; 2nd and :*rrf, Alex Stacoj'. Heifer, 2 yoara old, lst, -Thoa Stothurd it Son ; 2nd, Thos Burch- iel. fleifer, 1 yo%r old, Geo E Morm. Heirer calf, lat, Orlo Hill; 2nd, Goo J^ Morris; :ird, Thni Burchiel. Steer calf, lst and 2nd, G E Morris ; 3rd, T Bur- ohiel. Beat steer, 2 year-old, J S Ainslip. Beat steer, 1-jeiruld, lat, Geo E Mm*- ria ; 2nd aud ',iai, Wm Walliicy. Fd.r cow or hoifor, :; years old, l?t, It I'.Dji- son ; 2nd aud ;Jrd, V McAhator. SlIEKP. JudgoH UP Soyrnoiir, Thou Philiip-j and Jumi U Caldiir. I'lN'U WOOL. Aged ram, lat and 2nd, H G Ariul I i1. Son. Yearling ram, lat and 2:id, 11 C Arnald & Son. Ram lamb, lat and 2nd, H G Arnald & Son. 8Hiioi'Hiirr.i:s. Aged ram, lab, Joa Phillips ; 2nd, II G Arnald it Son. Yearling ram, lat, H G Arnald A: Son ; 2nd, Jos Pbilhpa. Pen of two ewes, aged, Joa Phillips. Two yearling awoa, Joa Phillipa. Pen of 2 owe lamba, Joa Phillipa. Ham lamb, lat, Joa Phillipa ; 2nd, H G Arnald A San. LUcuHTuna. Aged ram, lat, II G Arnald it Sm; 2nd, Iaaao Dales. Yearling ram, II G Arnald it Son. Two yearling oweg, Lit, Isaac Dales ; 2nd, Arthur Holmes. Pen ,of 2 owa lambs, lot, Tsaao Dales ; 2nd, Arthur Etolmos. Ram lamb, lat, H G Arnald it Son ; 2ad, Arthur nolmoj. COARBK WOOL. Aged ram, lst, II G Arnald & Son ; 2nd, Wm Uogers. Yearling ram, lat aud 2nd, II G Arnald it Son. Two yearling owes, Wm Rogore. Pen of 2 ewe lninba, Wm Kogoro. Ham lamb, H G Arnidd A Son. Pon fat slieop, any claaa, lat, Wm ltogera ; 2nd, Wm Elliott. SWINE. Jadgoa Samo as for nheop. iiicmtsnincs. Boar, ngod, lot, Wm Ludlam ; 2ndv J S Ainalio; 3rd, B F Soymour. Brood- uow, lot, Wm Ludlam ; 2nd, B Koad- houao. Sow and pigH, 3 st, R F Seymour ;. 2nd, J S Ainalio ; iird, Wm Elliott. Sow, . nndor nix montha old, lat,' Wm Elliott i 2nd, J S Ainalio; 3rd, B Roadhousg. Boar, undor six monthe old, lat and 2nd* J S Ainalio. RUFrOLKS, Boar, aged, JN Dutot. Bf03J:a7, 2nd, C F Allon. l'OLAMD CIHN\q. Boar, agod, lst and 3rd, R B McMullin ; 2nd, C F Allon. Sow and pigs, 1st, C F Allon ; 2nd and 3rd, Wm Allon. Sow, undor aix montha old, lst, KB MoMullin 2nd, Wm Allen; 3rd, R F Soymour! Boar, andflr aix montha old, let'and 3rd R B MoMullin ; 2nd, Wm Allon. iMi'novi;o vohksiiiiu:.s. Boar, ngod, It F Soymour. Brood

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