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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, p. 3

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fo; I hi * e Ho woro twolvoe Miaa Twit'or (soyly) *-*"l)i) you MIovo in Into, RU'.M' t iinn-n V'1 Mr. MaOinniH WftB oarrloa thim will mo." "ttootfirj will my huahutitl be t'olo to n oovor *'Oh, yen, madam, ho i\ not hi r ionaly hurt, unci ,, "I wad ffoui|{ to uhIi If bti would bo ublu to recover ihmm<;oH from tho Company,'* " TIIU GRIiAT .'.'i'y Medicine of the Ajc 1 y\ Intwi^MVi H Cut: - j, dii'iii}-; rn"/ f-rtn 1 J 1 1 > > .. j'j l* ji Cum, Hitman tn-j, t: tttij, u/)nmieif tlia /v. / A'. '/.'/1 /y/((, 1. llr.l. " i 1 1 1 1, I 111 Mi.if nv I' \' .1 li i v ' li' , 1 1 tin. i.l Jinn, n 1m i 1 x It ,1 hi If'n.l . [ i\.L]mr , iin 1 ]i iiui 'iiii.ii I l<il , .-ii v i.r tii-. 1 I'll 111 I ! Nil ' , 1 1 1 1 1 Mi I - I 11 I 1 1. i' rimim Jtii'i, h > ti xiiu.1 Id 1 uny I> ivla if i| tin rll . .11 .t in 1 11 < n> tjiiii< 1 u r. 1 I'tn1 1'nlii Kill' r \i-kj ,rt .V hi. I'fwin of I in It 11I li 1 . I 1 diih lliop'i 1 liiu "I'l UIIV DAVIu, ' mulil u\ r rj Ul I" I Ml III ,'.,'1, Vry l.iru<i LhUk . i. WANTED- ftud Wonion Can vaiuioni for Cniimla anil Australia. "C/tnion Vlntorla, HorTdfo mid lUi[m." Introduotlon by Lord Dulhtrtn. A tlirilllni* now book. Hah'u maivolloiiH. I'lio Queen nil (jirl, wifo, inotlioj, monarch. Iliiinlfi likti runiiLiico, Grandly Uhni trati'd. Itli; onmint'inion. Ho du< on timo I'ioh- iiouLutt Iron to oiLMViKthurn, Kxulmiivo territory. jOtll Of .IMUK')' in it Tut; lln\ur,i:v-flAUHi',THON Co , Ltd , 111 Wohmond .St, Wiirfl. Toronto, On 1 wmTtTsIpson, Manufacturer of Foil- tor'ii P-itont Union Artificial" Limbs U2&UI Uatcu t . Do troit. Mich, Iji'finiipllvn ^ttaloguori and lilnnkii for rni.klnji application!! for (lovormnetit ordom foi llnihft imil tmmiporln.llnH ov aonuiiutatioii thorufni mjiit lmo on application Wanteri-An Idea I Wlio 1.....' of 1101 -- -lilii!,*lon^n .1. Protnct your (<1ciik: tluiv mny lirliik* y>u wculdi WrJti. JOHN WKUDnuiilTItN Boyo, Wanti1nRtott, I> (', fur their ?I fio) nrlzo itinr nil lint of two liutiiJn <1 luvonll'm i \.\mu'il ESSEX noailquai-[(*ifi tor Kchool I'ooUk, Pi liool fitipftlnn. Nutij l'lijifjr.IilnVL'ltjp.iri, Ihkn, Writing Tablets and oliitio Stutionory. h&< DISPKNSING ANM) FAMILY DIU'GOISr. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Wiluon Ave, next Alnrdoon Hotel. Tho latent impri\<l nianhinory for Itonint! CtillarH und Culf-. Will mot. crai-l or broak t.ju win;,'. Family work olujup. and dulivercd. Paruuld called fo< Vlnu&o call and trv. It nut HaLibiaum-) no eh ir^o "oil lio maiii* f on ' v/ork :;uit" you. 11 ^Dijiniiiim Ut l<* \')ur 'n ml,. In what ynu uau icly on /^ittin^ \\\->.\> yon buy fruin tin. Our wu^on ^"^h :>> all parttt of tho tfiwn. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, Ynq cult find nicer, fn ill. 1, oi h-\att- t r i" tl cuiuti'i.. Mi Kind of J-'uni y Cakert and ,hd]> Hull.". Fres 1 Tavfv am? C? OV iy Uuj. ^v'u full notluiif! ct-.ltj or clry. Leave Your Order ' and yon can roly on prompt de livery, , Onpoiilto iJnclc <t!Frauoln, Ennox fob twenty^shTvears" THEC'0OlCSBESTFKllr:i'^ IN THE STABLE. Tito )>ilfnl>lllty uml i)oHlrub!Uty <>f Commit l^lottru How to 'M(Uc Thuuk. Tlr ih no dnnbt. about tho durability and (loHlnibiJity of oomont Moorn for gtubloH, !w whIIch and nmny ollutr pur- pimoH, and whoro tho flpfht kind of Hand or ^ravol can bo had without muni cunt micih lloorH aro not uxpnn>i^pn-vrt1i tlrHfc cant, mu\ in tho Jono; ryu would bo ahonporihun wood, Tho )(iatcrialn ro- quirad aro Portland cunuyit (inferior oomont in not, likoly to bo AatiHfaotory, and Jh qnitn Huio to bo tho noHtlioat in tho ond), and wood, nharp, cloan Hand or gouiho Rravol. If tho lattor oontaiuH fiomo HtniioH up to tho Hiao of 11 hoii'o ORK n0 harm will bo dono. Tho Hand or gmvol nniHfc lio froo frotu oarthy HiibHtmioQH. OJuy or mold In it will nialto weak pbicow in tho tloor, making it prantlcnlly worthlofiH. Tho proportioiiH of tho two Hhoiikl bo ono of wimont to four of nand, whioh makon n Hi roup; but not. vory Huiootb fabrio. If a Ann, HinooUi finiHh iH ro(piirod, mako a thinnor moitnr of half and half Ann wind and comonfc and apply a thin coat, Hay half an inch thick, aftor tho flrht llllH HOt. If whoro it, will not froozo, any Holid oarth foundation will do. But iffrcoz- iiifr tmd honviiiK aro poa'dbln, mnko tho bano of nundy Hoil woll compacted. Tho comont baso nliould not bo a mortar, an for pltiHtorinp;, but thiolc and crumbly, and ho workod toffothor that tlio wholo muni will bo mniijt, and that both 111a- tori.iI.H will bo thoroughly incorporated. Each partiolo of Hand noodn~to *bo in contact with pernio cnnicnt. Tho mixing lihuuld bo thorough while dry, and aftor tho water in added tho mixing necon- fi>\ry to mako tho wholo nioint will be Buttloiont. On a K0()d foundation 2 to 2.j iuchcn thiol: ii unfliclcuttogivcuiU thoHlren^th refjiiirod. Ah the cement iH Hpread it ne.edu to bo coinpnotod witli a pounder j of noma kiinl. If piopcrly inado, hucIi a flo(jr boromoH uh hard and durable as rook. In many cities the vory boKt of sidewalks and oven atreot gnttom art1 mado in tho manner described, accord ing to Mountain Htooknian, authority for tho foregoing. Curing Corn Foddur. WI1011 corn fodder in cut whllo tin1 wonthd' iH still diy, it will euro in bet tor fthapo and with Iohh Iohh if put up in mn all eock.4 ratlujr tiifiii in fitoolcH. Tin reason, an cxplaind by American Culti vator, is that aw tho days Hhorten and ni^ht i l.imoly lengtlien there in not Hutiliijlit and warmth enough in the daytinn tu < uro tho Htalku aH rapidly m tin y f kould be. In the cock tho Htalk<> will In at, bringing the tomperaturu up to 100 or more, night .ih well an day. H a little dry atraw is thrown on the cock ho as to abs-orb tho uioiHturo at niglu, when tho outride cold air condenses1 it, tho stalks below it will oomo out green looking, yet hhghtly softoned from the bent to which they have been Hubjected. bt.ilk.s Uiuh ouit'd will bo oaten much morn loadily than Htalkn thathavo drii d up by being oxpos'i d in Ktookn to drying winds. All fun 111 -I hu.'o noticed that 111 win ter it is ti. i aii sialkH that have Lt en heated and cvi 11 molded in tho mow that will be pirieM'f d by cows to talkn that have been dried in the wind and without tiio heat meded to Hofton tho outer shell of tho stalk. The moisi Btalky are also morn nutritiouH, as m drying out the carbon in them turns into woody fibi r, nearly indigestible. In jmttiug up the oueks they should be Hinall, so Uh not to heat too much and blacken I he stalk--. For thoKamo reason, they-1. ah! mil h left long before bung drawn 1" i ie lum or mow. Oimliti <>* t-lui Wln-at Critn. Tho quality of thn wheat crop is largely dependent on tho hoil and culti- vatiou it getH. American Cultivator hayn: The long, dark red wheat imported from Ku'-sia about 40 or moro yearn ago wlifu t.iki n to tho Ijest wheat lands of wenU 111 Ni w York grew lighter in color and plumper. That was then thought a gieat improvement, us starchy wheats w< 10 tin n in most demand. Tho gluti nous v\heats can only bo giown on in aland or that artificially mado rich with mtiogt nnuH fertilizers. For that rea son, us alho Ixc.mso it in really worth more, the glutinous wheat will always bring a better price in market, though thm is not ho gieat a ditfornuco as it would bo li tho dark and starchy wheats wen noL mixed to make the best, flour fur all purposes. Merely for pastry the ] ilour from white or Hturehy wheat is best. Mv* illsli C'olcmy In Aluliit1. Iii falling atumion to tlie prosperity of the Swedish settlement in Maine Tho Faimt iV Kovinw' Hays : "Tho story of New Sweden haa no parallel m New England junee tho U! uolouk'H bec.uio) a federal republic. ThiH Swedish settlunent is the only success ful agricultural colony founded by for I'ignerH from over tho ocean m .Now England since tho Revolutionary war. " Tho settlement of New Sweden Juii outgrown the township of that name and spread over tho adjoining booUouh of Woodland, Caribou and Perham. AnimriitfUH UihIu. Nww beds can bo mado in oithor tho fall or the spring. American Gardening notes tho advantagoof fall planting and tollH Jiow to prepare tho beds: Before planting thoroughly proparc tho bods by tronching and working in a good dronaing of rioli manuro at tho wmio timo. For n amnll gnrdon bcdH should bo mado 5 foot wide. Plant 8 jfowH tn a- bed; 1 foot or 16 inohoH be tween tho phmtfl in Buflloiont epnooj 2-yeai'Old pluntfl aro good ior tho pxxx* ] fcoao MARKETING HONEY. tiow I'roiUmorH iMity Itunl I/u Hotter Prloaa Vor TlH'lr Kurplu* Ktouk. Along tho liiio of mark' ling tho hon- oy crop, what uro the ntosl needful ro- (iuiiuiu mmiow, in order thui produoom limy TtinliKQ bettor financial muiultH? *Y\\\n query, appearing In Tlio American lice Journal, elicited many replies from nplariHtri In difforont. nootioiiH of tho country, Tho majority of ajw<ir*i uui- phaniy-ed tho importance of cultivating the homo market and putting up tho honey in uttruotivo packaged. Allen lJringlc fluid: "Tho niont noodful re- quiremontH uro, Unit, put nothing on tho market but tfood, pure, ripu honoy, cleanly and tidily put up; Heeond, lot every beokoeper wmk up tlio homo mar ket for all it, in worth, inHtoad of whip ping his* honoy oil' to nomo cnmmiHHion man; third, dhininh tho oont of pro duction by applying tho hlghost hoIoiico and tho boHt art to tho businoHH, for thla jh tantamount to increasing tho price.' * O. \V. Oi'marco, writing on tho name Hnbjoct, said: "Tho most needed filing I know of in a great deal of energy to improve tho 'homo market' for honoy. Ah long aH nearly all tho honey in crowded into tho city markets itH price Will decline. I have a friend who mar- keta nearly IiIh whole crop of honey from a spring wagon in the country and Hmnll villages at. a prico from HO to fiO per cent above tho quoted city markets." Charloa Dadant -wrote: "A noedod ro- qnireniont is Huluumun at home. You need ROmo ono who will talk to your neighbors* and get thorn to oat honey. You havo no idea till you try of tho sales that can bo ou'ootod by a live ped dler." O. K. Hilton, writing en tho dispon ing of tho surplus- honoy crop, advised leaving no stono unturned to dispose of the crop in the home market. Ho recom mended buying a medium Hized upright HhowonHO and having muno and address painted on caoh kIuhh. Place ono of them in each grocoiy or butehor'H sdiop that will handle honoy; then hoc to it that nothing but tlio best is put into thin case Thin will mako a littlo ex- pense, but thoy will more than pay the flint BoaFton. lie knowH becauHO lio hnu tried it. IVnttH In Northtirn Nw lOnyluinl. Laflt winter was cxcnodingly hard on small fruits in central Maine near the northern limit of fruit growing. A con tributor to American Gardening writes from Androscoggin county as follows: Those who depended upon snow for winter protection generally found their strawberry beds winter killed. About Now Year's, sewing no indications of buow, I covered mine with straw, and they camo out in good condition. Of raspbornoM tho Cuthberts are nearly all killed. Tlio Marlboro suffered nearly an much. Even the Turner suiViTed to some extent. Tlio I roldcn Queen hcpum to be be quite as hardy as tho Turner. But the Thompson, which was supposed to ha tender, aa it camo with none of tho usual recommendations of hardiness, pulled through the winter on my grounds uninjured. Tho Minnowaski blackberries are all dead. The Snyder, generally considered ironclad, camo through much injured. Tho Ancient Briton is about tho sumo aa tho Snyder ns regard4 hardiness. From ono yoar'q test I Hhonld judge tho Eldorado to be quito as hardy as cither. A few plants set one your ago came through tho win ter uninjured, whilcmany of tlio Sny- dtirs, Hot at tho same time, Mere, killed. Much interest i^ manifested in the Japan plums, and wo have hoped that heveral of tho bcHfc varieties would provo hurdy enough to enduro our climato. So far I can speak from actual experi ence only with tlio Abundance, Bur- bank and Sutyuma. An Abundauco sot seven years ago lias proved hurdy as yet. A Burbank sot thn o years ago mado great growth and has shown no sigiiH of injury. AtVwInes of both varieties set one yar ago niiUored to Homo extent last winter and soenifd somewhat reluctant to start in thn spring. The most of them, however, did start, but it is evident that it was a "eloso call. " The indications aro that in this latitude these two varieties will endure tho olimatn on our highlands, but not in tho valleys, A Satsuma set three years ago is still ahvo, but kills buck some every winter. Those trees V>eio under high cultivation, making great growth each year, frequently a terminal growth of four feet. Sllon mid Enslhigo. Bulletins received lrom tho various BtationH make it evident that tho osson- tial.s in silo building are smooth air tight walls strong enough to boar tlu pressuro of tightly packed silage. All agree that corn in tho best and tho most economical of all mhigo crops. A mix- tnro of clover or pea vines adds protein to balance corn silago, but no other crop will give so much silago on tho aamo land and for tho sumo cost of labor an corn. In dry countries tho sorghums must tako tho place of corn. Swi'ut CluVr. Those who profor sweet eider resort to various method*) for arresting for- luoutatiou, such as putting a handful of powdorod clay into each barrel, or two or threo pounds of woll burned charcoal, or a littlo mustard flood, about a gill to enoh barrel. Others allow tho aklor to work until it has roaohod tho Htato most desirable to tho taste, thou add 1)4. tumblers grated horseradish to ouch barrel and shako up well." This nrrcHtn further I'ovmontation, says a writor in Farm and Fireside. Corn nt tho P>miHytvaii!u BtiitIon. Kxporiments at tlio Pennsylvania sta tion show that iih corn npproaohos ma turity the quantity of nutrients it con tains and tho digestibility both in or 011*0 very rapidly, Tho total yiold of digonti- blo food by tho matured crop Was two or throe times that of tho samo crop in tho silk, and 1)6 por oout greater than When tho oax3- began to glooa CHURCH DIRECTORY Mbthodih*iv~))i'. V'ihoimi, I'arteir. '-wirvior every Humlny n t |1 11. hi, uini 7 1. in. aMintl lohool iilii:!i( i. 1 i. iJ. li!. r-iivl"!*, Hue" InLi * <l* unt of Hohnol. 1 fiwmUi l,i uj'ii'i pray < ntmtiM Uuuailny ovniilir. uLti o'oImii, imui.'i" ii.uyy mootfuKoii 'l! Miilityovt* " j(. K MARRIAGE LICENSES. li. VKHK IHBriKIt OP MAltXlUOB IiIP , ots\, ii-tt, liluliarrtnoh Hlk., Kamx, Ont. Ciintuu/ ov l-.Ndruwn Utiv. A.lj.lOivt.icly, Jn oumlKiiit, KL. 1'iuiIh, Krtniix, Dlvnioitiifvlon nvtry I undiiv ilL 7 oVJouli, i> hi Mumlav llahool ut HI 11. u). i'vlulty Cliin-uli, North 1Ui]|(i> Divllin Hitrvlonrt ttVory hlli.iltiy kb II p. 111.! Hun i(ny Hutioul ut l,\fn>. in. Tho iiul'lhi. uro uor- thtily invitoil. L'niJi'iivTinoAN. \V. M.Ii'hiiiihiK, 1'n.ntor Hor- vlcoii on tJuLljiitli ut 11 a. in ',ii'i '1 .:te )>. lit Kali- mlh Hi'hmil ivt -d. Hi p. in. "m\(tr inn-fciui; iitnl 'untor'ii litliln (iliniii nn 'Viwtuliiy uL7.:i(l |i in. Unollil Union on Wi ilintmlnv lit H.ir.u. i(AIvTlll laiUHdll. Uiiv.SI. 1'. ClUIIl'I't'll, 1'n.ii tor 0 vlocfiraoh Jiiibluuli nt. II a. in mul p .1. t'rayitr iiinoliiiu "" Tlninnlav vmihic at, Ho'cltiuU. nuu, , iioe. All not uonh-dlv wdl- MO[|H'<]. \_\ li-VKHi- 1 1', JHHtior of Kfnrti&go LIoodmB iii . ('oitiiulK 'leiioflii 0 .J., ota. Uoato, Oqt w. It, lt]..iAI...t iHMin.y of MitrrliLuo JAoiumuu. IpotiraQOO agent. NIi(htoilio atnw4llhi. ' TATillOT KTUKKT. RBBHX. UNDERTAKING. HPJjUMMM .It, UiiilfirUkiu a:nt FtirnltuM -t nniilfirr flotllim, lionut imd (uotory mrda from 8'i t/j y:). MuOrouor, Oe* SlSZ^'ld THE DIVINE NAME. 'J'li liH'fl'uhlit Word Tliut 1h Ni-vi-t* Kpolti'ii The Rev IV. Wise, president, of the Hebrew Union college at Cincinnati, has given his view of the ancient Jew ish rendering of tho name of the Deity, lie says that the tmn "Jehovah," the incllahlc u tiagi.mimaton, is never pro nounced by many Israelite. They um> tho word "Adeimi," which signifies "the J,d)d." Tho translatots of the Bible l llowid this custom, rrtndering the word "Jehovah" as "Lord." In ancient tunes the Pharisee^ leplaoed the ti iiinihiiiiiuatfui by bin 111. They used "i^hemo," which is al-o JMlilieal, as the Lined mono, and this name is yet n (aim d, to some ( xtunt, among the Jews. But it would appear from piw- sa^'( s in the ISalms that Adonoi, or Loid, for (J.l,(i\ah v.as more ancient even than the times oi the Pliaristes. It thu.'ioecaiM lght (inn's in Psalm lxxxiv. It nhn ; ppeais in the book of l^xodus, whfit "JehiiVah" laid been used in the oii,rMial lh brew. This substitution would mi iu 10 1 - older than any ttther, and it li yi t eoninion among all Jowh. Dr. Wi^e i-e\> lie has found that the unch nt ti.ui'-lations testify in favor of "Adonoi."' Looking nt the Knglish translation<of the ((hi '11 : tament, it will be found that tin1 name Jehovah appears in tho books of (hm^is Kxodus, Judges, the Pi.ilms 1 ml f-.'iiih. It is net in tho New Tistumonl. New York Hun SUGAR NOT INJURIOUS. Thn Idea Tliut It IXstrnjH tin. Twth ll Kidicitlcd. A writer in the Contemporary Re view ih\of<s iii< st of an article on champ.1,,mic to tho popular idea"' that gout is pu dnced by tho sugar contained in thai dr ej; The p.ipt r in "not v medical ]rq t, " but the writer bring* i'orw.od ( mi ltd ruble evi(h.nco to show that ; li.j- ] if,iu' 1 a-- nnlliing to do with the pu ,.i,( 'I 111 oi gout, and in an nsidf f-p ,-,;.' <t!i oihi'i popular notion that hui;..]' .! >-w./ri the U 1 lh. II" says: "in i oi'iohoration of toe fallacy of the sugar and gout idea it may be men tioned that the still more reprehensible dogma, lrom a K.Mfury point of view, that sugar uiins the t< 1 th is equally fiiNe. hid d, how the idea ever canir into i ^i'-ii in e ii a myMrry, seeing that the Ji 11 m, v, lui< r and htiungi'st tei th an ft and in tie mninhs of negioes brought uji on sirmr ph.;' ' .nus, who from the ojirlu hi jetus up..: u ennsmned 1:1011 sugar thuii auy-Utiicr (dus-i of peopk wdiaievi 1. Tluoe at all skeptical ot tin value ot this fad havo only to look around Mining tin ir pi r-onal friend? anol see v.'ht iher the t ugai eali r4 or tin pii^ai shunnerH h..\c the thirst teeth, and they will find, othtr things bt ma equal, ih.it tlie.'-agai 1 att'i^, as a ruhs h..\e the b( st teeth. rl In only possible way for accounting for this libel against sugai seenih to be hy supposing that it originated in the hram of one of our economically disposed great-grandmoth- cis at tho timo when sugar was Ji shil lings a ponud in order to prevent hei children gratifying their cravings for sweets at the oxpontso of tho contents of the iragnr basin." lOcS'ures fnn^r ijiaf ion otui I ji vec I IlM. . A(o 1 \ .. I, , r L'i hi uu- the nn s' ju'i'ti' nil'1" 11 il en u Ml e majai:, Kiel Iteadiu h 1 1 1 L'ig.tinn Itllionsni'SH, lie! g '-tion niid hil IjIVi r lih. 10 oeatn a veil 10 ((men. Soul bv -J. Thmne. AE&MCIC. The ptirtii'H / !'n nri- dulling tor i'ug or oil on the tiiim nt 11, hWto patinaiing fiivo'ahlv tied uro down about ."()') foot. The oomp'Lny, who arc juincio tlh Di.icoit genth iiKii, haye fiO'iir 2.:if)() ".ce-. of bin 1 in tin i...mediate vieiti.iy of )h- \w]loufl" 1 mwI uro proem' g tot fuil ato .m dull from tiic p p'i liuo Otiia 'ti fh h *iu(l Oil ('o. r their of the 'g'pllthcclogK^l^^l a*venuc5of die Bowols, Kldnoys and Liver, carrying off gradually, widiout weakening the system, all the impuri ties and foul humorc oj the secretions; at the same time Correct ing Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bill* ou&noss. Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Cons tt na tion, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy. DlnH nesa of Vision, Jaun dice. Salt BhoumJ Erysipelas, ScrofulaJ PlutteHngf of th'tf Heart, Nervousness] and General Debility; '^ll these and martyodicri $tntttar compblnts yicldj to the liappy iiinucnccj of BDRD0CK BlOQJQf BITTERS- tonoMTo- ItOMAS f!ATlfOIiIC. KlIM'H J'V. O. I'l. MliOtlO, Piintnv. Hrr Jin- o'tirv etliin* Hinultiy utH :i()p. in. tiuniliiy Schori. at .1 p. m. MatjhiVum: -lliuli iiiiuiu iujI iinriiKin at HI 110 IL, 111,, CIllni'lliHIII III 'J JI 111 , liilplKHII lit II !>. in , viMijH'rii imil ni iiiiillctuin iut V \>. in. O. I. Mo (hit' V. 1'^_____ h"ai,va Hon AiiMV. t'apt. Rmith imil blent. I'liymn in ofjinaiiLiMl, Hiilvutlon indottncuWoil- Mriiilii\,Tlni)ii(tii> iitul KuMiluy nvmjiii((f<;i<'ruiMinrl rjiMty.Hiiiiinlav i)\onlnc imil .!}> in Hiuuliiyi Ileal lioiiit ni(iiitll)i{ii for olu IntliOiH I' ruliiy tiveiilnj; and 11 it m. KniuiiLy; KiwiG IJ r i 11 7 il rn. uvmy Hinuhiy. All uro wolcnnio, LECAL, I,i A. WfHMKH, Tluri'lntnr, Holloltfur, Notui; i;. Piililfo &a. Mmioy toloiui. Olrtcflii.Dui (ltnii HUji;!;, ii])-uLiiii n, KtiiUix. U. PKTKJIH Ilarrmtor, J. ft Pnhllc Moiiev to fjoan l-ly Holicitnr, Notu; OJllcti ovf -ttrutliurn' liiLiilt Iliiiiox Oontro. f-'LAiEKK, n.\H'n,r/r a miirrdiT, iiai-rit V_' torn, etc. (JUIuih, Mi'dbury Iilo<;k, Wlnilna l'i i \ itttj fuinh, Ln lo/in A. U. Ci.uuu., I. b. P.. N. A. JiAim.i T A. It. lUini.KT. H, A. ARCHITECTS^. | OHM A. MAYCOOK, Auain'n-;<JT, *., Hooia It) find 11,1'Utnilii[( Huil(liii(;, WlMllHOl', Ont phono an. SOCIETIES Y O. O. F.~KNTi:itPllIflM I^wljfo No Ulfl A motitrtiivory'i'lnnrmluv, nvunliiK il(. 7.w" OdiUellowii lliUf, latlih'itiitoroy Uuiiiitaii 1' ' ^isttltiKinonihnni ftotlidr lortjo-H will rf v fritfcrinial wtilcioiim. "' ..... II ]-;NUY C. WAl/PKHH, L.L.H., Attornoy unit Printer in AilmliatLi, Putcni holiiitm, Olllro, Niiuborry hui ilini/, cor Onmvold tunl ha moil ittfi, UoUoIt. Miih. (ranadiiLii olinnei iij;anint puinoun In tlio Unitoil Htiittui I'dllrn toil.) nnfuruinioii: ImiKiriiU Hunk, Khwix, Out. J Ij. I'tttoiu, I irj , Mavrinttii, < ti; , lamox, Out K.A. Wltimor, ImiO., Huinnti'i', ntc, lamox, OuL 1) MEDICAL. ItH. llitlKN' .V liiaKN. Jim. Brloti. M. I)., I: It., (J. P. H., Kmdnnto of Qui'en'n tJnlvinnlty, Jvui^titon, iiioinbor of Col- lnjffi of Pliymomini mul SurKooiis.Ontiii to. riratl- uiito ot Now York. 1'oht (irmluiito Modliml Col- J.W, Ihli'ii, M. I)., f M.. K. T. ^r. O. Honor finuluiiti! (\( Trailtv M'jihnul f-J^lhlii^*__!t<iuc>r irnuinuttt tit Trinity UnivrV'ilty: AnTFiibiir uf tho ColIi'Ko of I'liuiiciuna ami Himi'-oiiH, Oat rjrinl- nato or .Now Yorlt. 1'uut (rriuliuttn Minlluul Colloi'o. Olllct* ovor K!iti\' SIoillcul Hull -Irur; atoio. CoiiiiiiItiLtinn rooniH. bullion jjnminl floor and Unit Hat abovo, Tflfpliono hi both ollloo ami rent lionet). All calhi atttirnlml to from utllc-o, drill-! (iNiro, ot reunion en. Jtmildonc-j, Till hot nt root, front of fur "roiindii 1\HK Mi KKN/IK .V. .IJ-INNIIK. (i MeKciu/Ui.M 1). (' M.Tiinity Unlvurfilty, inonilier of ('nib r;<i Phy ieiumi utul KiirfjiionH, Ontario, CtrnditiLto nf N'nw Yerk t'O'it Oniduuto Mi diral Ccllof^n, (Jrirniior for Mm County of Ksji&x ItM.irU-nco, TalijuL hti.mt, nuitli ol rn.II- WILJ, I'h.'fOX. J. Karlo .Iftmr r, M I) O M, Trinity IJiif\nr- Hit.\,M (', I' iiti I h Ont,.rie, Lie. Hrijiil Colli'co Plivnii*t,nr, 1 nndtin. ' lit Kt hoi iinliip and (loid Mi-dull, t, Trinii\ (. tilt j;i.\ 1441; apjKiinti.d Hoiifo Ph; i>ii;i hi and Sm-;u n, Toronto Ountiral Ilo-pital mul It' i M-nl aim I'licliiiui liininido JjjiiJlfin Kuhpitril, To) <ntit, ih^I Hpeulnlty, ititi (MLI Ml Of W'i|||l II IIII'I fll*!'lri II ltdHltliUlCH, MOI1HI) inti ly (iim U|ni'il 1, I if. I jitft iii, Talbot I.C., l'.h><"i. OilHoiii liii].nii' O-ik Hindi, ^roinxl (lonr, ojij nsito 'I bo) in 'i, din '.(nt) Muiliciiio i t.lii- pt iim d in tbi" nllii-i 'I i Idphonc cntilicetion v.ltlibolh nth. n .ml I'Mittiiti'H I'jiviito tolo ph ,no IIno butv,tinn Cvi i] Pi(jiutttt,'n huiiiio and Dun K' ui(Otl\'b hou n a.id ottluo, Nlldit c dlh i.tti nth d 1 > at, nilico or it",lilciiee. DMTAL. L I' OlIMtUlttl' y I P. m vp.Ti:;, i. 11. Sinj.'oniih, <)..rpirii), tunl Ui iM'nirj 'if Toiunto ',iu.r<i<ni,nioiioiu,te. Olhee, ie < i i j tn ,C Co F ("Irui; utort'. 1"-!-. fnttornal woluom". W. (TIIAl*TIiIlTON, I nKNTIlAL I'lMCAMrMIINU1, Mo. 0, ma Otldfollown' Hall, Diiniitan'ii Hlool(, on tut Mid third Tii'intliLy houioh month. Vinltou i illnlly roiinlvml Woinbm-n nf (uibordhiutolti In th* Jnrlndlotlon, hivltiwl to JohL. IIANNAN. 0. P.. fh K Ulhh, Koo. J1J Prfday ovitniiiii in tho I'"ironion'H roon t thn Htoiio bnlldlni,'. Jm. MoSturmv, Ohio* Koht Puvldir, Captain; A. lhn-nhn.ni, blotiton- tint; V. JJIIit-n, Hoerotury; VrothfllyiLtt/rroiiHuror. pOTIKT ItOYAFv, NO. 2jy. t. O. V. V. > Moeta Miieoml ami fourth Tnnnthiv'fl 111 oatt' month In 1. O. t), ]-*. Hull ut H o'clook . ffl VliTitinc hrotliorn will ho (,'lvoii a frntf.rnal wol- ( onio, I'l. MaCftUiihiml, G. It., W. C, Bliaw, Beo, M. J. WicIo.C.D. JI, U K. A OK NTH wan tin" profitable aniploymant tlitoiifdi tho iiuiinnoi can find tt with UB, an wo have nowont Itunidun varUdlon of Niirnory titock unit now Hottd Potatoim. Hulary or noiii' inlniilon. Wiite mi utonco for lorrltorv. vtiii-- AM NUUHHItY CO., Toronto, Ont. 2U-lUfc II Olh% Michigan (fTEFi^n " Ihe Manara falls Rani* ^^ ' asjara falls Route. OOINO liAHT Takliii; ollool .Juno lib,*, Ih'jU. TJotroit.. . . Wmdfior.... P-iltdij........ Maldiduuuc Kiist x ..... Woodfllno... Huucoinb ... Comber . . Hidqetn'wii.. Ilodnoy, . . . Kt. ThonmFi London ..... ^t. Thoiuiih .. Jtodnoy , RulFiotown... . Comber.. Huiioniiib. . . Woodiileo,,. I'.HhfK . .. M'tldhtoue Cr Pulton \\ mdHor ..... I'otroit ..... Jjoaill Hxp, l*!xj). Accom nooom a m. a, m. p.m. a. m. Moil a.m. rt 'J0 n <2<) !). 10 J .in i) r,a io.jo 0 08 (I PI i. i7 r.uo io.i \'i r, r, i H.W) H 17 1J M h.I'l :im\ jti.fttj i.ort noiNO WI'IIT. J 40 ft.ufi o.io fiyw 5.117 fi HI r>rn 1105 710 7.!18 a io v.nn 7-5J 8.04 H.15 B.nr. p in. uiu 'J -in :i-',H i U7 ."j 10 SHI li.Oi r. li li -'1 (. \r, 7.1U a in. rt.'jo in ji; 11.:(i iii. io Wind nor accoiu a m a,m o m o:).1: 7.-11 7.B8 OG.'i .a:i n.ii Dfia 1U.0S 10 12 ic.tio 10. Bij 11.10 fl IB 0 2rt flW 11.17 M 7.ir> VETERINARY. \tf u jticiiAitnso' \ i.vnm.s viiY sun _ OKON JU>nni(.r\ i^nitlu ito ol Ontario Voterinaiy ColUre, 'J'oiontc; nnMiibi'i* of On tuno Yolrrnniiy Meihcal Sonot\; Jiiploinist in l)i>ntjir>; tii-atn-nll ih-n'iiiin ot douioitioiUi-il .nil in lis; entile (it liot not I b\ thehiti-st hiliue\ nd IjCiH itt tlippfi ('l)Ih by tt it phono or tt lu~ Hi'aph j rniijptlv Httendt'tt li. Itt nidi iii'o.thiee dooiii tiiint of i'litt null: ntfir it iv ptnit otiico huililini.;; infhnrjrj, tlirt.ftl> opptudtt'. LAND SURVEYOR. 1 AMIIS K. LAIHU, Pioviticnd Land hm\i.\o* 't mid I'oiint;, hiiciij 'el, 1 Office, Dnnctan Jtlot'i;. upptitn*1 AUCTIONEERS. HKNltY ni'DItlCK, AiictioiiLki. Halor pmtnptly ut tf niU'd to Adtlrefii fiouth Wnodtiloo, Ont. Pol i>cinn deslihi^ to Ht'eiiro mo may Itmvn won! at tho J"iu:i. Piuir.s ollleu. tf H. IIKDJtlCK DhlN'f'LAUt, Lir'PNSKO AUCTIONimu for tho County ol PH s,ov. Piuliil of Llijhth T)iv1hIoii Court All hinds of Faun mid other Halu'j condurtt-d piomptly. Itatoii ruiirouablo ftud fuvnf'ibt'd on ni'iiIiciUioii. I'nqiiircrii may apply at \V D Ituainan'H ollleo, or nt the oflleo of blvihlon Couit Clt i k,]\Ir..Tohn Milne If OltN (lOKMliKY, fl JilCI'.NKP.l) AUCrrONKKK for tho County of Eubox. All JiindB of farm ntoek iialoii, etc., conducted promptly and on uhort notice, Itatou roanoi'iiblo, 1'tirr.nnfi tle-irnMo to iirranjiu Hilled may Punuii oflleo or by nppljinrj to 4 .1. GOKMLEY, P. O. Hox ir/i KHHox.Ont. 1?UANK McCiLORKKY, Maidntono, thlrty- l iiiiven yearii cxporionoo iui an iiuutloneoi In tlio Count yoj Ktmox. Kuleii coiKhtcted jnonptly, mul on lDiifiointblo tunnii. Purtii h dunii inn' to tl\ tho date fov a halo can nave iboniuulvoi' a diwo hy nulling tit tho I-TtiiK Piuibb ollico. Wo liavti arriinsod v/ith Mr. MoOloiiluiy and will i\thtnlatofi for 'jiilebby tolcgniph, entirely Ireo of all charRo to tho pon.011 holdini* tlin tialo. Ad- 'IroriB Fruul; ?U mtiUoy ,MaiilHtuno Croim(Out( 105 rpnE old ant hmdnetor in town. Kntnldinho A 1870. Firntolftnn broiul and onlton of al nindu. Woddhijj culcon a opoolaHty. Orooorioa pvovinlonn, ilour, food, aalt and pork. Confoo- tionory, crooUory.Klitnn-waro, Oanued frnltii ami vuftotiibloijof all klndii. Ooodii promptly -to llvorodtoaUpavtiiof tho town. J, M. H10KH. J 01 tf LAND AND LOAM AGENTS GEORGH J. TIIOMAS. OonvcwRuoor, Com- mirtrnonor, In Hl[ih Court of .Tuntloo:doalor n Roal IJntatfl and Moytf[a((on. Monoy to loan attholowoitt rato of iniarnnt. Farain boncht and tiohl. Inauranoo tukou In tlio ntootrolliLlilc oompaulon. Prn,\v[iii' of doodH, mortRagofl and [aiLBUiia Bpcclalty, Oharf(oB modorato mid all bunhioHB promptly attaudoil to. Oall at tho Coutvul Toloiihouo oOloo MflnostOflutro, BU-ly Best riaoolu the world for yomitfmon mid wouion io Hoonro a BiiRineeu ICduoatlou.Hhorthaud.eto^lH the Detroit BuflhiDBa Unlvorslty. De troit, Mloh UlUBtmtododtalouuo Amiioi'tahiir^ I.ncal Trnliih. WI ST 1IAHT p in a.m. a m a in a rn, p.m ll.(>.'i 11.10 fi.fj.ri Enbux H..15 O.ttO C.80 ii 1 I 11.C1 H.l'i Kdearn 0 t!7 0.10 C.10 I.i'l 1'^.tO H'-ii Ij]<1 A !l HXtiif! ll.Ul '.)!ltf '1.E7 h 'JJ l-J 11 H.T> Mr(i~oRiir '".'ill [).!I0 d,B5 tilo UJI'- 8.1.1 (Jonlnii 110.1 0 10 4M ii-t.i IL' ID H.fiU Aiuli(ri,Lbur Il.d0 !).0.ri 4.1)0 A 11 ti.ntiB ain iim on font ml standard timo, wn'ch i fiixtv nnnutefi iilowcr than rinnox timu. l*or mtormatmii and rat on to colon* isih moving went apj ly to John G. haven. Pas* hoiipur Am nt, Bt Tlioitmi,, O. W. Iliifjuloti Clon- oIlU PuihoiiKor arm 'lie lie t A Kent, Chic uro , 111 or A. O Ktirnnrn, Aeon*. Ph-sox, L- b. & D- R. Ry. TIMJ'1, TAI1LK NO. j, taliiiif; cirect Monday, Sept LIT, ^'Hi Tramii rim by Fnntnrn Stand- nrd Time. J>allv oxeejtt Buiiday * CI" O ! 'A K V A U 0.J1 llMH) '.) .m vx :io 't .lit lil 10 i.i iti liriii ius'1 c, 17 0.-.7 1.10 0 51 1C* (ll! l.l'l K 430,...I Ktat/ons. I* St h.m l>op Walltf ry'lo Ar H7!Wi.llnrviNo June Ml (>'. n W r-t i M "16 O 6 S5 A M 'J Ul A M r. no oil li 40 I'ttltnn' t Oldciihthi . .. I Pi.ijuette..... McGi etjor . .. . Now Unman... ... 8 fi7| 8 t.:t| h 17 K^' HJICl h 2t) 8 W! n.:ib rii>7 r..n B.tH r>.ou h-w i.:j:i 4.25 4.(0 If) 01) l.uo 7 in|... t Murfibtlold lO.ltl 1 Ml 7.1T..... Hiitrnw . 10.127 U.C1 7.27........1 Arnt.r.........|B 11 10 .17 'Jin 7.317. . . Klnr;n\'ilIo..... J CI 10.15 i!i(J T.lt linthven ......|T fill H.lo 10 r.r> H.45 7.M ... Loamim.'tnn ...17 <10| i.l0 11 11 li0nty|. Wheiitkv ..... 7 21 l.M Ui!Qi .lU'i.8.17 . . I Iti'inuclt -. 7 Ifi. 1 U.-.,r 4 H) HJS .. .. tontiiwtntll ... 7 10, l.lfi ll.in T.IH'h.IiJ ..... Kiltnwnud..... 7 UOllQ.lIO IM 11.41 fi 'Jtitaio .. .. Morlhi....... fi.5iia.ffl. 0S8 11 flfi R11\U17 \ Hiixtou.... (> 'Ift'lUl'-'l (Sill ILM, S.fifl H.S-J ...... KundUfon ...... IO.m.00, fl.1t* liiOl 0,05 1)00 ..aCi'darhprii'in...'(i HI 11.28, am Will Clfl 1)07 Illouhelm .hmut'till 21 Il.tlU1 fi.WJ l'J.lf.' ti.:i3 tl.12 .....Wonho-Ju......Jtl 2'llll.lfi 4J16 IV.-'l 0 ir> 0^0 ........IWill.ie.....Ill 10 10.16. 1 W inn.* 7.00 oiiLAriiitUretownnop'o oolio.ooraim p. ar. l'. ^r p m _______Ia.m.'a.M- p.m. 1 rinj,' Htationy. Tralnii titop only when thoro M'o i>aEhcnpei*j at or for thOKo ijiaflono. MixoJ tralnu aro at al timm iiubjeot to bo oanocllod " Wai WOOTjr.ATT. Gonorul Run own tendon . To Drive anywhorr, If ho, jou want a Good U"Z .and thn place to (job it la at JOHN IMOUGALL'S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Goodinontlorii iu ottoiiilnuco day and night. /-a 7.B0 7.1!J 7.W 7.!l! 7.97 7.23 7.17 7.10 7.D:i HJ13 0,43 0,!10 0.18 11,00 -.'" i3ir >*$ HORSE-SHOEING In thlii branoh or our ImflUiuua wohuvfiflrat- olani Workmen and ivill umirimtoo aatlefactlott in Bhoolnti Horaon that in tor fore. Ovor- Beach , ov JjavoCormior Oontraotoil Vooc. We mako a Ffpen laity of HhooliiK Hoad and Traok Horses, t?*- Telephone Connection, '<!>rS>$ It was port youiag lady, who, wben tbe tyt miinator remarked that iii was his bubinea^ ./,','-i _._. ......,_________,____________ . to Hixve young meu, aslced him to BHve'a, \Yi^ ^ Vroa, lioforoiioes: All Dotroit, , - - i', ' iU . JBWELti l>fl. P. IL BX'BNOBB, Boo, Kot>^ 011 'or bor- . ' '> vj'Jk :$M !*,,, ,

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