TEST - IPR records

Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 16, 1896, p. 11

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'.a f:.' HAS A RECORD 40YEARSOF5UCCE5S IT 15 A SURE CURE ^ FOR Diarrhcea; DVsenterv Colic , Cramps * Cholera Infantum bK(J Ml Summer Complaints its, Oki ltlrr.t> or___AWuJj S_.____^ TAME OCEAN FISHES. WHALES AND PORPOISES ARE SOME TIMES PAINFULLY 60CIABLE. ! >. liny Kev<*r \\\u\ Cnturrh Ciiruri in 10 to (JO HllllUtOH,-Onn when puff of tho breath through the Blower, aappliud .vith oiioh bottle of Dr. Agnow'u Caturidml Powder, dil'fiuiuu thiu Powder ovor tho imrfuou of tbo iiiuial pauiiagwi. PabduMH' utid delightful to hho. tt vo- lievou liihtuncly, and ponnunmuly citron Catarrh,- liny Favor, Collin, Umuhicho, Soro Tbront, '1'ouMilitin and Donftiewi. Sold by .7. 1'homo. i Pupa "Which of your iniitorti will you aooopfc, Marin, *fouoH or HnnthV" Marin "Woll, Smith luiH a lino yoni of humor.1' Bnfc .Tonefi him a fmo voin of antbraoitocoal bn bin farm, papa, I think I'll talco him." .. "SouHiblo tfirl." TolmccA Ilniri, Muoh heart umlnurvu wonlinonn ih cuiih2(I by uudufl uho of ton, coffee, or tobncoo; palpitation, norvouHuemi, irritability, ox- oitahility, lack of confidence, etc., nru nuro symptoms. Milburn'n Heart and Norvo Pillw briiif* roudy rdliof, by BtoadyinR thu norvoH and retfiilutinfj tho heart. They aro a truo heart and nocvo food. ' Mr. Gaily *Bhw a collar to-day that bad boon worn for flvo voaro, and noyer had oiiod boon waohed." Mm. G. "How Vory filthy aditio people raako tbomwelvou." ftjr< Qt. "It wan on tbo nook of farmer Smith's homo." Plica Cured In 3 to O NichtH- Dr. Atmow'n Oinlmoiit will ouro all canon of Itching Pilou in from H to 0 nighu. One application brintfn comfort. For Blind and Bleeding-PjIoh it iu pocrlnun Also auroa Tottor, Bale Khoum, Kozomiv, , Barbor'H Itch, and all eruptionn of tbo bkin. Sfiotc Hold by ..Thoruo. Tho eggaof tho monqnito aro fastono4 togothor by a vinoid scorotiou from tho {nfloot's body. From 2G0 to 800 oggg aro laid at. a fcimo, and tho little boat shaped' taxmH is no conatradtad that it will not tirflot. It cannot bo huhJc nor in nny- ay injured hy wind, rahi or water. It abandonod by tho insect, and tho ogga a*o hatohod by tho heat of tho suu or at- jaaoaphoro. A-tomperaturo bolow frooz- fcig in said not to doatroy tho vitality of tho mosquito's eggs. In 1841 Smyrna was visited by a-con flagration which doHtroyod 12,000. hoaflog. Tho buildingn dcatroyod worn light woodou Rt ruptures, and a firo onco ; khidlod in a town of framo buildings olosoly crowded togother in almoafc im- poiuiihlo to Bubduo. -- - ------------------------- A aiXOUT TALK. On A SorloiiH Mibjecl- Urio AoiJ. Tho iiamo of a terrible puinon. It in formed in tho human oyntem. I And otiUHCtt rhoumatimxi, Hciatica, bead. < aoho, and kiducv troubles I ' Tho work of thn kidnewH ia tn rc-movo it. ' If they aro overworked they fail to do n'Then trouble bc^inu, j , 'It'getB woiho mid worna. j Help tho kidnoyB to do Lbeir work, j Doan'a Kidney LJil]a aro truo lodnoy: holpora. i i". They owro all kidney trouble h. ! '.-..- (JliUHG tho uric nod out of the Byhtoni. Mr. JumiH Gucrfti, Hr., well Itnown in '.Eflfiox, han thiH to nay about Doun':. Kid- . noy Pill" : * . "For many yoara 1 have had ternljl- > ;' pain and lamenoHu iu my hack caiiHod ui: , doubtedly hj kidnov trouble. Tho uriiu' '.WftH highly colored with a j^reat deal of; :.. aildimeut, and I wuh aluo . alllietort wit.li JvoVo uomul^io paiiiH in my bend, liv/./A i'|^'-';-'aoBH( oloepleHMH-iH, Jluttoriiii4 of the hf-art. |fe 'anortncHH of breath, oto. $'l.: ."Many u night I wuB'Hohad that 1 <lnr".i: .i1}'. ' not lie down, find an w matter of fuct I wan 5;'-S in a terrible condition, emnplutoly worn IjjfjK.buti and ilebihtated. '1^;',' "I commenced the uuo of Douu'h Iuduu> j jf^'Pilia which I.iiot from Mr. BhorrmM druy J^tVsioro, and can nay that they art) a n:ai, | fer. kidney and heart medicmo, an woli an an j ?'iV,..exoollont tonic. 1%'. "! havo boon (iottiug better oyer Hinee ll'plbo^an to tuko thorn two iuouMih airo, j ^ and to-day havo no back or urinuiy ] lifeSf.trouWoii. Thoy liavo alao removed all the! ' WJ^^oaVli troubles from wliioh I iiuffc-rod, and j ffcl heartily roenmmond thiH valuable inert!.! fl-i/ciao'iiH a npucifio for all formH of kidney B4:';: complaint." !$?v.;:' --------------*-------------- ^;v CoiiMtlpntlon Oiirrd. fte1 I wan in very poor lioaltb for iK.'o^er' four yoam ; tho doctor Huid it wan fesVcouHtipation. Not wanting to fpond too LfSj/.'m'uch ouflh I jjot tbroo bottloH of B. B. B. |||f:;and took it regularly. I oun uortify that [ Vi^am now in tlio vory bout of health and fo< 1 ||^yery firaloml to B. B. B. [ . Aw'KKn Teuoxix, Montreal, Quo. Cloud HutMrt-ut mol>( nu Ai(iulittnn<i on tli> Florida Couat Kitporl- o tVttli WliultiH In i1ii JSioUlo 4>4i4>un. TravolorH np and down tho ooaHfc of Florida will romombor a ourtalw por- poinci thufc for yearn, and up to 18R1 in ihn I'omombranoo of thowrltor, paraded ftp and down a o,uartor Hootion of! tho Florida poninmiln. Ho waM known an Bob, and though ho rarely anfuvorml to bin uumn howuHWol) known.to all hhII- or in thOHo purtn. Bob wuh rooogni/od by a pomiliar out in ln'H dorHal fin, giv ing it tho appearaiioo of having n win dow in it; fcSomo thoughthwH paHHonger, wishing to pruetieo on all animate na- turo with bin revolver, hurt inflicted thiu injury, imd the porpowo apparently wan very proud of it.. In any event, it wan oxliibited at every opportunity to' tbo oooiipuntB of piiHHing vohhoIh. It would oomo near tho vohhoI, follow it nt tinu'H or gambol nbout tho bow or Hturn, hut its chief pOHitloh wum iilmut JOO yardu uway, within good riilo Hhot, where it would Hwim along purallel with thft coutfio of tho vofMnl, n ienipting tavgot to markfiniou. .So in tlio eourfjo of time Bob'n back beoamo oeared and Koarred, and if current report wan valued nt any thing ho carried in liiM blubber not a few oiincofi of load forcible rcminilera that pnrpniuofi nHWell tm alligatorH havo no rightH thut aroroHpeoted on tho Flor ida coast. In tbo Paciflo Homo whalow aro very friendly, especially olf tho eoawt of Lou AngoloH county, (Jul., whero on moro^ than ono occasion they bnvo aHtouiuhed if not ulnrmed Hailing parti oh who have boon becalmed. TIioho whale.4, it Hhould bo said, aro perfectly harinloHH, and their nttentiony aro merely from curiosi ty, but to have several of thine lingo oronturcB from '10 to 00 feet long float ing about in lonn proximity ia not alto- gothor ploasant. Wliat in Huiiponedto ho tho Hiiuiu wlntlo has earned a'reputa tion for friondHneH.i, and during tho Bummer months it frequently oeeniH to meet a. largo steamer that plioH off Bhoro, and either follows it along or playn about, entertaining the pusson- gerH byHpouting. On one trip tho whale placed ittiulf ahoud cf tho Hteamer and Htt'ura with it ho deliberately that tint oaptaiu was obliged to Hlow down and finally fitop, feuring to riminto tbo hugo creature. FerimpH tbo montreniarkabloiiiHtaneo of friendliness on thu part of whulo.q was experienced by tho ownorof ayaeht that sailed from ono of the Houthoni Oalifornin portH. Slio becanio bi.-oalmed tho rieeond day out, and Huddenly four or five largo whales camo alongside and for fioveral hours ainusnd theniHolves at tho (ixpoiiHO of the crew, who were a good deal frightened. They rubbed their backs against the bottom of tho yacht and blow and nponted so that tho drops fell upon tho decks. If the yachtsmen had thrown over nonio oil or other dis agreeable fluid, they would soon havo gotten rid of those companions, which only left them when a breeze sprang up and they got imdor way. Fishermen on tho Atlantic coast aro occasionally troubled with inquisitive whales. Ono boat or dory was followed for miles, the whale oner* gently lifting it and rising beneath it, terrorizing tiio fluherman, who palled for tho shore ua.l fast as ho could, tho whale following until tho water hi?guu to shoal. Why whaler should follow vessels might ueem a mystery, but tho solutiun in that in all probability they consider tbo veunol a companion, another whale of some kind. This was well illustrated on the Calif urn in coast by a whale wliioh evidently took the ship Plymouth fcr oue of its kind. This whnlo was a ftulpbvir bottom, about U0 feet in length, and it jumed tbft ship oil the Golden Gate as it left Han Fnmoisoo and re mained t.'y it, Through the entire voyago 10 Hoalujo, South America. The big fisV* Booii beoamo a nuisance, It swiuu aloii,rido iu such oIoho proximity that its biv:Ulr discolored i-he paint of the ihip. Then it would rino gently beneath tho keel, which would cut and tear it. At other times it would swim along di rectly in front and keep the crew in coniiraiii" fear of a collision that might under certain circumstances dismast tho Hhip. The men tried almost every device they could think, of to duivo tho whale away. They shot at it with rifles and pistols, * :truck it with pieces of wood and bombarded it with bottles and hot coals as it came np, but all to no pur pose. It wi'-:it on ."keeping company", until the ship finally entered such shoal water thut. it wa.- obliged to sheer otV. The sociability of dolphins and por poises is well known, their graceful gambols about the prow of vessels being a very common night. No matter how rapid thop*.i'je, those attractive creatures ho time thou* motions that tiny pass and repass thsi Uyiug cutwater with tbo greatest ease. Tho close proximity of Rueh largo ani mals to vessels might suggest u possihlo danger, yet fatalities aro rare and few >ro kiiowu whore the whale has not boon attacked. Tho terrible incident of tlio Ijksox is perhaps tbo only one. Hero tbo whale was run down by tho ship, fhoH^iook from tho contact being so ho- vero as to throw tbo crow to the deck and almost dismast tho vessel. The whalo Bwum oil' and' a few moments later tho lookout cried out that it was coming for thorn on tbo surface. Tbo animal was inspired by rovenge, and at full speed struck tho Hhip in tho bow so powerful a hlow that tlio bow was crush ed' in, and the vessel went to tho bot tom ton. minutes later, .leaving tho men in' boats 700 inilos from tho coast of South America. A survivor of tho acci dent still lives in the little town of San ta Monica, Cab Cor. Now York Post. WYANDOTTE CAVE. PARTIAL DESCRIPTION OF THIS WONDERFUL "GROUND HOLE," !&.' .' JBood'H JPilla uot canity and prompt!} on [ISihe liver and bo wold'. Ouro siolc hoaduolio, few; fev *:; . - ,,. BiSS^*:^'" ;':.;.' . ^.-fi-^'i' Purlu nnd I*iiiidn T*ottor lloyuu. Tho uparturoH in the l^arisiau lottor bo^ea are horizontal, iu tho Loudon lot- tot boxen vorfcioaL Ainonir tlm Mnny CrlMl* Tlilii|r tli Urvnt'ut U tlm IMllur of tho Cuimtltu- lion Kt Jh 44.OO0 V,nrn Old ur Muy TlitMiMuntl Tiling '1'Jiut A(jo, Wyandotlo oavo !m inferior, to Mam moth In length, and yet a walk through ll.n lltt miles of avenues mid ohamberu sonVinooH tho visitor that there in enough and to spare. Of cenrrio lio uHually tiikeit only the tbroo routes and is natisflod. Ah in the oaso with all other oavou that tiro in buHinesH, a bear bears tho orodit of discovering this natural wonder. It was in this way: hi tho early duyH of thin state a hunforono day saw a boar and shot but did nob kill it, whoroupnn ho gave olmMO and wan iu close pursuit, when, lo and behold, it disappeared! ThiH uiuoh pu^^led tho Hoasoned hunter, and ho stood in amazo- mnnl;, but finally summoning his reso lution ho went to the Hpofc where tho animal had vanished. There was a largo opening in tho sido of tbo hill. Investi gation rovealed tho existence of this vast underground poMieuHion. So much for tradition. Tho wium thing occurred with overy other cave, and why not with this? Tho existonco of ibis oavo has boon known for years. As oarly afl 181S it was owned by a white man who gath ered saltpeter iu its chambers and made gunpowder a precious article in tbo bnokwoods. Tho oarly settlers worked the oavo thill; way for years, going far ther and farther from tho entraneo in search of this mineral. Finally it ceased to bo ueco9snry or profitable to make their own powder, and tbo owner of tbo cave abandoned it, and the land revert ed to tbo general government. In 1B-1D or lfifiO a man nainod Hothrock bought the land and explored tho cave. At that time only four miles were known,'but by chance a small opening was noticed, and an investigation revealed the fact that a now and greater portion had been discovered. This unknown routo was explored, hix miles moro of oavo came into possession of tho owner, and it; first oconrrod to him that he had u bonanza. Tho now find brought tho cave into no- tico, and Huhseqnent discoveries havo placed it among tho wonders of America, It was -lfi years ago that Mr. Hoth rock, then a young man, commenced acting us guido among tho labyrinth of passagoways nndor the bill. Now comes ono of tho most interesting features of tho cave. When ho begun his visits here, bo board tho drip, drip of tbo waters that nover ceaH() and saw the stalactites little finders of stono which had been made by tho c]tippiuH- patera. To test tbo growth of the stono stems ho mark ed ono with tho smoko of a candle and awaited rcfraHH. Almost GO years have elapsed, and ho * roturns today to tho stono timekeeper and measures, the growth tliree-fiixtee.nths of an inch. There are columns hero seven feet high formed by tbo constant drop of water. Only a few feet from tlio top you pa&H from tbo known to rho prehistoric. Wyandotte is beautiful iu sediment formation stalagmites and 'stalactites that form from floor and ceiling, grow ing scarcely a hairbreadth in a year, but gradually lessening tho distance be tween their crystal points until in timo they meet and form columns of translu cent stone, beautiful and chaste in do- jdgu, tho desxjair of architects. Fancy a chamber of imposing dimensions, the lofty ceiling supported by these divine ly wrought pillars, tbo concave walls veneered with a coating of sparkling diamond**, tho dolusivo glitter of gold and silver in lioundless wealth, and you havo Aladdin's cavo, as rich as tho ava ricious vision of tho Arabiuu dreamer. Tbo new routes reveal the beauties of crystal, the old routo presents the tu multuous, tbo grand. Tho passages and chambers aro rough, broken, tho barren ruggedne.HH that turns one's thoughts to grandeur. This routo terminates in the climax of attractions. This is tho senate chamber, and from ita con tor, seeming ly out of a boiling caldron of molten l.uvu that had been chilled and loft im movable, riserf tho pillar of tho consti tution. It stands aloue, tho grandest column ever erected by uian or his mas ter. Thirty feet in height, 76* feet in circnnii'eriiiiee, with fluted surface and unbroken body, it stands in perpetual darkness.no ray of light ever gilding its sparkling exterior savo that from a flickering candle. liofc us take out our notebooh and cal culate the ago of this venerable pile. Tho gray hoarded guide lias told us that tho fragile linger of stone grew three-six teenths of an inch in nearly oO years- one inch in 2-1 r> years. This pillar is J10 feet high, HOO inches two centuries and 'lo years to one single inch. But then it forms from floor and ceiling, so that "J inches aro formed in that time. According to our calculation, it has been -1-1,100 years sinoo the foundation of this column was laid. But we have omitted ono factor, Tho stono finger would havo formed iu that time, but this is 000 times as great in diameter. Our pencils and books again hut thiH is bewildering. Wo cannot conceive of tbo lapse of timooontainodin.tho-i-i,Qui) years. Why go on piling ages upon ages? Who is bravo enough to say that America lucks ago? Why, compared with this, the IhunoHOB were but smuit- tors upon tho homestead of antiquity. Before leaving I found a small pieco f rock tho Indians, had dug from tlio pillar. It had been 700 years since tho redskins had mndu ornaments from this beautiful stone, and I carried it away with mo as a relic (as ancient as im American can well .stand up vuidor) of the column whoso foundation was laid in tho eternity of tho past, Iudiauapo- lis Journal. Solomon wa oallod by tho Jewa of bin time tho White King, from tbo color of Tim robott ho wore. Tho allusion luado in tho Now Tostamont to the lily i)f tho field, a white flower, in connec tion with Solomon, is thus mado clearer. FiuIh in MU-clicixie. There aro fads in modioino uh in every thing (due and a "now thing" fiotjuuiitiy Hollti (or a short Limn simply houautut it in nw. Hut in'modieine, as In nothing flue, tho piio|du dfiiiialid tttid will ho Hittitdhtd only with positive., abtiohito merit. The fuob thut Ilood'tt Btiniapanlk bun stood itn ground iigainut all uompotUion, nnd itn mdoff have never wnvored but huv" r<<- riiahii)d^tt!iiditv"iLtrcho~"topp- ib.uioniit.rat en, boy end any doubt tho iutriiiHio virtues of this niodtoiiiii. The now 1-hingn huve unme and uno hut Hciid'n Hiirnnpnrilhi nnd it up on tho solid t'eundiit inn of iihuolut-i merit arid its power to ourn, and itn nUim con tinue to lie the largi'itt in 'bit world. K J ' - -i GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY DISEASED MEN CURED ut ymnitf nnm, tidddln ttflnd tnnn nnd Uiitlr boyhood dnyu or tmrly unmluxxl o* th vlfltlm. Ins 'lljiofimta! (dd men ami look hook 54 wlUi u aluh of tonwno. \ voy" lww oanm riae imture nod . . fo runl vitidlty Our NIGW MKTJIOI) TlUfiVI'DUCNT will fOMltivnly euro all tlu follow- Thobinorano*of onrly yontii, or \nU>roo iv mff>Hi>ttnt llf n* "orwtof tluI>o UinuuotlM for ftitiin. miOorlnjf. SELF ABUSE Ih ft t*rrlt>ln bIu cumlnai will hriliK iv ricli Inirviwt, lllixxl una Prlvnto f)(Venae* hup Hut Vory Hfo A JEWESS BROKE "THE ICE. Ton of an Oiniilliiiw. On my way from thu J^eip/iger strasso to the exhibition, while sitting on tbo top of a tram oar, a young lady of some IV Hummers, withaflao, Intelligent; anil unmistakably Jewish face, cunie on and Hat herself beside mo. The maiden i ' blushed as maiden never bhudied before, | and my curiosity was aroused lo its' highest point when I noticed every per-; son on tbe-oar Htareut her with a smile of i pprobation. Nay, more on thoronh' people stopped and looked at her. Men ] raised their hats and women waved i thoir handkerchiefs. Indeed children i looked through tho windows and kept' thoir nyoH fixed on the top of my tram i till they could see it no more, What| could all this mean? That tho young1 Jewess at my side was "tho woman of | tho hour, "a person whom Berlin wan | idolizing, some public benefactress to whom tho dnuizciifl of tho capital worci giving evidence of thoir thorough appre ciation and heartfelt gratitude wan patent to nil who had eyes to see. What, then, was her heroic doodi Why did overy person ou the car say i most cordially, "Ich gratuHoro ibnon, j fraulein," when tbo lady wuh about ttv descend? Tho solution of the mystery ' was as singular as it was amusing. It had by the vigorous lawn and customs, of tho Teutons been denied until tho! morning in question to tho fair sex tn ascend the steps of an omnibus or tram ' car throughout tho length and breadth of Germany. Home of thc^'^rnnnly women" in Ber lin, gasping for franchise as well as for fresh air in tho summer months, de clared that tlmy had tolerated long enough the cruelty of being pent up in a tram oar full of their own sex whilo the men were above enjoying the do- light fill summor breeze. They sent dep utations and petitioned tho powers that be to break 01100 and forever a law unworthy of enlightonedGermany. Some of tho newspapers volleyed and thundered against such innovations. "Oh, for tho degeneracy of tho father- .land!" they sighed. But at length tho ladies had their way as ladies always will and the great privilege wus.ro- iierved for mo to sit besido tbo young Jowoes whoso name ought to bo handed down to posterity as probably tbo fimt female' in Germany who was bold enough to ascend tbo stops of a tram car. London Telegraph. VARICOCELE, EMIS3IOMS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK- i NESS, PIMPLES, L08T MANHOOD, UNNATURAL DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DI8EASES. lint Vflll 1 NKHV()Tl:-i itnd ilp'tnnndont; v/rnknr (h-'hllhrif'id: tlrwl niondnRs: ho nllL IUU i ujiiInoun - hiiei.i.ji; iiKji.....y podi; r-nMly futiffUdd; tixcit-iil.lii inul irri- inhlo: eyiui minlwri, id unit hlurrod; idiiiple-i mi face; drontnn nnd nlid't Iohmhi; ronl- Ji'Hu; linm;nr<t Inokiiiir; ^/',l:k hnrlt, Ikuhi [iiijuh; iiiiir Imico; ulr.'iTH; nrir?) tlir<mt; viirlao- *'<ili)i (J(t|jo it, in tirhiwuifl (iiaiiiH nf Ht*if|; ili-ii rimtt'iil: wivnt at confldi'iini; luck uf cnyaadHtcMuth-W/r= CAN OUi't YOU OR ASK iJO FAY. CURES GUARANTEED OR MO PAY~CON!F!DENITlAL SMATCHCD FROM THE GRAVE, ^^^Sl^t^;^ dMiitfiu- nnd nerve Lnin.nl/ytl;. ,.-. t': \, iiiinei. I,ciiij|it; niiiii'hlou'i uwl.dndmi iiierfjiiwid. 1 hi"-iiifHi nurvotui \^r.-'.:. A ,: ; Iuirijiill of aiiimllnr ilincimi', iukit<i>.I mo to try l)\eei. 1 ill'l no and In two montim wnn iiotdklvu- ly oiirint. 'Jld'i w;i-fji;!ii iMini awo. I uui now nmrriiMi ami ltuvo two lioaltliy chilli. inn," i.'iv,', UAQlPn^tl V Pl)i*]\ "V:irirMi--!.imniIiinr(iniI'nhlf.. 1 vmn wi*nk imd iHnluUbLLL bUllC'J, i)Mrw.u..,-..n-, Minkcii n.rliful iunoei-ty, l.sur M.tn. nouiuhltloil. J'll" 'flolilrti .M'.ritfni ' ojii |.,'d my -y(;il. 'J'lic Ni-W Method '1 nuitiiumt of JJw, Kuiiiicdy ami Ker;;!m cund ir,., in h lnw wi'.-lt.i. I. h. PhTi'lill'JOM, Ionia, CWHCCinCJC tT*!l D *^ II J.iM^MKKHONnilntnnhlHOXuorUjHco, "I Uvea" on Ll?jIOOllJ^O UfJltLJ. afvrni. At,i.hidL l-mru'd an mrlv'lmblt. which WoaUiiiiMhnr rili.vfdcnlly, Fwiiiully nnd meie.'iliy. lwurdly i\t,rA',n\ .<iil i wuh (,-nIn iut^t Mmdino' fciinniiiTipO'oii.) J'innlly "Jlic lioldnn Ahuiitor,' niiitil l,v Dr,i, H.(iiiinHiy A Uj\xum\, foil iitln iny liimdti. J lc:irnml tin- I'HU'l J[ nnd thn CAUH1-J. Holf-ahumi tiiul ui)P'"l my vitality. I took 1 t>a Nuw Mt;Uiod 'I'rratinunt imd -,'^i Ul)P'"l my frlondu thlii.t 1 wan cMn-l of i:<mH'nn[>tt<>n. Linud. lily. in-1 Their New Alei wuh cimwl. My I luivo ("'nt. tlicm many ratUiitfl, nil o( toil Treatnieut. nuoj>lieb vifjor, vltnllty nnd whom wiiii' mjinlio/Hl." ?VDUillQ P II Onn "Till" terHI,'.*hlooddIrf?fifto wnii In my ny^tom for <dHht O 1 T III LIO uUllLU' yoani. Hi.it Ode. u mercury for Iwn ji-i\rn, hul; tlio djmtiuin rhtnmod. I'.yw r<*iI, pimnlon nnd hliitolniu on tlm akin, ulrrrii in t.lio moiitli nnd on loniniK, boTin imiiiM, fullitrr on I, fr heir, wndnn't'-', I'tc. My hrothor, who Imd hor<i enrl of Uleet anil Htrict.nni liy Urn, Kemiody mid in. rt'commundcd tlmm, Tlioy ourtwl mo In it fi;w \v-*i[:h, n;id I thmilc Ciud 1 cumiuJtiid Utem. No "nstn'rn of tllf) diHljlUlu in nix yoirn." "ii. I 7 YEARS IM DETROIT. 1:00,000 CUnED. NO RISK- K READER! * &? Sr Our Wow Method'rnmtni'-nL victim.' Ihivn yon lonr. Iioph? Are yon eonlnmplntinj/ J inn . inir liiuod niii-ndimMiMitd.' Have ynn any wiidcniiHH? nt wilic'irn yon. Wliatit. hu ilonn for odii-rn it will do for foa. CONSULTATION THEE. No mait.-r v.li<> Imn tn-ntud ymi. uriro for an honniit opinio" l*'rw of ('hiinia. rhai-K(jn rtcisumulde. EJOOKS FREE. -"Tho Golden Moid tor" (Dlniit.rnlrtd), on IMhciuihi of M.'ii.liinlof-o nontiici', Z conLn. Hi'idi-d. r^/-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTKN c:ONSTZNT, PRI VATE- No modioino nont- G. C). D. Nonarnoo on boxo3 oronvol" opus, livorythlnff confIclontUil. Quootlon Mat unci coat of Trrtiatrnonc FREE.- DRS.KENNEDYUEP.GAN, No.l48SHELBYST. DETROIT, MICH. IniiiC^iMij&^itaoiW^^^iicattOT^a^nqffe^ Are You Building- ? BESIEGED BY NUNS. tho Tlio Ciiriomi TilIo of it Monuutory Tn Canary IhIhiuIh. A curious tulo ol' a Ije.siegfid imd con- quorod monastery hulmijju to tho early hiKtory of tho Oauary i.slandn and id re told hy Charlefj EdwardeH in hiu de- Hoription of tho ialwi. In tho crnrly part of tho cightoouth confcnry there, lived in Orotava, on tho iflhmd of Teniu-ifo, u convent of Dominionn iiuhh, who, after aomo yearn of oase, had tho iiiiHfortnno to ho bur-nod out of honsiv and homo. They went into'toinporary quartorn for u yoar, but hocuiuo disnatiBfied with Huoh nnoonvontual wallH, and ho^an looking about for a permanent abiding placo. At that: timo thuro was in Orotu- va u houfioof JoKuitH, which had lout, i ta foriuor importance, and, thoughoonmio- dious and healthful, fjavo lodging to but two men, tho rector of the houso and his asHiKtant. On thin mansion tho nuns oast covot- ouh oyen, and kooii msolvod to nppiopri- ato it, One morning about -10 of them advuneod upon if, by- strategy induced tho JoHtiit brother to open tho outer gate, and then trooping into tho court yard foil on their knees, thanking God for thin preliminary success. In vain did tho two men reason with them on their Koandaloiifi conduct. They mere ly hold their ground, o.xchiimiug, "l'V Uier Andrew, thin iy largo eagu for ,-jo fow births." Homo cf tho more ruuHou- able memhors of 1-ho ftifitcrhood oxplain- ed that; they wero really in noed of a dwelling an spaeioun .as this and that they did not propnso loaving it. Tho rector in despair lied'into tho sacristy, from which retroat ho exhorted hifl col- loa^uo tn bo of good oliuur. "Pationen, brother," cried he, "and do your ln.'fit to extricate yoimtolf from tliOBO ladies." That'; however, was moro easily said than done, especially as tho iiuuh we're becoming so excited that they might momentarily havo boon expected to re- Bort to tho, argument of .nails. Tho wiogo lasted for three or four hours. Now.s of it How a Lout tho , town, and handH of young mon, GcrupulouHly noutrhl, watch ed proccodingH from tho barn of tho out er gato. Eventually the .Tomiitf] yielded, nnd tho uunti occupied tho honae until u new convent, entirely to their taste, waft erected for theni. London Globe. Wo eau supply yon with all kinds of Wooden Material, plrv. and ornamontal. Pine, HtJinloek and native Liimbor alwo* on hand. Shingles, Cedar Pests Dooi.. Sash and Coal. Important to Farmers. line of barn lumber at $12 per M. ft. creen and Windows That will last a Life-time. Laing Bros. Why Iln nifln't Illd. f'Nof fiir," fiaid tho mun who hud wavered, "I won't learn to rido a bicy cle. I had thought*! of trying it, but I havo junt heard of a peculiar trait iu the machine that oau^ed mo to ohange my inind." "What'H that?" :' "I undov^tand thnfc whon you flrafc try to rido, if you boo anything you oupo- oially wiflh to avoid, you're ahnOHfc oor- taiu to run into it." "TliGro'w a good deal of truth hi it" "Well, that unttlciH tho whool i'ov mo, . I havo enough troublo with bill oolleot- oraaaitiB-" 'Watmingtou Btar. :r;,t Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drill Best Plows ii~L tli.e Market..- First*-CliQs Farm Wartoi Farmers Should See 1% Stock Before Purchasing AIjBO deajler i>j M 'M ,"'," * ca-usaaGy'a Stores*. Wm-waro, Ba^e - VrbtLgbiA General Tinsmithing and Repairing attended to. UsS* North of Railway Track, - - Essex ,:- :: '. " 't - n t-!J*S' '< 'Jw'S ., ' yaffil

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