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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 9, 1896, p. 3

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EVKRY FAMILY SHOULD KNO^ THAT V'.-, mv. nv..- 'tr- i>(, X* a very rom^kabU tQmdy, bolli for tltf- -TERNAJCi and HXTBIIiNAXj nno, and won- derful In H nulolc aotion to rollovo dlfltrono. PATN-1TTTI FR wr-cur* h? Hr Chills* Dlnrrtiwn, 3M4'iitir3r, i'rainiM, Cltolera and ill bovrul Cotui'lulttU. P ATN-TCIT T PR I' THK ftlKNY V.-.,.. Hlekneu, Hlrk Hcnrtiwlio, J'nln In li<i Hack, or (f lile* ItbtiuwutU w u>4 NuurtuyK PAltf-KILLER 'tswPKSfflBtf^ MADE. It bringi nrnir and iiuUkmlut iiklikv In tu cum or UruUtig, Cuts. H|>ruluii Hovurc Burni, t<% thtt Vnll Irlixl and tru*tiui rn'iMi nr iii< Mncbautc Fnrmtilr. luil*'k\ Hutlur* mi<1 In Out>U iliWM VntitlnC * tiu'dlnllio ulWMy* ftthniul, tndimTOiiRi lutoruuliy or Xtk-null.y wiUi C*rt*UUy ofrU*r. . IlflWM* of tmlUUona. Tk notin but tlio (fuuulii* i . S*MT D*VU." UoIJ bVnrrwhoT* (*it bJjf bo W*. ...... Vwy Irtgo bottlo, Wc RPEN EARLY FROSTS. PAIN-KILLER!- \&r SPECIAL OFFER. Wo aro bound to largely iu- p proftHO fclio circulation of tho Fsusu Pkksh and t't do'Ba will givo tba papar "to now aubacrib- ora; who pay in advance to Do- oombqr Slat, 1890, for 25 conts. All subscriptions to tho Fhkk Pimas unpaid prior to tho 2nd of May and all unpaid at tho prosont time aro to ba paid and colloc'-odby uh and wo will fulfill all subaoriptiona paid prior to tho tormor dato to tho oxpiratiou of tho timo for which sarao was .paid. Subscribe now. Address -all .communications to Publiahora, Esbox, Ont. 10 GtNTS SECURES A 6DDD LIVER UNO GOOD HEALTH. Am a Kyuiom DCmiovator- nml Klootl Hull Jur, ttk*. ilunotv^H 1*1 vn- IMIIh nr* h |>i>luitlir ull OilH'jrw No firouthaw eit tUe Vki'muud that Kt'u hard to1 Supply Kl. Curo Constipation or Norvouii Headache* clear tho complexion, rid it of oruptionn, yollow ejdn, coated ton^no.oto. Act oiuiy novo? tfripu, und tho after effect" ato a poni tlvo ploiiHuro. In vialB, 10 pilln, 10 contfi. Wanted An Idea} yrotoot wnw Idowij thny may l)rlnt Wrlto JOHN WKDDKIMiUltN * CO., Piiu>nt Attor- t1yB, Wnuhlntltnii, E>. C:.. for thctr Ql.hiii [irixo ollor *nd lint of two liundroil tuvnutloim wiuitod \71in c*(iv. : "In]; of liOlt lirlnu yiu woiilili ESSEX Headqnurcord tor School Booltfl, School SnpplitfQ, Nato PiLpitr-.KnvoloptiO, Inkn, Writing TublotH and ofTioe Stationei'y. DISPENSING ANU FAMILY IUIUGGIST. SING LEE. LAUNDRY, VarUiiiM M'miM of 1'rotootlon lkriw)iln<iil In l>lfForont XooailiUiM, To provonfc dofitruotiou from early frofitn it ia noooHtmry to diuiinish rndiu tion of htmf from Um plantu, add hunt -,to t}io uir, drain off tho cold ah; or mix tho Mr flo us to provont tho oold layorn elnltiiiK to tho Hnrfnoii n( tho ground. In n lovol country HomouioanH of ohsourJjiK tho Hlcy hy forming u Hinoku or u vnpor oload over tho iloldw to bo protootnd hiiH.hoou tnOHt BuoooHfal, It ia praotiood on tho lovol pluinH of tho wost mid northwedt und in tho orcbnriU ot tlio Pnoitlo ooitHt, Hoapa of rxibhiwli uro pluood along tho odKQ of tho flold, so thnt when tho ilro in lightod tho rnnoko nil A vapor will bo blown ovor tho tmr- faoo. Tho niutorial for nmkiiiK tho flro may oonwiHt of Jiuy, ntrnw, old Iouvoh, tur or any othor mittorinl wliich will produoo largo quantifcioH of wmoko, Tho daiiRor doQH not uppoar until patifc mid- niglit, oonHoqnontJy fehoAo houjiH nhould bo proparod beforehand, tho thormom- otor wiitohod dnrinp; tho nipfht, and Whon it booomoH nppiuout that frost will uppoar thoHO ahonld bo 'lightod, nay Amnricnn AKrioulttirWit, authority uliio for tho following: Tho proaonoo of atoam and vapor in tho atmoHplioro iB._nlHO a moaiiH of pro- vonting radiation, contwquontly it; la nd- vioablo to Hprny tho llroR lightly with wator, cauning a fo^ or vapor oloud in addition to tho amolco, ThiH plan is al- niOHt certain protootiou on tho plniua, but in tho valloyrt it la not ho uaoful. Tho heat of tho flro camion tho air at tho lowoHfc point to expand and rino, Ita plaoo muHt bo mippUod, and tho oold air flown down tho aidn of tho dopreaflion, Hottling at tho bottom and endangering not only tho planta at tho lowont point, but iiluo thoHO on_ tho hlllHido, which would otborwifto daoapo. In thiflcimo it ia uocoHHary to provide flroaup tho Hidoo of tho valloya as woll m at tho bottom. Tho oxponao of .thin ainudgoiaRmnU-and it can bo profltubly tOHtod. . It; hna boon obnorvod that froatH nro more doatructivo during a dry time than when tho ground and utxnoBphcro aro fjatroratcdwith rnoiatnro. Oouaoquontly, whoro irrigation U prooticotl, turn on the water until thq ground iH thorough ly moiatonod, Thia method Iiah boon fairly fmocoaaful in protooting oitrun grovoH. Tho irrigation1 nIiouUI bo done at aa oarly an hour oh poftaiblo, prefera bly tho day boforo froHt ih oxpectud. Spraying the trooa with wator haa been oven nioro auccofwful than irrigation, oapooiully with plants which aro not in jured uuloflB the touiporaturu falla sev eral dogrcoH below tho fronting point, for in tliiH cnao tho wator will froozo bo foro tho fruit in injured, and in froozing will liberate largo arnountf) of hoat, tliufl provonting any radical chango of towporaturo. Tho aprayiug umat bo ooutinuod until tho air begijiB to warm up. Tho boat method of protooting from front ia to provide thorough"nir drain- ago for orchards, horrioa and garden trnolc. Do not obstruct by Huch oropH ils corn or orchard tho niouthn of ravi.noB or tho ]i<)hits from which tho cold riir would na turally flow out. Avoid putting tonder phmtH on low ground,ORpooinUy if tho flold iH botwnon highor pointH of land? Hardy fruitn may do woll at these poin-ta, but tho tender varioticn nhould bo placed farther up tho aidoa or on lovol aroftH. Air druinago may bo hq- curcd by planting u tliialc hedge half way down the hillnirtn and on tho upper aides, making a ditch. If thia can ho tilled with wator, ho much tho hotter. But, in any caao, the cold air coming down from tho higher levels will bo bar- md nfl.'by thin burlier and will not go further down to injuro tho cropn. It in best, however, to plant thewe lowlanda to cropH which mature bcifoio froHt comes and keep fruits and tonder veg- otabloH on highor areas, or at least tlioHo that hnvo a thorough- aironlatinn of air. Thia matter of airdraiuiige is of paramount importance. It iH much ousier to by thia means Ioshoii tho lia bility of frost than to prevent it by othor moan*!, kucU as those ouumorated above. KEEf ING SWEET POTATOES. When to fAtt tho Tulicrrt-Vnrloua Modal of storing J'rii"tlo*Hl. hi i\ f.inui1' -i' bulletin l'vmn tho United t-HtnuH depfirfmont of it(;rintilturo thfl foli'-'.vin^ lii.ttruciioii.4 ui'u ^lvtui: Sweet potatoes ahould bo dug only whim tho ground in dry and . hojtora ho- vera frost oooarH. Dig in the forenoon, and after Bovoral hours' exposure guthoi the potatoort In baskets or boxes, the lat ter holding about a bushel each, I3efrc digging, tho vines are out and drawn from tlwi row with a ahurp lioo. The hand, tho hoe or tho plow is used to dift tho rootH, A light turning plow with rolling coulter run once on each aide nl the row hns been recommended as a moiina of cutting off a largo portion ot the vinos. Tho potatoes may be assorted into two or fchroo guides, oithor in tlifl Hold or at tho plaoo whoro tlioy aro to bo Htorod. Tho greatest ouro is nooeaHury to prevent bruising tho potatoes in han dling, for their skins aro exceedingly tendor, and wounded or bruised roots art) almost suro to decay. Tlioro is need for further investiga tions to doteruiino tho bent methoda ol atoring sweet potatoos, for tho Iohhoh oc curring during storage aro sometimofl ononnous. In the colder parts of thn Hwoufc potato region, whoro artificial hoat iH necessary to prevent /rooming, wo hear less complaint of rotting during the winter than in tho atatos whoro it is ouskimury to store awoofc potatoes in IdIna or banks covered with litter nml oarth. In Delaware, New Jersey and aomfl other states tightly built houses aro con structed for atoring this crop, nnd by means of a stove those houses aro kept quite warm for a week or two alitor the potatoes are put in, and at 47 to Go -de grees P. during tho rost of tho win ter. Swoot potato houses can be mude abovo ground ns well as bo-low by nainfl ono or morn layora of building papoi under tho siding and coiling. To sum up, awoot potatooa during storage should bo kopt in a dry atmos- plioro, with ample vontilation, and n tempcraturo botweon CO and 0G dogrooi I?,, oKoopt during tho sweating poriod, for which timo tho temperature reoom- mondod by those who uso artificial heat ia about 80 dogrooa P. Break Up a Cold in Time Y UfiINQ T^o ftulpk Ouro tor COTIOJI8, cof-na, cnour. mioN- CHITIH, UOAIIBKNESS, to.. Mtm. Jobbpii Nouwick, Of fH anrmircn ^vc,,ToroDto,Wrlicit " lF*ny.I*MtAnd hu tativer fullfwl to cura )ny rhllitrnn of croup uriur a fow ilne. It cured mymlfofalur(|i-uiiJioy ciitfli flor kt.vnv) other ttoiiMlTuM liail (kilril It h*M Uo l.fOVod an ejti:<i[lnrit couch euro for toy family, I \iiftoT It ( > anr <>U)*r m*Jlclo fr cinigln, croup or lirt*tio.' H. O.'Bahdouh, ol Lielo Hoclior, N,U wrltoo: "Arf a enr* tar oonuha PYnr-l'tH^nil la tlm Iwtt tnUlhir lilMlirliin I livuj u>y cu>- touiori will h** Co oUior.** TAxtt<i Buttle* tf CU- DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Ltd. Proprlclorg, MomtukaL CHURCH DIRECTORY MBTBODlhi. Uir. I'aHoon, TiiHtOr, Horvio*1 every Sunday ut 11 u'. ui. iipiI 7 ('. m. Hab><utl 4ohoolat2::>' \>. ni, O. V., Niiyloi1, aui'rjHr.trti.-il- huh thii,, ruomlcty ovoiiiuy uiti o'hImou don >.J tnuy<i meeting on 'loitrBduyov in; CITY OF THE GOLDEN GATE. A YoaIi Way With SIIoh, A MaHsachusetta farmer writca aa fol- Iowh in Tho Now England Homestond: When my corn is ready to out, I exit und stock In tho flold, leaving it there until thoroughly onrod or dried. I then haul it into the barn, huak and cut tho stalks into picoeaand food a hoapiufl bushel at a food. I cut tho corn the aamo length as for tho ailo. Tho cattle oat it all up.clcan*. I cut mino with a hand cutter, aa I do not own a machine, Oho aero of this food lasta my 10 cattle about a month, and whou I get through with it I am ready lor tho silo. The cattle like it and yivo milk from it. ] feed it twic a day. I commence filling my ailo Aug. 110. I put the corn in Whole, cover with about two foot of old hay, and weight with about two tons oi aimd. Tho sand I put in bnga, ao that 1 can move it as tho corn settles in thn ailo, and thus keep it oven as it goofi down. My silo is built of stouo, comont- ed inside and out, and is square. The. uixo is IH by 20 feet and lo" font (loop. 1 open it -about,tho middlo of December, and it lasts,until May, feeding twice n day, and giving eaoh cow what she will eat up clean about n bushel. I boliovo In weighting it heavy, so that it will Hottlo quickly and thereby keep out the air. Last winter, from tho time of open ing until all was fed out, I did not lose enough Hilage by spoiling to cover a 10 cont piece. t Wilaou Ave, next Abordoim Hotol. The latent improved IrooinuGoilii.ru tiwl Culfn. or break tati win^. in'iehinory for Will not cr.iek Family work cheap, and delivered. Parcels (I'dled 'or . Please cill and try. If not HRtinFuntory lio ohai'Li < will lie inady. f our work suitB yon, r(comui:;iKi us Lo your friL-nds. Ih wlmt you can rely on getting whon yott buy from uh. . Our wa^on goe to all parts ol tho town. Tr: I'luiitlng. If trees aro to bu planted in tho fall, the earlier tho work is done aftor tho leaves havo fully matured tho bottor. So long as tho leaf is firm on the twig it i* needed there to help ripen tho bud at ita base. But ao soon as. it, parks read ily, which in a healthy, vigorous tree will be, generally*, some timo boforo frost, tho tree, if to bo planted thia fall, should bo dug und Its leaves stripped from it, ho that they shall not exhaust tho sap in the twigs and body of tho tree. If , it ia carefully planted, roots will form very quickly, as tho soil thero is warm, and roots will grow much quicker than they can in cold soil in tho spring, If tho fall ia very long and warm, tho roots will get such firm hold of tho soil and make nearly us much growth next year aa it would if not transplanted, according to tho Amer ican Cultivator. ABjinrupUH Cultnrt). As to asparagus, it, doesn't matter materially whether tho roots bo planted in the Hpring or fall if the land or plot bo thoroughly prepared. One can hard ly prepare tho plot too well. Manure and cultivation are the secret of hucoosh- ful asparagus culture. Rural New Yorker advises that tho trenches bo at loast -1 feet apart uud 10 inched deop, tho plants aot not Iobs than a foot apart in the trenches. Previously the plot should have received at tho ruto of not loss than 30 tons of rotted manure per aero. Aftor tho plants are sot a droHHinR of raw bono Hour and un touched ashes will holp to givo tho plants a yigoroua growth and give the third yoar largo tonder atalks. Vri'itlttf of tlui Tetiiiirruiurn und To)io';riv l>liy In Hun I'VuiH-lnro. Han Kraneisco sjirawlu over a windy poninsula aluipod like a clinched tint, with itM fuee lo tho east and tho noble, landlocked bay which tho navies of the. world would not crowd, and with itf bank to tho Pari flo ocean, which vol It in without a break from China, 7,00fi miles away. It rover* ah area of afl aquure miles, though much of this ifl built over in Wrangling fashion. It Iiafi thrice as many hills as Rome boasted of, hut, over tho highest of theao the ca ble ours climb. Seen from the bay at night, tho spectacle is supnrb, uh the streets are transformed into pnri'Jlel lines of twinkling lights that aeem to ascend, like .'Jacob'h bidder, to tho stars. Justin McCarthy in "Lady Judith" gives the most" poetical as well as the most faithful piriL'reef this remarkable Bip,ht of Sun Francisco from tho bay. Had tho original builders of the city adopted the Italian custom of currying streets around hills, with terraced gar dens, tiun Prancisco would be tho most beautiful city in the world. Ah it is, many of the streets are merely groat, unsightly ditcher that run in ugly par allel linen up the steep hillH and through LtlieirJiuiunuts. F-rom a score of point* of vantage one may get superb views oi "tho bay, tho.hnrborwith its'picturesque islands, the encircling hills and the Golden Gate, the narrow entraucc through winch come and go tho ahipa oi the orient. What impreHsea tho visitor to San Francisco most forcibly ia the poouliat fondness for tiie bay window. But thin taste ficoiuH natural and sensible when he is told that it ia duo to the necessity of getting all tho sunshiuo that can bo secured. Hero, aa in Italy, between aum shine and .shade* there ia tho diiferonc? between summer and winter. The San Francisco climate ia the greatest cli mate in iho woi Id for continuous work, aa the mean temperature hj t!5 and there is no Hummer heat. Put it is a trying climate lor any one with weak lungs oi tender throat. The summer iu hurahcx than the winter, aa cold trado winds und heavy foga render the nights chilly and make a grate Are comfortable. Sep- tuiuber is tho finest month in tho year, in the trade vii.dn do not blow and the days am warm and sunshiny. Chau- lauquan, _________________ iVjiptT IW'rrira. When the berries on a spike of tho pepper plant b> ;;in to turn red, tho Rpiko is cut oil' u;.a tho berries gathered. If left too long, until perfect ripeness is attained, thcr is a great loss occasioned by the berries fa']ling off, and the qual ity of tho product is by no means ao good, Onuaon owlCNatiAwn Huv.AJAliuvurly^ia q tun bout, St. 1'auln, Mhhmx. DiylUonervloe ovary Hiiinluy at 7 n'almtk,' i> in Hutidny Qoliool at JO u. m. Trinity Oluiruh,North juubw Ptvliiu Hurvluou ovory Huieluy net) n. in.: Huu duy Hohool &t i.40i). m. 'i'liu yuhlly, aro our- Jlully lavlUd. I'HKHiiVTianijLW, W. M'. Vlomlni,', 1'antor* Hrtr- VIooh olt Hnl)bii.tli ut U u.. )<) nml 7 .110 p, in Huh- Hath Hohfxjl ut yitiO p. u\. J'ntydr mi ntluu atul Vnntor'it blblo olrinu on 'ruiH<fii.y ut7.:i0 p, in. Huoiitl Union oh WeduonduV t a.!6p, lUm'iHT (Jhuuom. Jtnv.M. P, Campltull, Pao- tor. LorvlaGrtuiuih Hiibbath ut 11 n. m. utul " p. n. VtnyuY nioittfnu' on 'riiuradny ovunfiiK ntHo'olook. KuaUff<j!. All fmi corcllidly wnl- nonind. KuifAK Ok'xuotiia. Vr. 0, M. MoQni), run toy., aor/loo ovory ol-hor Humlay ata.JiOn. m. Hinnluy tfdliool tit Up. m. Mauihtunk. Hf|d lniiHii iuhI RHriann ut 1H.U0 ii. u\ oatuohluni utii it, in., hiLiithim nt.'l n. in., vtrnpnrii uad tmuiidiolioii ut 7,p. ni. O. K. Mo- ou,r. 1*. HALVATroN AltMV. Cllpt. Viiyton hi coiinnund. Hulvation luuollnuiiWud Hinlth itml IJout, ...jWod- noiidfty, thui'Hday(ui(lHimdayiivoiihi((n;Fr<ioK]ul Kiiiiy.Haturtlay uvuuiiat ami 1) i>.m. Buintay; Holl- iKUiii nu^Hiica for ohrliaiamil'Vldfiy ovonlnnand 11 a.m. Hiimluy; Knoo I-ijrtll 7 a.tn. ovovy Himday. All uro wnlcomo. JLECAJU^ f > A. WIHMKB, BuirrUtor, HolloUor," NotVi' 1^* Public Ao. Monoytoloaii. OfAca^Dm' ntiin Illook, np-ntah'H, Kmiu^, 4-ly T L. PISTKUH Ilarrlittor, Hollcitor, No'tar ^1 IMihlio Motmy t Loan. OUloo ov< atruthoru' llank. lOimox Ormtro. MAflRIAGK M DAJIHKTT, --------- -..,'m'i inauor of Manltge Lloen$*a -""Mr, -'M iy- I). UKAMaN, Iflauojjof Murri Nlht TALBOT BT'REKT, BfiHEJX. riftco LIoodbocl Inearanoa lueent. offlooatDwolllntf. UNDERTAKING. m^P,eiliw' .OonrtiiB.liome and footory carda from %'S to SOU. MaUrutfor, On* ' cm ARCHITECTS- YOHN A. MAYOOOk" AuonrrKCT, &a Mootti 10 and 11, Fluadzitf JiuJlding niouoQlo. Windaor.Ouf SOCIETIES Y O. O. V.-KNTKUVW8B Lodco No 318 .* *'>toviiry Tlmraduy, ovQu|IlflHat 7J*o OddfollowH ttlf,lntlilrdnlor0yl>uSBGntP yiHlthittmamburuuI othor lodi fratnninl wolootiio. W. OHNTKAli MN0AMlM,-( Oddfellow Ilall.Dun.tHn^ Ulook, on'tircl am third THOHdayhuiaohniouth.Vliilto.Vc dially roootvod. Mombom of HubonUnatoItt ,nA&"AN!,'or!r,.,.1!?iv3^tl .to Jla- 51" 1Q<16hwU1 rfl0ii I'MKNT, No.60.bhu. pLAniCK, IJAltTLKT <t DAHTIjKT, lUirtU V.' torn, otc. OIIIqoh, Mndtaiiry liloelt, WIihIho' I'vlvato IuihIh t loun. \. II.Ci<\huk,L. Ii. B. N. A. IUiitt.k.t A. H. lUmxiiT. It. A. HKNBY G. WAIVrKItH, L.L.B., Attorney aud Conni](i]or!iLt law, Bollcitoi* in Chnnaory, l'roctor In Adralvalty, I*ntnnt BoItltor, Oillco, Nowborry Buildinu, cor. Oriuwold and Larnod ntu , Dotrolt, Jill oh. (Cauadlan claiimi ncaiiiflt pornoan In tho United atiLtmi oolloctoil.) Itoforoncoiii Inipojrlal Hank, Euuox, Out, .1. L. Potorn. Kflq., Barrlntor, otc, V.mox, Ont E.A. Winmor, Kiiri., Barrintor, otc, Enuox, Out MEDICAL. r\us. miiEN'&TmiEN!'""" - Jan. Prion, M. D Kradunto or Qucoa'n Unlvornity, Kinfliitou, mombor of Col- Ioro of rhysloliuui and Horfioonn.Ontarlo. Orad- tiaU of Now York. Powt Graduato Modiaal Col- lOftO. ' , J. W. Brlon, M. D., C. M., F. T. M. C. rtonor umfhiato of THnitv Modloal ColloRn. Honor irrnduuto of Trinity Univuriilty. Mombor of tlio Odlocoof Payololunn and Bnrctioiin, Ont. Giad- uato of Now York, Pout Graduato Modloal Collotfo. OQloAOvnr liaaax Modiaal ITall druR storo. Connnltatiou roomn, both on ([round tloor and flrnt Hat abovo. Tolophono In both ofilco mid roiddoneo. All oallii uttouclntl to from aQlco, driifj, ntoro, or roaidonoo. Uoiildonoo, Talbot Htroot.frout of fair Kroimdu. Y?HHHJX WKH 3 IlIOABM. MKKTH BYE J J I'rIdayUvfturiKjratho Plrnmou'B rooitl ant, I. DHbp, Beorntary; yrod.|Flyiitt.TruaHaror. POUIIT HOYAL, NO. 219. I. o, V Vh.itinttbrotl.orn will b von a" f?.te Vig. if! A GllNT? .W^U(J" Pi-oatablo employment' J1 throUKhthaimnnnorcanrtiul It with uh .'rtl Rinvo havo nowoot BuKBlan varlotlo^f NqrnorT ' M Btook und tinw Hdod PoUilboH. Halary or com- 1 miHHlon. Wrlto un at onco for tnrrlSrJ viffi HAM Nuiwiatyco.ToSntaVoS^wS^ "The tthiQara FallsBouU.*'^ noma aht TakluK offoot Juno Slut, 1800. D KB. McKKNZIE & JENNEIl. Du (JandolloHinufh: a very careful ex amination, lii.-iioi'ically m.d botaaioally, of tho origin o{ wheat, and claims that ita native homo waa in tho platoau of A-rmonia, wboru it in ntill found to bo jrowiiifj; wild. Kico wiw firHt frown in 1095 from lead brouirJifc from tho ISaat Indies. G. McKoukIo, M. D. O. M , Trinity Unlvornity, mombor of CoIIoro PhyNioianii and KurnoOnn, Ontario; Graduato of Now York foab Graduate Modlcal Conoco; Coronor for tho County of Hijbdx. Bofiidonco, Talbot ntrout, north ot rail way, Etinox, J, Karl.* Joimoy, M. J).C M., Trinity Unl^or- nity; M. C. V and H. Ontario; Lie. Itoyal Colloao l>iiyjiielailf.,T,midnri, Knr;.; mt fieholnmhip uud Gold ModidlHt, Trinity Cidlcijo, IBa't; uppolntod Hoiiho Phyniclan and Km-rooii, Toronto Gomiral Hohvatal and ltofddont Acoonobniir Bunuildo Lyinff in llonpit.il, Toronto, lafl-i, Sp.iclalty. din- oanoii or wimiou and cbildron. Itoiiiduneo, liomio hitoly ocoupiod by I)r. Downr, Talbot nt Kbhcx. oiacci in hnporlul Hank lilobk, ground door, opponito Thorm/n drun ntwo. Modiolnou diu- pDiifmd in tho oillco. ToUiputiu'- connootion with both oillun in<l rodlduaoon. Trivato tulo- phnmt lino botwnon Cyril Purpiotto'ii huutio and Oau Konnody'tiliomio and olllou. Niprbt oiillit attondod to at otlico or reiiidmico. DENTAL. Dotrolt....... Witidnor .... I'olton........ Maidntonoo ICiuiax.,....... Woodnloo,.. Runaomb ... Combor...... lUdtfotown.. Kodnoy,..,.,. Ht, Thomaii jjQudon......... Ht. Thonaui... Itodnoy......... IHdRotown..... Combor.......... Kunoomli....... Woodnloo......; Eirnox............ Maidfltono Cr roltou............ Windnnr......... Dotroit........... Exp. a.m. fi.20 0.50 a, m O.-jo 10.10 Mall a.m. fi.20 fi.50 o.oa 11.10 H.!t7 li.-m 7.(>7 8,20 a.-lo o.ao OOINO WKHT, 7.t}0 10.35 8.-17 ll.M 10,00 1,05 Y. . lioam iuxV' Aooom aocom. a. m. 7.!io 7,R4 8.04 a.i& . B.Uft p.m. 4.40 6.05 S.10 fl.ija 0417 6,B0 KM O.0S 710 1.W SAO p.m. 12.10 2.40 s.:ifl 107 G.-10 5.00 O.tH <Ut (l.l'l 0.1.'J 7.10 n.m. o.:iO 10.20 11.3-1 12.0.t 12,10 VVlndaor aooom ftm a,nx e.ifl o.iw . 7.JM 7.B8 o.a'i 9.3II n.ii D.62 10.03 10.1Q 1C.IJ0 lo.sa rt.iff oia 8.87 M7 6C6 7.X5 Anilu>rhtlnu-L' Ijocul 'iraliiw. TT P. MAIITIN, D,D. H., L. 1). K. . . Oradiiato _ in Dontiiitry, Iloval CTnlloi; of Dontal Hiiri(<ionn, Ontario, aaiJ Uiiivorwiiy ot Toronto niavntiH.modorato, Office, ovor Bvion & Co f drug utoro. tH-lv ------------------- and raton to oolon- iutu movliiR went apply to John G. Lav'on. Pa*. HtrnKer A^ont. Bt. 'j'homan. O. W. XIurrIob Goa- m'li PnHK,,1ROr ,ll\a TiQltot Aconfc CUiOBRO , 111 or A. O. HtimorH. Auont. Knuox, Vb".' m Buns, Cakes and Pastries, , Youcaut find nicor, fronhor, ornwett- ' or in tho country, AH lundK of Fancy CaitoH and .Tolly RoIIh. Fresh Taffy and Candies 'ovory day. Wo ooll uothmtf ntaloor dry. Leave Your Order and you can roly on prompt de- 1 ivory. FRANK FOSS. Tlio Gtiveriimimt RtitdHliop. By order of congroaH $1110,000 worth of Goodn will bo distributed in 1807. ThiH uuualH i?38S.8i for each roproaonta- tivo, acnator and dolognto iu congress, or enough to allow'80,000 pnekofca of aeeda to caoh numibor, including flold Rcoda iu quart paolcota. In buying this Becd bid wcwo inyitod from ull flrmH, and to inuuro need adapted to tho vari- oua BfiotiouH tho contrnotsworo awarded to a roHpoiifiiblo linn in ouoh Roctiou oftHto-rn, HouthAtlnntio, middloweatorn, northwoHtoru and Bouthwcntcm ntatos, contraotH lor tho Pacific Htatow not yot boing awarded. 10o:m (isConsi ipiuion nnd i^ivor HlM. Ur. A^'ni'W h Liv.-r Tidii ar tho moK( pifc(:i, inttih1, and cut*; III:.: magic, Hick Ihiuiachf. Corwripidion, nihouBnttftfl, Tndij,** stion nnd ull l,iv.,r lilw. 10 outiU a vinl -10 dnn.'ii. Said bv ."J. 'J'honio. Opx>OBlto 3uok.Allfranole', V^nrnx Tlio I'rlcu to Pay. A good many corn liarvostors will bo used thin year, and tho question ay to What iH a fair rate to chnrgo for them whon hired by iho day in coming np. As with thranhovH, flawing machinoH or cnfiilago onttorfi, a fair prico for thoir Hurvico muat bo ngrood upon. In thin connection Rural Now VorlcurtollH that along tho Hudfion river $0 a day iH oowddored a fair prico for cutting com tho ownor of tho com to furuiah tho twino. Ono man with a goon1 toam on tho harvpBtor will out oighfc acres, a day, thuH uiuldng. the oaHt of outting and binding 7fi conta an uorO. In addi tion to thin, it will roquiro from two to throo poundw of twino por aoro deptmd- ing upon tho lzo of tho bund lea and tho I .yield of corn, Nowh nnd N>toH, Tidring tho country na a whole, bay crop in not u-fuU ono... ..,..._____ Tho potato yield will in-ovo umallor than wan anticipated. Tho 181)0 onion crop in dooidedly Bmallor than that of 1805. Ouioim nhould bo thoroughly ourod boforo boiug ntorod away for thowintor. Boota.can bo stored nwuyin tho aollar in Hand, or, bettor still, kopt in a pit. Boorbohm conoludoa that tho world'H whoat crop will bo Iohh than cither of tho throo preceding .yours. Tho Europonn Hbortago of fruit Hug- gofita a rare opportunity for thodispoaal of tho Amorican BurpluH. Froaiily ourod hay, whon balod and Bfcorod or Bhippod in onrn, iswomotimon apt to Hpoil if laid flat* but if tho bulon aro put on ond thoro ia no nuoh trouble, nuyH Amorionn Agrioulturist. Tho National Hay uBHooiatiou has boon InoorDOruted In Albany. A Curloim Iloiu; Treo, Ono of tho wostromurkublo botanical curioeitioB in tho world in in tho pon- UOSHiou of J\tr.s, Lo Oloro of Qiuibco. It iu u potted American .Beauty rosobuHli whoso flowers havo perfume only from midnight until daylight. During the teat of tho 2-1 hours they aro perfectly odorkiHK. Tho fragrance beginVi to exhale [ireciaely oa the utroUo of 12. Initially <>i>t tho Goat. A Borliu phymcian. Dr. Aroneohn, htm auoceodnd in innoitlutiu^ with, tu- borcnlosiH a goat, an animul hithertc togarded an immune to this diH&UiC - VETERINARY. WH. niOHAltDSON. VKVKRINAHY HUU GKON. Honorary firaduiLtn of Ontario Votorinary (lollono, Toronto; momhur of On tario Votorinary Medical Hotioty; DiplomiHt in DontiKtry; trouta all illnoaaon of dnmoBticatod iinfijiiLlH; cattle dolioriiorl liy tholatimt improvoil Ijoavitt olipprr Calln by tuluplumo or tulo- Graph promptly nttondnd to. UonUonco.throo doorft oaiit of criiit mill; olfiuo in i>ont officii buikliiif:; infirmary, directly oppouito. LAND SURVEYOR. TAMER H. IjAIRD, Provluoinl Land Survoyov T) and County iSnuinoor, Kubox Coiitro, Ont Otlico, Dunntau Blool;, npatiiirn. AUCTIONEERS. HRNItY HEDKICK, Auotlonoor. 8 n 1 o e promptly attomlod to. Adtlronu fioutli Woodnloo, Out. Puriionit donlrlnf; to nocuro ni may lonvo word at tho Vjiek I'nunn ofllco. H. HKDBICK WK(iT p.m. a.m. a.m. u.05 11*10 8,05 tl.M 11.R1 B.1S K.'Jl 1*2.00 B.-J3 22 1G 15 H.M 0-10 12.U5 8.-JS ti.45 1^.10 U.S0 UAWC Eanojc Ednani I* K & D h : a.m. a.m. p.m li.!lS D.fi0 fl.SO fl.^7 0,d0 fi.io XinB o,ui .aa 4^7 AicGroRor 0,20 O.ao 4.B5 Gordon O.Q.". 0 Itl .j.86 AuuiorntbnrB ".00 ti.fift 4.80 AlHralnHarorunon contral Btandavd time. iiixtv mlnuton nlowor tlmn Kbsoi information 'tM which in timo. For L-E, & D. R. Ry. TIMK TAnr.K NO. 22, taldnfi offoot Monday. Kopt. 27,1MMJ. Tralnnran by Kantorn Stand- ,.,i rp{, Daily oscopt Bnnflay ard Timo. MS DBIKCI.ATH, TjrCKNSKD AUCTIONKEK for tbo Oonnty of Khhox. Ihulillof Tiiiuhth Diviiilon Court. All Idndu of Farm and othor Halan conduotod promptly. Itaton rtmsonablo aud furniiihiMt on anplication. I-hiqulrorn may apply at W. D. JUiaman'ii ofiloo, or at tho ofllco or Diviuipn Court Clerk, Mr. John Mllno. IOHN (lOUMLKY. ' " fJ MOIUNBED AUCTIONEEIt for tho County of Efiiiox. All Iduda of furm ntoek iialon, etc, oouduetotl promptly and on nliort notice, Raton roimopablo, Pornonn dofdrabhi to ananijo Haloii may io no by callinR at tho Fm:n Prumh ollloo or by applying to 4 J. GOBMLEV, " P.O.noxlBS ' JdBBQSC.Ont. u 'A V M O;20 0.27 U.Sfl O.-M A M|A 0.25 13.00 D.H3 ia.ao fU9'12<10 s).-iaii2.df fl.B0 1i3.fiJJ t\A7 0.671 1.10 O.ftl lo.nai l.io o.r.o lO.Oflj 1.110 7.10 in.10 1.6(1 y.17 10.271 2.011 7.27 lOllTj U35 7.37 1(1.-15: 2.M) 7.-14 STATIONfl. IjMlANK MoCLOBKEY. Maidatooo, thirty- V novonyoarljVoxporlonco mi ananotionobria tlavOomity of Ktinox. Baloa conduotod promptly,' and on roanouablo termii. PnrHoo donlriii,^ to fix tho dato tor a Balo can uavo thtnunolvoe a diivo by ciilliiif- at tho Fm;i-v Yiikhb. oflioo- Wo havo arranuoil >vlth Mr. MoCloiiltoy and will fix tho datou for naloaby toloKraph.ontlrcily frco of all oharfio to tho porfion holdlnn tho iiulo. Ad- (U'oouFrnnL.'laOlonUuViMaUltitOQoCronfi.Outt luti THIS oldont bUDlliouM iu town. Eotabljghe 1870, Flrnt-olanii.broad and oaltoij of al Hindu. WoddluRoakoB a npooiallty. Grooonae provialona.ilour, food, iialt aud pnrlt. Oontoo- tionory.orookory.Rlannwiiro. Caunodtrultaftrnl voffotttblou of all Itlncla. Gondii promptly do Uvorod to all partu of tho town. J, M. UlOKH, joi-tr UND AND LOAN AGENTS ions u.u 11.20 U.S.' U.H.'i n.'ia 11.B0 11.50 12.01 1311 12.10 IS.2-1 12..'lfi l*. ar, Pop Wftlkory'lo Ar Walkorvillo Juno. .........Pfilton...... ......t Oldcaiitlo...... ......1 Paquotto...... ......McGronor...... ...t Now Canir.u... ... t MarnliUold ... ...... Harrow ..'.... ........+ Amor......... ......KinRHvillo...... ...... ituthvon ...... !U5,7-M ... Loamincton ... 1.10 h/jj......\..ioatloy...... 1.25 tU7j......I Hcnwlofc...... 4. W B.'J3......Coatuworth ... CCH H.:t2l......t Glonwood...... 0.2U M0.........Morlin......... B.-ia 8.47......+ Buxton......... f>.C5 H.52...... Sandinon ...... (l.n5;0 00'...t0otlnr8prluBn... CIS 0.D5 is. lfi 7.CJ 0.07 0.12 0 20 9,1)1 r. ir.'j?-Ml Blonht'iin Jmiot'n ......Blonho'm...... .........fWIlUo......... Ar Kldijotown Dop M A II 0 10 i) on 8f>7 Rift 847 B42 8 85 H 20 8 22 a 11 8Ct 7 61 7 40 7 21 7 15 7 10 7 CO 0fi3 0-lft 0 40 0 111 0!M 0 20 0 10 U 00 A.M. X AC B.R0 B.H8 B.ii7 ti,17 ft.fti 0.00 i.ia 4.2G 4.00 :i.ir QAU 1.M 1.118 l.lfi 12. U0 la.ai ia.1-1 ia.to S3 V.tit 7.C0 7.4n 7.ai 7.118 7.37 7.2J 7.17 7.10 7.01 R.52 G..12 0/-1 C.18 fl.CO n.6t ts ^o rs*rs s.ai H.-.8 10.1R 4 4% 10.00 M.3S A.M. + 1' Iu({ fitatlomi. Tralmi titon only whon there aro pnmieuBorfl at or for thotio Btatlons. MUed traiim aro at al timoii uubjoot to bo cancelled WM WOOLLATT. Gtmoral Baporintcuaen . "VIS To Drlvo anywhoro, if co, you Wnnt a Good v - -,- MTEST S&XQ :-.1.^ .'1 I'll. .ana tho pliico to uot.it lu at Gisouuiil J. tuohah, uonvpyibiiaor, Cow- mlflaionor, in Hkfh Court of .mntlooj doalor in Heal IHHtato and MortCaj,'0Bt fifonoy to loan at tho lowoat rafco of intoront- Farm bouyhl and Hold. XuHUVimoo taken la tho meet reliable onmpanloH, Drawhittof doodSi lUOrtgauoB and' ioadoa a specialty, OhatRoa m odor a to and all buulnofltj promptly attoadod to.. On.ll at the Doutrat Tolonhono oflfinp, UlsBOxGontve. C0-lv 1'laoo in the world for yountt nin nud won)on to aoouro a BuaIuphb ICduoatlon^Uorthand.oto^ifl tho . Dotrolt BuBinoBS Univurflttv. Pn- trolt, Mlob niDHtratod datalogno Freo. Beforoncea: All Detroit, F. JBWBIiti Profl. P. B. BPBNOHE, Son. JOHN McDOUGALI/S Livery, Sale & Feed Stables Goodinoiitlfjrii la attondnuoo day au<l Qjght;;'^"^! ||| In thia branoh of oyr bUBineaB wo hav*trrirtpA^ oluKO Wmrkmou aud will uimmntoo'BaUstaotUni^ In Hhooliu? Horeofl that iDt'irfuro.' Ovor-Roaoli'% or havo OoniHor Coutraoted Fooc. Vfa mojte: w-M Bpoolalty of Rlioolug Bobd and Traok %pn$ffirM?A .' tST. 'I'iilcphQM Connection. <\ \- XJi'$$$m - -^r^mm It was pert young Ia4y; who, v, ^ minister remarked that irwaa hia bU to nave yonug raeti, askod him good one ior. hor. to Illfiia^.^^ il^S ^i^k^mm

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