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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 2, 1896, p. 5

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IBIIBIIIBW '>M. '--:m JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co. BANKERS, |g, - AgentB for The Royal, fi'*|i#-. The Guardian and ; " The Lancashire, - - The boBtlnaarouoo OoiupaiiloBln tlie world. Womokoaaiieclalty of lumiHntf l-'ami I'ro l?orty. Monoy to Loan at ft and t>% por oont. on tfatm , Pioporty. Farmers Jttsurfucrto in Good JitHahU ' . NOTICE. All AcoountH duo tho Into firm of Dub. Dkwau & MuKknkik aropayablo ioDu. JDkwau, Wind sor. A prompt HofcUomonfc iB rcquosted. The Essex Freo Press, BRETT & AULD. PROPRIETORS, FRIDAY. OCTOBER M, 1800. Town and^ Vicinity. Good towoliuu for dotu a yd, ;tt J. A. Franoia. t MrU. N. .Tough vinitod limb wool: in Com ber with MrH. C. Clark. DiviHiou Court Kitting will lie hold horo on Tuesday noxt, Ootobor Oth. lu rortdy-roado and ordorod alothintf. M. JF. Wifilo *Sc Co. loud tho trade. J. EL. NioholHon on Monday-renumod liio BtudioH at tho Dotroit Sohool of Modloino. Damo Rumor inlormii uh that ono of onr merolmntB ia aoou to join tho ranlcH of tbo bcnodictfi. J, D. Birumbort, travollor for Laing, Ritohlo A Co., loft on a btiuinouH trip o.iHt on Tuouday morning. Chaa. Vuhoy, of St. Thomaa,,iHbap;eftgo. man on tho Amhorntbnr branch of tho M. 0. R., iu HncaeBHion to Aaron Loak. ___J^L--Bto\vart will leavo on Monday n'oxt for Toronto to rohunao bin utnclioH at tho . tfnivornity thoro, Mr. Stowart in in tho '99 oIbhb. Tho attondauco at tho Windsor Col- ,-, legiato thin torm i ICG, of which 12 oomo fj. ' irom WaUtotvillo, 8-1 from tho county and 120 from Windnor, MrH. Bhoomiiltor, of Eonox, who bad boon visiting hor daughter, Mm. .T. G. Oroiiby, for tt fow WoeUa, htiH roturnod homo. Rid(iotown Dominion. Regular mooting of town council noxl Tnoaday ovoninR. Tho court or rovjnion on tho Irwin Avonuo sidewalk by-lbw will ."bo hold tho aatno oyoninj.;. A. B. Powoll, of London, Director and nflpootor of tbo Economical Mutual E'iro iHuranoo Co., of Borliu, was in town on nduy in tho intoruptn ol hi company, rdon MoAlliotor, of Combor, bao re tried hia studios at tho Detroit Gollo^'o of Medicino. Gordou iH an cx-nupil of tho Earns* High-School aud ia in hill third term at tho Dotroit College. Prioatly'n Dlaclt droan ^oodn aro tbo boHt in tho world. Moaura. Diebol de Briokor havo boea uppointod AgontB for Ebuox, and aro showing a full range in Volouro, Druj> do alma, and black floured. John Milnt), of Dayton, Ohio, whb on a viflit with relativoB and friends in town for a fow days hut loft yesterday (Thnrmiay) lor tho Iat. Ho will not return to Ohio until after tho Prenidontiul oloatiotm. Io tbo OttDQ of Mooney vs. M. C. R.( action for damagon for injnrkm to plaintiff and killing hia twononn at Kuhgx oroHsin^ f. . in which a verdict of 80,702 waa nivou for plaintiff ut Sandwioh ubbizos, tho defon* dantn will appeal, Wood wanted in exchange for dry goodh and clothing. G. . Smith & Co. Tho JfamotiB. Canadian .lubileo Singora will appoar in tho Ebbcx BaptiHt Church next Tuooday ovoniug. October Gth, under t. ,' tho aunpiooB of that church. This troupn "'".i has boon well recoived in all parts of the '({ ' country whoro thoy havo appeared and C' should bo grootod by a full houao hero. Tho admiuaion will ba 25 centH and tioketn aro on salo at K L. Purk'a jewelry storo and by Harry Willaher at JamoB Naylor'H mill. Boforo P. fll. liartlot in Windnor on Kat- jrday morning, Jumoii Buriiii pluudoti nilfcy to tho thoft of a watch bolouginj{ to ttlsB Ella Burkiok, of Ebhox, who whb on iait to h'or auut, IVIrn. Millard, at 49 ;Qoyeau fttroot, Windnor. Ilu dropped & over to Dotroit but unguardedly came; Imelt ^' Friday aud was upottod by the chief on ^>^tbe aide walk oppoito tho Intern at ion uj '* ibotel. Tho watch waa recovered in a pawn ^flhop in.Dotroit. He waa let go o;i huh- ^'pondocl neutonco. Job lot hidieo' fhio hIiqch, ,'.>.f regular ft].jiO, m, - P/now tor OOo. at Rmith'H. . ". Tbo West Coant Pugot Sound Lumber- T^inftn Baya ffii'ownor aud operator of tho Ainnlio mill T. H. DeCow, who in now tho at %AlnBlio, waa in Taooma hint weeit Htiporin- Mtendmg tho loading of 200,000 foot, or ium- wfebr which ho in furninhing an a purt of tho cisargo of tho Aida for China. Tho timbern. fare'2-1x24 and-10 to 100 foot. Mr. DeCow 'ija well. ploaBod with bin plant. It ban a ^capacity ot 100,000 foot per duy, but bin ^averago out iB about 50,000 daily. Ho ban $00,000,000 foot of timber aocoBHil)Io to Ibisphihfc, an,d whon that is exhaunt<-rf ho l-'iuay remove tho plant to.bin tract of .'1,700 m&ifiB t tirabor land near Albany, tiro, a oldortt Bon id conducting tbo buuinouu biob thoy aro cloning up at Khhox, Can- iC;'!,'i>-add will alo roniovo to WaMbington ,t Rn early date. Mr. DoCow Iuih bdon jjtxippiag moot of IiIh output thus far by Sea, loading at Kalama. Laat month ho hippod a oargo of .'(00,000 foot to South Jiinerioa." Alfred Dralt, of Maiden, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Going out of buainosa. From 5 to 2fi por oont. off at Kmith'H. Wm. Ohurph, of Dotroit, yiBitod with km pnrontB to town tlna weok. O. A. Bhorrln atid wlfo arrivod in town on TuoBday evening from thoir konoymoon. Iiiflpootor Maxwell and family wore tbo uuoHti of Principal Manuiug during tho Fair. Mihh Ktta Manning, of London, iHHpond- lng a few wooka in Hbhqx with her brothor, W. R. Manning. Thoro waf) a tfood crowd of pooplo at tho H. A. jubilee Wodncaday night, tho prooeodn being 87.CO. Miss Mamo Orawford, of Aruor, in Bpoudmg a fow dayii with her unolo, Chief of Police BIbboii, ' Mihs Ijou TliompHon, of T. IT: MoKlli- gott'H tailoring oiitabliBhrnout, Imu gouo to Komptvillo, to Bpmul tho wmtor. Tho hohool children bad holidayH on Wotlneiiday and Thurnday of tliiu week to allow thorn to attend tho Exhibition. Miubob Alborta and Jonuio Pickcupp, of IndianapoliR, Xnd., viHitod their uiioIoh, MoHnr. M. J. and N. P, Wiglo, tho pant wook. IjadioH who purohauod underwear from ua lanfc uoaBon. woro woll ploniiod ; wo have oqually uioo goodu now. M. J, Wiglo & Co. Tho Tilbury Nowb, aftor a tliroo yoaru1 xiiitoueo, ban ooaHud publication. Another oyidonoo that two pnporn oannob oxiut in a ono-paper down. Chan. VanuttoriB viniting in town with hid (UHtnr, Mni. K. t. Park. Mr. Vnnattor in manager of tbo Chicago branch of tho Swift Packing Company. Janon Doathorington and wifo,- of tbo Poittal Departmont, .Ottawa, and Jonoph JamoB and wifo and Mitm Minnie Qoatb- erington, of lioamingtou, npont Sunday lat with their niHter, MrH. Wm. BiiiBon, of thin town. Tbo Salvation Army thronghout tho Domiuiou ban net apart Sunday, Oot, 4th, for prayoro on behalf of tho pot't'oontod ArmouiauB. Soidioni, Chrifltianu and frienda are invited to join. Soo particu- larH in tho War Cry. Mr. Wado, who in employed in tho Im perial Bank horo, waa riding horaebaok on Sunday afternoon laHt when bo waB thrown off by tho animal and dragged for a Hbort diatauco, thongb fdrtunatoly bo received no injnrioH. Nothing daunted, howovor, ho mountod again atid thin time mot with hotter oucoouh. Richard J. Porkin, on Thursday of lant wook, rocoivod from Tboii.Ruah, Treauror of Ehbox Council, C. O. C. F., a chock lor 81,000, tho amount of tho bonoflciary cor- tiiioate held by inn late daughter, Doboruh Jane, in that order. Mihb Porkin died on AugUfit 18th and the ordor haa boon very prompt in ito apttlomont of tbo claim. Tbo court of revision on by-law No, 218 for raibiug money for tbo drain 011 the Goofleld North and Miudatono townlino near C. E, Naylor'R mill, waa bold in Pock'a Hall on Monday oyoning. "The only appoal enternd wan by Thon. Irwin, but aftor bin aHoeanmont waa cotnpurod with othera bo nus willing that tho whole uhHCBEmont Jihould bo conflrmod, which wan done, II. M. O'Connor, Brian avonuo; wua talton by BurpriKe on Tueaday ovoning by a party of bin frienda and rolativeo on tho oeeaaion of bin Hovonty-oightb birthday. IIu was tnndo tho recipient of Home very valuable prohcntB umongRt thorn being 8-15 in gnld and a very baudHomo arm almir. After enjoying tlicmHelvos until a late hour in the evening, with games and music tbo party left for their bomuH. AmheiBtburg'h rato of taxation for '18% for town rate 10 5 mills, for couuty rato 3 mill, for dpbenturo rato 10 raillu, .for Pub lic Hohool rate 7 millH and for Separato achool rate 124 miils. The total rate for Public i-ohool Hiipportera ia 23 mills and fur Separuto Hulmol Hiipportera 28.J mills. Tho loeoiptH from waterworku fur the your will amount to 82,900, whilo tho total ao- HUHBinuut is S'160,735. M. J. Wiglo bun a very flna pair of young norHCB, which he ih offering for aide, Thomau AtkinHou, of Mudora avonuo, wah tho victim of an accident on Friduy morning laat which will biy him up for Homo time. lie was standing on a ladder going to the attic from tho up Htairn at his homo when the ladder BlippoJ aud ho fell to the Jloor, dislocating bis left shoulder and breaking tho bone of the left arm. Dr. .). W. Brien attended to the injuries which are (inito Horioua uh Air. Atkiuuou 19 ovor 70 ymtt'rf of ajju. At the recent W. C. T. U. County Con vention hers tho following county supenu- teudenta were ohoaen : Proas, Mrs. How ard Scratch, of KinpflviUii ; Woman's Journal, Mi'hs L*. Botuford, Amhorutbnrg ; Suiloru, MrH. Brownell, of Winduor; Fiau- obiHo, Mrs. J. li. .->cott, Loamington; Juvenile, Mrs. Uarriugton, KingavilJo. Kvangolibt,. Mi-h. SMmoni, xVmberHtburg ; RiLbbatn Obsorvarjee, Mrs. Ilobloy, of Am- herstbnrg; Temp.mnco Instruotion, Mrs. G. E. Wijihtman, E^hox. The rumaiiui of Wm, Conlin, who Iuih been for some years pant, briikomriu on the Amhorsr,burg brunch of tho M. C. It., woro conveyed from 8'..-Thomas on Saturday morning lawt tn Kandwiah whom thoy woro interred alongside ui hiH wifo who died about four years u go. Doceasod was about 15 years of a^o and luaves throe ftonti. The oldest is a aiiilor, onoayotl foarfcwou liven at Amhorotburg and t.ho yonngnuk lives with his grandmother at Cobonrg. Mrs. Dr. Milligan, Dotroit, und Mrs; ,T. A. Dovaney Toronto. siHtora, aud thoir hunbuudn, to gether with his son Churlos and brother Thomiis were prHont. A beautiful floral woath wan ooiitributodby rolativos, and a largo letter'-C" in ilewora by bin aomradou on tbo Amhorstbtirg Division. Tho attendance at tho High sohool is aoventy-Bix, John Jupp, of Poloo Island, was a via- ltor in town this woek. W. Uall and wifo, of Bath, Ont., aro visiting with his paronta bora. J. A. PranoiH ia giving spaoial prloos on ordered clothing, cull und nuo beforo buy ing. Minn Eliza Lintnor, of Harrow, has boon visiting friends in town and surrounding country. John Gott whipped a double.donk oar load of hog6 from Aiuborntburg last wook for A.J. Groan. Ml mi Delia Wiglo iB 011 an extended visit to Lima, Ohio, visiting her sister, Mrs. S, B. i'lootor, of that town. Oliver O. Pox, Harrow, and MIhh M. Brush, of the same place, took out a mar* rlago license iu Detroit on Tuesday. J. A. Francis i (lollinti $2 00 and $2.0 men's folt Fedora hats for 91.00. , Tho Ontario Standard Oil Co. havo struck another oil well on tho farm of Ira Rymul, u mile oust of Leamington and a short ditttauoo from t)in Quiok well, Mrs. Wm. Laing has gono to visit with hor histnr, Mra, T. H. Scott, of St- Thomas, aud with her paroutB ut Wol- laudport.- Hor on Norman accompanied hor. Mr, York, who wafl relieving A. O. Stimors, M. 0. It. agotit bore, rocoivod word on Monday that hia uncle at Jarvia waa deud and bo left on Tuesday to at tend tho tnnornl. Juraon Cunningham,who wout to North ern Michigan a oonplo of wooks ago for tho benefit of hia hoaltb, roturnod homo on Sunday last not improvod. Ho no.Horn from stomach trouble Tho flufo in tho oilico of tbo Eshox county court clerk wan burglarised bo- twoeu Saturday night and Monday morn ing, und &S30 utolou. A much larger uum in ono of tho drawort? wan overlooked. A now tima tablo aamo into off oot on tho L, E.&D.R.lly. on Monday last. Tho trains going west aro unaffootod by tho ohango, but tbo moruiug train for tho ouot now leavoa V/alkervillo flftoou minutes oarlior than formorly, arriving at Ridge- towu at 13:35. Rollor blind, completo, for 35ots, at ITraucia. Tbo St. Thomaa Journal oayB ; "Tho Canadian Jnhiloo Singers gave a aoncort nudor tbo aunpicen of Uie ladies aid iu tho Central Methodist church. Thoro was a largo attondauco, 800 boirtg- re alized. ,Tho company iB an oxcollout ono and tho couoort waa ranch onjoyod." It will soon bo tirao to put away tho bike and got indoors o'nigbts. Tho courtships that progressed awhool during tho oumraor will torminato now in tho cozy parlor by the firelight, and iu tbo spring it will be Mr. and Mrs, who will go bioyohng to- gothor. The Arthur Eutorpriao suys : "A mom bar of tbo Ontario Leginlaturo is credited witb'giving notico of Inu intoutiou, at tho next Eiofiaion, to introduce a bill to tax all unrnarriod man in Ontario, ovor 30 years of age, 8100 por annum, and tho widowa and Bpinstors aro said to bo rojoioing thoroat." This is the latehb form of procedure, iu consequence of tho change in tbo marriage law of Ontario; Tho iHSUer of marriage lioonsuH, advertises thnu: "I aball bo hup. py to oull at tbo residence of any lady about to ho married and take hor affidavit, as this is necoasary according, to the now Marriage Act." The duck aoaaou oodaon Decombor 15th. Tho open ooason for fjrauao, pboa-ianta, prairie fowl or partridge,, woodcock, snipo, rail plover, or any other waterfowl or gaiuo bjrda or animal, inoludiug black or grey squirrolo and haroa, began ou Soptem'hor lflth and ouda Decombor loth. Tho opon HQuaon for quail begins ono month lator than the othera, on October 15th, and ouds tiie Hume day, December 15th. M. 0. Wiglo it Co. havo already rocoivod several cotisigninontu of boqta and shoes for tho fall trade. The Guolpk Horaid aayu : "If oarofui enquiry woro made, it would bo fouud that where typhoid fovor has brokou out in tbo rural districts, 15 can bo traced to the drinking of impure wiitor. Many people aro very earoloHS of' the supply of water for thoir family and thoir auimula. Thoy al low both aotiroes to bocoruo tainted, aud then woudor why fovorn and bad hoaltb prevail. Cause must follow effect, a man cannot drink water from a foul well aud hope to forovor escape immunity from" diaeaee. Ho cannot compel Ida cow to drink from a polluted stroara, and expect her to remain in good condition aud to givo a satisfactory Bupply of milk." '2nU Ladies' new shirt waisto, regular price S1.25 and #1.50, choice of tbo lot for 40o each at Diebol & BriokorV. The mooting of tbo Essex High Soiiooj .Literary society took place iast Friday afternoon, from 3:30 to i. Tho audionoo was oallod to ordor at H.HO and/after tho usual re-idiug of tho miuutoo tho nowly elected president, J. E. Morau, dohvorect an address containing Bomo good aug-' goutiouB for tho welfare of the uooioty. A ohoruB arraugod by Mihhoh Cunning- bum and Millar and a nolo by Mios Can- lor woro woll givon, after which Principal Craacwollor in a pithy apoooh gavo tho otudonts soma sound adviao. Juh. Smyfbo gavo a yiolin aolo which waa heartily on- oorod aftor a woll dolivarod reoitatiou by Mihh Sarah Wortloy. Mr. Daing, a for- mor studont of tho school, whoso muno bud boon associated with tho organisation of tho sooioty, opoko a few words of ot- ooura({omout to tho stndonta. Tho sing ing of the national anthem closed this very successful mooting. Thread 4 ots. a spool at Smith's. Ladios' fine wool hose, 20c, at Smith's. Grain bags, 91.05 per dozen, at Bmith'Bj Ladioa* and Gouts' underwear, extra cheap, at Health's. MIhh Mury Hiaka, of Bldgotowu, is viait- itui hi towu for a fow duyH, with rolatlvoa. Wo aro indobtod to Ij. O. PulmOr, of Oonilcld Bouth, for tho baskot of straw- borrioB exhibited ut the fair yesterday (Thursday), To uay thoy woro dolioloiiH ia putting it vory mild. Tbo Piikk Pukhh and Toronto Wookly Globo till January lt, 1807, for HO omits, or till January 1st, 1808 for 81.CO. Or tho PhifiiB PntfHH and Wookly Mall till Jan uary 1st 1807, for 30 aontH or for one year for M.'iO. A doputatiou of votarumi of 18C0 waited on the Government last wook and woro promised that an endeavor would bo made to recognize their oluims. The vetoraus of thin county who wont out in 'fifl should take a hand in thin matter. B. J. Walker, of Windsor, had a piano exhibit and freo concert in tbo rooms of W. H. Richardson on tbo north aids of Tulhot street,all day yoaterduy (Thursday). ' I'ho place watt viaitod by a iiurauur of music loving pooplo. Mr. Walkor is agont for tho well-known Gorhard-IIointzman pianos and Morris Organa. A man who givos a ohattol mortgage should always examine it oarofnlly to make auro it is not "on domand." Sharp money londors who loan funds on ohatto mortgages often trj to havo thin clause in- oortod, and whon it 111 tho borrower may expect to part with hia ohattojn at almost any raomont. It in a trick by which ad vantage in often taken of tho unwary. A huo cnatful farmer gavo anotoef warn ing tho othor day in regard to tho applo crop. Tbo short . crops of tbo paht two yoars have bud tho effect of almost exter minating tho worm. Tho apples thin your aro remarkably Bound and froo from gruba. To prevent recurrence of tho ovil, applo growers should not allow tho fruit to lio nudor the treoa for any longth of timo. It ia bettor to uso thorn ua food for stock than to wait tho ohanco of a ualo ut tho~riak-of- producing a plaguo of grubs again. It in Btatod thut tbo rogulationa of tbo liiduoatiou Dopartmont, which aro now under consideration, and whiqh will bo iapued within a oonplo of mouths, will in- volvo no ohango in tho course of study either of public or high nchoola, nor in tho subjoota of auy of tho examinations re quired by tho dopartmont for 181)7. In TaoOao chunqo baa been mado that calls for immodiuto consideration^ either by truutoea, toiuliern or inspectors. Tho ob ject of the department has boeu to con solidate rathur tbuu to nmond previous regulations. Por a chono rouat of boef.orohoico moat of auy kind oall at Tate's. Hia prices aro tbo lowest. Sheriff Her wan on Wednesday night arrested at hiH home by Coroner Dr. Reu- ume, but tbo kiud hearted doctor did not iuHiHt on tho uhoriiT'o attending liim to a cold, cbeerloBH coll, so tho sheriff slept ub usual iu hia own comfortable bod, engag ing to produce bis body ycotorday (Thurs day) at 12 noon and make returns in Floyd vh. White, tho case in which ho waa urroatod. Mr. Murphy, of Patturcon, Lougatt A Murphy, solicitors for the plain tiff, was Boon m reference to tho oano and said . "Somo tou dayo ago wo commuu- ioatod with tho Attorney-General, sotting forth tho situation as regardu SborifY Ilor. We explained that tho nhoriff'a acta woro equivalent to a ututemeut thut creditors hayo no rights. Evory local moanu havo boon exhausted to bring the sheriff to a porJormanco of his duty to creditors, but in vain, and as a fiual resort tbo govern ment ia appealed to. A ropjy from tho Attoruoy-Goneral waa received' on Satur day laat to tho effect thut the complaint would bo at onco investigated." Sheriff Iler explains that tbo whole affair arises from hia efforta to help tbo crdditoru to re. ahzu ou the gooda of Sol, White, Ho thinks more can bo aoupmphuhud by patioul ufforta than by moro drastic mean- urea. Mr. Murphy aud oihorH think not, bonce tho attueku upon him. MJiTHODIST MAGAZINE AND RK- VIEW for OCTOBER, lHiiO. Toronto: William Brigga. Pneo Sa.CO a year; 81,00. for six months; ainglo number, 20 ceutu. A particularly interesting bill of faro iu provided in this number. It loads oil with a patriotic iiL'tioJo on Anatraliu, Bish op Vincent has a atnking paper on tbo true sito of Calvary and tho toinb of Christ, entitled "In Boaroh of Hilt Grave." Anothor paper doaariboa with pen and poncil the romantic asnoeiatioua of tho beautiful island of Capri and'fchb Bay of Naploa. Otlior interesting puporn aro 0110 of lancinating iutoraat on tho ooucluBioiiB of tho New Antrouomy an to tho dmtanoo of tho ataro, "An Inapinng Cbaptor of Early Methodist History," by Dr. Mudgo ;. "True Emphasio in Kcbirion," by the lute Principal Nalios ; -'Tho Firot Methodist Church iu Canada," by K. S. Orr ; a clever ukutoh of a queer Nova Sootia oddity, by Douglas Hemmbon, .Bermuda, and tbo atrongly-writtou etorioa, "Tho Man Trap" and "Hiram Golfa Religion."- A paper byW. M. Puton, D; D., of Loidon, Hoi- laud, on "Tho Matino of.tho AuoiontEtb- lopio Church," 19 an ablobic of origiual re- Boaroh. A roviuw of Swinhurno'B now poem ; "Moaorn ApoIogotioH," by Chan cellor Burwaah ; notions of .Lord Riiuaoll, Li Hung Chung, and Nariaou, with por traits and map of Nauson'a route ; and Rooont Sciouco, with out of Ba/.In's now rolling steamer, etc., muko a' uumbur of speoiul interest. Smith's Closirig" Out Prices DRESS GOODS, regular $1.25 line for 89c. " " .1.00 " 69o. ..76 ll 59c. .60 " 44c We show the Largest range of 25c. Dress Goods in Essex, special lines reduced from 40c. and 50c. to 25c. These Goods for value have no equal at price quoted. Ladies' Jackets m Latest <t^ Fa f T*% :...........Styles, from -P^-S0 UP- Heavy Vests for Ladies, from 18c. to $1.26 Underwear for Men, from 25c, ttp^ Extra Heavy Arctic Blankets, 80c. per pair. Large Sized W. "Wool Blankets, $S.2H S&. ......-Clothing at"Prices"Sure 'to Suit....... Men's Suits from 552.90 up.......Boys' Extra Heavy froBfi $1.50 up, -. .Over Coata at all price. BOOT3 emd SISOBS In Groat Variety. We make a apecjialty of this line aud guarantee prices and quality right. We arejgoing out of business and stook must be disposed of, regardless of profits. G. E. SMITH & CO. WUITNKY BLOCK, I3SS13X. Buy in your own Town. That's patriotism. Buy where you can secure the best value for your money That's business. Never Before vM'v 'vW, Have we been in as good a position to give oin custornero good value. Never before has our trade been as extensive. Never before have we had such enormous stook) ^People are realizing that by buying from us the; can save all the way from 10 to 26 per cei/, They are coming to us from all corners < the CJounties of Essex and Kent. Beautiful Bedroom Suites with large Bevel Plate Mirrc for $8.50, Large Solid Oalc Side-boardb with Large Bew Plate Mir wa for $18.00, Bedsteads, for $L25. Large Cook Stove.*, with Reservoir, for $15. Good size Cook Stoves, with reservoir, for #13.. tJ^ Come and see us it will pay you. The Largest Retail hardware and Furniture Store in Ganao- out of Stock must bo turned into cash. Now is your ohunv for Groceries cheaper "than ever. Come and get prio? and. 1 will oonvinee you that you will save dollars I. buying your Groceries, etc, from me. m m Parties Indebted tome, ' ' 'v^t) !A$ ^^ J. E. Stouo has hoiho oig Inr^uinH iq Boooud-huud ottttaand buggioa. Boo thorn. By book aocount or note are requested to call nnd'-Bett^'^':!":^^ at once, and' oblige, /idm '::b./WIO^| 'A/- ..ri........... . .. , ,. ............. , -- '^ >"' '

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