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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 2, 1896, p. 4

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I V ^ ^iffy-iv r* ^wr^w^.jf 1 ' > j' \U.I n Vt h A. H. Scarff &Co. WE SELL- Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Buiflinfl, Currants, Pnmew, Ap ricots, Soaps, Vinegars, Syrups, Oatmeal, Cornraeal and a full lino of Christie, Brown & Co/a fancy and plain Biscuits, Wo have for CAMPING AND PICNICS- Potto* Cluolcon, Turkey. Ham, Tongue, Chipped Boof, Com Bod, Boston Baked Bgiuih, Sardinon, Salwon, Mackorol, Hnddio. Kamombor wo havo tbo Urgent ansortmont of Crockery, China and GlaHBwaro in tho Town. Call and oxiimino our stock. Fresh Fruita, Vogotablou, etc., in Bouuon, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A, H. SCARFF & Co. GOODS DEIjX'V'ER.ED PROMPTLY, The Essex Free Press, BRETT A, AULD, PROPRIETORS. FRIDAY, OOTOBEU 2. 180ft. Tins EIouho of Cowmonu will prorogue oither to-morrow (Suturday) or tlio beflin- toing of noxt wflok. __ Thh County TroaBuroi'H nalo of landu for taxcHwill talco plaoo ou Wodnonday, Dooombor 10th, at Bandwioh. In thus BUprloraontury oHtimatoa brought down in tho Uouoo on Friday hint, in an appropriation or $10,000 for ropairn to tho lauding pior at KidciviIIo. Tnic' South Khhbx byo oloetiona Jor-tlio Local Letimliituro id to bo held oa Tueiidny, Ootobor fJ0tb, with nomiuationa on Tuoh day, Ootobor 13th. Tha nomination!) will fcako placo at Kinjjnvdlo._______ The Exkcotivk of tho Gro*it South Wofltorn will raoob m tho Booroiuryliioffico( Ehhox, ut a p. m., on Friday of noxt week, to wiud up tbo buHlnoBH of tho fair. They oxpoot to hiLVO about ououU to pay all tho promj.uiau.aud other oxpeunon. TnE Government waH *ufltainod by a majority of 37 on Wodnonday night of liiftt wookon a roGolution introduced by Mr. Foator, CGUHurmp the Government for not having brouubt down thoir tariff policy Tho Indcpondonta iiupnortod tho Govern* moot, Tho couvontioo 1.30, a very good South Bhhox OonHcrvativcH, I<lt?er<oil Keroicli, DtcoVH oi Mcrueu, Choticn to Content "tine Hiding. In pursuance to a docuaiou umvod at by tbo Executive of tho South Ebhqx ConHorv- ativo AfiBociation u convention wuh bold at tbo Towu Ball, Luumiuf.'ton, on Monday to poleot a candidate to contest the Hiding at tho approachiutf bye oluction for the Looal Legislature, m bucdoqsiou to Iho Into Hon. W. D, Bulfour. wan called to orior at number being in attondanco aud every municipality boing roproHontod. Although some of tho delogatOH preforrod that no op position bo offered at tho prenout tiraoitwiib dooidod that a cauthdato bo placod in the Hold and the followmu nominations woro mudo: U. S. Wifilo, of Windsor , Dr. J W. Brion, of Ehbox ; Ed^ortou Scratch, Roovo of Moraoa; .T. E. Johnoon, Lewit, Wifdo and G. F. Cronlt, of Leamington ' T. E. White, of Anderdon. ami W. A Smith, of JuuKHville. E. K. Wigle, the firHH gentleman nominated, and Dr. J, \V. Brion, tho ncoond goublomau named, re tired in favor of Mr Scratch and thin action waH followed by all tho other uomiiiooB in Hliort HptechoR. A, "W. Bnydor and G. <T. Thomaa, of Ehhcx, Homy Clay, of Atrt- bcrnfcburg, and otlioru aloo HpoKo on tho condition of party uffaira in their dividend. Mr. Scratch acooptod tho praforrod honor in a well delivered Hpcech which wan well roooived by tho delouateu proHont. Atter tho Hpoeoh-mahingpart of tho programme was over, Lowio Wigle moved and J. E. JoIwhou Hocor'dod a rortolution of condo louoo to tho family of tho nou. W. D. Bal four, oxprcQHiut; tlioir regret at bin earlj death. Tho rcnolution wur curried by a unaniraouH voto and a oopy waH ordered to bo Bout to tho deceaacd'H family. At the mooting of the Executive previous to tho convontion matters relating to party organization woro diucuHBod. Every mombor of tho Executive, oxoopt Dr. King, who m in Montroal on bnflinonH, wao prouont. It was cxpootod that J. P. Whitney, M. P. 1?., Louder of the Opponition in the Looal, would bo in attondanco but ha nent a telegram that bin profoHHioiml duties pro. vented hini. ...... xmi%u ESSAY. Below is tho address writton by Miao L. Wiglo, daughter of M. J. Wiglo, to tho Govornor-Gonoral in competition for A. H. Clarko'n epooial prizo and which wao awarded tbo flt'Mt pri^o at tho fair thin Week. Mma V/iRlo io 17 yoarn of ago ; Xp Hiu BxooUouoy, tho Earl of Abor deen. Govoruot-Gonoral of tho Domiri- ilV1 ' ion of Canada: f|'j, i HoNonBi) Sin, Wp beg to aauuvo you* ^ Excellonoy that ltta with no ordinary do- iV'greeof pleufluro -that we woloomo you to our town and couuty, v Wheu we ccaBiJof tho hiiih and too- T ponniblo ponition whioh you uro Ailing with no much orodit to yournolf, and no mnob Hatinfaotion to tho pooplo of thiH vaut Dominion, wo reali/o that your dutiow are of Huch a ntituio, and tho oalln upon you bo numorouo, that wo feel highly lion* orcd that it iilioukl have ploaaod your Ex oollonoy to oonaont to oomo to thin tho Guidon of Canada, to open tbo Groat Month Weitlcim Exhibition. And wo more fully appreciate tho honor when wo romombor that you come to uh an tho roproiuintativo of our lionorod Sov ereign, whom tho grout aud all-wian Ruler of tho UniverHO, iu Hih iuftuito wiudom, ban portnUtod to reign over hor pooplo for a longer poriod than any of hor pro*doooB' norM ; who ban nwayod tho Hooptro in wiu dom and lovo, and thorby won tho hoartu of all hor nubjoctH, and tho roopoot and admiration of tho wbolo world. And wo bog to iiBuura your Exoollenoy that in no portiou of tho vmit Empiro, arc her oubjootH more loyal and dovatod than in tho County of Ehhox. An Hor rtpreduntative, wo bid yoq wol* came. Wo hud anticipated tho addod ploanuro of tho preuonuo of your modi autimablo and dmtinguiohod wifo, tho Countoflaof Abordocn, wlio haH dono ho much for tho advancement and olovation nf her sex, aud wlio ban oopeoutllv endear- ud heraolf to all tho ladion, not only in thin, but alHo in othor lands. Wo bog your Excellency to convoy to her our regret and diHappointinont at hor ab sonco, and tlio bopo that ut no vory diHtant day we may bu honored with a vitut frnrn her. Wo greatly rogrot tho removal by death of our latcrlamontod aud belovod prooiUont, tho nou. W. D. Balfour, M.P., whoaa duty and ploaHuro it would havo boon to havo welcomed yaur Excollonoy bore to-day;and to whoBO untiring energy aud maotorly ex- ecutno ubiljty in largoly duo tho develop ment and iiuecoHH of thin Groat South Wcatern Exhibition. And while wo mourn Inn Iohh, yet we bow in humble oubramaion to the will of Him who ban called him to bin reward, mid who io too wmo to err, too good to bo unkind. We trust that our Exhibition will con tinue from joar to year to atill further do. velop. And wo fool nurc that Huch will bo tbo caao from the fact that wo havo hero a climato that iu< Balubnoun; a Boil that lb fottde in tho oxtremo, and adapted to tho cultivation of all kind of ceronlu, rooto, bulliH and fruits, as well ub tho diiferont lmidn of utock. uh is evulenood by tho mag- nihcent diHplay your Excellency will have tbo pleaanro of yiowmg hero to-day. Our county m aluo booormug noted for itw oxtouhivo gas iieldh; and rooont dovolop. menta prove that it hau alao rich doponitH of oil. Bo that wo feol auHUrod that Euaox will yet be one of the wealthioHt countioa m tbib tho banner Province in tho Domin ion. We trust that tho nhort vihit of your Ek- cullouoy mity bo to >oa, tin it in to U9, a pluanant ono, and that in tho neur future wo may agmn have tho ploanuro of welcom ing you to our county. American Kyos. It iu not htrungo that homo of tho loud- m^ Amunouu nov.tipu.porH are wondering how it ih poBBiblo to publinh ho largo and ho excellent a paper ab tbo Fumily Herald uud Weekly Star of Montieal id for ono dollar a yuu. It mUHt bo tho ouormoun circulation of tho Family Herald aud Weekly Star that enahlea its publiBhorn to lBBnoitat tho price., Eaob ibhuo of tUu Family Humid and Wookly Star containa ono hundred and twonty-eicht full oolumna and by actual count what oaoh oubHoribor to it gotn in one yeai in eqnnl to tho con- tontw of fifty bound yolumoH, each volume having two hundred and fifty pagon, and Much valuable matter, too. Every lino that goon into tho Family Herald and Weekly Star mtiat ooBt money, for ltn pub- IibIioib Boora to not uh if thoy would havo none but the buut. We would bo afraid to OBtimutu what tho publiBliorn of tho Family Herald muat oxpoud oaoli yoar to miataiu the high reputation of their papor, ltn groab oiroulation tolln thoatory. PUoBCurodln 3 to 0 KittlitH Dr. AqnBw'B Ointment will ouro all ouhob of Itohing Pilou iu from B to 0 nighty. Ono application bringn oomfdrt. For Blind and Bloudmg Filen it iu poorlwiH, Aluo onron Tottor, Sale llhoum, Eo^ouia, Barbor'b Ifoli, and all eruptions of the uUiu. Bfiote. Hold by J.Thorco. XILUUHV NO It Til Mrs. John Quonnevillo, of Stoney Point, who was eo eoriouely burned by a seal oil oxploaion wbllo lighting a tiro in hor bouao three., weeks ago, died on Sunday laat. _ 1>. Barrou, of Arnhorutburg, bought '10 liogtt bora lant woelt. Jameu Harnn is buying wheat for Brum- luond, of Kingston, aud la paying t>Q eta' a bushel for buino. Only ftli a ton iH boing paid for grapou horo. ' ITIALMUCN. Mihu Annie Quiuu, of Windnor, invinit- iug with bur motbor, Mrs, LuwIh Amor, Jonuph Harris, who has been unwell for Homo time pant, rumaimt very much the sumo. Xt in likely that Mian Ei//io Ward.toacber of B. 8. No. 5, will rutnuin at hor nohool another yoar, tho diflioulty in tho Hootiau being about patched up. SAN1>\VM<]JI WIlNX. Dr. ITohx B. Molocho waa found in a dy ing condition in tho Urban lmuiio at luli- poniug, Mioh., on Tuesday aftorlioon, aud expired in the ovutilng. Tho oauuo of death wan an ovovdouc of laudanum. Ho had boon drinking heavily for tho pant two woolen and wau using tho drug uh a bracor. Tho doooiuiod wan a son of Dan Moloohe, of Potito Cotu. There wuh another brother, Kioholan, alao a doctor, and bo wan killed by accident in Michigan. Folix at ono time wt rkod in tli6 Contral drug ntoio, Wmdfior, with Dr. Roaumo. 'riifWirt^KH. Frank Ht. Louih lout a very valuablo herno hint week, Minn Maggie Walnh, of Comber, is viBit- inghor brother E. J, Alf. Girard baa a branch of tho Permian Btcana luundry horo. Mm. Inaao Campau of Windsor roturnod homo aftor tipouditic a fow days with hor father Muck St. Lowls, Jnlo Dnpras, Eug. Ijiibadio and Edward Chittlo havo gone to tho Chatham fair. Mm. J C. DayiH has roturnod homo after aponding a oouplo of mouthfl with her daughter, Mm. II, W. Millar, roiifiiiKsri^t south. Mm. JameB Bratt diod at hor home in Harrow on Wodnonday. She wan a daughter of tho late Jouoph Marontotto, of Maldou, wiih about 50 yoarn of ago aud loaves a husband and quito a family. Ou Monday of last wook, Walter Tab bot wan pout up for trial for Btoaliog a watch belonging to Minn Nora Hannn, and Bulling it to Adrian Aglu. Tho oxamiu- ation wan hold before Squiro Richmond on tbo 14th, and committed oa 21st. He an nounced that ho would olect to bo tried before Judgo Homo. A Hoaroh warrant, wan ilIho iflHUod for a watch which belonged to Albert Hurnt. Wra. Talbot was charged with tho crime but Countable Bank ro. ported bo hud clapped tho country. HtU-*--------------- iurj<;sviu,i;, T. Wflggott htm roturnod from hin biko trip in tho cast. Over 2,000 bufholn of applet* uoro ro,- ooiyed at tho ovnporatiug ftorks on Tues day Tho canning factory in running 21 hours Btraight. Eacli day oyer 70,000 oauos of gooda are now packud. Tho Epworth Methodist church will shortly hold revival Borviccn. Tho Bar- viceb of an tvangelint have boon engaged. Machinery for tbo now rollor process mdl arrived on WodtiOHday, MesBrH. Scratch & Smith will poou have things in running order. Work is being nipidly punliod ou tho Groi^oiy block. Tho building will bo com pleted by Cbriatmna and will bo lit with the now Acetilmo light. Owing to itjiukquato room tho cvapor- atiuu workn havo routed tho Bona washor factory, also tho Lirgo. btoro of GroniorA WoodiwiBB in tho Bcratch block, both to bo used as waro-roomo. LI2AniINTON. Ludlam A Fuller are re-shingling thoir sufth and door factory. Goo. R. Fox has nud his livory barn on Talbot utitjot ropmntod, Mihh Fox, of Ruthvon, spent Monday with Mias Buitha Ryall. Mr. McCubbin ih adding a kitohon to hiH dwelling on Nelson ntreet The roDidonco of E ML Roach on Mill ntr et in boing puintod by n. Cullon. Mr, and Mm. Chao, Allison havo ro turnod to thoir bomo m St. Thomas. Mm. Manchester, of Droadon, io spond lug a Itw daya with fnondB in town. Mibu Stowarr. aud MiBfl Sloan, of Til bury, are tho guostH of Mrs. Phillips, W. MaSwoon has purchased a lot ou Marlborough Btroot, on which ho intends building. Miss MoCay roturnod to hor homo iu Windsor on Saturday. She was tho guest of Miss Annie McKomdo. Owing to tho illnons of Rov.Mr.Patorsou, on Sunday, his pulpit wan occupied by the llov. Atoxundor Ayr, of Iowa. Mm. Raomor Wiglo diod at hor homo hero on Monday and was buried on Wod- dotiday afternoon. She mm about 70 yearn of ago. Hor hunbiind twrvivon hor. Tho Harvoob Homo sorvioos in St..lolin's ohuroh, Anglican, woro condnotod vory ably on Sunday by Rov. Mr, Holmos, rector. Tho church was doooratod with good tasto, Tbo Agriaultnral Soaloty has had two buildings orootod for oxhiblts joined by a building 21x11. tf ho wbolo building will bo -floored and ilnisbod innido. Othor genorul repairs aro also in progress. Are You in Need. Of anything in the way of Footwear ? Weha:s"e already received and patmed into stock several largo consignmentfl of Boots ajad BhoB lor the fall trade, bought direct irom the beet Manufacturers in the Dominion, and We Can Supply Your Wants. We make a Specialty of Hand-made Long Boots/ m1^^ If you contemplate purchasing a Suit of Olotlum, an Ovorooat- a suit of Under'wear, a Stylish Hat, or anything else in the line of Men's JFurnishinga, it will pay you to call on uh as....... ...... We are the Clothiers of Essex. We have also an extra fine line of Ladies' Under-wear, Hose, GIovoh, etc., and Special Valuos in Flannels, yarns, Sheetings and blankotH. Our Grocery Department ^^ As usual, is well stocked with choice, fresh G-oods. Remem ber we import our Teas direct, hence thoir exceptional valuos. Visitors to the Exhibition^"^^ Are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods and get our prices, YOURS FOB BARGAINS, * i '$ 4 % re * * Tho total dution oolloornd on alo, borr and othor malt liquorH in Ouniula during tho yoar ondin Juno HOtli, 18'ltl, waH $57, Odfi ; witin of all kindn, $210,177 ; npintuouB lnjuorH, $1,912,721; total, 82,211,108. A A TRAPPtirS STORY. CALLING TIT AT ISMTAUjS MUCJU IIAUUSUIP AND uxrosuitrc. One Case In Wliich the fcxposurc Urouglit on Ln Urlppc untl Serious After I roubles- How the Victim Secured lienewetl Ifealtli. from tho Broclivlllu ltDoonlor, Rockport in hut a amall haralot, but it has achieved a wide reputation owing to tho fact that it in situated in tho vory heart of tho far-famod Thousand iHlandti, and for thin reason attracts during tho summer monthb hundrodn of ploanuro seekers. Among tho reHi- dcutaof tlio village none is bettor known than Wilson Root. During tho Riim- mor months ho followH tho occupation of an oarHman, and none knows bettor than he tho haunts of tho gaiuey hasd and pickerel. In tho -wintoi and spring months ilr^Itoofc follows tho occupa tion of trapping and this pursuit re- rrniroB one to bo out in nil sorts of weather, aud iu tho water frequently at a tinio of tho year ^lieu tho -water is nono too warm. As a result of a wotting Mr. Root took a severe cold which developed into la grippo, which took such a firm hold upon bin systom that for a time he was unablo to loavo tho house. His kidnoya becamo afl'oct- od, aud be suffered from sovero pains across his back. There was a feoling of continuous tiredness, which no amount of rost or sloop Boomed to re lievo. Tho appotito wns ilclclo, and there was an indisposition to exertion or work. A number of remedies woro tried, ono after tho other, but without 'any beneficial results. At this juncturo a friend strongly advised that Dr. "Wil Hams' Pink rills bo given a trial. Thoy had cured thousands of others, and why not ho V Acting on hia friend's suggestion Mr. Root procured a single box of the Pink Pills, and bolero all were urod felt an improvomout. This oncouiaged him to persevere with tho troatmont, and after tho uso of a few more hoxes of tho pills Mr. Root found his health fully reatoiol,all the pains and aches bad disappeared, and with thoir disappearance came ronowod strength and activity. Mr, Root says . ' I firmly helievo Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to be unsurpassed an a modieino and I advise any who aro ailing to give it n fair and honest trial." Dr. Williams* Pink Pills utrike at tho root of tho disease, driving it from tho system and restoring tbo patient to health nud strength. Tu cases of par alysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, orysipo- las, scrofulous troubles, etc., tlioso pills aro auporior to all othor treat ment. Thoy aro also a spocitlo for tho troublos which make tho livos of so many women a burden, and speedily restore tho rich glow of health, to palo and sallow chocks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or oxcoflsoe, will find in Pink Pills a cortain euro. Sold by all doalora or sent by mail postpaid, at fiOo. a box, or six boxes for ijJ&.ftO, by addressing tho Dr. Williams' Modieino Company, Brookvlllo, Out., or Schen ectady, N. Y. Bowaro of imitations and substitutes alleged to bo.;,"just as good," AT SALE OF DRY GOODS For Next 30-days FRANCIS.' -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Straw and Felt Hat at Cost. Boots and Shoes to z: at A Price. Prints as Low as 5c Fast Colors. Ginghams, " 6c " GROCJSr^IISS Always Fresti..... 25c. TEA Best in tlio Market. ii JiAKS " ttcli|>H" Soap for B8c. 'Comfort" " iioc. <; a o Our Own Electric," for 25c. AGENT FOR...... Iliglicm Price Paid for Produce, J j Vaiioo'H Old Stand, Emsox. FRANCIS. -RlioumatlHin Cured IxiaDas. South Atnericuu Khoumatio Ouro, (or llheumatinn and Neuralgia, tudioally euros in 1 to a days. Its action upon tho Hyhtem m lomaikahlo uud rayntonouH. It removoB at onoo tho cauuo and tho ditioimo immediately dinappouru. Tbo first dose Krcatly benofits. 7j oonts. Scld by ,1, Thoruc. HANDWICMI BAST. At 2 o'clock Wodnonday morning, tho baruo tiod Htahlon of Hobort Bt. Lnuio, on Donuall road near the Grand Mnraie, wore totally dostroyed by flro Throe hornos, sovoial cows, two buggies and a oarfc, all Inn imploraonts and tha noaHon'n oropci woro loot. Tho flro wao ilrot neon by a neighbor, who uloo notod that Loth barn doorft woro open. Tha ilro ih Huppoaod to bo inaondiary. Mr. St. Louiii wan onoc baforo tho victim of an iucoudinry Uro. VINUWMCVK SOIJ'M'KI. Gilbert Boauaohol and Mian Vaudoliudor woro joined in tho holy houdH of matri mony on TuuHdny of laHb week, by Hov Fr. Villonouvo. Laut Friday afternoon, John Conncru, who livoii about a half milo from Maid- Htono CroHH, had hm dwolling and it oou- lonto oomplotoly doHtroyod by flro. Tho lire sturtod from tho chimney, nud all offortfj to Bavo tho buildinft woro iu vain.' Tho Ions will ho considerable, Tho bondora for tho now town hall at OlrtauRtlo woro ononod at tho Hpooial moot- itif( of tho oouuoil on Mouday oveniiiR. ThoVo woro 17 tondorw submitted tho low est boing that of John Wortley, of Efiaos:, for 8040, aud tha contract wan awarded him. Tbo building it* to bo of brick, 9a by .Ifl ft. with 13 ft. pouts and id to bo com pleted by the lnt of Novombor. lOeCurcsGotiHtiimtiouund Liver II1H- Dr. Aguew'H Liver 1*1118 are the moHfc mirfeot mado, and oure like ma^io, Biok ueadaohe, Oonntipatioiif BUiouauesflt Indignation and all Itiverllls. 10 cents a vial 40 doeem. Sold by J. Thorne. fiS&fcft' ' i....... mi m\b *^ iAbfas>- ,'i>'iy-. j .? Cull and got a froo damplo of Kalada Tea at ,T. A. Franoin. MarrlatxeH. Davih V.mvtx. on Wotlnoiiday, Bortflinbor llflth, oy Itov. Or 1'iuicoo, Mr Win, A. UuviH, of Mor- noft, to Minn Lottlo To fry, of Unuox. '-" " ' ~ SnloKeulfltor. Auction iiato of farm Btook and imnle- nionta, tho propoi ty of tho lato Wm. D. O'Nuil, on lot 2 in tho Otli coiicoHiou of Sandwich South, on Tuesday, October Gtb. i'rank MoOIoHkoy, anotionoor. Auotion oiilo of hoiiHohold furniture and offootii at Iho runidontio of George Barth, Alioo atroot, Ehuox, on Saturday, Ootobor 3rd, at 1 p.m. (Sinclair A' Oonnloy, auo tioacore ; Geo>p;o Barth, proprietor. d r 6pbJ2 c lift edT tl TriR Untloriilfinoil lapropiirodtoouroiill oilmb "ifj 'of Watur JJiopny whothorof louKor short M dnrtition. Abuolutoly no oIiuvko uuIchh tho tintl- ^ >f\- out in oiitirtdy mid pormanoiitlyouroil. JAMES ,1 CAMPniUlih. Oottftui. Out. HO : i , ,...-------------- i] Eshojc ttlurlcet. \ .1 Wheat rod por huohol ....^J B5 to 65 , j] Wheat, whito .... 65 * A Oorn .... 26 \L Oatn .... 15 to 15 tyl Timothy Buod ___ 1 30 ' ""t-l Olovor Baud .... -1 00 to 4 00 ^ flay pur ton............ 8 00 to 8 (K) Alaiko .... IJJ to 3 60 ty*M lioof per owt............ 't 50 to 6 00 J 8 Pork Live woujht........ 3 CO to 8 60 - tV Mutton .......7..., COOto 500 iCL JUidoa ............ 250 -^h'M OhlokouB per lb..,....... 7 8 * 'Wj Bettor .......... 13 13 ;Ui Lard .......... 8 8 '"JA MUM, per don.......... 12 ^ff Potatoou, por buuhel .... 10to 40 "5^5 Omona .... CO to 50 V$r3 Apples ----- UOto 20' <& 1'urnipa .... fito 26 << j$U Ourrotu ... ^ 40 '.W* Turkeya por lb.......... 8 to 9 m Duokn .......... 7 ,(.f Oelerv per do^ ......,.w 1 00 ' ^ Wool ......., i W. J, Wiglo & Qo. have an" immense,, ^ range of hatfl and gents' fumiBhinga. *

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