nk Ifjojit Iboho Lewis of Sntyna, OMo, t&hiy roBpocted all through that Mrttfon. Hoboj lived in -Clinton Co. Tft yenra, aud has been, president-of ^ the Sub in a Hank SO yearn. Ho gladly k{: tetinop ta tho merit of Hood's Saraa- ;"parlllat and what ho says la worthy attention. All 1 train workers And Hood's Saranparlllft peculiarly adapted to their ncedn, H makes pure, rich, b,'Ted blood, and from thin comes toorvu, I': inental, bodily and digestive strength. st"'-" "Jamgltul to say that Hood'* Barsupa- jrtlli 1b a very ood medio I no, especially ^ Ma blood purlflur. It has done mo good many tlma. For sovoml yttatA I suffered :: greatly with p*lng of Neuralgia In ono eye and about my tomplea, es- . poolally at nltfht whem I hud boon having1 a, hard day of physical and montnl labor. Itookmanyroniodloit, but found help only In Good's Sarwapurllla which cured rnoW 1 rheumatism, nouriilfjdn. and hendncho. Hood's Sorfiaparlllahnu proved lbfc-If t&tvuo , friend. J ulno tako Hood'H Pills to koop my bowels regulur, nud llko tho pUht Tery muoh." IbaAo Licwni, Sahluu, Ohio* Hood's Sarsaparilla Jflthe Ono Trim WUun\ purifier. AlldruKKfoti. |l> Prepared only by C. I.Hood aco.,Lowull, Mafl. fcl.l-.M "I I. Hl. U i> N*<< aro Pi*0,npt< offielont and nOOCl $ WlIIS oiuy In<>/root. aooent*. Canadian. Brultoraun Kemp full off a train near Wplhmd on Friday nnd wuh killed. Arthur I'funt.itiH, IU yearn of ngn, who murdered Thoman Lin^ard near Cobourg, in ijuno last, has boon found guilty of mur- I at fit. Joachim, dor in tho firHt dc-jp-eo, and nmitonced to bo han^orl on December 17th. UOCJHlCSTfUl COUNCIL. Bt. Joachim, Hkpt. lath; Counoil mot, pursuant to adjournment. Deputy Hoovo Dowlurut .and .Coun. Tja- douaour woro ubwotit attorn! iuj{ court iu Haudwloh. Minutonapprovod. Oomruuu- luitionti woro road from: IWvo Urown, o( GohuoUI North, re Bijyor Orutik Drain ; Oloary & Bnthorlund, claiming (Iiihu^hb for K, BurruLfc, dono to bin liiudu by tho uoimtruotiou of tho Itutuiomb Bruin; Olarlto, Ilarllot A Unrllofc, ra dainapun dono to II. H. KniHtor'H laud, lot lit, H, M. Jt. U. Kniulor'H uonipliihvt wuh laid ovor till nuxfc moating, owhitf to all tin) raomborii not luring prt'Hont. Kouvo miido bin vopoi'b re- thu cleaning or Silver Crook. Tin had mot tho Itoovo of Mornnu, hut tho Iloovti of OoHiloId. North oouht not attoud. Gonllold objootod.owinK to tlio latonoiiu of tho una- uon. Moritoa would bu willing to tako tho tnattor mi a proper potition. Ijoandrn '1'ohhIo wanttt a ditch .alontf tho 7th con, road, nornim lot '27. Mr. VViliton wim np- noiulod to iuvoti(*iLto Mr, Tcnuior'ti com plaint, with powor to tako action. 0. Ilod. Halt and J. Wart?) applied for.chant/ for ono Bnocalo. Counoil ^rantod 65, By-law No. 210, to-ruin thu Hoyoral liohool. ratoii, road and paimod. Mr. WUhou wuh ompow* urod to repair bridge botwnou lot 15, 7, con. ,'i, ho to Uho bin own judumout whothor to iiini timbor or tilo. D. Bollomorc applied to have a ditch cloaiiod out m front of hii] proporty. Mr. Sylvontro who appointed to look into D. Bolhimpro'u ro- qucnt, with powortoact. Acoountopaoapd: V. Arpunti^ny, S'ifi, ropairin^ bridyo ovor Diick Crook; W, O. Crawford, $0.81, powor pipe; .T. D. A. Dowel, $1-1, court of ruyiiuou aHHOfiotnont roll, bwo tripa to Windtior, niootiiiji Bocivoil of Monica and Goahold aud ponta(.;o; Q. Hodriok, 91, roturuint; P. M. liul ; if. WasH, 81, do ; LooIh Trndoua, 31, do;T. Bollomoro, $1, dQ; Kd. Hraith, ft7, repairing bridyo, 6th con.; B. Du- oharmo, S15, making roport*and dmtribut- ingnnrpliiH money Potto dram. Counoil adjourned to moot on Saturday, Oct. Slut, By=Law No. 248. " .!?.y,'f>.'. ICccil ilio Nervi-tt Upon pure, rich blcod and you ueod not fuar norvoua prostration. 'KcryoH aro woak when tboy are improperly and insufficiently nouriyhod. Puro blood in their proper food, and puro blood cqiiu'h by taking Hood'n Sarnuparilla, which iti thus tho greatest aud bout norvo ton*c. It also buildn up tho wbolo nyiitem, Hood'a Pilln aro the favorite family cath artic, oaoytu tako, cany to operate. .Insist on having juat wha*; you call Tor when you ^o to buy Hood'n SarBapunlla,' tho Ono True Blood Buniler aud nerve touio. ------------------------------------------ -------------------------^^,--------------------------------------------------------------------- <2os(mti* sor in coijncxkj. Satuiidai', Ai;i, 20th. Counoil met in regular session. Mum- 4tboru preuout, Boevt- Fox, Deputy-lloevo ' ShankH, aud Councillors Or ton and Loom, ing. MinnteH of last meeting read and on motion of Menurs Shank* and OrLon "ndopted. Moved by Mr. Shmiku, necondcd by Mr. Orton, that council tako no action ro potition of Capt, Ivoh, aud othera unless coHtd in thomattor are guaranteed. Suv- . oral accountH were prenented and ordcrR granted. Dr. l'\ A. Wigle addreHHed council and requested that aomethiug bo dono Eor the relief of tho McOall family of Ruthvon. floury Bogura camplained of wator Htauding in front of Inn place, and Mr. Orton wuh appointed to look after tho innttor. Leroy Pluliprt said culvert 011 Hlderoud wuh not long enotiuh, and that two more sewer plpi-n were needed. He wuh given an order fur the pipe. Ife also wanted hif) BtaLulo labor commutt-d, aud Mr. Orton was appmutcd comininHiouer. Alex. Allen Hnid water flooded liitn and Wanted road ditch opentul opposite bin plaoo. Gto. Oxley inudu application for a loan of 5100 under Tile, Stone aud Timber Drainaco Act. Tho application wuh granted. By-law No. 7i>, to proyide for county ratuH, aUo torairie and .levy fuutla to defray enrreut cxj'^hboh of uuiuicipHlity alno to provide for the levying of SuliotJ ,- ratcn for the dilTurent School urctionH, wan jiatitieJ. On motion, the Tre'i.-mrer wa.-; inottucted to place in general fund U10 tuir- pins now to crtuit of drain:i. (Jo motion of.MeHura, ShiuUitj and Orton, tho huitj of 525 wiifj granted for purpose of gravelling on 1th con. Council adjourn, il. FASHION JOURNALS CALL AT TENTION TO BROWN SHADES. You Get tho Beat Colors from Diamond Dyes^ The fauhion journalu aro agrood that tho bent tiliaeen of Ilrowna will ho in favor an Fall colorn thin year. Thouiiiuidn of women aro not in a poni. tion ihiancially to pnrohaoo wow 'lrenaoa from soaHon to nouiiou, and no havo to coij. tent themHelvert with very (dioap mntoriahi that rarely come in tho now ahadoa, or wear tlioir old coHtumen. 1'or the benefit of womon goncrnlly, it may be atated that laut hcuqql'h drenncH ean.^vith little work or tronblo, bo txann- formed into ntylinh coatumoa for Autumn wunr. Tlie HrHt great eanontud in to ^ot tho right color. This part of the work can bo done with tho uovor-failing and reliable Diamond Dyes, which produeo tho ncheHt and newfcHt Browns, nuch an Seal Brown, Milan Browu, Bed Brown, Olivo Brown, and Amber Brown. No trouble to have a drew equal to new, if you uhg the Diamond Dyot*. Do not ex perience with the common imitation dyoo that Homo dealerH aell. The Diamond Dyew give the heat colorn, and they coat no more thau the poor and deceptive dyon Hold for tho huIco uf large profita. Auk for the "Diamond" ; refuHO all otheru. Xt\ Irlnh Giiitltiiiiiui. The Fictile wera all full tmtl ono wan oc cupied by a rou^h-Iooking Irinhman. At one of the atationn a couple of wtll-bred and inttdliu^* looking young ladinH came in to procure tseatH, but aeeing no vacant onoh were about to go into another car when Patrick rouo baatily and offered them hiH Beat with evuleut ploiiHuro. "But you will have no neat for yourself," responded oue of the ladiesj with a mnilo, and with truest pohtenesri hesitating to aetiopt it. ' Never ye mind thai," said tho Hibernian **ycr wt.-lcoinu to it. I'd ride upuu tho cow-ketcher any tf/itno from here till Mow York lor tt aruoile from aueh gintlemanly ladies," and retroiited into the noxt car amid tlio applatiHe of tlioao who wiLneaned tho incident. Perhaps the forcgoiiifj; hint to laany ludiea will whow tliat a trifle of pblitcntM-1 huu ofuii a happy cdfect. A BY-/jA W to provide for draining apart of tho Town 0/ JChmx, by the hnprovciiunU of thti Oonjlold North and Maidntono Toumiino Hrahi, and for raining thu tium 0/ $374,, JO far oompUstlng the humo. Provisionally adopted the fat day of Septem ber, 1H0.6. Wiikuuas, complaint hay been made by Thoni:iii Irwin ami \V. J. Johnston, owners, an lilibwn by the tust revised nsseamuunt roll of the properly hereinafter yet forth to be ben efitted by the pulling in better repair of the CoKflelri. North aiul MuldKtone Townlme drain, have nolificd the council of the Town of Kssex, that Ihc said drain wan very much out of repair, aud requested l|ie uaid munici pal council tr, pul the said drain in repair as iioon as; possible. AM) Wiikkka.s, thereupon the municipal council of tlie Town of Essex caused an ex amination to b made by Jame;; S. Laird, P. L, S,t lieing a person competent for such pur pose of Hie said locality proposed to he drain ed by the improvement of said drain, and hat: also procured plans and estimates of.the work to be made by the said James H. Laird, and an assessment to he made by him of the real property to he benefitted by the improvement of the said drain, staling, as nearly us lie can, the proportion of benefit, which; in bin opinion, will he derived in comitquchce of such im provement, !>y every road or lot, or portion of lot, the said assessment so made being the assessment by this by-law enacted to be a.i- Kcsijd ami levied upon the lots and parts of lots hereinafter especially set forth and des cribed, ;^nd the report of the said James S. Laird is as follows: To the Mayor and Council of the Town of Ks'.eK, in Council assembled: (li'.Nii.i.Mi'N, In accordance, with in structions from your honorable body, I have taken the notices signed by Thomas Irwin and W.J. lohnslon and have examined the drain;; complained of in said notices and bej; to report thereon as follows: The drain on the south side of the townline between (jostie)d North and Maidstone, from the north-west angle of the Township of Gos- field Nortli east to the Puce Tap Drain, I found to he very much out 01 repair and in much need of improvement. The drain on the east side of the townline between Gosfiehl North and Colchester North from the said angle, south to near the centre of lot 282 is also out of repair and ought to be improved. I find the cost of putting the said drains in a pood state of repair, all expenses included, to be $.180.50.. Of this amount I have taxed the Township of Maidstone for benefit to roads with '$50: The Township of C.oslield North for benefit to roads with ^Sfj^o, The lands in Liosfield North for benefit with $20 and for outlet with $79.90. The lands in the Town of ICsscx with $38.25 for benefit' and $110.S5 for outlet and tho Town of Kssex for benefit to roads with $97.10 and for outlet wiih $27.90. Accompanying you will find plans, profiles, specifications, estimates, as sessments iind all other papers ncccssnry for guidance in the construction or cleaning (Hit of the said drains. Those drains shall be kept in repair by a taw on the lands and roads in the same proportion as now assessed except the engineer in charge of the repairs deems it necessary to change the proportion. 1 have the honor to~be~; gentlemen, Your obedient servant, f. S: LAIRD, P.L.S. And Wmkkkas, the said council are of opinion that drainage of the locality described is desirable. Be it therefore enacted by the municipal council of llie Town of Ksf-ex pursuant to the provisions of the Consolidated Municipal Act of 1SS3 and amendments thereto: 1st. That this report, plans and estimates be adopted and thu said drain and works con nected therewith be made and constructed in accordance therewith. 2nd. That for the purpose of paying the sum of $149.10, being the amount assessed agninsi the said lands so lo be benefitted as ah>rcsaid, other than roads belonging to the municipality, the following'special rales, over and above all other rates, shall be assessed and levied in the same manner and at the same lime as taxes are levied, upon the undermen- tioned lots anil the amount of the said special rate.-; as afore.snid shall be assessed ami levied against each lot and part of lot in the year ib'f)6. science Science is " knowing how." The only secret about Scott's Emulsion is years of scienccT~'WTien made in large quantities and by im proving methods, an emul sion must be more perfect than when made in the old- time way with mortar and pestle a few ounces at a time. This iss why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil never separates, keeps sweet for years, and why every spoonful is equal-to every other spoonful. An even product throughout. In other oirtulaloti* yoil nn> liable to jret an uneven benefit eltlicr an over or under dose, (let Kcott'tf, Quaulua b* * BuJmotKcolored wrapper* "Goiifield North Drain By-law." and Maidstone Townline |. S. LAIRD, Acting Mayor. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a bydaw provisionally adopted by tke municipal council of the corporation of the Town of Kssex, on the 1st day of September, 1896. JOHN WALTERS, Clerk. NOTICE Is HitUKiiv given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Town Hall, Essex, on Monday, the sSth day of September, 1896, at Ihc hour of 8 o'clock p. m., for the hearing and trial of appeals made against the fore going assessment or any part thereof, in the manner provided by the Assessment Act, a notice of such appeal to be served on the Clerk of this municipality at least ten days before the meeting; of said court. And further notice is hereby given that any one intending to apply to havo such by-law, or any part thereof, quashed, must, within ten days after the final passing thereof, servo a notice in writing upon the Mayor and upon the Clerk of ibis municipality, of his intention to make application for that purpose to one of IJer Majesty's Superior Courts of Law at Toronto during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of this bydaw. JOHN WALTERS, Town Clerk, Dated at Essex, this 1st day of September, 1806. ____ List of lots and parts of lots in the Town of Esses assessed for the rep-airing of Maid stone and Ciosfiehl Townline Drain from Mr. Naylor's mill east to the Puce out let, and also the repairing of the Col chester and Gosfiehl Townline Drain from Mr. Naylor's mill, south across part of lot 2X2, o O Serves You KitflUt If you will let that pain in your buck go on ovorlantingly in tho face- of ovidoncc Hlto thin. , You may havo u lame bach, headache or porbap<i a litttlonn, worn-out, doue-up fooling all tho time. Yon havo a family doctor. Una bo helped you ? Your doctor ban pationtu ho troubled, ho havo we. . lie calk) on them frequently, bo do wo. Here in thodifforeuco, wo tell the rct-ulta of our yisitH ; toll it to tho buffering public ; toll it openly. Hero in ono of. our vimtH : Mr. J. tr. Sloan, of Enticx, Out., ataten; "'20 years ago I hurt my back while liTting a heavy weight. Binco that time I havo bad kidney aud urinary difficulty almoht constantly, growing woiho year by year. "Tho dootorn said I had strained tho lining of my kulneya, I bud tcrriblu pain In tho Hrnall of.my buck. Tho urino wan hicib-colorod.and earned a heavy Bodiraent. Truly I have Hufb-red awfully during tl'.o past twenty1'yearn, and wuh unable to ob tain relief from any of tlie many methoda which I have reported to. "Doan'H Kidney Pilhi, which I procured at Khernu'1'drufrHtore, are the only modi, cine which havo i-ver given me relief and comfort. "They have removed the pain from my hack, clcuiiHcd tho urino, and mado mo fuel hotter m ovory way. T am pleaned to give my evidence m to their virtnen, be- cause I think it in only due to such a re- rnarknble remedy to tell bow it curr-d my cane which I comndor wuh one of tho moat difficult on record." WE T; SIMrSOH, MfirmfnciiKor of Poh- tor'Hputnat Uolon Artificial Iambs ll'-Sv Ml MuUu nt , 'Do- rl|)tlvn !iLf.idoe;in)R'[iiid 1'lankfl for mr.Uinu iipnllcatlouii. fnr UovormmiiiL unlorri for Minim itml tmiiftiKirtittlou or cfiiiimitiLtlon Uuirfifnr mint fnxt on ui'plioiUloa FOR TWGim^riEAWr DUNN'S vm DER * M 'V-'., THEROOICSBEST FRIEND la;;c t SaC in Canada. Are You Building* ? \Vn run supply you with nil kinds of Woodon Material, plain mid oiniinicntiil. Pino, Hfrnlork niul native Lumber" alwaya on hand. Kliinfj'ea, Codar Pcbik Doory iSfiiili and Coal. Important tO Farmers. We have juab got in a flrsfc-claag line of barn lumber at 12 per M. l*\. We Make Screen Doors and Windows That wil] last a Life-tiine. Laing Bros. ' % ' "3i =53 Jas. McMurray AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR N& ^ 7)K Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and PLEMENTS, Drills. Best Plows \t\ tl"\e Mnrkel. I;T i rt**C1 ass Fa.rm Wex fton 1 % Farmers Should See EMy Stock Before Purchasing. ALSO DKALKU I^ (3,aKxxDys,a.. Stoves^ Witx^waKe General TinHmithing and Eepairing attended to. tt^Sr1* North of Railway Track, - - Essex. !* &o, "".....*"-- - CI'------------------- He and His Family are Wonderfully Blessed, by Using Paine's Celery Compound. Clergymen of all tho various Clnistiiui dtmominiitiotiii liuvo from tiuiu to timu .givcii thti btronyont o t.cmtimotiy iu favor o 1'hujo'h Culury Coinpmtnd. No other mcdiciuq of tho prt-nent dny Huh ever been 00 highly hpolvL'ii of, and ho non<--mlly ru- cbmmended hy tho clur^vincn of Cuniidu, aal'tiiun'u Culury Compound. 'X'ho houCGt, prompt and td'fectivu renulta that tuo ulwayB obtained by tho uhoi-h ot Paino'o Compound cull forth imsUntud praiao, dftor health, vi^or aud liappinohH tako thq pJnoo of hicIiuohh, woiiIiiichh and diHoaso. Iu all tho church purinhea of our oouutry, ulor^ytuen aro rpuiotly uprouding tho joyful uowb that Fuiue'H Cultry Com pound bftuiahon ill health and makun ptjo- plo wull. Jutit horii it ia inipurativo that wo aouud a uotd of warum'g for tho bouolit of all who dotermiuo to unci Puino's Oolory Compound, an thoro aro miherublo aud dt-ccptivo oulery prepuratioiiH nold in hoitio placon. Bo Hiiro you uhIc for "Paino'H," tho kind that cureii; una that tho mtmu in on each bottlo you buy. The Uuv. O. A. Huhlipf, o Killaloo, lien- frew Co., Out., wrtton an followH: "I havo much ploaourc in mating that 1 have Ufuscl Puiiiu'H Colury Compound with tfrand r<?4ultH. Some time a^o, Iobh of ap- potito and aymptoran of kidney trouble aud urinal diHturbunotiu mado lifo minor* ablo. Having hoard muoh about tho vir tuoo of Paino'fl Celory Compountl, I pro- cured a supply and uood it with wonderful bunellt. "I am ploatictl to nay thuttho Compound wao productive of ^reat roimltn in ray fam ily aq a homo medicine; all aro much nleuH- od with it." Block 72 Ian ii'it'iLoi 1 to 16S n pi 109 s pt 169 Lois l.Sl lo 211 a, i;.v c 207 ! lo }0 2SSI Lois .^ lo 15 it llksHo,Si*3 2*)2, LolS I (Of) JS5 I to I? .JoO 1 lo ^5 H^LS I to .235 5 to .11 3-I-: f to 7 30.j l t2;| -i(^25 to 37 .^3 3 tn-17 I.lock O5 06 67 ns 69 70 71 7S 76 7S 79 3 S.1 S5'cpt 85 w pt pari lot 2S3 strents in Essex lS"-\. 2-5 1- i-5 ^ rt ?* $ 2^ If> So .JO 40 J 00 30 J) 15 ALFRED WALKER, ESSEX, ONT., BKOH TO ANNOtf.N'CiH TTI\T HK rH HOLK Afjimt (or I ho 'I'owritihipH of OnulkiM North, C!i>Ielifi.'it(<v N'nrLli kikI llin Nortli Ititliii-; of Khso'C County, nxtM-pt. Sandwich Wont and fiutulwieli HoutlT'i'mvunldpii, for tlio Van Wajconer Wire Fence ami that liu ih propurod to put up Dm foucu ii5 utiii :ii pur rod. I l tj 1 1 t 1 5*-i' 7A 11 13 20 '3 5 1 k 1 50 Vi 7 75 2.1-5 (> 00 1 1-2 3 00 1 3 00 S 1-2 5 "0 1 -2 23 1-2 1) no 111-2 3 00 7 1-3 = V 3-1 2 1-2 5 1 14 1-2 46 1-2 07 i I ho no 1 70 3 50 40 3 70 70 7 5n 7 .S 3 IJ 1 00 4 65 2 00 I 00 60 5 i<> 3" 14 10 7 CO 4 4" 1 35 45 1 50 3 oq 60 8 70 27,90 A i'ar-iM'oiii^ editor appoalod to hin mib- n ribor-i in thin nniquo way : "If you huvn fr.'f|U0ut hnndachHh, diz/Jnotni and fuiutin^ fiptdls, nouornpanu.'d by ohilln, oliilhlaiiiH, epilopity, and jaundioii it in a v>iM'i that, you aro not woll, but uv^ liable to din at any moment. Pay your Kubsnnption a year iu adVHtico, aud thus iriuko yonraolf holid for a ^onrl obituary uotici;." Trm rrrrrryr * ttttttt tttt TTTTTTrrrn-rrrrr ttt r * e ^ril. Lor the purpose of paying the sum of $125.00, heinp the total amount assessed against streets in the Town of Essex, a suf ficient special rale, over and above all other rates, shall be levied in the same manner and at the satnu time as taxes arc levied, upon the whole ratable property in the Town of Kssex in the year 1S96. 41I1. That this by-law Khali he published once in every week for four consecutive weeks in the Essex Free Press, and shall come into force on and after the final pacing thereof, and shall he known and may be cited ns tlie Up* riniiiiw.irn-v oS la invaluable If you aro run: I down,, as it.Is a food aswollas: : a modlcino. ; \ The D.-& L, Emuls3on : Will build you up if your jjeucral health in = - impaired. : \ Tho DB St h* Emulsion : - Ifl tho bout and inoiit palatable proparatlon of ; : Cod Liver Oil, ui;n:ln[J with tho niostdoll-; catoQtomacliii. : ; The D & L. Emulsion : :iBrjroacrlbod by tho leading phyaloiunaof ; ' I Tho DM fit Lp Emulsion ] : la a inarvoHouo fleah produoor and will (jlvo ; : you an apputU.o. GOc- Sc &1 po- tJotilo : Be mire you VMI DAVIS & UV^BEWE Co., LTD.: : tho (jenxiiuo | montretal : JUU'MJ'UI1 liiiiiiinmiHHH1'"1'"^ 60 Washington Ave., DETROIT, MICH. If you are tired of bcinff humbugged and nmltrcatcd by quacks and il* , postorb, consult us. We have nutcle the treutrnqnt of all chronic disease^ tl study of our life. If you are in uoed of .honest treatment we will jytve It yQ\; Our staff consists of seven eminent specialists, and their combined vnwlom ; lirouffht to bear in all complicated, difficult or doubtful cases. ConmillaAk' free either at Institute or hy maiU If you cunuot call, scud stanip ft, iiucstion blank. , Our charges for treatment vary from SS to $30 per* mouth either by ma ' or at Institute. Only curable cases are accepted, and a cure iu guaranteedj everv case undertaken. P. S. Sond 10 runts for our Iittlo ilhiBtruted booklet on-Steam Nulmlimtlon, allowing thoW- jKint of Ciitarrli, Catarrhal-deafnoad, Bronebitla, Anlhma and OonMUtnpftQ'. rational and micronsful tniiituu FOB, FINK JOB^BIMTINO Yon caii-aot do "better than call V^i ;rm iSM^^ ' ^# . :, tfw^^wm