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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 25, 1896, p. 2

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IP Ijipp^ i *& ' I, if'-'/ ' 1v; l , - STOLE A SPEECH. Ap Ainunlnie Incident of the Pril<lfmtlftl <Jun>i>itl)i) of lH^A, BnciU In tho oiimpititfii <tf 1870 I wiw tamkin'tf a Unit* of tho' WOHt with Oliver P. Morton unci Gem'go Bhnridim, one of tho brightest HpoukorH tho American .piutform hua 'ovor known, who ucoom- puniod him *o do thu "funny hnfumsHH." Senator Morton would unuully talk for &u hour a dull, turgid, heavy rtinnnn- Bion of tho financial problom,.followed by an attack upon tho DomnorutH of tho flouth for thoir inhuman treatment of tho negro! By tho timo ho hud finished tho audience would bo soiikod with wine Bdvico mid vahiahlo information, but every. spark' of enthuHitwm would bo rjuenchod., Thon Goorpjo Sheridan would tuko tho platform iuul wuko them up. jffor mi hour tlioy would roar with laughter or Hit with thoir mouths open, fiwoimitud by bin flights of fancy. It was a ruro combination. Ouo night, at tor wo hud boon out for a couple of ' weeks, I think . at Fort Wayno, Sheridan Hiiid : "Senator, Iwinh you would lot mo Kpouk first tonight. I want to go out into tho country with eomo friends." "All ri^ht/' replied Senator Morton cheerfully. "You iirmngo it with tho chairman of the mooting." But Winn Sheridan took tho platform and hr^aa to deliver Mortou'H speech, Word for word, an tho latter hud deliver ed it every night for a fortnight, tho Senator beLHuno very uneasy. He gavo4ill Mortou'H argument a against tho infla tion of the; currency and in favor of tho K'Kuinptiou of npecio payments; ho re cited nil f,ho KturementH concerning tho outrages iu tho south; ho ropeated all of tho personal remimNccnens of hit* exper iences as governor of Indiana during the war, which the senator wuh uccus- tomeil to work in until tho latter wan almost . paralyzed with chagrin and ftmuzoinont, rind finally, when lie Touch ed n point in the discussion of tho finan cial problem where Morton wuh jiooum- toiimd to compare aPompoiian gold coin With a United Htatcs greenback, ho turned to the astonished victim of thi.q practical joke and Huid in an undertone, -^Let-^ hiivo tliat coin." Tho senator handed it over without a murmur, and, When Sheridan had recited tho eloquent peroral ion which ho a J way k ukoc! at thu clone of his speech and had taken his Heat, .Senator Morton hobbled over to tho dcHk on his two cumin and naid: "I inn tho victim of a practical joke, focalizing tho gravity of tho issues be fore the American peajyle, I canio into this oaiupaign with a carefully prepared speech, which I have delivered in Mr. Sheridan'a heaving ho often that be has committed it to memory* and ho has delivered it hero tonight much better than I could have delivered it. Hu also is iu the habit of making tho buuio Speech,, and X huvo heard it many times, but I lack his memory and could not "repeat it, to save my life. I will there- lore appoid to him not to puniHh you as he bun punished mo, abut togivo'usHomo of his stories, " < ..Then the ^reat statesman nut down, thoroughly knocked out. Hheridun ro- Gponded and spoke half an hour longer, With his joke as his text, and after that if any ono suggested hiti speaking first Senator Morton would tell this stury.- Chicago Record. GRANT RAIDED THE PARTY. How tlio <lni<iritl Oilm> Itrokn XIp un Vn* iriutlii^ 1'okttr <Oittii<i J. I'1,.^...Lilliura_.tollft tho "following poker story. sayH tlio San IFrahoiHOO VViivo: "General Grant once hvtorforod in a nuwt unwarranted and arbitrary man ner witli a poker game that was paying mo a big profit," said Andrew Dannor, ' 'U.was nh< irtly after the huttlo of Hhiloh, and weOonfedttwero fooling protty bad ly down in the mouth. I wan on tho ad* vancod picket lino ono bright moonlight night, nnd tho Van 1th had u pout only a fw hundred yards away. Wo shot at each other until wo got tired of tlid Hport, thon wo swapped newspapers, coffee and tobacco. A darodovil young Yankee corporal walked right into our post, Hat down on a log an uncohcernod uh you please and asked un if wo knew how to play draw poker. Did we? Wo rather thought wo did. Had wo any greenhiiekK? A few. Tlven he pulled out a deck of curds, and wo fiat down to play. Pretty soon another Yank canio ovor, then another, until there were six of them, nnd wo all joined in mid playnd a wido open game, forgetting that tho cruel war waH not over. "Luck came my way, and I hoou hud ovory body but tho Vankco corporal broke. The rest wore squatted round, blue and gray, watching tho gnmo.whiMi there caiao that ugly 'c-1-l-iok ick' ko familiar to'the soldier'w ear. Wo looked up, and there Htood a Yankee sorgeant with four men, their muskotfj cooked, 'Members of tho l^orty-niuth, consider yourselves under arrest,' nid tho Ror- geant. H)h, eomo now, sergeant,' tlio corporal h(!gan,wheu a horKoman reined Up behind tlio guard, and ho concluded, 'General Grant, by hokey!' Tho blue- coats (jot uj) looking like a lot of whip ped schoolboys and saluted thoir com mander, who eyed them as sternly as a nphiiix They filed in front of tlio guard and started for camp. When their backa were turned on him, Grant removed the cigar from his mouth, and, with a cynical smile, aHked tho Confederate nearest, him, 'Who'H ahead?' 'Oh, wo are,' replied tho defender of tho stum nnd burn. 'Thoao chumpn you've brought down hero can't play poker a little bit. But they can light, general,' I remarked. 'Have to sometinica,' naid Grant dryly and rotlo away." Township of Colchester North. BY-LAW No. 326. HOW PEOPLE REST. iV BY-LAW to provido for druiiiiign work in tho Tcnviuihip of Oolnhofitor North iu tlio County of Kimox and for borrowing on thu orodit of tho IVlunici- pality tho iiiim of UlH'i.fji! for ootnplct* ing tho iiiimu, IVnvlnloniLlly ndnptoil tlin IBth day of Bopt , A. t). ntnti. Wi'ihuwah, notion in wiittii(( ban biinii hvv*h1 t>y J-'riLiiniit Uwfli)t, Km]., upon, tlio Muulolpid Oomiotl of tho Towmihli) of (Jolahnittnr North, notlfvhm tlHim tlutt if tlmy did not lmprovo tli<> Cridu'H Crt\t\\c driiln, wldnh wiui ovnrllowin^ bin IilikIh ami (lumiL|[ln(! 1dm thatlio would bvlnft un nation for dumiifi"" iM;ainnt thorn. AmdWjii'.hiuii,thnrinuion mild oounoil haiinrn- nut'od an nxitmliiatlmi to bo in ado liy .T.R. haird, O. Tj. fl., bohiK Hiirfion (jnmprttont fornuoh pnr- poiui.of naid icon ]u-npouod t-oljadniiuod.und tie* nioiimi iiui;(!(?ntml for.tlimtralnniii) tlnuoof, mid of otlior liuidii nnd rondii llablo to ajiJioiumuMit oiidiu tlitii act, and liaii ahio pt-nnurod piano, if|incillciitio!ifi and fiiitimntitri of tlio drtdnuno wni'k tn ho nmdfi t>y inifd .1. H. TjiLttd, O.Tj.H, and an miiKiimmnnt to bo nmdci by ldin of tho IflihIii and roadn to bo ImiHitUtnd by imoli drahui " wovlt and of other linalu and rondo II- nblo for contrUmtinn chnroto, ntntinrf, an nour- Ivanhooau, tlui prnportton of tioufiiit, outlut llutijlity and injuring liability, wliloh iji bin opinion, will lm dorivud or inourrod lit ooncin- fiminoo of Hiioti draliinjio worlt, Ijy ovory rind nnd ]nt,or portion of lot, tho naid aKtioitfintont no niiirto boitii: tlio nniioniiiiioiit liorolnaftor bv thin by-law ouactod to bo aiuioiiiiud and lovlod upon tho rondo and ,1otn or jiartu ot lotn, horninaftor in that Indiulf aiipucinlly not forth iiii*l ilomxriliori, and tho roport of tho mild .1. H. I^aivd, OJj.s,, in roiipfict tl-oroof and of tlio naid drninat-jo worlt bninj; ait followfi: To tint Hoove and Munlctpii] (loiinfiillorii of tlio Towmdiip of Coluhohtor North, in council ufintunblud; Gmntlkmi'.h In accordiir.co with ltiHtructionii frr in your bonoyabln body, acting upon a notion front I'rancni Bwuot, Kiuj., I huvo oxamlnod Cralu'ii Crook and b|{ to rnport tlioroon an fol- Icjwh: I find tlm naid Oroult oonnUloi'itbly Allnd up throughout it.Fi nutini loniithand townrdii tho Houth ond it In nnarly Jlllod up nltofjothor Thin lit uiontly ciLiinml by tlio raino of tho wtitof iu tho Uivor Canard ilooilinf; buck and provontiiift thowatoi- from Uraiu'it Crook dijicharfjfUR frmily. into tlio Canard. Thin flllJnjj up can novor bo nnivontod until tho IUvuv Cunard in cloanod out and iutprovod tliroiiijlioiit itfi ontiro louj'th. I would thoruforo ruconmioiid that tho Graln'ii Crook bo cloanod out nnd tmproyud In ncoord- mien with tho annoxod planii, profllon and npoc- ilicationu from Jlr. Bwoot'n omit lino, iiouthorly to tho Canard, and that tho naid rivor bo im- provod accordinn to tho annoxod tipo*.iflcaLlomi for fl() roilii, wi!trly from whnru tho improvo* uiuut to Craii:'n Crude, tho naid Canard. Thin will holp to iako tho watur uulcltcr off Mr. Kw oot'ii land and provont it train hoiiifj com- plotoly ruined by thu wutor brought down on it froln tho litffhor litinlii to tint north and onnt and by tho wuturof tho Canard lloo||ii|( lnuik oil it. Thin liiuirovntnnnt will ooiit.ull nxciouiutil Illollidod.yfillH. Of thin ainoiint I havo tnxnd tlio Towmdiip of ColchoHtor North with M'JH.IKi ua In- jurhiff llublllty; Urn lundn in CohdiUMtor North with ^:i7.f<0 UK bonotit, nnd with #-117 mi injurbiK liability. An u iinndl portion of tlio Town of KtiHiix will uno UiIh iniprovmnont, T havo tuxod tlio luitdti uiul roridH In tho mild town with mm Hi nit Injuring liability. Thin drain nhiill ho UoiiL lnro|iuir l)y a tax on tho landn nnd v iikIii now iLHlimiiiod. AiMiOiripunyliui you will ibid pltuiii, prnlUon, ontiiniLtini. iipoolfloalioiiii, nimuimiiiontH nnd all othor paporn nocdiinary for nuldanoo lu tho coniih-iinUan of naid drain and ulim oopion of tbntit all for tint othor municipality intorimtod. IbiLyo tho honor to ho, {{ontlfimon, Your obodlont uorvaut, .TAM10HH r^AIHU, O fi H. Koiiox, Hoptnmbor 10th, WW. Ano Wur.KUAii, tho nuld counoil in of opinion that, tho draluaijo of tho arouii doiioriliod in do- iilriibl*). Thorofnro, tho iiald rnunlolpal couiifiil of tho mild TowiiHhln of Ctdchotitor North,ptirmiaut to tho jirnvlHioiif! of Mio Urabinfju Act, IMll, oiiuotn an followu; Int. Tlio mild roport, plunn, iipoidllimtioiifi an- uniifUiiniitH and nutbiiatoii am horohy udoptod and tho dralnafjo worlt un tliuroln initicati.d and not forth iihall bo nindo anil con/itiuctca in ac cordance tlitiriiwith, '2nd. Tho Honvo of tho tin id tnwmihip may borrow on tlio orodit of tho corporation of tlm naid Towiiiililn of ColohoHtor North, tin: mini or S'inJ^ti, boiiifi tltu ainoiint of fnndn nociisnary for the) wurlt, nnd may fufiun - dohnutiirofi of tho corporation to that amount in muufi of not Iwiil than ^r>ll ftiicli, und payithln within flvo yoani from tho ditto tluminf, with iritoront at tho ratu of (Wo por contain pur uiiiunn, that in to nay Jn (lv ouual iuHtidniontri, imcli 'dobon- turon to bo puyublo )Lt tho branch of tho Imper ial liunlc at tho Town of F.iv.wx iiinito havo at- tacliod to thoiu coupoiiii for tho payiuuut of iu- toroiit. lird. l*'or payiniftho nam of V>:>M tho amount char^nd Uf{alin<t tin- siuid lands and roiulu for htmoilt. and tlio nuui of .-**-tl7. tho amount charfiod aftatnut Urn naid land-i and roads for Injuring liability,apart from tho Iitndnahd toiidn boloiiRinf; to or controlled by tho municiiuLllty, and for covoriiiRintoroiit tltoroon for Jlvo yoarn at tint rato of Hvo por coutuin por annum; tho total iipcoial rato ovor and abovoall othor raton, (dial) bo atiHoimod, Uiyiorl and colhictud (Iu tho namo limnimr nnd at tho namo tinni nn othor taxon aro loviofl and colloctod), upon and from tho uiidorinnntionod lotn and partit of Iot.fi, aiul roadtt, and tlio amount of tho wild total fipoeinl niton and intoront nliall bo dividod into llvn equal piutn and ono imoli partldnill bo anHuiiiiod, lovlod and colloctod uh afornfiald in oaoh your for Hvo yeavfi aftor tho final panning of thin by law, duriuc which tho naid dohuuturott havo to run, " Constipation tauaoi fully lusif thu HlukiuiuU tn the world. . H. reUuii tlio dlKOHturi food too lonj( ui Ujo bowob and uroduoe* blUouiinom, torpid llvtor, Indi- Hood's guifUou bud Uulo, uoatod p^ Unsiio, nluk. hirtiiincbo, In- |^9 m I I ^% lonmln, uU. Hood'n PI1U I I I S V# runulU, oaully nod thoroutfhly. 7&a, All ilruatditu. Proimrud by C. J. Kond m Co., Ixwdll, Mtiiiw. TllO oulv ^tlU tuiMica -B/lUt UuiuVa UawaiuurUU. D UH. MaKlfiNZIM Si .IKNNKU, aALL at s l-'OJt Khh K1NDH 01-' O. McKou/,io, M. I). C. ^f., 'J'rlnlty Uuivornlty, mombor of Cidlocn I'hynkiiimii and Huri.'ooint, Ontario; Oruduato of Now York rout Clrudunto Modloal Collojio; Coronor for tlio County of Unmix. Iteiiidouuu, Talbot iitront, north of rail way, Eniioxv J. Karlo .fonnor, l\r. P.C M., Trinity Cnlvor- nity; M. 0. V. and H. Ontario; Lie. Koynl Collonu I'liyiiioiuiin, Ijondon, Km;.; hit boholurohlp and (iold Medalhit,, Trinity Cnllai;n, nwii; ripjiointod Hoimo Tliyniuian and Hnrcunu, Toronto Gouerul Hospital and Ilonidont Acnoiuibour Ilurmiirlo hylni/.in Hoiipltal, Toronto, pifU. Hpeclalty, dln- eaiinii of womoii and obildrou. Honidonoo, houiio lately occimlod by Dr. IJoWar, Talbot nt., Khhoi. Otllen In Imperial Hank Hlock, riromid lloor, opponito Thorno'H druj; iitoro. Modfulnofi difi- Iionnod tn tho oilioe. Tolophonn oonnoctiou with both olllco and ronidoncon. Private tolo- phono lino hutwoon Cyril Puquotlo'ii liouno and Pan Keunody'fi hoimo nnd olllco. Nifiht culln uttondod to ut olllco or ronldonco. *TTf y .-^ innti W ailX 5CI todowoili for u\i In thin vlolnlty. If thoy havo Iiiuydon nil thu hotter. Addroim "AoviniTiiiKU," JUantford, Ontario. Johnston Bros. i a o o A ^ M O o c 4J o U4 V THE SACRED LOTUS. and Tneyo Are lJrtty LecondH of Sonc Htory About Ita rruit. Uoiioornint,' thu rich fruit of tho lotns, Which grow luxuriantly in tin* Nil", lliany cduirmiu^ lrj^oudH havo bi.-on told. It was holiuvod that it. wuSHouolightiul that tlnirto who ato of it would novor loavc tin: Kpot wlioru it urow, but for it Would aliandon homo and frionda tc Hpond tht'ir livi-a iu a droaiu of sorono Uolij^ht. H'liui'i-, in tho Udysscy, nini- tions tho lutas oatoiri, Vlio livod on tho Tl&'tho'rii oo;u-t of Africa, and n-oordu thoir atti'mjttH to detain tlio follovor.s Of Ulyj-si-'s by ^ivin^ them tlio fruits of tho lotus to oat, ko that thoy nhould liovor \\*i.iU Ut leuvo tho spot whori1 it ' Tho Hiirno pootical' idea 1r known to tho Aralw, who oall it tin- "fruit of don- tiny," whh'li in to bo oatou in paradinc, tmd it is on this foundation that. Tcnny- Hon built bis charming poem of tlio "Lotus i^iU'i'.s." Thin niythioal lotus has boon idciit ilird by Ht-wrul l>otani.sts With that inili^cnoiis to Tunis, which i.= h thorny nhrub, with berries ui' tho si/.o of an oiivo. Muuko J.'iudc found a spooiov? of lotus in UoliiVul America boariuK berries of a iSulicdous lusto, which, on beiiiK dried nud pounded, made very wholesome tind ploasaat broad. The lotus l'ruit found in TuniH Iuih a Htiuiulatiug, i;l* most, intoxicating clfeot, audit is t'.'.lre-- foro probable that this plant furnished the foundation of the ancient legends. The sacred lotUN of the. Egyptians was ft lino aquatic: plant, dedicated lo < isiris und Isi.4 und regarded in Kgyptian de- Unoatious uh signifying the oreat ion of tho world. Distinct from this lotus was that known as tho blue lotus of the Nile, also n snored plant. iSoth these Upeoies of lotus oreur frequently as n ligiuus nyuibols and decorations in tho temples. Public Opinion. (Juocr KucllBb. Thcro is u Hignboard above tho auto- Way of the Eye iniirmary, Ncwoasrlc- Upoh-Tyno, which tolls us thai, "when thia gato in (dosed urgent cast s and ac- cidonta niuKt ring tho front doorbell. " About tho middle of this century a no tice appeared ou tho Tynoiuuuth sauds to tho t'll'cot (wo quote from momury), "Visitoi-B are ouutionod against bathing within 100. yards of thin spot, Kovoral perKonu ktiviug boon drowned horo ro- nontly hy order of tlio authorities." tJotoa nud Querioy. CircloH urouud, tho moon aro somo- 'limtm largo mid BOiuotimos Hinull bo- . outib'o thoy uvo formed ut. difforout lipigbtw ih tho air. Tho nickel oont v/ixa authorized ITob. 31, 1857, and ita coiungo Waa begun Homo Uiiguh Kit nnd 1.1 o own, While, Oth- em Crouoli mid Kuuol. Thoro is wido diil'orouco' in tho nioduu followed by tile vnrioun raeOs of tho world in taking thoir rent. It ticoma to tho Aiuoricnn that by far tho lnont nut- iflfaetory way to do it iH either to nit or lie down, but there aro millioiiH of hu- niuu Ij'^iiigH that rest quite ua well iu qui to a different way. Tlio most barbarous races crouoh and kneel whon resting and do it eo oom- fortably that they Bleep in thoBo'poa- turo.s uh easily as au American does in bed. TJic lower classes among tho Ilin- dotjs and some of the South Americau races sleep tliuH, the men usually crouch ing and the women kneoling. in the next, higher grades of civiliza tion those positions give way to Kitting with crossed legs. This is tho Hitting posture of the Mussulman and the lJa- ciiic island races, as is well known. In souk* Peruian houses, however, it is not unusual to see tho inhabitants und guests ranged about a room kneeling ngaiiint flic wall. Another slop upward on tho ladder of civilization brings us to chairs of vnri- ous forms. A primitive chuir consisting of a simple wooden support a few inch- en high is found in soino purts of Africa. Then comes tho samu support with a round erossnioce, which iu Keen in Guinea, nnd then a flat crosspioco with two !egH, which is used in tho upper Nile country. Finally eonios tho thruo and four legged stools und chairs, hoiuo- tiincs in simple form and sometimes handsomely carved, which aro found among tho civilized races all ovor tho world. In Egypt tho fellahs re-tain the four postures of their ancestors, tho kneeling, tho sitting, lbocro:ss legged and tho Hit ting upon the ground with legs joined. AH four date from tho eighteenth dynasty. Exchan^'*. Ore Trt'iitiiumt, A process iuis been brought forward in tSWfden, by Olin und Eoftrand, for exlrnrt iuK'gold or Vusmulh from oroH by means of inelteu \<w\. The prooess can be applied t'omi'neral mixtures contain ing, tor .xiuHple, iron ores, limestone, bismuth, native gold, (piurtz, or sili cates, and even When the mixtureH are so poor in gold and hifunuth that it would etlierwise hi: unprofitable to work them. The method now brought; forward consists in placing the ures iu a batli of inched loud, keeping it as free uh possi ble from uny eontae.t with the air. To gold ores Yihieii contain little or no bis muth enough of the latter substance is added to lvdne.- the molting; point oC tho alloy us far as possible, iu this way pre- veniing oxidation of the alloy and loss of lm-ial which Would otherwise result. Tin.- bath made use of for this purpOHO is lilteivd Ihrough a cylinder, the bot tom ol wliie.h consists of a perforated sheet of metal covered with u layer of nsbestus, pieees of iron wire and ooal dust. Cuiiso of Non Itluvd. In weak persons bleeding at the uoso is froqueutly hurtful and should be stoppejl without delay, uh continued hemorrhage may prove fatal if neglected. Those who sutler from poorncSH of blood, or umemia, and aro sometimes seized with violent nosn blooding, should avoid, as far as possible, any thing which may tend to bring it on. Gentlo exercise only Hhould bo tukou, an violent bodily uiovcmentH may provoke u repetition of tho hemorrhage.' Even running down eUurn huutily Hhould bo ivoided. Bleeding at tho hobo in unuidlya tfign fchnt Homothing is wrong with tho ays Ih O a> Hi a MRN 50 SO 2~> SO fiO 50 ;"() 100 8 e qr 2:1 SO -n-o-<j r--~2't -^i------------ u hf 2-1 100 iv w qr 21 u 0 qr '21 o 0 qr '21 a 0 qr n w qr n e qr h w qr w hf S ii n 22 22 !M '0 '25 2 211 2ti 27 n M K B T H B lath llJth h hf n lit ti ht n w qr u e qr h Id a Id h hf n ht"2H h hf "2H n hf *2il B hf 211 n hf HO a hf:i0 u w pt 31 u pt 0 pt w hf HI n 0 qr 31 b pt 11 hf \\2 n pt ;J2 n pt :i;i 11 W qi' '22 n c qr 22 n w qr *2\i n 0 (p: 21 n (i qr 2;j 11 w qr 21 u 0 qr 21 u w qr 2;" K pt 280 sptm-1 2rsl Hi} h n*. 2H1 <y>a q pt 2K'2 HO u pt h i'2ri'2 Hi 1 u pt(2H:2 'id pt h W qr 2.HU ;t w pt h hf 2;i -l pt w \ k 4 2h;j ;i pt 28:\ 3 pt w \ h k 2,s:j 24 pi Wj (*4 2S:i 2A pt W{ h i>HH 2k :i a IU 20 nu{ 7f 20 or. 1 117 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 J00 ;uT 15), 50 10 10 20 50 50 fid 50 50 '25 25 25' 20 u a 00 7 50 :J 75 7 00 7 50 7 00 7 50 15 00 7 50 .7 ao, 15 00 15 00 15 00 In 00 7 50 7 50 15 Oil 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 a M ^2 rj , " S^ CI . p.2 2 >> ^ .2,^ HO a S 5 00 7 50 7 50 T*50~ 7 50 7 50 15 00 7 50 tr. o , Cj H 7 15 15 15 15 7 7 15 15 15 15 50 "00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 80 20 00 '20 '20 '20 20 JO '20 20 2 vittJ' a 10 1 20 8 8 8 8 17 H 70 _____8 70 ^~T7 17 cl o H 5 h0 8 70 85 70 70 70 70 10 a a . CJ r ^ if. x. rj 2 a a a -fj ' s 1 uj 1 n H7 1 71 1 71 1 71 ;j '18 .1 71 15 15 15 15 5 00 00 00 01) 15 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 0 15 1 2 J(5 7 50 Ii 00 0 00 :t 00 50 5!) 50 50 50 2 ;i5 7 50 0 00 0 00 ;i 00 0 0 75 75 75 00 pt w\*h 2n:i o pth hf 2H' 11 15 a pt h hf 15 a ))t Hi h w |'t 17 n w pt. 17 o ft 17 & lh n o pt 17 Uoiuhi 2 0 l.'l 85 1 Jill 2 50 1 50 -15 iiO 15 -15 L0 10 hi 75 50 75 20 00 *.io 10 00 10 00 28 02 1 ;i 17 11 H U no 50 50 75 a 75 :t 75 :j 00 a 50 i;i M5 I 50 2 oil 1 50 1)0 15 15 10 JO 10 75 50 75 2() 00 00 10 i 2 :-i 17 11 :t 00 l-l 10 tiO 2H 0'2 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 H2 m 20 00 or, is 20 20 20 20 20 00 no on 18 10 "2 72 10 21 8 10 H H 7 7 7 28 72 2H au 1H 80 H2 18 30 10 50 Totul on lan>ln and roods................ lth Vnr tuivlMK tho man ot S'-iH.O.! thu amount a-HCH-ii'd iiRnliiflt th*j tiaiil romlH ami lundu of tho uimilcipulity, tunl for <!<>v<>vhm intoioBt tlmroon Un- IWo yourH fit Uin ruto of !lv pur contuni iioi- annum anpnulfd riit.11 on tlui- dollar, dniupiont to iiroiluro tho r(ilrnil yomiy amount thoni- for (.bull, over und uliovo idl othor rutoH, li-vlod injil unlli;t(!"t (In tho "iimn iiiiinnor anil ut, tlio 'iiinio tinie un tiixtiHuro loviort andcollfict- i-,\) urtnn uml frnm tho wliolo nitiibln iiroiiovty hi rtitidTowDHhipol iVilclioHtor North, hi onch vein- for nve v-'ur nltnr tbn thial pailHliif,' of thUby-hiw, diiriuB which tho: imld dobouturon have to run. r.th. That .lanliiK H.Ijiiird, toHulhar with tlio commil uro lioroby' uppcintod commfHnioar.i U> lot the coat met for Improving finiddraliiHanU worlm coimectod thoniv.'ith. by tender (pot x- fli-utliiii' oiitiimito). hnt oviry nnoh contractor, with two grind mid iinUsfiiBtnrv iuirotiou.iihiillbo rciMih-od forthwith tountorlnto hondn for duo linrformiricoanil complntion or tho contract,110- unrdhiK to naid I'lunn and upoolfloutfoun within tlio tiiun iimritionod within nnoh boml unloHii othorwiHM onlwod by the onmicll; ami it Hlutll ho tho itutv of ituoh comiuiHfiionor to oiuiho "aid Urn in and worloi cmimiotod thorowith, to in miulo nnd roiiutruntoil in aooovdnnoo with audi plana and hvecillohtlonii.not lator thmi tho Ificdiiy of Doaoiuhftt, lfflld, (imlouR othorwliio or- iloroil hv tho council) and to jjrant cor- tillniitim to tho'Koovo from tine* to timo, to oiicii rohtvactor, lonu 25 rmv oont. of tho amount duo, until the contract lis fully oomplotod und duly nocoptiul. and for tlio duo rorforuuinoo of tliPBo uiul all othor did ion of coniminaiouor the tudcl coiomiriiilnnhr nhall bo ontitlod to rooolvo it nonunlimion of throo por oont. on tho actual coiitof tho worlt. Htli. That tho comndtiHloncrboj-oqnirort fortli- with to ontnr Into bondu In tho omn fit eliOO for tho duo coinplutloii of tlio work aooordbiH to pluii" and nnoitlDiit.l/iiifl and within tho timo PjincifUul within oaoh bond. 7th. *CUIb by-law shall bo nubllaliod ouoa in ovovy wnol/,for four rouHUoutlvfl wooliH, In nio .5182 62 77 5!) W '10 10 17 10 8 70 H 70 17 10 17 10 17 -10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 t0 17 10 17 -10 5 07 2 n 8 70 (i (Hi 0 01; a Irj H 70 8 70 H 70 8 70 H 70 1 :i5 1 iX 1 115 a -ih 2 no n; 07 5 22 2 00 1 71 5a 70 5a r.a 17 17 17 1 oa 5 22 1 oa 2 50 a \h 20 70 ia 22 a -in Hi 70 70 a2 52 ;oo 11 a -ih a ih a -18 a ah 1 7-1 1 7-1 a 18 a -in a -in a iM a in a 18 .-1 -18 a 18 a -is 1 10 a ^^^-KirtiiifatlitriT^tnTfrHriTtt^^ 1 71 1 7-1 87 H7 87 0!) 58 a 2i 1 01 5S 31 10 11 10 10 0 1) 0 20 1 01 20 51 00 1 15 2 01 li'.l 3 an i-i Ii 5(1 112 f,2 Town of Khhox and nhull conio into I'nmo upnn ami aftor tho final imffhtiiH Oinronf, and limy bo iho citnd tho "Cvulf; Crouk Iinprovunnjiit iiy- aw, U2H." I horohy cortlfy that tun foniirolnn ih a true oopy of ub/luw provifitouully udnpfod by tho inuiiicipiil cmiiicil nf tho naid Townnlilp of Col- oliciitor North, on thu 15th day of Kupt., A. D. 1^00. 'J. A. aoiU/L'Klt, Cloili nf tho Mujiiolpality of Colabcistur No:th. N' tern. Thooauiw Hhould, if poaalblo, bo | va ProM, uompap**, puUtohoa iu tho iiuooverod uud stops tukeu to romovoit OTIOK IB HEUEBV GIVRK THAT A Court of llovifllon, held punmant to tho provlHionn of tho HndniiRO Act, lfiiM for tlio hourhiK and trial 01 uppoahi mudo imainiit tho above nunonnmont.or imy jii|.rt thoro- of, will hold ita ftrntBlttiiiKB at tho Town Hull, Cololioiitor North, on Saturday, tho 10th day of October, 1WW, n-t tho hour of two o'clock in tho uftonioou, and that any pornon intundhif,' to appeal dRainnt tho abovo iiniioiinmoivt. or any part thoroof, munt, not lator than ton dayii bo* foro tho tiuiotlxod for tho liohlinuof Bald Court, iiorvo on tho Clork of thinmuulotpnlity, a writ- ton notion of imoli appoabor othoi-wino ho will; Lo too lata to bo board in that hohulf. And Jurthor notlco in horoby rdvon that any tioriion lutoncllrifito havo nnoh by-law, or any. art thoroof, qmiHhod, nuiot, not lator than ton. (layii altnr tho final jiaHniiift thoroof, not-vo a nob loo in writing upon tho Kooyo or othor bond ofllcor. and upon tho Chirk of tho Munfolpal* ity of Colchouior North.of hia Intontlnn to mulin application for tliat purpOHO, to tho Hlah Court lit Toronto, duriiiK tlio six woolm noxt ouhu- \tttt tho thial naiiBlntt of this by-law. j, a. ooniiVijin, Township Olork. Btiilders Ana Contractors! di:.u.i:iui is - British Columbia * lbS Pine Shingles, $1.00. Up/ All Kinds of Building Material, 'sxxrrjYTverx.v,......... /.; / Til ami HA AW /.f/.l/A'AA', Opp. Wutor WorkH, 13HHCX. Window Blinda uway.....down-- Chinawaro, Brio-fb-Brac, Fancy Gooda, iNlovoltiOH, Books and Btationery, school supplies, Toys of allkindH, Berlin WooIh and Fingering; YarnM, New Stock of late Wall Paper. TEE ESSE2T Hollo? t UllU. JAMES NAYLOR Taken thin omiortuulty of aimoiniolui/ to tho ] jionpldof tho Town iiiidCuuiitv of Khhux, that 1 hohfiii rnmnilolud tho KHiwx'Uillor Milln tu> I cnrillTii: tn j'tfin-iiirnjiiirod by 11, N l'rloo of Ht 'I lioiuuii, and ahio iincur-d the norvlcoii of lUhorb Stnichan, an criicrii)nc<!il am) tluroufthly com- liotont miliar. Thiuiltinc; tlio poonln of tho town and oouBlh for tin. putroinifjo bofitowmi upon him In tho pnut, will (,'iiarantoonatinhictloiiin thofuturo. Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. t~" 7fi,> Itcst O'nu/rs of Flour, Fud and i-orn u-at Kept in Stock ami so/,/ at Rigid Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats, ___ DOYouI^Ide? If ao, you want to have the best there is and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout MAD AT- JOHN A. ROSE S : Livery. (rood Koadxters. Eas\) liidhifj Jlnfffjic8t __^ Comfortahlc (Mrriayptt, A Call Solicited. ' "' *' Satisfaction (rmirantccd. *' Xurth of tho lhuhvuy Truck, ESSEX, ONT. Packed with Good Furniture Every Description. A fiaie Parlor Smiti Oak frame, Good Plush, $16,00. Wo uevor wurtj ho wo 11 propiuod to do buginosH. LotH of f'oodH und pricen ri^ht. It will pay you to uivo uh a call and ilooHa and not pricua. Wu uro ]doii3fcd quoto priooH to any who need EiuuitC Wu huvtj bwt) doiu{4 a k00'1 steudy br nuHfl uow for about. 10 yearn and wo w) to tonder our HiuuUh to tho public noun.u lor tho vory lihfjral putrouu^o wo havo noivod ot thuin during tho ICyciirn thu! havo bct'ij in htiHitienH in tlio uow Towi- ii El 6o.9 Essex. Several heavy tcama to truck logs; also buyers for aovoral .Uonsos and Lots in the Town of Essox, and a lot of wild hinds in tbo surrounding country. TliGHe propeitiea aro offer ed at a sacvilice. Al.io a large quantity of coarse dry Lumber for sale. It may ho aeon afc tho Colchester mills. Apply Lo or to T. H. DeCEW, rw. M. DEOEW, J; GOITK-LAIT. fc SON, BBSEX, ONT. :^'.5"iSs .>,r"':r'--':;;^r^^Yr;:'::V^;::;v:, TnE TMIUMPH CORN SEELIiER, Thin Machine consists of a horizontal caefcoylindor, with wrought:irbnT$[ buns, with aieol teeth boltod to tho oyliader ao as to bo rovcreiblo when the!'M tooth hooomo worn ou the front sido, vunning in a porfornted ooncavo iron'M ilioll, which tho shellod corn pasaos through into a. shoot iron ohbq, witb.'tt ^ an or cloimor attached bolow, which taltoB ail tho dust /rom tlio grain. The ^ tfioapoafc bot*t, mnet simple and durnblo Power Corn holler in uso) Bhells'S torn porioctly clean in any condition Hj housand bushols of oars por day, according lo powor. ^' Dimkkbions. Pulley, 10 iu..diftta# dtor, fl'in.'faco; Motion, BOO to 806* revolutions poi* minuto;."VVoight, fiSOlljM EVERY SHEtLERMWARRANTED- .. ^^ , '^^ J GOURLAY & SONS. Ml >-,-,r.- ":- iM^^i^^ ^sfe^^

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