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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 25, 1896, p. 1

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W,T* "f ?*. v*^ ;. The Essex '.; VOL XII. No S9. ESSEX, ONT. FB1DA.Y. SEPTEMBER 25, 1890 WHOLE No. 911 Ladies w R* ^ I: IX. t v. IS"' I I w i * Tho LadieH of Eseex and vicinity aro .cor dially invifcod to at tend FORSYTHE1, ANDERSON & CO.'S flillinery < <> riantle Show Room Opening;. tmiY*"r*y"1,lY TO= (Sept. 25th,) And Following Days. Everything Entirely Hew. Latest Paris and New York --Jjfc- Pattern ILiis, and all the latest Novelties in Shapes 3j and Trimmings. Miss T>kuck and A.sMstan(,H will make you welcome. feV New Mantles...... Wt' ar "* b do agents for # Mr.< Aluilu' Berli ., ac knowledged to ho tho best Mantle Maker in the $r World all we ask is a comparison. New Dress Materials Special Values just re- 0- ceived in this Depart ment- FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & CO., Leading Store of Essex, Wanted. OKltVANT rtlWj \VANTUJ>-NO WARHINtt O Apply to MHH. (DIl.) J lb JKNNKU, Khmux. Wanted p IltL WANTKP Vnr ..imoml luniHowoirU, A]>pJy tn Mhh. W. II. Hlmxuh, Kln<{itvillo. For Sale. \L ply to WALTKIt W. HMl'lH, Worth HUluo Ortrun ov Piano WftiitoU. Wantmi) to hunt on turchabis-a Gooi! flooouil-luuiil Plauo or Ortfau. Ap- ])ly to JiOX 101, Huho*. U0 Strayed. OTUAYKD FKOM TIM I'WSMISEH OP O DfinluMiiniitoUo.North \Vonilitlou4oii Hatnr* ilivy, HopUsrobrn* 1'Hli, win ta\\\ IloJfnr. 0110 whiti* Htoor, ono ii^ottoil nul unit whitn Hotfov and two muI Ufolforti with whit" npotn A lib oral ro wan) will bo [jlvun tnv information tlmt will loud to thnlr rooovury. :j' Strayed. YNTO MY PUKMISKH, TUi: MA.ID8TONB Hotol.ntMaUlfltonoGipi.il, on cr about tho 'Inl dity of H^ptomboV, a buy maro, about r> yearn old, with nuav on loft hind lof!, and tnmmml lorotop. Ownor In loquontotl to cull, provo pro- porty pay elinrit'*'! and tuUo iiiiiuo away, othor- winu tho iiiLiuo ivill bo no Id iicrurdinit to law. HA11HY MONTH, 87-3t Mftldiitouul'. O. .TKO. A. AtTM> CHOSIfiN Am tftat* KlktmlimiollM Nntnlkki'e Nouiii iu*.jt nix-rul of ill** Khmox Town Council. Th pursuance to a call from the rros- Monday, Hoptoinbor2lsfc. Council wim callod for iipooial meet ing on Friday ovoning last, but a quor um was not present antl a ripociul moot ing was uot for Monday ovoning, when idout and Boorotary, a convention oN there wove present Deputy Ttoovo Ale tho Liberals of South Khhox was bold Dongnll, Councillors Itainos, Potts, at tbo Town Hall, Kingsvillo, yostorduy (i?0vHytho, Itoao, Wbitnoy and Thoman. (Tlmmday) io noloct a oandinato to hiu*- | \ coipmuniciition \vm road from Uio cornl the Into Hon. W. T). Balfour. A I Town of TCimox (iwi and Oil Co., nakinR mootinp: of tbo Exocutivo Oommittoo {0J? tbo privilege of laying pipo tbroupb wuh bold nt 11 a.m., in tbo council j ul0 ntrootH of tbo town for tbo purpono cbamborof tbo hall, at wbicb (ipoocboM ' of convoying ^a and oil tu tbo con- Avcro mado by Hon. V ITareouvt, Pro- numora. vincial TroaHuror; Af. fC. Oowan, M.P., On motion of Mohfu-r. Fovaytlio and and otborH, urgiupr tbo Liboraln to or-. TbomaH, tbo cominTinioation wait Mod. gauizo in eauo of a eontont and aftor j^, Porwytbo (mid that at tho propor Homo otlior raattorH woro diflcufmod au I time bo would fjiro notico of a by-luw. adjournment waft bad till tbo afternoon. | jfr> 'I'bomnH tbou^bt that the by-law At 2 p. m , Pronidoiit Barrett called wlumld bo roforred to a apeeial com- Strayed. 'THAYKD FROM TIIH PUKMIBI3H OF THfi tin00 Yoarlini! Holforn ; two all rod an 1 otbuf QTHA O u mi oruliiiifid, Latfitlfi. N.T.H.. UoafluUl North, rod with whito iitar in loroload. and whitn liiml ttict ; all havis lfb otir upllt, and omi o( lod hniforn linB one uyo injtmxl. Howard will )>o pnul for Information that will load to tlioir rroovory. WM.HOOIlFi, Cnttam. Cottam.aoi.t. 17th, 1600 o3 NOTICE. TOWN OF ESSEX. A COURT OF IlKVIBION POU TITH HEAU- inn mid trial of Appoiiln iii;amt tho Front* nrjo Mfianui-oTiiontii or any part of Hy*Law N'o i;l'i, for tlui Inyinpf down of a four loot Pino Plank Hidowald on tho North dido of Xrwm M omio, f 1 qui tittt u. Plan iiife, to tbo wocit iildo or Arthur Ave, will no hold ul tho Town Hall, at H u'clook, \>. m , on Tuesday, the 6th day of Oot, 1896. V Kcbodulo of mud Lotfl on'i bo nocn lit tho Clork'ii Olllco. JOHN WALTKHB. C'lork of Town of Ei'ftot. Hatod tho i!ind aay of tloptomhoi, IS'lO. lenders Wanted. O by tho midouuKnednp till U o'clock, p.m., on Saturday, September Lhe 26th, 1896, For tho i'nilihniiJof uliinl^ti iicruiui tho Canard Uivor, hontli of tiio \ llla[;o of (.lento, m Colchi h- toi North. Tho Plans iinil H]n < incallomi can bo hnon itt tiio tllork'a OlHcu, (jo-ilo, on and aftor Monday, hoptfmibor 'ilHt Each tfjpdtirt'r mutit furiilHh thu nanioH of t\,o fiood and natlnlattory burctioii. Tho lowont or iiny tontU'i not nucouwu ily ac- cuptod. 11} ordoi of tho Council. .1 A. COUI/ITJl. Tow:*iibip OU.i It Gohto, BnptQinbnr H.th lu,)ii. ~ tbo convention to order, tbo ball boing filled with roproHontativon from all parts of tbo ruling, every municipality having it full delegation. Mr. Havrofct rofpiCHtcd tbo delo^atoa to talto tbo front iioatn in tbo ball. On tho .platform weco J am on Bain, of (lohflold North, Leonard Malott, of Kinpuvillo, TIioh. Hood, of Colchontor mitteo. Tho granting of the privileged uliould bo conditional. Mr. I'ovHytbo said tbo matter could bo diHCUHBod when tbo by-law wan in troduced. A letter was read from McLaren law ilrm ahking for chock for :#}00, law cohiu iu Ehbc>l vb. TbraHber. Mr. ThomaH thought they should Houtb, II. B. Ivoflon, of Loamiughon, j leave tbo matter of paying tbo account Ilobt. Atkin, of Maiden. Fred. Alcfroc, of OolchoHtor North, Peter LamarkIi, of ^lersoa, Sol. Malott, of (ronflold South, Wm. Stewart, of Poloc Inland, Walter WoIhIi, of Tilbury North, Thos. Puller, of Loamington, W. T. Wilkin son, of Ambortitburg, Goo, Ainaliu, of Tilbury Wowt, Hon. R. Harcourt, Pro vincial TrcitHurer, IF. W. Allan, et-Af. until tboy heard from Mr. Milno. Tie thought that tbo bill waH too high, aH tho firm in charging for Home work tboy woro never authorized to do. Tho llrrn wero not to do anything until tbo South Norwich cane was decided, but it appeara from their bill that they bad boon going on with the caHO. Councillors J.A.JIiclca and T.B. Scott P., and C. K Xaylor, oi Ehhox, \V. r. entered and took their noaU. ^tcKoo, M. P. P., J. IT. ttodd and M. A lottor wai read from John Millie K. Cowan, M". P., while tho prosa was m which ho stated that from bin recol- DROPSV CURED. rpHH I'ndorriiRiiod in pioimro I to euro nil canon L of Water I>roi><i> uhothoi of lonu: or nhort dmation. AliHohitcdv no cliarj;o unh'S'i tho pati- tnL i, oiitm-h and ])i-ri!ian< n'ly ourud. .J VMilti {.'A.MPHKLL Cuttain, Out. .Vi NOTICE. All accounts (l\iu mo Cor Hin der Twine, must lie settled before September 20th. J. E. STONE. ^k. Fall /K Millinery >. * Opening HISS THORNTON, A 4r \V'i thou to L'Mond 11 uoidml in\ iLation to tbo liLilnm of Kh'ujv and viciniLy to attniid hoi Mllhuory t)pi)iilii|i n( 1'tiilH and Now S'oiK 1'atti in lliith uid lion- ^ Hots, on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, SEP!., 26th, 38th nntl 20th, At hor Khow Kcouih, htuttH lilouU, uu\t,tluor tO J, 11, WlKlo'H MtOJO, l.liiOX AK'X oi iiiuti lost ahonl VA) ot Iiih herd of 11" hofja from wlmt v. a a hcjlu-vod to bo bog cholLrn.Jlr. WilaiiH.Oovernmcut In flpootor, wilh notified nod ho cumo up on Fruitiy hint. Ou HtUimbiA, he oxamintd tho amraala uud ordtrud tiio wholo bortl to bo tlufttroiPri, which wuh done on Mon day, the ammnlh bung nbot and thru buriif-d. Mr MyCco will reooivo ono tliird of thair valtm from tho Government. How tbo cliHeaHo utartu. in a myHtory, no Mr. McGoo in ono of tho olumicHt and brut fur mora in thu country. . roprcneutod by A. ^\[cNeo, of tho Ttoe- ord, It. It. Brett, of Tin: Fnnv. Viikh^., and T. A. Atibl, oi the Koho. TI. W. Allan moved and 1>r .f. Jlrien Kocoudcd a resolution of pondolonco to tho family of tho lato Hon. W. P. Bal four and C. K. Naylor, on behalf of tbo Oommittoo on IIoMolntioiiB presented resolutions expressing the conidouco of .the Liberal party of Houtb Mhhcx in the Hardy Govuvjunent and in its mem ber in the iToueonf Commotio, ^1. K. Cowan. All of rlio rosolutioua \\ ere adopted by a nnaninioits vote. Tbo I'rOhidont aHkcd iC itwasthowinb of the convention that a candidate ahould lie chosen. Win. MeS\\ocn Raid tbo plan tho Liberals adopted at form or con\oiition9 For tho Local Legislatures was that no ballot be taken, Uio nomination being unanimous. After rofeiriug in feeling torniH to the Into Hon. AV. 1). Hnll'our, Mr. MoS-\veen uominated.JohnA. Auld, of Aniber.stburg, and trusted tbo con vention would mako tho choice unani mous, .1. A. Tromblay, of Tilbury North, Heeomled the uonninatiou in a J"rc neb speei'h. There were jm furtliei UomtinitionH and. the J'resident declared ^fr. Auld the choice of tho convention. Mr Auld, iiu being culled on, mndo it vovy good Hpeerh, acccjitrng the noin - illation uud asking tho Ijibeials to as sist him to win. He referred in appio- priato terms to Mr. Balfour, with whom be hud l)eon usHoeiated in business for U" years. He took u pronounced stand on tompeinnce and he lefuted the chai'j. i thai lie bad ulwajs been .i Con- Hervalivo up till isi)0. lie was bom and bred a (Wit in the Grit County of Lamb- ton and had huwt east uij^lbiiig but a Grit \ ote in his Hfo Ills speech was well received. Or. Ibicn, H. W Allan and .J. H Kodd made short speeches urging the iy tbo stand v ho would lie inimoitsTHUBer;. Tho will of tho Into linn. W. T>, Uulfonr iH being ontorod for probate. Tho iiiBtrn- raunt ih written on a liulf fdieot of uoto paper, in dated tho day before bin doath, aud doviaoEi all hiu oBtuto.roul aud poraonal torurra. Balfour. Mru. Balfour and Mam Mary Uulfour, tho luto Provincial Qocre- tary'o niator, aro named ovooutorn. Frank Couroy, tho natlvo of Araborat- burg, whomurdorod hia wifo at Byraouae, N. Y., laot May and who was aoutouood to bo eleolroouted will uot die at the date assigned for bin execution, bin lawyora having filed an appeal which will stay tho execution lot a timo'itt lofiflt- Liboralh to organize am eboico ol tho com nation Hiire to carry the ridinir. Hon. U, Harcourt was culled on and lor over an hour held tbo attention of Iuh hearers while ho dwelt upon Prov incial polities. The highest respect tho electors in Houtb Kssex could pay to 7t}r. P-ultour'tf memory Mas to elect Mr Auld. lie paid a high tribute to Mr. I Sal four's worth and ability antl bin speech was well received by tbo comention. Space will not permit ub to do justice to it. M. K. Cowan, M. V . followed in a (ibort but inspiring addrutm, congratu lating tbo convention on its choice, which wan, ho believed, a good one, as no man hud atood by Mr. Balfoui more loyally than had Mr. Auld, lie thought it fitting and advinablo that something should bo done by tbo Liberals of tho Hiding for tbo family of thu lato Mr. Balfour, aud bo moved a committee of tbo following gentlemen to formulato a Hchemo to laiso a fund for that pur pose, by getting out lithographs or Houvomr medals of tho deceased states man, or some other moans : W. A. Mcintosh, of Oonibor ; Win, McHwoon, of Leamington ; F. McGbavlos, of Hulhveu ; T. K. IVIiddough, of KiugH- villo ;L -K. Webster, of Harrow ; \V. T. Wilkinson, of Amborstburg ; J. E. Htono, of Ehbox, and Win. Stewart, of Poloo Island. \V. .T. McKoo, ftr.P.P., mode a abort Hpeooh after whioh Mr. MoHwoon moved that tbo resolution of oomlolonco paasod by tho couvontiou bo engrossed and sent to tho family of doeoadod. Rousing choors for tho Qnoon, Mr. Aubl and tho Hardy Government brought tho oonvontiou to a oIoho. iGction of the case the bond was given by 0- ft* Naylor alone iu case the -suit 'vent against the town, Mr. Thomas was of tho same opinion as before, that tbo bond was given guaranteeing tho costs iu case the town lost the suit. Mr. I licks said it was understood at tbo timo that tbo town was to bo res- nousible fur only tflOO uud bo believed that e\erytbing done then was in con- lormily with the resolution passed by tho council. " Mr, Waltci h said in com creation with the clerk ot (rosiiold North, ho said their township had not appealed tho case alter the" bydaw was (plashed and that they had no costs to pay siueo then. There is, however, no licensed house iu the township. Mr. Thomas thought, the clerk should write to tbo clerk ol South Norwich and ascertain if the law firm have bill ed thom-for-tb' f-amo work fid- which Essex was cluugi d. H was the opinion of the members of tho council that the town was liable for the costs and after instructing the eb'i'k to write tho lirm that the bill was in tbo bands of the finance committee and also instructing (be clerk to write South Norwich, the matter was allowed to drop. A communication wa- road from the clerk of Maidstone calling attention to the condition of tho townlme (east of Navloi's stave mills j and that the town council would behold liable for injuries bustaihi-d by the state of tbo road. Ueferred to the coinmiHSioner tor Ward No. ;!. A lettei was ruad from \V. S. Ghat- bold protesting against tbo assessment against he. property on [Irion avenue, foi tbo cc imtruclion of tho sidewalk undo] the frontage system. As the by l.iw had been passed no action could bo taken. A petition from M. I1', Wiglo, per J. II. Wiglo, was road asking for sidewalk on north side of Talbot street, from east lino of Jlopgood lot to old Irwin lot. Councillor.!. M. Kicks entered and took his soat. Dr. Brion addressed tbo council on behalf of tho Ueception Committee of tbo fair. Jlo thought there would bo work for both tbo committoc and tbo council to do, in tho matter of doeorat- ing tbo town, etc. If the council in tend presenting His Excellency with an address it should bo understood whether it is io be read at tho fetation or at the grounds. H. W. Allan followed on the same subject. There was no time to lose aud ho thought tho council should take htopa to receive the Govoinor-Gonoiul. lie would like to seo a rocoption worthy of tho town and of tho county. Tho presence of His Excellency at the fair will bo a big drawing card aud will lirmly establish the imputation of tho exhibition. Mr. Thomas thought tho council should prosont an address. In reply to Mr. Forsytho, Mr. Allan said tho reooption committoo would have rigB at tho station to moot IIib Excolloncy and tho other invited eruoatfl. Mr. Wimnor aaid tho arch Inst year wae put up by privato flubfloription aud 32 to I STANDARD OP SILVER TO GOLD AT Park's The County <<_Jeweler: >m u a Sterling Silver Ten Spoons, $9 doz. <( *( Coffee l a Souvenir Spoona, 1817 JiogerH Tea Spoons, $4 tloz. 75c. to $2 each u J" ( t j.25 do/.. .t*( :'/!,' w I M 'W. lift m Forks, $6.25 doz. Kniven, S5 do/,. DeBsort Forks and Spoonw, Berry Spoons, Jelly Spoons, Fruit Knives. Nickle Tea, Dessert and Table Spoons and Forks, from 75c, per do/-, up. - jta?" Issuer ol Marriage Licenses. E. L. PARK, ______ Riclinrd.son Itlock, ISkhox. 1M4 7 a 1841 a 1817 .< 1817 a 1817 u 1817 a Mori den rn there watt atill Home money owin^ on it. If an arch were erected by the town it would coht each portion but a little. rf left to privato mibHoription again, tbo arch will not likely be built. ,L A. HiekH thought it folly to build an arch. Mr. Scott conflidoi'odtflO too much to put into an arch, Mr. MoDon^all thought the town ahould take a hand in tbo matter of decorations and believed anarch would bo a good thing. Mr. Hoao thought if tboy let the wholo town bear tho cost it would not moan very .much to any porHou. Mr. Porwytho thought tho fair board should do something towards) paying the expouHO, After some further dUeiiHyion, McHrH. ForBythe, Tb<num and Potts were appointed to meet tho reception committee, arrange an addreha and in cur neccHsary expeuHo on behalf of the town. Tho petition of M. H. Wiglo was again taken up and after being discusa- ed wan laid ou the table. A communication was read from-f. A. Hicks rolativo to tho stato of affairs at the Waterworks, as follows:-"! wiuh to call attention to tho fact that tbo pumping apparatus for furnishing water for this town is voiy far from what it ought to ho. It is, in my opin ion, a very expensive way to Hiipply tiu* water for the town. I reason in this way. First, tho deep well pumps aro too'small. it bikes almost con tinuous pumping iu the summer lo keep up tho supply , sucond, tbo largo pump being dowii ho far from the sur face, it takes a very groat length of stoam pipe to roach to tho pump to con vey steam ; third, it also takes tho sumo length of pipe to convey tho steam back up to the beater ; fourth, there should betwoboileis instead of one, as it is impossible to keep one cloan and ruumn^ all the time, there fore wo have to run the boiler when it is very much covered with scale in side, and when a boilei is iu a state of that kind it takes far more fuel to run it ; fifth, I would recommend that we put down a good large well outside, say an eight-inch bole and a good pump m samo ao that wo would not have to run as many hours to furnish wator as we now have, and that wo connect tho new pump both to the large reservoir iu tbo ground and also to the tower, so that wo could pump direct to tbotower at any timo wo need ed to do so. Having it in that way we could very easily lilt tho large pump up to tbo surfaeo whore it ought to ho, and not iutorfero with the wator supply while wo woro doing it." Mr. lfioks said tho boiler was in bad condition, tho leak being in such a place that it cannot be lixod without removing a lot of brick work. A now boiler would have to bo got boforo leng. Tho prosont one would be all right* if oloanod out, to use while now boilor is being cleaned. Mr. Thomas ngrood with Mr. Hicks. Ho was fully convinced that tho man who put in tho system of waterworks hero was a theorist and a bungler of tho worst kind, who was trying his ex periments at tho town's oxponeu No onginoor could do jusfcico with a pump way down in a woll He holiovod tboy would havo to raiso tho pump and put down a well outside Tho prosont boilor is not suitable for hard wator and tho Hoouor a now boilor 1h put iu tho hottor. If nocoasary tho town should eoU Bomo more dobontures to inakothoimprovements necessary,' Mr. MoDougall was Kutioilod that the big pump is being ruinol whoro it is. Mr. Hicks said his reason for bring ing up tho matter was that ho thought a well could be put down choapor when tho Gas and Oil Company had a mnn here putting down a well for thorn. Mr. Krieghoil'addressed tho council on bohalf of the Presbyterian church choir asking for a froo use of tho hall for their entertainment, Orautod, on. motion of ,C M. ILicks and T. B, Scott, Messrs. MoDongall, IlainoH, Scott, Forsythe and Whitnoy wero appointed as a court of revision ou by-law No.2-0, _. Mr. Forsythe gave notice that at/tho next mooting bo wfenld introduce a by law to grant privileges asked for by tho Essex Gas and Oil Co. Mr. McDougall thought a by-law should be passed compelling all ropahtf to be charged on frontage systoni samo as for building now walks. Mr. Thomas said there was a clauHo iu tho law that repairs woro to bo at tended to by tbo goueral public. Mr. Scott gave notioo of by-law to amend frontage by-law. By-law No. 247, for raising &8M0 for constructing sidewalk on Brion avonue, was read the third timo and passed. By-law No. 2.10, for striking the ratot for lb!)il,was introduced and road a first1 time. On tho second reading, tho following estimates were uiven by tho Finance Committee : nxiTNumntuH. County into.........................S 'I'M OH tftuuiul Oi'l) iitmo'i .......1,080 75 \V(it'iruoi*ltH Doljunltiic'i ............ 1.7i!ii N7 PuMic huliuol Domiiml...................... 2.511 00 II is_It t-chnnl I'mniLiul . . ............ 3,000 00 (if'Illrnl HxiUlIlhDS \V >t< i-wo-Lii l.-tiiuribu'i . ?l,(*-0 10 Kl. -tiiL ljiKht............ 100 00 lJiuLiuj;, iiotituj'u mid Htutlou- ta \ ............... halr.iii h....................... lntcrt'it ....... MnibtH ........................ vJliuriiy .............. fimntii .......... Knlntttii . Suiiltury Ptillco Puci) Dituu Toiui Lino Driiiu... Putjliu l'ropurty Mlficiillaiiuouh ... . IlKOTSirTfi. LieonHUH au-1 Hiioh .... ..,, Scliool Cii-arit, (lolulitihtur K IjCf'inliitivu Grunt ....... Wutut woi'kii, collLcttul...... Watiuworlifl, unco'lootud... 23!i 01 ;)15 01) 700 0! UIO 07 10 14 l2i() (HI 3.1 7r 1)3 IB [2 7U 10,1 01 100 Vi 71 01 :w,\ m a t.n-41 uo 31H.U82 09 .,*?Bf-0 bl ... ioi on .. mi m ... 7iw m ... Ml 00 ei-iwi si Amount to bi! rniHecl.....................$11,2118 18 The following ratos woro then struck, which would raise tho amounts statod ? County rato, l.| mills, amount raised'1 S1H4.JJ1 ; general oxponsoa, ft milla,',^ ^2,JJ24.8;i ; Public schools, 7 mills, $3,-* 713.30 ; High school,3*| miURfSi0fl5.54 ;^ Waterworks doboutuioa.Ui mills $l,-t|" 7-l!l.(W;gonoral dobonturos, 8A toills,&3^ 2i)lt.50; total rato, ao mills; amount"^ raieod, ^11,024.10. *'.;V, Tho by-law was thou road a thUcdjt timo, finally passed and adopted* By-law No. .2-li), for laying a aider?' walk on Irwin avonno, was road, prof}' visionally adoptod, court of revision^ sot for Tuesday ovoniug, Ootohor QQxjf and notico ordorod' to bo publishedSoty two wooks, tho momhors of the oou^t^ of rovision to bo Messrs. Koho, WhittSl noy, Thomas, J. M. Ilioks and Ji'o?] syfche. Council then adjourned. " '^ ----------- . ';'4 Per a ehoi^o roast of bfcof, or ohoica mo'^ of any kind ot>ll at Tate's. Hia prioge 'art the lowest. '.' f1 ^ i *Ssfe>a>^& X~rr k.'< ',< - Jl y&i kWi'< i . ! *

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