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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 18, 1896, p. 8

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TV . ls *.? '-1 * i.F #' fr"' SI! I THE ESSEX LEADING HAT, CAP and FURNISHING HOUSE. FATiTi HATS ... .Whitney's Leader is ready for you. The "Barrington" is the most Nobby Hat for fall, Tho party folkti are trying to rmdi tho HtllUIOll. Mr. and Mm. U. Trimblo liavo boon on a vittit to Tlowmanvillo, Xbo annual HarvunK Homo HorvlaoH will bo bold on Monday.Ootobor Btji, in Potoativo Oampau, of Winrtnor, wan town on Tuunday, Wm. ItogKii ban jmtt about complotod bin work, on tbo Middle Road bridge. George Xloyan ban returned to Glovoland, O., froru Ijih two wool<n' vimt at homo. John Lowlborbad an oxoiting ttrao tho othor ovomucin ronomny a cotiplo of uirln from boinnattnolcod by an angry bull and Hotthif; out of thb way bimnolf. AND PRICES TOO TEMPTING For those Goods to resist. -^ OALL AND SEE THEM AT D. J. Whitney's, HATTER AND -POEMSHEB. That happy Feeling Nnthinu on earth will make tho onntomor fool no happy and ooutontod an a knowlotothiithoorBhowpiittinii tLo very bent uoodn at tho lowest prioon. We lavo to make people banpy, not only by nolliu|> ohoap bnc by Rolling nboon Mmt fit. You probably need good iittiu Shoop more in hot weather than at Huu our Humuior f-oodn. ^ Work a Specialty any othor time Biru of tho Golden Boot, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. A CHOICE OF STYLES Ir what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the beat, our de signs are upto-date and our prices very low. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Milla, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to %\ on pair of pants and $2 to %\ on a suit; we have also a .splendid line of fancy colored Worsteds, very reasonable in juice. We inuite you to in spect our goods belorc buying ^ =>.-> $& Mihii Jonnio Doanan, of Detroit, hau boon upending a fow dayn with hoc purontn. Mr. and Mru. Frank Colhnu, of Dotroit, havu boon vinitintf friondn and rolatiycn lion), Tlioro wan a houito warming at Hugh Kwio'f on tho town lino Monday night of lant woolc. A numoroim aompuny of young folloi wan prencut and a vory ploananr ovonin^ wan upant in dancing and othor amuiiomonto. Ifc was in tho woo raa' bourn that tho unantu dopnrtod, oaoh and all winbiug tbo nowly weddod conplo long yoara of poaoo, huppmowi and pronpority iu thoir new ntato of lifo. <johfiicm> noiitk, A pouch Houiai wart hold at Deputy Roovo Holklo'a laut (Thurnday) ovoninjj, NANIIUIOII NOIl'I-H. Job. Forrj ban boon awarded tho oontruob forconnlruotintf tho Oilon Avonuo imwor in WihJnor for $0,021. GbarluH Murphy, a farm hand about 21 yoarn old, committed an indoormt uwiuult on Batwday rii^lib laut on William, tlio 10-yoar old non of Miohaol MoCann, of tho Middle Itoad. Dotcotivo Oiimpau ban boon on bin trail ninoo Monday but ho for him failed to loo a to him. NOIIYXK imxjxc. Joiiflo Whito and ohum wore pnokloff ap- ploH lioro lank woolt. Samuel Daltyor, of Gonflold South, in tho guoat of Dayid Hopgood and v/ifo. Rev. Philip J. Wright, of Frooland, Mioh., in tho guaat of rolatlvon horo, Crawford, of Tilbury, Kimrantoofl hia Htovoii to work or tho raonoy will bo ro- Mr. Benjamin Jonon, of Loamington, \a vioitmg bor winter and brotbor-in law, Jamen Cnmmiford and wifo. Walfcor Siramn and wifo, of Now Cali fornia, South Gonfiold, woro tho guentn of Jamen Cummiford and wifo lant Sunday. A gamo of football wan played horo on Wednonday aftoruoon, September Ofch, be tween tho Cornorvtllo olnb and tho North Kidgo club. It ifl roportod that anothor Kiimo between, tho name toamti will bo playod in a few woolen. W Can get the best value for your money is "where yoti should spend it. People are beginning to realize more and more the place is Craw ford's, of Tilbury* where all lines of Hardware, House Furniture, Stoves, Wall Paper, etc., are strict ly sold on the small profit princi ple. We buy for spot cash, buy in large quantities and at the lowest possible prices, enabling us to sell at prices that many of our compet itors say is cost We carry one of the largest stocks west of Toronto Tilbury Ths Largest Retvl Hardware and Furniture Store tn Canada. SOUTH WOOIKHX.Hi: W. Cox, of Loammgton, wan a viaitor in town thin week. Orvil Caughill, cf Staples, ban been via- itiug in South Woodtileo. MrH. A.1. MiIIh in oxpootcd homo to-day (Friday) from bar vinit to Proncott. Mra. Bluolc, noo Mihd Katio Murphy, ban boon vinitinji in town with her mothor. J. MoEuteor and J. Ilodnck aro attend mf? tbo Woiitoru Pair at London this weak. Minn Ada Uanoa.who in attending ochool in Windnor, Hpout it fow duyn in tho village with fnondn. Mihh Helen Rorko loft on Monday for Montreal where niio will further her studies in McGill tliuvornity. Ale\, Ilolatead npent a fow dayn thin week iu Uarrow, and Mm. Eb. Fornnn, of Oarrow. vinited at the Boathoru Hotel. Minn Clara Mott gave a birthday party at her father's roaidonoo on Monday oyon ing at which an oujoyablo time wao epout by nevoral invited guontn. The South Woodnloo band, anaiatod by W. J Dewar and II. Daykiu, o Enaox, went to tbo Puce on Wediionday to furuiHb iiiuhio at n joint churob p:onio there, John Murray Ar Son aro gutting oat the timber for au addition, 24 ft. by 21 ft.,that they purpono erecting to their mill here tlua fall, their present building being too nmull. Freeman Hunter, atavo jointer in Rocn' mill hero, aud Minn Annie Mylos wont to Winduor on Wodnenaay morning aud woro nmrriod there by Rev. J. R. Gundy, tho Methadiat mmiotor. Mma Mylon' BiBtor, Mrn. Win. Cancadou, and tho latter'B bua- band aocompamed thorn, UaiveHt Immo Bervicen will bo bold in tho South Woodoloo Mothodisfc 'ohuroh on Sunday, to ho conducted by Rev. J. R, Gundy, of Wiuuiior, whotio appointmenta will ho tuken by Mi. Ayrea. On Monday evening, a platform meeting with an ox- cellent programme will be given. Revn. MenorH. Bliaw, Thibaudeau aud Ayren and Mr. Dent, of London, Kng., will take part in tlio pro^rammo and tho Ladioa' Aid will rtoryu aupper in Jacob Mitchell'a hall. 25 coutH adtniHBiou will boohargod. We reurot to annouiioo, thin week, the death of MrH. David Bailey, of JaoUhou, Mich., wbieli took plaoo in that city on Friday morning Uutt. The body wan brought horo on Saturday evening and taken to the ronideuce of her uou-iu-law, Oliver DawHon, from whoio the funoral took place ou Sunday to tbo Mothodiut ohuroh. thenoe to tbo South Woodnleo oomotory, Rev. W, Ayron oflioiatiug and tho pEill.hcarorn being Wm. Wilcox, Sara. Wilcox, John Ilogan, M. Donovan, R. Uhoden and John Murray. The funeral oortc^o wuu followed by over 75 vohiolen while about -10 raoinborri of the R, T. of T. maiohed ahead of tho hearae, Docoaood'Q maiden uiuuo wan Maiy MaElroy uud ohe wae about f>0 yoara of ai^e. Hor huubai d lias been ongagod on tho M.G.R. and. tho family lived here for nome yoara, moving about t-ight yoara ago to St. Thoman aud thonao to .Jacknon. Beniden bor hunbami, two Hcno aud throe daughtern uurvivo, ono of tho latter being Mra, Oliver Dawon, of thin town, while tbo othor children aro all grown up and live in tho United Btatoa. Surviving brothorn aro Crockett MoESlroy, of St. Clair, Mioh., Andro-v MoElroy, of Lapoor, Mioh,, Wm, MoElroy, of Marino GUy, and Woaley BtaKlroy, ot Windeor. DoooQdod was a mostootimablo poraon aud was loved by all who knew her. Tho townnhip council on Tnanday iitrnck tho townnhip rate at .'1 milln aud tho coun ty rate at 2J milln. Whilo idtting in tho town ball lant Sat urday aftornoon, Tiion. Britton reooivod it utrolto of paralyuiii.hii! whole right nido bo- ing affected. Noah Pillon died at bin homo in Mo- Grogor on Tuouday of lant week. Do. ooiiiiod wan born in tbo tewnnhip of Middou and alwaya ronidod in Ijiinox Co. no Uvod in Colohontor North, and for many yoarH waonp;agedm farming and lumbering. Ho wan orui of a family of nine oliiMren, Ave hoyn and four girlu ono biothor, Eli, of Maiden townnhip uud ono Hintor, Auge- lino, (Mru. Wm. Quiok, nr.,) of North OoU ohontor, aro living. Joooph, Petor and William died yoarn ago. Ilia docoiuiod nintoro woro Julia Dowler, Angolio Vidado and Sophia Grondin. Ho wan married to Mary Geary, of Maidntono Oohh, who ntill aurvivon. BenidoH bin wifo ho leaven to mourn iiin domino four nonn I*otor, Noah, Eh and Jamon, all of McGregor and four daughtorn Ellon, (Mru. Andrew Rohidoux), of Colohontor South , Magtfio (Mrn. Robort Pool). Catharine (Mm. flish- ard J^ourancjoau) and Alary (Mru. Wm. Lnoior), of McGregor. Tho funeral took placo Thursday morning of lant week, Trom bin lata rcnidenoo to St. Clement It. C. ohuroh, MoGregor, thonco to tho coui- otory. ,,. ,-... ,^,--------------- IHAKIMTONK. A. Taylor npont Sunday at Kmgoville, i\liHH Ada Hell Wilnou npout a fow daya in Windnorthin v/eek. A. Wiloon in making a rapid preparation for an early ntart in aoruuura. Mr. and Mrn. John Wilnon attended the burial of Mrn. Bailoy at Woodnloo on Sun- day lant. Mr. and Mm E. G, Arnald jr. and Jan. Aruald aro taking in tho Loudon Fair this week. George Hunt, of tho 2nd con., in having a frarao reitideneo created on hm farm by J. McGrao. Minium Tona and Gortio Barne-i vimtori with relativen in Birmingham, Mich., for tho pant two woekn. Arthur Wilnon and, wifo returned homo lant weok after a ntay of four weeltH in Ruthvou and Leamington, Miss Magtiio Thibaudeau, who Iika been indinponoa for nome time, ban no far recov ered a to bo ablo to reHumo nor studio-*, Hov, Mr. Thibaudeau ocoupicd tho pul pit of CJento Methodist church an Sunday laat. John Ellin aupphou tho work hero. ThomaH Coates' tminted team ran~away ono day laHt week. No damage done aavo tho wrecking or two of tbo wheels of hlH wagon. Mr. and Mra. G.W.Arnald and son John, of Saypo, Mont , ntartcd for homo on Wed nenday after npeudind a couple of monthn with Goorgo'u parentii hero. Misb Aggie Wiglo, who baa been npond- ing nome dayn at Kiogavillo, tho gnent of G. W. Coatuworth, returned homo on Sun day lant. On Woduenday night hint a number of the fnondn qf Mian Ada Groavon Hiirprined her at her home and npont an oujoyablo evening. Philip Quinlan had an ugly gash lnllietcd ucrouH bin forehoad on Friday hutb by being Htruuk by tho straw carrior of a thronlung machino, which broke and flow back. Mibh Grace GoiHt, of Windeor, who baH boon Hpouding a few wookrf with rolatlvon here, returned homo on Friday lant, ac companied by Mim Ada Wilnou, who will remain with hei for a fow dayn. Rev, J, B. Kennedy, of Koruood, viuitod frieudB in thm vicinity hint week, prior to biH returning homo from tho bedside of hm non, Ilov, C. W. Kennedy, of Gouto, who ban heon confined by an attack of typhoid (over, Mr. and Mrn. Arthur Wilnon rotnruod home after upending a month at ltutlivon. Mr. Wilnon in engaged repairing hiu oano prunn and expectu to begin operatjonu in tho near future. Ho'will turn out nyrup Hocond to none in tho oounty. On Friday evening laBt nomo of our hoyn, in purnuit oE fame on tho football Hold, wont to Eonox to try couohiaionn with a toam from that town. Beiug ouly begmnoro, knowing that tboy had Domo- tbing yot to learn, and willing to begin at tho bottom, they challenged and oxpootod to play a junior toam. Imagine thoir nur- prino on roaobing tbo noono of oombat to lind themoolvoB puled againet a team com ponod largely of loagno playoru, not only from Ebbox, but alno from WoodBleo and Cottam. Being Hovoroly handicapped by the aboonco of nevoral of thoir bent men our boyn jnntly ronentod thio irnpOHitiou and it wan with diflionlty tho captain huo- ooodod in gotting bin mon to lino up. Thin done, however, our boyn determined to malto tho bout of it, and during tho first half of tho game no flooring wau dono. But during tbo lant half, with tho wind in thoir favor, tbo Ehbox boyH had a litfclo tho ad- vantago and auoooodod in iieoring. Our boyn acquittod tliomnelvon very creditably anl with a little more praotioo will.be canal to any emergenoy. THE Event of the Year. Simple a Ccucraaxigli't TanitjliM C ommeiiciiigs Saturday Morning We Place on Sale ! J2 Piocoii ol ,'12-Tnoh Flauuolotto--tho regular lOo. quality for fio. por yard. 2-Yardn Wido Plain and Twilled Sheeting regular price 22o. a yatd leduoed to lfiu. por yard. 2-Yardii Wido Hloucb Twilled Bhontni tbo 2Co. quality ro- dQcod to IHc. por yard. ttfi-Inch Heavy Grey Gotton rodnood to 5c. por yard. 10 Piooou ot 32-Inch Prints regular 12jo. Goodu-~to Cloar ut Go. por yard. 10/1 Whito Hpieadu, worth Sl.oO for 31.00 U/-1 White Marnoillon Spreads, for S1.23 Romnants of Dross Goodi, Prints, Ginghamii, Satoeun, ^op- hyrn, Ac, diirina this Halo at Half P-Ico. All Our :j8a. Bont Fronoli Challion during thm nalo for 10c, per yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and Towefo. regular price 35o. per yard Kalo priae '25o. por yard, 57-Inch Fmo Table Linonn at UHo., ^7^0., I0a., ITjo. and 50a. por yard worth rogular 20 por cent rnoro. Threo-Quartor Hi/.o Liuon Tablo NapkinH for #1 por Do/on, Boautiful Towolu at 2 for 25c. Y Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the Great Bar gains in All Departments, You flust ----- Call and See.^^~^- Ou' Wonderful Bargains m Now UroHfi Goodn, Our Remarkable Halo of Mon'n and Boyn' Suitn. Our Roanonablo Oifonnga in Clothing to Ordor. Our Groat Redubtioim m Bootu and Shoos, Our Special Quotutiomi of Sugar by tho Barrel. Our Gigautio Sale of Ladiun' aud Children's Now Fall and ~* Winter Mantles. The Millinery Department Now Open, is DIEBEL & BRICKER dry feet Where you can have your choice of...... __and good footwear Go together. If you would have the first you must Meek to get the second and to accomplish that take a walk into 18, gO^LEy'jS. Next door to Sato's Carriage Shop, Talbot-St., Custom of Ready-Made Boots and Shoes nrox^ me^ .ajstX) doyd. tDTPGifir1 JtDJtLjK^> J- Western makes to select from. IS* Prime Stock used in manufacture no shoddy. |S* Repairing neatly done. ,, Parties desuing Cnatom-mado Footwear in tho full cauloavo thoir orders ,-i now and call for same when wanted. R. SONLEY, Essex. Groing" out of ~~~ Stock must be turned into cash. Now is your ohance| for Groceries cheaper than over. Come aud get prioea| and I will convince you that you will save dollars b} buying your Groceries, etc,, from me. |j ^] Parties Indebted to me, By book account or note are requested to call and setpl^ at once, and oblige, w. b. wig: '& ^7& -'IS f' 1< \J\t-> ,l >'jj ^i^ iSiK

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