^ ?>^?OT!*w^:f I Township of Colchester North. I:i:. BV=LAW No. 326. DY-IjA\V to pro virtu for ilruiuHfjii work in tlio T/owuithip of Oolohontor North iu tho County of UFinnic and for borrowing ou thu orodit of Iho iWuuioP polity thu inim of 8-lH2.fi2 for complet ing tlio utimo. ProviuloniiHy uiloptml thn lGth ilay of Hunt., A', D. 1KW, WliKHliAil, notion in wvltiliK hint been finrv"*-1 by Jt'i'tLiiolH fnw<ntd, Kni|., iiiinii tlio Munlnipiil Comloll of tint Townuhip uf Coluhiwttir Nortli, notlfyiuu thorn that If thuy did not Impvovu Urn Orulu'n Oruuk drulu, whlnli wmi ovurilowhift bin latKlu iDiil (iiuiiuijitiii liim, thai lin would brln<( an aotlon fordiuiiiiuoii ajndiiut thniu. ANn\V]iKiu:.wi,t)ion)iipoii iififil council him pro cured an nxaiuination'tn bo imulo hy .f.H, hmril, O. Ij. B., lining uponion Roiupnii'iit rnr mio) 1 pur- pOH<i(n( imlrt iiroa propound Lo hn dvainod.ainl tin? riioat 111 iui|!(;oiil(jil for thu ilraiuiif.'i- Ihiunnf, m d Of other liindu and rondu lia'jlo to tunnif.nnuujt uuitoi thin net, and linfl aliio prnrurnil plmm, BnoidlloiitlotiK and (iF>tiin!j luis of II10 ih'aliini;e 'work to lio made by nnl(I .1. H. I mil il, O.b.ti, hii<1 an iiiuiofiiiiiio it to lin lUiLflu by liim nf tlm hunlu titul roiulu lo bo himiillttud hy mich ilmbm 11 work unci of other hinds 11 ml loiulii li- ahlo for contribution [htinilo, iiliiUiu,', uii tioiir- lv an ho ami, tlm propm-ilun df huticlU, nuthit "j*'ubrlty and injuring liability, which in bin opinion, will ho derived or inenr,*(>ij in eniiiiu- quonco of iiueli driiiiit' > work, hy nvory r-iml mid lot,or portion of hit, (ho unid iin'iiMininoiit. 10 nuido belli*; tlio uKHi.'SHui'Mil Imi'itiiiidLoi1 hv thin 'by-lllW OtnM'.U-'l tO hi) mi!ii':.:il.'d .mid lnviiul upon tlio voiulu mid lotn or purls of lot i, Ihoroliiafhtr fn thut brhali t'liprclully mi 'forth mid dinuirlbml, and llm repori oi llm suid J. H. Lainl, O.L.H., in roipert l.li.-ri-of and nftlio Buld ilrnluiL|;i) work bniii*.; m. follows l'o tlin Itonvi* and Miiniciptil I'nmiftilloi1;. of the Townidiip of Colehei.tor North. In council aimonibled: Gi:ntli:mi:k In iiccnnbn.ee with hndrueiinii.'i frem yonr boiiomhln liody, iiidin*; upon 11 notice l'lOUl I ru'ncm Hwcnt, l-'.^n., 1 liavo iixiLiniiiiid (. fiilu'ij C run It imii b(ti; to lopnrl ihi-rt on mi ful- lo.vii: I find tlio Ha.id Orock cuiriidiiinlily idlo'l , Up tliroil;;lMHit, It!) vntiru Innct-li and townnIn tlio ROUtll Olid it ix ni'urly Idlnil up tiltncntimr 'l'l,is ia moiitly ciiLUFiod by' Lho mifiH ol tlin water in JCiio HI ."or Canard lUjotlim; IhkjIi mi'l provi'iitinn Cho wutor fro 1: Oiuiu'ii Cnel: ilin(.din.r^in^ in-irly Into tlm (lainiid. '1*1 ji-j tlllii';: up cimi 111 vi r hr pvovdlittirl until [lie Kivi-r Ciui,:i.l 1.1 cli'iun >| uip- n.Md iiU]>i'ovud tliioii,;hout il.t i-niim luind-h. I Wou'il thei'rfnro rucoiiiiisnid tlini. tin.* i:uiir:'i Crook bu tiliiiihfd out und iinpru\nl 111 iictonl- auco with tlio iiiiiii!M"l I'lniui, proflloH anil upco- iAciitionii fvotu Mi'. Suim-l'h eu-t lino, imutlinrly to tins (laiiiivd, and Unit lin* snidvivt'i' ho ini- pl'OVnd uccoriiinu to Ui') [iiini'.xi*il sum illiMilioinl Joy 00 i-MMH, wcKtciHv from wln-rc tlio ininr'ivo- liiont to (.'rai[;'H Orii'];, Uh^ sunl Ciuiurd. 'j'liitt will liolp to cn\:u thu wiLicr 'iniidur oif Mr. Hw oot'11 lund and pvrvimi it from In ] tin coin- l'lululy iidni'il !)>' tin uat(-r )ilou:.]it down on it from Iho hllior liindri to U10 north' and <i*mI nod by th*i,wutor at llm Cm turd flooding hnuk on It. 'I'llIk InmrovmiioiiL will onut.all oxiaiinion liioludoil.^rillH. Of thin ainoiuit I liavo liixnd tho Tnwnidilp at (Joluhuntor North with .lb*i!H.lM an in juring liability; thu laiidH Iu (JololiitHtat- Nortli with y:iV.f-0 an bniiaiU, and with ?117 an lnjiirliu; Hahillty. An a minill portion of Iho Town of 1-3linox will una (lihi iuiprnvniiHint, I Iiilvo taxod thu laiidti and roadu iu tlio mild town wUli/>r>.lfi mi hijnrlnil liability. Thin drain iiliall bn loipt invnpatr by a tax mi Iho Imidu aud ruidii nnw imnniitiiul. Aiu)oiii]Hiiiyin/( you will find pliLtin, prnlllow, oiitliuah'ii, npiicillnntionfi, luiiunimnn.iui and nil othor )>apnni imotumury for (inldimco in lh 11 c.oiuitriinl.joii of uaiil drain and aliio (icipioH of tluiin all for tlm otlitu- inunicipiility liituviuilod. 1 hayit tlm hpnor to ha, ^antiunion, Your olwidiiuit Fiorviuit, .IAMKHH. LAIIlD.OhH, V.tiMiX, Huptnmbnr IHth, IKtiti. Ami WiiKid'tAii, thn (mid council Iti of opinion that tint dminnj'n of tlio iirnaii danorlbcd \i\ dn- idmbh'. ThiH'cfoto, t)n> f'idd iuiHiiid]nil cmincil of tin* mi id Town ibi i> of Cnlrhcfdi*r North, ptiri.ninit' > (lin pro*) i'loi n of tli 11 l)rainiij;o Aid, 1 ! '(!, oHindu n:i foliowi; int. Tlio nnid report, |ilnnn, iiiundiioatlonii,!!* iK'iu-nionln ami inuinnddH an; linrnby tnloptod and tlin draiiiiii;o work 1111 Umrnin iinllcntud i.mi Hut forth alntll ho iimdn and annntrncllnl in 11c- uordiiiifid t lii'ri.'witli, mhl lownidiip imiy borrow 00 tbi! annlit of tlm corporn lion of iho i..aid Townnliiii of (lolchiMilor Nortli, tin; mini of as(iiir.\' for tlio work, ami may hisuo diilniiiLni'nii id tho corporHtion to that amount iu >;iiinn of m> ' li i'ii tlint 1 .?.'!) ouch, and p;iyuhlo within flvo '. oarn from ilin ii;it.r tin roof, i\ith intni'tini at tlii) rain of livo |n;i' ri'iiluni per anninn, tlnil i:< to iniy iu flvo oiniiil iioita hinniPi, tmcli dolii:ii- tni'ofi to bo payabli' at tlio branch of tint liiipor- inl Hank at tlio Town of Ivunx and to Imvo at tni'bi'd lo thoin coiipona for the payiiinut of 111- toriiiil. Jinl. l"or pn vini; t!m :iuui of - jTi.Tj-J, ( ho uiiio'iinl chari;i:d aiMiii'd, Uii* i*iiid hums ami road;' lur benolH, and tlio lauo ol -117, tlm iLiiHillut clilii'i'dd iiijiiiniit tho Maid Innd'l find rrmO;; tor injuring liability.ii|arl fnuu tlm lainlniuul ioa>"i h<'lo]i[;jii|; to or cont iiillnd by I ho municipal!I/. , nml fur i'f i :il llm rate ol i)\o per ci uuiui per milium; lin: lot a! -ipcrinl 1'iLto ovi r .nn ! 11 li.^ n nil f.>lin;r rale .. htmll ho a;-^(!;infd, h'VO'd nnd ('olb-e.liid (in lio- ;,a.nio inaniier and at iho ><nntu tiuin nil ol.licr taxt'fi am li-viod and rolloctodi, upon nnd b'oiti tho iinileriiiKiiiiniu'd lot:< a :iil piuiiiof lott*. ami roiulri, and ihn illinium, of llm :.nld lulul Hpi-rml rato-i and. inti'roit t'liall im ilhnlcil into tiv I'ipial piirti) and ruin fiiich p^art. f-l.all bn iLH'0!:,:.ed. Jit fiu'li yoai for livi'i jonrfi attor llm llniil p-'uviiui,' of thin ly- Inn', dniiiii; winch Iho i:aid di.dnjnliiri:'i bnvn to i'liii. jas. q. aacEnsoH & Co., BANKERS, Afjonta for Tho ftoyul, Tito Gaai'ctltAii find . Tlio Luttcaahiro, Tlin hftfltliiHtiritucu fJoiupiinloiiiii tho world. Wo malcu a npooliiUy of luiiurln^ k'ann I'ro- porty. M/oiioy to Lonn at fiand RJiJ poyodiit.on I-'urm I'roporty. Juirmen Jtisutem)t07;> /// Good JieHabk Cowf'tini*-), NOTICE. All Account.') duo tho lato firm of I)its, Dkwau it McKknzik uropnyablo toDn. Dkwah, Wiiul- Hor. A promjtt HoUIomonfc in fOipUJHtCfl. Tlio Essex Free Press, QFIETT &. AULD, PnopniEronG. FHUIAY. SUJ'TKAIMKK 1m, 1HC. 1j3_. o ol u o 1-1 t? lo- u .- ^r i- 3i ~ o a HU ol) l-l 'l'l -a ,11 nt ,"n n(j Kin *i) ;,n ICO Vi') Kid Kin ;,o ."; 1 1"0 Hid luii Hni pin 1 rn 1 H'O lllli low ! oil hi HI MEN n w qr 21 n c qr '^1 h 0 qr ".il ho qt" n \v qr Jl f; qr H W Ml* \V III H Ci qi' V.'.n c qr 'I'.i ' 11 lit iU h hf y( n l\\ '!'> Hi hf 'in 11 w qr 2b U v qr -li h hf tii; It hf h hf 11 hf i>m y lit 'i.s U 1:1 l.".l h ht '.111 n lif:: H-ii[;;i) 11 W pt I) )>L 0 v: hf ;tl 11 "i qr Ml .4 pt 11 !if ;i"2 11 pt '.Vj. v. pt :,:i .M It S n w qr yy n c qr 'l'l 11 w qr '!"< II t: qr ^1 II c qr *J'y 11 W qr '2 1 11 0 qr 21 n w q r 'J o 'X It B u pt and Hpt lie! 'JHl II.) . h iii-, 2o'L llV'i 9 0 pt aw :;u n pt m .} lih'J 11', a pt "iH-2 ' ' pt H v.* qr '-'^K '< w >,t H hf 'Jm:', -1 pt'w ; h .J 2m:j :i pt "JJVl .'i pt w .Vk A '2n:\ 'Jp: u-("'si "1^:1 ' pt \\\ h \ '^',i *Jij, pt w| i-i^ ^^:> *> 0 pt n hf '2-; 1 ;sp 12th 11 lo llHh. a pt h hf lo h pt in b w pt 17 11 w pt. 17 a pt 17 A: 1^ n 0 pt 17 JtOMi', * r. (to 7 00 o I > 7 o0 7 '-11 7 ."ill 7 :.o 1." 'Hi 7 dd 7 oil lo mi 1," no lo (j() lo on 7 T,u 7 r.u ].-, Dd lo no lo mi !.", on }.', i,0 lo 1:11 lo Dll 1." HO 1,7 no M ;i"i 7 .71) ; nn -I 1HI oil j,) 2.7 > o '0 Hi , ii 1 ol) o i > :j 10 :i 7o :i-uo 1 T,\'.\ ho 1 .".11 1 ".(1 .*? o (HI 7 "<) .'( 7*. 7 o'l 7 oO 7 on 7 od 17 U(J 7 -",(1 7 oi) lo 111) lo DO lo 00 lo.UD . 7 .71) 7 oil 1.7 HI) 1.7 00 Jo (III 1.7 (JU i '. no 1.7 (111 lo-.l.'l) lo 1)0 17 Oil r, 17 a ' < 7 .70 1; it') ' i'i 00 :; 01) 7 .70 7 '.') 7 .7o 7 .70 7 oh :i 7o ,'i 77 ;: 77 '.', on y r,i] \;i .s.7 1 .70 'l 01 1 .7(1 ) L M Tli Mi 1K- M 1 r.o 7o 0 20 0 17 no 'hi 1 1 A in on 1 1 in ('. ) JS irj in t o 1 Oil 7-7 2 2il :t on 17 hi) 11 in ;i 00 J-l 10 on 2rt iiy HI) 1 2'I t'.h 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 2 dt) 1 20 1 20 2 -11) 2 HI 2 II) 2 in 1 20 1 20 2 10 J 10 2 10 2 -10 2 10 2 .10 2 10 2 10 2 10 ;pi 20 !ni 'ji'- l-i 20 JO JO 20 'JU i;o I.M hn is t j ;i) 21 H 10 . t 7 J., 72 UH Uii Iri 2 Si' 1 o2 1H 2 'Mi m I .70 j: H 1 H 70 s' 71) ". s* r, j5 r.1 :: a M) 70 ;i7 H 17 ,H .s 17 17 17 J7 17 17 17 70 17 do 17 17 if) 17 10 IV 10 17 HI -7 07 2 7.'. s 7') il Oil ii '.id :s is s 70 s 70 * 70 H 70 fi 70 1 -i.7 :( i.s 2 'JO If, 07 7 -J-l 2 '10 1 71 /i 70 ,7:i 17 17 17 1 |i., .7 22 1 o:i 2 ,j; :i m Town and Vicinity. Fiinuy hliirtu, 91,2;7 for 7;"> ctii at Sinith'H. Km] (Jurrott, of IlaVrow, in employer! in tlm I'-mi*6x Aloditial Hall. Tu n.'!uly-nunlo ami ordorotl clothing, i\r. .1. Wi|;lo V (.Vi. load tho trmhi. A. ftioNoo, of tlio Wiudhor liecord, gave us 11 cali on Wodfiuifdiiy. Milliimry iLppn;iitiL:i:!i wantud tit onct;. t'ornythu, AnJcrnon A- Co, Wool wiintul in o.xidian^o For dry. ^ijodu and oliitliinf/. 0. l'l. Smith <.'; Co. 'L'lni !tt:J*:K id W. Ihi.rt, in.-ioivi'iit, wan bought nn '.I'umid'iy try \\. Co Evhiih fur S lo. Knr a c! 101 jo roast -of hia-f, or olmice moat of any I'.hni/iall at Tuttj'H, Hid pncjH are tho lowoiit. Ur.tJ. W. lii'iiui ia oujviiio into K, J. IjOViJliCo'ft rLf-ld:;"liCir lil;X.t It) tilt l."l.i:]'. l'j'.Ktirt ot'llUi'. 20 7lj i:i 22 lb 70 . 70 V.I ;72 1 i; 1 ("1 1 7 1 1 7 1 o -IH :; is :t in :i -H 1 7-1 1 71 :: -i* :i -h ;i -in :i -i.^ :; ih .1 JS ;i -in I in r.l h7 .-i 1 0!) o-H 'A 21 1 Ol :it iu I 1 10 in \i !) 'j uu 1 (II 2(1 ol (i'.l 1 1.7 2 i". 1 I'.'.l ;i :p; II ii on ?Otttl oii hmdH and rn id;,.. J 'ii' 1 1' 1 ih< 'i'i' i-.U'it if \' 1 I* -'lit m' W: *':." i.-y.-. Wi'. iiilliir, .^nlli' l;< ,i-i.ii;p.i 0 if Ottlt'l- FiO"' [lino uianliio I ,|ir, I:", b- lil'.ll . "1 v. inilo nil.ibh' in"! ,*iji.--t.)r /. lu'lli .;o4.hi-r Willi tin ('ftllllllih iii)MI*r '.' t,.i id ill uin - .iii.l 1 f!id':!' (not 10; 4tli. For paying the I'iiin ( : flBtiCFtiifd ii[;t j: 1 t\t :iii- 01,'! >>>< , loivllvo ytarii n.: tnu n;u 1.1 11 aunuiu, 'i sp'idal 1 .di- iu tin' - to prodia 0 tho ri-qmrud V'."iil; ^Or, llllllll. OVi'V nod iu ov 'dl loviod and noiii r,t,i-d nn i.lu; ilfc tho lianio linn' a - t od), upon inui 11 'no ti . in unid Township ui ,.... . _ " year for hVi; y> am alter Hie l\n.d paMirt! .,. tlllCi by-hiw, during wlncu thu t aid di-hontun-H liavotorim. Oth. Tlmt J sun", fi. hainl, n.i OOUliuil lite lK'i'ohy nppointnd to ltd tlio t'OLit.r.'ct fiii' iiiipio-.-hi .WOVltH coimocted tlmnr. iti-. by . ooodiil); dhtiiaate1', I'lit eVi ry 1 uoti e.nntnu:loi, With tWO [JOOil and l-Ull di'fte'rv '! let Ho, -0 ill ha 1 yotjuirnd f'oi'lhwi th t.o ciiti-r into bimdn for itin: 'porforuiauco and fioiuiilniiuu u\ thu ciiiitriud .( OOrdillf* lo f-.uld . I'li.io nml tpccilprat ionii within tho thtni jiho.i iont.-d ..-itLun t.ncb boa.l '.lUlloiiH othorwii'c ordorod by tin: imui.cO; uno it , aUall bn tho (hit <; uf kurij eoluiiii:* diMn-r to caima Haid.dviiin mill wurh** oomno ird ihurnwitn, t> ho nimil) and eoiistnieti-il in a'-miVdinnvj with ' Qtltill plailH and . .potulU'ti t fona.nut la tor thuu lln< lut day of Di'combi-r, If-'.ii'., umliM-s otiou'wi.-ic or- :* (lor oil by tPn e/unjoib ami to j^rani i*ni'. , tlfloatoH 'to- till: Itufi'i., troin iiriiTi to liluo, t.) each contract or, h'Hs "a pm- i.;nt. of t lin ajnuunt : duo, until tinjrojit.rr.ct ik full*, oumplotfil inui ; duly Uon(t|)tiiil. and for t lu> 'i'ih- ]irforiuani:i.' of ." ihOF.O and all otiior did ii'i ol I'oiiiiniMiinm-r tint -, Bald cOuuuii.iiii'Uor i.lr.dl bo i.-ndlod to i\:c;t'iyo n OOlUlUlHHioii of tli mo pr.-r cjiil, On fin; t;rlu:i| COftt of tho worlo ', Otlj. -Tlint tin- eoinniiii;i[oni-r in. ruquirrjd forth* with to outnr into hondh in the Mini ot i-lt'th lur duo cohrplrtion (if thi< work according tn ^ti and initniituaitloiiil and withiti tliu tiniii JciQod witldn ouch bond. ,'tlh Tliiu by-law mIiuII bo pnhlhdiod onto |u ^ery wofclt, for lour t'oiibi-'t'iitivo \vol-);i>, iu tlin iBflOXIi'roolTuHg, ucwtfpupL'r, I'libHtihuil in tho . .. .-.?U-2 f>2 77 .V.) filiO 11 112 i 2 Tn'.vn of ]*h ! ,1 iid i.hnll eoni'i into lorca upon ii'id afti-r 'In lioul jia ! i1^: 11 nn-o! uml iniiv be I it 1 ci1 eii 1 i:e "i 'nii; 1 Yi:ij inipnivumont f i v- law. ro1.." I hereby n rill v tliat tlm loro.:< lin;.' irt 11 trim copy o! iihyi"W |i:ovi:.ioiic ilv .idnpLed by (Io !ii'iiiii:!].a] ooim^-il of tile nan I 'i'o\iii.-,liip ui C\> I'b.-iiLa/ :-.'orlh, o:t l!m loth day ol Sept.. A. 1). 1 !'<. ./. A. coiq/n-iit, . CIel'l. ol the Muniei'iuh t y rd t'olLhoiilttr Nortli. N /o'liri': is niiitrdiY (;ivi;n that a ourt nl Kev mi on, ho ir I o'ln-'tuittit to 1 ho iuuvli-.iii!,.i in thu 11m in a j ;ti Act, Ibi Oil' tin 1 hen run! t;Jnl I ria.l nf apgiiinlr, laudo ,t;;ainit' tho ti Imvo n;.o.^^i;Oint,or nn v part tit or of, will bold ii.- ;ir-.t -iti.:.'.,'^ at tin- Town Hull, ('olidiuiiti'V Noi'tli, On Saturday, tlm lOlli dny of uolobi*]', It-'.n'i, at die Inair uf t v. o o'alock in tho aiti-rnoiHi, nrnl ihat nny per.ioii intoriilii'i; to 141 pea I lied !!>'!. "ho idineii n;,ia-i,.-iiii!iit, or miy part th'ti'i'iil, itjsmt, nut la.Lot* tiutu ti.-n iluyii bo- lori* Lif tin 1 o i'i: >ni for tho hoMln^ nf naidijnr-f tiorvo 011 the i'.l-.-i I: of liii-* uiiinici|inlity, a writ- Inli notiiio of iiueh appoal, or otluti-v.diuj hu will he ton lata to ho luinrd in tliat. bulntlf, And lurthor ncillcciii ho.'uby ivt*n thut un.y. pi.riion intendiii1: to hayo nuuli hyduw, or uny part tharunl, qiii*.;,iii'ii, unu.t. not lutoi' than ton il ivn uftor tb'i :'iniil juioiitu; thui'nol, hoivo a not ii 11" in writiin.; upon Iho ibuiyo or. ollior lioad o*l;*jor, ami ui'ou On- ClorU tif tho. Miuiiuipab lty of (lolchofiior Knrtli.of liiii intontion Fo nmh'o apjtlicid.ioo tor thut parpowo, tu .tlin IMfjh (Jmirt at 'J'otimto, diiriiii' iho nix wuolut noxt oniui- ini^ thu Ilnal piui;Ui;;ol thin by-law. d.A.UOUrjTJUl. Towmihip Clorlc. Roller blmd, aouiplo:ot lor SGofcfi. at Frauoln. . Alox. IjauiH'it plauotarluui wan putontod ou A(,MiHt '27th himt. ' Diohal ttt liricltor'n alillllinry opomnH titkoH pluao I-'riday, Hopt, 35ih F*ud follow- in o; duyu, 3jurjj;o iiizotl Arotio blimkotu MOo pof pitir, win to wool hliiukotu ti'2.25 pur pair, at Huaitli'H". Tho Govornor Oonorul on hiu tour through thu oounty vifiitud Wiiuliior; on Huturday liuiL, J.*1 rod. Adurnn, of Tort Ifuron., Aliolb, viHitod in town tluu wooic with h\ t% AdaniH, liiii unolo. Alox, Liiin/.; in vinitinj.-; Hamilton and othor pliiooji thiu woolc, in tho intot'ontii of Inn rhmutiuimu. J. K. Htono will Hhip two otirloudn of applou from IJhhox filatiou to Liverpool, Jilnti., via filoutroal, today (l.-'riday). MitHtur Charliu.Ffiul, our devil, m Uilunt; hin hohduyn thin wouk mid hutt ^onu by wlu.'ol to Ijuaiutn^tou to vinit rulatiiyon. It iu lilioly that thu inorohautH in town will follow tho ountbm in pant yearn of olofiini^ tiiuir atoroii from i'J to u' p. in. tlm iiououd day of tht: fair, Hoove Jotiird loft 011 Him day for Al^'onui JJintri Jt iu coiiuootioii with iho inirvoy of tho Towmihip of (JurtiH. Ho nxpiictit to roturn homo to.morrow {Saturday). Prioritly'H black drofin iioodn arn thu bout in thu world. Mu-iuru. Uiid,ol ii* Iltickor havo huuu appointod A^ontu tor J^hkux, and urn fdiowin^ a full ruiiyc m V'nlourn, [Jra]i do alma, and blaok li^ured. Kev. A. lo Ihjyorly loft on Wodneuduy evening; for London. lie will atU.-nd it nieotiiij,' of tho I'liianco fJomruitLcu of tho Synod of Huron to-duy ll'ndaj) and- will jduo viHit thu Won torn I'Vii'. Anion;; thonu from town w'.io attondod tho Wi.'hlern l:'air at Ijomlnii thifi \,uek ure IMrn. W. 11. Uichurdaon, IC. A. \Vihiucf, , Htouo, [Jen Sloto, .J. al. Hick", J.'.;!'. Cuwidl, JJ.G. Kvaun und ISIuch I-ain^. . In future, murdered* Ititter.i citu ho *dt- 1 |ivt.-red at tho Ktmex po:Jt ollico only to addre::ht!Li or their writtun urdor denionat- Ladies' Jackets. Just received our Fall Import of Ladies' Jackets, which must be disposed of within 30 days, owing* to our going out of busi ness. Every garment must be dis posed off by Oct- 1st. Bring your Cash and see what a Stylish Jacket you can get from ini the purtion to whom to he delivered. A A. H. KuurlY H'unt a few dayH the past: uiutinctiuu may bo made un to whether tin; order refers to a particular lu'tter or to all lottern cornint; after date oi order. f-^J It will pay you to tlrivo 'Ji) m-'cRToC'raw- ford, of Tilbury, for ^10.00 worth of ^ondH. The nocinl mvv.n ou \V. i>f. I)eiJ'ew'fi lawn on Fritlay evening hint for the hunulit of the E.'iK-x Hand wan ytiry well attended and about ^iiO wan reah/':d. IJeach(:H and other rofri-Blimentsi worn lau'Vfd ahd the prno ram mo wan fnniihlif-d hy r.lie hand, tho Indian War Dunce heino especially well received. week at Iuh old liurne iu Wouihdock and in other (lantern plucna. fdrn. JCriejjholT returned home on Tues day from a eonplo ol n.inithh1 yi.-iit. with her Hon in Orchard 1 'ark, N. V, Lad lea- wlio pii:'eh:ua-.i undid'-wear from ti.i hint 'ieaaoii, v.vru well pltitoed ; we have eipialy idee {.JOfiilH now. M. .J. Witfle. v (,'o. 'l'Iii: c:o!M]ianii'M of tho 'J 1st Khhl*:v I-'und- iera, v/ho Intvu heeii in e.imji in London for t-iii: paid two weekn, will reitini home t<j- morrow |Saturdu\) eveninj.;. in ehai-Lje of tho lidlluury dejiartniont at jMjl'hythu, Anderhou iV (..'o.'m. The Stella Htiutton concert auncuiuied to hu held in the Town Mall on iUouduy evening next, ban been cancelled, owin^ to the i'ri-abyterian choir eoncert to-nitiht. Grand Millinery, Mantlu and JJi'chh tloodn opuiiinjj liti'.nH place at thu Great Corner Store of Diehol A' Brieker next r'riday, Sept. 'Joth, :iud following day^. \V. li. Manniiio will -jive an addreHh on "(JhrihLint) Citi'.i.-nalnp" at the League meeting in the Methodint ehureh, lO.tHex, next Tue.-day evnnino. T'luu ih am: ol the moit important hiil-jt.-cts ot the n^'e. Georou liarth will juyo up housekeeping in a few-wetikii-aud will upend the corning winter with hid daughter;) in Wind.-ior and I'etrolen, returning here in thenprin^. liiii re.'ddeiue hf-ru will he tidien hy .1 .II. All inn. Alex. Wallace will hayu a Halo of hruitte hull furniture a.id idioetn at hiu reiddenc.! on IJriou Avouue, J^hlix, oppo-nie LpiHCOj)ul \ Chttreli, ou Saturday, September Ulth, | further partioulur'j oi v, Inch can beobudu- I ed from liiihi. ! At the Agricultural Groundw on Friday i hint, a tihootiu^ match took place between i L. 1). Htgtt.i and C. W. Thrahhor, of thm ; town, aud Frank StottM and G. .Mclutoidi, I ol WiudHor, the former winning liy '21 to j '2'2. Ijiich man .shot at lo birdt', L. .0, J StotlH aud Thnudier each ;^ttin^ LJ, JMc- lutoah i;-i and Frank Siotdi 0. M. ,1. Wi^lo IniH a very fine pair of yountf iiorsua, whicli hu in oiforiuo for mile. We were homered in our rt'tnetum on Wednesday ove-iine; \iy tho roproHentativo ol' the IW*ou!ie;ht.H and Starhtjht.s, two jim- Mins i\Iinuio liriice arrived ou Tue.HilHy from h.:r homo iu Waterloo ami it7 a^aiuf" The I-'u1"^ i"d. Hitfli .School Boardn of Khhox lutvo mado vdliiithle udditiiimi to their apparatun hy |;iircbt:--.in^ oiiuoh of Kennedy';i Improved Dihiiectin^ Matlie- niatical llloeknfor tenchini.']iraetiually tin. meahuroir.entH of all kimhi of iuirfaceH and hoIicIh. Theae lilueks are very in^eniouHly crjiiht runted and will make a mo-it uhiJu! uilijeet clearer to the rriind^ of the pupiln tliau any amount of explanation. A recital tinder tho auspiuuH of the I'icu- hyurian ehureh choir, will be eriveu in L'eidt's Hall, thin (1'riduyj evening, Ijy Al bert Ferry, character delineator, imHi.-ttod From no to 25 per cent. Discount on iiL -J-'^ Dress Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, WEriUST Dispose of our entire Stock at once though, we do lose, our loss is your gam, it is the money we want and mean to have. It will pay you to in- spect our Stock which is New ancl . . at prices to your entire satisfaction, WIIITXKY IJLOUK, I:SSKA. Ladies' waint:! i-educed from rl.lioto Ipc at Smith'*;. jfiria Cora Irwiu ban returned afU-r hpoucliuo n week with relativoa and iruiiidn at, Arjier. . Y,hsi\iK Kural Deanery will imet at St.. .lolin'ii clinreh, Leamington, to-day (I-'ri- day) Seiiteniher litli. J0() LadiuH1 m-v idu:l wair*t-., n*Lndnr price i? 1. J-0 and ^l.od, choice ol :hu lot iur I'Jceauh at Diehel A' Ijricktjr's. 0_. C liurne, of ('luetu"j. 111., :ipent :i f \<. JajH in town the pant week with frtend.-i. Mm, Larrie in vihitini; iu Ohio with ivl- byJ.'NelT Iluyette, violinist. (Jf Detroit, ! --tiVL'K but will iiludy ciul lure b.-fure ix- and local talent. The proo>-:Uniiie will in clude choruses by a local choir of nmht voiccH nnd selection!) frun 1 the* above ar- titth. Mr. I'orry appeared in the hsdl here lasit Hprin^ and erupted a very favondjle iniprest'ion. The cuiicd't to-m^ht should he lai^rly attended nud will, no doubt, be ijood. yS. .]. Wil;1o A- Go. buve an inimtnnw ran^e nl I.atri aud 1^e 111u' furniHhiu^ii. The mi.'Otino of tlio iiith.-icribers to the KiiUL.-x G'lii and (Jil Go. iu I'eL-k'u ilidt on Tliurnday evening of hiht wuek, was wtdl attcndc'l and 'he matter wan freely dia cuHbcd, alter which the -dock book whs opoiii'd nml eonHiduiahhi HtO(;k nubsenbed, Au adjournment wa.-t then had till iMonday i.voniii^ when more htock wa.i iiuhocrihed, whicli brought tin; ainotmt up tcj nearly 2,000. It- '.van decided not to orr^ainzo till that amu'iut wuh in si-ht and ail Home were out of town who prntniued to tid-'e Htuok whi'di would j^'ivu the roipiired buiii, the election of oHicui'M wa.-j proceeded with and re.-iuh.ed an follows: l'ren., (J. II. uu-baao ball tearui) m to;vn, and reijueutedj Jirit:Kt;1'; ^"^-Tn-jM., (J. K. Nay)or; See- to punhhh tho aeore of a m Dirwlorp, G. F. that iiftcrnoon nut brouoht to a siuMon btop by the ram. Ah both teamn chtiui a victory lujolher match will have t.i be playod tu decide the mal.rer. At tlio meetini,' of tho IIi;;h School Ly- ciaim. on \\ oiluemiuy afternoon tho follow ing (dt'leurs WcVn olectod fct* the etli'ieoL term: -I'res., .J.K. Aluran, ace.; Via -L'rcri., ."\iiiitt L. liird; rioi;., 'Mm.i K 'JVjus., J JI. ."M. Gooke; Critic, 11, Gull; Kditor, i-;.| I ti.din rdsun; Ituporter, Al ins S. Cimnino. Inun; Gommitteu, AIim^ J.'1. J.mnin, Mi:.;H G. (Jlvur aud W. Wi;ditujan, rl. A. Francis iii-^iviu^ special priceii ou ordered clothing, call .uul .-ice before buy- in ir. ' . 1'lie South lissi'S Teauhi-rH'jnstitiito will hu held 111 tho Leamington I'ubho School on TlitirndiLy and Friday, October 15th and Hith. Thu hint HMfi-don opum at 10,.'(0 a.pu. Thu tollowiiio proprii-iLime hii- been ar ranged ; Fiucliou of Oiih:orn Treuidiror'd Keport, A*c, ; i\ly I'kum ol Toachiii}.' Geography, Alisrf M. } Ueadinn, W. IL I\lannin^ ; Grammar, A. IJ. Cuhhin^, U. A.; Solutions in Anthiuo. tie, F. Voadeu ; Ihielish School SyiHom, G. Ij, Grumiwullur, M. A. ; Gomponiciou, J. I'hliott, .\L A. ; Literatui'e, D. A. Maxwell. Gn Thursday, at 7:110 p, m., thoro will bo a limcdiKht ilhistratcd lediuo by Hyy. .). IL I*onn, B. AM LL. IL, Hubjoot, " CiLiiuda.' ];'.jrsythot W. II. HieharJsnn, J-:, j p,ir| and A. O. StimurH. The Hoard of Direct or.-, will punli tlm mutter and wtil have a wid! put Jown uii f.o-m ai- posniblo. There ni no doubt in the mhuh. of many hut that if a WLdl iri riiinl-'. about. 1,200 leet either j^aii nr oil will be- struck. J. ] '.. Stono Iuh hoi no nio b'artiiiirjH in lit'cnnd -hand earls it ml hnLrLii'.'t!. Set: them. At tho re.-iidoncu of W. Feethnm in town at 1 o'clock on Wednesrhiy nfternoon, Kev. A. L. Uev.rly perforniod a marriiiijo ctro- iiiiiiiy, uniting fur life the fonm-r'H dauj;h- ter, ".\rury M., and Mr. 0. Scutt. Thornton, of Gnsiiold North, Tho bride, attired in a handsome creiim di. :- , wan assisted by tVI-iHti ^gUib-GIifron, tiho drt-Kriuri in the nan to color, whdn Kurntrt Ilobirihon acted as best man. .'lauiltiotoo b.apudfi were aeiit by Muss llnnbury and Tili^H A. H, Goleman. Tho Mifttir ivmi a quiet one, no fjucHtn htiiiitj invited. Alter tho nuptial knot was tied, thoao prcnont nut down to a Huuipiuoiu upland, at tho cuuchnnoti of which tlio happy yonn^ i;nu[do wero driven ro the M.G.K. station wlioro thm* tfiok tlio traiu lor tho. east to flpimcl a weok in St. Thomun, London and St. Catharines, and followed by thu bust wi..linn of ti 'lurnu nntu- bcrof friendH. On their return they will l^o to houHoknepinjr in the ILutUou Thoru- ton homoQtead ou tho Talbot road. turning to her home. Prof. F. .L Thompson, wh h In. en ------------.--------------,-----------------z---------- _"_. jj J. A. I'ViuieiB is selling 72.00 and ^IkoQ men's ftdt Fedora hatn for SI.00. lacoii Arner, of Ariu-r, and Mr, mid MrfJt Lewis Ann-r, of I\Ialden. visited on Tuefh day at Tho;!. Irwin's, The promotion of 'Jiu'l Lieutenant Ilq. herr KcinviH-lJetty iih Lieutenant of No.fl Go., '-'1st lint tu lion, has hu'-n o'l/ette-i,1; altJO tin.- promotion 'if C. if. hobiiihon' as Gun tain of No. 1 (.'ompany, ' Walkerville, iu piuci: ol li. I. Sielile.-ileel, who has left tho' limits. iMrj. L. ,1. Lovelace, who returned Iiiat weii*: indii a month's ymit with her hug. b'uid at Stony Ltihe, Futorboro County, wan cHihd to LoUri oro on alontisy lugt lo claim j.;ouds tlmt wero eh,Inn from the spending the summer at his homo in Lima, trunk hel.,n^mo to Mm. Lovelace and Ml08 N.V., has returned tu tliL county to n.-\ Whituoy on their univ-d in that town. mime his munie cdasses in L.;St;:;. Le".u-- ; 'Ila.- inn.] will tsike place next w<:elc. m*;ton and other jilac.-ii, T. G. Ilijotl, of Go'chester South, who has been in charge of u Prt-hbyUrian inita sion on Squaw Is hind, Lake Huron, n - turned home last week. Ihj will msume bin studies at Toronto LnivcrHiry uu 0u- ti.da:r Utli. Uobert Barber, Provincial I spejtor of Faotoi'ieH, viwiteil iho r'ucturh'H in town ye:-- teiduy (Thursda>). Ue is on a tour -oFiu- Hpf'Otion to the factories hi tlii.i part (if the province uud vi.iited I't-tut's mill, tho hcene of tho explosion hy which one man v.-a-i killed, on Wodue^duy. I'iie I'lfti, Water and Iji^ht cotnmittQC hayu li '-n e:-;pL'iiencui^ 'joint- mora dhfl. oulty at,ti.e Wator ^vorku thu pant week bill ever) tlun^ is working al! n;4lit at;aiu. Il wdl be nniemheii'd that noine weoka ago llm woi'kiFi^ bsrrtd was loht in uno of tht welln n'nd Iiehevino that it eculd not bo gol out ou account of tho well curbing holof. dinjointed eioht fuct Lelow the hi^ well, t hl-\,' wurkin>; barrel wum put in but tho now barrel wab no iixial that it could hu dniwt out. in spite of i hu curbing beinj^ drnjointotl. The pump, even then, did not work mitie I.ictordy and llu; \s:ilei' had tone nhut off, Tim- now working barrel was then put n uluiii and the pump in worlun,^ butter nov than ever. No further irouhlo ih untiol p.tti.-d and Ghinrman Uicks ih to bo compji uu nted tin htiekino to tlm* job till uvoty- thinj.: worked all riyiit, and iu the faco ol tiie remarks aud cries nl lliosu who tried to Miss Lauretta Thornl: n hub moved liaek i When urawin^ fid. the r.i.Mi;j/ nno lengt). to JOhsox from Kiuusvill-i, whtro slm haH| and the new wmkin^ barred were lout, . A conducted a millinery busiui.'tia for the ps -t, hidnn^; tool was rioted up and tho caning tvvo yf'iira, aud bos ovani d out in tin- Scott; ami new barrel weie brought up and ^0 Block, on Talbot Mr et, witli a stuck ol ', m^ ujwu a^aiu the old barrel was proouriicl. milliuL'ry, the opening announooment of which will be fotmd m another column. M. -L Wjgif; A Go. have already received ttevoral consi;*nmi-ntfi of boots and shoes for the fall tr;uhThere was no council meetim/; ou Ttien- day evening for luck ol a -inm-urn, only Deputy-JIecyo Midh.ui'iLil and i:oiincillortG dn-ouiiraLju htm hy i--.yn;o thut tho diffl. Itatncs, Forsythe. Potts aud d. A. Ilieks; louty could not, ! being proHont. It. was deoidi-d to call a npi-mal uii.cr,nio for thiu |Kriila\) even- ii'-ir as there i. re r-eveia! ii-utti-i's ;o deal with. About liftemi meiuliers from llehner Tout., No. 71, K.0.T.M.,nt ihis town, drove to Leamington ou Suiv.iny l.-i-nt ro attend thfi aiuoverstii'V uoi vices of the F.O.T AL tent in that town. The- -'eryicefi were con ducted in the Fpiscnpul ehur.-h tliPie, by Kev. F. M. Holmes. About :"iO we'e nk.o present, Irom Gniuli.'r.and there were about 10(1 in the procoshion. Gull nnd net. c. tre<- snmi'le of Sah'da Tea at d. A. I'Vancis. The Ing^rsoll Pauhin^ Go. purchased the t; ov.Toome. ------.^(M^....... *;<'.SEraE-,JLl> r-tiill'flS. K'd'nt lilt- mm li ha.- rinteda farm ueur Gl.utle.im, and in at present down .thart- pirtin^ in tall wheat. The family will iiiiiVi; '.'Mm- :inie tun. fill. ,Ldn Motti* inore baa ]u:.rohaH d tho Vmajl fivinv ih - cnr.h Gi It ln^tcr wliioh h.oi been, until lately, i.-cctipie.l nv ("horun Siieniiiin, Uf inteiid'. ui'>vin^ ou u soon. d. A. Baldwin nii'V, d, I.',1, vo:K on K/,-n Aoll'-i farufj wbivhi he li.oi reuie.I. Tho eoiiert te hrphieop i]m Fh ooncn-lJ* -ion euiis I tt;;'i.* I by .\ ("io!.< it, la h, Ih.: ;:.-;: - hrid'.e ftointhl. I'mmdstioii iM H'l'tiil i lie aroli iii li] fool. .wild a 1:2 leo'i ir.ui. :in:i ~0 font tumio), llnscom oheoHO factory's make, puyinr; 7J- Ti.;, ,t,.ch ,, R |l;<|, ^^ TilH-f(Illl)(lllUa|i cents for duly nnd Scent-, for Atiiitifit make. | %,,|r,!;< ,,,,,, ,^ , (l. ,, ,.,!(. . h Hlytheswood factory Hold Undi^ou the iirst half of AntfUHt at 7,', cents. (Laham got thu Cottam factory's make G,r Au^li-iL at 7A cento. Whcadey factory Hold at 1centii. Chao. VV. Ihley, of lngersc.il, pur- cluiv-cd tho J'jfriox Fuion Ghees? Go.'h Aug. nswnako, paying ri.J cents per pound for wauio. J23 :-: ft V.'a :!: and. noili lw lu^iiis; .wwtj walla* !i . feel, V thick at bo', to in fl.:i-hiog ui li hat i\t top j each wiujt is S hit long. Tin- wind*1 ntrUQ. lure is mn;.ou:itijd iy a lu-iidi-omp ^^h . pipo rat in^, imtkiiui it o mjid-fe Iu ovury resjieei. It w.oi eooidr.noti d ih'.uighnut ql ' coiicret", even to the key atoio, not an iipdi of woid (Hunt' u*-(d> c6nu.n|i.u.mily the,/ bridfia iu indostructible. . ', t, :<.v-:. - im :-^M fc.: >" Vo ' ' ((V.-'-jj.Jj.;,; \ ;_. . "ife'W^ F^ti^i^fc^^^