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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 11, 1896, p. 8

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!&*"? < r* , j THE ESSEX r ..I LEADING HAT, GAP and FURNISHING HOUSE. W:" FALL HATS ... ."Whitney's Leader is ready for you. The "Barrington" is the most Nobby Hat for fall, -*$*- AND PRICES TOO TEMPTING For those Goods to resist. GALL AND SEE THEM AT D J. Whitney's, HATTEE AND FUMISHES. OIIKKNirilClJ). Miiiu A^uoa Wiglo in vinitlutf rulativoii in Kin^iivillu. Mru.Jolm WiIbou called on rolutlvoii m Itqthvoii on Friday. Mr. B. ft. Oakoy untortaiuod a few frlondH liuit Friday nvunhig, Ilorbort Hobiuuori mado u flying vbdt to friondu in Jtuthvmi on Tuoflday. Minn Victoria Smith, of Windnor, imom a day with hor parouta, Mr. and Mm, Smith. - -.......... . Men. G. M. Todd cillod on rolatlvpii and ucrjuamtfiucoa in Butroit hint week. Minn Ada Johuuon, of Chloatfo, iu horn culling on rolativuH. William Luufjufcaff, of Cleveland, Ohio ,111 tho puont o( Thoman B. Sloto at protiont. Thoro wan a younj,' pooplo'ti party at tlio rmiidonco of Guor^o A. Billing ono night hurt wook. him. David MoCroory. and Mian Jotmio Manloy cidlod on acmiamtnnooH in South OokHoIcI ono day lawt wook. David Moyorn and Mian JonoioGowoll; of thai plaoo, wore mnrriod in Kiinot lant Monday by Roy. M, J\ Campbell, tho roni- dont Baptint Minintar. An noon an thoy wore married tho happy couplo utartod for Toronto to hog tho (treat fair. David Mooro lately purohuriod 100 uoron in Ooiiiluld Bonth, bointf lot Ulili, T. It; N paying mora than 1,000 for it. Ho, with bin wifo and family cumo to North Kid^o uarly hint opring and liuu been farming on the Hth uonoouaion tliu pant Hummer, IIo will move to bid now home thin fall. KLFOIII), Corn cutting 10 In full bloat. Minn SuHioMoBoth loft for Loudon hint Tlmritdiiy morning. Honry Thruuton had a barn and nhtd frame orootod hurt Friday. Wo aro ({lad to loam that Kov, Mr. Kennedy In recovering from bin attaok of typhoid foyer. Louiii TJiomau, hilar a abort lllnomi, in apiin a hi a to .ronumo bin duliuii in tho Blford Aoadoray. Whilo MowirH, Gillott A Myron wore olovor throiihinj; at Andrew Ohapmun'a tho iiUok caught Hro in iiomo way and about uovon acren of /.joed mammoth olovor Hood wan oonnumod. I, F. Hunton ban nfcartod u ooupor nhop, Win. Gumoron, of London, wan in town thin wook. MrH. John Murray hi vlwitinfj hor brotho r Thomaii Grouior, of Puoo, Ooo. Hojjan, of Cleveland, Obio, in vwit- infi hhi fathor, J. A.. Hogan. D. A. and Miwi llono Bt. Amour, of Comber, woro in town thin woek vimtinjj; frionda. John Lowthor imd family bavo roturnod to town aftor thoir Huiumor'ii trip through , tho tjaot. Thomaii Paiuloy roportu having a turn out of IB bniihol of onto from 10 Ibiiof Hood, which ho purohufiod from F. B. Fuorth. Jolm Gliovalior whilo outtinp; timber juHt on tho outiikittn of tho town roportH finding tho frumoii of 100 ohiokouit. John lout about 7o ot thooo birdn and nay a tliat HOKiTKK XVOonwiL^KC, it wan by no fox or ni^bt owl. IIo uoauuou Tho infant child of, Louin Dorntou in | what ho oalln-a pot-canK and ban beun hunting ovor ninoo for tho pot but up until now liaH failod to loonto it. IIo hi to up THE Event of the Year. Sim.pl,, iDotrcraatigla't wa^oim That happy Feeling Nothiivou tarth will make the ctiHtoraor fetd bo happy and contented an a knowledge that boor hho is |.'oHintf tho very bout oodH at tliu lowoht prices Wo love to malic people happy, Hot only by uuIHiik cheap, but by Holliiig Hhoea that IH. You probably nood good HttlugShouB luoro m bf>t woather than at any other time. K(,o our Mummor oodfl. Ctmbossi Work a Spooio.l'by; ktf m& m 1/;'-", A J >?rr7 as Siru of the (Jol.iiiM Boot, WniTNKV l!L()f:K, KSKKK. ' A tyuteU :t: Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Duns tan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are up-to-date mid our prices very lew. We are the only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill' prices we save you from oOe to $1. on paii' of pants and i^2 tu SI on a suit; we have also a splendid line offline)' colored Worsteds, very reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our floods before buying ^'<* ^,^= *!Ii% W <3) Can get tlie best value for your money is where you should spend it. People are beginning to realize more and more the place is Craw ford's, of Tilbury, "where all lines of Hardware, House Furniture, Stoves, Wall Paper', etc., are strict ly sold on the small profit princi ple. "We buy for spot cash, buy in large quantities and at the lowest possible prices, enabling us to sell at prices that many of our compet itors say is cost We carry one of the largest stocks west of Toronto he Largest Retail Hardware and Furniture Store in Canada, very ill. Jacob Mitchell Hold four Miluor laiit woek. JJ. A, Yountf iu having an addition built to hiH remdonco. J. J, DowhirHt in norvin^ on jury at tho zVhfii/on this wook, Miua- Edith Wilcox in walking-la mo, tho reuiilt of a upraiuod auklo, E. JaakHon, of Minneapolia, fipont a few dayH with hut couain, A. HoarioU. A Hpeiiial mooting of Woodfdoo It. T. of T. wan bold en Tuenday evening to confor "ho Seloct ou u dogrco cundidato. Fred. MyloB aud Mr. Whoatloy had a bout at fiHticufffl tho other day, from which both emerged with houio raarka. H. 13. Halntoad in hnyinK a now veran dah put up in front of tho Soatborn Hotel. John McEntoor iR doinp; tho work. Tho many Maude of Mni. 8. D, Bailoy, of Jucknon, Mich., will rcf/rot to loarn that hor coudition is unimproved after tm ill nonn of nine wooisa, ......John Murray &. Son will attirt up thoir hiiw mill at tho Iluscorab u weok fromuext" Momlay, having an order from a Buffalo firm to commence on. J. Mansoll'n liorno ran away from him ou Thurnday of hint wook and aa a reHuit tho children in tho public school unmo near having a half holiday. Luckily no darnugo was dono. Wnu'Rumball, of Merlin, was in South Woofisloti on Friday hint looking up u place in which to open out a hardware store, having disposed ot hiH bumnenH in Merlin. Hev. W. Ayora ami dan^htor, Silim Allun I). J. McTavish, Mrs. Wm. Wilcox and MihH IVarl Wilcox left on Monday morn ing to atu-nd tho Industrial Fxhibition at Toronto. " John Mitchell, nf Lniimin^ton, Hliipped a carload of live hn^i from South Wooda- li.'o on Wednesday. Win. lhi^^h bouj^lit them for Mr. Mitchell, the price paid beinj^ SI.HO per cwt. Mr^. Julm Mieliue., jr.^wuH in Chatham the piiht week tj tice her husband who hiiH niiili-'rcone an o]n:ration them for apnendi- citiH. Mr. Miclnufl in ^cttitiL^ uloufi uh well v.:i can lit; (-xjjeeted. Aaron KnbinHnu in liavin^ an addition [juilt to hid n.'riidence on tliu 2nd coiicea- ^ion of KoehuHiiM' and in alno having tho main huildinu t'L-paired. Wm. McAuloy \h domi, the work. The jjriit mill here in niiiiiinj; iiteadily uvi-ry d;s.y aud i* duiu^ a good bu-jiueus. On Friday lunt, oO burtols of flour wore (uktjii iron) th-j in-ill by farmur;!, while nearly every day there in a continual Htn.MLin of wn^onsi tu and from tho mill. Feed in thui vicinity promised to bo ipiit*; pliuitiful thin year, a number of fiLiinerh Ofi!i^ enga^ird iu cutl'ii^ buy off fields from which wheat wan taken thin ;>nmmer. There ura houio excellent iieldn i clover iu RuohuHter and Maidntonu. V-'. W. Cumiii'fjhKiii, of Khul-x, haw been iinf.;ii;;ed nit priucipul of S. S. No. 2, Kochi-iUer, the present toucher, II. Kueeb- [iel, having retd^nud t:i attend Collegiate liihtitutL- at Hamilton to prepare for a higher d-rtifbate. Mr. Cunniii^ham will lake charge ou October Int. The llurvent Iluuie belvieeH in connec tion with the Smith Woocbdeo Methodint LlTlirch will he held on Sunday aud Monday September 2ilth and ^lHt. liev. J. K. Gundy, of Windhor, will preach on Sunday and on Monday ovdniti^ a tea.mooting will bo held at which addiCHHCfj will be {^tven by hoVltuI iniidtiterK in tho county. J. A. Smith, tailor, had an exciting time iu IjBKex on Friday hint. Lie wan in bin cart at the coal-kihm whon bin home took friubt and utartod off, drawing ono of tho 1'tiiun -lit of bib handn. Aftor ^oint; a abort diatauco the wheel ntrnok an obstruction and Mr. Smith wan thrown out, though fortunately lie wuh not much hurt. Tho animul then proceeded on down Victoria Btreot until another obstruction wan struck and both horftu and oart wi*ro thrown into tho ditch, the cart boing damaged but tho bono uRoapiug without any injurion. Somo people living uour by oatu'e up boforo. tho animal fiot on bin foot aud bold tho liorhii till Mr. Bmith arrived. nightu now with a nhot |un in hand unti1 bin roonfcor in tho morning uotiflon him that all in tiafo. John T. Brown baa oold biu driving mare "Dolly." Walter Lloyd and wife moved to Emiex latt wook. Millard Warnor moved bin family to fJamp Palmor thin week. John T. Clark, of Detroit, vitdted Iuh friondo bore thia week, making tho trip on hiH wheel. .._ . -. iMibh Gortio Shaw roturnod to Cottam on Saturday brin^iuf; a couple of lady friendu with hor, Mm. Lukuton aud oon Alfred, who had been atayin^ for aomo weoka at W. Lt. Kullott'u, loft for thoir homo in Snrnia on Saturday. For oomo timo tho dwollora and paanora onoiioof our-backatrootH have been groatl} auuoycd by a very had amoll. On Tuch- day, our Health Inspector, JumoH Bonnett, wuh called on and very noon auccooded in locating it. E. '. Wilhama wan in tho villages on Monday morning laiit, bidding good bye to bin many friondu before leaving for Toronto to finiah bin studies. Ed. J. ia well liked horu and thoro arc many who wiidi him aucceon. At tho apccial meeting of Goaiiold North council on Wudueaday eventng, Alvm Or ton was appoiutod Tax Collector at a Hillary of *7l) aud an allowance of $'.l for poatage. Tho matter of clearing out the McMahou Drain waa also diaciiBBed but no definite action taken. Mm. Geo. KtimpHon writea from Uolena, Montana, where she lion with what ia sup posed to be un incurable diHOufie, and no bopcH of recovery. She liau two uiatern liviug in Helena while her huaband and family are in California. Lately she bad a letter from them Haying that Willie bad lout a thumb in tho machine, and another of tho boya wan down with a fover, and that Mr. StimpHon could not' fjet to work on account of having to attend to them. Mi'h, StimpHon ia adator of tho lluv. John Hunter,tho Kvungoliat. .------,------- ,---------- lYiAINTONI2. Mian Kiito Shanahau in viaiting relutivoH iu Detroit. Cuiineillor W. II. Totter left on Wed- neuday for Toronto to take iu tho nighty ot tho InduHtriiil Exhiuition. MUh Katie Cronmillor from Biugen is fjuing to blaaox where who will roHida for tho next throe montha. JiuviuH B. Laird, eoinmiunioner, ou Tuorf- duy, Hold the job of doamng out tho Sey mour Drain to Luke Malum, of MaiiHtono, for SBU. lohn Laudgraff while returniug home from Woodalco tho other evuuiugiuct with an accident which mi^ht have ooat him bin lifo. A young (/entIonian from tho nouth ran into . .fohn'a buggy, bruising him in different part a of tho body. Harvey and William Harrihou and Joh- epli (Jook, colored, of tliia township, wero found guilty by Judge Home at Sandwich on Friday of htealing cattlo from Purvia I3ron.( E. Marontotte and otbem of thia townahip. SiiHpicion attached to Loon Eavoie, butcher, of Bello llivor, and tho hidea of aomo of tho ntolou aniraalo .wore found in hia ahiughtor houae. Ho naid ho had bought them in good faith from .tho priaonera, but thoy, iu turn, while admit ting that thoy had got 875 from JJavoio, Haid it wan m payment for thoir trouble in driving tho cattle from a point on tho road whore Lavoio tnld thorn he would bavo thorn, to hia (daughter bouao. Tho judge found them guilty, but remandod thorn until Lavoio'a trial ahould como off. O. E. Floming oppeared for tho priuoncru and A. H. Clarke proaecutod. Lavoio, who in cbargod with stealing tho Hamo cattlo and rcoeiving nlolou goodH, WftR then brought up and elected to bo tried boforo Judfjo Homo. Ho hud not nil hiH witnouBoo ready and hia trial waa poBt- ponod till to-morrow, Baturday, Sopt,12th. Saturday Morning We Place on Sale ! 12 Fioooa of U2-Inch Fbmnelotto for lio, por yard, 2-Yardfi Wide Plain and Twilled Shooting regular price 22c. a yard reduced to 1/jo. por yard. 2-Yardn Wido Bloacb Twilled Shooting tho 2oc quality re duced to lflo, por yard, .'if)-Iuoli Heavy Groy Cottou reduced to mj. po,r yard. 10 PioooH or 32-Inah PrintH to Clour at 0a. por yard. 10/1 White Hproadii, worth Sl.fiO for S1.00 11/1 Wbito MurnoilloH Hproadii, for S1.2"> ' Komuant-i of Dromi Good-i, Printa, GinghamM, Satoonn, -Zop- hym, Ac, during thin aale at Half Priuu. All (Jur.:iHo. Boat French Challioa during tliui Hale for l!)c. per yard. Special Sale of Table Linens and Towels. 50.Inch FinoTabln Linen regular prieo yfia. por yard Sale price 25c, por yard, ,rj7-Iuch Finn Table Linonfi at UHo., .'17Jc., -inc., doe. and 50c. por yard worth rogular 20 per cent rnoro. Tbroo-Quartor Kizo Linen Table Napkina for ^1 por Dozen. Beautiful Towola at 2 for 2'"o. f Space Does Not Permit us to Enumerate the Great Bar gains in All Departments, You flust Call and See.^*^^' Our Wonderful Bargama in New Dtghh Goodti. Our Komarkublo Sale of Mou'h aud Boyn' Snitn. Our Reanonablo Offerings in Clothing to Order. Our Groat Reductions in Boota and Shoen, Our Special Qaotationa of Sugar by tho Uarrol. Our Gigantic Salo of Ladiea' and Childron'n Now Fall aud Wintor Mantlea. The Millinery Department is Now Open. DIEBEL & BRICKER, I.;; dry feet and good footwear Go together. If you would have the first you roust seek to get the second aud to accomplish that take a walk into % jSOKLEY'jS. Next dour to Bute's Carriage Shop, Talbot-St., Whore you can have) CllStOIH Of Ready-Me y"-oi.oi< or.......i Boots and Shoes FOB i^E^ :^^TZ3 3307TS. Western makes to acleot from. K^s" L'rimG Stock uaotl in manufactiu-o no shoddy. IS* Repairing noatly doi.e. Parties deBirin" Oualom-iiKido Footwear in tho full can leave thoir orders now and call for samo when wanted. R. SONLEY, Essex. I'titer D. Wheeler, tho murderer of Annio Kemptou, waa hangud at Oigby, N. fi., lit 2.:i() o'clooli ou TuoHduy morning. No diHturbauooH took place. Farming for- September (pubhahod by the Bryant Proas, Toronto) ia w grund number. It opoua out with a full aud readable do. acriptinn of what m boinp; dono for agnoul- Lure in Outario by meann of govornmoutal ontorpriao and voluntary aaaocifition, giv ing' au account of the Ontario Department of iVgriculturo, aud of itii work, and of tho aaaooiations |iud aoeiotieb that bavo boon formed to advauoo agrioulturo iu Ontario, auoh an tho difforcut livo atouk auaociatlonB, tbo difforont dairy aanooia* tionn, tho t'armora' inotitutou, etc. Thm artiolo ift illuatrated by noarly aixty por- traito and yiowa. Other lending artielou tako up the Bi!o, tho Ueiwy Ilortio Trado, Tbo Enriching of Impovoriahod Soilo, How to Mako alonoy out of Poultry, Drain ing Hoado, etc., many of thorn illuntratod. Tbo programtao for tho year inobidoH a uurabor of articled on tho Dairy Induotry, tho Bhcop Iudnatry, tho Boof IndiiBtry.tuo Pork IndnBtry, Now Mothoda of Xillugo^ Suitable Sooda for Special Soilo, a to. Wo oomtnond *'I?arming" to our farmora and BtoaUmon, attboing worth many timoa tbo Hubooriptibn prioo, wbioh Is ouly $1, Bub* Boriptious roooivod at thia oflioe. DO you I^ide * If so, you want to have the best there, is and everybody knows that The Nobbiest Turnout Ifl TO UK HAD AT- JOHN A. ROSE'S Livery. (rood Jinailstcra. Hatty Hiding Buggies. Comfortable Carriages, A Call Sol'ioUcd. SaUnfiaotion Guaranteed, North of tho' *' ' .Railway Track. ' " 'i"'vl '" &h L ESSEX, ONT. 7

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