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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 21, 1896, p. 5

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;,' ^J,WjM^4itiU&&%Jiu*i& W?rTT 1< x^Tw; "i>J ^ *^ _.<: ;c JAS. D. ANDERSON & Go,, ^ KANICEKH, Next to Aberdeen Hotoia Essex. " Money to loan on tf&nrniw' Notoii: NoUm bought "or Collootiul; Monoy to loiui on Mnrtuii<i i oweut 1-atdH and bOHt turniM. M Draftri liiHuort paynblo at |iitr nb nllfrirliiolpul points FIro Insurance ARohtSy etc NOTICE- Ft i" the Purpose of cleaning out the Town well at the Waterworks, the water will bo riiufc off during the fore noon of Monday next, Aug ust 24th, By Order, JAMES A. HICKS, Chnlrnifin V . W. -C U Com. The Essex Froo Press, BRETT A AULD, PnOPHIETOtlS FRIDAY. AUGUST 21, 181M. i _____ _ ________t Town, and Vicinity- Soptnmbor 7th will b Labor Duy. A. K. Milne, of Auburudalo.Ohio, vimted in' town tho pant weok. MfH. Ouollotto, of Tilbury Norhh, died on Thurnday of liuit woek, aged 100 years. Tho hnne bull mutch ou Kritluy evening latit wui won by Cottmu bj a iieoie of 7 to 2, only four inningi! being played. Tent our twenty-hvc a nt tou n gamut any foity cent Hue in tho market. M. ,]. Wigle A Co. ,1. W. Btal'eti, of AnihorHtbnrg, hunt woek, bought thiee cnrloadn of allien at Miwunor'n mill, Camp Palmer, and had them whipped to Amherbtbuig to make into potanh. Minuets Lizzie and Loaia Dunutan, of Winoiu, Minn., uro expected on uTimt wrth Iriondu in town. They are vimting in -Windaor with Mien Bamford bf fore coming boro, C. 12. Nn^loe uhipptJ tlno. cm loadn of ntuvt'D to Nuw York, on Tuoeday. T. II. DoCuw nhipped two carloadii of lumber to Detroit on Monday and four earn of ntnven to Now York iHato on Tuenday. Alfrod Wulker iu agent far J,ho Gerhard flointzmnn and Morriu Fuuioh and Doherty Orgaun.tbo bent innlrnuiontu in tho market. Don't purcnaHc an instrument till you nee bin hue. It ~ Tho work on the repairfl to tho county building at Sandwich irf progreuhinf; fav orably and Contractor Navin o\pectn to bavo tho court and jury roouiH in readmonji tor court on September Htli. Ada, daughter of James A. lliekh, wan {) yearn of age on Baturday hint and nlui gave a birthday party to about thirty of bor young frn>ndH. Aftor tbo party, Art int Krieghoff wiih called in ana took it pboto of the group: Division Court f-ittmgH will bo held ut Belle Itiyer ou Monday ne.it , at Kbtiex on Tuesday; at Amherntbuig un Wcdneixla} ; at Harrow, on Monday, AngiiaL JlHt; at Kin^HViIlo, on Septeuibor 1h( , X-iuarnin^ ton, Boptomber ynd-;-uiid Comber, bopteiu bar 3rd. M, J. Wjtfle liift on Sunday lor Ottawa |0 attend tiro mnolm^ of tliu: lli^h Court of tho I O I'\, which mot tlatru u.i 'lnemlai lie repiCBontH Court Roval, of tins tow . Jahon Woodiwihft m repiOB' utin^ Kin/^Hv'ilIo Court and J. 1'^. John on, L mnnigton Court. Tho cruaride a^aumt tho toll Rule, winch iu tho opinion of th* inajoritj has out- livod it-) UHi'fulftoi.-j, ainumt/il practiu'-t] ahapo m York Count} eaily Sim lay morning wh*n tho tuicii wmi applied to tho tjato houioa on Yodk^ itieot jut ht yond th^ Toronto oily liinitn. The puriions who fin d tho huildiu^M havw loc jet Ik en nptured. Ou Friday hiHt, Clnof of Police Sihhou laid an nifopmatioii bofort P. JVI, lieamau ftfjainnt Thomuit IVUlone, landlord of the American IIouhc, eliarnnitf hun witli ii'll iK liquor without a Iiuhuhuoh ihellfli ol Au^Unt. jMulono pleaded guilty and wag flood $20 and 93 7u tout*. Tluu m tho Urot ,j-6u.aa ariuinji out of tho atlopuonof tho LoiJttl Option in toiim. '^T>r*. J. E.^JcitVlor loht a valuiibU dnvoi on Saturday niyht lut.t. The aiiimal had feeen put to pasture iu W. O. lieattit'^ furm and in i,omo wiy had j,ot out on to tho M. , O. U. track at tho roar of Mr JJei-.uu N and wao atiiifik by an M. O H ti.nn mid killcl. Tho Dr. valued tho buiht ai M(jn. K IIunkott, M. 0 It. Hohoitor. of St 'IhoniaH, wftH in Khtiex on Mouduy morning looking up tho factn of tho case, The I, 0. O. F, Grand Ludgu cloned itn HOBHion at Karum on Friday hint to moot in Belleville in 3907. According to roporta proH4uted, on Decern bar {Jlur, htht there wre 2110 loj^im in Ontario having a yiem- bernhip of 22,17H, un niorouHo during tho year o-f A '8. Flonry WluVo, o Port Hope, wan alee tod Grand ."Winner ; ,J. A.. Youn^ of 'XhamcuvUb, Deputy Grand Mutittr; J. K. Farowwll, of Whilby, Uraud Wardui ; J, C. Kind, Gr-iua Socroiuiy , Win. Baden- tiuh, Grand Troaaurer ; W. H. floylo, of Oannin^to.i, Grand KoproHontutiye. In tbo olnotion of offioern for thi Duu^htoi-H of Hobcdcab, Mrn. G. J3. Pulford, of Auihemt bui^, waft oboHou an Grain Inoidu Guard, Xbu compctitivo exompbfioution of the llo- bflkab decree by tlio teainnof Pnnny Lod^o, of Amliorntburf;. and Oolfax Lod^e, of Safoiu, took plane on Thursday ni^lm and I*aiiHy Ijod/jo ourriod off all tbo honorti, reeoiviujr -J8T poiutH out of 600, whilo thoir m\,Jl opponouta rooivod lean thuti 800 pomtu. ll'jud Mmitb'M iuI, Now furniture at Hnuth'H^ A older mill In Khuox would pay good prollhi thin yonr. Tho Wftatber the punt) fow thiysi hat( boon notnewhat cooler, Georjjft Ijaln^, of London, liiui boon vlidt- iriM 1 town with rolntivoM. Mm. (Of.) T. J3. Jonuor in upending thd wonlc with friondii m Dotroifc. riui;h B. MoDnnald, of London, wan a vihitnr In town tho pant wt!k. Now hIiood, latent utylou, oxoollont valumi, Unit received hy M. J, Wi^lo tt On, Tho Tfdtliotenouidiforyou uppoarii toliavn ei'euped from itu oiiro and to be again nl I ii run, )"or tho host iiniiortraont and lowent priooH in men'd fnrnndiiiigii try M. .7 Wi^lo .t Co, Minn MoPhoriinn, who formerly taught in the Public Hohoel hern, i vimfcin^ with MrH. W. A. Garduor. Mm. W. riiclai, of Wulkorvillo, viiiitnd tho pant week with hor dauphtor, Mm. Ilarrv Wi/rln. Willurd Allan and Noal Ilopkitui, of Do- ti nit, were the e,uontf of Mi'in Kdna Daw- hou hint Sunday. M. K. Cowan, M, P. for South Ennox, linn pjone to North Grey to aiinint Hon, Wm. Paternon in bio eumpnifpi. Mm. Olver moved bor family and bonne- hold offentu from Amhoruthnr^on Tuooday into Mr. Strunibtrt'n renidrnooin town. Dr. .Tenner roeoivod a mcwiatfu from Kutliven on Wednenday tliat bin mother wan ill and ho drovo down on Weduonday aftornoon. A number of our oontomporariou are tfikinu their annua) wook'n holiday Miiii week. The Fju:k Tumid, bowovor, oomon out on time. Ilebnnr Tent, No. 71, K. O. T. M., will meet on Monday evonins.' next. Fouruuti ationn. ITohnnr Tout iu, otoadily increan int! in moinbernbip, K. L'. Park attondod tbo etonrnion from Wal kerville to Pawn iolnnd, on Friday hint, gnen by II. Walker tt Sonn to thoir employees. Many people prefer to qot murriod in tho early fall inonthn. A wino act to (^et mar ried; ajuther to buy youi bouuo furmturo from Irawford, of 'lilhnry: ------------------ ^ Iltr , AIihh Carrie K. Hdur left ou Tnowlay morning for ]Mai,'anetuwau, in Mnidtoka Difltnrt, io tako chart,'o of the Public Hvbool in that village, having boon etiHa^od tin ro for a ytar. Rural ichooln re-opeued on nlonday hiut; urban 1'ublio end Separate iichooln ro-open on Tueeday, September lHt, Ehuox ili^h School will ro-oponori WednPHday, Septem- her Mud, at 1 30 p. di, Mi'-h i' i\Iol'lierhon returned to her homo ut Poplar Hill, Middlchiii (Jo., on Tuouday arid mh accompanied by her MBter, I\Ira. (Dr ) McKon/ie and ohildioii who will viwit tlitro and in V-'arwiek, Lamhton Co., with lflativen. Tin annual "Ilurveat Fcfitival Scheme' in connection with the Salvation Army, will bo hold throughout Canada, New- foundlaud and Northweat Amorioa and Hi rintida, ou Saturday, Sunday, Monday and HiieiifJny, An^iiht '2'Jth, ,'iOtli, 31ut and Hept* ruber irtt, Uomon rKi'\n.~Make a nyrup of four j.otm Is of v.Into iuif,'ur with font quarts ot writer, lioii , when cold add four ouncei ot Nn tarui mild, one lmlf o/ of eiiiRnoo of lemaii (or any other flavoring) and Llie white of nix o^'^h hetd-eu to a ntill froth ; huitle, oi put in ^ho-H frml hoaln. Put two tahleHp' onutul of tlio cream in a tumbler, add a pinch of neda and tlit n fill Mm tumbler with wator. Drink while I'tfei \ choiii^. Goinj; out of hiihiufHH, every tiling cheap (i \). Smith .S,' Go. How lune'i do uhan^c, For yiarn Amerunn citien and towun oft the bonlei and nulfed many of them on llie border have refuted to a^Q^pt (Jauudiali curroiie^ rtcept a bi{ iiiucount. Now tho noo i^ (jii the otln r foot. CanadiatiH rcfiiHO to accept II S Hilvrr and billu except at a bi dm- uoiint, while tlu monu>nd men in CJncle Sam'H doinaiiu are j;lad to dopnjit their mtiNL-y in Canadian bankn and aioanxioun to net hold of all tin Canadian currency they tan. fJhai Ilh Jli adnhaw, wliu.'u home wan in London, cmiiii up beie about mi wtt-Jin uyo with nimc lace lioinou helou^in^ to Kobeifc B^inpHt, wliieli he wau to train for IUr, Harutfl. About four weeka ago ho waa t ilaunllf ^yjth liillniumatinjLjif th^fi^^, and on Wtdncidn} ui^lit he died at tho KoVal Hotel, where ho had been htopp*iii^. fT< wan '2A viarn, ^ rnoutlin and ](,l du>u old and lii'i body will he sblppi 1 to Lon don thin fFridiy) riiorniu]* for burial. Jle- whh unriJiirried. P. M. IWma.ii, on Tuuaday, lioaid tlio cane of Kdwaid Weth vh. I JJ. Cornwall. The plaintiff wan keepoi of the toll ^iiLe at Maidntont Crohn and claimed that Corn wall owed him 82b" for wa^on, ho having kept tho fjatc from January lath to July liiui, at SO oenta u day. Cornwall, m Iuh j ovidenou, Htati d that bin roeuiptfi at that nate troin Mr. \Velh from January 19th to May SotL: amounted tn ftl-lf..."),) Jud||nu ot wan t^ivon in favor of plaititiil fur full amount F/ith contH. ParunoK and itll hummer ^oodn about half price at Bmith'H Jj. Itfliifjlunan, Ueooro Keeper for Ilobner Tent, No. 71. K. O. T. Ai., on Saturday hiut, rt-umvod tho uluck for ^2,000 in pay ment of tho policy In Id hy the late Wm, F. Ilieku, in that order and on Saturdny evonin^ with tho couumtto of which tlio tent commander, George M. Millard, wan chairman, delivered tho sumo to tbo do ooufiod'Fi father, Thomun HioIip, and mntor, Minn Mary Hioko. William Ilmlto died ou tho 2'lth of July, and that tbo oheok oiimo alon^t in throe wocIih hIiowh the prompt muni with which tho Maooab'ooa pay tludr olautiH. PurimolH nfc about hulf-prioo ut At, J. Wijjlu A Oo'h. Minn Portbii Ijyppu, of KiukhviIIu, iu vim ting friondii in town, ThormonjetorH ro^nitorud an low an '17 dotfrooii on Tuoaduy niubt, - Oourt lUllHWorth'H family moved to WiudHor yoetorday (TlmrHday), M. J, Wi(ilo A Co, have juiit reoowod a dray load of new boota and iihoon. Kv. A. Tj, Uovoirly will occupy tbo pul pit of Ht. Paul'ii clmrab ou Bitnday next. Tbo diflloulty at the Watorwoifkn wua overoomo on Friday hint and both wolln ,aro now boinpf need. Alfred Jouon nhowed n, hint woek, u corn iitftlk from bin field that muiumrid 12 foot Ilincheii in lon^th. Tho lint of upcoial pri/.un for tho oonitiu; Greal South Wuiitom Kxbibition will bo found on pa^e 7 of thin iunuu. Dr. PottH loft on a biiiunomi trip omit on Saturday and returned on Wodnonday. ,1. K. Stono bun iiorno oi|; barnainn in neoond-hand cartii and bu^jjien. See thorn. Mm. N-Hthan-PhilHpT~df ButtlirtJixek, Mich., iu vitntiunwith MrH. C. M.Jolimiton- Mm. J. Waltoni and Minn Walterit ro- turnod homo on 1' riday hint from their vimt to Ulora. N. Ratuliffo, of tho M. C. lt ih on tho nick Iutt and Wm. Duo, of St. Thoman, m relieving him. hhnoinon Gardner, who hau boon lmd up for over a wuuk paut with appuudicitiH, in ai;ain able to bo up. 10. J. Williainn left on hinwht.pl on Tuoa- day, forPonfiac and liny City, Midi, lie will bo gone a week. Mrti. Guorgo Laintf 'tutl family, of Lon don, are on a vimt with relativen m town they will remain for a couplo of woolen. There wau no quorum at tho npecial inoetnm of the town council oalied for Wt duenday evening to ptini a couple of hy- Hl^ dim-nuiit on alothin^, at Hmith'n, Wide fhinnoletto, regular 10 otn, lino 7otn. at Hmitb'ii. Mm. T. W. Krookc and family are vhilt- img Mm. Wm. Nmihitfc. ___Jaoob Anuir, of Amor, wuh a vitiltor In town yentorday (Tlnirnday), ~~ "William Shaw in having u new verandah built to-Mh ronidohot! on Irwin avenuo, FrankJyn Watnon hau gone to Windsor to Hpend a week before roturniii^ to Dug- laud. If you are (joing to funiinli up with ntoveii ami bouuo furniture it will pay you to iieu Crawford, of Tilbury, Minn JSfchol H'mtb and Mantor A. B. Muck have ivtumed from thoir viit with fiioirln in Siwiooo. Special Snaps K*(4V Town CoiiikM, lawn. One of Dr. McKeu/ie'a bomeu wuh quite hadly cut up on Sunday hint hy getting mixed up in a barbed wiro fenco at Cedar Beach, Jon Payno wife auj daughter of Chat ham lotumed homo Tueuday aftor n]ond- in;/ 'i fow da>H with lnu Hintor, Mru. J. -Clifton. The Directorn of tlio Public Library are mailing arrangement for a lawn social to bo heM on Dr. Pnoii'n lawn on Friday Sipt. itli nee notice next week. Wo received a call on Wednempiy from J. Pennington, of tho St. Thomun Journal, who in vinitmg with bin family at the home of Win. Klliu, iu MaUhtono. Misnen Maude, Mary and Gertie, d^ughtum of ThtiniuH Knhinnon, liavo re turned home from South Lyon", Midi, whore they npont their vacatmi. The remdeutn on the north Hide of Xi win Ave, are having a fuur foot plauk Hido- walk laid in Iront of their propcrtieu, John wortloy being the :ontiaetor. G. Pi Smith A Co, exhibited oevoral Kpuintih mudhroomn m their window on Saturday laut, hut tho niuahroornn turned out to be toadatoolH of tbo htr^ebt kind. U S. billu are now tukou at tho bankn and many of tlio stored in town at a dis count of '-J per cent. A diHUiunt of 5 per eont. is made ou U. S, iiilvur and mlver certili'jatcH W. J.Uewur, the tailor, had a cacturf on exhibition in Iuh window on Battir- daj lawt, which had iicvou bloauomo on it, all in bloom at the warno time. It prctiunt- ud u liandHOino appuaranco. llarfjaiua in bhoe-i at Himth'H; (ioiug out Of buHUit.HU, 1', J WillnnrjH, wlio haH been in tho employ of the Khhcx Medical Hall, lor over three youm pant, will lea\e on tho 7th of Septi mbor to tako a oomao in the On tario Pharmacy College and will graduate next May an a full-nodded cheinmt. A report wilh circulated ye.-Uorday {Thuihday) tbut Mibh Maiy Muleahter, who ban been ill for nome weekn pant, wan dead. We are pleaned to iitate that there in no truth m the ropoit but on the contiaiy ttio young lady in uktuuhly impro\itig. Arbitratois appmnted to coimuler the Union of ccitain landu in North Goniiold to Unmix for nchool puipoiea, will meet -it tho Aberduon, in Kutiex, at 10 a. in., on Monday next, the '2ilh mat All parties intureHtod ohould bo in attendance Dr. Dowar, who hu been oin^ through iho hoHpitulri in New York 'iity for the nutjt tux v>eikri^rBtunjed,4o Euno.\ yontor- day ('JhurHckay) nionung He will move with hlH fmnily to Windaor to-moirow (Saturday) and will practice m that city. Tho Dominion Parliamont opened on Wt'due-tday. J. I>, Edjjur w.io ohoHt'n Kp' akor and the epoooh from tiio throne besideH tho Ohtimattn referred to the Manitoba School qtnntion, tlio Gov.an- mout'H policy on tbo tautf queHtiou, rho Pacific cable and tho fimt Atlantic knhemen. Tbo oheapoHt and hoot drefcii gooda at Smith'ii ; going out of bUHinoi'H, everything rod need. At the HoaHion of the High Court of tho L O. P. in Ottawa on Wedneiiday, the Ontario jiirindiction wuh divided into Uuro High Courtn, to ho known uh tbo Western, Central and Kaalorn High Courth. hhlx County in included m tho Wontnru Divi- hiou, Jaoon Woodiwiito, of Kingnville, wud e'octod High MarhaI, and next joar'u Heumon will bo held at Prantford. Heme partieo nnramoring on Peleo Inland, opened a mound ou Mi. Wavdroper'e place* lately. Thoy found bouoo of a mound- huildor. There wan nothing to iudioato how long he bad uoou buried, but ho bad evidently boon buried in a planting puni- tion, Hhi bonoii woro prottv wo'l pronorv- oth Probably thoy had boon thorn a tbouaiiud yoam. Thora aro nlno moundii in different partu of Eimox County, believed to have been the work oil naouud-huildorn. ToKiiuA.ir, Auounr lBtli. Council mot at 0:1(0 p. m. I'reHont Keove Liurd.in tho chair, Deputy Iluovo MeDongidl, Cou.ioillorn Itameii, Whitney, Hcott, J. A. Hiolo. and J. M. Ilioltn. Miriutcn of previouu meeting were read and adopted. A cornmumention wan ro'*d from tho local Hoard of Health containing copy of tho riHolutinn p^utind hy them at thoir laut met ting, a copy or which wim pub lished in hint wook'n I-'m y, Puk-ih, and which called attention to tlio unnamtaiy condition of iiomo ditcbcu in town. Mr. Laird thought the mattei ahonld bo riferied to the conimb'iiionern for tlio Htpariito war hi. Mr. McDougall thought the en^ineor ahould be miitruoted to go over tho ditch ou Arthur avo. Ho behoved tho work ahould be paid for out of tho guuoral fund . thu eont would not exceed 20. Moyed by ilennrn. Ramon and Wlntnoy, that the Commimiionor for that wind bo luntruoted to attend to the drain on Arthur avenuo and Prion avenue cant, Carried. W. II. Kdgar addroquod tho couuoil about tho condition of a drain iu hw part of town, .). A. JIicJih beliovol tho noonor tho herding of cattle on tho ntrootn of tho town wan utoppod tho hotter it would be for tho c'ltchou m town, lie thought it won Id bo a good idea to appoint nomo portion to hoc that tho hording wuti otoppod. Ou motion of Mpejhih. MoDougall and Hainan, tho comminnionor for the hocond ward wan inntruoted to attend to the grioy- iiuuo of Mr, Edgar. A notice wuh read from Diebol & Briclter that they iutondod to determine on the 15th of February ne^t tho leano to tbo town of tho prouiiHCB formerly known an Pcck'H Hall whicu the council uho under a leane from ,7. O. l'ock A communication wuh reiul from tho Hohoitora for tho town in tho L> cul Option by-law chKo relative to Uicir uteount of ?^(J0. J. A. Ilickn undorntood that the town wan not renpouuible for more than 9100 in thiH matter. A leuolution wau paunod by tho council at that time that thoy would not bo renpouHiblo for anything over thai amount. J. M. llickh and A. ftainon both under- Htood that MetiHrfi. Wigle and Naylor had given hondn that they would guaranteo all tho contn ovor 200. A communication wuh read from the Deputy Attorney Genera] ntatine, that the requont for an opinion as to whim Local Option in Jimex went into force had heon retoired to the Provincial Secretary's Do. partmuit Filed. A coinmunaation waa road from D. H. DayUi Htating that TIioh. Irwin hud in- titructed him with reforenco to tho con- Htruction of a dram on eant aide of town- hue between Colahwtur North and Goh- fluid Nortli. A notice for tho drain wiw ^ Jtvetl on Soptombor UOtb, 1895, the uoun- oil adopted tho notico and caubud plaun, etc, to bo Horved on tho adjoining town' ahipi which piiHHed by-lawa in conformity therewith. Ho now Jiudii thut no by-law has been panned by tho town and t.y a rodolution thoy have ehangod tlio couroe of tin- drain. Mr. Irwiu addrennod ttio oouncil. The oounoil, ho claimed, nhould huvo thn drain ooiiHtructed according to tho planw ami npeoihoatiotiB in place uf Diking it to the other uido of tho road. Tho Reovo utud tho plana had been uhaiit'.od by a renolution of tho couuoil, Mr. Mttylor agioeing to put in a culvoit at hm rornor to tako tho wator acroHH tho load. The couuoil thought in thin way it would bo bettor for Mr. Naylor aud pint an good for Mr, Irwin. A long ditiouhsion renulted but no action wan taken. Tho following aonouutn w<.re referred to the Fiuanuo Committee: Van Tuyl A Fmihtnk, Petroloa, ouo woilung-baiivd for pump, S17.o0, net of clapper valvei fi 12.150 ; W. II. .Edgar, day'si work at watorworkn, ftl.60;W. RohitiH, wood, 4.G0; J. L. Winter, wood, $la HJ; John Gonnley. % day'n work uHumtiug engineer, 75 cents; Droit & Auld, printing and ntiitiouory, l*7.n'"); D.G. JSvann, leather for valve, 81. Thi Roevo ntiid tiome poraono uro paying their tax oh by tho month or woek. lie thought tho ooiinoil nhoultl pay iiomo ono bo muoh por oont. for oollccting them. Moved by Mr. MoDougall, that the motion, ro making ditoti on wont nido oi townhno iuntead of oaat uido, bo roaoiudod and that tho ongineor have work done no- cordiu^ to plana. Ho necondor. Tlio PiniMico Committoo reoommoudod payment of aooouutn of Brett & Auld, $7.05; J. aorraloy 75 ota. ; Vau Tuyl & Fnirbank, 8S0 i Win. Itobinn, $l.CO ; J. L. Wintor 913.13. On motion of J. A. IHoltH and D. Whit- uoy, the roporfc wa adoptud, Moved by MoHHra. Sootb and Kaituu, JZSzm IN Summer Goods 25c., 40c. and 50c. Lines, Now- go for 10c. and 15c. See them, the Greatest Value Ever Offered. Choice Patterns, Reduced from 25 and 40c. To 5 and 8c. per yard. Men and Boys' Summer Hats, Reduced from 7<jc. to 27c a Cargin, WUITxNKV BhOOK, JGfcKIOX. ou that ihe c illt ctor receive fi per cent, monthly colleetinn of ta^e. Carried, J, A. Ilickn 'laid the culvert on the rear road noar Mr. Wbitney'n nhonld he atttn- dod to right away ar.d the Board of WoiltH nhould anaint Mr. Whitney, Tbo Roevo iiaid tho town uhould do tho work and make Uolohcnter Novth contrib ute towarda tho cent. Moved by J. A. Ilickn, that the Reovo notify the Reeve of (blihetui North to IU tho culvert on noath oud of Victoria titreut on rt ar road. Carried. On motion, council adjourned till Wed- noaday oyoning to connidor by-law for hidewalk ou Brum avonue. on it ua by. MiBfl MiiiofiAn j. pnnKiN. CouBUmptioirelaimr d another viotim on Tueoday, iu the poiHon of Peljorah Jain, boloyed daughter of Rioharl IV-rkin, who livea near C, [ ). Naylor'a mill m town. Decoaned had boon ill for nome time and her death wan not uuoKpeoted. Sho wan a highly enteomod young- lady with many fiieiids who regiet bor dennne and join in extending to I lie family their heartfelt Nympathy. Thefiinertl fonk phico fioru tho family reaidence y Htnrday (Thurmlay) afternoon to Grace Alothodinl where Hor- vicoh woro conduct oil by Uov. W. B. Puncoo, afte1 which the remaini weio takou to Cottain cemetery foi mtenuent. Tho pall-heartrn v.-ero Thou. A!linon, G. A. Sherrin, Wallei Sli nv Alfmd Gardnt r, Jainon Stewart ami VV. KnhcrtH. A large number ol the memborn of Khho.v Couuoil, G. 'J. G. F., of which ucoeu u <1 wuh a uitm her, attended tlio funeral. In the Ghonen Friondu, ulie c in ied an in nun ii'*** of ^l 00(1. nnifbON anvM, Death made ano-hur iruo'id mi the citi- /eiiH of Khhcx on W7edne-"Ky, .v! i * ti Simp- hou Shaw passed to the Gnat, Po\>md aftor attaining tho ago ot 1') \iuaii, J>L,coanod wau a native of Kiug'-i Co, Ireland, but eniiio to Amorica ovor ol) yt aril ago, Por tho pant 10 yearn hi htm lived m thiH town. moving here from Miilbimik, Durham Co. lie wau taken ill a week ntfo hint Sunday hut wan able to bo up at timrri dunug the week. Ou Sunday laftt, however, he wan taken worho and died on Wednesday afternoon, death being due to heurt dm oano. Bouiden a widow, ho leaven two aonn and two daughter! Willn-m, of Michigan ; Kichaid J,, of thin town ; Mrti. Jacnon Ilnggert, of WuiibiiMheiop, and Him, M. Cunningham, of TetonKoy, Mich. Anothor daughter wau married to James Cunningham, ol thin town, but oho died three yoamugo. One Bister, Mm. Delahoy, of Durham Co., alao nnrviven. The iun'ral will tako place from the family ronidenco, Alice St., thin (Friday) tdftmoon at 2 o'oloclt, interment to he iu Cottain come, tory. An eolipno of tho moon will tako place to-morrow (Saturda.v) nuilit, btginning ohortly uftor H o'clock ami tluinhin tihortly after fi o'clock on Suutluy morning, It will bo viHiblo in Canadn. Tbo Htandard nilvor dolbir of the United fifcAteB ooutainn 412i gramti of puro uilvor, win oh in actually worili fill contn. Ouo hundred oe ittl worth of uilvor ooiued would UH. bo 790J ipa Suicide ut ILiiitrHVillo. Tho village of Ivingnvillo woh ohockod qu I-'nduy lant at llie deliberate attempt f$ V/. H. NeUon, one of im moiit pro.^pi-royu groceri,, to take hm owu life. Mr. Ndlaoa who had been ou a upreo for a woek, bad becomo donpoudent over hiu Imlure to ijive up tho appotite for liquor and brooding, ovei hm woakiRHH and boliuvmg that tbo habit ho lmd controlled for fotirteon ycara pant, wuh again getting tho mitfiU r of him, ho went into A. G. Adarnn' haidw.up ntoro about 'I p. m. and purchasing and having loaded u icvolver walked to GroonhJh cernotory on the border of tho village whore ho nought death The mu^lo of thd weapon wan placed againnt bin loft broaHl and tho bullet, a U'2-ahort, pahued through tbo left lung nariowly intHHing tho heart and ]odg<d in the hack. Mr. Adaraa noticed while I\lr. NeNou wan iu bin HtQtc that he acted iju.cily and ud coon pv NulMon loft ho (Adamn) hunted up W. B GilkiiiHou and uifoimcd him of what fcgc boon done. Mr Gilkmuon, knowiug tbp" Nolflon \/an drinking, went to bin homn'aiu, not finding hitu tlu-re, with a compaiiio: walked out to the main ntreot wlnro tlu met a boy who uitornied them \\u\z \\. hoard a nhot in the cemetery a tew mn uton before Thoy burned to tho grav yurd mid theio foiftnl thoir worst fo^i realized. Mr Ntd^on wan lying on hm ait. with blood oozing trom tho woun 1, The nHHthted ltim to hi* luvuo and Hiunmonci medical aid, Orn. MuKeuzie and A.V worth, of KingHVilIe, aud Jonuor, . Ensei, who wan Nelhou'n family phyaioia- during bin renidunco m Ivingnvillo h ing called. Thev inmmtered to bii but could not nave hi-i hlo und ho dim on Saturday about noon, DeooaHod w born m New Brunswick 48 yearn ago, ui moved with Iuh father and family to K ThomaH wlnro he lived for a long tirio Ho wuh a harm an maltLr by trado a* owned a nhop tlu robntHold it flfloon you ago and went to Duttou and conducted tl nlolntyro Houau for a number of yeai IIo Holdout to Mr. McInt}ro, and coi ducted a jewelry btoro in tho villago for, time, moving to Kingnvillo about fo^ yearn ago, where ho hay ihuco boon t gaged in tho gioaery biiuinoon. IIo mi ried Sarah Ilaggort, of St. Thomit BtiHidoM bin wife ho loavoft ni.\ ehildrt* Uc ban a father, H.Nohiou, of St. Tnoiuu aud ono hintor. IIh broLheifi aro : Itobei in Ohio; John, Duttou; Frank," Ki tnuky, and Jamon lii , Itidgotown. Hintor in Mru.TT.~G. Skiu.ior, of Dotro: Suico ccmiug to Kmgnvillo bo Into boon otaunob momber of tho Motbod churoh, of whieh ho wan alno a iruntt lie wilh alno a murnbur of tho A. O. XI. *and I. 0. F., in both of which ho earth lUHtirauoo, St. Gnorgu'B Juodgo, A, F. A i, M., of Kmguvillo, and Prinoo of "Wab Chuptor, R. A. M., of Amhorntburg. I camod life innurauuo to tlm amount S8r000. Tho fu'beral took placo on Mc. day uftornoeu under tbo auupioun of t Manona and wan very largely attend' ServictiH woro conduoted at tbo Mot! diofc church by Itev, Wm. MoDonugh, i . building being filled with trioudB and .. ' quaiiitaiwonk alter which the remains w> m> tukon to Groouhdl Dtimotery foriuterme^. , "About 75 Muaonj) from KingHvillo, A- heratburtf, Ehsox and other plaoea utturti<4 ' the funeral, the pall-bearers being > -,; Jei . ' ' ' t,n?$ , i t r rV , 11, h&i < i ^- ii-riMfa^ :U<^^Mi^^^M

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