TEST - IPR records

Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 21, 1896, p. 2

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pppp^ ii; [; ,s- .If"'. is** ... >: . ESSEX FRlCK-rUESS r:^jcr:~n. - cra-yr. Published Every Frrldoy* Morning iT.om^tho ciUoe on Talbot Streut, next UuiiHtiin XUook. THE SECRfiT. 'Twiiti flrrtf li-'r ryuri that won hi* hf*\***, .And imxt h.-r airy wit Onurinl hi in tn itrlovw when tliuy mu*t |ort Bo (run lovn Icrmlri urn knit. Yet taupfhhii: eyes >"1 dnhity Junk. Thmiidi potent in (hitlr way. Aro'noi Ilin nn'iitiH Hint mirvu her bout In holding *" bar "wny. IjOvu Ihi^Hi-'i iuiw iliriiu^h yitarii Unit Oiuku j\ liiivnn wild with otheru, I'Vu' t.lm ean haloi ii hatter io-iUii That'll ladler tliuii Ids niofhor'll. Wuiilnniftnii hWiir. AFTEU MANY DAYS. "I've hmu^ht. your U\\," It. Wll-' Hit' Voice! nf the dlMJ/nnn thill roused nu> Irom nty siesta an ho stood by iimne a :,|nviiiii-n nf ynunp; Kn-jland f."i feel 1 1 in lliiimi1!-) as ymi would meet, any day hot ween I'm'! i-'ahl and 11 j ? pulf nf .\-deii. Ills fuen showed that; ho wa^ tiri'miuinjr over with n mailer ni' wolph:y iinpnriabeu, so I p'at bend iny-i IT ln;rrt hiT anil pri'ii.'M'i'd Lo lisieii and nd\ ise thereon, for, boinj.,'an old .sia;.roi', I was used to the ennlideiiceH (if HuhalP'i'iiH. "Fact in, I've been hard Idl.." h-'j^an tint dragoon, .-dti in;: down mi Uio dork. Bpuoiiil attention in paid to thu puhliun- tiou of maUnr of benl importance, ueour. ai,uaud reliable ruporf.H of Town, nuip.hbor- injj Towm.nip and County Council prooood- iiiKHT iex:ilI mikI county market rnportn, etc., Uio oartifu- und jncliciouH nuinafiomont id TlIM KUKK TltKHH, With t'MipiiUttu thimo und other ouirunt rriaUern of loiinl importance, lnui b'ivnuita widespread prentice in the iontro of EiihiiX county,which in reonjiuizod uh otui of thu Ix-ft af/iicultural districts in Ontario. Tut; Fain- I'mcaii in tho only medium cneulutine; thurouifhly in thin oontriil portion of thu County, |ind m eon- uoquontly.withotit doubt,thoonly thorough atlvi>vlihing medium for btimmiwi people wihni(! to reach that class of cuHtoinurm coui[i:tiroNid:NL!K. Our columiiH iu* ulwiiju opon for tin: 'jDHdoiiblu (liitommion of (nuttarH pertuiiiin- ".tho public wnlfiu'i). Ablo cornicpondcntii in till ilju mirrouud- '.g louitlitiuii furnish n.-litibln jopurLa ol ' * dnttt of intorr:rit, occui'rinj? in Llieir m-voroharcH; mill tho imhliiihtM- in at nil tiniui- .9<iBfd to ruouivo intoruHtin^ itenm ut -jwh from any diHpnrfud to forward cont.ri- 'jtioun. All cnniniuuicntionH of a priviito utiil aoni'dtiitiul iialmv, ^houhl hu no nnnki-il ^U J'.io uiiihidu of thu i.'nvtdopt'. hlJIlHCIUI'TIOS I'llICH. , , and Jn> ktu:\\ tiicm (pilti! fi 00 por iimiuin, strictly in advance.1 wrll by Hf/M. old'I i-inihr was old rjiou-lr J1.6J*lior annum if not ho pitiii; ana all j lo hu her lai la-r. H' m;ido a pklo in ri mii EirroarM ohai't;i;d at that rat.0. | or snimMiiin;,' '"l" tho sort and dhnl last [ year." AuvKiiriHKMKNiH. ' "Well, vuii know nioi'i) ahoiit. liiT tlian I I tin. Though rda' lri my cabin companion Trumiiunt lujjfal and municipal adver-! l lnuvn't found la-r pni-iiculai-ly ^n- tinenicntH, nulicen, etc., cliargcd _ at j ch-iblc" tho ruto of ten euiti; pijr hue, for firdt "That'H jnsi. it. (inn din-sn't pittmy thaft *)w wait trim and ludopondont eho wm no hot* way to India to mmlt nni hnriMtrly lovo. Thoy Lad always Inmii faithful, thouj(b they had noh i'urrnH|inndi'd that would Imvn t'KM'ii wrmiK~-l)iit hIui hud fr*'- (jiiant nuwH of hint fram a niutual t'rhmil. 'i'hat lit' tilill aiirod i"or liar Hcniuail tmHalu, for he had Ufivi-r marrli'tl, nltliou^h ho hud uttaincfl a j^nnd [kh-II inn. 'I'h'Mv wiim Koninfhln,i< tomOiliiK In \wr ihnpllclty, and I felt a ixraaler Interest thini herclol'orn In tint llltla woinim and a 3o{'t,,-,o of riv-pec.t, In hnr chlhlllUo fidelity. " You have wrlLtnn to nay you urn eoin- lnjr.J" I liupilrod, "Oh, no! I could nntdn fluil. If would H'em lil;o askiii;.; hi in lo marry mo. lint I Umiu- Ih-Ih in lioinbay. I shall scahlni, ttuI then" She, hmkn off with a happy hi title; I ben, afler a fJiiiile, cnnrinncd: ' You niiisi have thought niu Ntupidand ni^orlal.!-', lail. cscry inoiih-nt of the dnv J l ScryM Von ICi^ht If >on will bd that pain iti your bi.ck u<i on f-w-rlniiHit(dy in llm funa nf (tvl'l'iica lilitt thin. Y'til may have a lamo baoli, heudacho, or pi, rli ii pa a linthim, worn-on I, done-up fnnlini; all tilt) time, You have a iainily dixit or. Huh 1i holpnd you ? Ydiir doctor hioi patiuntu ho troubled, no luvu we. ..........""" IIo cal hi on them f^f rpiently, undo we, lliiv iti thu diiiorci ir. w tell thu ri'Miiltii of our yit.iti.; tell ll '<> to.: liiiffarin;,' j-uidic ; lull it openly. Hot' hi one of mu: wnitu: Mr. J. (i. riloan. ut Jvhia-x, <Jnt., iitateii, '"JO yi-imi iifjo L hurt my haoU while lifting ... > . < I ,.: Ml' MM 'llll Ull-l-llll ' ftlJU II M til- liv Hv; (diair, teacup in hand, an v. uolr- i . . . , . -.,.,. . , , , ' orwanl toll. .11 Ihn (lavs wail (1 only inn t J t i i * t; I: i: * ab-nil our meeting and look- \ a heavy wciff lit, .Siuea tliaL til no I havo hud kidney und urinary difficulty almost constantly, crowing wnnin V"ar by year. "Tho doctora naid I hud utrnincd the lining of mv kidmysi. I Imd terrible p'-in in tlio hiimll of my hack. U'he urine wan hijjb ciilnro'i.aiid curiae 1 a .beav> fjodilit' \-.'1 i'..' - I ii. v< ti,:*," rt.d i wfnliy duriUK U p'i:d. ! u> a' M i s'. h i,liable Lo U- pawM quicker- they aro so terribly Ion jr. " Jjiiler in i In- evening . I reported our rtm- vei>:ill-m tolhi> ilnj,'(ifiii, ami J in tool; it: ;li.-th:"tly bad, for the' litlle woiaan c.xor- i.'l.-'ed a ^lran;'l la^clnal i< m over htui. The wor-[ tempered man was a Houi'm of miic.h aniioyanci' i.a liie passenger.-; gen erally, and especially lo my companion, BY-LAW No. TOWNSHIP OF MAIDSTONE. '$] A IlY-Iw\\V to provide for t'l ni in ii(.'n work in the Tewmdiip of IMiddnloiw;, in Lha Ooin.lj t>i J'hiMi, ihkI for borrowini; on ll.e caml of lha Municipality the turn of Tun Ili.iidn d and Hixty-Two JJol- hi id for iiHine. - t'iovli"oi.iil]y iiiln]iti:d tho'J?tlt day of July. A. t>. nv.m.: Wuir.arA'i. Itobt. V Hojairair did rm tlm :W)lh of >in\. iH'ti. laitily O.n n tudcipii) ctaa id I a) llm 'Jowl t lilp tA Alnfih'loi c, Mint tlai drum on lie* HI li.it l.i in (it ' In I'M i oil if ><ujil '1'ev. tin lap < f .Miliar <u]o, in i,J. i l' 'i (.J, ! . truck, ii- not. i.i'l- llcieM in cu.iv off 'lie MnU*r of tin. Itvhtcil Ihnlt. i' i.tl Hu ! H. Iti-iift.n, Mid tfii'..-r(.V.i.hii will hold llm coljion-tIon renpomJIild U\ nay ilanai|;(< la: lan.y recoive. iiiDHul jwtflhi. H ft. fl innhurt. AHhouijh tlioro ffl inioli a jjvimWu.ll hi tho uiilii diltihlfc huH filled up conniiloriitily iliroilntiout Itti iiutlrn hmuth, and In iioain pliindn ii --Miii.t ilunl, and wcnild bo a liuudi hottor ilriiiii than It uuvi iu It ulttnuwl oul to Itti orl'jiniil nh'.(( und t>ulut*j|iiil tot iu butter liialnUiniuao. I would tlaiO'Ujrn report to your liononil'lii body that thu moil Huymour Drain bo uk-aiwid oiit mill onlarnial in aoeonlaiieo with tltti iinmlo und ii]n;(ilflcutionn ntniuxod to this nnuiit, wlilcli ctoaiiliiii out mid uulia'Huiuuat I>...,. find will coat, nil oxpmnmti Incihidud, $WJ, Of tldn lonoitiit I huv(i taxdil tlin U'owiiHldp of .MaiiliiloiH'. for hni.i fit to roiulH, with ^ii!; the luiitih ol tl.nAi.t. K. tin., In tint iialil Ilnl <h:u Uio 1'ijiiiaiidnu H'SM I have aai<ri.ii<:it iu i, I ma tlin hi lain in tint nuld linl uo n, ilial will in any wa> l) iiMecUxl ly ilio ulumiing nail ealionair ot thr iidd Koyuionr Umln, Vat hum lit I huv*-' niiMiiiiidii tluiii -t'JU.iukI loir outlet As'n Wnr.lit.Aii, tla-ieitiion Mai Mud council < .^ifi'.l. '] Ian aruia at all l/i, Iiopt in rctmlr by o lain ]ti*ociiM-d no exam i tuition lo Ins iuad ly ,Jii-i. | tux ouHhe IilIkIii ilih! i oik In nnw luii.owtdii S.Iaolil 1' b S.hidliifii pan-on comimt oi.t lot niicli : (Hi|;n*al) JAM. H. bAIJtD, l',]j. H. and O.K. |'llHKi)-< ,of the aaul an ii ]>icjit-.i.'il 11, tin0 t lit> ii.( niai mi, c,i'i,toa U.t tin dot ia< d I Kmhix, Juno With, J' :i(j. ">""'"i"i ANJ( uin-.iii./ii.-thu [.dti r.oiihcil la of opinion ' who fled [rem his presence. Ills hiniruaire, loo, was not; nhvay.M confined t., Iliiabio- j tuin n rf fn,Mltiny ur ,.!,,. ,miMy nn-tli .nhi ,, . , , , ,, , ' htnnee, and all houjili one cuiild not lieln ml I . T ' Mt.sMantonr I in,,n[,vd syn.pufhot- ni|i..f |}]|, |(mi(I||i ()f |ns ,n,.I(bu,(1,1.Vi , , which I have reaorh,! to.. Ically, |.,r th.it. vonn- w.naan.on her way f(i,|( 1|( n[y hi(1|Il|,(,h d|, . )o )((|t|) ,|lm ,() j -Doiu.-h Kidney J'iIIh. which I procured to m; i I'l'V a td.i nf <-r, I nil I Wnckeil Jiavoi'. ... ' , , 'ii!., . ( [ ii , , 1 k the captain, who removed him to t he pi n't .at hberrin " dru^hfore, o e ! ho or.i' imdi- . unHJ winch hr.vc - vcr tei'iorat ion in his temper. i , , ,. , , .., : comfort. One aiMi'mo * we were a wakened \\'llli ' IllMl unappropriated muHcullne marry a anions tin heart-i. .NiN'w'-'untou'! \o. i mean tho wom an who si m next you at table I he niui witii the In'iOll il'lll eyeri. " "My i.il>in coinpanioi , Mr-, rJ riader! She is pi1, luil.ly ;--"in,; out. io jmn la r in ri band. " I added w.ii'iihi.i.dy. "(ih, no; she's a widow, i 1 tint uf tin1 Foui'ili told n.c all about It. lie has an u.ncle wiio li;ii;i j dace clo-n lo old Trindcr'n, ;iveu mi:- r'du-f and tho -dad tidin';;sihat liombay was iu-;i;rht. i ' '11:i'-v 1,,lV,! " tnoved the | ain from my t,,,),, p,.i vc. Ia-| ut> Uerye und ('oiinrilloninr ll.MOl.l-niU.I Ml hit' I'UMlMUHl /......- hlible to I "". .:..uiii:ii m ui u|>UHOS -.ijoi.o.i.n.t umI.i tldh Act mill h-a <*- iililt.11 | liimi,i.)a i'iilrntU,i,i. nail oi,l.itaut* ariinnaa1 wnih lo hu ijnide hj the m.l'il .liuni-a I *J'Ji*irt (*>ru. iltu miid JSIntJi:ii>Kl f.ouiiiill of tho S. Ijaif cJ.iijnlmi ia;;cHtaciil In he inniU i>\ liin. of j ,<ubl TnwieOilp id MunlhUaie, puriiiiant to tho the Mucin und hhh|!i to he hrtn fitted hy Mich pl'oVi,,ioiiii of tho hraUiiif;i) Act, lh'M, (-lluotB , l.i. i.c.'Oly , i.ol lri Hi!. "i.e-_ ,ni.i laji.i .or: ji'd . i!\, v l.ich, ie hm <' da- ion, Will lit'.ill . IV. O oi iniMO I'*"I in ci.iit.i'tpn'nci' i.f aiiidi drama::'1 ivorl:, h\ i v.-vy n ad at <l lot. or jirirtioa el lot, (lie i.fijd leif;i.Miiciit i-n amdi- he. ink the la-'-TM.uiciit liiicimiilcr hy (ha, |i'*-in\v I'lLiclcil to lio iiiai t - ! tiMi ii/Fi.;., i a.l ion, or ; i'iu e! loo- l,i Jin ii.--,- ii, il .i t i i 1.;.',* i dpi cJ.aij n I f'l 11 j tuifl lie- n ) oil ol ll.e -,,i 1 An,-.. S. I^iiinl IN :r:. I jMTt tlii'iinl i.imI id 11. .- orfi hu- | am uh /(jIIowh; ami made mo 1 ao, t .in- en v.j their viri in .-', In.. 'forarder' wi;h her; .she won't fall; to any body. " "Well., I don't. .>iv Ijow I eim make her "- - "Hut it' ymi were to nsk her to ten or UoniMt hllij-f- of t ho soft." "And ask you to meefi lier, ol tvnitver I dnii't, mind, so bn heiv at. 4 tomorrow. " And I pri icccdcd to wri bide a note to Hunt of tlin r'nurth in eouhideraiion oY hl.t tincln hnvinjr known old Trhuhir. Homchow that tea w.-.h not a Huaoess, al though iliocook aurpiiased hinnudf in tea JDiiortinn, and live octiUi \mr Inn* for ouoh tuibhcqucnr, uisertion. All nuc.h udvortiiieinoutfl arc nieahinod by a ncah; of twolvu htifiHlO the incli. Locril readme and otlicr nuticcii [nib linhud anions local imwn mutter char^'od at tho rate of ten ccntn por running lino for ouch infiortion. All notictiiof clitirch or nocii*f.y eiiter taiiirnentH of any dencnption, at which an udmiHflion fiie ii_^iuv((!_, jlha . regarded hh tidvortiw-nunitt-, and lull advertmin^ ratcu cbu.rpcd.iu till nuch cuhch. .Noticun of ^uth oriunn or mcotin^a not for jmcuuiary bono Ut or aid, will be chuurfully pubhidiod free of ohiirtfo. Spooial contract raton made for diaplay or Htanding advth. Ml h-^iil orprofehaion- al oardn under one incli, So por tinuurrj. J0 OK COMMKUCI,in I'llINTrN'O. The I'bkk Phkhh .7oh Printing; Dt- purfiraQnt in under tho Huperviaion of thoroughly conipotent tuoclntijiiiH, | tho party, leaving tho dragoon badh-il. in und aneoial attuution in paid to thin! hisohj'it, hut morn in love than ever. He branch of tho trade, Our fnciliticfi! was one of thosu men wluj fako the coin- for thu evocation of ult KindH of Book and \ phtint seldoru but badly, and Mrs. Trimh-r, Fine Job Printint; are mioxaollod. Ktouui 1 -\vltli her slim flem-o, hi^r t.-yo-i, sweel. smih; I and jiionnsylkihles, was in hUeyon tin* per- i Ccutioii of wumanhood. _-\nd Mrs. ri'rind--i' J( inidi Mrs. 'Iriudej' Utile limn to rii--~- j bind;, cleansed tin* urim ainJ .:o1h'e| her inipediri.eida. lli*f(..p- I j f,,t.| ]J(.it.r n ,- it . w-. . wu.-> uii-.he war. on did;, whee I juired .. .i mm , , ' trive my (ink ia:c. a.i U her l:i it. 1 he pa --en-fers lu;,'i^i*;e \\iis , ^ J beinj_' liauled iipln.m tim hold, and noir i|,|lri(-' [ ,hil,li lt if* <-uJy due lo Hindi a n.*. the sdi nn ri.mj.'iinion sat, I In: \v> n--t ion- i in ark able rem* dy I a t el! haw if.' cured ioy pered man * rvant upon Iv.n j,,nman- j c,lK. ViWh.u j consider win, m.e of the moht tenu^, bruise d hill ehcerl ul, cdtiiiti ii" ril- < ,.,-.. , ,,, ,' ,, . ., <di fhcult on record, peen into a small canvas ha jr. I. here \v;is a i j/'iodly tiiimber. the price of many 1-eut- i ~ ""* -----------r liijCH. "H't wo lire really I hero iitlas;," he.L'nn 'Mrn, Trlndi-r. Then sin- suddenly stopped and siar-'d iit someihin'r iu t'roni ol' her. Ij'ollowin;*- t he direction id' her eyes-. [ en countered a portmanteau and read flic in scription in whil.o letters, ,k i'Vi-thani li. J.)a\en:int. " Then .1 undi.-rsl o>iu. At t!i;ri instant the wr.M ten-nered man ilui Tnv,nidiL]i "i nit led;. Ol .Vold'itonr, III Ci.lllii'll u!,- M ll Jt ii It I ll I lo IE. IB. XE. lbi.Mi Sua,, 1 am thankful to litndock lilooil J tit tern that. I am ht rone ltnd h'-althy toe'.iy. I !-uftcrcd from Dilif-uhiK-h.H ami bilion;i fever so much tie.a I. wa* out of rnv mind ni(dit affer niMbt, but I am no./ *. n tiroly cured by the uno of two bottlea of Ii. II. Ii. I * i ,.i i i. in n -.! ( He llo; , 111 ].:. \ ia. i In I oi .il di: h( dy, iiciiii:; ii j.oi, u no I o:e Im ll. Petti, J- . Si ;,li,( uj , Mi i( , tiv. : * , ol llm v.i ht h*.If of lit. .'o*. ejia t.ua al.v-si\, n mu l-'Snll Ihitii con. ol > i,ui' Tov in-Jap, 1 11 live (-Mini- inoil the SfMiieur Inain, and In \; to n-|un-L tht'i'i'ini ur ii'lidMc: I In- S-t-wnoni' iMinn i- ni the cellU'i"' lit i: ol t! ' < o ) I III! it con. ".! M-ur '1 nwnidaj. uiid tiMetiil- 'lioio one lml norlii ol the M. (:. |:, Cn.'j, In ml north lo t he ililidi on tie- noli til hide of the .MaIdi a liond, a dlslaiiee of :U.') roilu. 'I In- lniid in |)i>' vnHinty ol tlin i-ai.l Scy- laoitr Ihina lia.i ll.e ijii iitehL tub in ilit; ijurth- cast hut. t heie It, idno a vory |.:rmil fall lo tin* mrili, an shown in lin- nccoinpiinyiiac prolilu. ladai; f'.f.m tin. mirtuci* i*: tin. una an I in I he head nf tin lino;, nt'iir tl.t rind raiJiond ijoaipiiiij'ii land, to Uh Mil face nl I no ground alloc ,M id- en Pond, j- ii. ii in. in i hi) d nun i j re (,r only ;U.'> ifali'., niui ia tlit* hoth'ui of (!,c *-ual Soirnoui: Pl.i:];. \\;.i.i. ch'iiM.d oat, lu-conliiii: to ihi- nn- 1M. '1 lie i-uid leaort, phnm, iii.i-eiJ'iciilil l.n, i.t,- 'jCJiMjk iti, fij.il eatmii, i.i-h am li.-mljy io opL.-il and the ill id.i[i*,;u v,Otll .:;. Lln.o.ii. iaihctt.-.l a:.il fnt fort h ulndl he in, 'hi and c'tmifruelud hi ao- ta'iidiiiici) Lhrruttllli. \w\. 'I hu Jtncn (il tho uaul townabfp may horrow (ai tho en dit of the corporation of the raid Towindajt ol .Maal.'itoiie, llm iilllu ol ^^iW.bo- ii-i, un.ouot ia ci-.^iury lor I'oiiaira ol Haiti drain, i n^':iilinl, ( iiiiiiniiiy aaiun oiiljiuuiireii ol Hit- cui'jioratlon to that anioiiat in Min.a ul not Ii m than h~<'> oaoh, and payaolo within two yuarii troiu llio .(.Into tliornof with iatia'eat at tho mtu ul tux \n>t ctmtiini par naniim, that in to any hi two- i'lpial iiiHtiihnniilh. liiudt ilulaaiturou to hu pay- aide at thti hi.pcaad Untile ut tltti'i'own of Kiumx, atel lo lin vO at Inched to llmiii conpuin, lor thu )ii.yaniatoI lliteniiit. iinl. I-'or payiai; thu .aiui of >l'l(,1), thft i iiiooiil eimria a ;i|;i>iii;.l. lie M'iii hnnlii ami rendu fur Ijnaollt, ami ihn nam of -r-V-^l, amount idiuij'ml 11(_;uinhL t-aid luiidii and roada for out- lot liubihty, aiiait from tho landa and roiidjr hi*lom;ini; to or coalrolltnl hy thu munici%|J judity, Mini for covoriui; intercut thurouu for tv.'o yearn at thu rate of tax [icr cimUuu por a a aim i; the total apodal rate over and ilIjuvu all other rattni, aiialf ho iiiihimijikI, loviud mid cOl- It-utnd (in tlio i.inact iiiannta* ami ul thu uamo liiiiu ita otlior tiLxe.'i aro luyiinl and collucUidJ. uj'oa unit iroiu tlio .taiiLernioiitiouud lotL and Imris of lota, and roudh. and tlio aiiioiitit ot tho Haid imiil !,p(;(:ud i-LLt)S\ and itdorost tilntll bu di vided into luu fapui.: parti! mat otui ouoh part .dm 11 I il, le\ led mid cullectod mi ulovo- 'miil in urich your lor two jciuii aitor tlio atiu.1 jai-.-iia: <d thin hy-Jaw, liniuifj wine)) tho iiaid ilnli. uiun.-H havo to run. tippoiiced. !!' o Mr-:. Ti'indei'. ni ( for the first, time iheii* eye.; met. "is It j Nm.uj: I. llr.M'.ninf.N, Kirby V, (.., (Jut. pfjb.sible;" hi.: beenII. _________________________ Mrs. Trinder In iwed. " Vuii have a tlua' lable," I Infcrrlipted quickly. "'Kindly tell mo what lime tin) ovonlnjr t rain start s for 1 v-nimh. " Before ho had nn.-iveml my (pu'-sitbni ' cheduie oi lands as* esseel for the Seymour Drain Repairs: Tli< ijoan Ilojr <>iK>Mflon. catw, and that 'subtle ilavor of slewed , I^n^n and when I went into the cabn. a Tht: following article iLi tiilion from Thu Ji'iuiunul ProyiMium:r'and in of impoi tan;;n Mrn. 'rrinder was half way down the nun- j to tho farm or-, of Kase.\ County who are cock roach i'H that pervades all ndilp'H tea waii riMlut^'d io u minimum. Hunt of tho Fourth contributed ninny.; Hiieedote.s of his illicit*, who know* old Trinder, hut Mrn. Trindor would not he' drawn into <:onvei'Hti tbui, Shu a n.-uvort-d ! the (lr;i;.-oi)u's prafthr wifh monosyllables, liur ryes fixed on the misty horizon, ;vheiv tJio monntiiin run^e of Siunl aviw dimly vlsiblo. The sound (d" tho dres-dinr" boll In-nkj up few iiiiiiiitos later she vai sitthnr. forlorn, on hereabin box, the pictureof dis;ipj)oiiii- ed liopes. j Tho blow had been u hold one. "Kvorythinp; seems to have cunn to nn [ emi," she na id uionrul ally. "J don't know ! rainiutj linen; "There is no oonHntiou ,tu the intcreHts mauificd- anionfj packer;!, couiinuiHion irjot'chuiitc and ulupperH re- ^ardin^ tho (picrtiion of loan lioea. Yen- torday .ve received a ver) intere'itine, lettoi* power prenfieH. A cull sfilicitod. UtlalSI^H lir'.UULATIOSH. was a lucky woman, for I had known i he dragoon iijthualcly for ten- yeur-H and eowld ' not havo wished for a hot lei- husband uiy-i self. ! "You'll coino /tshorn!'" km Id tho dragoon! four d;iys later as we f-teanted slowly Into' harhor at Aden, and a shoal of dusky in- ; fnnu hii rn ni tided tho ship, chaining in ; unison their choru.4 of have a di vo," , what to do ur when- p. e-o." I on Ul(! Hiihjt.-ct, which i^ivch details of htich " J'itit I do. Vuit will ei nnc with mo to j ,L eh a merer ami so jjond an object Iohhoii Poonnli and .stay till you liavo dcrided'on I us to force conviction to the mofct opti- your lot lire." ,,',.. , TlmiMtic. Wo print ,tho communication J lion 1 returned to the deck.* where I ' found t bo dra;;o.ni si;t-udin^ by my ^un case*, his 1'acj: ;,*"looiny a.nd clouded. "My leave i>n't/. uji lorn week yet." he remarked, ' 'ho I'm f^oiiifr up cmuni'y lor a h\g siiooi. " "You won't do anythlnj' of tlio riort. Mrn, Trinder in eominjr to stay with nn*." "And her t'-ciend loii;-" OLdov; : ____ In your ihhuc of Auo. 1, I notico the ro. uaark.4 of ThoH. fihaw, in tho "Praii iu Faimer," all of i-.hieh, no duubt in my moid, iii correct as re^ardit the breeding and feed in e of ho^n. I have heen pn-ach- iii^tlie wiiii! thin" Hinci; Ihe year 187U, ;ird I pointed Vo the dt'ckhoiis.e, where slum. . tho worst, tempered man, pe-e;lasH In hand I ;vil';n j' in>t ot '">' (->'t-H opened to thiH and profanity on his lips. I mibjoct. At that tinto-1 was paukme; Ih^h '"lhat is he," 1 said. i (lnd Hhtppin^ live ntncK acrbsH t-he water, The: clouds cleared from the dni/'cioirs , r ,r.,,., ., i, ,i .i . , ,, . ,. ,",,, , Ii was much struck with the appearance! faco iustanlaneoti>lv. " Masaallah! hu ; . .. * l o.\eLiimed.__St. Paul's. I li{ Llut llv" ,,C-H wlllL)b 1 hiw in Iiiyerpool, ------ -------- - | Munch cut lt, Sheffield and other marketn Story of a Jurlt I'ot, j m Knglnnd. My brother in in tin. live Poker was much played In ivmip hnthjntoijk buiiincHH there, and handhit lar^e ijuiiiititiofi of Iriah, Ditnish and JOn^linli All Job Printing and Tranuient Advortininfi accouotiH, utrictly cauh. Advertising aceountH with regular patron fi urO settled qtmriorly. fSnh- oriptiona duo m advance. No Hiibncription to tho Fiu:e Pjikhh, or advorlifiumciil puhlh-h-xl in iti columns Will bo diHcoiuiuued until all arrouniuro, ^'ib/boal loads "of'"woolly hoadcd'veride'rs paid in full. j 0/ 0^|.rioli e^urs, rcidliors and earv.id curios ChanMOB for udyerliHurnoiitH, to neoure ; fl.o]n , ,u, hll(.,.i()r Iiri)parmi to ,iu** tli.iir: north and south durin-.r the intervals of iiwortiou in tho ctirront, msue, must n . yjcj,,,^ ; active warfare. When Odone.ll.cn.A. liar- bunded m uoL later than noon of thu Tuck- , i ,..0:i-it:nted, for a eoalinf; ship lo not a : Hk of (Jineinnati was loir, hv Jluell tn day preceding and notne of such intend- : ac]lM.l<lbi,. ,(Uiru; tmt) in Hpit(,(Jf n\\ porvad- ! chiir,/o of Fort MeCool; t.wM,vuc.Uni-Ujikju Od ohftiiyy ni required on thu Blonday pro- ill{, (!uh[i Mrs. '|'r|mi,.,. ,>)Upi , lt ))U j1(.rJ retreat. he and his olileet-H bc^-tiiled the coding. ... Buaded to nceouipnnv us, and we left lior time by a p-ame of draw, line day. just iw Notion of vann (,f lM{vit Jnm.. , tho dnal for a lat jack pothad been flnish- Dientfimii.it l.o Miven t least one week m cJl(ltll w, ' wirJ] minrrl.n,, inntinet, ciL a Uoni'^lerate sla-ll came crashiiiK into BOYttneuol the iHHiifi m which Uiey uro uiarU(,rI ht,,. ^ nI1 ,,,,v m,,y, ! the room. Outwent tho 11-l.ts Kv.-r.v dOBlMd to Ittht uppniir. ' TlM( jollJ.tll.v , ,.|lt. nn.pty Uink.V wan odo dashed for l ho door. A n aid who tel Is viJViijtTiiiuua J'-'-'-y ilIU' dusty as ovor. Having' tnaiaxTiud ' the story captured ihe slakes and hastily ' thn fuw i.rot:s, we coitimeiic^Kl cuw daeoai,. thru.ii' them into his pocket. Marris pii. Suhscribors und juitronfl y.-nerally are, umi in s.o Uolny came acm.** tho worst tin: handful of men safely oin. After u j meet my brother's vie-, , and bo taunt- laiquoHtied to rna-i the abovo r.-oidatioaH , tempia-ed mnn. I.n t lie eotirsu of an event- hard ten days' march, during which no . m-.|y dared run to brim; acini- of our htriev ttAyofuJl.\fc. _ in ordar tli-a confusion mu> ful lib- it lias I won my mWa.ruinn to t\>v ; one look till' hLi clot lies, l.lai-rls jitine'd j .Vinnraeui ho^M over aj iio Had not s.-en (,-nthur wlih tn.'uiv bad" ti-nipuand mortal.-., Jiuull's army. "'J'liu iirst Ihing I did," j * ' but: this ono could Kiw |n,ini,i to any u-,o, said tie: aid. ' was to hunt for a bat h, a nd | ,l">' '-' f'llr '""->' ^-^ '" warrant my other limit ot' my aaijuaiiitance and beat' I and (.'aplain-------- found one, As he u n- boanLmg (.)n toy next ti ip I look a them, and that is /nying a g :mi1 iIimI, for luittpiind his coat for tlietlrst time in u-n j Maniple lot of thr- best X could *^et, which tthiivic's niitliing likt* a Tiwideneo in the cast days he thru^i his hand Into his inside ImgH. One day I pushed tho remark to him that the ho#M in those marketh were of a very poor ijualily and not tit' to com pare with tlio bogs of our country. Lone, Ic^L-d, long hacked, slab sided lubu eartrtl razor laic ks would not be .-.old in our murkctH at any prie.:. My (h t-crif tien of ihoi-o hogs did not ho avonied, us they will ia all cusoh b jwUhori'il Ui. Ad';lrti*iH all ur^jituuiiio^tioii-i to *1 .'- _ cc a- -* . i -/. ./. ^ 0! I* - ^ ^t * *- 3 >. Z ' O.-Z. 3.S ii.2 0* r, s > *3 ! ** r '3 -.1 HI * 0 3 m -ti 3 j3 3 l~i t- O 0 H M u M ^ t~1 X Si O H I -r]'=I 21, w ht 7 * j rt hit -3 5H 00 f> It 9 8 72 8 1 3G M, w hf u hf :>: > *J la) O no ltt 2 IH 1 OU 'il, m \ e ht ir,h l rtt 1 .'0 11 1 01 82 1.1 i ia i'l) Ui) 01 l37 'J,'), |i '/ \v i f..... 7-Ji H.Vi H vo 80 \) o0 4 75 'Jo, r pi W i.f J7- :i mi it ;io ;iu ;i bo 1 80 'Jo, 11 e ip- ofl II (II) :s (jij 2H it 2H 1 Oi L'a, S e (jr ol) ;! no ;i 00 2H 3 2H l U-i Jb W III .{H 12 Ul> 12 on ] 10 13 10 0 55 'iio 11 pt. ti lit I'd', 1 nn i 00 .'iti 1 M 2 IH. . .-. pt U id . U j no a ou in 2 IH 1 h'j :;7, w bf UN ' a 1 01) a-I (J0 1 :*2 ,-. \n 2J 'W J7, n i|r i; Id :'o Ii 7.7 n 75 t;i 7 aii t GQ 'J7, .^ l.i i ' 2(J 25 20 2-i 1 ,S.j 22 10 a 05 J.s ii (p- u hi ' 'A.i IH oO i;t ,70 1 22 ,11 72 7 80 L's, f } w hf- i " 10 oO 10 aO :t h -11 18 n 00 'J.H, n lit e nf OU j a fit) i;t oO 1 M 72 7 36 .M, ^ Id i. hf .".() l.'{ ad in o0 i O.J 14 72 7 Ji(ky '-".I, w hf :i 11 IH (10 IH 00 1 iJ-l 111 H .OBal Ji>, e id :wi it UO 0 no tti 11 H-l -1 ua 'J7 w I-* w hr j 1 00 1 00 08 1 08 0-1 J(i, pt b (Ih... 1 00 11(2 00 0 00 IH 3 18 1 00 Tot ul oil lat. IS III) J 10 00 21 Hi '201 Hi 130 03 J . II 1 .11 ll.Mllh. . .. TA ')U 22 00 i 00 24 00 12 00 Tut al mi lands aiol lb nd* ,n IK) 102 UO 1^02 00 2,'{ HI 2M5 HI 112 03 Eiii'ix Ireo Pit-titi. la-u'iipiiijur, puldlHlied lu tho T(iwi) oi J-hHi-x, unit hladl ceiac into forcoupoa- iinnnint ai-f>i'MNitl licitiiii-t tho i-uid roiolM 11 nd la:;i!s of tlio mi:iiici|ina:;., .0. . io. i:rvi rii a inn n*i-t th.-reon and uficr 1 In. jlnul -t tim>in thort.of, and may for t*. o y.-aoi at ih" rate of .-i_\ pt-v ct-ohitn | cued ihu "Htiyaiour Uriun lli;pairn by-law.' per iiiiia.it), n nprcial mle on '.!) . cient. to i-7( ar.ee } iiiauroi yi i.ih a toon at I -PKTIilt t.lJHHlCTl' Itocvo tlitrtdc r, t-i ii* 11 uwi" -'on! ahevi1 11II 1 'tlin rutefi, | ' hu levied iti.ti col a en..-I nn l hi- Minie umi.nur " I HICHKJl V certify t hat thu tnn-f,*oing ia a trUO - and at the :-na e tin e uu taxe-i are levied aiid ' -** "'opy f a liy-inw * luvn-iotntli} udopttid by enllecteill, i,p(.|i ntiil Irfiin thu w|i- ] ISIuiiiuipnl Council ot tin* H-iiU 'i'oWJJbldp of p)oi'< it\ ui t-oio 'I'ou-iit-hm o! Manl.-toMi, ; Muniatuiif.tjii tho ii7lh day ot .fmy, A. }). lHOtl. HP.KTT ,v ACLD, Ei'ioi. Out .j ^jixittUP^y watch doo.l'ini:njg' health (if tll*JlV"tlau'^liicurjA. So miLiiy are cut off lyy (ioiisdiii]diOji toi early ye:irs that t^nwj unreal ljiuioO lor aii-viouy. In i&jn wn'ty *"Brrif*>i., \yho-n not lii>.yond uio I'l.-noh of tneUIfihe, H<j(iu s Surfia- pfli'Iiln w I'll re .-tori: fth a quality uivl! cj^fitvtlty of* t'b'n blooc'l ami t'lui-s *jS\"e e-botl ilifyJCli. Eoad iiie following luttcrr: '^I't hi but j'unt to write about my uii^ijor (Jura, aged 10. [)be wns oam- for frayuig oin. thu idgt.*:. oi ono'-, temper, oven L'itoso of eov.Minuted ei vilbin.s. . Ui* \r.-.-i an ill favoi*. 11. nin,."hili:--...ji-e h'-okang iailiA idiiiil, with puffy eheok-s ami wMtuiTcyrs, buiokcning' a tun grnai. aJJiTiity li'.i' Ida- in.-aiiioii in;/ no;' 111- carriage )i,il come I o /fud oti i he read, and he ',\ ,n ritand-ing ajmang the dob"i ^ apo.-i io]dii-/.ijig the did . < t'hiril giaicrjoi'Mi iu lornis IJiat i\-.ued my on-'iip.w.ion's lip to cur! with di^ga-i. ITVori one or i um e.. pre.- si. an bormj ai b.r us upon t Jin hn.e.o \\n learned with mutiav A.l ih (lonfb'itod of 20!) of ur fino \oi ng lio-u ti could be c(|t together, weight 2a0 li and ]io*-ki:l and pulleU out Ihncan sanie thin.' J prod need t he .ilnkes. ' I' ve mt an ace full.1 he said, skinninc? mit ids j thorouidibred " herkhtri.." I took them hand. M Ji vu 1110 the p.-r.' 1 t nrned it n\ or ; over on I he Mleamer itlung wi'h Hlncn and to bim. buf 1 don't believe a jnek not was | hoi.h(jH_ T]lu ,)( [iu,d(M] iu ^ ,.01](jl (_.n e\i;r v,*on uinh.'r -riii-h circiinir-iaiii es tu'lure ! and Icokeil fully as v.i II, if nut brUer, than j -vhi-u lifHt put ou board at Montieal, but Nlidciiiuni'i I'or Kiifrlluli Coins. ' j \IU^ ra[U|, r ,.Xj,Illhfa my hl,j-j,tiHt, nn tl,iir "!' iif'H'-"." bl .111 Knglishman wb" ' b--iag bmled to-sec too ill-gusr/ lM. my pas>ed t.hi'oug'ii Nom,- (irleaus. "llial vt'ui of . , , .1 . . 1 1 , i erolier.ti lace as noon as h<: Da\v* the h-j"-* the Me.tes have nickriaineia lor your coin.*J " Vail or suiotj. " .St. bouts l'o,-,[-l lira ia tell. jV/jtsft/sun dowii, iiuuli;iiny, had that tired UfMai'iXt aiid friends Hiiid uho wottkl not U'M'oA-ff l;hreo montll'u. SIjo Und a bad viiM'i/ thn* Imi v,n,a io bo n i'oIIow passeiij,'c-r ta nicl Jiomhti'-. On '.iir I'otnrn to the r-ht]> a con pit* nf houiM biiur J ion ad Mi's: '1 riader :>Ji ' in;; in her rami! .'iiuon,; her pui'i-hasiis, ^e;tring n wry 1 rigliteiinl evpression. H!ie wii.i a oiniid litUe thini.- nnil nIn mil n-i lit to kimi !. ,'1! uiuinv.y, having evhlunily been kept in a bandbn.'v ol-l l.er life. " Tliey" ve ]i'it a oiathnan iicki door," shn Me.tes have nic as we have in Knglaml. "ion iia\c your nickels and di't.ne-t and i| 11a rl i'i*s,or two bil s, ai they -ire some! lines culled, your eagles, ami ."o on. Lii-ileu and 1 will lell y-m t ins nicknames we have lor our money. A far 1 hi:ig* U called a ' f tiU'e' and n ha'],eni:y u ' meg.' 'J'here is no part ictilar name 1. >r 11 per. 11 > . A sixpence 1 i-; a ' bin in a-,' a -nil - lin.'g a md emv, 11 j.;i.i by 1 heir right names. A j 101 mil is 1 ailed ft 'q 1 lid ' and a '.."i.not e a j pony. ' Mi an y is a verv dear ei -ii: modirv, and we all lu-.vv our lioj^an in a low vniou. "J-io'.s dreadfully' pel, names for It." .\ew Orleans Tunes- violoiit. Jiisl-Hii!" lie mot-rat. A wiring ol llindoosii'inoo iiiveor.ives, .....' " mnpUdiig aoainod to do Itar any (jood. : ^pfOLod to,re'a/i'about Hood'i* Harsapu- : i5ftuttru'il.hfi<l hor f.-ive It a U:ittl. F-jvim tho Vjirj/ ti'(it doiie idjVi' began to.-fut better. ; AtjB^tUicing 11 tpw boUties hIiId wjis 00m- ! PlW^ly oiiriili.tund hor hiiYlluh hau been t*ho I )$fit fyyfit bItioo'V" Miai. A.t>i>ek I'jscic, **,N-I w-Ul Bny'fhnt iny nabUher hue not tjtjyifojd viny cnap in ui; u-trmig worda an 1 w-i>ulld haT.0 doaio. Uood'u Surunpair.fl IA upa.tvwly oitrcd mo aid I nm now w&l," B wtMN)'to ot Hood'n/b'ocauuc jiiliil[h;d with blows falling on somn dull rtiibstance, and txcln mat ions of "riahib! fc-jrihib!" iMiiCht-'d our I'.ai'M tliruiit^h t-hti opon gawiting tfliiut hf/nlod tho imrtltion waif* ot tho tavi) onbins, and 1 recognized Urn uti- GOu-t-t uf the worst tempered num. IIo welcomed me by teliing me I "knew nothing about hoes," and rh ,t. hy w\h at ^ loss to know what to Jo ar.h iIumu. They were no good for lie.* Liverpool or Loudon murk*".. Hi' would di\il rl.nr. ni Iv.o l.o'.s, liittmelf taking 100 10 ;-bi<dh\:.'d ti.d I taking 10(1 to M'aneherior, ho telbag m* wha-t t-rilt'i'iuun'H luiudn .'o put them in. Wlnat \arded in .nn'U'i 1. mi of b-inh hegi- with t lo-ir lobe ears and dn.p f.|.Lh sidos, my hoL'a went up .'lo. pot lb m rnv CMtiina- tion, but on being n dd di 1 no. fetch a:- much by *u. an my shih -1 led rricod I in en eh j cur fer tun \ :.. 1 d a!.. 1 the tlual jiuhh- llij; of thin hy-n. n , iiiiMiig vhadi the mitl Otdaai- tun..*' tmvi' to mu. Mh. That .faiiKi' S. I.ninl, l-'t-ij., ih herelty lo* uppoitite'd ( oinii.i.-^iotitir to 't-t the contract for the ley air nf Mm! do. :tl mill Work*- eoti'iiadeil tin n with, h\ I'ul'hc mictn 11 to' the Imvi'Ht hid- lll'I ll.l'T , M-I'l lllllJi tlif 'htilimlr-l, Put I'M'iV nuch i:ou.tmeter, with two titiod und i-uti*-f ;rairy fUi 1 to :., idii-M hi! rt .j 11: re 11 to) !h wit I. to t.|, tor into i iiadi lor I lo." liii.i ; ei fori 1 an ice and coin- idrtioa 01 Ihe cotitiact. iicconun^' tu Mini j 1 binn ,,.) it ; pi c ii'-j'! itue ii :'<\ within t he lice n.ea t.lem-ii win iji mich i.ciui'. 11 nless i.therva^e ool.-nd h>' Die icilllel!; ain il clo 11 On too 1J tit , 1 1 Miril i'Clllll..M(llil'lh ' -aid mi in Hli.l Mil1 i i 1 I 'I. I.- 1 ' I-.' t ll'. I'l-". t' i.. lO III lilltilll ;.iiC ,.e.,-,t 1 eel .ii in : -oi ihiMe 'Villi u.'h jemni fii.il 1 pt rilieutl' la-. J.'i-l iafei tl-iui tin- !H ihe, ol (letohei, A. It. iSMi. iiiilei.fi talici'Mihi' unlcvil by 1 hi! ( on 1 ei 1.1, 111,.: in : 11.'.-t M. ;.lcin:i".ll. Ulcrk of Mniiiciemnv 1 f j'nidiitono n. c lo tune, to each at. o tile 1 ) in 'ii n' due. . 1 !l .. !' (>:,i 1 , I il** .iid i at .thai In it. ,\i .. .'OOt nil the i'Ctltivl I'ltlit to tint 1 ; ',-. v<- "in m ctiiu : net' I, !( I" pet t Ll lit il I ae t onirin". l:. ' < ai'i'e i litb i' nd li r ' a- t !.", :. ll 1 tii-, f -.Lit II < I (.'( mini- id 1 ecr idiiiil I Ci a nii-f ion of re; of th w i-l-f . fi! U. ; hub' tl.e {' a I >] o 1 :.u v : -it .- J"/, ;'nr li.....1 '. : 1, le ' Lie 1111,0 h. u tii ll1."1 111 ii'i h 1 oh 11 ,'lh. 'J 1 j; h*,-h.v : lino be pulhdi.il f:in.'*' in fV 1 u ( 1 I-:, for I ill <*( ii(T' rai n ** *.v td-H, tu Lla* e ;.: io r HI- 1 l" 11 II I'ltiih' : 1 1 L 1. ; i '- 1.:: 1 ' . nl un ', 1 .i 1.1; -,'/ hid NTOTICK h. liiieh' -iveuthata Court of R&- X\ vimou lield ptiihiiant lo the proviuiuriH nl the DruintiRii Aut, IHUb for tliu'iioarjun and ttlal of iippcals Hindu' HiadiiHt the above ivbtiowimoub, or uiiy pnrt .tiitiieoi, will hold itn Unit fiittiuuii oi tlKi Town Hall, .MaidHiouo, on .Saturday, lift) 22ml dny of .\n^mit, lti'-O, at tho hour of tou o'clock in the forenoon, and that any purtiaii intimdiii'.' to ti*,i|'t'id u-jniobt thu .tliuvu. n-sticrm- nit-at, or 111.y jmj 1 tliL-re.of, must, not later thiui ton davH buha'u the duiu Jixud ha* tin) liohdufj of naul Court, aervo on thu Cleric 01 thio illiiniol- pality, a ^vrlilun iiotit-n ot fatch appeal, orothiir- : wiae. he. wiil t ti toe Into to bo huard iu thikfc j bnludf. i \ml itn tlier nottcii hi liei*hy civuu tlmfc any ptip'ou mticaiiiJi: To Juivo mi-jh Uy-law," or any . Ji.'irL thrrrV'i , lpi..:lhiil 111 ill,*, lint llitul' tbail ton tiujs ; flee tlin a..id pn^'iiUK tltevotd, iiiU'VO u, noting in writiai;, 111am tin: Hoavti or other hood nii'n-<ir, mill upon tlio uu-rU of tho MuiiiciyaUty- o! Mtddhlnim, of his nitration to uiaku ap- olieatiou fur th;:! pin poi-n, io ihu Hij^h Court at 'J'ovouto, dum.fj thu tax wooloi next unuuiri^ tlin tliltd piistib:;; Ol this li / law. M. AlciiUOH, 'I'owuBliip Chir k bided ;it. Uiudt-Uino, tin: l!7th day of July, ISM PiUs CuifctJ in 3 to 6 lights.- l*iit. qh Stron 1; im III) Knew How. "lam a little laie','iU morniiifj, hrd h- | WHH ot, yet, satisfied, but *ia \/ lIk-iu kill-. J run " oixphibied. the II,v. .Mr. '-.'-.Kitlnm., ' ,Lml cut tdon- nide of the Irndi lions' W-> as ho ro-,e 1 1 be;:m I hu ticrvice, "on ac count of h:^in.u-o\ersl..)]iD myself. 1 was were nht 111 it, a*, any I ufele. r r ,viek..r kept awake all of nl^ht befbec last hy a could aeo at a p-piuoo ; * 1,* -rt? wio, no exr.d.s-i Dr. .\..'c. v.'.'-. On.' on-1 1 wi!i cure vJd !' ijie; Ibh-a m fi-'.m ;J '.o t ui^bii : 1 |.. I'-i.-!! brines ivm he t . ]>\\r miu !"' eciii it.; L'i!;"i if i;i peer-i" ; >, ,a:ii 11 Ti-t:*!*, S.'i.t- IblrtliM, I'lf'/etlei, bef'.-l [".'ll, an.t ili e llji'iin.J Ol i'l e ;i;'itd;. Sold by .1. Thorn'-. !jj-1r ?ffl^^ C*'iS':a One. i'ditul Aliio H.ir skin. A \v\v <<>liii ItUliUiou. An ilioi.- nana) niuniiieu, Liixii-Livojf I'UIh arc a combination of h-.x-.itjvo nrinoi- ph.'H with lin: 1" st hvor nio.iiutnoa obtudn- ablo. They cure nick, headache, 'Conufei- patlon, bihounoviiij, Jjiver (knoplunrili, ;DyHpepi:i and all dentu^ud oourtlitiona o the Stoniacli, Liver and Bo.vijIh. "11> only temper," 1 uakl rorisruirin/jly. 1 UJoi.hac.ho, and 1 sk-ja so soundly la>i. ni'-jht nf fat in the Irish ho^ ; bal'i, .-, deep -fb-t|- "You'M Kot luod to tlmt sort uf thinL'. | that I could not have been nwuLeia d ibis | ,Ml(i fll it.K ,,n ^ ' " . ' Jfl^i'ii beating hiti taorvant, but von may bo j inoi'iiui^ bv a eft 11 lmni a city churcu with | - * - . . . .. liuix) thu 'boy' ii vflkpaid or ho wouhln't, :-.ii.n. Tat [i.-m "jXv.idce, iay hold, hftrclch rvnry iHirro And pruris wiUi vi-^oron!" Clucuf-'o Tribune. SarsapariBIa Istiwt/uifl 'iVui. lUood Pur-lflftr. XM Arugufats, tl. i-rcri^rad only Ly 0. h Hood^i: Co,, Lowell, Mam, j 4* *k**t ampuroljr vfeffotitblo,r<j- tlOOU S FlllS llAbl* um! U*ueMoluX 3M, Ktuuid It. li' the man >\vouj,a tu'*'louillji, j two'&l; micas of ihe hymn bej/iiuiiu^; I'll'hynmk to Uio oaptani." "IJwititii; hifl siu'vant! How drcudful! Let'us \*n up on laud;," CDutsJiU) \vi) oanio upon tlio whim robed "boy" rubbhin; hia Khouhlej^, with a i.mile uf iiiitisiVnttitt.il oji liiu tain). ':fj)Uekaf" I ijiquii'cd synip.ithctacally. I'hn "boy" '.Tinned, "rxihifs make phmty bobbery,, M ho replied. That nl^ht, leaning ov.er tho prowoi* tho VoksoI, watxililnj^ t'liu Klimmerlnp'-, fnntaslio lbjjhtu In tho phosphoroscerit waters, Mrs. Trlndej' waxetl ooniidential, and I learned tiit* reiiHon of hoi' jouiMioy. Hhowuo unused to^tfuvollny;, having nover'hoon f0 mlleu fixim hor homo boforo. Ten yetii'fH u^o bIio hiid. luvod imd boon loved, hue tlio loved ono \viin Jnollirlhlo, mid hor juimuU,'fully ullvo to bho u^lvinitiiiio of wool, hud pur-' SUiWiodhcr to umrryold Trinder. But uo\v Tim nyHpeptlrH' Wluli. "Tho trouolo Ih," sairl'fhe man with thu loud video ami run ptVit.lvo manner, "tb:'jl; women read too nm-ny novels nowadays." "Oh, I ilninui," rcjdhMl Mi**. Meokfon, n lie jmt his iLyt'pejisia niedlchio in his ve;"t pocket. "^ojtiet lines 1. kind o' wish that Maada'ud tn-ko tor Oindn an Uui UukIicsh uji lot thu cookbook tilonu. " VVuHhUigtou S tar. _______________________ l'tioiillaflty Not Toonllur. It Is 11 poeulhiHtiy of womon that thoy novor apt>yoolato HiiptdnooH until thoy havo loHb lfc. 'llio sumo (ttuUuitttt Un-forfcrimAUjly h*'tt*io oi'iiuin-," Novv'l^trrk Ho4oixior. and white, huinn lean, I tn bn-r i|,j( (;"f i_.af j lard ; iu fact, better It-af 1 ,,( n,,,,, w rt lu 1 my nxci-Hhivuly fat hnnt). 1 ji.. n,j 1 jlt( somniliin^ to loan'i uhom Im^ii yet. The Iio^h tliey'oroBH with in t'ln-'bmd uvc, -k Mr. Khaw Hiiya, the Yui ki-.i ire and 'J'-mii- worth. Ann feedinb.th- .-i |a no (juestion' TtiiaiH from aotual expcM"-'^, as far an quality of pwk (,'odhtohk fi,,Ui pl,lt . Ht]A barley next, then wbeut Mod bthtlonru. TIum comn.unicatiovi le]Iu d ( ,,Wn Htory und poiuto a mora]/1 DinojiHo attaokn'tho woak ami dubihtut..d Keop yournoU healthy and fjlrmifi hy tnk- iuK.IIood'B Bftrffftfuirillu. ..- RB^i EXT. OF HAS A .ttEGOttft 40 YEARSOF SUCCESS IT IS A SURE CURE DlAlWHCEA , t^SBNT.C^V Oou'o Cramps,. Cuolcwa Infantum wyll.fcfl ' OUMMEW OMPtAlNTS IK, OkdctViety Or . iflniultg. PfflCi: -Ti M c (jioiiorul. Lady TfjiiynDii, widow of the Into poi laureate, is dead. Fifteen lumdred iUiifiimbnattH aro te- portod 10 h'tvo h*ou kijiutl t>y Crotann m K-nouria dmirict. Four ihodMi.ufl poop I a wore drowuiid in fche northern Pinvnioe of Kmng Su, Chi'tia, hy a tidal wave fivo wilca lontf. Tho jiropoiiod joint blockado of Creta ban fullou tluoii^h, Greak JiriCnin aeclm" iiij; to uu-dBt in IntndiiiM; tho Christian iti-' aurceutH ever to tho morcion of tho I'mJiB," Think. Kt Oi'ur, Havo you y*v hoard of n modioino with Huch a reoord of euros na IIood'H Bufanp- aiillu? Pon't you know that IIood'H Bar-* '"'?& ^ hun provod.'ovor and ovor again, , that li::' '/g h'iH power to cure, eysw after ull other re-. i-'^vSJ medioH fail? If you liavo itopuro blood -".:,0i you may tako Hood'a Siirau)ttriUtt-wIthth'^^S utraoHt aoMtiilonco lljut it will do you k^'^vim Hood's Pilly aasiab aifiaatio'u. 25 entf,;}]| 7997

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