A WOMAN'S WORRIES Would bo low Woro it not lor llor Ached audPttinH~-Fowcr S til Mo Men and Woman Aliko, woro tho- Groat South Araoriimn ltomoriioit in Every Uouho. Sontli IJshox IVoiiioUonrt. Ho CQJUU Of YllGUMAtilim 01" UtiUllll^lll of w long Htiuidhitf that it will not tuinoumb ' 0 the wonderful Houth American Ithmmm. Io Uurn. Mv-w. John Jloiinmont, Worn >ot aayu: "Kor 15 yearn 1 liiwo buou an mtutiso Huffttiffli* from rhimmatiitin. At 'imeH coulinod to my bud. 1 doclnti'il vith all lua lucul nhynioiam, bat with little or oh bar. My roooveiy wan al- *uout dinnuirod of I wan induond by a vUud to t*y RoiitU American Khimmutio 'Jura. Attar tutnni; a row iIoiiom 1 v/mi nblo ' tktt up, and whon fonr buttles had been ukoa I wttHiUMVoll uh cvur WllOII it 11 ntmomb'iiod that tho pain wan r.o mli'imc t tim<m tliat I could not bo moved in m> -ad 1 ono but tmy that my euro ha. boon a ^ondorful otin " Tho inostinHidiouH ol all di^ani'ii inn " Ufcbupfi tboiio of tho kidncya, and it l" uly within a law yawn Uml advaiined iladtaal uclnnco ban fc<ppod in and ban . inoomd'nlly oopod with tho raya^m of 'toBo dread dinnrdoni. Tho thouiundit of '*Oqm which bavtj bflen helped and ubnol n.ii\y ourod in tho uho of tho jjroati Houtli tkfcorlcan Kidnov Onrn in proof thru the fopriotor of tho formula whioh t'nett to ' 10 world thin valuable lioalui bai. made thorough ntndy of nuoh dmoaiuti, ami lh uroapoiikH tho ureat t rutin ho diHC-nvorod \. Williamiion, OniitomH Oilicor, Kinoar ' H6, Out., a prominent oitizflii uf that 'iwu, lendn biH teutmiouy to tho moat hen- tit derived from it. "I quo roeunimx'id thm pocilic an the nioatont of boomi tn HfiftVr 'ig Immunity for nil affootionh of tho bind "it ami kiduoyd. It enrod mo whon all Uo failed." Tho dvHpontic who doon not pity him *'imadiaU-rt, wonry.tfloomy, Hufbinutf atfuii- I lain mind and both' And how many ^rnQHH tbero aro who have all of thono -vtoptouin, und neglect to ^lva thorn tux *M&icaI aid needed, and in an nbaout in codihlo timo ant drawn in*o a rmu'bifroni if pbymciil ailmwtfi. South American *?itvino nevor fiubi in imoh cation. It MivoT Ittiolc relief, and pornintouoy in itn uun m ilwayH rowardM by a euro. "1 milTered iitdnioH from a-^ravated indigfution and lyupopma," imyn W. J'\ Bolger. of Hi n- Tr*w, 'Jnt. "1 wad iuduood to u jo South "Vraorioan Norymo ai a luit nMort, nnd -Wo bottlon cured me of aufTonn/n which Mid baffled ovorv troutmiMit bofnre it " llolow will bo found tho balamw of tho nroinotiomi in th ' Hiivvlh 1-Ihhhx Bohnolu an appiovotl of by IiiHpeotor Maxwell, -vbiob woro unavoidably oroWdod out of our IuhL ihuuo: Hy :tid to.Ir illi l1' l"ox( N Kohi|\ VV it'wor \VlNJ>NOIt. Wm, Taylor, for HUmlititf Mi roe 5ftLhU from D. Ji. Odottc, wan unntumjod to Miroo montlv.i in tho Goutral. Elihu Wifilo, if Mio firm of Wifjlu 13ro , ptopfiotorH of tho International Ilotol, ban tiOdd out, bin mloieht in tlu\ hotel to lu.i bk-bthor, .lobn Wmlo, who i\ah onu of tho 'iirm. He sold out on acatmnt of In . il! 'l6ftlth aid will take it trip to the Old 'Jaunt ry. Recently tho litllo Hix-yeiu old ion *f Wm. Ediicar, whilo batbint: at Os.lo>, -vhoro tho family woro vimtin^, hurt turn- '>olf by railing on a lnjj Ho \\iv\ tiikon /Ary ill and bal to lie brought homo hist lay niffht. A Detroit upeualiat who wiu tailed m mm* the trouble ih partial par WyoiH of the lower limbs. ?Dho in turnout m tho Ward will cace Monod in the Dutroit ooiut. 'Ihe I'ttonu yn oive been talfcm^ to tho court abotit tlu ^ano with the exuejitmu of u few iHwt since 'tat May aiid jnlcd up a tv(eunfltM 'OOOi'dof ovor h OclJ pai^t'i -Jul.:o (Iitr- ontor, fjayo jutlfmuiiL for ^ilfii C<umrioc,, /Uo wins on ev. rv point 0 All Prize Goods olored bvlhe Diinuond Dyea. tt io a fact v (, tl ^ nf ikAd fliut ' 11 the OBt rafi oarpotn, rutjn ami ruul'i ^liuwi ul OUntry fuTh iu.d e\hi -itionb l^it year 'ore dyed y, itli tin i-ubl tmd Ijriihi'ut I'm \lond Dye.i. ThiH hea'ion, \\i, limr t.'iuL t y u mjuh* i OUBivo work in coini* on foi ho eoiuiu;. tUtumn Inirn. 'I'bn la !i< h w\ i uw iixpurth U tho art cf carpet n: and ma* mulnn" l'o now buying Diamond D, in Imi c jnuutitiufi to color tin ii niatnuh U>i tin rianufactnre of t-ibibuioi. l'oqo'h. At all fuirrf, mm* mil of "Vfty ti-n "libitoru of houjonuido auryjuti, ni^n and a(Ltn ucc tlio 1 Vi 'inoua Dy~^, anowui^ full Vftll that tho imitation dyuu 'jtm ne.vt r ^ivu "Wiafaotory reaulte If you aro about coloring matonala for ibibition t,ood<j, do not. tillow yoar doulor 6 nail you tho mutation, aiudo dyun. H<. ^fetliofl a Urfje prolH, l^it you flutToi Ioiih of vdUr unonoy, tiuio ^nd matormlu if you 41^6 unfortunate ouout;h to uho them Cuiiatllan. KtitiHoll J'(*.oh u youuj; ion \,jh drowuod 4t Btoudville. A yotitic 1'orf Hope bj) niimod Frol. ^tkiitb wuy dcowiitd whik bafhuij;. Ooor^o JJ'ividjon, a dro^yifit of Haiud- tftu, wan diowimd i.t Butntford while buth- lUd^ar David, a boy, wuj drownoU in tho A*bal at Ottuwa io Hi^lit of a scoru of b0p1o. tlbodnad body ot Au^uo fidcCormacU Wfcfl fouud Uancmi! in bin barn ufc Sparrrrv iiako ou Tuouday of laeit wook. Tb*> Canada Ga/.ottu lun a pcoolutuation ^Hiflttod by tho (iovoruor-Gonoral in ('oun 411 that pGa.u giown in Otoat Dutiao may Alitor Canada daty froo. trotndts havo bson lod^od by lilannoba litbnrMlfl uj;aiaat th-> olaotion of Hu^h J^ohn MaoJouald, in Winn'poo;, N Boyi, tti Mfcodouajd, and Dr. Ilocho, in Mac 4'iotto. John Mo-oljoad, foreiuAii on tho Ottawa l*tttry Bouud Railway, and two em- liioyood uGbinud Ryau und Owon, woro blown Sia ptooeH rooontly whilo ou|;ugod in tho dbaBtruotlon of tho roa&nour WUiiuery, I 'n diiiK , K II iitt biu . Pt II io II 1 louoi, S Hi null, N Dow lor i S No.H IH11 li> )i latl X. Wn^ht. 11 Ontr R. Doldhh. S h No. 1 hr .iiJ to.lj l;h, ft (Jountu su, t Atkiu, M bolhiiH. br Jud to Ir .Jrd, K 1'aikn. K Atkhi, id. V/aldr-Mi. Vl II to Jr 2nd, A '1 columnu, K. Atkin, B Andor- 11011 H. 8. No J Br 2nd to ,/i :ir 1, O A-uim J i and D Sr '/nd, U Do'7Uji, A Biirrou, K Malott. J't D to Ir '2nd, G JiinotL, D J/lfOjOi). ^y|Jl,IlUll*^ No 1 Jr .ird to Sr Bid, K 'J'olburt Jr '3nd to Sr *ind, K Jout'u, G Tayloi, A Tay lot, W Uoopou Ptll to.Jr'Jnd.N Dtvib. Noh 'J and ,"j -fi Jfrd to Si 3rd,11 Molooho. Hi 2nd to Jr 3rd, N Kck, A (blotto, A Keau.ru.'., T Boumlom. Jr 2r'd to Br '2nd, B Hanaud, L MolotJjo. A Ai-'tooho, \t Ln- fiaiJtboino, A Ktiapp. Ptll to Jr 'Jnd, A Jloaudotu, L Bo/.ane.n. Bu/.niro, iJ (ngnuc^ (I Hamel, L DiipUM, J Odctto, L Droad lard. No 1-Jr lib to Bc'ith. L Martin. Sr .(rd toJr Hh, K Bondy, B Greun Jr 3id to Hr >rd, M Johimfon. Hr '2nd to Jr IIrd, K Ooldeu, U Jrmoa. .Jr 2ud to br 2ud, R ltailoy, \Y IIiHier, L Booly, A Donlippo. Pt U to Jr 2nd, M dronii, A Ooldcu, SI (jallaber, L Johonton Nort--Rr'2nd tujrjlrd, M bovuak. Jr 2tid to Hr'2nd, J Iliokoj, hi Boufford, K Mujor. IH II to Ji '2nd, bl Bourni.aa. Noll Rr Jrd to Jr 4tb, II Houthwick. Jr-Jrd to Hr 3rd, It Jubouvillo, N Tohlu- min-. 3r '2nd to ,Ir aid, 31 Soufiliwiclt. J Lout;, II Tofllumiro. Jr '2nd to tit L>jd, M Tolllomiro. l't II to Jr '2nd, I' Jubimvilla J'KIiKH IHJ4.1.NIJ. Wo 2 -Rr.tk'd to Jr lth, M Pnimino, W Iioutor, A Gander. Sr 'Jud to Jr Hrd, J Cartor, E Wtron. Jr 2nd to Br 3nd, D J'llhott, 0 Allin, C Malonoy, H Vnrrall, B I.octfatt, A Alhti, M Alexander. Jr 3rd to rlr rd It Tnhin, K MLCuffroy, I, Hiiwilton, J Giver, A Winlo. U MoGor mioU. A lit ulny, D Balfour, Kr '2nd to Ji !lrd -1j Doi|htoii, H Wiulo, N Howlnhy, I McMvoy, It Mamuy, V Out hold, F Tlioinpiion, ) Ward, D. Lefiijatt, h Tiokofin^, l\l Wi|(lo, N I'mkoriu^, M Doh tor, ,1 Klltott, A Auhl, W Patton, W Allon, V, Allen, U Wmlu, \V Kornn, WTobin, It DukcM, D Balfour, C Tobm, G LlaoJmlt. Jr 2nd to Hr '2nd Love^royo, 0 Gilleau, A Bawyor, V Hot lion, M Tobin, JO Lentor, 10 Whitobouvtu, h ljawlor, Jj Moftutt l't II to Jr '2nd -JO Ptimnau, N Uobin- turn, 0 Yo\, A WhitalioDiio, L Fox, I\l J01- liott, () TbomiiH, 'J' JjnJaiH, H Taylor. Kmi Htrout Kohool iid to Jr ltli, May Alo.\audor. Part II to Jr 'Jtid, 101 wood Ai tin. I ICASIINO'lOM, Hr ird to Jr 1th -10 Bohsinu. K Winter, i\I Croim, C Iliown, D Klhott, C JoluiHOn, A Koitu, W I'rosuoi, D Gibfion, A Lu Uam, C fttnGnhbiii L Gurtifi A AJarcotto, H GOtil- iion, H Van/Candt, U Dudhiw. Jr Jrd to Hi Jrd --^1 Davin, W Jamon, II llobniHou, II Jlaird, I JOlUnboek, W Hettor- ioiUon, C Gmhiun, A Bradley, It Koid, 10 White, O Ijoveluce, D Manohuutor, F Wil- hou, .1 Buy, N McGnbbiu, Jj Graham. Kr 2nd to Jr Jnl D Doming, (J Kenny, A McK"ii/u , A Kcid, Ij Gullnway, A Pij;- ^otf, 10 HtobliB, .1 D.Lnuner, M Buikhold- or, M White, G StobbH, M Wi^lo, h Truax, R Bnimeft, T-, Hhuploy, L Noil. J Wilkififi, N Domintf, l.ulu Pord, H Ellerbuolt, A Selkirk, B IMoIntyre, 10 Maun, M Beech. JrJind to Br 3ad M MoDonald, M Nioho), U McSwcon, B Brirftow, U Scratch, S\ Gilbert, N Kcid, V Wobbur, G Smith, '1 Hartford M HondorHou, IU Boid, A WilkniHoii, J1' Brown, JO CouIhou, C Cow- man, V Kdwaulu, G Dominti. .1 Selkirk, I) Craig, \V Binrd, N Uibbonu, K Beccb, V Kimball, il BdwaidH, E Bmvely, C Wilnon, L Kutisiell. Pait II to Jr'jiid -P PuUoid, W Wi^lo, \ Gonltin, J llumbcr, J Tenjborri, JO G..tt-y,-B-K(tteiinKtou, O Fox, IU-Haudlj. son, .I Pi^^otf, B Wadorlow) A Wo one, JO Uillman, U Brown, M Gaiupboll, E Wrido, hCiimtiij, A Hold, K Wlialey, A Ford, J3 WiijIp, K Wintar, 10 Goultib, V Uainbloy, A G'lllen, N Wiper, Nrttie Wiper. i ihc>k\ 11-i.n. Ji lib to Hr l'h U Wink-, AI llulliiuu, A Ibrtmiid, K Malotl.M Pulford, K Walott, L llij.uli, A Bajmun. * Kr 3rd to Jr JLb--N beratoh, 10 Pulford, K lUrriH, EGoity. jM \Vi(.do, L Seuttob, L) P.trtiund, IT Goopur. Jr.'ird to fir Jid--A Hliophv, I'O Brunei, B Wiylo. M WiKb*. (J Woodiwi-H, L Ber- traml. (- WimIp, 10 Duvey, B Kcrt.tcb, G MeDmald, M Fh h, E Bal'm tone. Si 'J.ud to h 'Jul M Broiulwellji Eo^an, U Unriis, IM Kt-iiiuily, i\l iMinnifi, k, Davuv, M Nuldon, M Bumble, F Pilajimrd, B Lc*^;. i^utt, E AuKuntmo, P Palmer, M Wilkin- h'ui, N 'Jowiiuuid, J' llellcmii. Ji '2iui to Hr '2nd -J Pitch, E Kennody, (' Wainu, C Cooper, L Loop, A Alalott, H Ilairid, F IMcKi\ O fiiHcudden, C Pulford. it Crow, J BiMlrand, H J-'ohtur, k# Malott, \ Caldwi II Pai t 11 to Ji '2nd B lIulleuiH, E Alien, 1> CuHcuddeu, C QuicJi, J Wi^lo, J Au^ mi- line, 11 DoEouk, E Uurn.j, L Ztl'ilott, it AlliKoti, B JJarriH, C Loopi F Wilo. M LU<h.N. b b No 1 Jr Ird to br Jul, A Gibb, I I h! Tt.> I" II to Jr /n(\ n Mieklo, E J.atiiUe, M I roodchdd b. b No - Kr JM to Ji 1 h, M McUeo E. Jiiutt, E C taiup ml' E McGlh Hr iud to Jr Hirl !i Wutt tin IS Shaw, E Bn it, E 2nd, Drydun, W Candor. A Uilwill. Pi IT tJ> Jr 2nd, B MoOorinlok,.) Eidwill, A MoConn- lak, Ij Htowart, DFIotiilny, M Killinr, 10 EoHtor. No'J HrUrd to Jr Ub, E Piplay, Hr Slid to Jr Hrd, 10 Komo, II For^utiou, A FurKtiHon. MllHHKJi. ' Nn 'J Hr '2nd to Jr Hrd, O Dnn, H Jouoh, B Wdkmnon. Pt II to Jr '2nd, M Wiper, H Wiper. NoJl-Hritrd to Jr 4tb, W flelkirk, J Bea^om, H Boaeono, 3r 2nd to JrHnl, 10 Boadhouno, 10 Newman, IIRoul, IlTlldi-nt G IltHohinrfon, 10 Tiiomiui, H Irwin l't 11 to Jr '2nd, M Trwiii, C Niohulnon, G ("llano, 10 Holkirk, K Broom, F Cowan, 10 Boanom. No -J Hr Ilrd to Jr 4th, A Bmi'tb, 10 Fon- ter, J Hhanklotou, II Hadnon, 0 Unmii, M Eatam. Hr 2nd to Jr ird, K Volar, A Bat am, L Mannondor. Pt IT to Jr '2nd, T Bhitckliiton, R Jeffrey, C Dulio, W Bucha nan, U WiiIoh. No 5-Sr Sid to Jr itli, J Roid. Hr 2nd to Ji 3rd, 10 Kudy, E Coulter, 10 BtoviMi- Kou. Pt 11 Io Jr'2nd, H ConHer, F Kin- nlair, H Coulter. II Stovmiii.m. Noil Jr Bh to Hr itli, C Tonnant, Jr Hid to Bi Hrd, M Teunimt, 10 Coulter, N GoHlin, E Coulter, Hr '2nd to Jr .'(rd, H Conllor, C Tonnant. N7-Br8rd to Jr 1th, B Cftmpbull, C Iveii, 10 Eowthwaite, \I Campbell. Pt fi to Jr '2nd, B Quiok, alCamphnll, ^1 Not)le, L Campbell, F Campbell. No 8-Sr 3rd to Jr 1th, H Gultin, C Kimball. Sr 2ud to Jr Hid, TJoblle, C Baker. ISTolO-Jr 3rd to Br 3rd. A Vouujr, W Loop, M Euibrock. Jr '2nd to Hr 2nd, I Hivumi.W Vout.K Pt II to Jr '2nd, K Uillman, L Ketrornifiton, L Manory, C Aloonoy, C Manery, No 11-fir Hid to Jr Itli.E Wliittle. K- '2nd to Jr 3rd, W MimHrovo, E Thomp'-oii, O Nrthbott, M Owuiih, L Galon. Pt II to Ji '2nd, E Whittle, O MoTutoiili, V In uhou. No H W-Sr '2nd to Jr 3rd, JI Ililbom. C Mitolmll.F Randall, 10 Bymall. No P P-Sr 3rd to Ji 4th, 10 DeLamier. Jr Hid to Sr 3rd, M Girardin, L Girardn, HurvcHC Kxiiiirjsloim. In ordur to ^ivo uvoryrmu mi jpportunily to ikio (hi* raud cropn in tho Weidoni tit at on and eliahle the hitoudnu' Mottlet to tiuouro a homo, tho Oldou^o, Milwauktie A: HE Paul^B'y ha arranuod to run a norion of harvewt oxniirnionu to flouth and North JJakotd, and to othor^tnten in tho Wont, Noithweul and Routhwcnt on tho following dateii: July 21, Auumit 1 and If, Bi ptem- bur I, Er. Hit and October G and 30, at tho low into of two dollam moio than ot.n fare for the round trio. Tinkotn will be j^ood for return on any Tnoftday or Friday within twt'iity-oiin dayti from dubi of halo, 1mir rateii, time of Lnuun and furthei do- ImuIh apply to any coupon ticket acont m tho Punt or flouth, or addre-'n A. J. Tcylor, Canadian Pumon^pi u^out, '2 Kinf; ututt 10., Toronto, Out. No Cripe XFfa.B you Uko Dm4'< V\U*. Tho hlg, ld-UaW iliiHsd, bugay-oo&Ud ptIU, wfalab U&r yo\i idl to >! , B.r u*t lu tt wJtii M*#J'. Fjjuty io Uk mi %hmj Ui opexhU, lit kuw *t B.-ul'i rilln, whlab in up U fla*o bi vry taapmL Uiu, **tta.u ami fciirv ill tli* uulr riiU u uXo UriA KovT'i fUrt^Urtlin- OAUj at KH AUL KINUH Ol.' Piles Curod in 3 to 6 Nights. Dr. As2iK!w'n Ointment will eun- all cii'ojh of Itolnny Pileii in from ,1 to ('. ui^htw Quo application brini'H comfort. l"or Blind and Bletdini: Pilci it m pooileiut. Aluo oureii Tcttei, Halt Rheum, Fo^ema, Bur ber'ii Tloh, and all oruptioun of tho hkin. li.lutH. Bold by J. Thornu. JVI<;rlt JccwnvdiMl ami 1*ntrminuet XpproGitita <The Diiootcirii of tho Wuttuin Fair, Eon don, aro tho pioude.it not of mon in thin country, and feel that their ufhi<*tn hav been appipointed by tlio people of Ontario and adjoining States Tut re appoarn tn be creator thin^o Htill in ntoro for thum Tho now Livf! Hrotik BmldmuH thoy ulaun to bo thft ho.it oj the ooiitimmt foi: oxbibl- tiou purpopcH, bPiiitf built from plauti and fully prepared after vimtint; the (Jrineipal fatra of Ametioa. Thoy uro uo aruui^od that viHitorn nun utart at tho Main Build- inland ^o tho eutiro rotmdJ, wo mif^li t day, under cover, and it will imtke. littlo or no difference whotbui it ramn or not afte r you finoo ^ot there. Thin oj.pemlitiiro of money will no doubt be a Lin drawing card, and mcrciifie both Lbn oxhibitn find patroun tliiH j ear. NotwitliHtuudiim thiH t'roat outlay tho Pn/-e Luit linn been muroanod iiome with tho undortitatidin^ that noxt yoar will tiud ooneidorablo advauoo in thin direction,. Pawnoo Bill11 Wild West-und Mcxicit u Hippodrome baa boon outfUf*Ld and will Tho cm Ktopfiod at Hillrtido nvanuo to xUow u big, poaaryxiH looking tuan to' make a brut olat>n apaoia! feature, boiuf; ouo tfot ou. Tiioiu wo btit.ono t'Gufc In thol.of.-if not the yery b.'wt, f'tir attraoUou in Itev Waltf r Hi^'.ihy, fonnurlyof Kmjjn vill--, now of Blyth, rfoontlv nindn Mi'in Pot it hit. tbird wift. 1'bn bndu it. a "-inter ot Mr. Iti^tdiv'fj ilrht wifo. v ho Jmd during hm [lautorato in Wyoming. Tho Brciitli ol'tho JMiiiiS. Colli.' ', Celdn, Atithmii, Bionr bitif , Horo Th;o'it "> ' JjUuu 'Prouob i v re. cured by Norw ,\ I'm* H>rup. Pn'o '2J and SO cuitH. 1: l.re,ithn out tho In ilmj; virtuen oT tho pi.iu forest .. ABOUT THE LIVER. A la/.y, tdow or torpid liver mflU'mcMi tlu wholo ityntem, cauHiti^ bdiuiiinc '., mcK ln'iidacbo, Mallow eomplnxion, lun^uor and dullnoiM Burdook Blood Ibttnrn r< ;;n luttu tlu liv.-r punhcH tin fir ei ijtio'i urid cureM nil futiiiH of hvur trouhh h. Wt nay no and hero in the proof 1 huruby v mh to thank- you for tho f>rcut brjirdit J rived hy mi firm) your Burdoek Bloo 1 BiltorH. For tin-, i >uam I Wuj troiUilc* I with Ii\cr cumj'hiuH and tried cvei> thi'.;f to no pur- pone, [had almoHt ^hon up hope until ono daj I dolermmtid to tij Burdook Blood Ditto;-. I en i";) now that marked tuipnni ujoiil riHultt d from tht- uho of the find hottle and at tho uid of tho mxth bottle I diHooutinutid itn m-,, being com plefoly cured GEO. KICKOL, Hoaforth, Out. I can fortify to the above in e\ory pai- ticular. W. G. Mi'J,ENNAN, Hoaforth, Out. ear Unit wuh uot cc<ygpied bx u jwI)on- (pei-, mid tbut wui filled by ttu t/tioifinous .ibaudlo, Jywido.wluoh Hat u .Utile quiet 1 lodkhui man twidirtg u cc$y of Tho WimlmiU. " I want tbat tciit*" wjmturtod tho big uiun ubruptly. "All riKht/' rowpoadM tbb littlo oC. "Why don't yemtako It?" 4*WcU, talcu tbat bundle oat of it," Iprowled tho other. "Q-ue.'ta not," nontaatioualy romarlced tlio iuuu in tho mmlU Wheronpon this fibckef for a tietit called the couductor, xrtxo Informed the little man that if he did not ut onop remove the buudlo be would bo thrown out intii tho btreat "All right," said ho. "Piro away!" Tho bi|? man und tho conductor Hcbsed him and wcro about to pnflh hbn tbiough tho dooi wbcii a man witting oppOHitu, ]uHt uwaktiniijg to tho fiituu- tion, looJif-d up and said: "Oh, I btg pardon, thut'B my bundle Did you wont it ruriiovod?'* Thou tho littlo ono wondorod how much_ho, -would hu\o recovered in a daiuugfc) 8uit ii bo bud been thrown oil' tho cur, mid tho big man bat, down wtulo hiy collar wilted and turned ewer ball' wuy nrmuid hin neck. Wuit Mod- ford Windmill. Xbe Towd'n CrooUcd DlvlUlajj Lloe, "Tliurtt i u. rcawn for moat ov*ry- tUinjj," tuiid a Oomberland coonty man when he wua iwked no%v in the world they camo to havo cnob a crooked Ime between two towns in bin county. "Thero'tf a roaaon fox tbbi csookod line. Von ho's Home of oar Urwno <MJt.nbBHbod In pioneer timiw, when land wna^abtm-' diuit and iJiyrpl woro few, had n big t-t-r- ritoiy, which wtus aftorwurd flbcod oh' to inakti now towna It wua bo in tho oaix you mention, and wbou tho out ofl wai* madtt pcoplo lUohg the line of di- viMoii woro of dUforont mlncls as to whioh toAvn fchuy wanted to bo In. Bo tbo loglHlatoro drow u -straight linm bf- tweon tbo two pirtw und then provided tbat poraoiui dwelling ou Ian do adjoin ing either aide'of tbia lino mighi be In one town or tha othor# iuj tluvy shcmJd decide within 00 dayo aftor ji4U5Biw/j; the aot. Some wont ono way and Boma tlio othar, and the linn wau all skewed up to aoconunoduto thorn." Lowiflton Journal. mini- i -,r -------n~"...... us CO WASU|NtiTON AVK. IKOIT, MICH. Trfl^ifi nil f'liril< Dlt.oj.utn l NOXl'H J 1)11- (Cutli Iuyalidu, moo o- women, are mpioiitod to oall upon ua or writb ua, and n]cr ivo our diuguums of thoir oauo, und advieo, froo ot obariio. All memborM of tho ^tali of thu Bntimi Modieal luntituto ate PellowB of thu lioyal Median.! and Snryical Abuoc-iutiun of Groat Britain and Ireland. Wo treat and cure all foumj of Chr'mo dtiieahoij ot either wx. Wo have ahoady cured neveral tliouHaud-i .\ hojo cuR-ti had buhlid. ami boon rejflotod by, thu rnout omnient Amenctn jdijaiciuris. Slalo and fomule woakiumii, oatanh und catarrhal 'deafneDH, n,luo iitptnro and all !*iMcoeii of tint rfictum, aro in uitivulv uuiod by our now troatmont. i Wo tjUaiantPO a euro in -oveiv ctlm? v/o undovtako, and will forfeit ftfiOO fur auy oano wo undortnuo and fail to euro. Bend idmup, ifVou oaunotnall, and (jtA oUi diajjjjnoBiH aoflVdvioti, fwoo by mail. Addri'flfl jUniTiiiinvlkjtnniCAii Im.'nitni;, 60 WuBhington ^Ve, Dotrglt, Miob, Amuripa at prontnt; Si^ llaocon Bon All's MoorioJi AcrobatH aro ulio i4QlIIK to be thoro, and othorH aro boiil^ ai ranged fort Tojjefchor thoy will tnnke a roufiiu;; day'n Hport, aud fill the now double duckod Grand Btaud to ita utrnn.it uap.i.ait> . Thorn i.- no place one otin ifyi an much valu-1 foz his money an at tbo fair ^ lot. there be ,t lar^o dolojjation from thu neighborhood. A Bad Tloart Vanish at tlio Touch of Dr. Ag- uew'a Wonderful CnroH. "I tried Ui. A^uow'h Cure for tho Ilmirt ano uhtinnod liumednito relief. I have taken four bottlen and now am ontiroly free from overy tiymptom of heart trouble , and I hopo that thin Lt'it.;mKnt may linluoe othorH troubled an I .vui to siU' thia moiit valuable* renjejj a trn.l," v/iitca Tbomaw Petry, of Aylmoi, Quo. You can readily \onfy any tentimoanil quotfid in com- moiiumfj tints wonderful diaoovery of mouern medical ncionco Thoiujaudi huvt tohtcd Hu curative qnuutitien after buvirj? "doctorod" for yoaru, and were pronounced tu-peltiRii cLuten. If im a laiit renort it ban proved Buoh a boon, what iiuflermMQ would be opared if, whon the iili^htoiit unoutmifM b at the huart in expuritnaod, IV. AgnowV llaait Cure were tried. CATARRH- -"I "honld not fool tbat 1 wiiu dointf my duty did I not reoorumond' Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder to every one," writon Goor(;e Lewni, Rbamokiu, Pa., and think that an avora^o of SO to lJ() to every hundred who tie oyon will meet tbia ih to a km^oi or {.'.reater do\>ttio affeuteil by thi ii i.i i i* - n 'in Thore Ui onlv one Hafu, buru i'udli.n adc.H euro Or. Aj iiuw'h CnHrrbul I1Q^ ltr No ij mo bo Hiieli; tl .. }ou -' ' aif ir<J to ne^Uot to tidi tin riTiu \ " i' L i aculo or deep rr -.lei >ttet it i 'I i eh'w- and abiiol utely on re, n I'l.mtn iuuiady han worked utieb ui'ii vellum cue . no itimcrty baa hud uo much (pod m-c\ <J it, and no re medy Into tl m I i 'li fju lortiatiou of tbo modicul pioftm-iMi" .1 liojoys, and your cauo i ' not lioptloan whib- Dr. Agnew'n Catarrhal Cute in to bo bad. N'oi vuy Pine Syrup cures cou^hn. Norv i\ Pu<* Syiujj ctiiu broutbititi. K Jiway 1'iik! byrup hi l)h the lun^h. I A T^TVCTo work itor on >mv Ij1\ VJ1 1\0 Halary, r!il monthly. Ap- pliui.uti!' dfjhlrint} attuutloii in vit fioiid rotor olicioH ami tin no cunt iituiui) to Hourti,iioi.n PuiiMimr o to , McKiunon muldnii;, Toronto. Window Blind.H awtiy down (Jhinawiiic, JUio-a-Brac, Fancy Goodn, Novoltiow, Hnoku nod ulaiionery, hcliool HUpjdioh. Toyu of all kind*, Berlin Woolri and Fingering YnrriH, Now Stock of late Wall Papor. MiinufiK tuior of foil toic'iipntimt Uuteu Artificial ii-i ^ in uatu Ht., n (ruit, MioU. J)jjnoHpUve jatuloi(uoH uml bliniku for rnakliK; apuliuatlonu for iioverminuit oriiam for liuilui iuiiI truniiportatlou ni commtitAtion thorofor atiit friHi on apphuatlou T8T A TVT^tPt'Y bocn ai.U TravoUus W /ia.Jl^B JL JCiJLP Halmlnou to lmiidlo oi.i Hiiro Citii'uliau Grown Nimory fitook. Wc tcuu uiitoo bati"fiotion to ltipiivnU'ivui und (ihi.uniF, ( ur iiufHuriOti art* I'm l.ir'/tmt in the Dominion, over 700 aorcn. Wo iiubiitifu'lnu tnortluiti. E.\oltiuivu torritorj nu-1 hoon-1 toiuifl to wholo or pnrt time iif'oiiM. Writ.) in b'iONK A- WI-.LLrNGTON-, (Head ollico) Toin.ito, Or.l (The on'y nuiiiory in Canada lurian trfitlnf A'id othi ih follow milen bnhiud. Tho Wall Purer raw* ih miuo, wind or no wind. I will fit ay m the race and never withdraw. Why hhoul I I '? Vtctorv i nlwuyn niui * at'ily imvo, with the HampUm of t Htook of J0o,ii00 rollb m ")00 difleronr doiun Irom I eontii to 50 ^enti i. roll. No ouo Jan pc.HHibly fail to und thu quality of P'iper and the very identical pattern that v-ill bo apiJiopiiatu to any powublii room. Coitamly a onnicu aould not bu oa^ibr than at my utort-. U aillhavovou from 15 to )*) per Lont. D. J. WHITNEY, HATTK AND FCKNISHKR. orchardH.) II .ini f MfiAMU. J. H. Loo and J. McCarthy Field, from tho Niii(;iACUiditiJjjet,,hLvo puuchavid the (a.ini of WmT^nAall, ouj&ti fourth oon- ccsh.on of Me*-flo -, ULti uill ontitbliidi a nUnieiy foiAtho culture and propagation of all manner of f'nit trtoo. In tho enfio of Buclmnau vh. tho Town- nhip of Mornea for alleged damaa^u in tho conotruotion ol the 0'*lo drain, jad^meut htm been (;iven m fnvor of tlio mnnicipalitj/ withoutooulii. ouvural otluir oanen hini?oj on thin, und tho reiiult will bo that t' partieu who intended oiHeriut* nuic /' think twice before duiut; ao. ,' If tho maple shade tree in to nta^'10 bnrur muntbebuutod out and killed./0I'y noon you may looli for hm trail j *"0 trow. You oau traoo him by a fiiro'"0 oi dut on tho bark of tbo tree /,ow '* up, and with a picco ol vdru put / '""" to bm exiEitonco. Tlioy eommiuoe/Jlr wor't iu August. / Packed with Good Furniture o Every Description. A fin Parloi* Sniti Plush, ftie^o. Wo uovt r wjro no well jropurud to do buHinotH. Lotn of Roodb f-d pnt'Li right It will pay you to mvo n a r^H and noodn and f*et priaoH. ^f' ,irt Ph*""f f' qqotn prioeii to any */ " ril)(-'d fu-in? \Voha\tibeMn doinft f R0v\ Hteady Vr m*na now for about Jr'V'Jort- and wu / to tondor our thanky-0 the public niia.t tm the vtry liburttlP'^^naKH wu bav*. coive.d ot tliom di/n^tho In j aura thai hiivi* bnou in buV"^ the ikia- Towi UNDERTA(1NGASPG!AL1 J. L UPS & Go,, Essex Scvenil heavy teams to truck logs; (ilnn I'UyerB foi acvoial Hoiwuh and LctH m tho Town ol Kaaex, and a lot of wild Iandn in the hiuTOundiiig counti>. 1'hosp propertieg uro offer- oil m a fj.mrifitie. Al-o u largu quantity of course dry Lumber for Bale. Jt may bo soeu at tho Colchostor nulls. Apply to T. H. DECEW, or to !W. M. DECEW, FtjR TWEMTY-SIX YEARS. o a w 8 By L* ka& %VW k& &sa THEC005C3BESTFRIEND j_ArtG-".r e?.auc in Canada. J. Q^UKLAY & SOW. ESSEX. ONE Food tho Ki'rv/ Upon pure, nob blood und A uotid lwl fear uorvoun profttrntiou. NVflh ll1'6 wo:il1 when thoy uro irnpioporiy ft >u"oiont- ly nourifihocl. Vuro blood/ their proper -i <ii Ann' Ku iaiVinit food, and pure oluuu y - Hood'.* BawH.piirillft, wl/1 iR ,^^lt th(i Qi'Gfttoat *ucl bftufc nor/toD,,J' U *ho Imildu tip tho wbolo oy/n' Omal HitloB prove j CrQftb mrit >' H^od'fl BuraparillH>(* C^*' ^orii criabloB it to aUmp/" wonderful oureu. T0JK TRICUPH OORNHSHELLEK ThiK Machine contiiets of a horizontal aaot oylindor, with wrought irom baxH, with Htool teeth bolted to the oyl:udor ri-> hh to bo revoruiblo wbou the tooth hooouio worn on tho front aides /mining in & porforuled concave iroc *hoiI, winch tho ahollod con* panseB through into ft bhoot iron enso, wiih a an or clonnor nttacliedbolow, which lakes ail the dust from tho grain. The cheapest bont, m<oat uixnple and dnrnblo To\xot Corn boUor i uho; shoMe jorn porfcoliy clouu in uny condition shelling tuid cleanibg from ono to two hoiiuand bnsliolB of oixa per day, according lo power. )Jxmmnbiok. Tulipy, tn iu, tKum- ator 0 in. faco; Motion, BOO to 800 rpvolutionfl pot* minute; Weight, 550 lb*J EVCKY SMELLERMWAHftANTED- J GOURLAV.&SONS. j1- 6989