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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 24, 1896, p. 9

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iiv' , i&&wfclt&A&t Sfl x--m P*;. The Most Costly Materials Used in the Manufacture of Diamond Dyes. :y; ft- I ' .*. r'l'i" The bout mid moat ooHfcly iiiKrodlontn ami __jaaatorialu arcr UHud ill.thu ina.nufuot.utro of Diamond Dyon. No ukperimontH tiro ovor mado with cheap oolorw with tho View of inoroHuiiij^ tho maunfaotui'or'u proflta, Diamond Dyon uro the world'H utaudarda, and will bo kept iih nuoh no mutter what tho cent may ho. Tho uhoup unit niiitit- tlon dycM Hold'by Homu doalord are nuyor iwiao made from the name jj;rudo of, ina torjalii, therefore, they vary and uro not roliablu. Diamond D.vuh j;ivo an perfect roHultu when umid by a child an Mioy do . When handled by an individual of experi ence. Bright, puro, rich, fiint aud unfading Diamond Dyea uro tho world'n favoriton. ------^------------- Tho Ilonm MarluitM tor CIiaomo. Thoro ban boon coinddorahlo talk during tlio patit year or two in reference to tho development of our own market for ohoono. Tlio limitation alone; thlu lino ban buon ui or o noticoablo iiincc oheono bun talc on tho drop in priocw. Before that timo tlio prieoa for choouo for export had boun jjood for a number of yoaiu. and tlio local market wan largely looked upon uu a dumping ground /or all uIiooho that wuh not oommlored of ilno cmough quality lo oond to tlio hlnnlmh couHtmier. Since tlio dapruiiHiou in pric-mi, liowevor, loading dairymen bavo boon looking to tho homo market an an outlet for nomo of our Hue Chuddar cIicoho, Comparatively littlo of our ohouau iit counnmed in Canada. Our ptioplo only uuo it an a Kind of roliuh, and not at all an a otaplo article of iood. We are in no acuhc of tho torm a oboeac-oatine; pooplo. Truo, wo huvu not tlio j^reut contrcH of population that the mother country baa, compmiod of tho working and middle olauHeti, who bavo to urg wholoaomo, nub. Htantial, and economical foodu m order to HUHlain tliem when at work, and which can ho had at tho lowoat pontiblo cobt; hut wo have in Canada a large agricultural clafld, wboao outdoor employment uompeln thorn to take nutritions fooda, und, buniden, in our citioo and towno a laro claim of workiu^mon who uro compelled ta live uh economically'an poimibh?. There appearn therefore, to bo coiiHidorablo room for do- velopin^ our homoy murket for uheoRo.aud for uhiuohh: cuir pooplo to become greater confmmoruof that nutritious artialo of food than they arc Prom Farmiufj for July. ----------------------- ROW IN THE CAMP. MKroiLkM hp Suddenly on tlie Artlval of tlm Iblttle CoiKiitoror. HOW TO MAKE ORCHARDS PAY. jr. MARini* flimrx, oprio, Tho luwnmpunylufr tlljiul rat Ions Ml tho wholo ftkor'y of tj^o dlfturcnoo botwoon oai-o and noluojqt of* a ynUnjr orohurd, Eaoh <5l tfhiHo tTat\M, Is tlio bofit not a l-oprftflorrtafctvo, bijt tiho bnflt troo to bo found ln'ths orehard from, which It Irt tiikon, thonpfh the largnr (tfl(f. 1> In >nor noui-Iy i^wi<rotjj.Mvo tlinn t!io nn^llor (FlV a) *'"> Jxiant^ on flvo <(Jwnfc i&pi qw.ucn W dne mi^;- wiro futTYlihact *4ih a brib>otl *ir u\dm> EXACTLY AT TWELVE. CAUmr^ifOR rxtHKi. ~6r Know what it moann ? A row in tho kidney camp. A dau^eronn bloukatlo. ICidnoyH on a strike. Too much work to do. Then call on the conqueror of kidney ills. And the kidney Htrilto will bo ovor. Another victory for Douu'e Kidney Lji1Ih. Nothing now, they.ulwuyf) win. Backache is quickly curod. Urinary troubles disappear. DhibctcH, kidney rheumatism aud ovun that dread dehlrojur, Bri^ht'a Didttanc, arn remnvud. Plenty of proof that thiH ih bo. " Mr. J. K. Millar, with l-'orayrhu & An. derfton, the well-known dry^ooda lionso of Ehbox, Ont., titatos, "For iiomu timo I have had kidney and back troubles, hut am uhid to hii;: that 1 luivu buen cured by Doati'a Kidney Pilly; "I goli a box of them at Sherrm'n dru^- utoro aud the rowult was reumrkablo. It- is not nayipg too much to state that the euro ii complete, and I futil i'. nil tho inor/' remarkable as I had token many other raecueiuch beTore I bad tried Doau'd Kid- ut-y I^iIIh, but riieuiyi-d no b'encdit from them. "I recommend lJuan'n Kirluey PiJIh heartily to anyon'j troubled with back acbo or kidney trouble of uny kind." Her."- i-anothei-, Mr. i.-'r^d GdL..as lia.-. thio to ijay, "I^or M:\enil yo:u':i i. liavr hud a painful (inline-^ in my back caused X think hy taking coid v/luuh afu.'ited my kidney*. *'I aluo nuft^ret'l from urinary tfou'jluH, huC feK- tired and wwtiy uuarly all th.- time. Two rnontliH a^o I got a h^x o; Donn's Kidney Pilln at Khcriin'h dni^- fitore, and tlicv have cared too. I roconi- mend tliem highly Lo uny pernou tmff't nv.y, from lame huok or kidney troubles uf auy kind, as they proved a, .pt-ideut hpeedic in my own aaae, and I hwe eyiu-y cuniidoncr in thoni." tr*jim U) the fufkn. 'i?hu tho tro wove itll planted at'b'lKi uilina tisuo in nUiihir isolJ, and frotn the .^ukne tat of troiiH, no tht t'bo only dlfforoueo mliHb uomo ua a direct roiiill of fcho phm*tny, uud titter- c/iro receWod. tn tlio ltnt owe of UipsiJ. onduird^ there wan no Hfcl'n'iltitf In $ig- (Jlnif the kolas. The rootfi wew owifufcjy ttprisaLl, and tho soil, inland With HtubnJ manuro, (Irmly paokod about theVn. Kvory winter tho ground liau bijcn covered with umnure tnkon dlreodly from tho stable, n few extra forkfulw belntr thrown (Uoho about each trod, and durlbjj tho summer the noil han boon cultivated in truck luyil potatocH. It) requires Home cure to pass tlio trees without. Injuring them, but they will very qule.lcly repay thin extra utUinfelou, Each .-prtiih', about the time tho loaves bctfln i,o mic out, tho truuks and Taruw bsanrhoo tiro'thoroughly washed with a aferotifr auiIh made from noft soon, uslnjjf u Koft raff to apply it. It ket;pii the bark hoaltihy aw,d almost as smooth andglosay ad that of tho tender lant yoar'tt shootn. 'i'hRKo orohnryR ivm now nornn yarri old, and lu thin parfcinnlar oiw only Hovora.l tws have . been lo^t, in spite of the extro^nnVj* dTV siiramafii, though I know of obo of tho orchard'" whioh has but lfl trofts loft and Uoxtv ul tJiniiu of vMuo. ADob'i IniixirtttlTA T)tmuitil for Dinner t tlin Hlrukn of Norm. In a downtown oNtahllHliniont chat noils blrdH, monkoya and other ]>nt,H Is a Whit* liull terrior Waiting for sonic on to como v,nd buy him. He 1m a K"<,(l"n,l~ morrd dog, and liked to poke hln noht noflo Into your 'hand, ovurv If hn never iuw, you boforti. Itut hu Is'tiriinky <ui th Btibjoot of hitvlnic his dinner promptly tit I'D o'olhak. IIo novor |[<>^ up until ..ia..t/i)jHitLibnfc..iu!ikofl_>)0 dlfTuroimo In bls.wUhos. Ifu nan a rn^n hirj^o imotttfh tmr throe i1kh hly ifluo, and in the ojik*' Is a llatr-hottMiued tin pan, In whluh his ilhmor Is fusyved. Two uilinitoK hefuro 1- hu hi calm mid quiet, and there hi no crowd around hU ea^o. Promptly at l^J bin performance hoylriH, and the crowd Huthors around Him. Hn loin out a yel]> and sprlus upon tho tin pan an If It were full of rats. Ho liarku fiercely and olaws the pan, and timid fonmlos travel toward the dnor. .Tiipt ahovn hla eajjo am twet parrots, which outer Into the spirit of fchei Hot, and shriek at tho tops of their voices. The do pays no attention topnruonH or other anlmalH. Tho tin pan 1h turned, bot tom upward, wheriuipon the dojf.tri'-s tf) ohiw a hfdo fchroiii'li the bottom, yelplne; all the while, an H' ho could hou three rats underneath. '1'he innnlccyH across the way embrace various things with their tails, jioer tliron((h tin- wires of their en{?es, and orate In a way that would plrawe l.hii'nir. The guinea ]Ikh under the monkey ivipro try ta hide in the sjnvdiist on their lloor, .a-nd ]mreluiMers HWiirm in from Iho yroeeiT departmi'iit. next door to see what It's all about, Noun of thcie things dlnturh the dn^, ITn turns the pan over, catcher it In his mouth, hurls it to tho other side of the cage, and U en It. hy tlio timo It- lands, Then ho preteniln it Is another dotf, a hated onmny, and pinoeedu to shake the Htulilng out nf It. Small hoys stand around anil cheer him <>h. The man who knows it all steps up, takes a look at the performance and llnds that tho do;; has a bono In hl throat, whereupon the hoys Invite him to yo to various places. At lr_\ir> the attendant comes with the dnpr's dinner. 'J'he performance ends, Hie monkeys gob hack and whlKpin* to one another, and the parrot'.*;stick their heads under their wln^ after throwing out insinuations coneernliiK the >tupldity of rtoj;s and people who watch their fonlNh porformai-ici's. TRANSPLANTING CABBAGES. CLAJllC U, DHAJCB. Wheo. the plantu aro about oijjht. woclta old. tjioy may be trausferrid from th<e Koodhod to tli'o hVld, on u wet'day If posnlble, as then they aro lesn apt to ln:eo:no dry hefbru heiiif* plnntotl If tlio weiitIiei!_lii_ilryJi thu seed he'd may bo watered artificially, and tho plants care fully removed, no that as few 'roots bo novered an possible. It is Important to puddle the roots before setting. This lfl dmie by dipping them in thin mud, mado from rich soil or manure, coating oach lift Jo rootlet with the miituro, After this;, they may be pieced In a cool, damp cellar, iuid- U Mm roots ere kept damp they may voiunln a wftck or more iu this condition without (Jetrhncnt, Tho puddll-nyr of phuits i.q mu'cdi' better than taking tlio plant*-* from a vessel of watnr while . si'tun;,', hcuau*-'o In kneplnir thorn a .few dayK befovo setting, tiny white routlets ptart, and theHO ab--orh Water to replace t.hat evaporated from 1 he loaves. Tin; plants M:ly be ta.kfti* up In a dry tinu- aud puddled, then put away to await a rain heforc Hcttiin;. Thn ground inti'.uded for cabbages should \y- well "WliiM-li-fl by a (lUiMt. About thi'-'e years a^o a wandering ey- r-llat throw a whole district of the Trans vaal into a paroxysm of superstitious ter ror. Traveling by ni^ht, his advent would have been unnnticeilLif two^v/niiiK Botu'R,. early abroad In search of Htrayed Indlockrt, .hud-nut seen the "spoor," or track of tho wheelman With the curi osity of their race, they followed-it For Homo rnllen, bi;inK anxious to sec "the man who could trundle a wheelbarrow ho far without a rest." After an hutir'H tracking, ono re marked: "This fellow mimt bo a thief; let us go and tell the hmdroiit (magistrate)." Accordingly the worthy IHtteh "beak" _:\yaa brought on the scone, and he was ac companied by a scowe of armed liners. Tho whole party followed tho path taken by our cyclist. Halting, at noon,, while the horaes grazed, the itiy-dorlous trail was tho object of much scrutiny. Suddenly one fanner exclaimed: "Look hnyo, landrost, if It was a harrow, where Ih the '*ipoor* of tho man wdio wheeled' It?" ".My goodm*sn!"o\-(daimed tfha-t ofllcial; ,;I never thought of that. Lot's sj'C ycH, hqre is tho wheel, right, enough; but whore- Is the footprint? It Ih, It must ho It's a spook (ghost) I" To this day that portion of the road is not traversed hy any of the Dutch farm ers. AtlruntuiFuu of tho Con- I'cu. (I) It Is a nitrogen gatheror; (2) It shades the .soils In summer, keeping them In a condition most, nuitahlo to thf-' most rapid "nitrification" and leaves them friable and loose in the bust condition for future crop; ('A) it has a large root development, and hence pumps up from great depths and large areas the water, find with it the mineral matter needed by tlio plant; (I) its adaptability to all kinds of soils, stlfTeid; clays to meet porous'sands, fertlfo alluvial bottoms to barren uplands; (f>) it stands the heat and sunshine of Southern simunors; [D) it*j rapid growth enable* tho farmer In the HotitJi to grow two' crops a year on the name soil; (7) If sown thickly, will, by Its rapid growth and shade, effectually smother all weeds and thus servo as a cleansing crop; (8) It Is the hust prepara tory crop known to the Southern farmer, every kind of crop grows well after it; (<)) on the alluvial Innds of Mississippi p-riiar'ed, and onrYcho'.l,' (d'sn'The cabbage 1,0,,',1,I1S H,serve* * pump 'olf exc-.^i've will not fcrjn c und heads. If a largo I v: .'ii'iy :.; l-i l>.i p'uinu-d, the ground j i'I.-uM Ls' o',.t. ;.>.!>: nit" in uhe.-ks tlirno ] :'u ^et at. tlio i CJ-'^'l.ings with a wi'.'H -. IJr;i.-tice will v.f.; bio one to do the work expeditiously, j bui. euro must bo lakim to pj'.^i tiio sell (irir.ly about tho root:-, aud then mulch I [.i.t.'in fdl;<hUy with h.o.^c earth. I'Vajicuit eul:.i s'ltti -r. L'i <-. peeially li'iportant with ! eaohage, stirrltic; two i'leiieso,' t-hc-oirfttco I v/ith a cuuiiv'.t.or and ilnishtu,^ with a j hoc. The hrm two or t.hre*- culth ationa i jind hotiliig." must be carefully done. At'ter- j ward, the cultivator alone may be used. water, evaporating it through its great. foliage, thus keeping ib.> Vr.M lira condi tion for most rap' i nlc-ill/ation dm-ing ! the enthv growing *-eavnn; (It)) it i'nr- nlslies a nin.-l: eXcelli'iit; food in largo I quantities for hoth man and animals, j With all of these .advantages it; In no j winder that it Is oalod the "clover of j the ciourii," and were it used regularly I throughout the South as one of tho j ovopr. in a regular hut short system ol! rotation, the noils of this section would j soon rival in fertility their primitive conditions. COIiCJKttNTEUS SOl'TIEtt* Arr.uigornouts heve ljot,m ahoui co.n- pletsd f..r a celebration ab Central Grove, j 'J,'hc ohl-si'yk corduroy highway wan a well en<.i")*h tiling In the pioneer p.:rto3, i en.! the old fir-.tern oi' spiling the Ui/jh- j ways and thawing dirt h'oni the'aide i Into the c::nt,T of tbo pit'c was doub'tltyH I the proper thin* in its day, but tt)D : I'.uMiioy who woj'Iccd'.out hla ia.voa'ln fchlM ! wr.y han leanird nt Ui.^t tlmb It iuvn ftewi ,.. ,, , a evoi;tly unwell an awovthleuw procacrHuH. near Harrow, on Saturday, An^mili. 1*.;.. j ftI1(l he U now nmous the r?f.>i;raey. Spooohea will bu delivered by' ttio follow-| Th'-re Iio been too nineh doiit.ruhtfrfn. m iaz wtdhkno'cn gontlomtu : J. PJ. Alex ander, orator of tho day; Uou. W. D. Balfour, M. P, 1*., Auihflrstbure,; N. X. Cositfc, L1.t Wurd-.-n of E.....s ; J. M. lien. dorson, (k'niu'jllor-at-law, Doiroit ; M. K. wiiytan liirca and sprin^R. the f^yoi W- rtatfo haa been too often wr'Jn'Uw to tho ruti, and farm ittook hufi'suflfr(l Tl'iid lotJS hau finally uppenU'd to ftlle puoVet, and tho fannnra vVho haV hnop h*;jtti^iov. out praut and lo on the old'^ti^nPuire- /k.,,.,, *.r p i. -,./, 7 . T. n lln-, 1 now the udvocatro nt the new. PftjAmn- C*wai., U. P., ot Vn.Jor j H. C. Jiari.oa, cnt ro;:d N)rwfl!llcufcllI,hf(rl) 4o ^ a Cowusoltor-utlaw, Untroii; Ur. H. A. K<v., r t<mw ,md {i,; the movem^t ^iveA^u of Khigiivillc, and oilui'ri. Presi^pnt ol I tferouah well-iliroiited metlvubt Up'- ^;.'ta tho dj,y, X)el.,n it. -D^vu,. Gpcaklur to | ot good .i-o-kIk will not only efuO'iuClly oonittiouci tit 1 HO j). ni, The Iimtow bund I ;........_:.,. At. >......_-._ ._.... *!._!'. .^"s iV will furnish muuic. ~^~ti"j~ Hood's Pilla act easily and promptly on the livor and.hov."jln. Cure niolc beaducho. w Norway Pine. Syiuip cuioh ooni^hu, ".Worwav Put* Syrup ourea hronolutia. KstwKy Pino Byrup hriilo tho Iuh^u. IUc;rc.iflD. Tito farmur who torlrn aft>ir.th; rood over wnloh ftla farm iiroau'cW" *r'o tAkiJn to ioarUt't \.\ t-l*ft fei*'ni|M' v^hb.om-/ tir.i^a money, wn whejj thn prlai) tifKilM l>Vmiuctw fs'lov. <j}\ Tuft Giufiittie, Cut ma from a'Iau; of af-nl-rt bread, (j^tfdi liri>>-i?. 1'ut a pW\(i "of ftifyj^i inii i<|^twi"' aitcl .j>u'6. nn "iA fl^ii/lj^ti tiffli a tt^ypiioutul wf butur .oii^.p, $Vbik Voii'v o\W the toait ftWil'Uyvv A Graceful "VVi>iii:iii. It is safe to say that not oho woman in five hundred can inn herself gracefully, and yt, next to actual ileauty r>t' featriro oiod coloring, there Is nothing that addi ho-ovnoh to a woman's attractive, appc/tr- atico an a straight, well-poised figure, anil an erect rarria/'e of t he Head. 16 is very odd that, knowing, tho im-. portanee of this niattor, and Mu1 great advantage it givea to a woman,- whether nho bo plain or beautiful; tall or short, fa* osr thin, to hold Itevsoif well, ho very few uro willing to take tho trouble of acquiring a. habit which,- whon once nuwtiirtid, is rarely loifc. That this is a croaked aad pnrverso generation in liter ally truu, as Mont rnothtTh know to their uoirt^ow. Whutiarl> Jain. Wash the youaff rhubarb and eat Into pltniw about an Inch long, wMgh and to eaoh pound allow ilv.if-u.uavters of a pOTjjiiid of ouji'ar. Put ull in a porcelain kct^lo, bring ulowly to a bolt, thou hntl anfl."tdv oontlnuouHly for thii+o'uuurtiini of iin h'onh' Put into bunibWa and tin olasoly. Tphniqyhot-aftfilflsolvffd In Wu'jsu hundtwl 'iviarto of, oliy**"'(lij: U aid to ho ono of'tho rfipt (-u-fij*factory n|)pJlcaJtlou,n, I* is rubhid g*mtlyx avr^.tlio p.irfi twle^ a dti(Y, whUb.ji, ^rUtlualiy BoCtoajs, and cIuomA tiotw-u*oOrhod/ baby growth The baby's mission is growth. To,that little bun- le of love, half trick, half diream, every added ounce of fleah means added-hap- piness and comfort! -Fat-is- the sig-nal of perfect health* comfort, good nature, baby beauty. Scott's Emulsion, with hy pophospKItcsT is The eas iest fat-food baby can have, in the easiest form. It sup plies just what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth. m ESSEX Hall! &corY & tJo*-v, S.-lLvlllr, Ont io*. mJ fi.e Ho.iidfiuaworM for Bohool Hooks, Hohool BuppheH, NoU Papor.lihivclopoti, Inkn, , , iVylhitf" TablutH and ofilou Btatiouery. mflPKNHING- AND FAMILY DltUOGIBT. SING LEE. CHINESE '$& I Cor^ Talbot st- and Victoriaav The latettt Improved maahlnory fQf Ironing'Collarn uud Cnff.i. Will nob erAAfc or brofdt* kuo whit,'. >i>SB Van-iily work ahoup. Puvoola oalled Inl and delivered. IMohf/o oali and try. If not Hatlafaototy no charge will he mado, If our work nulla you, rooorj?-(|iul uh to your friends. Are ITou Buildlng, ? Thorn uh Bourroll wan killed by tho full of a true ho wan chopping near Walkerton. JOvaugolhitu Hunter and Crowiloy cleared S-1.jO in their mooting at Woodatook, N. B. Arthur and Herbert Moody, twin brothora, iiged ton, were drownod iu tho J>ou at Toronto, Friday afternoon, Tho Canadian team won the Kolvparo cup at Binloj on Friday hint by a ncoro of l)5ti ait again tit old by tho JKngliah team. A twelvcycar-old daughter of Jamon Uawkina, oT Downio Townnhip, wan kiokod to death Tliuruday by a hor :o oho wan riding. .She foil off, became cutauglod in tlioharnchii and waauruL'ged half a mile. LOST'FOOT POUNJ>S. AN IJLJLNIiSM THAT ALMOST CAKKU5D AWAY AN ONLY CHILD. w iin o can Hiipply you with all kiudu of Woodbii Matorial, plEkfo; tl omaniuntitl. l*ino, ll'cmlof'k and native. Lumber always on hand. Bhing'oH, Codar Pofitst Doom, Sanh and Coal, e Imporfani io Farmers. WeMiavc just got in a firBt-ciaea line of barn lumber at $12 per M. ft. V We Make Screen Doors and Windows Ihat wiD last a Lifetime., Nlic MiHi'orcd 'JE*rrII>ly From K'utiiM in s:;nk, IXeniri Tron bio antl It1i< nniu. ilwiii Her I'uromtH Aimowi IK>npulr *d of Hor Jllcooyi'k*y ffjfow It Waw Mroiiirlit About. X-'rom tlio Arni)rior CUron'ulo. Perhapw tliero iw no bettor known man in Aruprior aud vicinity than Mr. Martin UroiitKin, who haa reoidod in the town for ovor a quarter of a eontury, and baa taken a foromoat part in many a political oum- pai(;n in North Lanark. A reporter of the Chronicle milled at hiu roHidenco not lunij ajio find was made at homo at onco. Dur. iiij^ a ijonerel convoruation Mr. Bronnan ^avo tho purtiuuhirH of a remarkable euro in bin family. Ho fayn; "My dau^htor, Eleanor Elizttbot.h, who iH now l-i yearo of a#G, wan taken very ill in tho uniumer of 18U2 with back troublo, rhoun-jatiem and hoart diiieatto. Sho alfio becarao torribly nervous and could not tdeep. Wo oeiit for a doctor and ho avo her medioino whioh fccomed to holp her for a time, but ahc con tinued to loHom flenh until aho wan terribly reduced. When fintt taken ill alio woi^hud ono hundred pounds, hut became reduced to Hixty ponndu, loHinj^ forty poimdom tho eourooofa few monthn. For about two yearu oho coutinuod in thiH condition, hor health in a moot delicate Htato, and wo bad voty little hopett of hor over getting hotter. Our hopes, what little we had, wore on- tircdy shattered whon alio wuh taken with a Hccoad attack far more aerioua than the first. Thin (jooud attack took place about two yoara after the unit. We now fully rand*; up. our-minds Mmt ahc could uot live, ' 'but while thoro ih hfa there in hope," and, twaing oonotitntly in the newnpapern the wonderful enroo affected by the nao of Dr. VVilliauia' Piuk PiIIh, wo decided to ^rivo them \i trial.1' Boforo uhn had finished the first box, we noticed that her appotitu waH idifjhtly improving, and hy the tim flhehad m.od tho nooond box, a dooided improvement had taken place. By tho tituo hho had tiHod four bo.\on ruoro nho had regained hor former weight of ono hundrod noundn and wuh as well a over tihe had bean in her life. Her back trouble heart affection, rhoumatibm and Hiooplotm- uchH bad all diHiippoared. She now enjoys :be betit ofhenUn, bat htill continues to tuko an occo-riioiial pill when :dio fcols a little cat of iiortH, aud uo it pan&on away. \ttn. Breuuuu, together with tho youu^ lady, who ih an only child, wore prunent dtirioy tho recital, and all wcro loud iu '.heir praiiit-.y of Dr. WiUiahid' Pink Pilln. Mr. Breuuan also aralt^l idiat ho luid used fhp pilln hinihclf and bolioved tlnit there <-.-b no otiuor medicine lilto thorn for build ing up u weakonod Hyatem or driving away a weaned foaliug ; iu fact lio thought- that tin :l blood tonic they were away ahead of all otlior mcdicinoii. Br. WiMiianh* l3mk Pillb act directly np on the bleed aud nervea, building them a new and thUH dt'iyiug. dii,out,e from tho .lyntora, Thoro la no troublo due to oither of thebo aaatiea which Pink Pi 1 hi will not cure, and m huud^cdH of eaiicfi thoy have reutiorod pationtu to health after all- other remadiea had failed. r*Auk for Dr..- Wil- .1111010* Pink Pilla and take nothing* olao. Tho Koriuino aro alwaye onoloned in boxen tho wr.appor uround which bourn tho full trade luarlr, "Dr.* WillmmV Pink Pill for' Palw Peop'io.1' May bo had from all dealers Oi* 'tent poHt paid on roeoipiof f0 cent-i a hi'-x.or nix boreit for ^;.',fiO by addrcuaing Uiu Br. Williaiua' Mouioino Uo,, Brock- viUo, Ont. fc7S-y M--------:---------:-------_- Laing Bros. For Fine Job Printing* vam wmwnwiwiwiwi You Cannot clo better than"call at the....... Free Press Printing Office, We have facilities not excelled "by any printing office lirWestern Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dcigars, ale Bills, Route Cards-, Or anything in the line of printed matter. We'canprint anything that anybody else can. We make a- spec ialty of..... Vv Jx^Km-JLJuJUf Utloaua-u tv. baudlo M-;vlHvr..\y tJwifldliittOrowu^iiix.rryBWMji; Wo tna(L.X'H) outttifjiotlOu (o ropfi.'tuutrLMvcM nnd tm:ci,2iioi'i, -'Liit uwrnorfcu inro tb-Ui-w>t in tho licmlatoii, ovarVU) nor/;ii. Ko Hiihutliutlou iu e*i!r, llacluiiivw territory nnd HiMti;J tnu to vhoie Vi'r.'U ut. U'i'ONlti & WttlJCaNO'x'OW, ilfiiifl ciWno)Toronto,f)t (Thu only nnw*y m CuuaUa ImvloK Uutlaa OJtiharatf.) , 44-ntu Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tag&, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, . Lien Notes, Bank ChecLUQs^ Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of ElNT'V^EraOF'ES- We print and supply them in any , 'quantity/ Our prices cannot be beat-, en. We are continually adding th#".;/ .latest, designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-eq.uipped office, and are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. ,n& . 'iv :wm $m$Mm^ iiMi^fe^ip^S^ A trial.solicited* Mail orders receive prompt attention,* -'..'..,",.~ '.' ':"-^! .' :::M^B!ik r:>^:':^'-:'^^^^^^ 93 0259

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