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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 24, 1896, p. 4

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fef'v gy. i>':. A. H. Scarff : &Co. WE SELL- Tea, Cofibo, Sugar, Flour, BaieinH, OuvrantH, Pnmca, A.p- -ricotfl, Sorijm, Vinegars, Syrupy, Oatmeal, Gorrimcal and a full lino of Ohriatie, Brown & Co.'b fancy and plain Biscuits, Wo have for CAMPING AND PICNICS Potted Cluokon, Turkey, I tarn, Tongue. Ckippod Hoof, Corn Boof, 'BoHton'33alfl(l Bqhiih, frardiuoB, Sulioon, Maukorol, Ilailtlio. JRomombor wo have tho IargOBfc fiHaoHmont of Ooekory, China and GMiiaawaro in tho Town. Cull and examine our Alack. Frenh l'miUw VogalnljIeH, etc., iu notion, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE; A, H. SCARFF <fc Co. GOODS DEklVErffiD PROMPTLY The Essex Free Press, fe___ BRETT &. AULD, PnopniCTORS, FRIDAY. JTTIiY '.M.TBflfl. Tlio Coinuiir JBlyc-IQoclion. Hon. W. D. Balfour wont to Toronto on Monday find v/un i+worn iu on Tuu duy afternoon no Provincial H'.-crotury. The 1 writ for tho*W'Piion noeetmry on nco>unt of iA\a appointment him been iiiuufld, uomiim- tion to tako placo at Kingsvillo, on Tuqb- dayi, Aug. -ith, with election on tho 11th, iu cane of U OOUtOHt. A convention of tlio Putronn of Indufltry of tho South Hiding of IShnux will bo hold at tho Town Hull, ut Kinj^ville, on Moutluy uoxt, July 27th, in 10 a. ui., to comudcr tho adviflubility of brin^uu out a candi date in tho intermit of tho order ut tho cominn byoelection. A mooting of tho Kxtioatiyo Cornraittoo of tho South Ridi(in CoiiHorvativo AwHoein- tion wan called for Kiiif^villG, yositerduy (Thursday} afternoon to comndor what aotiou in to ho taken iu regard to tho byc- oleotiou. " County Council Divisions. Jud(^on Jouofi ami CtL-anoi, tho commiK- Hioncrti up pointed under the now County Conuoila Act, Lro to mecLrit Sandwich ou Monday afternoon next at \A:'.\i) o'clock to divide tho county iuto divmiotiB, iu acr oordanoo with tho act panned at the Inat nomiion of tho Ontario LoE'irilatnro. It iti not likoly, however, that muoh will be done on Monday other' than or^junizinp and getting buHititimi iu whupn for Tuenday, on wluoh day a number of tho tuuinbeiK of tlio present county council will bo present to give evidence an to tho dividing of tho Qounty. According to the act the county is to bo divided into not less than bix divinions nor morp than woven. If tho commiHHion- oro Roh;ot tho ^rreii.t(:r number their tank will bo an oany one to- the eoutity.uiuunUly divided fthc-lt into that nurijbcr but it they accept tho lessor number tneir work will not bo ho catty. It in hU^fiHted that if there bo but Bix division", the uiviHionn hhonld ha num'od afler thu town or village in tht* ditttnet, an follow*: AmherHtbur*^, Kintrn- villo, Leamington, Ehho.x, Sandwicli aiul Belle River. The divimonn will'likely bo High School ISxaiUM. On pai[n nix will bo found n oomploto lint of tho ciuidi'latcri who wroto at thu rueent FIi(h School hhitnuico and Public Hchool Leaving oxiimiuationn in tbodiftor- ent placet* in Bouth Eutiex, totfother with tho marku obtained by them in oaoh of tho HUbjOOtfl. A\I)K:lf>ON. Mm. J. C. 1'utternon and two koiih, of Winmpcf!, Man., have open on a visit rut J. n. Morcnu'n on tho rivor front. HI.YTMUCKWOOn. Win. Tilden and family have movod to Bitult Stt- Muriu. F. A. Leak made Inn firnt Hhipmont of tliih ycar'h choeae hint weolt. Itlaldeu. Councillor Win, Waldron in actiiifj Hoove of Mtilden, during the abuence of Rolvo Coyto in Europe:. j There wore l*i hirthh, 1 marriti^o and j .8 doatliH re^ifltered in Maiden for the half yoar ending June 30th hint. TIVjKkUltV. Cmwfoid'd handle factory mado a record for aeoiduntn lant week. Sam Lftbonto allowed Uia hand to como in conttiot witli a rip Haw, and waw rxiinuH a thumbs-mhrtr next day, M. Chumpa^nu loat a portion of hia hand by allowing n to get too clooc to a Haw and u few duyi: lutor, Gilbert Gilhean had the third tin ire r of liif* loft hand cut j off with a saw and tho remainder of tho i bund badly mangled. tboit iiipo ou trlio G^owhH) <lrain ropalrn t it original cliraetiHiouH. Oarriod. Movod by MoBHrs. Mooney and T.1ru, thut thu Auditorn bo InRtruottid to Audit tho Jl'i-oun- uror'H ttcountH to date. Carried. Movd by MoMBm. O'Noil and Moouoy, that Q uraruinn di Go, be paid ftlhfiO for painting a nd lottorhitt' Hfo.-*-Carried. Movud by MoUflrH, Moouoy and O'Noil, that thu Olork be paid SJC for extra work on wohti towu- llne und Piko Creole drula ropaira. Our* tied. Moved by Monr. Moouoy and Uro, that each raombut of tho Court of itovinion and olork bopaid 9'2 each ami tho J^n^h Hjor'{f*J00 for Court of Rtvinion on tho 7th oouooHKioii drain ropairn. Curried. Moyod by l\fflMnr(i. Ore und Moonoy, that Kdward O'Noil Vic ^ruutotl fid, ho boiu^ in dowtibufco oirouniHtancew. Curried, Moved by Mohhi*u_ Moonoy ami O'Keil, that A. J, Ilalford bipaid Bll cotnmiuHioh ou Lavm dram ro. paira. Carried. Movod by Muiifmi. Uro and O'Noil that Robert Eturdt bo paid $80 for a now b^iil^o on tho *ith oon. drain riv pairii and ft-t,&Q one-half conh of brid^o on the north towuliue. y Moiutru, Moonuy and Oroayoij, that N. W. Trnnblo,1)0 paid ffHB.HO for part payrouut of two now brid(i;o(j on lath con. rond ou tho wont towulino and Piko Crook drain ropawi. Carried. Moyod by Mewim, Uro and Moouoy, that Wm. Colo bo paid Q for nerving oopien of 7th eoncoitiuoii drain ropairn bydaw. Carried. Movod by Moiiwni. GreuveH and Moonoy, that J.. H. i Laird bo paid (i for exiunimni; and re- , porting upon work done on wont townliuo aud Piko Crook drain ropairn. Carriod, Moved by Meniirn, Mootioy and Oroavon, that Bon Libby bo paid $10 for work on t ho Campbell dram D. As W. and the name ohurfjed according to tlio Engineer'*! cur- tihcato under the proviEiioi.u of tho Jj. d W, Act, IH'.M. Carried. Movod by MtHwr^ Greuvc;'! i-ud O'Noil, that E. J. Lovelace be paid SI for adycrtifdnf' Court of Ro- viuion ou tlio ' ntifloyomoiit roll. Carriod' Moved by Monnrti, Moonoy and L'ru, that Chariot) Stowo bo paid $22 one-half eo;it of building a now bridjru and repairing utouo work on another bridgo on tho oau, to wuliuo, Carried. Moved by Moiara* Q'Noil and lire, that A J. Halford bo paid S10 for tilling Inn ii\yard_on_tho Mauon_ drain D. A W.-Carriud. NT^wTXrimbliT ;\aHpaid 31,11 "lorVo'rk on bridge neroun W out Townliuo and piko Crock drain ro. pairw; E. Muhon Slfi an Eavin dram ropairn and John Lynch Mid,Delude drain,by order of tho comuiiHbionerH. Moved by Mohkm. Uro aud Moonoy, that thin council dc now adjourn to Aug. Mth, lHi'ji). Carried. TriiHteeu are required to furuihh the aiuouut required to be raised on or in-fore Aug. Int. The Hum voted by the tnunici- pahty to each fuhool Ht'ction in now ljl5u An Apology. ti en Days '<- _WE WILL GIVE argains For Cash On* AH Lines of Summer Goods. Space will notlipermit us to enumerate. r.,Wft' Gome and see for yourself Yours for Bargains, Wtuimvleh Month Council- Omc-Hini:, .ii'fiV 19th. j All tlio members of the Council, ewept tlio Ktieve.eubHcribed'their declaration" u memberi-i of Court of Hoyi'iioij ou tho 7th C'lnetihsion Dram Kcpairn, diupo'Kid of all appeuls and opened ecunoil with members all proHent. T!iu ruiuiilen of the ]u*ovioub meeting wero read and adopted. Toudern ""for cbe oontftruotion of the Went Towulino! i ___ _____ i cud Pil'e CrVeli drain repm'rH wore opened. . Moved by Mes^r^, Greaves and O'Noil, j l hut tun dor g on Went lowulme and Pike Creek drain repair* be awarded ah fol lows : Section No. 1 to Annon Houhou fur i?;j")0 ; Beetiou Xu. 'I tu Edward Leuuon for &:itj7 ; section No. ;i to .John Huddt-n lor^r;i77; fieetion Ko. 1 to Henry Fitz patrick for $375 ; flection. No. 5 to John Itiulaeri for .^82 ; aud the He^ve ho author- ibuasrswAiKr BriOOK. essesc- oompletod by Wodnegday anil wo e.xpeotl-Ituria ^ toboabretouimouHcothcm noxt week. \i^d to siu the reapective coutractH and ^ttiicb the corporate neal thereto. Carried. | Three Eyesores Gono, Tho Talbot HLri-t-i Gravel Road Co. met with a loasj on Tn:-:-day nigJit wlmu tht-ir toll iiuta hoiiHf-ti :.t t.ho uortb-wcat end of town, at Maidhtoiui und at Oldcantle were doiuroyod hy (in1. The two litter have b^on atunijiug tor a long time but the former wan only built, last week, toll being, eolleoted there for the tirnt time on Thurw- day hidort* it was burned down. Tho com- pa.'iy'a lortij reiu-ivt-s three eyuvore:! to (ho _p.?ofJ(i nf ilii,i i^ii't "f I'm county' and \vu hope tii* iluy ii. not far diritant when the gutea wU hi: .hftcv rdn.t unci tlnw ruml i"iiiiil-"i 1L fl'< " r * ' ([, J'li- f'f v.i-W lif) t>i)Ui!lil:' of any Y'du-i in '.li : h'nu-."' at K .i :-. tUe ir'h .:' !;oui h i:-..rly nil <h-.: vo:iti\iin wore ; jimf- ,rX\f\ llii!j'"f' u.d i.ot upr<-.t i in "i> s.-bnr luuldingH. \V. n, vii no"- nut.. Tiia'H iw no doubo but '."n-6 v\: > bduJim-ii v/.i 'j f,iH on lire, th-j T.h:-,ux -u ijoin*.; lir.'"-. l.ben the '>nt; at Mui-.ir*to;;r .i'ld tbii Ol.ic-v -lo out. ht.-ii. Jfuii tlio new }'-;\- dou ol Jiie r-iiul nut liniruviitud the (> >!r- in thi:j t.o'it'ion of tho er-ui-ty by per^itityi^ in liuving ii giue ju^t t-i. ;bo uutranuo tu 'ho town, in fact v. ii liin iho town limi'.h, llie.ro Would not lilu-ly Iih.'m r.iu'n n' llr- ihiit niglit. Peojdo in'ouaed now to travelling 'oivfrer: ru.id'i i.iid nut Ixiiny compelled to iitop atid pay. a toll of five centu unit up- wnL'dH ovory time lln y dertira to-411 to or from a town. The De'voit I-Veo Vwm in an itom u-i Thursday morning mud a lot of amtnomu lind been thrown into tiin build- i^g at H^hi'X, From wlu.t wo ht.ve hi en ftblo to iLftCU, tllKi btutOUlOUt 1H t.0'<- ttli'J, Uo au-'Dipt Wuti tui'Ao to injuro the poou- pmuta of tiio Iiouhdh at Muid^tot.o and Old- oatht liutllioy vporo ,ru-niotcd to get' theV good" out. Tlu'ru in aiill ono gate LotwooiV, l*S-fciH0X and Windaor. ' : Mw. Ijtitia C. Youmann, Hon. Bropi- daut.*f tho W. C. T. U., and Catiada'a mont pvominoub lady tompurnnoo worker, diod on Hatnrday at her rouidonoo iu Tor- tmiai iu hot* 70tli yoar. Gloved by McssrH. Urt and Greavefi, tliat Jos^nb Ferry be paid 'rl^s.To, John Ferry irlil and Win Mahon i>8 lor work iloije on Wont'Townliuo and tJike Creek drain re. p-iirn, itK certiDed to by Jamca S. L:di\l( C. E. Carried. Moved by Moubi'H. O'Xeil and Muouey, that JoHepb Chribtie bopaid &i:i.7:i. looul school rate for B. H. N 1. d for lHiliV Carried. Moved by Mehfiih. Uro and Moouey, that CburlOb Koherlo be paid S-1M for a new bridge und Ijri'iikwater at the north end of tub ccnt road and the name chan^d to Little River drain repairs. C'trri'-d. .Uoved bv ^Iet'L'rn, O'N- d ard Ore.i\ou, that J'u-:t .v Aula be P'.,j l v'ii.j. JO f-iv ; Hni'!:.'.' i-.imI f-tutioi. :ry. (J.t.-f.t.'d. M'* ' ur.d Wuj, 'lr>.t Gl :irluJl<ibjrt.r. bj piiJ ?.l *.H* Ir'HriylSiI !:.i'cl:i*vj on U'.h con. : u iu -.. .i- lihjnii'-y .'!'d Un , that Ifn \tiur* li'.lh'fl I .* j.uid "?i.!i7 for i,l):jL-'.;'u CJurnud. Mowu Ijv MesHEH. '(;.'o :iud O't-foil, ihu.f. J"hii WatBon bo p".id (il3'for repairing a bndg') on !)',h o'u. ruU'J ou Litilo ltivt-r dadn rup.'irn.'~ Cnrtied. Mo\cd by MtH-trf?. Aloujuy aiiii GiMi\f-ii, LJiuC I\Ir, Ponpruso bv pial.^.'Hi 111 part payuuut for gn,di;rg i'.n two bvidgK* on 12li? eon. road ou Weftt Townliuo f.'id IVe Ci.-< It'd.-aui rupuirn.~ 'Carried. A notice wui .received from 1'. O'ConnoU tuddng that the portion of tho aoutli rear road cimiol tlio O'ConnoU drain! bo put iu a propt-r nt-.U-i ol roptdr. Moved by MHnrH. O'Ned and Moonoy, that A. J. Ilalford bo. author-:; -d to examine tho Houth rear road druiu etznpiained of by P. O'Counoll liij] report at the next moot- iiifj of tho council. Carrird. Moved by Moiiiiru. O'Ncil and Groavei, that. Ofo.' Hpundiiif' bo paid yiO for 0 la>nb>t>hiUod-by nknowu do'ji beinj.! ^ value-of thorttme. Carriod. Movod by MiMtir/i. Groavou and onoy,"that Itobort Greonwuy be Hp- podittid patlimawtor in the plaoo ot ,Tovo miah Oolllmi, who vtifiiHod to act. Carried, Movod l>y MoHato. O'Noil and Groove", that tho Koov-o bo instructed io talto h>ua] advioa to compel tho C. 3, K. to onlav^o Tho following ia taken from the Loam* ingtou Poht of -July Uth: John fi. Br'-ner, &*><} : "Diiaii Kiu, ):.'.minoi n 1'iiM i>r J auuavy ;i0, l>!.,,ii a 'letter appealed ov'l* my fiif'Tuiture, which wan not written by rau, but at the tune T thought wan correct. I have fdnce Iiud occubion to read aftidtt- vitu uiveu ooueerniiii,' ho^n Hold by you to Mr. Henry OinnteaJ, and alho tlio awurd of tho three arbitrators in Haid ciihu und when I read denlurationri ('iven by new nil partiesi, firnt aj'tiinbt jou, then by tlu? iiamu-l pttrtioH iu your'tavor, I came firmly to the conclusion that I v.iih wron*^ in acontun^ vou an I die, and I mow take pleasure in .! that vrrjU1' by statiii^ T.imt wliat L rti[^in>d Hi thi! ioiter abovo ndcrr'jd to wad from heiuMay and not from my own knowledge:, und I luV.a thia meanH of i-j tructiuHH.il I have viui\ and believe thut what Iiuh been naid a^'dnut vou wan not correct, You can unci thin letter as you pleueo to correct what was Hidd'in tho letter Hiyueil by me on .Ian. :10, A.D., iHim. Yuum fnithfuily, C. G. Fox, Gohtiold ftoiuh, July -\, lSOft. Wi- are pinj^'-d Ui puldhdi the above letl' r a", n. *f.i!i]il':lidy f;.\-'>nori.tniJ 7\lr. Briiuer frmu nil. b'ntne. We also' regret the pnbliuutiou of ihc lormor letter rclorred to Ki. Post. l-l I'.ij'ths. -:i I'iuinsi, 0:1 VwnhioHUuy, .July l"kstcher Awroy. a mil Mn A^Hi:\ -AtC .-ill i-iml, to .Mr. ilaiuditur. UllYNiHU'.-'S- in Khn*1?- Town, 011 TiH'ii'Juy, .July 2Li!t, lu Mv. unit Mi'.-:. II. M. KhynJroLii, twin HOiifi; Ono of the. c'.i'.l'irn'i) hus--1 iixo .lioih MmiTS I'Llun 1', on T\l(>'n)uy, .fnlj' Kith, to Mr. ami '..lv),. I-., i .1. ?.lunn, u :^oil (inui-'lii Alnliliiii, 1 u Muii/hiy. July Oth, to IIv, and Mh. C'l'H:-. Gilsl), 11 liiuuditor. niif.-i ili, to Mr. :f.HL :^l'-. l,-:\..\ II.-, ;., :i:l.,i. lli'irKiT.LO - :i -Siunluy, ,j t))> lytlj, 10 Mr. it'i'i .Yiv -..iiiii:." ::.ji:ti'oio, u tiuu. Mi"i"'-;i:-.i 1 (' ,u> i". "'..-, * Kim ?.-y, July i'.'il , '.".>;- t'n.i -' M. M'l'Iil'ti^M. '. :!( Mitilio.lliit t'l-NOiiM.: Pollticu!- ITon. W. S, Finldinn baa been iiuccooded H Premier of Nova Hcotia by Hou. Gear^o H. Murray. Sir Oliver Mowut ban boon appointed to the Hehate to enccoed tho Into Konator Koad, who repr eiiunted tho Day of Quinto 'dintriot. In tho ro-or^anizittion of tho Ontario Provincial (Jabinot, V). J, Davm, M. T. P. for North York, Iulh boon tukou iu an a minintor without portfolio, THE FAVOplllEIEE. Iviuiwu AU Over Cnuaria Every body Has Wordy o( Prdir-u for the Throe Groat Bonth Amorioan iiem- cdi.'a Absoluto B}jeciricH for Kid ney, Hhonm-ititi. and Norvoua . Troubles Tboy. Relievo in a Faw 'JlOiive. THE 1UDNKYB ldduey and bladder di^uaneu uro relieved iu bin bourn by Houth American Kidney Cure. 'Thia remedy in 0 groat sarprnio aud delight on acuount of ittt exceedini; prompt-jenu in rolioviuR pain in the bladder, kidneys; buuk, and ovory part oi the urinary pas- Hugea in undo or foinalo. It roliovon re- tiMitiou of wiu-r and pain in paimm^ it tilmout. immediately. It will euro Brijjht'n dineiiHO and diributufi afior all pill.t und powtJun-i haye fathul ; mi it, boinfj a liquid and Holvent, dinjolvi.'H ho -ianddiko parti- idea wluoh tdwayii appear m tho blood of pcraonH troubled with these dmordorn. A drypowdoi'ur pill can not poHtdbly do thin, ao neither U a hoIvui!. U\\i: South Ameri can ICidney Cure if-yuu would live and on- joybealth, lUlKUMATlSM "For tho liut year," wntou William Mai'rthidl, of Yurdou, Out., a roHident of that dintrict fur forty yoarn, t " 1 wii.fi onnfmnd n'mont entirely to my bed 1 with rhi'Vimiitiam. Nothing ijavu m re , lief, aim I hiul linallv ^ivcn up hope when South American Uhoumaiie Cure waa ro oommended to m<\ M'ho lirtit donut j^ivo-j:- :zq iiiHtant **ehdf, and t wan out ot my hot) the following duy. I hn>e, usaid throe ho!(!ert, ami 1 nii!it mi-.v 1 uni enrnpletely cured, an I. Milter nn tumi '.vini-tevi-r now." TUK HTOAlAOlt' AND NHKVliS iilrn. Cupt. Haukla'iu i>i Ov.t.-n Bonn:!, wan. one ou .whom L t,/jr/p1;e had lelt itn vnarkti. tSIie suennid nevei' to have com pletely roenvi.-rod fro;n an jiittudt, und ner- vono pn>trat;hm took'h-ilvTof tlio wyiitem AU the dootorin;; h:i-l only a temporary fdket. She trio:l fSoutli American iSiurvine, and 1!.', .1 t1'!1 I'r.'" h.-.-ttb"- ^u\o" her h;ipo( ! ci ul ^n nil j)' ii-i u 1..;, in n. hlmit t-i run hIhi j \ Ii -r !'.!'.*-.:m'tli. Ui.n i * # m St*. AT SALE OF DRY GOODS For Next 30=days avBa'TtiPssa-srca' aw ooswb-i. Straw and Felt Hats at Cost. Boots and Shoes to go at A Price. Prints as Low as 5c Fast Colors. Ginghams, -u 5c u d ....GROCERIES-Always I^reslx. Ii5e. TIOA Kt ui tli Marker,. ii OARS '* Kclipse" Soup lor ahc. "(jonirort" " ' 155c. 12 ' *' Our Own Hloctri-V for 25c "-V Nii Hi-^htiHt iJnc Paid Produce. 'Vuiipc'k ()I<1 Stand, J^ssex. J: A. FRANCIS. IS AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT FOR i.'. n't, oomplotoiy ,r;j;i:<.m<:t li H.iUiii-Anu.rma.i iSvrvi.m if yon iwj.'i. to be I - it v it: itLiiiid d.-.< hit' .o-c .-^ .; ,-., r.'.,::i-V. Sold by J. *i'w;^s'-' - i>:i';! rni1 jm'M':^:E^Q0 you l^lde ? V:li.I>s. rr mrjii .,11 *J. 1)11 I'll-' J ..J-.'nilppU, aij' ] ' i:--i:i Co1 yc-. i. l -V.j -"c.'.^b"- '< v '""jntii, oa .\rautluy, i:;iii, ."(..j. va'-.'.iJ'- ' *?*j.., ,t^ui.'.i*h ybiU'n. 'J'r.AiUJ'.- i:'l'1vi::li,'miT:i .'i.M.iy. .1" uly i-iuli, Mr.i. Iter y'i'ti.iide. ivii. (ur t.vtccj.u-iii^'J :nn aruiii: r|- r-ni'itrf'Tr't 'in'i l.ll huv I'j:-scv -d ;ti U'..-t. Whcu't red per bn du>l W!UMi.t, _wlll( (A;rn (J.itH Timothy Suad Olnvor Seiid AlHJlUl i'ti* p.-v ton...... .. l-'.'Ot pi-r owl....... I'nk I-ivu weight. .... ^miLofi -....... : r.itl :s ........ 01 lief. -iH per lb...... Unt'.jr Oft id'....... Tj*!*'n, rar rioz ...... T'd.LtoVii, par hnnl.el OnlOUh Apuhi X'ui'niph OfOLM .lurlcuya per lb..... I-HiUwl ...... Cuh'ry porjdois ...... Gubbn^e ,.. .- Wool ..... C5 to 16 to 35 n; :i on i 60 to '1 -:5t) 1 00 a'OOlo "8 00 I ,j0 to 6 lit) :) iutoll '2ii fi onto T.no 'J Oil 7 . no hi 03 ro 20.1 o rto ft to 18 to 10 a B N 70 2C as in ii V 00 as 20 If so, you want to have 7.^ IB the best the'e everybody knows and that Tha Babbif;?? Vurnsul T.l TO UK HAD AT- sow. A..-.Kpa^S Livery . ,:^^Good JRuriilitr.rH. f'Jaxif' Hiding JhifjyUn. Caw'fortahlvr Carriage*, A Call Solicited. SatiaJaalUm Guaranteed. North of the #~-^v Railway Twfc, 05SEX, ONT. n Binders, Mowers, Cultivators and Drills. Best Plows ir\ t^ Market. ITira'fc**Cl*aes Weivrxx "WagdiiLfiu^g Fareners.Sbtald See-DSy Stock..Before Purchasing. -ALSO OKjIIjISB- 1W-------' (ShwaaiO^'s -S^ovesr Wiaa-w^are^ :4m - General Tinsmithing. and I-tepairing ufctendod to! > *St^ North of Railway Track, - - Eaie ' * ,i - V^if-V

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