,w M*-YV] T 'W ,:s , - MONKY TO-LLND '^ On mori^ayes at 5 par Qont. Firu and Lift* lu- auriiiioo at lowont t? j3^ ruled. I \l. W. GIBSON |p* Agent I' ':> I' l<> i;. Free MONKY TO LEND On mortgages at & Jper oont. Fire and Lifo.In- auruucu at lowest rates. J. W, GIBSON, A fjout. - VOL XII. No 30. ESSEX, ONT. FBIDAY, JULY 2-1, I89fi WHOLE No. 0 )2 ^ fe It FORSYTHBS, ANDERSON &CO.. Our Annual iVlidsummer 3ale During the Month of July ]\fleans Prices Lower ro woitK hoummiomij. nlhly. >1IoiuiPi dimlt-Jiitf attention umut iwmu rufor- 11 |\i \? o TO WOltK UOU*- I) jAUnvG Halui'y. 8'-il month!) Ap- uUCiHi u-iul Unite omit iilauip io Houhi now) I'lTiii.nwin.d Co , Makimion Hulldliiif. Toronto. $5,00 REWARD. STIIAYKD l'UOM TUW PHIftUHMK OF THH untioj-Mfi'imd. Int (1, con. 0, flonfto!d North, on or ahout tluiillth drvy o( .7ui>, WW, it huiu.1I brown inaro, Uyoam old, with forotoji out oif anil uhoil nl] round Vimloi* l roipui'itnil to vi\- turn tiaino to mo anil claim above ruwahl. JAMKH MoOUJ'JCotlam, .Tuly jfitli, ihM SMi-til* *- To tli'* People oi Essex and vicinity. Prices already Lower what iv I. >\\, Cut ^till to clear out alns of w EATHER ^ EfiRfiBLES. TENDERS WANTED. npBNDIHlH WrMi JIK ItKGKIVNB IlY TJIM X uiHloriiifiiioil up bill Saturday, the 25Ui Bay of July. iBflO, for thn priviloco of providing woalii on tho fair t;rmmiin at thn Oront Knuth-Wtiiitom Kxhibl- tion, to behind at Kiiuux Town, r>n Bujitombor COtli ami -10th and Ootohot lnt,lH0(J. W, D. 1JKAMAM, Bocvotury O. H. W. Hoard. Kmiei, .Iuly7tb, lfi'ul Khh< Town Council!,, Requisition- Reductions ill All Summer Goods: Miihi.on , ' Mon'a IF its )'ni\i^)l-. Luuo t 'urr.uiji^. Men'** unci L nl'c1^ TTu lei wear, Men' au(\ I'.ay* rinilim^, Mii-dm und l.aci'i, JilCrii tlofi , PnnN ami l 'Ji Hi 's jim Jjo.iu'ifiil \ 3(jrtnui'ii o IOiihox, Out., July Jfitli, 1S90. 7b Mr, A fay or oj the Town of /Citsce: DDAlt Hill The uiiuurnifitind oltlxonij of of tho Town of Mnnnx r<Fip*irttfully rooimnt vour Worulnp to appoint and jironlalm Wotlnoiulay, tho liith day o/AuiJiiHt, 1900. an a Civlo Holiday for tho niu(i town Hiiniod by Ohiui. Wljito, andtj'J othorii, Proclamation. In accordfincii with tlio above Petition, I horoby anpoiut and nroolaim Wednesday, the 12th day o! flag., 1896 Ana Clue Tlolldu^ for tin. Town of (Onnox, und I }mTcb\ call iinoii all loyal oitlzona to jiovorn thonihi-lvmt aucuid)ii(fly. ,.____________ JA5. S. LAIRD, fiiinox, .July llth, If^'l . Acting Mayoi. To Thivu iLiiywhtirii, Ei"you wimtadood if HO, T?TQ ____and tlio place to R.it it id at "JOHN MeDOOGALL'S Livery. Sale & Feed Stables GoodlHontlciH iu attoiidaiico day and niRbt HORSE-SHOEING; In Huh biiinuh o! our bitHiiifin'i wti lm\ft flrntr- i luu-i WoiluiHin and udl Rii'uautoo HiLtinfa^t^on in hlmidiiR Ilornnn that inturforo, Ov.ir- Houcli or have* I'onihor Contriictoil Fotit Wunialuiu Hpiiriiilty nf Hlmidnn Kfmd and Track Horiitui fct" Vtl'phoni' CfitiHK turn The County Councils flct,1896. [\atvvtaOur '^zu. Summer hoe Sloe Shaves i:i Tfec; p* iA i-ls, 1 f Ladiea* 0\l atifl L i, i tliin<r ih L /' f-jr Mi ii, Clnldrui. i u'i h 'ljpll !\ cry- inrl To //(/ f'ntt'tftj Clerk oj the Coun ty "J ^'w-i Sin, ',sn\w> tiidn ii that th i l o-ntni iHinnctu appoint- u'i mi..mi Thn CVn.atv Couru iln \ct, lhlt>," to dimau tii'i f'tinjHj oi l.s i\ into Comity Coun cil DniMi ii.> 1..1I hold .lioir tiittnt^H for Lint pjrponi! on Monday,'tlio 27th Day of July, 18G6, ut iho liotn nf l 'Unc'ool in tho utLoriioou, uiuj ho on, liom day to day, an may ha nocuymiry, .it tine Couit House, in the Town of Sanduich, at iv Inch tunc* und plinn tlio Corumifimoiiorfi v/jll ht> ir all )n.itii)fl uitwriifitod. S .7 JftNTu JOHN CJUkABOK, f otnmliiiiiouorb. i, I'liblifihod hi otdia of i\u uoutinitiiiioiiori, 'Here's a Pointer! THOH McKIJU, Cuuut> Clurli, banihvit,b, finiu Jdth, lb) . il1||0\. BARGAINS: AT. FAUL'S.. On Groceries. jtObnio to Our Orocf ry Dopartmont if m you wubt tluM_i eh(M|) 'in.1 gooil poitillv Low <t':oL]tio"h on ,Sn 'at*B by tho l)iiri>l -jii ', 'r*-* I\r.tl a Ciu Load irotji i,i-o Li i\ n-i*v. IRSYhf, mim & CO., ?-iieading Store uo Eraex. Mosl bo Ckrcd Ont in Pom Weeks; 150 50 35 25 20 15 MniMlolln, 6 At a Bar^an--?^ H. n. PAUL, Solo Aiicnt for Kara Tuition, Kani Orguiia, Bin;;- er Rowing Haublnon. mo, StiflfAlHlNU NEATbY S^KX. 1 VCyuiin Pin no, iMMtrly new, 1 If.urn )l*luni'-ri>e Oi^un, coon wh now, SMiOlioiii ai>I>, nearly now, Ollltll 4'OllllM)i, iVcvt. sin niaiu st-ivdit; Riii- Now Ninmlurd Soii'iii^ ftjfn- clonic, \)|tiuh', ft-(ll UlVft* Nl'lV WiUlilllli) sotv- liiir rtlnciiiiiflt itouriy nexv, OM>)lli*(lit:r stntxrv% - - - Tuohduy, Tuly '2lHt. Gotmoil tnof ut U-M r on. lVonout Kuovu Ijiurd, in tiio olmlr, Doputy-ltoovo MoDou^ulI, (Jounoilloru Hoao, J. A. Uiokn, Bontt, Thoioan, iCamuH und De. PotlH. MinutoHofMant inoutiuj,' woru ifoiwl and, on motion, luloptod. Dr. iTuuuor uddromiod tbo oounoil rtiqnoHt- ni^ thorn to rovoko tho dooimon of tho Court of Royiulon in uiwoBfihiK him for 8.100 inoomo. Ho bolirtvod tho couuoil had tho powor to rovoko tho doolmon. Hn wuri aiiuoiiHtid for inoomo whloh ho did not hitvo nn ho had put nil Inn inooimi into roit! ontuto. IIo would not objoot to paying in- coino tax aftor tho ikut ynar, bnt ho did not think hojuhould boaHHOHflod for inoomo bofore ho wuh in town two montha. Mr. Thomuu imul tboro wau it ddforonoci botwocm inoomo and pomoiml ottrnin^H. Moved by Mohuwi, Tottii and Boott, that tlif> dcioiuioii of tho Court ot Koviuion in ammwnntf Dr. Joimor for 3500 income bo revoked. Carriod. Counoillor Whituoy ontorod and took Inn HOtLt. Mr. Daly ndHvomoa tho council about tho arrourfl of taxoti on hiB property, araonntinfi to 822 50. Ho could nob pay tho wbolo amount, bnft could pay 85 u month. On motion of MoHHrti. nickuand Thonaan, Mr. Daly wan allowod to pay bin taxes to tho oollootor ai tbo rato of 86 a mouth. Counaillor J. M. IliokH ontorod and took bin fioat, A oaramnaioatiou wan road from Alaa- laron. Alaodonald, Morritf (t Khoploy. HahoitorH for tbo town in tho cane of Tbroubor-vH. Etasox, ouolomuq a copy o the judgment oi tho Court of Appeal iu the ram\ quan-hinK tlio ludiimont of Chief Justice Gult, and alno ouelntnntf a copy of their bill aKaiunt the town, amounting to 3200. fill, or tliuy would call it an oveu 9'J00 On motion of MoimrH. .7. A. IIiolui and McDoiifjall, tho aooouut wau referred to tho Fitianco Cornmittoo to invontifjatt1. A qommnmaation from John Curry wiw read, addrenaed to the aatniii Mavor, wtat- in^ that tho Tulhot Street Grayol Road Company wore oructiug a toll f"ato in tho to.wn und that 1. B. Cornwall, tlio Ioobco, hud informed him that ho had boon throatoni'd, in foli Htoneii Ijad boon tlirowu at tho holme. IIo rcquGBtod tlio council to fmui'ih [ lotootion to Mr. Cornwall. Mr, Thomaa did not know how far they wore bound to uivn tho protection ahltud fnr. If any crowd coni'rogat'Hi or ji rioioe wuh made thoy oould itmtruot tho elnof to reiitoro ardor and dinpurHo the crowd. Tbo Koovo hehfvpd all Mr. Curry wanted wub for tho chief to take a wallc up that w y and it any crowd gathered to dmnorae it. ,) A. Ilieku thought \,o 1 ad uuoufjli to do to protect our own Mr. Cuiry hiui lotfl of monoy and ho should look ufttr Iim own' propLitv l\Ir. 1'homuH naid I\Ir. Curry could lay an information bctorc a magistrate if any damnum wao duno On motion of ,1. A. Jlickc and Mr. Knineh, tbo uorumuuiLU'.iou w%* hied. Ac joutitti WLro reiurrfnl tu tho Finnnro Coinniittco from .bn. Towiniend, woi It on ftrtt t.H, *^J 17 I)av i Warner, work on u 'Jul worlH, 7-" Lait^ , Alox. Cliatterton work on wateruorkn, ?1/J,j ; W B.GulIuu tiov, ctittiut* thiutlen on hiceot^ and loin, 91'i.oO; Jamo.i llctcone, cutting thmt'c, S2.2,i. .1. A. Lliokn, commiHHionei for Ward 2, to whom waa icferiLil Uk matter of a n'trlu* walk on the Houtii hido of Urion avonue, rLported that he found natuo in a dunt*or- ou- condition und would rocomrnond that it \j pulled up and a new oiiu built at ihe u> pi iiflo of tho ownorH directly bonetitted. W. B. Gidlniig'i tuldrcHiul the conned about tin. npiCL'-d of C'uuada thiHth s and wild luttuou in ni-iry of tin lota iu town. II' mil tidd Hnvtrid to have I ho hiuuo out du mi but Home h ui um hcPiUd tho notice. Tlu> R( bvu tlioujrho tho partien nbouldh'o notih' t iu writing Jam a Burdiclt uddreoHod the council in regard to tho sidewalk on Brieu avenue. Hi* hud taken im the hidowalk alonj* hm p/ope) i), i ut in >' oLnn ,'f r i down and UBLd what ola boaidt> he could. Lie did not vimt to put any nioto Ui\hn u^ntftit hio pi ( 1)('l iy. I\ir. IJ it kn <- ii ' w imt bin iuli ntimi t , i 'all, /I I'll ' i 1 ' <. Ik M" i I' iCu -cDoibitiii und 1'. tlfi, chit tin i jtort it tho oommifimoner of Wurd 'J. bo adopted and tha* be proceed wt b tbo wort nci-diding Ut law under tho frontii^i' i } ft in. C trtiutl. Am. Thoi'iuH \/(ih oppc-<L'd to tho mutiou A luludul' i>f tin* loit* nhould bavoacLom- panifid Uio iiitition at t'u jRnf, trjeotin^. i\Ii. Ilioki boh'i ved that if (be pooplo wanted a now :dewalk and wen willing to pi(y for it ll)y. hIioiiM hi'yo it. An animated pmoo of itjoo Urhifj took p'acjb tttten Mi-uiiH. Thonvui and llioktt or r tluti ltutti-r ard r idewulk'bnoinpHrt id [jllli Mil. 'Iherepoit J fin finance Comndttoo wau ica-J, nronunondmH' puymont of tho followuij! aeuoimth : B. W"guor, 75 oontH; Jamiiti ButooiiQ, 82.25; W. B. GalJantfor, 012.60 and Jon. UowuHtfiul, 94.17. J On motion of Mm.nr Tliomitn and Hcolfc the report wuh adoptod. Tax Collector J, U. HfeKwau mud (bore wiim uliout U100 of taxi a that \"oro utill un- 3ollootod. On motion of Memim. J. M. HiokH und Bcott, tbo colIootor'H time wuh extended til' tho notfc regular mooting of tlio council. Dr. Potto moved that by-law No, 215 be iL^itin taken up. MouHru. Tbomati and .1, M, Ilioki both coutoudej that tbo by-law hutl buon thrown out at tho hint mooting. A rofor- onco wau made to the minutou of tho ruoet- iuj^ whiob bad boon adopted in wliiah iC wan ntated that the voto on tho amend ment to tlio third reading of tho by law wan dofoated, tho voto beinj^ & to ti, but no roforunoo whh made to a voto on tlu\ on^ji- nal motion. Mr. iMoDon^all ftccondod I>r, Pottu' mo - tiou that tho bydaw bo read a third timo and it wan (nriid by 0 to 4 Motiaru. Land, MoDmiKiill, Pottu, Hainou, Wbitm-y anl ltoue voting for and MoHHro. XliomiiH^ J. M. Ilickii, J. A. IIiolcu and Bcott HKaniRt, Tholy-lawwuH then road a third tunc and w(, pannid and adopted. Borne of tho momboro refoned to tho panning of thn by-law an a piooo of npito win It which lung mi K& waa objootod to by Dr. l1ottM, 'irid another Jittlo piece of cioiui- firing took plaoi*. Mr. McKw t. i addrunncd tho council about \\m. I1 at tor non'ii taxoH, whereupon it wuu moved by Menurti. Thomas and Boott, that, nndor tho cironmstanceu, Win, Pattonion'n taxou bo remitted. Counoil thon adjourned. Optical Institute;^ -^Of TORONTO, Canada, - ONT. Win. Gillmoro in vury ill with typbua fovi r. Mian Emrna Mroadwell in vinifcinti m Cleveland, O. Tlio wife of Geortfo Banford, formerly of Kuif.Hviilo, died at Virdon, Han., a few veoltH nyo, kaviup a buuband and one oau, two yonrH of ujjo. Bbo whh '2% yearH old. Mihh 1'intbor Black died early on Sunday morning lafc froto conuumption. Tho funeral took plaeo on Monday attornoon, florvieba bomj,' conducted tit the Motliodiot church by Itnv, Mr, Baundern of tho Bap ti'it chmeb. WUIATLX;V, Lewis, only uoutof Thou. MilJu. an ev. tcnbivo lumbor dealor and farmer living about.t'-bou miles north of thiH place, waw acunb nt ill) drownod while bathing in Luke l>n- at|Uaccliun Landin^]about two mik'rt eahtof thin place, on Buturduy even* iiii; ut about H.;iu, m company with threo utjior boyji named W. J. Bull, TIiob. Mills and Alviu Hyatt. It appearH the boj h wore wading ont iu the shallow vvntei to iico winch cf them could t;o the fartheHt without loHiiw lio footiii'! |wliea Millu, the t tllmt of the bwj -, wan about nine radii from aliiiio accidentally etepped into a holi- in tho Hand, jioin^ our; of hi^ht Tlio other buy* boint; U'lablu to iwirn and Jiavnii,' no boat could not reach liirn. Tho bod> wai r( covortd about nu o o'clock Snnd iy moi um^ aftei an all ni^ht'a H'-arch. Dccouhc 1 wits about I'.I 3'oarri of Jutlf.(- Home will hoi J com! lieu* ou Wi luenduv nea, to couoidt r tho iippeah from tin court of roviHiou for 18ilij. Tbo inomboifl of the A. 11. K. church will holi a camp mooting m Wm, (iott'a ginvo, about a mibi from town,on .Suiiduya, AtiuuBt Otb and lOtli. During tho ihral your endinu June ;i0Ui, IH%, tlie total imporfa at this port fiom tlio U S. wein ^UHMl an I from Grout Brifmn SlflOH , rh( oxportn to tho 0. S. amounted to Saa 1,018 and to (Iroat Britnin #1,-172, the duty colleotfd was fll'J/j'il.H) and the other ruvouue wan ^l/27b,j.i. In tho loport of tha TIijh Sohool Enti'UKO OMitiunation found on pa^u uix tho holiools attended by thogu otitwide of Anihoiritbuu' aro not pi/en in the tablo. Tho uuhi.f le luprosented are as follows: Llati- n th it riooil, S. B. No 1, Colcho iter Soutli; Tobnie IJarron, No ii, Muldon ; Ruth Ilanor and Ellon Uolb>ruo, No 2, Maiden; Itoui and Bollo Laffortv, No 1, Muldon; JoHHiw Honor and Wttmig l-'ontcr, No It, Blrtldi.n ; Lucy Ildber end Evohnu Bandy, No 1, Andordoh ; Altda Bexturo, No. 2l^ 0 Andr-rdon; Thou Ouidietto, No 10, Andor don, J. n. Altx^mlur, No I, Audoidon; M'mi Tin net. No 1, Colchofltor North 0 N. Pilbu, No .'I (B) ColchnstOL North a-iuKvi Bi-uuilL.rd, No 4, Sandwich So'ii i T lunornl of tho late Mrh. M. ^IcOroj^ t I'lok pi it L- o'i Friday aftornoon lat- Buivin u WLjc oniirluut' d at the roNidouoo nT Audiuw Huckttt, on Bom Blanc Ihlaud, wbi'iti the vtnerubJ'1 old lady died an Wud. ucuday aftornnon,eftor winch tho body wuh brought aoroii3 tho river in a boat that wan appropriately ifrupod, and tulton to the Piuflbytorian ehurob whom tho tiormon waa proaobod by Hoy, T. Ntttromi, after Ilov, J. 0. Tolmie, of Wiuduor, had road tho Soripturo uolcctioim. On the oouolu hioii e{ iho Hurviot-ii, tho funeral proeemdou loimid iu\d pi.juiu-ded to the Anihenifclnn^ uqiucUny wlit.ro iho body wu in'orred aiotiKbilo her hunharid who dlod many yearH a/,'o and her hou Robert who died in Tins Certifies That EZRA LEMON PARK, OF ESSEX, ONT., Has taken a course of instruction in Optics, Sight Tofefcing and tho oorrtjeting by Lenses of Visual Defects, due to errors of Infrac tion, Accommodation and Convergence, and passed a satisfactory examination. (Signed) LIONEL LAURENCE, Instructor. Dated at Toronto, this second day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six, ~~l hor of ftruadchildron and uroafc-crand- cluldron wore inouinoru and tbo largo number of fnendu who followed tho reraainn to then hint reatiu** plaoo teutihud tho eiiteem m which ttho wan hold, taix of hor fjrundaonn were pall boarerH. Mrn. John Jackuon in viaitmtf uoar Ham- ilton with her parents WirIq A' Co whipped n carload of tobacco to Quobi-o laht weok. ~ Joe. H'.'my haH sold ont to V, Ilrown bin intoroat in tbo ' lion-Ton" liverv. HiHU Kenton had ^oue ou i nbmth'n viHit to hor oil homo at Niagara tails. Alian Holma Smith left o:i Friday to Hpond a month with fricud'i in Hamilton. Mayoi JoluiHon .ml ibuve McKcu^ie aro butn mud to be anpirautti to the pomtion of district rdpreHGutatj\e in tho county coun cil for 1SH7. Eben(.<sor X'ronujr, uf lalbot ntrect, Mor-iea, ditid on Jlouday ovtming after a lout: illnoHH. Upton Hurwood and wife returned on Tuehdny from thoir trip to the Hormudan and the Went ludiee. JamcH Sham, of Bebnout, w tu killed on Thuraday of hibt week by bonitf Htruok by uC lJ. It. train, ilu wan a brotbor of \V. .1. Hhain, of tbid tov/n. Setb CnlliHOti's reanh nc ww almost totally deutroyed bv lire on Saturday latit; no msitranco. Tho imj oii^inatcd from a wood tfru in a utovo in an out kitchen. Tho Ontario Standard Oil Co. havo bf en fui'Umuto in itnliini-: a lar^o liow of oil, about n rnilo ea11 of thin town, upon tho ftirnn i i Jai. Kimt t and Coiuuliuri QuioL. 0*0. C. Woir,of Both well, ban purohaHcd the old fair ground (about live ajron), and mttnda locating hero. The ptuchaso wan mule through A. G. Baker, real estate a/jent hero. Tho excm-hion to the Fnlbi, of tbo II. C, II, uiuployeert, waa well patrout/ed on the Leamington branch. At Loa:r m^ton, !i7 tic^e'H wr-ie Hold , at Blyth -.wood, 18 ; uod at Staple, '{^ i in all 117 Tho following ofiioorn of LeaciinRton Iiodt^o, I. O O. F., havo bu< n lUHtalled for the uurrunt teim. P. G., J Conovor , N. G., N. 0. Whuloy. V. G., L. Smith; Roc. Sco., VV". J. Smith, Per. -ou , Jan, Noil; Tiean., Jamed Humbly. The membuni of l^amin^ton Court, I. O J'., with brethren fiom Kuthyou and StaploH and hpadtd by tho Leamington b'ind, paraded to tho FroHbytoriau oburoh on Buuday lu.nl, wboro tho annual oj**mon wan preached by Ruv. Mi. Pattorf-on. At the ooncluuiou of nervico the hroLluen io pairod to tho lodge room, and aftei tho cuntomary nddroBnen tboy diHporuocl. A deputation from Windsor waitod.on the Provincial Health Suotetary, l>r, P, H. Bryco, at Toronto, ou Tuesday, to piotent agamnt tbo ordui of tin Provincial Board to oiiari[{o tho intake wator pipo ot Wiud uor to a point above tbo outlet of tho Walkervillo Hower. Thd Hi orotary could oul> na> that no far an ho ih concornod ho will havo to do bin beufc to carry out tlio order or the Board. Tbo deputation waited on Provincial Hocrofcary Balfour and endeavored to havo the order modified. Tlio bicycle meet at Windnor ou Fnday and Saturday hint wan a moot Ruecomifrjl affair and tho menu woio well coutootcd. Tbo meet wan under the aunpioon of tho Detroit Whoolmon who wore uuublo to aucuro a unliable track iu Uotroit t ud tho raot'ri were taken part i'i prmoipally by American ridom. Duo race, bowovjar, waa roHoryed for JTIhhox county ridorti- The iuilo content on Friday wau won by Thou, Fuller, jr., of Louminyton, followed by RohiriHon.McK^n/io and Fox. Ah Fuller looked around in corning down tho ttrotob, he waa aiHipialihod und tho pri^OH awarded to the other threo in the order named The following are thn tniece^tiful oundi- daton at the rocont fli^h School Bnliaiu-o examination held at Windnoi : Albeit Buiiirttine, Victor Clomer.TJuwollyn Cbrm- tia, Hall Cowan, Alou/u Chilveni, U'Arcy Duwaon, John Kdgar, Bclton BvanH, Wil liam Foiiter, Wm. Uawkinu, Craig John- fion, Gordon Little, Noluou Little, Thoman Ijanapeary, Jodoph Marontettc, Chan. Moadow ), Chaa Mai^onvillo, Wm. Afo* Miokuiri, Alb-rt Potter, lUmnald Rormon, John Tanner, Andrew Turnbnll, Goo. Vol- Run, Garnet WobHtor, Alary Austin, Mm nio Buxtor, Jonnio Bowlor, Fdna Benjamin, Grace Banker, Cecil Bolleporche, lithul Chaluieui, IUhol GharloHworth, Oooi^m Copolund, Violet Cuiry, Jonnio CuJmoro, May Lonaldaon, Lillian Lvuuh, Nidho I^ortHt, Graco Faulkner, Flotuuoo Foator, Sarah Fowtor, Minuio Griilitb, Jjoah Gi^ nae, Kthol Iluutor, Aliiiio Uood, Dora EUnokH, Alao Kenning, Blaueho LaForgo, Kdilb Little, Thereon Mtuoauvillo, Delia Pratt, Maud Faruouu, Alioo Bidiidato, Annie RobHou, Jounio Smith, Edith Tur ner, Kmily Thompson, Laura Uloh, Itoun Wright, Flora Williams, Anna Boll Mo- Giutnty. 0hii3. Giraid, h<pior d(,aler, of Sand wich, aiHinod to Bhoriif Her on Tueoday, II. K Toun^', of WmdHor, ban been beou_ fhuUd Giuud MaHtor-nt-Armo of tbo Giaud LjdgoofKnightH of FjbhiaP. Wnui convB fortn'Romo that Rev. Doan Wttgncrhun rocolvcd tho Itiab naoraraenb of tho oburoh and been pioparod forduatb. S.imuul Poole, long an inmate of tho Homo of tbo FrmndlobH, died thorn Satur- dny, ug(d 80. Tha fntiural tool: plaoo Monday nftoruoon, attonduJ by tbo rtlauoin, doomtHod boing a wo in bin? of tho fraternity. Tho uxaiuination..of Lawin II u'mon cdunpi'd with havInK committed a folou muu'twlnniHoii Charlntto King, wuh hold by P. M. B.itlt-t. Tlio t;irl wuu Hworn and told tho court bow tho unnn.ultbad \>M-u com- illod.-and thrt niui'iblmto oonHidercd tho r _____ _ lBH-i. All of her obild.uu exoopfc David, tjV4tmuoe strong enough to hold tho PBOUtirlprobably in Montreal. wiw id in Whiuipog, toother with a nam. > for trial at Sandwich, September 6fch. CunjuUim. Hir Donald Smith haw bouu oroatoJ a G. C. M. G. Mrp. Finmoanlt, 7'J yearn of ago, wan drownod at Toronto on Sunday nifjht. JWward Lumloy, of Torontp, was tun avor aud killed by u Uuiu at Poii(jhkonpeio N. Y. Aim. Spencer, of Oherrvwood, noar PirltorinR, coromittod tiuicido on Friday by hanging. J. B, Itynn, 10 yonrtt old, wub drowned' ic tho Don at Toronto, Suutiay aftarnoon, by tho upeottiug of bin boat. Tho dead body of u man, iiupponod to bo Jameu Giahii, of Frankfort, wan town* on Saturday within !100 yanlw ot tbo pos-t- oiiieti at Bcarboro1. It wan iutorrod with out an inquufit. Tho Globo'u corroHpondout roporta that the poach orop in the difitriat about Bt. Oathnnuco will bo a failure, grupwu will be au immonso yield, tipples will oe pltifaJ, pluiriH will ho au oxcolUut oro, while noiiru v^ill bo a UuTt orop. ' , Ootohor Htb next will b.1 the nftioth an- uwornary of tho marriu(;o of Sir Ohajlaa und Jfjudy Tupper, and it iu thoir. mJetttiwi to commemorate th*) event by a gold* wedding. Tbo event will 'be yelebrided >i. lU*An fr.Winl ' (ft ', ,; & i ji :st> ,^:rx M*w ^' If *r !%P