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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 19, 1896, p. 4

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S# ') k A.H. A NORTH WOOOSM'M ijov &Co. A Youiitf Mum Wlio (Jomnmtod sul- lri lit rtt.Ttiwmn* <" J""' 1, Monti- HOUSE-CLEANING ft WE SELL-'- Ton Coffoo, Sufinr, Flour, KaiuiiiH, Cummin, PrunoB, Ap ricots, Sonp, VinofvnvP, Hyvupfl, Oatmeal. Cormnoal and ft full lino of Christies, Brown & Oo.'h fancy nnd plain Biscuits. Wo liuvu for CAMPING AND PIC-NICS- Pollo.1 rinoko... Tnrlcoy. Ifam, TonKuo. Cliippl Uoor. Oovn Bool, BoBion UaUr.1 Bui"*. Wawlinos. Salh-nn, Mackerel, Unclrlio. lloniMnbor wo have tl.o larKoHl, awi-lmnnt, of Cinolcory, China and Glafw'warn m tho Tow... Call unrt oMimmo our ntock. Fresh 1'VuilH, Vegetable, otc, in hoiihoii. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCF. A, H. SCARFF <fc Co. GOODS DELIVERED EROMPTL7. The Essex Free Press. BRETT & AULD, PnopniKTona. MUD AY. JUNK 1'J.IHOO. JVOJU L'Yd TJOJVS. Nominations took place on Tuppdav in 210 out of tho 'i\t> comitituoiioieH in ? In* Dominion, the nomniutiomi in tin other two having bot-n held Gouiedayh ae;o. Out, of the whole 21& rid men hut four mem- born were returned by uecl'iiimtion: Mr. Bonnet (Lib ) of St. Ilyiicinthe, Mr. Buui- iioliel (Lib.) ot Beitlnor, and Mr. Dnpout - (Con.) of Ba^ot, all in Quebec Province, _ah(ljMr, Buncia (P. ot I.) of Prontcnao, Tho iirfir tiireo wero uuiubtjru ul the hint XNirl lament, whilo Prontcuac wuh formerly roprtHonttd bv H, A. Culvm (Con.). At tho luflt gxmcral election, H Conhorvativen and !i Liboi ula were oUiotf d by acclamation, Khnux County Court. Tirm^iHV, Jtrsi. 1 ltli. Mont uf hint Thuindny wan 'occupied in hearing tho cane of Ouem vh. Buhler, in which the piiwoiier, who b'lonh to Maid atone, wRHidiar^ed with ho<j hteahnj;. A deal of evidence wub taken but it lacked tho merit of hein^ ooncdu-uve, and tho jurroturned a verdict of not guilty. He wii dotondod by Banna A- Cowan and Cro.vn Attorney Claike noted tor the Cmwn. Qinen Vh. Nelson ot al. Paul Nelt-on, ono of the two charged with highway rob bery, iu which a man mimed Alex. Archer, of Glencoe, wuh decoyed to tho eaHt, end at Wiuduor and felled and robbed of 101) on McDcii[>ull Ht. wuh placed on trial lato in tho aftornoo'i. The other pi-ifK.nt-rH art. Wm Mel ntoah and H. Bhohio, Tim cuw occupied mont of Friday forenoon. A f^ood Ottna wan made nu* and tho dtdonno was it/ weak. Thti jud^o made a lair and 'J liu fjr.uul jury wire di-cliur^fd Satur day t'JK 110(111. The ehtu'i-ii afjiiiimt ,kdin (lornwall, of Cnkihwtoi Suulli, wore tlien taliou up- Cornwall had anted nn a^'ont iu Jlnrrow for 1). llurrou, <>f Amhnri'tbiirj;, for live yearn. bu\iii^ piirk and j;rain for him. A couple of moiithit h^'o, Harron niado an aam^n- iin'iit, an lie had u jud^niLiit of about fivo hutjdmd doll'ir-i to tntd, and 'it tin; mono tune damn d that Cornwall v. arf behind in bin uccouiitu to thu tune of noniu hundredu. After iiHHi^nini;, liarron laid a (diarjjo a^aiiiHt Cornwall for inifmpproprhUinj^ finulh. Tho Iitnt carload of pork shipped from Harrow by Mr. Uarretn wan hoiit;lit for bun hv \V. Ijonowmuu, who had re ceived the inenov from CudJy-Fallh (Io.'h bank at Atnhentbur^. Ah uomo of tho fannevfj who nold the pork wero not present when Mi. Uorrowman went dowu with tho motif y, he turned their amounta over I'd Cornwall to pay lliem. Instead of ddiii^* thi(+ Coi iumiH i mid other far morn who had proviiiiihly uold pork to Barron without l)eiii(4 paid and llorrounnm ahio laid a charge agaimit Cuinwall. Thu hearing uf thu cliarjjeu took up tin balance of Saturday and a threat purl of "Monday, tliu evidinoe in the laat (omit 1 ein^ taken lirHt. The jud^e charged the jury at, noon on Monday on tho hint count and they returned in a few minuteH with a \erdiet of "not uuilty". The re-l at MouJay and pu rt <jf Tuesday wan tuken up wit lithe aliar^eH laid by Jiairon. That there wuh any fraudulent intent wan not proyed, and bin hhorlitf^e uf ^700 wan laid to imd book- keeping. .1. K, O'Connor for the defence. Ttiehdiiy aJternonu, Noiman Ilnrrit and Albert .Johrihon, hothcnlored, of ColcheHtor fiouth, W(.if placed on the etaiid, chained uith stealing twidvu bii^H of wheat, threo brinies und other articles from fllru. John Tin'ino, ot Maiden, the particulate of which \utl- ^ivi'u m the Kruo Presa of June impartial chai no to tho jury, who retired (/itli. Thoy wero found uilty. Thoy aro^ about 11 o'olock. In leHd than an hour ( m,.riiburH of the Mulder ^ann in Colehenttr than an the jury cuino in rfayinti they had tailed to a^roo, B Htandin^ for conMctiuu and four for acquittal, .lud^u lion.e fieut them out again with lunliuotioun to try to icach an agreement. They rutunud to the court about \ o'clock and the foreman fitated that thty found the prinoner guilty of high way robbrey. ). YV. ilanua defcnlol tin prironor. Tho Grand .Jury bill (turLO true againht Harry Scott fur asHault. When tin* roll wascallid on Friday a nutnbei of jury men w<ie abnfnt, when up on Jul;; I lot no itnpoi-ed a imo ot ^5 on each of the ab-ie-ntuos. WJule tlio jury were uiH in tho Xuition oane the trial of U. Saiiudertion, for till tap ping, wuh compluted. The prisoner wan found guilty of iiteahny inmjuy mill wiii-iKuy from the Dutroit Exch'inue, in Windhur, and bo wtih aibO remandea fur hintence. Tho charfio a^ainht Robert Bcott wan robbery and aHBitultmn an utticer. Uu wau convicted on both charges and remaud- od for HQiitoiioo, Scott wuh tho man who went into thu Davenport House in Wmd- Bor and atolo a hat from tho rack, leaviu^ ono iu Uw phice. lie alo asmuilted tho ofiidor who made tlio urroat. X'ivo young mon, who tiUHwerod to the namou of Jaokuon, Sio^ler, Bmith, Kolly and Barrett, wore then brought in for trial on the char^o of lmviug hold up Albor* Pratloy on u JUioliigun Central freight train at tho point of a revolver and uom- pollod lura to tako oft bin olothen and givo thorn 10 Barrett. Pratloy recognized all of thorn and tiaid that thoy at firHt took overything from bim but uCtorwarda yavo him back Iuh hat and ohooH. Tho oflioern gave ovidonco an to having found the proporty alainiod by Pratloy divided up ainongat tho live when tho arroot wau mado. i3arrott took tho Htaud in bin own dofonHO and douiotl of evor having coon Pratloy. Juokgon waa oallad and bin Hfcory tallind with Uarrott'e iu ovory par- tioular. Thin waa tho laat witnoHfi 6xain- inod (or tho day and tho aourt adjouraad until Saturday morning. Ou Saturday morning, tho evidor.oo in tho cany of tho fivo tramps wtia ooucludod and thoy wero found guilty of highway tobboty, Quo on vh. MuluLouh and Bitohio. In llio oawj of thesfl two mod, who wore charged with boirig aHHOuiatco of Paul Mob hon, couviotcd of highway robboty, the grand jury found no bill* Noluon waa Allowed to testify boforo tho jury and Bworo thai Motntowh aud Ititohio bad no 1 hand lu the job. South, wIhj have cauMed ho much trouble to tho mhabitfuitH of that and adjoining towiihhjpi foi Homo yearn. On Wethiumlay, tho caae oT Queen va. Ilurat and Brown win talion up. TSurmau Jlurst und D lyul Brown, both of Colcheft. tei South, weie charged with refiiHing to ithnint an oliiou in the dmohargo uf hut duty. They wtiio acquitted of tin* charge. D, Jl. DuviH defended tho priHouern. (^ueeii vs. UoateH. Wm. CoatoH, of Colche.iLer South, wah uiraigned on two diargos ahHaulting an officer and foretblo uutry, lie wan found guilty of tho tirht mid fined ^10. Ah to tho other ho to6k po^HObflion of a pieco of land claimed by Tluji,. Ii. Forrisn, by building a nhanty and moving on it in the night. Ho Hi-tn up a claim to tho land, which will he tried in tho ciyil courts, but no wuh acquitted of forcible entry. J. W. Hanna prouecuted in tho ubHonao of Mr. Chirko, and D. It. DavtH dofonded. An ProiiLcutor Chirko wan obliged to yj to divihion court at Leamington Wednes day morning, tho work of aoutonoiug tho con vie tod prisoners waa deferred till yotiter- day, (Thursday.) Ton priaontrn awaitod Hentonce live trauipH found guilty of highway robbery, audUurut, Mulder, Noluon, SauudorHou and Scott. YontDrdav thu uoutencon woro puHHod an followB: -Paul NelHon, oijjht youra in pouit oiitiary; Norman Hurnt, fiur yourn in penitentiary; Albert JouuBon, two monthii, in gaol; tho iivo young tramps two years oaoli in Kinguton; Saundomou 18 moiithfi in Contral Priaon and Sontfc nix month)) in Central. On tho morning of Juno l^t, thu pro prietor of tho Qtioom'a Hotol|iit Bt,Thoman found tlio dead body of'it young man m mom 2 7, doath Jiuviug boon tho tenult of iu ffocalion by gnu. Ho had regintorod tho uighi boforo an "Frorliu Ouno, Detroit" and had loft innlruotioiHi not to bo called an ho wuh not fooling wo)I. On bin portion' waa a lut-tor dated Alponti, Midi., J an,So in, iiigued C, Dolonoy uilueh oommonood, it wan t.hought,MDoar Prank." Chief FewingH wvotn to tho ohiof of police at Alpona, aud rocoiyed amply that O. Dolonoy thought from tlio doHoription that tho uuioidn wan bin unalo, Prank Dolonoy wlio roiddud near Ht.ThoinaH, Tho chief then Hunt tho let ter writ toil by C, Dolonoy, and found on thodoiul man, to tho ohiof of pohuu at Alpena, Mich., and hint Friday afternoon reoivnil a roply which left no doubt that tho imicule wan Morriii Angor.of Woodnlei , Tho chiof of poliou of Alpena, in bin letti r, ntatod lliut Chrin Dolonoy nayu he wrote tho lottor found on deuoaiiod, and hu wrote it to Mornn Anger, of North Woodnlee. Tho wordu with whinh tho lottor obtained HUppoiiod to bo "Deiir Frank" are "Dear Friend." Tho deoeaueJ, whone father, Jumen \ngor, liven thrue uiihni ftom North WoodiiJen, and in a woll-to do farmer, worked for 0. Dolonoy at Alpena. Deloney got a h ttrr from Anger after ho left Alpona, in which lio nnid he had brolton one of bin arniH. Dan. Dolonoy, of Alpona, a brother of 0, Dolonoy, aluo stated that ho siaw Morris Angor at North Woodnloo about Febi'uiu-y hit, and tho description ot tho clothcii worn by deceased tallied exactly with v.'luu Mortis Angor was wearing at that time. Dulouoy nayu Auger aUo wore a bolt around Iuh waist, claiming to have a weak back, Tho deceased woio a bulj. Auger, the letter nays, had a high fore heiul, \'ith hair low down on the ccntio of tho forehead, and barn at tho side, which iH tho cane also with the suicide. On Saturday Chief Fewinge wrote to thu postmaster at North Woodsloe to notify Jaineii Anger, who liven three unlet! from North "Woodnloo, that thu man who wh.i J asphyx iated by gas at the Quum/s lloti I, wuh bin son. Tho father of the deceu-iei' tolegriiphed Undertaker Kerr, Sunday, and from the description given, said ho wan uatihlifd it waa bin sou. Junu-s Anger, faLlier of the deceased, arrived at St. Thomas at noon on Monday, and milled at tho police office on his arrival there lie Hinted that while bis iiame"w"an pi nnouncod "Aultur," it m spelled Anger. LI*, had not tho slightest doubt it waa Ins son. He identified hit] watch, itnito and other effiotH, and iilwo identified In in by thu uhotograpli. The deceased'H name ib Morn a Alfri. d Anger, and ho was '}" years of ago. Ho left tiin father's home,three miles north of North Woodhloe, throe weeks ago Monday aud wont .to Windsor, Uin brother Haw him \\\ Windsor two WLek.-- ago Saturday, and deci niud mud he wan going to Buffalo. Whim ho left home ho had SJn.oO with him. There wa- ^1.20 found on the du et asLcl. Tho book found in Ins pocket with entries of geese and turkeys wufi not used aii.ee last Chiistma-i, wlun deceased ccmclucttda ialllo at North Woodnlee. His father haj.-i deceased wan in good health, and only drank moderately. The body was exhumed on Tuesday and brought to North Wpodsleo for interment. It is thu opinion some that tho ynung man did not take Iuh own Hfo. Ho wah not of a di u- jiondont disposition but on the contraiy wuh lively und jovial, and lie hud no riusou to want to end his life, IS SUGGESTED )XB3USEfZ}'-'* if"" '^1' showing ace By the warm weather oi tlio jmst low (lays; and IhocliaiicoB are that when you are m the midst of this niont tirdiuuis initlcrtMuDg. jou will dia:ovor that you need J^ JJeW Cart3e"t to replace one thut han hrcome to tender for further service. Wo hnvo. a very nice HHFortment, all this Spring's jtoocIh, in the newest ijutterns and colorings, and the prices are ahout iiftocn per cent lower than u&ual. Lace Curtains May also noedjreplncing, and it may interest you to know that in this line we are sho1 excellent values in nice new patterns ranging in price from 3.0 cents to ftd.Oh per pair; them. Wo aro introducing aeveral new lines of premiums, All Free When your ca^h purchases'amount to lyom twenty li\c tc iorty dollarfl; tlione aro elegant goods. Other linen of npiino \xooi\k nie coinplctc, and we in\ite all clof-c huyf-rn to call and HOC UH, 4 Yours for Bargains, T>XT'$rs*vA$T BUjoair:. essb^. Footliiill i\Jnteh. A fuolball match took placu in Inhi bition park Tuesday evening between the Junior teams of linsexaml Windsor. The Windsor boys diovu down in tho after noon and tho teams appeared on tho hold bharp en turns, Tho weathtr was lino and tho game fast. Time of gamo 1:80. J. Fuorth, refurce, called thotoarasout in tho following order : Windsor Pomtiun Henri goal hacks place in goal, Laiug gomjf to forward. In ton minutes,after a combined attack which carried tho hull right to thu mouth of tho Windcor goal, K. Laing '-cored by a swift sliot, tiding thu fieorivS !T Tins guvo the FjrfHux boyu cauniRo and they more than rnshud thiiigH. Baclci d up by their, stoin u ill defunee, the forwards scored shot aft' r shot on the Windsor gonl getting through it twice more boforo time watt called, mak | ing tho hcoio, Khhox 1 gn'ds, Windsor '2 goalo. It was a credit to tun boys to win. Thu Wuulsot lads are old hands and havo - beaiuu the M. A. A.juuiuih tim<. and ugam. * The Ksecx hoys had no practice Htnco last fall and wero therefore handicapped. Howover with tno practice that thoy will gut in the m:-\t two weeks, they expect to win thu return mutch easily. Thu game tho boyn play shows them to he probably thu bout junior team in tho country. ------------------------------------ *!&--------------------------------------------- Public School Report,. MihH' WilliamV room, Sr. If; marks posHihlo ,"j(J. ThOriO who obtained over 00% uie as follows : Flensie Uurdick 50, Jit hoi Smith ."j0, Velma Burdicli"50, Gordon Robinson 17, Ft hoi Laird 17, Aimer Pindor 47, Guudd White -10, Leo Thorno 15, Koy ItainoH *!.">, Cecil Fuhoi LI, Arabcl Itobin-. hon 12, Berlha Coll 41, Daisy McKwau IQ, Myrtle Thornton 10, Gcorgina Gosuull 40 Herbert Allen 10. Miss Shaw's room, HOUlor part second cltiHti; inarlni poshiblo 100. Obtained by highest, ton: -Willio Cottoll 100, EutoUa Maj U(), Gerald Laird 90, Carrio Hobmsou !W, Tjily Khyndress 00, May Wyman t*i>, Mandio Willwher Hi, Fordio Uioks 78, Jay Hisdon 7-"j, Cordon Fiuker i)H. Miss Ilall'e mom, marks poHsibto ,'t0. Obtained by highfcHt fiix; Winmo Wiglo 'Jll, Wellington Mulcuiiter 24, Gracu Wiglo 21. Stanley Brown SJ3, 'Juut. Uohmson 'JO, Blnnclio Doinau 11). Bun. 1th, Arithmetic. 100 marks. K. Naylor DO, U. Klhson 70, J. Da win* 72, L. Misa Crabswollor's room, Sun. Part II. N. NutKou MoMicking/ McCai'thy | RonUot White j Millard Stokos Woollatt G. Ntitrion J. Tioruau. Jialf-biioks forwards LhRi'X, A. E. Laiug. Munroo M. Laiug A. Gourlay J. Beuinun [J. Edgar Baugbmun Richardson P. Gourlay Pizer Jel'froy Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Groc- Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Henriettas, Whip Oord. J^ancy Lustre? at very low prices. .__ Ladies' Gloves, Mitts, Hosery at very low prices, to start tit 5c a pair. Dress Trimmings, we carry tho newest designs at very low prices Call and aee hefore buying. Mens' Hats at 18c each. 1m- Clothing we carry the finest line in the west, and prices below all, a good suit for Boys at 2.00, g^ 50, $3.00, to $6.00. Mens' as low as 3.60 a suit. Halifax Tweeds at $5 00 worth 7.00. Boots and Shoes at very low prices. Ordered clothing, new spring goods at $12.-50, S15, $17, all worth 25 per cent. more. C3r JrxO dy JtLi Jrt I JEEj!> ___ Are fresh, aud at lowest prices. Oall^ind seo boforo purchasing. ^ci Essex. Vance's Old Stand. L. Wortley 20, G. Dibloy 2o. Laing Bros, make aoroow doorw und windows that will last your lifetime. Khscx Market. Wheat rod per bushel.....8 Wheat, white .... Corn .... Oats ____ Timothy Seed Clover Seud .... Alsiko .... 00 to Of) (JO 27 17 to 17 2 00 1 50 to 1 f>0 i no D US. DKWAIl & MiKHNHlK. Hay por ton.... Hoof per owt Pork Live weight .Mutton X5 Irtlis Dhummond, At Harrow, on Fiitlay, Juno r.tli, J-I^UILU lo Mr. and Mrs. C, L, Drummoud, atlunghtur, . Hiucb MAitroTTit At Handwich, on Thurnilny," Juno J Chickoun por lb tus, to Air. and Mrs. Albert Marcotto, a sun. Ehiuiu k Iu Goiillelii North, on Tuuathiv, Juuu Kith, to Mr. " " "-'-'........ diuiiditm-. I It! ILL lUllllii, .. _________ and Jim, Alonzo Urldfjun, a Boo Whitney's window of straw hatn; your ohoiao for 50 ooatR. ivicQUKCOOU. Mrs. Gilbort Doshppo diod at hor homo in AndorJou township, noar McGregor, on Sunday morning, a^od 49 years. Hor rnaideu name waa Robidoux and iu addi tion to hot husband, oovon children sur- vivo. Mra, K, A. Coaro, of Maldon, ia a Hiator ok dcaoanod, aud John B. and Lau- VQi\b Robidoux, of Amherst burg, aro brothnru; Blin lmd boan siok for about u year. Tho funeral toolc plaoo ou Tuesday morning from tho "family rosidenoo to tho U. O. Chutoh at MoOrogor, theuoo to the R, O. uomotory there. . FurtaorH do you warn mouoy at G^ per scut.? If bo write A. G. Baker Learn log- ion, Out. Terms of payment Of principal to Buit borrower* From tho kick-off, the Essex boys rushed tho ball down the field and noniu good shotH made, hut Windsor'u dofuuee play wan, strong and Nutaon looked oufc~ to Tiurniui who rushed down right wing un.l ouutored to Millard who Hoorod for Wind* oor by a pretty shot. Thin warraod up tho Ehugx boyc* and thoy settled lo thoir work. Tho playing was hard and fast and tho ball in Windtior'u territory most of tho tiroo but wwik uhootiug upoilod many ohanoca to ncoro. After lialf-timo, after uomo chaugos in tho order of their toam, Ehuox rUBhod from the kiokoff to tho Winclaor goal und J. Kdgar, who waa now playing oontro, had tho bull past tho goal, tender iu a uooonrt. It wan a groat piece o! oombimition aud earned tho applauHe of tho largo crowd, Bcoro 1 1. Tho play wau now ovon but ouoo again tho Wiuduor forward-lino showod its opood; thoy siuloa down the flold and put tho ball through on a kick from Tie man. That Bottled it. Tho EunoiiGiantb, who ou tho whola woro lighter than thoir oppououtH. started to play ball. Kvery mim nottlod down and uuwed wood. Time aud ugain their out- Hide forwards sailed around the half-baoka and gradually closed ou the Wintlsor goal. Richardson was butt and took E. Laing'e IVlarrintyoH. nrLAs-or.H-l)i:NT-At tho KoototY, AmborHt- l urj. oii Thuruday. Juno 4tli. by Hov. J. 1 orry, alt or Audnrdon. KuLioi-r-MANNiHa.-At tho homo of thobrUlo'u inntlior Tilbury North, on Woclotinduy, Tnimioth bv ifov. A. T,^ Colter, Mr. Wm. imSdtomL U?ta Manama, all of Tllbnry North. nANi)n-CHiinn!ni'AiN-At'Lho "fiidcuco of and by Itov. N, IL Hcott,Lflaox Town, on Wort* nouilti-y, Juno 17th, Mr. Ktlmnud llmidn, of Detroit, to Minn Laolla Ohatubnrlaiu, of Win door. Wiijcox At tho Motbodint raruonaijo, Oottiim.oii Wotlnoiiluy, Juno 17th, by tho Kov. W. H Shaw, Mr. Kmornou Wiloox, of Maldatouo, to Mian Lottie Moo, of GoalloUt Houtli. Bnttor Lard ' ...... Kggti, por doz ....., Potatoea, por buohol Ontonn Applet) , Turn it a Carrot a Beetii Pai'Hnipo Turkeys por lb..... DuoIch ..... Celery por|doz ...... Gabbago , ..... 9 00 to 10 00 -I 50 to 5 00 ,'1 an to 3 25 5 00 to oOO yoo 7 8 10 10 S 8 30 75 auto 70 to 1 O0to 1 00 *5 to 2") -10 DO 30 8 to 9 7 1 00 - -----' P.A.DnwAii, M.U.C.U.,I*'.T.M.S. Honor Gradu ate Trinity Univttriuty. Member Colloijo Phyi iohuifi and Hurjjoonu, Out. Ituiiulouoc, TiUbo Ht.Eant. O. MoKnKKin. M. 1>. C. M,, Ooronor, Now York rout Oraduate, Follow Trinity Mcsdfeal ColliiRO. Graduato Trinity Univorulty Ilufdilonce: Talbot Street, v;oit of M. C, It, OlUcubourn H to tt a. m., 1 to a and U to 8 p. m ;itllco In iinporinl Baiilt block, ground floor, uoxt to Thoiuo'iidrug idore. Tolopboiiain conuoctlon with oJUoo and roal- douco. DentliH. DnuMPPK-In Juno y oar n. Mth, Mrn, Gilbort Uobllpjio, anod PniM.n>a In Gouuold North, on Monday, Juno lut, Simon PhllUnfi, anod Q5 yars U days. Blow. In Wiuduor, ou Haturday, Juno 13th, Iflnima, dauRhtor of the lato Wm. Blow, aftiirt Iti yoarn, LiveND, In WJmtnor, on Tuomlay, Juno Kith, Olh/or Lafoud, agod Off yoars moneyTost" LOS'r-ON MOKPAY NiailT BIuTWKlilN nay Btoro aud Mr. Uoamau'a oor nor, a 10 bill. If iu dor will ha revrardud by roturuinu to my itoro. '-itt D. J. WIUVNUY. AT COW ESTftAY, STKAYBB INTO *MttS rBEMIBEB Oli* THfi uudonlsuud, la the Town of lfiwex, on Tuesday, Juna 16tb, a rod coir, with ring Iu loft Owntr ia nqaesUd to oall, prove nro- , pay expoDHB ahd t^ko iuud away or it oar. Owntr ia requested to oall, prove pro porty, pay eip*no aAd tako iftUo away or " will ba diBpofled of aooording to .law, ' FBA^K BROWN. Eiux, Juno IQtlu 1800. 96-1 I LEAD IN WAIL PAPER, And othera follow railoB behind. Tho Wall Papor raao iu raino, wind or uo wind. I will fltay in tho raoo aud novor withdraw. Why Hhould 1? Victory m ulwaya dnd oaBiiy mino. with tho uamploH of a Htook of 300,000 folia in S00 diCl'ornnt dotiiguu at from B contfl to CO coutu a roll. No ono oati poBaibly fail to find tho quality of paper aud tho very idontioal pattern that will boappropriato to any poBBiblo room. Certainly a ohoioo eoald not ho oablor than at my etoro. It will save you from 1C to UBpor oonfc. D. J, WHITNEY, HATTE AMD JfaBNIBHEB. Sovoral hoavy toawa to truck logs; also bnyora for sovcral IIouyoB and Lots in tho Town of Essox, and a lot of wild lands in thq aurrounding country. Thoso proporUos tixb offer ed at a aaorifioo, Aldo a largo quantity of coarse dry Lumber for sale It may bo aeon at tho Colohostor mills. Apply to T. H. DECEW, :J or to W. M. DEGEW, -m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- k,^ Tlie Breath of tho Fines. Oougha, Golds, Asthma, B ran obi tie, Sor*.1^ Throat and Lung Troubles are oured" ' * Norway Pine Syrup. Prfce 25 and oetrta. It breaths out the healing fi of tho pinMoreaU. .': I iif'i 1 -. "-M ^&d^^ml^M^^^^^^

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