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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 19, 1896, p. 2

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ippfp?^ !.' W^W .O'-'ri St * f . :r ,i;, , { <. ft,v I>v W' ESSEX KR'HE .PRESS Published Evory Friday Morning Ifrom'thutihoooii Talbot fcUront, next l)uuHtan Blouk. Spnoiiil atluntiou in paid to tlio publica tion of matter of IdohI importance, aoonr- uto aud reUnhlo report!, of Town, neighbor, intf Towtmnip mul Oouiily Oonnoil prnunod- inup, local mid county market reports, otn tlio uar.ifu. and jinliciouii maimuemoiit ot Tuu Kukk f ni.us, with roiipocit to those and othor current mutters of local importation, juw ("ivonitu wwlospnjiul pn-Minn in tho sontru of Jim-ox eounty.whioh in roconm/od iiu onn of tlio hort uuriuultural dintriuts in Ontario. Tina FhkkTiuum is tho only medium circulating thoroughly m thin central portion of the Ctmutv. "-"'I >H 0OM Hoquontly .witliout doubt,tluumlytlioroujih udvovtimng medium for hin"nons pooplo wishing to ruaoh that claim of customers. OOnilKhl'OSliKNCK. Our columns ant uUvaj'w opuu for 1}U' iDucoablo discussion of matters portainin- fc,tho puhho vrolfuru. - Ablo i-oma'pondontii in al! iho urn-round- r loLiditiuH furnish roliablo reports ot ' unt.4 if iiitor'_-ht,nconrrinH'in thoir Hcvorid hyl'oi.; Hud tho [Hil-liribur tn at all timo- j'uaod to receive Inturiit-tinK itomn nil wb frmiiany diH'ponud to forward cnntn [ dtic-mi. I Ml cuinmuuitrntioiiH of u private una ( DOnMoniiiil nature, should bo sonaulu<r yu t\\Q ouihido of tin- imvidopo. I HuiihcnirTioN I'Uioi:. | '?. 00 jior annum, btrictly in advance, U.'fiJpor annum if not ho paid; ana all I arrears chared at that mto. Ai>V]:iiTifi:Mi:sTH. Transient lojrul u\u\ municipal udver- tiBomcntH, notices, dc, olmrgod at tho rule of ten'ciuUn per Inn:, for hrst insertion, and five coots por lm< for oaoh suohoquont iiH-riioii. All such advertisements aro meunuiod by a hcuIc of twelve liijt'H to tlm inch. Local reudmu/ and oilier nnticoH pub lished urntmtf loculaown tmitt(-r Hharf'ml al tho rate of ton cenhi per running lino for each insertion. All notices of church or hoeinty tutor' tainmentu of any denenption, at which ui> admimnoi) too ih chared, aro royardod an advurtiKdi.onth.and full iid-viTtihinii t'"tt,-'J cliurf/cd in all nuch can. h, NotiuoH of uaih oriii^noi nicctihfjH m,\ for j.oouuiary bono fitor anl.will bv oUccrtully p-ihliHliod fa-r of charge, Rpcoiul contract ratob mado lor dwphij or htandmt; advth. All U-^al orprofcumop- al cardu undor one inch, ^o nonnuitiiu. jon on roMMimri.w, piuniino. A CONCESSION. In tho twillKht RhiwJmvN of an ovon- 1K in Hoptombnr a woman poatM bor- Holt' In an oprm wituhnv to poruwt tho day'H mull. Tin-, room wuh thts tidy, oornVti cham ber of u Kpinutor. Not, a i'nul urn of tho phico or ita Ihj- lonffiiiKri hinted at tho thought of u ^irl in her t<inn. All t;ho litfu-atm-o, photngrnvtiw mid OVfii tho pnpiM'in/.!; jirutr-Htod a({aiiiHt tho ayo of frivolity. Tim Hinall writhtR.tablo, iiiwr lit;- torud ly thi' moodH of yoini|< Koribc.t, \v:ih coini-l mm usual, and with it Uro- oiun patuniid loiter opon"\- Kuuicn Kiivfu out tlio leuv'H of ii Now Yorl: poHtotl loltor. lJoi)]>h) Haiti Unit in, I hoy hud no von- turtd when in tho cunUdf-ntiul pronouoo oi! I heir douroHi friindst that Kmilcn Ruvon onco had an udmiror. No nun know positivoly that ho aoln- ally roiudiod tho iniporlaTiojw^y "lu'im," inul as Kunifo dotdinod to rfmni any tmoh artiolo, suroly no rmo oonld Icihav hot tor in tho inattorthan tho woman hors.dt'. Kunioo Kavou wan a p>nd mid uiwlf- iah woman in hor mnall world, und ran tho numb* 'T lifo to ovon moa^urowiih out. ;l HUHjiioion (,t' rovolt, hut tbi-ro wcro tiiuoM whnn Him did robol, and bor ro- btdlicm only took hrr tho oftoiiur to b-r litth.' room over tho bcni parlor, whom her Thomas a KompiB and othor npir- Ituiil. oondiiui'iitH worn pcuioi'l marlcod anow. If any onn in Palonvilln liad cbauwd to ttoo. Kunioo Kavon open that Now oh .I'ruHimi. i>i> tho Miiporvitti'*;. tf-'il iii.-cbiur.:-., in .paid Oj tho Our f'aGilitii'f luntiH of Iii>oh nod The I-'uki: l'nr.hi . paritnont ih un ior of tliorniiiihly c:i>ni| and uneend attontion briinoh" of the tnidi for tho oxocntioii ot all Fine Job Printing tire unoKCollori. Stuan power proriHoH. A cull ^jludtrd. UUrtlNKHil lOiiiLII.ATinSM. All .lob Prhitiu^ and; Tfanhiont Advortihinj; ticcouulH, atm-ily canh. Advcrtiiiinti aucoiutu with roguho patrons aro nottlod quiir'orly. Sub- oriptiona duo m udva?,^ . No hidiooripiiuu m lIiu Fhhk I'ur.m, o: advortit-.omi-nt [mblifilmi'i i'.i iM column WlVPlm" (Uscontimad unUl uli arroarh arc paid in full. Chanson for adyortiMMiKMitn, tn Heonn- inoortion in t.lu; cnrrnut. iHnuo, iniittt u- handod in not httur than noon of the Tuhm- dfiy procodioH, 'onl noLiuu of *.uch intend od oliango ih rfijuii-od on tho Monday pro ending. Nntico o[ dihooiitmuanco of advoi Vf.'.:- moutH nnitit bo ^ivi-n t loaijt unu wcok in iiGVaiic: uf tlu1 iv;hii(! in winch th'jy aro dcHirod Lo la^t appour, Al'VUUl'ldi'.H'i, SubHuribi1)'-' und p-arons lo in? rally >mo rc(iUOtit-:-'l rn n il I th<_' 111'njvd I'f^ulai 'oii! eiU'ofuHy, hi ordu*.1 ih.p oo.ifunioii. 'i.v. bo avooiod. aii Mioy will in all oa:io-> In- adhor.il to. Addro-i-; all <;o n'ir.r:i"M.'ij!'H tn Tin-: i-'ui:h: press, fiuvo;. Out lufefits tbo blood of humanity. It appears in varied forms, hut is forced to yiedd to Hood's Sursuparlllu, which puvitios and vitalizes tho blood and curen all such dlfieasea. Head thin: 11 In Hoptombor, 1801,1 mado a minntop and injured my anklo. Vory soon aftorwardu. two lnchofl aoroBH formed and in walking to favor it I npralnod my anlt^o. Tho ooro became woruo; I could not 'put my hoot on and I thought I ohould hovoto glvoap at ovexy atep. I could not b'^t any relief ,nd had to otop work. I read of a euro of anlmtlnr caati by Hood'o Harnaparllla and concluded to try it, Boforo I had taken (illof~tAvoTiiotnc^tTio 8or"6"bffd":heftlothnd" tbo swollinK had gono down. My And ho .Million.Wdpl-. Not; for hnrnolf; hot- mdiWiiHiu bad bt'cn yourn in dark- UOHH, and hevo wan llo;ht, And (lirou^lj nuoli. Hho-ltwdawt into Uiu woul-Of that othor woman. ^_______ And thmi HhOpruyod, Bho wan hoyond tbo doar 'nionuin-iL-Kompin inul'JMUwUm gonrn ol' hrr u^ony bourn. tShn wont to God with that othor woman. And whon nbo urono from hor kno.oH, inatiad of opening that; lotlov Hho,drlod bor oyoH and .Hiuootbod bor hair for tho tea tablo. ."When a tfontlo Utt.lo old lady put hor boad with a jorlc in at tho door und Haid, "ToniH i-nady, M.\m J^uiiloo,*' nho followed bor without u word and drunk toa with bor ^anio dally, profusion. And whon, ton hi irj; nvor, jdm and tho ^outlo llttlo old lady Hat out on tho quint pln7.za bim'lhor, with only tho hoiik of Hloopy iuHootn and Iho ffront bounty of a mountain nifdit, fdio Haid ; "Minn Annif, I bavo a Hiory to toll you." * And tho tfontlo littlo <dd lady hoard With I'.numm-'-d interest lOanic.o ItavonN romaoco. "Now, JlisnAnnio, what ou^bt I to do? .Pray for mo tonight and toll nio .wIioti yon oall mo in Iho morning," iln- ishod lOimioo, *"J.Y11 you what you ou;;hl to do! Why, Mihh lOuiiitv, marry him! .Turn to think, you poor dour, as muoh an 1 liavo lik'od your quiot way as a hoari'loi*, and that bud, too, uh 1 druadrd taking yon. Vou havo ni'vor j^ivou tin* troublo of a kittnn, tbouj'li. I hould uxm-h you morn than a bull orphan asylum." "liomcniluT, Minn Annio, it in ID yoars, and i havo io>t read bin loiter vot," rotuniod lOunioo. 1 ."Not road tho lnttor yotl" oxoluiinod York pns,,l l...t,r. tlioro Nv.ml.l luivn , fl ,. n roiiiouod no doubt for thorn that hho li onoo had an admiror. Out from tin- strunRoly dh'tiotod on- volnpo foil a .small si'/.od photograph ono of tlio edd ntylo, with novor a bit of polish in the ilniRhing, and norhing but Fftiiu foutmod linoatuonLs dopic.tod. Tbo faoo was a Htron^'t manly oounto,- nanoo, with muoh frank kindno.s.s in tho BiniliiiK oyos and a chin Knowing well toiuporod afVoot ion. TlTo~^)TomTrr^roTrR'bt" u warm, pfirl- houiL-fjlow to tlio Razor's ftico, wbilo tin- lipbtof nl'tjloopin^ mommy, dim at first and quhkly doopwiing, ilamodfrom bfiarfc to fact*. Tho letter viw a long onn, closidy WTitton, und apparently with off or I, cronsod and roorossod woinanwiHo, Within was .a Hooond lottor uiiopnned, witli tho duio of 10 ycura rosting on itn filmmofaeod surfaco. Over tlio ilrst, loaning toward tbo light aiid'non'od for Hoinothing nioro va^'tuly foarod than dit-oovorod, Kunioo read with pu/./.lcd fac*j, Ovor tho nocoiid she pauficd, and tho dim light of that rokindlod momory again tilled and glowod ujion her. Sbo tromblod with all tbo iigitation of bor girl heart arounod Takinff it botweon her wiry flngora, Eonicn fitndi"d tho Btill unbroken hoiU. Tlnn aloud nho road tho duto. "If it'bad oomo to mo then, there would bavo boon no happier day in my life," rdio Raid. "Ninutoon yoaifl from hiu hand to mine." Kim laid tho letter down and dropped back in tho chair. Her potato in, roflootod by tho fitirhfnl mirrijr, was an awkward, slouching one. It was juHt nuoli Bho bud maintaLnod in hor toanbing bust Ht'RHioii that only a woman with no backbone would as- etuno, and nho at once flat ert-ot in tho iiiHtaht correction of hucIi bixtty. "Niuoteon yearn too luto. " And 10 yours tbo wrong nidoof matri mony, when one ih alone in tho world, i.s little more than single jnifiery. Hor oyoy, blinded with hoi, angry tears ut tho cruol, ditmppointing bitter ness of it. Tin n sho rood again tho flue Fr en oh ah<-ets of milk white paper upon which the guilty confusion of tho writer looked blacker than at first. Ah she reud alio tried to piofuro very oonvotly aud juBtly tho mind of tho writer. She tried to ho liiipiu'tiul. She tried to judge with the oahoiico of judg ment Hovurity. She succeeded in a largo, full, teem ing measure of mercy. A fow tears, and sho, tho nccuKor, be came tho defender. It is often a wom- iui'b way. The writer of tho letter now ill, un doubtedly dying waa making.confes- Bion for relief of soul. Bister ot tlio man Eunice Haven loved, and who had loved Eunice, she- do beat all. But one boau, and never bad but onn lottor, being lit yearn com ing, and yon not read it yet. Land o! lovo, MissKuninn, I'm amaziHl. Ifihould go right up stairs and read that' thero letter this very niiuuto." Etinjco Kave'ii went fllowly to her littlo room, but as Boon as who entered tbo very dots in tho curtains began to dance beforo her, and the whito chair covers and bedspread all seemed shrouds that gave In r shivers. Going to biT trunk, Hho unpacked u picture of herself in youth. She: held it critically before the candle glare. It mirrored u fresh, bright, happy fauo. She compared it with her poor, worn one. Tlio sigiiillcaneo of the act was tbo last and Middest; truth of her wretched misery. "Sorrow beautifies only tbo heart, not the face of a woman." "Ah!" exrdaimodEunice.holdlng tho Image of her girlhood at anu'H length. That night there was disorder in tho chamber uf l-junico Haven, and the: tu mult of hor H>ul was great, but as tho gray dawn crept gently about her tho W^man arose t'rvm her hues and, bear ing herself erect, and firmly poised, stood beside tho writing tablo at Iter eastern window. Eeuealb'her lay the unopened lottor that had awaited her hand theso 10 years. She Mailed at some grim thought jn abstract and looked out over tbo sun tinted mount ainfl. In tbo shadow of their epiiet, mighty grandeur thero layHtrongth. With cold, narrow lips sbo pressed the letter once, twicn and then, with steady, unerring pen, she wrote across its surface: "Only a heart, a face and a name." She laid it and locked it away in tho very bottom of her trunk. And whon Bho had dono that sho simply went on with tho life of Eunicu Raven.- "Lurks." ONE .HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE ThlM Im HulU Of !*> tlto Aco f u ftluKinoliU- '.t>tt* Wumuii, hying uL tho )iolid> of (loath In a littlo Weuthur-honten oottugo ploturoHmiuly sit* oatod oir a Idllsldo hotwoon t'liloopuo Falls aud llolyolco, Ih Jvlrri. MarKai'^t llowon, who, at tho a((o f liJl, can claim the dlntlno,l,lon of lining ono oi' tbo oldoHt woman U\ tho world. A numth ayo slio wan in piwmi~ nlon of all hor monUd faonUlon, hut phy- Hluiilly unablo to caro for. hwuolf. Within tint hint w'ook sho hail falhid nipldly. .Sho hi uhmmt blind, and but littlo of hor ronson remains. IIor fauo Ih datiron huod and wrlnklod. J lor himhand, IluHlmlnmnw llovnn, 70 years old, oarou (or hor mi tondorly ami ufi'ootlonatnly, an lin did whon ho obo.'ii) hor an Ids Hfo partner.' Mrti. Kowon's mublon name was Mar garet Hwreney, and sho was horn tn tho parish of Kvalmie, ('ork (Ut,, Poland. Slio dons not rooall tbo exact yoar of hor hlrth, but place:! il> aoeoidin^ tn i.iio lrinh ousuiiii, by tho "year of tlio j.;ivab blow," or hllz'/ard. Hho wmi for yearn n iuu'so In, tho jiarlsh and known through out t;h(! country. Hor marria/'o to Mr. iSowon was not a u.vso of lovo al ili-Ht: si;jlu,, but it was an ulTnotion that ({alorcl in yoavn that fol lowed. Mr. Ilnwon's llrst. v/ifo loft liim witli Iwn idilldr.'a at, hor death. Home one to lovo and oaru fru- thorn, and, having 'loiii' liad a warm frh'iul:;hlp for Miss hwoonny, ibey woro ilnally jnarriod, Miss Swoonuy at Llio laino Inilng ^H yoara old. Tlioy Uvial In Ir.'latut until thoy thought they eonld In tier ihelr olri-am- stauoes by ooming to .'nnoi-icn. 'V\\-y m-- rived In this emmtvy on tlm itiu'lit of President*J LiniMiln':) iih.sasslnat i'm and uiilin) t.u (.'liioujii-n I'^ills, whm'n ihoy bavu lived over -dae.;. 'Tlioy oeoupy a humble oottago on thu Holyoko Knad, and liowon provide-; suik* port for himself and wlfn by tiding thu soil. Tho cottage i.i noat and fairly comfort;* able, but i.- not lar;,'o . enoii!.;!i to om, '.in all the household rll'oc! -:, so Mr. Ilowen unulo an excavation near by in hole rim wood, coal and otloo* iioco.-mi ies eovoiill^ tin1 pit ovor with boughs and brusb. Mrs. lio'.ven \h one ot a family '.' oinu chiloron, none of whom lived lo lie ion years old, but all ivadied the ago m' 70, Hho lias never employed a physician, and has hardly beon ill a day. ;Shu ;il,t i-iloUe-s. tier UngMvlly to oari'fuj habiU of living. .Jho iian no tweon meals, uovur drank meals, and never tusted litpior in any form. l-'rii'iids of tlio family asourtnlned Mrs. IJowen's leouirkalilo age by wilting lo tho priesi uf tbe piirldi, who voucln.'S rot il, tin; slo; was eighty-eight years ol.l.aH the l line of her nmriragu, noJirly Udi'ty* 0 Hi'* ye.11'-^ a 'X'i. Mrs. ,!o.vi-n spmika very lltllo Knglli'h, cm;. i-r-.v,- wiili ht>r liu-:liainl and lrle-n.la "in i ': ' " . i v * * Irish tnngne. Hi hrr iiii- \v:is gained from ,-:u li;.id often heai-d hor ru- The Little One- at Home. Are They Frail, Restless and Nervous? Painc's Celery Compound and Happy Will Make Them Bright as Larks, Ail it rulo purentH iiro to hlamo if thoir ohildron aro puny, woalc, nurvotiH and irri" tilhlo. Tho littlo onoH may ho well (dothod and amply fed, and yet tuidly ne^loutod. tt tdiould bo romembmed that tho ohild run inherit many of tho troubloi that purontH unffor from. Thouiiandu of littlo onon nuffor frmn \voaUonod uorvos--a lo^noy from father or mothor. Thin norvonu con dition ho[|ota irritahlonnfiH, bud temper, headaoho, indijioiition, utomaoh troulilou and impure blood.. If ynur dour onoii aro'ufllictod' with miy .l' ^vuM:',:'.11 f tho troubk'ii mentioned above, how can you oxpoot thorn to bo bright, happy und hoalthy ? Thoy nond your bout and' most inlolhgont oiuu, or thoy will nrnw up m diiieann and iittor wrotcliodnotui. (iivo tho children Puino's Celery Com pound; it in tbo modioino tliut is purlieu- lurly n dap tod for fortifying tho noirvouu nyutom, for building tloHh, bono and mmiolo, and for producing pure, clean1 blood. Pauio's Celery Compound m ploioi- unt to tako, it in outiroly vo^otablo, and cannot harm tho moot delicate organism. It will baniiib ovory trace of aickneau and disoano in a Yory idiorttimo; it will j^ivo natural appetite, mvijut nloop, and will multo tho littli! finnii an happy un larlm. A mighty chorun of gratitude bun gone up all over tho Dominion from glad fatbord aud mothnrs who bavo had thbir doar onon porfectly ruidorial to.houlth by Paino'd Colury Compound. Mru. Powell, of Palacu Htroot, Moutruul, whtciH: , "I havo unod Paino'a (h-l. ry Compound with moiit ^ ratifying reiiullu ut difl'oroub ' timdti whon I found niyfiidfrun down in a norvoiiK condition, fbuvoal-.o found tho Compound to bo un cxoidlent propagation for my children. *Tn' tbo early part (>f tbo pint nummor my childrou ucomod to ho frail, norvoaa' and roatlou.i, und had no ujiiotito for ttioir mouln. Ii'ullv oonvmcud troin ponianal uxponuncti, of tbo groat valuo of Pamo's Colory Compound, I rotiolved to havo my littlo onus uso it. Tho reaulU aro vxfc. ploiihing jind iiatiiifactory, that I am pr(0;npto[l to adyinci you, for tho bunoftfc of purontu who aro anxious regarding tho condition of thoir dear onon who aro frai^ or nervous." .,- .,i-L'..;. .a :|>a:iu d- i - i. .. .' ii \'i' no j.i per.-i fltoimmd tfrtmrt PaddltiQ*. Scald a pint of milk, add a cup of Gt;ilo bread cvumbs, u table.spoonful of butlnr and a eup of sugar. Mix well and let it stand until cool. Beat U eggs liRht wiibout seiiarating, add to tho pudding wnb half a toaspoonful of va nilla and a pirn h of cinnamon. Turn into a gns,-. d pudding mold und steam for an hour and a half, i'ruit may bo added to tho pudding if desired, either raisins aud currants floured and added with tho eggs or canned cherries or pcuehe.-i well drained from thoir sirup beforo flouring. Wholo Wheat Omnia Mix 2 cups of wholewheat flour with a tenspoonfnl of Halt and % teaspoonfuls of sug;ir. Uoat tho yolks of 2 eggs light, .IK'ld a imp of milk t'i them, beatinpf all tbowliilo. Add tho milk und eggs to tho flour, heat until smooth, mid add a cup of lukewarm water. VVhon widl bonton, add tho whites boaten to n fitifP dry froth. Mix quickly. Turn into hot wrote) liow hittei-ly Bho bad hated tho ' greased puns and buko in a hot oven for vory name of mi unknown sistxjr. ' 1 25 miuuteai With no father, or mothor, and an | - only brother, who made hor entiro world, alio had thought anything better than to lose his lovo und care, and When Kunioo had coiuo into bin life, vpceted that Mrs. liowo'n win ii\'i' iioi.i' i ban a few days lon;;'r. Si)--, per.-i-o ;i!ly nfii-'i'S mcdie.d ti-.it- iiieui, deaie.'ni1; by :-igas and v.'aat low Word- she-Is abb: to speak, that she la reaily to die, and that hor time hufi cuiuo. lioHton .ioiiroal. The OncKtloii of Time in Mutdn. Tla-ro is alisohuely nn imedii whatevot which has to bo e il metronome regularity of heal,, It is tcuo that fugue lakes few v.ii'Lo.iona of tenijio than ii nuuh'i'n soni.'nuonLa -l'anl'isy or iKii'iurnii, hat. it Is not rigid. A sonatn never gcs at a perfectly uniform heat. Tbe ulily (juestion is -..lien to vary and how. 1 hau! b.doro meittinneu in th. so .pag.'s tlie i"ui;t that bi-t.-.wen tlio ruhnMH ut' a ma ton)--; and artists there is this striking and significant dlmd'mino: '1 he amateur plays tho dUheult parts of his piece more slowy and tho easy parts faster. The profo^'tunul, or artist, d >os tho exnctopposiio. WjiyV Ueeauso tho <* . ;y parts of the jiiecos are the melodies', tho sentimental parU, whom fooling reigas. Tho artist is an artist because lie tvU his limbic, and he intensities these piirr^. The amateur is taken up with tlio 1 lea. of executing soiuet.hin r dilheuli, and do proci'.'ds to execute as well as he can; and imt being able to execute t!ie oi i- ciilr. parts <]iiiie u]i t" limo, he nial;e-; *.;p- for it by hurrying up tbe e.-isy. p.-. -*. Tbep't'ore lo> hc-e-i Iml b eliil-J ot' t lie ', n- uinded elfect. Tho dit'loult pai4-s- '.,' re writti'ii as bravura, and they aro hi'en.. -d to t^all, as on tho win;:- <>i tho wind; i no easy plai'es, as I said ! i.-t'<o-- , . have senti ment, and need to ho Ir.imor.'d. TREASTJBERS SALE OF LANDS 'Vereatim'l'O-' '"^WN OP 'KKPJ;iX, I U'ht-rMoi by virtue uf a wuiuuit initu-il by the Mayor of tho anvtldii" ai To/Wu: j Town uf Jit-hux, iu' l he Couuiy_()l Khhux uiid autliooLioutod by " tho corporuto t-eal of die caid Town beuring di.io the fourth (Toy~of Fohruary, 1800, :nd to me directed commanding me tohvy upon tlio following Iota ot parcels of landfl ii. nrn-u.ru for tuxes dno thereon with costs. I liereliy give uoticii that unless tho nuid tnKut- and rosis are nonner paid 1 shall, on. Wodnot-day, tlie *21lh day of .Juno, lhllli, ut the hour ol ten o'clock in the. forenoon, at Peck's Hall, in iho Town of Kshi-x, [ooei i d to m U'by public auction tin- uuicf lands qx uo much thereof uu muy bo i-utlieient to pay such arrears of taxea and all lawful ooHtri incurred : Lots. .......................SS.......... ................. .......'19.. ,....... ......................8........... ---------^..o_t.........7 tu>da........ .................. H and ;ej....... 1711........................h purtH 2d and 27.. U.'Ia.. ., '......................HH und :i-l) 17(i.. .'.......................part ltil) j" '2(17..........................27 aud 2d} ;m:i.........'.................;>:* ami a-i j...... Block :n......................................... 7.U Plan. :ii)7,___ 207..... nun'..... 2U7..... aa:t..... Tuxes. ..8-1.08.. ., 1.0H.. no t;i;., ..57 fm.. . -ari.7.. . .17.4J1.. .HI), id . ;i;j.f)0... (Jntits. , &1.D5. ..1.!)o. ...2.-17. .. 2 i.. ,.2.1o. ..o oil. Total. (i.03 83.1S 50.87 28.22 20.00 04.70 For tho Worlcbiiskot. Numhornd with silvor implemontd for a dainty workbnHkot is. ono somowhat. lilto a ponoil in lippfmranoo. Unscreyv und ho had announced his indention of ono oud, und n sharp hlado for ripping tsking to becoiuo nearer to him, this is diselosed; uncover tho other ond, and w;a.s tlio thinpj sho had donej out comes a stilntto for piercing eyolot "I.felt," sho wrok), "that I would', hblca, beg, Ho or steal before you should oomo li how wll ttUd X have boan greatly bene fited othovwlue. I havo lncronwcd In wolght and urn h hotter health. I cannot My ono ugh in praivo of Hood's Sareapa- *m.. Mtt8. II. MLA.KK, So. Berwick, Mo. Thl* und other, Himlluf <>u*flH prove that Sarsaparilla IiiODTrot]lo d Purifier. jUUrugjtiti, H ^>(*rrJ cmlrW CK.Bowl * C* !UwU, llU1 7t" . wvm' the hefli r*myeRtbrt.l llOOd * Ptl S Md UtM feMnlwt 36* home hero, aud when brother went to ~ais T0OTu~to~vi,Ho you to bocomu bin wifo I know that lottor and I know my brother. "And tho devil know mo in tlio hour' of my \vloked weakness. Tho letter I Interoopted and hid. *'I know hifl spirit of Honflltivo prido ho well that when tlio tomptor whis- pered, 'Ho will never writo but onoo,' I know it well. ' 'I know if ho never had an auHwer from you that thoro would bo no othor word from him to you. "I have lived with tho torture of that stolon letter, whioh yomr heart has , Wrong from mine, a thousand thneu in our ailent fipirltB' wnr, with you oyor oonquoriug. # * * I am dying, but tho homo tuid tho brother uro here. "Oomo in unto him wpd dwell witli nhu. "I^oaldo nt myohiuV, eit ufc my .plate, drink from xny oup; imd m youu douhlo bloBsiug and toeroy. , Arnoa'V :_ d grnnt doablo ' Thlu Boauon'H VliiaiRrettci, The word vinaigrotto coveron mulfci* tntlb of unite bottles thin Henaon. Thoao raugo in Hiivo and stylo from tho tiny filovo vinnigvottea of gold with jowolod docoratiou to tho out glnna lnvendor Bivlta hottlofl and jarH with allvor mouut- Inca. ..______ Small Cunt of Spraying During Inut your tho Delaware oxporl- uiont atatiou 'mado fionio oxhauuting toatH as to tho cost of oprnying troea. In nfliug tho bordouux mixture tboy sprayed tho trooH uix timos, and rooltonod in tho cost of mnterinla and cont of .labor, imd found it to be a conta por troopor spray ing or 13 cents per trod for tho season. Tho result -was that tho rot was roducad to oii-third whut it Wub -on the un- Bprnyed troen. ThoyfoaUd alaothttt four upryings gave about tbo name results a* Uix sprayings, and that thero was about twice us much rot with two epraylnga an with four or six. So wo, boo that four upruyingo, or 8 cents pet tr**, i*U USint it really costs...'.,. No Dlsuuitu' SiM-i'rtSiU'y. Prod llond has disi .irdrd his lilac!;, broad rimmed western -h.uoli iiat. Wh'.lo. walking up ISromlway a IV.w nlalii.s a, o, on Ids \vay to tiio do]jot t.o t.aUe tho t.-;.'.n for 1-archniont, he notiici'd an Indivi-iaal oyo him very closely. Jlund thought t'n a moment that ho was an ootpinnPua o a'id looked around after he passed him. Abieit 'a hlofd; further up tho streer. ho saw i.'io same jnan in convcrsatinn with annthrr. liond had passed .him but; a fow ? i ps when the tiecoud individual stepped n,> to him and, holding 'out Ills hand, said: "Hello! I remember.now, Duluth." " Kxnise mo," t'epUed- llond, ca; el dug on quickly, *'t am working this side of tho street, my^i-li'." A fow blocks further Uond mot Ilbtnc'io Walsh. Tho latter shook hands cunh.'.ily and remarked: "Hut, for heaven's im . , Proddy, why that hat?" "Oh, T wear It," replied Bond, "mo as not to ho taken for an actor." "Oil, that's all right, my boy," m\\ithe noti'oss "you never worn taken lor that." liond now wears a white Alpine hat. World. FrooUlrii. Talk as you will, freckles am no orna ment to ovonn pretty girl, and on one who has no heauty to boast of thoy aro positively hideous. Now is the timo when thoy aro "ripe," hut thoro aro many harm loss ways of treating thorn, though so many preparations contain dangerous oompounds. Thero in a safo formula whin alwnyn prevails In light oiisoh: Pour ounooH of laotio acid, two ounces of glyoorlno und ono of rowowatur. Apply witlia.KinaU velvet nponj;e two or throe tlmoa daily. ThU lotion will ciiuho n. Hlight burning of the okln, whioh is a part of tho .procoHS, but' a littlo witoh hazel cream will alluy thlH. (tIBt SO. . Tho Southsldo man stopped and tead tho tdgu on tho front of the huge baru- Uko building. The algu said: family Storftgo." "That's too good to be true," Raid the ^outhstdo man. "If lbouldfltormr fsiu- 1^ *U Boymcr I'd U 1066 U*Wr ot ..l.or,. ... 117.83 . .. 0.00 Block 10........................................10.00..........2.72........ .13.71.' W. D. BKAHAN.4I' T/oahuror. Are You Wo can supply you witli all kinds of. Wooden Material, plain and ornamental, Pine, Hemlo.ck and native Lumber always on hand. Shing-es, Cedar Pests Doors, Bash and Coal. . important to Farmers. We have just got in a firBt-clase. line of barn lumber at 12 per M. ft. That "will last a Life-time. Laing Bros, J. GOtTBLAY <fe SON, ESSEX, ONTs A TOE TRICMPH CORN SHELLER Thin Maohino cousiBtB of a korigonbal oaet oylindor, witli wrought iron -/:M bats, with stool'tooth bolted to tho pyliudor so as to bo rovoraiblo when ti v-:;! tooth bocomo worn on tho front side, vunning in a porforutcd concave uw ;;\|| 'm 5or porfectly clean,in any condition abolling and oleaning from one fcq *wp!i|| bouBand bushels of eara per day, according to power. . "' DiMKNBioNS. JPnlleyrl0inv4J^rA atw, ft in. face; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutiona per minute; WetghtrfiflD||lliiig " EVERY 8HELLER WARRANTED. ^*M J. GOURLAV & SONS. ^^^i^mM^sm^^iiS^

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