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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 19, 1896, p. 1

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>>, I Vft MM . ffi. I1" J ^ MONEY TO LEND On mortgages at 5 por' oont. Fire and Life Iu- Burunot* at lowonb rates. f J.W. GIBSON, Agent The Essex press. MONEY TO LEWD On mortgagon at 6 Dec cent. Fire and Lifo in surance at I owoat rates. J. W. GIBSOH, VOL XII. No 25 ESSEX, ONT. FllIDAY, JUNE 19, 1896 WHOLE-No. 597 i- r Url> HAVE YOU Tried Trading; With FORSYTHE, ANDERSON &C0. THE LEADING STORE IN ESSEX. Sontli jKbhox NonilniitioiiK, If Not, We Solicit A Trial. la a Ton per Corn. Avorago Saving any object to you thoao closo times l? Wo will convince yon that wo can bonofit you that much at IcaBt, How Can We Do It ? By Importing Diroct from Maniifacturois. By Buying for Cash Only. By Buying in Largo Quan tities. You will find our methods Satisiaccory, Our Mottoes Are : Reliable Goods at" Low Prices. One Price for All. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. No Misrepresentation. Money Back if any pur chase is Unsatisfactory. FARMERS' PRODUCE TAKEN AS GASH, Wool Wanted, And Highest Prices Pair in Trade or Cash. Dry G-oods. Millinery. Clothing. Merchant Tailoring. Hats and Caps- Groceries- Crockery- Boots and Shoes. FORSYTH El, ANDERSON & CO.. Leading Store of Essox, Nominations for tho Houmi of Oommonn woro hold throughout tho Dominion on Tuesday last and tho elections will tiiko plnoo noxt Tuesday. Iu South Ehugx, tho uomlnatlonii woro hold at tho Town Hull in iCingnvillo from 12 to 2 p. m.i W. A. Grouvillo, of KingHViIlo, being tlio Return ing Oflloor. Tlio law provides that nomina tions may bo raado either ut tlio time indicated abovo or previous thuroto, tho nominations not boing made as iij tho provincial and municipal eluotiouH but oaoh candidate being required to [Ho with thn returning ofuuor nomination papem, containing tho minion of at lount twenty iivo ratopayors of tho riding. Tho paponi of Dr. King woro il!od with tho returning ottlcor on Monday, and Mr. Cowan's wore filed ut IiH/i on Tuesday, tho $'200 deposit; accompanying tho papers in each case. Tho deposit will bo loturnod if tho candi date in ehctod or receives half an matij yoton an lint opponent. Wo uro unahlo to give tho names of tho ratepayers whono uamuu appoarod on tho papors, as tho returning oflicor would not grant permis sion to ha?o tlio uamob taken. SuMoo it itt to nay, however, that tho nuinon of tho raont promiuout mon on both sides woro on tho paporo. At 2 p. no., Mr, Grouvillo doolarod tho nominationo olosod an J annouueud that tho nominoon woro Di. Sidney A, Kiug, of tho village of Kiimn- villo and Million K. Cowau, of tho city of Windsor. Dr. Kiug had appointed Wt A. Smith, of Kiugsvillo, as hio finanoial agent and Mr. Cowan had namod Wm. Mo- Swoen, of Leamington, to uot for him in tlio name capacity. Mr. Grouyillo dooidcd that tlio polio uhould bo oponod nnd olonod on sun tirno, which m .12 rainutou nlowot- tlian Eastern Standard timo. 11 r, Grou villo wan then rufjuontod to act as chair man of tlio mooting hut refused, and on motion of Dt. Kind id Mr. Oowati, Major W. II. Ilillin^it, of North Rid^e, wan oallod to tho chair. Tho hall wan jammed full of pooplo from all ovor tho riding, there boin^ ovor 1,000 rorHons*W tho htuldmi! while huutlreda HtoodjjptHJdo bojjij^ unablo to t^ain adtniu- oion. The mooting was an lar^o, if not lar^or than any other noraimitiou mantme ever hold iu South Ehuox. It wan decided between tho cundicfaton to conduct tho raobtinf* on tho iiarao plan an tho joint meeting had boon oouduotod, each candi- dato to h ivo ouo hour for hiniHtdf, tbon half an hour for hitt friondo, the liiHt Hpeakor to olooo tho mootuifj with a twonty miuutoH opetoh. Dr. S, A, Kwitf, tho flint opoakor, wan pleand to hpo nuoli a roproooutation at nora- iuution. Ho ana Mr. Cowan had conduct ed joint. ineotiugH during tho pant two wnokn, ut which Hie boat of ordor had pre vailed and for which ho conuidored tho peoplo, ait well an thoraBolvoa, ubould bo ucuumtulutud, llo would ^,'ivo a nhoLt and uynoptical ntutomont of tho policy of tho party he roproAontod. It ifl tho opinio! of many that tho National Policy fiimpW mcttnH a policy of lu^h tariff. While tha tariff iu tho inont important planlc in tho Conuorvativo platfoirn, thoro aro etill other plankh that are conniriorod important. Tlio taufi" ih a hi^h tariff an rouardH cer tain tnoidentul artiolon. .Thoro in no duty on certain artioloa that form tho raw ma terial required for tlio mauufaoturoH of tho country. Tho article of raw cotton in ad mitted into tlio couutry-froo.on tho grouudo that raw matoritil of raanufaoturon ubould not bo taxed. It wao admitted timo that thoro might bo built up a lur^a trado in tho manufacture of cotton. A.11 ohtHHoa of cotton are mauufantuicid ilb otiouply iu Canada an in any othor country. Tain policy haH boon the moans of keeping a laiiie ah aro of tho population to Canada. Tt ban been tho policy of tho Conuorvativoo to pi otuote other mattern of vital impoifcauoo to the country, one of which in to extend fcho warciwaya ho that tlio produota of tho country could bo oatiiod to tho contren of ttudo at tho leant potmiblo oont. Tlio fat hern of confederation ugrood that thoio hhould bo a railway built to comipcb the Muritimo PiovincoH with tho older Pro- vuioon, no tho Iutorcolomal railway wao coiihtrueted. Tho railway ban alwayo boon a ohargo upon the Rovornrtionfc of tho country until but rocuitly, nmco Hon, John Ila^gart took ohario of tho depart ment of ruilwayti. Dr. King tliun entered into tho building of tho G. P. It. The pro motion of nrriallor hnon of railway ban alno boon a part of the policy of tho Oonserya tivo govornmont. In the County of Enaox thoro aro two object louiions helativo to tho hint, ono o.\tondniH from ono end of tho county to tlio othor, and tho othor from Leamington to Comhor. Iu other placet), railwayh havo alno boon anniutod. Anotlior plank ban boon tho improvement of tho wutorwuyu and eaualo iu tho Dominion gonorally, about lorty milhoua of mouLy being tliun exriondod. Apart of tiny waa oxpcnddd in tho Bt, Liwiuneo Hiyor, Thin luiu been ono of tho cannon of the mcroaiio in the public debt. Tho national debt ban been largely uicrouncd during tho hint 20 or 2,"i yoani, but the uxprnditiuoii woio for tho general bimtflt of tho oomitry. It in not hkolv that tho ircHfjut g(.\ernment will ohiuigo it policy in regard to unjiHtiny witl Ablatio oountrioii haw boon largely m oroaiiod, beyond tlio mont nangumo uxpon- tationn of ovoti thouo who framed tho uohiimo. It iu hIho proponed to oatablmh a fant Atlnntio lino of Htoatuurn. Mr. Cowan baa boon in the habit of trying to ohow audlououn tliut farmorn of thin Dominion are in a (loplorablo couditiou. Although agricultural dopromiion doea oxiut tho farmorn In thin country aro not in Htioh a deplorable oontbtiou an thono who make bluo-ruin iipeoohon would mako un think, Thorn lmvo been mioh groal improvomontu in farming machinery that now ono man can do an much an novoral men woro formerly required to do. Tho purahmiinfi power of any product of tho farm in unw a great doal raoro than when wheat nold at high pricou. Mr Cowan nayn ho in in favor of a tariff for revenue, but ho htiH failed to nbow what ho nxpoutu from a t'iriff for rovonuti only. Tho oamlidato then buinoliod off into the Manitoba Roliool Quontion. llo ooiiHidored it Mould bo much hotter for thm oonntrj to havo ono Hyotom of national ijohooh), tho name from ono ond of tlio country to the other. It wao nuoonnary at Confederation to guarantoo tho Protontant minority in Quoboo tho nvntGiu thoy had baforu. So-in Ontario tho Cathohcti woro guaranteed the tlioir nohoolH. Whon Manitoba ontorod Union thoro woro Boparato Bohoolu in that Proviuoo Tho Dominion Goyornmout wero bound to rontoro the rightn to tho minority in Manitoba, Tho daoinion of the Privy Council wan that tho minority in Manitoba had boon doprivod of tboi r right! and thoy Hhould bo rontorod. Tho Dominion Govornmout ban not donirod to coerco Manitoba but thoy have beon punhod on by no loon a poroonaga than Mr. Laurior. -AilJtuow-how-tbo Komodial Bill mot with obiitruction iii'Parhamout by a union be two en Libcraln and other*. It in net a tjuention of Boparato or no Separate oohooU elnn bo nbould boon tbo Hide of no Goparato eohoohi. It 10 a quontion of constitutional rightu Tho govornmont in nimply doing a duty forood upon it by tho highont tribunal iu tho Empire. M. K. Cowan agreed-with Dr. King that there hud been put up in Boutli EnBoxdur- ing tlfu pronouti content, tlio claimant oam- paigu ovor held iu the South Hiding of Ehocx. He had uothiug to nay about bin opponent porBonally and if it woro poh- Hiblu for him to take any Conservative with him to Ottawa, whou ho became thoir ropreneutative, cboru wan no ono that ho would ftoonor tako than lim friond, Dr King, but an South Ennoi could only hnvr ono reproaontativo ho felt thut tho Douto would bo loft at homo. Tho polioy of tho Libonil party in a taiiu" for royouuo only, a tariff that will moot and raino enough to moot tlio roquiromoutH of carrying on-the govornmout. llo advocated tho aamo pol icy uiuo yoam ago. Di. King advooaton tho admitiHion of raw material, yot all know that iron in taxed to tho eitunt of 130 per cent. In ordor to make tho farm am of Canada compote nucuositfully iu England with farmern of othor oountrion tuoy munt bo put on an equal footing. No man can say that tho Canudian farmoi in put on tho mima footing aflttie Amouoan farmer whou tbo foi'inor haH to pay moro for tho pro" duction of hiB tituff than bin Amorican couuin. Thoro ih a law on tho ntatuto book imposing a duty of 20 por cent, on iron uaed iu maiiufuctuung agricultural Jiraplomentn and tlicro m another law giving a robnto to tbo manufacturer of '20 por cont. on all tho imploracntH nold m foroign countrioa, no that tho tiamo maohiuery oan he uold in other countnou for 20 por cont. loan than cIiq Canadian farmer in charged. Tbo duty ih not on tho luxurion ao much as on tho neceasaiioH of life Compare tho oeiiHun of 1881 with that of 189l and ic will bo Hoon that thoro woro UG.'JOO Ighh farmoi n aud farmorb' eoun m tho old pro- vmi'uHin tho latter year than in tho foim- or. In 1878,tbo Conaorvativon promised to inaugurate a eyntom that would keep tho boy-i at home on tho farm and bring otborn here, yet the country ban not retaiuod itd natural inoroaao. If Canada ovor oxpooto to lceop her head among tho natiann of tho earth idio muat develop her agrioaltmal reQourcon. From 1871 to 1831, fcho popu lation inoroaned 17 por cent,, wbilo from 18&1 to 1891 it inoroaned only 12'pon oont. Tlio farmern in tlio wholo Dominion^favo docioaHed by 7,1200, yot tho mortgagon have inoroaticd in tbo onmo poriod of timo fiom 3JJ millioijH to 12JI ratlhotiH. Tho Puodio Htflatubhip (ii'rvioe had not bonefittod tho farnior'i of thin country. Kofrigorator oar- vioo hud boon put in tho ntou-motti so that and to-day tlw Hoavur lino of ntoaniorn, niibdidi/od hv tho Uomuirvahvn govern, menfc, iu carrying Amorioau cattio frotn the po^t of Bt. John, N. li. Tlu conHoquonoo h that tho Canadian farmer doen not receive a a much for bin oattlu an if tho em bargo wuro mined. Tho fiHherioa rotiula- tionn wero thou takon up. In 1801, before the htdfc olootion tho lisonno wan rodaoed from 810 to V2ft for oaoh not, but tho next your tho hcondo wan rained to UfiO. Mr, Cowan then took up the uobool quontion but hin time wan no iiiiort that ho could not enter into thu quoutiou at longtli. N. A. Conto thou followed for half an hour for Dr. King, dealing altogether with the nehool qrumtion and claiming that tho Govoinkioiit woro bounJ to give Roparato BcIiooIh to tho Catholic minority in Mani toba Hon, W. D. Balfour upoko for half an hour for Mr. Cowan. Thoro wan nothing, ho (I'Md,""in the Manitoba Aot, guarantooin g .Separate Hchooln. In 1871,tho Logudaturo pahiuui an aot authorising Separate Bohoolu and in 18!)0 thoy ropualud it. Tho Privy Com oil bold that tho Ijoguilaturo bad power to p I'm both actn. Thorn wan no mandate iwjnod by tho Privy Council. They docided that tbo Oovornor-Goneral had jurisdiction in tho mattor bub tho oourno to purnuo nbould bo dacidoot by tho authoritien ntatod m tho law. Mr. Uaifour thon touohod upon tbo tariff rjucntion for a few minutcH. Dr. King cloned tho mooting with a twenty minutOH npoooh, after which chooru woro givon for tbo Quonn, Mr, Laurior and Mr. Cowan. Major Billingn raado a capital ohairm an and tbo groator part of the audiouco ro- maimul till tho Inat, giving oaoh of tbo upfMilcor< t'm boht of ht'iiruig. Windsor's Leading &F Clothing House! & Tho DargnBt, Besi Lighted and most moditrn Men'n Out fitting I'JutabliHb- meut Iu tho woat, Cor. Saiidwiob Ht. and Ouolletto avo, directly oppoaito tbo Ferry. All utreet cara ntop at tho door ^tT ^ ^^ =T3I CO GO isiSjuitehiKtitJ 'i / * V4 i 'rf i H ft 1),. TUPPBftAT WINDSOH. 'riu Votc-rutt X^roiulor mootw with VCntliUMlnNtlc mtc<*et>tlon. nu canned mcata mi^ht bo shipped from Aus tralia and Now Zouland to Canada and to day oaunoct mutton in uold in Montreal at from 1 to 2 cents a pound lomi than tho Ouuadian fanner can raioo Inn shoop. Tho cattle embargo won thon taken up, Tho English Govornmont found that plunrc-pneiHoonia cxmtod in tho Wout orufltacos of tho United Statou aud thoy notified OanaJa that uulcua they adoptod audi moaduto1* un would provent tho npioiid of tho dibcusn to thcg^Canadiun cattio, tlio ombarj/o would bo placed on Canadian cattio mid they would havo to be id mgbt- urod an hoon as they arrived in England. Id face of thin tho Goverumoub know that i% huge number of oattlo w*ro [nought into looiil railwa\s. Thuio bun be on hubmdizsd Milanifcoba from tho Wo stern utaton and ft Paoillo nloaiUHbip uorvico tjo that trado shipped through Canada to the old country Aftor spnakiug at Glonooo in tlio morn ing and at Chatham in tho aftornoou on Saturday luat, Bir Charlon Tupper took Hpcoial tram to Whidnor arriving thoio nl.ortly after nix o'clock. At tho ntatiou tho Premier aud bio party wero mot by tho 21ht J-jUHox Funiliors band and tho most prominont raombom of the Couiiervativo paity in Windnor and tho county. Iho votoran Premier wan drivon to tho rorii- donc of Honator Cangraiii, whose guont ho waB wbilo in tho oity, and thoro ho ro mamed until time for tho evening mooting which wan announced to tako plaoo iu the Opeia ilourie at 8 p. m. E. B. Wiglo wan chairmau and on tbo platform wero a lariro number of prominent Comiorvativea from the oounty. Whou Sir Charles on to rod ho was well rocoivud by iho largo nuiliunco that f omplotoly iillod tho Opora flourr.1 After a fuw mtroduotory remarks by tbo cbuirman, D. 13. Odotto, the Cou- Hoiviitivo aandidato iu North Eaaex , Hpoko foi a few minutes. Sir CharloH Tupper wan then called on aud us ho stopped to tlio front tho band began to play and almoat tho ontiro audience oheored and applauded, Aftor expreuHing his pleasure at being in Wind- sor ho said whon Mr. Laurior was iu Windnor ho had much to Bay about him (Sir Charles) but bo found it conveuiont to disQUSH almost everything except tho polioy ho was nupposcd to roprouout. Ho challenged Mr. Lamior to "tako up any question of to day, or any of tho great questions since 1857, without ansigning a prominont plaoo to hiranolf. Had it no6 bum for what ho did at that tirno thoro would not havo boon a confederation. At that timo ho waH promior of Nova Scotia and had oallod hin counoil together to din- ouis tho bent ways and moans of prDraoting tho interests of that part of Canada. Sir J no. A, Maodouald, Hon Guorgo Brown and Hon Wm MaoDougall went thoro and askod him to iiHHint thorn in devining iintno ecbomo for tho boHellt of our country, aud thn aot for uniting thy provinces was flually pitHflod. Whon Sir John A. Mao douald adoptod tho National Policy ho (Sir Charlon) stood by him and asaistod iu moulding it, llo oppoHod tho Mackonzio policy in tho mattor of tho C. P. R. and |ii 1878 propounded tbo N. P. as tho policy of tho Conservative party. Alluding to Mr. Laurior again, Sir Charlos said that tbo Liboral loador could lay claim to only ono quality ho was a ohampion obstruc tionist who had stood in tho w-iy of all great maamiraH tho Conuorvativo Govern- merit had oyor attempted. Tho Libornla haiTTin^rr~nrTnostrTlatorminQd~o^positioir to tho ratifiaaiion of the Jlubery troaty which ho (Tupper) had negotiated at Wash, ington, in 1872, oiilhug it u disgraceful surrender of Canadian righto. This troaty provided for thu ubo of each other's tinner- ion by tho republic and Canada and it was loft to arbitration to ascertain tho relative valuo -of tho flHhurlcm and tho amount to bo paid by thu nation found to havo tho moro valuable privilege. It was de termined tbut thu U, S, should pay 9n.fi00.0fl6 or 3500.000 for 11 yearn, tho durittofi of tbo fcioaty. Bnfcwoem 1h7H nnd 1978, our country was in a doploiablu condition. Our industries wore a.vept out, oyorylhing wo unad u*a made in foieigu -couutrles tho workmen weio ft d by tho products of thesoooubtrioa and our far&nerg were unable to secure a Essex Headquarters for w Men's, Boys'& Children's I Ready-to-weai' Clothing. O. Peck. market for their product, aim 100,000 of them wont to that Htonoy-dioartod man. Bir Richard Cartwright, to at,k rcdresj Whon the Conservatives wore returned in 1878 thoy adoptod a policy that has mado Canada pronperous. lit* challongnd Mr. Lautier to show auy country or people moro happy or proaporoun than Canada. Ho then took up the C. V. Xi. aud dealt with it ut considerable length. All public works dopartmonts, ho said, are subject to loaks, aud an soon us a leak wan dihoovorod dunug LangoYin'n rnanaflomout, mcompo- tout men wero dismissed and Uneven woro pronocutod. In 1888, ho wont to lymdon as High Commissioner haviug r* signed Iuh boat in tho Cabinet, and put through tho first three per cent, loan tnat was dono by any colony in tho woWd. llo had boon advocating preferential trado with Great Britain and her colonies foi yeais and ho was ploanod to see Mr. Laurior now advooating tho samo policy. At tho namo timo Mr. Laurior hae pl dgo-1 biniholf tho day ho gots into power to nond a commis sion to Washington to nogotiato rooipiocity, yot proforoniial tiado nnd reciprocity no antagonistic. Sir Charles then euteied upon tho Manitoba School Question, lie repudiated tho chargon agaiust him ot m- oiting a raco and relituoua cry, his pub'io lifo of 41 years being a proof to the con- trury. Tbo Manitoba difficulty is not a question of Separate School* but of law and tho constitution of tbo rvinntiy Sir A. T. Gait said that the Protestants of Quebec would never go into tho Confedera tion unions thoir rightu wero guaranteed by the Provmco of Quebec. To tho utonial honor of tho French R. C. govornmout in Quebec bo it sail that the Protontauts havo uover had a right to complain of ill troat- moot. Thu local loginlaturo of each of the provmooshnd a right to milio laws pro vided thoy did not take away any rights that had boon given to tbo minority. In 1871, tho Manitoba govornmont gianted separate Bobools. Tho Liberals got into powor there, and patted an act in 1800 taking away tho rights of tho minority. An appeal was raado to tho Judicial Com- mitteo of tho Privy Couucil. Judgment was givon that the rights and priyilogoo of tho R, O. minority bad boon takon away and that thoy had grievances. Ho domed the statement made by Mr. Laurior, attributed to him that hooauno ho is a R. C. and Frenchman ho should not bo promior. lie said: "Why should you turn your back upon mo and stultify your- solvrii by nupporting a Fronchman aud a Roman Catholic, whon tho roanou ho opposod mo was said to bo booauno tho bill wan not ntrong onough." This question would have bad no oxistonoo but for tho fact that on tho ground of tbo public policy tho Liberate bad no ohauco, and tho$ only hopo to got into powor by it sido wind. Thoy havo fostorod it as the only hopo of a dying power. Whon ho brought tho mat- tor np before Parliament Mr, Laurior nbould havo stood bv him and givon him bin hearty support. Mr. Laurior had boon in leagno with Joo Martin and D'Altou McCarthy. Mr. Groanway says ho will, novor allow Boparato Schools in~lvfiimobn. south JChhcje PolltiCB. At Ruthvon, on Thursday night of last week, at tho joint meeting, Doputy Roovo Rjbort Shanks occupied thu chair and speeches woro mado by M, K. Oowan and ir. VV. AHan^-ox-M.P., for thtr-LlboraTs" aim Dr, King ivndLowin Wiglo, ox-Ill.P., for the Conservatives. At McGregor, the yamo night, a mooting was oallod in tho interest of Dr. King. Fiod. Davis, of Ainhomtburg, and W. A, Smith, of Kingsvillo, appoarod for Dr, King and woro mot by J, II. Rodd aud N A. Bartlot, of Windnor, The mooting on Friday night wau at VVheatley, Hon. W. D Balfour assinting eveFpTCi"' Cowan, aud Lewis Wiglo sppoaring with Dr. King. E. Musgrovo was tho chairman. A meeting was called in tho interests of Mr. Cowan at tbo nobool- Ijouho at Lltord tho same night." Tho sanio night also, Fred, Davis and Henry Clay, of Amhorutburg, cailod a mooting at Webb's school hcuno in CoIoboHtor SoutU, whore thoy wore met by N. S. Powoll, of Harrow. Tho last joint motting of tho campaign wm held at Cut tarn on Monday night and like all tho othor mootmgs was largely at tended. Alvin Oiton wan chairman and M. K. Cowan, who opeuod tho mjoting wuh aHbisted by II. W. Allan, c.\-M. P. B. S. Wi^lo, of Windsor, assisted Dr, King. Tho hall was ao well filled that standing room was at a premium, On account of nomination on Tuesday no meetings woro hold on that ovouiug, but on Wednesday evening, Lewis Wiglo called a meeting in this town and announced other meetings for othor parts of tho Riding aa follows : Amhorstburg, hint (Thursday) ovennig; Audordon thin (Friday) ovouing; Leamington, to-morrow (Saturday) ovou ing, add Kingwvillo ue'ct Monday evening. At tho meeting huro bo was met by Hon. W. D, Balfour for behalf of Mr. Cowan. Chas. Sweet was chairman, and A. W. buidor opouod tuo mooting with a short spoooh, aftor which Mr, Balfour followed for nn hour,] Mr, Wiglo olofiiug with a npeoob of about two hours. At Amhorst burg, Mr. Cowan appealed on behalf of bimBolf and ho will also moot Mr, Wiglo at Kmgsvillo on Monday night. Tho Liberals' bavo ongagod tho town hall at Leamington for Monday evening next, whon Dr. Sam- sou will speak. Mr. Cowan addressed a mooting at Now Canaan on Wodnosday ovouing and Dr, Samson addressed a mooting at Harrow ou Wednesday ovenlng. Tho same mgbt Dr. King and Fred Davis upoko ut Edgar Millu and woro mot by O 13. Najdor, aud Q. Paeaud and J. A. Tromblay spoko ia Fronch at S. S. No. 2 nnd & in Auddidou. hxnt (Thursday) evening J. A. Tromblay and W. D. Balfour spoko at McGregor; Dr. Brien mot Dr. King at Elford and N. S. Powoll, of Harrow, mot D. R. Daviu at Now Canaan ut a meeting called in Dr. King'n intorosts. Tho Doctors Have Arrived. S'^rvicon firsG tliroo mouths froo. A staff of ominont Gorman and Eugllub pby- sioiaiiBaud surgoonti havo arrived at the British Modical Institute, 121 Layfayotte Avo., Dotroit, All invalids who call upon tbotn boforo July Ufch will receive aervtoes for thruo months froo of charge. This wih Ho bohoved tho Conservative party would bo nucoossfiil in tho coming oontost. In concluding ho voforrod to tho alion labor law paused by tho U. S. Congrosn. Ho do- plrroJ thouo bioanuros whiob ho thought aro unworthy of tho groat republic Canadians aro willing to oxohango with them iu tlio fullest doarooi in tho lutoreRt^ of labor, but if thoir poliosis pursued, tlio Canadian Govornmont will oouuidor tbo quontion just an thov con wider every other necessary to Canadian oitiznnship. On rcflumlnu bin neat after a npooab oeoupvm^ ovoi iwo houru, tho Prendoi* wau loudly o'kiitcI Bir John fowling and T. W. Orothoru, of B ThonniH.alHfi mado short addt CBflea aud the meeting broke up about 13 o'alook. uorohly inaludo uonmilfalion, oxamluatiou and advioo, but also all surgical operations. Under no consideration will remuneration m any form ho accepted for any "sprvieee ronderod; tlioiefoto the most bmnLlo m oirouniHtauoes can avail thomselvcis of the moat oxport medical skill and without cost. Tbo objoct in pursuing this couxuo is to hooomo rapidly and peraoually acquainted withthosiok and ufiltered. The doctors treat all forms of ehvoiiio dlHeaso, but will not) accept inourallo cassu, If, upon ex-' animation, you aro found incurable, y<fti will bo kindly and frankly tuld so, also ad'- , vised against spending money for uaele4fe treat men fc. riS Mate and fomal<j wbuktiuss, catarrh'ana ,. $$ catarrhal doahii.su, slso all dibOaDea tof the [\W roolum, aro positively oured'-by tbo^t new ' troatmout, ' ^ Oflioe nours : 0 a.m. till'8 p.m. duys :~-10 a,m, till $ p.m. - L- * All lauguagoB spokon. BnA-.'ffl ; 1^ wJ$* .Wj ^S ,vtiw P^^^j^^^^^i^^^^^

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