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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 5, 1896, p. 9

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IpBllj^ v'i. ' i>MEi-^ssmtii hvtMU PKii^e " :im *e # The Economical Man . . . ..;. ' Or to-duy in tho hoiulbold:^ of tho futiiru. ItlHooonotny to buy itl Whitnoy'H, wheru .money in imvwl ou uvnry purabaHa and ub- Holutolj iiw and niyliHli #oodii mo obtained. Thsro irt ho mix ing of old aud iinw utaul: burn. ROCHESTER. Mi.4u Annio Murphy in visiting Iu Wind- nor aud fcotrolfc with friends. Tbo KniMtor homnBtoad in thm towuu'iip rooonfcly put up at auction wiin bid in by Ilenty Knliitur for 9M00. very Article in the store is New. For Renl fliylo iiiul Low Prion in , Straw Hats, WE J&ZVE AHEAD, Ties, Belts, Braces . ~ MoOREOOU. Woo IMllon lout a valuable work horde on Friday lnnt. Tt wiih Itinlmd by another homo wbiln tbu two worn in thn.tilable and rocoivod uuoh injurum thut, it wan found nooouf.ury to rthoot It, A lot of the latent and monb utylinh Tioii jut to huntl, Hon thorn. Black Bilk Boltn 7ro, SI, U.'2b, 81 .of). Call and From lOd. to 75o. Men's Underwear, Tlciu-y Cotton, 50b fin.it; Ennliuh Ualbritftfan 00o; Gorman Bal , briML'an 81. D J. Wliitney, HATTER AND FURNISHER, T1UOOKUK Roadworlt i lioinii runhoil now. Tbia rainy wnathor in ^ood in nomo wayu but Hpoiln foot-ball jjuiwufi. j- An too cream und Htntwborry. nodal at Mr. Noblo'H wan well attended. \ The people are coming out now to enjoy t\omuo!yon in tbu linn weather. * NORTH RIDGlfi. William Piiyno, of Detroit, i boro oall- n on former aoquaintanoo't. George Johuuon and Thomaii BurLo wont to Dotroit luiit Saturday. R<'V. Iiiaao NioKomon proaohod in Ibo Mothodmt Church bote hint Bundaj, Rov. Iuaac Nioltornoii and wife, of Ray City, Miob'., are huru on a visit amon^nt rolativoti. 5E look-ap at Harrow whoro tboy romamed until Wedminday oxoopt OoiUh wlio wh roluuHod boforo fu'ht ub t\wm did out up pour to l> uuy evidence u^hIiihI him. On Wodnoedu-y, Mr. Richmond committed Hunt and JoiitiHon to iitand their triA], wlitoli will HKoly oomo p at tbo County Court SiUiugH whloh opou at Hiuidwioh on 'ruortduy next._______ FncinorH iio yoii wn* mouo.y at Cfy por jt'iit.? IE no writo A.. G. Rakur Learning- ton, Out. Tornxi of pavwiont of principal to huit borrow** McyinourVH. MhIObIouo. That Happy Feeling Nothing or, mrt.h will muke tbo (Mintornor fonl no happy and contonted an a knowledge that lie or hIio iti u*'^U)li tl;o vory bout ^ondti at tho Jowont priooH. We iovi3 fi inalco jinoplo Iiaprjy, not only by riollin^ obcap, but by fiolliu hIiooh that fit, Yau probably mod good-ntting Shoun moro iu hat"wouthor Lhn.ii at any otbor nine. Boo our nuinamr (joadn. Ovatom VITorlc a Specled/by Sikh of rho GoMon Root, WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX. Windsor ! Tho ijar^GGt, Bout Lighted and nioHt modern Mon'n Out fitting KntabliHh- mont in tho worn. Cor. Sandwich t. and Ouollottn avo. diroctly oppoiuto tho Forry. All dtroot oarB utop at tho door MUDSTONK. T. MoClo^koy tuolc a upin to Kin^nviHa on bin whi'ul on SuiKlny nftoruoon Tbo proooodH of tho concort by tho L. D.C. amoantod to ftlijfi, clear ol oxpounou. Mr, McGregor hold it mooting at Maid- Hfcouo on Monday nigbi. It wan addroHood by Mr. .Evantu-al and otboru. A. puliio mootinji in tho iutoront of 1>, B. Olotto, will bo bold h*-' Ma'ditono Crona thin (Fridav)ovo.iiii(; at 8 p.'m , to to bo addruwiud by Mr. OdoUo and otboru. JjEUIINGTON. Minn Mary DavidHon iu rocovoriug from a 9oriouHillrooH. It lit roportod that A. U. Brown ban oold bin 25 aor fa^m for fl7,ou'0. J.J. Campboll, of Montoa, died nuddoily ou Saturday hint. Ho wuh wuil aud favor ably known itnd hm.faroily bavo tbo oym- patby of tbo comrannity. A. uumbor of farmorH on l,bo Ridp;o will appoal to the conuty judi^o a^' inciL thoir *nHoaoioutn. tlioir uppoabi to tUo Court of Uaviaion not boin^ Huatuinod. Tho d'aina.-'o unit iu*ot*c'nfc aijamufc tbo tbo towiihlnp of MaidK ono l;y R, F, Hoy mour wan board by Rofuroo HriMon ut Khiku on Fridi'V Irtht, .T. B. Rankin, of Oniitliitm, aj'pori1 ;j(! on bohalf of tho town. nhip, and Wm J)ouglan, of Chatham, and aud J. W, IlauViiL, of WindHor, aotmg for M.\ Hoymoor. Tbo caiio ariHOH out of two dr.iion in tho townoliip, Tbo 1th can, drill) in on tho oppoiuto aido of tbo road from Mr, Koymour'ii aud bo rotjumttod tbo oouuo'I tooouiitiuot a drain iu .*omi tho road to oarry tho water from bin Iambi to tbo tth eonoomuon drain, ..At flntt th council, wonld notoomply wiih Mr. Hoymour'it ro- quoHt but lalor tboy did, though Mr. Hny inoorolainiH not till bin landti had ouffurud c ninidotablo damiigo. Tho noeond pare of tho actio.'i watt over tho Jlood'nti of Mv. Boymour'o farm by wator.it brought into tho drain at tho ron,r and of hiH fa*m by tbo Hyland drain, thn latfr bniu^ oonntruotod uudor tho Pitohoit and Watoroourfteii Act to dr.uti laudw aoatli of llio railway traok. Tho Reforoo duimiiiHod-tho iintli part of th notion on Friday aUonioon bui'- rti- norvod bin dociaion in the noooud pr.rt until Saturday moruia^ wbou bo doall with it in tho namo miLnnftr. Diebel & Bricker We are offering Special Values in ILace Cur tains and Carpets Lnoo Curtainb from 25ctB a pair to $5 a pair. In Super.Union yard-wide Carpota, we-offer the regular 06c quality for 50c a yard. Tapestry Carpets from 38c to 75c a yard. DruHHolB OarpotH from ifl to $1.25 a yard. All-wool CarpetH, regular'price 85ti, for 75c a yd. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing. Wo have Hold more Men'n and boys* Suits tho past two weeks than ever beJoro-in.,the_same time. Tho reason is tho unprecedented low prices. Men's wool bluo Sorpe Suits, regular prieo $5, for $2.98 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits ' do 7.50 for $5. Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, do $10, for $7 60 Mcn'n fine Worated Suits do $15, for $11 Men's ull-wool Tweed Pantn for 98c a pair, Boys' and Youths' Suits atcorrenpondingly low prices. CO 00 C*2 00 GESTO. W. Homo, of Windsor, iipont -Sunday in Gonto, 2rlr. Bakor, w., attondod tho dint 'tot mooting hold at IjounaintJtoii biHt \^oolr, MrH. Bakor, Hr.( who ban boon on tbo mok lint for many woolu, is tdowly roaovcr- Mra. T>r. S. Hodd, of Dotroit, Uati tmon vitutin/* at Mr. Xlodd'a of GoHto. MrH.Rodd hao now fiono to vhut hor old friond, Mm. A. G. HuUor, of LfMiininglou. Quito a hoHt of vimtoni patronized tbo publiu tea hold in Gonto church hint wook. Tho Amherntbur" quart otto bonorod uh with tlioir prt'fienoo and. rendorod us valuablo and oflioiunt service. Thoro wan a joint political rneotinp hold at tbo Town Elall lioro ou Tueaday ovtitiint; lust whon tho hall woo i rowdod to hour tlio vuriouH Hpoaltors. Vory good order pru- vailod. Crawford, of Tiibmy, ik uohoitiinj votnu. For partioolarn 1100 pnjjo 1. Uow to flavo ft S S bny your hardwaro, hound furninhmK, "to> from Crawford, of Tilbury. Essex Headquarters for w ^V W^% ^ Men's, Boys' & Children's l() M^C K Ready4o-wear Glolhlng. * w * * ^^*v* Is what can be obtained at our establishment, Dunstan Blk, Our work is the best, our de signs are up-to-date and our ^prices very__low:__JWe~.ate_the. only store in town handling Tweeds of Clyde Mills, best in Canada, and buying at mill prices we save you from 50c to $1 on pair of pants and $2 to S$4 on a suit;, we have also a splendid line of fancy colored WOrstedn, v^ry reasonable in price. We inuite you to in spect our goods before buying GOLDSMITH ------------ On tbo uvenintf of May li'.Kh, a vory pleasant ovont toolt plaeo at tho homo of Mr. a-id >Jth. D, B. Koid. This wan tbu nmrria^o of tlioir onl/ daufjbter, JKflio, on tho anniveroary of hor birt"da/ a'jd a'HO tho twonty-Ufth aunivorharj of tho mu'- rii'fjo o'! Mr. aud SEra. Itoid. Tbo uroom wub D. A, UobinHon, of Clov.'laiid, Ohio. Tbo muvriudo took placo undor en arch, huudiipmoly decorated with ilowors, Tbo bndo wan droauod in oroam wiilt trimm(-d Chantilly laco and boro iu hot- baud a boaatifr' bouquet' of whito io^oh. $&im li. MciMullin'aud Miim K. Hopo aotod un bridoHraaidu and oach boro a profctj bm- quot of [link roaoH. Tho tiroom wiih uup- portod by hio broti.or, Jan. Robiuaou aud William Hold, brothdr. of tho brido.. Tho Rov^J. Morrioon, of Whoatloy, porformod tho oeromouy attainted by Rov. Mr. Gd- chrint, of BlythoHWOod. Tho wedding ^ifto woro numorouo, haudnouio aud ooHtly, .Aftor tho ooromony about nixfcy friondn and rolativoo of tho oontraotiuf partioo partook of an oxcol'oufc dinntir. Mi*, and Mm. Robinoon will^lnuvo for thoir now homo iu a few tUya, taking with thom tho bout witdion of tho community of which Mrn.lt, liaH alwuyn boon a highly ronpoctod aaombor. . At tho Tjordnu Motbodint CoaforQiioo _..at Stnitford, joHtorday, (Thurndny) the following wan Hubmittod an tho firnt draft of'ntationn for WmdHor Diritriot; * WindHor, ,7. R. Gundy, J, Roynoldn [mporaiinnatod; Wullcervillo, J, S. Cook, Amhe.'Htburi,', II. Iryino; Harrow, W. H. Goopor; Etiaox, W. S. Panaoa, D.D.; KingH-- ylllo, W. MoDouaRh; Iluthvon, E. Modd; Gonto', C. W^Jfcjunadv, B.D.; Cottam, W. IJ. Shaw; WoodnlcQ- Wa'tor JLyor.s; Maidetouo, xV. Thibaaoau; Jjoamiu^jon, J."Galloway, A. Scratch,' BUperanuuiitod; South Mcraea, .T. A, Noble;. Goldmnith, Johu Mnrrioon; Comber, John BnHHtdl; Tilbury Centre, C. l\ WoIIh, B.A., B.D.; Itnuincy, W.'Mc&lullou. li.A.; Poloo Iuland, It. Ij.WiIhou. A. L. RuHaoll in anni^nod to Wolliuf-ton ntrnot church, Loudon ; ti. J. AHin to Lundnn Wowt ; T. T. Goortjo to Siloam ; J. A. Ayonrnt to Lamboth ; W. W. Ricnbv to Blyth ; W. Godwin to Godaricb ; W J, Ford, L.L.0., to Clinton ; C.W. Brmho! to Arkona ; J. G. Fallio to Point Edward ; S. W. Muxworthy to Charinjj Cronn ; A..1, Suydor to Florenco ; T. W. Blaohford to Wdntminator; J. II. Nothoreott, to Wooc1 barn. ---------, ^.---------------. I'ors.Lbfe. AiutorHon & Co. bavo fitted up ojo of Lbo old Allan.Ht,orohopnoa aa a wool warofiouHo, and aio opou for uov quantity o" wool at ln^bcut prjcoH, caoh or trade ua do:*"rod. (Jail at atom. A Monstrous Purchase of Men's, Youths and Boys' Straw Hats, at a great reduction from regular prices and wc are selling Men's fmo Swiss Straw Hutn, worth $1. GO for Si The Millinery Department is Rashecl with Orders, - Ladies, leave your orders early, Good work tftkoa timu- and poor work iy novor Jo no in this Do- partmenU THE GREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Bricker. Wool ! Wool! 100.000 POUNDS WANTED AT THE. Births. Fux, At Olinda, on Wudnnnday, Juno iird, to Mr. and Mm. Potor Vox, a daughter. MALDECJ. On Friday niybt luat, notuo putBon outorod tbo barn of Mrn. John Thorno, on the f<rayc) road, and took tberofsrom twolvo bat;o of whoat, tbroa bridlon, two homo blaukoto, a ourry comb and a. brunb. The no^tt morm^f*. John 13,-Mar.tin, who worku for Mrn. Thorno, followed a wagon track that paHnod _tjiu_ house an far an Bfi'rou'u mill on tho u 'avol road, wlioro it turned nouth, after two or throo moro turua iiaiug into tho yard of Jonoph Mulder oa tbo third conconoiou iw Cn'oboator South. Mr. Marau at onoo .procured a oearoh warrant from John Richmond, J. J-\, and Gonbtablcm Hu\;linou and Jon. S. Wrifjbt tinurolHid tho prominon of Mr. Muldqr.but without Riiocooa. Ao tbo wauon wub traolu;d into Mr, MuldurV yard, jiuitiiou Iticbrao'nd bd tbo wi *on ndized aud taken to bin placo. Diituciiivo Garo- poau, of Wiud"ir, lU-putod oy OonatableB Antbonv KanltH null W. L. HuRbudn,' took up tbo oubo 'id on Tiiotidi'.v laid inf^rmu- tit.(i bo?ov;, J. F, Itiohmond n^aiuat Mdtoi Coftto,'Norman Iturat^nd Albort Jobiiaoa, al! cc-'orod, aod tlioy 'woro pluood in the JVlarrlasow. Waosrk At Ehhox Town, on WodiioBday, .luuo Hrd, by Hov. M. I?, Campboll- Air. Andrew Wugnor to Mie Nettie Muntard, both of Eaiiw. Hanvohd By Rov. W. H. Bhaw, at tho ronidbnoq of Mr. Robt. Mil- Itsu, Gonfiold North, on tho 26tb ult Mr. Gooriio Hunford, of Ehqox, to Minn Mary. I'ra'Jooii Gutihni'an, of tho oamo plaoo. Rom.s-aoN At tbo rooidouco of the bride's parontH, MorflOrL, on Friday, May 20th, by Rov. J. Morrinon, annintod by Rov. Mr. Gilchriut, Mr. D. A. Robinaon, of Cloveland, O., to Jiflio, ouly dau^btur of Mr. D. B. Raid: Mlfti ft Kinscsvil 20c. cash, 22c. to 24c. trade. IChsox Market. We are carrying a*full line of Cotton Shirtings, Gray. Cottons, Cottoaadea, Flannelettes, .Flannels, Dress Goods; also the largest assortment of worsteds and Suitings for suite or Pants at the lowest prices ever offered. Our wagons will be on their usual route next week, . Hold your Wool until they call on you. Whoat rod por bnohol .,..? Whoat, whito .... Corn -..* Oatn .... Timothy Sood .... CIovqc Seed Alniko .*.. Hay por ton............ JJoof per owt............ Fork Livo woigbfe ........ Mutton ............ Hidoa ............ Chiokbnn per lb.......... Buttor .......... Lard.......... -E^Oi-pflr-doiis *- - Potatoco, por bn'abol .... OnionH .... AppIofJ .... TurnipR ..... Carrots ... Bootn .... Pamnipn ,,,. Turkoyn por lb.......... Duokti .......... Oolorv oi|doz.......... Cabba^o.......... (JO to GO (JO 27 17 to 17 2 00 i 50 to 4 GO --------- 4 GO 9 00 to 10 00 4'fiOto 5 on 3 Sfitn 3 20 6 00 to fiOO a on 7 - - fl 10 10 fi ---------_._ H 20 to 70 to 1 00 to yjto 8 to 20 75 00 25 '10 50 :io 0 7 00 2fi =3 M. B. ^TIGrLll, The Cash Grocer, Contectioner and Baker. HT3'pooplo of thoSTownof Bhuox nnifiinrrouudinq country havo long felt tbo wanfc, of n plnco whoro tboy oould (^o and purohaao what tboy roquiro on a olopo, onah buBiB, without bemu oompollod to pay hiphorjiricon to mako tip for tho Ioahou "inado iu tho orodit oyotcm. Cull and htm our Rooda, wliieb are ulwtiyo of tho bout quality, und uot our priooH, whioh uro the lowot. Don't raiHH trying oor Tea at '32 oouiuit pound. ------- BKEAD 4c. A XOAF. f No. 1 Rye, per biiBhol .... 60 1 Oprn bus Tina above pneaa uro paid by. IT, Walker bqn, Wulkervillo. Out . IMPORTANT TO, FARM BUS W$ bavo jut t pot i" u ihVfttdluBH line of. barn luwbei' ol tl< n AO pot M *r '- LaJxtf Jflros. Garden and|JField Seeds direct from the largest growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices. |jr: CASH PAID. FOR fPlRRT-CLASS BtJT'XER AND I'RlilSH KGGS AND OTHER PRODUCE. _ ' i ' GOCJDSgDEUVIiiHED" PltOMPTLiT, Mi 33. WIGLB, J. H. WiaLE, Scott Block, next Aberd*3en, Essex, Mgr; * Vi 1, '!& ^li^lfe^ ^iiiiii^tti^ii^^ 1

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