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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 5, 1896, p. 8

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W-' 1 ' ' ; YT-EK 'COJTi A 1 ro r "N -------j.. *?0> CURED OF SCIATICA. ;*. ^ IS RUCK CO. If AttMUR. Stifle* rod No ,\evr*Iy T*'t HI* lflciiin Almost A Kit lpl< - <*H|>p|o 1m AjrmUt Abl Co b Aikom Ill Work u Woll as iCvor. From tbo Wulltarlon Tol*inonpu. During tho pant (ow .yearn tho ToIuhcoho baa publudiwd many idatcmontu (jlviuf! tho paiuouhira of ouicii from tlio una of D). "Williyiim' 1'inU JMIh. They are till 1.0 well autliuiiticalod uh to leave no doubt an to their oomph to tnithfulucuu, hut had any doubt remained Uh hint vowtifo would luivo houn removed by 11 euro wluoh ban rooont Jy coiim under our pomonnl obiinrvutian, Il iHllie Ltuin of Mr. John At Urn, a piom incut ynunn. humor o( the townahip of GimiiiocU. Mr. Allan in uo well known in Walkurtoii and the vion.ity adjoining it, that u l 10I an mint of Inn really rum ink able rooovoiy fmm what iteumod an 111- oumblo tli niii no will hf) of inteioHt to our readern. Durum tlio uaily pint of tho Hummer of lH'i,"), while working in tho L? ; r W. bunh, Mi. Allan wiih hoi/oiI with what appeared to him to ho rheumatic piiinti in thobuokand idiouldcira. At firut ho ro yarded it an but a pawnou attack, and thought that it would dinappettr in t day or two. On tho ountraiy, however, ho daily continued to mow worm., and it wiih not lonii boforo he had to fivu up work altogether. Fmm tho back tho pamii Bhittntl to bin MKl't leg tiud lip where they finally nut Mod und ho completely helpless did bo become, that ho wan unable to do more, than walk nuroas tho room an 1 thr n only with tin'aid of ciuttiht'ii. Of outline ho coiumlttd the dautorn, but imno of them Bjnpmed nbinJ.u. do_iiiixi_uny oocl. People. iu speaking cl bin ciiKO, uhvaya iipoKu pity mcly, it bouif^ generalh thought that ho hud piiMjod from tho wot Id of activity, and that ho van doomed o hvu and clio a oripple. Wo are free to confenH thut this WUN our own view of tho mutter, and our Burpriho, fchoiffore, can bo readily ima- wfiiiood when Hoinu few woolen uyo, wo huw Ibo uolf Hiirnn John Allen driving through town on tho top of a hir^o loud of pram- Great, however, uh wan our nurpriuo iU firnt, it bt-caino Htill greater wlun on arnv ii at tho urita mill, ho proLoudud to jump nirobly fiom tho load, and then with thu groutuRt uppareut eaoo b* ^au to unload the heavy bayi of ^ruin. CuriniiH to kuov, what it waH tint had brought thm won dorful change, wo took the urut convenient opportunity lo ask him. "\V<j11," naid he in roply, 'I am lib wtll a man afl I evei WILB, and I attribute my euro to Ur. Will iam'll?inlc PillH.and to nothing aloe." Mr. Allon ttifru ^avo uh in a very frank manner, tho whole utory of Iuh moluienH, und Inn euro, tho chiof pomtti of which wo liuvi net forth above. After commHing two phyBicjarm and iindint* no rdiof, ho nettled down to the conviction that hm caao wan a hopoknn quo Uh lost conlidonco in modicincH, and whon it wuh hundented that hf ohonld ive IJiuk PiIIh a trial, ho at Hri*t abhoiutolj rcitiHed. llowovor, bin friondu poromtcd and finally ho airreod to givo them a tun). Thoi ffcet waa beyond bm moot Htmguino oxpeotatiouH, an tho Pink Pilb have driven awny oyory trace of hid paiint and ho iti able to go about hm work an usual. As miuht bo oxpt/cted Mr Allen in loud in Iuh pruiuo of Piuk Pilla, and waB qui to wilhnir itiat tho fucta of inn caws hhould bu kiv(-u pubhuity, bopiuy that it mi^ht catch tho uyo of aomoouo who waa Himilarly tiflhctod Dr. WilUuniH' Pink PiIIh act directly upon,the blood and nervoH, building thorn jtnew aud thuH drivihg diHoime from tin* syiitom. TlwMu ih iki tmubln duo to eithtu of tboHo oauHeH which Pink PiIIh will not ouru, and in hundudH of imihch tlioy have ITOHtorod putientH tr health aftoi all other romt'dits pad failed A his for Dr. Will lamn' Pink Pills and take nothaug oIhc. Tho gemut.Q aro ajwayn uclcHod in boxow the ijrttpp r Hiound w-luch hunn, the full trado mark "Dr. Willnum' Pink PiIIh ior Palo people." May be han fnm ull deul- oro or sent po^t paid on receipt of oO contu a bus. 01 up hoi..'H foi s2 -"0 hy addioHimiL; - tho-Di* viilo, Out. Vour SMiywlcul flondltlou Neo hi 'attention at thin tune. If, you are tiicd, weak and ncrvou'*, it ih clear {that your blood m impute, and without doubt tbtnft hau been too much ovur-woik 01 strain on brain and body. .'Jho oourno o ireitmimt for hiicli a condition in plain and ftimplo. Tho blood inunt hrat bo pun- Uod uo that thu uervouu ny'itoni, aud in fuufc all tho orgauH will bo rod upon puie blood. IntolhUeut poople without uumbei* have teutifiod tint tho hunt blood piuitlor. riervo tonio and atton^th impaitinti medi- oluw inHnod'H Saraapinlla. Norvnlionnti'i, Iohh of Hlonp and g^minil debility all vaniah vfUun Uood'11 BarHiiparillii ih pouuHtuntly atktm ; in a word, luialth and happmc h oUjwjiftor taking Ilood'H Barnapanlla. NOT A PHILANTHROPIST. Obvii u $200 Now Flni.l fora $O0 Old On*. It i not very oltmi thut mioh a hooih- higly phlbviitbropln otfor 1m inmln t^y 01m hiiKliitwu limn lo anot.lior uh that told of by 11 partner In an old bullion houu to a Mull and Kjtprenn loportor. "Not long ago," 1m kahl, "a dealer In f^old and Mllvor heau) that ono door of a building which had not boon ooouphd for Homo time, wan to ho tontod, hut that tho prospective tanunt had InwlnUul that u, new lloor bo laid btfout be tjiko pohm ht- Blon, uh the old 01m had become very mueh worn. The bullion dealer know that tho provlnuu oenipant had been a manufacturer of jewelry and hud beim In bUNlnom-t In tin' phieo loe many yearn. Ilu promptly vlHlU'd the owner nf tho pvop- orty and told him that hn would put In a new floor of tho he^t wood for nothing. The owner made a few luqulrlofj, hut tlm dealer wald very little In loply, o<ee]d that hu thought ho would manage to warupo a i*ootl deal of golil umltJUor tlunl fiom olT the llnor Ills niter Wih unepted The wend for the new llnor and tlio la bor for hiving It co-,1 about tUun, '"L'he old llfioilng v,i\h burned and the anhun put tlnniitfh a enursn r>f leduetbiii. The te^ult wim thai the bullion dealer old dm d neaily fTitlo for Hie u-nld and ulhci' which \uh liioiighl out, or <i piolll of about 1U0 per 11 nl 011 tho op( 1 ition. "I'Uen mniuif.K tuior nf jewelry or \Uirlvei In the pin inns metals eileuhitcH that be will tn-i1- .ibfinl -SHU In 'situuit lug' new cpiLihis o| thoiiMinl loit ^1/e, 't lie gobl and slUi r diiit peni't ml < s the poieM of t he \\ ii id and hiii.iII put I uden ate ground inro thf lluuc Aft* 1 |u>t so 111111I1 Is In-1 In (Ills unv tin w.e-tc * ea*-i ! und ull dn-,1 (I1.1l lad in the lUmr 01 ml- lu n s to 1 lii w ill m,i\ In1 m\ e|it up or nlf mill >-ii\iil 'I he --w ei pint's m the~t tac- toi h s mil In bullion ntliics an ulwavi hitM d .fit mliuiul " ,\i w Vol'k Mull mid 1j i.j 11 --s 'l (HI 1*1 1\ till. Younur Alfv \'t 1 \ mi Ii til ^nne to tall on Mi- Li.wh ^ t ' iii .mil h.nl found hi i' * ii, In. 11 1 jnni lu r w.ih at honii' und Ali,'\ v.as n^Ki il to wult, as Mi-- V.\\ 11 Vb 1- \pi 1 n d ai an) iiionn nl i-mddi n\ lout -ti ps weie In aid ill the h ill, .did X\j\, who \vxm of apluylul din po-niou, -ml ^liitnlly - ' I 11 |ii-l -In ip do .n b-hind the big eas\ 1 hull Hid apjuar hiuhlenlv and Hiir- pi 1- Ui--- I 1 \ t,h *t)i t h u will ho a dear little jokt'" said ! '\ i\\ p! ivful nuinniiJi l,l\ili ua-tlii onlv 0111 nf the frlo di-niu injMii_Jj__uiu,UuL honp tlung Jind on uii 'i t > ill-t uh lii'i' ii U-poUe und uhu w 1- "our 01 -ni li " " \nvone In en heie while I wa. outi1" shr 1 il ' v*h\ do \ou iik." liuiulied her smil ing 111 imiu.i "Uii ui- 1 h it ln^utferalJly tiresome AI(/\ Vt n ti i~" " ^n den ' V.Y (bar'" " ii" In w is going to conic poking up lH 1 < Jill 1 " "1 1 in' i.duh'" " \ud 1 111 so glad he didn't, for I " " 1 'vt h my il.iut?liti r'" " -ight nf liim! Hu'u ho st lipid and cuiu iti u, and. " " 1 i \ ih, I beg nl \uu'" ' Now, lii.iniina, ^nivn Mild ho your- st It in 111/ 11 t line, und " "(>, l.dwli, I'm sure I " "S\h\, indi'id, yon ha\o, mamma. You slid llu oilier day that he reminded you nl that Italian oiguu gihidur'n uum kev.nud "Ijlytli'" "_[ thinlc wi, ton1" "Kd\th St Clare' Will you keep htill - ' l.dytb's girlish shriek rang throughout tin 11011-0 When Alg\ mse lo his Pet, and in-ti.id ot utttiing n playful "boo" said huilly. 'J bid you good night, Mis-, Bt Clue," uiul ho (hp.uied to ret ill 11 no moio. REMARKABLE HYBRID BERRIES. VuIihi of Alhli'l k n. The trim test of tho value of any field or li.uk 1 \t nt is that of common sense. For Instance), it is well to learn to tun lilt) in- jot) yard- at grmit. spi ed, because tin ie .in fiupu nt m i-iusloils When it H 111 c e--<uy to eo\er the-il disl.rncei In (puck Lime. It is well to ttaln tor quar tei mile and half mile running, because if one wants to go to any placu distant a half mile or so, the quickest way to git there un.udul is to run. It Is the same wa> with the mih) or tlni c-mlle run If you eoine to a binuk, you use your know- led g< o the running broad jump. lf\ou want to char a U ate (to e-uipo a hull, for inst mcc) you u-y thu limning high junqi not the standing high jump. If It is a high wall, and you haveun> Know ledge ol t hi polo \auIt, you likewise, have an aeMintage Hurdle-nn nig teaches jou to get uiioss couati^ ft* ldri and fences, anil both the hammor ami the hhot I'MMUs on the cuid gi\e good Ii.lin ing for i'iiu'1 g*'in lis that ni.iy Use. Jlai- pei's Kound Table. TluiDfui Old I itlj'M nisl.Ute. Old Mi and Mis .Shiunmn from Un.in went down to town, and In guing to the hotel lor dime 1 -aw a 1 ruwd amuiul the pistlee (.ourt The old couple, with panluii ihle curiosity, inquiriil 1 hu cause of the gathering rI lew wem In form! d that a man was (n trial foi beat ing hi- wile Jklgmtf theb \\n\ ihi'nu^h the \}\ -tniidcis to gel .. look at tin pi is- oner, I be old lady wliispeied to in: bus 1> ind "What a murderous looking cm at lire tho pi iMiiur is' I'd be uti.ud In ^ 1 ne u* him " "Hu-h," w.irtud her husband ' 'J but isii 1 t be pi i-onur; he hasn't bC'On bnupj-lii in i( I " "Ii j-n 1 Who U II, Iheir' , "H - tin lUilge'1' Atlanta Constitution Ki ( I in !oi II in 1 linninl < uul} . A P-tiil uiipi'for hciri hound tandics con-Uls ol a puiiud ot du il hois humid l<a,\is bolbd in one quail ot'watir, ~< iM"liTT~and"~t*tirri "tintl"nrt~7igain~fon itvti iniuut s Alti 1 that sti an oil tho liquid thiou 'b n (loth, mil it b.u k on the fire and let It sJmmei until the (piuntily Ih rt (tin <d to tour or iiw ouiues \dd an outui ol ,;iim aijiblc mul w hen dissoht d, epnugh tliu sii-^m to maki* a ilough or pinto, a. foi lo'inges Knll mil and tut inporliill\ small ]ukis with n peiieeily th an 1 hininl or u lilt It cuiu r muiui-. ii Used by centi 1 iloneii l'i llin^H Sony. 'J'uko 11 simple iuh !' habv's stork- Ing, lor him urn, 11 urn tiny time (h; t it fi iski d about on ti woolv lamb C lip it OrOHK VnrttHrutlon nf Ktri%w)H>rrlnM, ,Uutit>- Iwri Iuh und ltlu^Ul>i>ri ! ", A tiur^cryinail ropresmitlng n leading Kasteni firm wan In tho city yesbuday, ami last, evening lie Hhowod a repnrter Home lomarkahle hybrid herrleH which l|e U plaebiK on tlie market, and which proinlsii to ecllpHO tile ntrawberry, the laspheiiy and tho blackberry an table favorlteii. The Hrut of thnyuT that may be men (limed Ih the Htrawbciry ranphi rvv, which in mid to ho a hybrid between a ntraw- beriv and 11 raupberry. 'I ho berry, while mab tuinlug I he Hhape and gmioial itp- peaianio of a Hlmwborry, haw ^lobuleH or dupcM like the laHpberry. It tbilveH on a Hpi fading, low-growing bunh, pi miming It 1 fruit on hiunoheq which ohmtor In thice and four at the ends ot the skmuh. In form and appearaiKo.lt might he nalil, the fruit U about an good a combination of a shawherry and nd rasphnriy as one could well imagine. It Is Hald to come fnmi Japan, and to be entbely luutly. I'l'ihaps tho moHt remarkable hybrid shown was wind was called the "Unldou Mu\ berry ' It. Is principally so called heeau-e it rip- ,1-. about May I. being the (.iilhnt lnviiv known The berries are nf a golden si raw 1 olor, as hove as tlio C'uiihbtil, and they rlpi u mm Ww Yoi k as earlv as the date named. 'I he busln - am d -tin 11 11 0111 ad nllh is, grow mg like trtes ti'oin i\ to h fi et high, with -pn ad- iii" tops Aloii" tne nr inches nte large, \\ ldri, wilt sh ip d blossnnei, \- lib h n main p< mlaiit fl he lu-lniy of the ^aru'tis a- I'd low - '1 1 it yi 1 - ago sv ( dli 1 toi fi nin this 11 unit 1 v wa- M-nt In .1 qi in lo hunt up the hi-l wild uisphi n n , him L hi ri ii - nui\ ~\ 1 iw ben les th il ( mid be found r-i \ 1 1 il t 111 Ioms sp( ( h s wi n 11 - t Ul m 11 in \t -i a-on, among tin'in 1 1 ing 11 leil 11 id id . j .1 lb ig\ \ el low' unpinilu tl\e \a.i \' \\ oi Kulmi- |i ilmut u *)T1' "' 'hi plant ^ t h nigh in anng only a few wmt h li sh, l.isteh ss dingv hi lines, was M-leetiid nil aifouiit of lis unusual lailiniss, to (ross wilii ih ( iithhei't and nthir wtll k now 11 1 pli lies V 11 idol; I li ' -ci llliig- l,ll 1 I ll'iin I 1 ]d ill' \s 1- 1 lie f nihil n M i\ I 111 \ w no h, while snow iag no 1 \ 1 th i)i i - . 1 (In 1 1 '-- w It hill ( T bin I'l, |H ill ibh b is a* * 1 t* tV the in w \ 111 t\* ^linuld I Ili in \ \iu 1 I is likidv It will In (nine popubi , not only beeaii-e It it soiailv, but Ixeaii e I he hi rrv is unlike an\ nilur, with 1 ]i - sinle i w ej 1 u 11 nl 1 'k yi Mow* 1 ispbi 1 V thud 'nbid shown wa- tint (atl< d the Lo'Mii ) 1 iv, sllppo-i il t' he across liilwii 11 1 u III 11 LIn 1 ind 1 he inl iu-p- lii 11 y '11. In 11 i^ii ai I 11 gi , 11 illy as large as t In hii, 1 -l la u kb 11 n s- w hn li t hev le-emble In torm .ind striatum, but tiny aie a (hep reddish-maroon in color l'he < ani's aie ol si 1 img,1,1 enrolls glow t li w It It an abundant c of dm k gn m foliage, m si nib'nig t hat nf 1 In- bl 1 k'n 1 rv iiiii' 1 thin 1 In 1 ispb'irv '1 hev ai> unit trail Illg Hi habit a without In aigt slTirp" 11 01 ii- ol 1 in b 1 Ivbei r\, bum pn iiimiir- ous line nil - pines like tho-e upon led 1,1 p!n" 11 Th h\ In 1 li Mlion is supposed to \w can I'd on by the bee, and the busln'; and wniH ne so arranged thut theiesiitt^ may be deti (ted w uh tin in an -r up pinarh lo c i i taint v '1 his npi lis a sopie what new Held for cross |i rttli/.itloii, and iif) doubt t he I ( -lilts will ne w ,it( bed W 1th 110 lit tli liiterc-1 1 inHU'li t he berru s linmd ba\e not hi en uiliodli ed intntbli mi turn yet, as tiny are Incoming batter known In Ni w York It Is inoie than hkelv ihi'v will find their way (hi. far wist li foro any gteat length of time. Uoohesti r Dei 110er.it scrofula Any doctor will Idl yon that Professor 11 n rtit ot -Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, isoncol the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs, hi'hk last work, speaking of the treatment of scrofula, lie snvs: 'Ml bilinrdly niLi'ftnrv te tut" i itioil-llvrr oil lullio Ih ,t rum il\ of il ih oilihmihl bn kImii in uniiil lain, i.o pit put id uii to bo baliilable ' ' lie albo s.'iys that the hypophosphit Js should be combined with fhe oil. Scott's Emulsion of cod- livcr^JTT"**^ os- phites, is precisely such a preparation. FOR THE LETTER-WRITER. Wluit in X*pubii In the U uv <>f Urtttnii I'lipi i One of tin nmoltiis for leitei writer. m i l" 0 * ittai toi main ol sil\i i It iu \ i IV - nil hut stinne; .lllll 1- i \( i I'd ingi\ u-elul " tilkiui? novelties In w'rilln/ paper aie lihnded, lilia hi d and In oeadi d n lab'a at fashion. I'ale lints ale al-n i 'Pun i- hhi. blue, (tray woht, plnb and i'i mi Pale gray letti u d with black m hll\i i Is us d for hi i oiwi inoiu ninp; Mom i mis are hiualhi and are emlo-cd m a iiiu; liul larj^ei than a 10-11 at pi", and am fri'ipn ully b ickcd with pn i a 01 blue enami 1 bong i mow ni\ lope an t ik ln^ t lie plai e nl f' e si pi no oin s loi \u d din^'- and ot In . ln\ itailon- 'I In hlte-i \\n\ fe| --llilllU' littl I- is red oi a buiutllul dtik inb\ lint Du-k gieen, mauve and viob t me tiatniiul pinw) li!iil\, it Yellow l- hi en, but i- not u m h bai d, as It Is sn bl/arre. 'I lie d.ilnth -I ot all is a pale green wn* whhh Ion! - low l> on white pa pi r ('In ap \l iv is a pom Invest i a ai, as It cili hes I In In melting and huiili lis too ipib kly In sealing h rt is care should be taken ind tohuld tli v1. i , too (ilnso to tho llanie (I It uii hi- lite e\i r so little a bl.u ken d d> pnsiL Is b it whii b polls thu -n al To si-al a littir pm*orIy, one should have an alcohol lamp or wa\ paper With tin seal and omelope In tore vnii turn one end ol the st m k ot wax r.ipidly o\er the tl.nue until u is nuunj' and ii'idy to diop, then (bltlviub it lound "~mid-rriund-*kV( E-Uiii_pomL "f t he i n\ehtpe ,llap until enough is (lipojdpd, when tlio dub oi wax ina\ be In Id a iiinim ut hu hied lab lv om r tin M i m* 'I'he'i linnlv pnss tin m'uI into it II a diop ot hot wiu Is lli^r jilaud undi r tin point of tho llap the si al will ne\i r stielr, and pr.u tne v ill tn-uie a lb m impiissiun with tbe wax inohhd marl) and Ihmly lound thu bi_al. Phihtd. Inbi i 'I lim s Tin so id of 1'ii'lly f I an (In. Tlio woman who would have pretrv hands should follow tlu'so din i lions. Wnsli them in a little warm water with jiiii soap, and net asionallv ft little oat- nu al |)i \ tin m thmniighly After the night w ishing rub pule inld cream into tin in, ind don loo^e, llngerless white hid ghi\es. -Ni vi r go into the Mieot without gbnos. Wt if gbnis \s\\U h Pt easily. Tight ones distort tin hamb Twhe a week in.imcuie .the nails as follows. Soap tin in in soapy warm watt r, scrub wit h a nailbi ush, and clean w ith an orangi wood stn k. IMtss baiUtln -kin at the sbh - and base with the stn k. With \ei v shui']), cm \i d manicui ( selsscus cut otT any h ing-n nK or diy skm. ("lip the nail Into an o\al shajie. File them sui'iith \,itb svndpnpir. If I bey am ui- ilinid ti be Inltile, rub a little salw on them. Wash again, powder and pnlbh with ch nnois, and wash one*"' ninie to ie- mose i\]\\ traces nl the powdi r. I-Aery day i In' n ills should 1 e nibbed w ith leiunii pin c, whu li disi our igts tIn giowth of skm nf l ho busi, 1 It < I i ii * Ihlnni: in *- )).ilu. Spain hiis iu\ei In en \eiy piomlnent In tin ado* turn of ilutiical linuirlons, but It Is onlv pist to sav Unit, Tin' onto, she his taken tin lead ol all other na tion-, 'tin possihilitn s of .electric tlshlng h.iM li l n 1 ii i lv described In the I id tad St.ii-, and an onus pi ising hsh ti.iwur on the Cdilni man mist arually fitted his tuts with elect ilr li/ht-, which pro\ed very atriiuihe to the fish that bebue bad bet n wtmew hat (limy ol <n- tiilngtbi in ts A Spimlsli tnmpioyis i-Mid to ha\e (j;ono fuithii' than this and taken out patents in Spain lor the nso ol theme light for iishlng, and foniipd a company which will (<mnm nee opi ra tion- at Iblbiiii and m her jim t- The company will either work on its own ac count in sp< i ilh watir-, or ^lanl licences for the use ol its patent und supply the neiessiiry apparatus to tisluiimn in te- turn lor a iiumthlv paynienl Ni< lUf-MuUlnc Needles are such iiimilhtr oh]i(ts that Iin Dili1 ru'i gUes a thought to how or win te the useiul little Instrunn nls% aio iiimiufucl tin d. The ,ui w.islvipi u-icict unt il .1 (i.">(), win n It was l utgnt l > the . Kngllsh by Cluistophei' (livening. At' HcnUlitch alone 'in,tinii people make morn than 1(10,1)00,1)00 nudlohu ycr, and they nn made and * \pnrted so cheaply that Kiigland~has-nn rival In this oouiUpv-t- atul praclbally monopnll/i's the trade. Formerly neislle-making annually kilhd olT tens of thousands by the par ticles of steel inhaled, but now a blast of air away f om tin, grlndntone has deno away with all thin, and tho oceupation has become quite sale. Tim most Interesting part, ul uenlle- maklng l- tho diUltug of tho eyes It is said that e .peit- can pevlorate a hair and thread it with lisoll. A < iialuit ss \\ h< 'i. Tho storv is i orient that ono of the ohh st and largest niauulai torlcs of bb v lies is going to make ehalnhss whuls almost idtogetber for ls')7. Yarlous cb ( unistauc us aio quoted which loud i olor to tho rumor, most Important of all he ing the fact thut this company has bought the patents for the de\ h e. Manv o\pm'ieui ed riders were fauuably un- prcs-i"1 with tho chaiiiless wheel whloh was cm the market a lew seasons ago 'I he company which made ii went Into hankrupicy, howeuM-, and ihis style ol machine has urttuilly disappeared The reason given for the l.iilure was not that. the product was uiihidablo, hut lack of capital. With tho tmprovemcntsjlnit have been made in biryelo iiieellaiilsrn "In"the last two or three jears, It would bo pi act i- (able to turn out a chainlchfj wind, whluh would be far In aduitno of the old one. Tho chain Is, after tho Uie, thu most tuoublesomo part ofn, bicycle ^ome place it at tlio top for pORslblUt ies nt an noyance Nuts cunio uiisi rmw d, i i\i i s break, the chain wears too loo-e ami is always getting dusty It mills enn-t mt i are, for It easily bet nines "klnkv, " and when not m perfect condition, inuia- the trbtion gieatly. It. ih tine that tho chain runs inure easily tbar did the old be\id gear, bur its disnihuntugoH might o\orbalance this c on sulci at ion If tho ohainh'hs moolianism weie iinprcnid The difference- lu weight is not considerable, as (he rod is Inolohod lu a light alum inum ' ISO. Turnt (I-Doh n ljinnp. Wlien Kiw York was hiift'ering from , , , , an c phlt laic of diphthi Ua, the board of and (omb it, dye, spin, w.umi and ' H it Mu alth ch cbi. d that ithpreseneo was to for bun, and do it diamath all), with a |M. .,ltrim.il .1 to t he l iniuu of a kero-me lu\ish u-i ol pant uiinui'. As the mod ern homo is a ch btoi In thh whole unl- v* r-e, ho evciy aitUle in It bus Its ,ib- aoi'bing bldoiv ol mnwth or in intifnc- tiiue, w il h Uaveli and ad\einiKe not hold 'n find in.t; and the>e bi-torieh, lamn Uiiiud ('own low morn than to any other *-in,de cm. e Wiiethcr or not this be mi it aiutljh l.u mibfaken klndne s on the pn-t nl .n bululgeiit mother to uIkim u leni]) to'i u do in a' child h IilsI- nn:ii'..iili tne (lui.Hi turned tlnwn. A a will told, make ihci m try-day inmlluro turno.bd.m u la io.cn.:> lamp ii a maga- and nioknaekHu never lulllug wondor- '/bm of deadly gas, to whluh tho ntrou^ book to tho llttlo om*. 0Hit lunj?K enmot Do wifely oxposed, An Urgent Request. Great Intei'Ghli Still Mnnif. stod in i^i ciunt<g Qncon Victon.t's IMujto, "Our ]fomo"Vapfr and Oth* i Proniiumn Flundredn of people have written to us ixpreFHiug th hope that wn will coutiutio the nff r matin in \piil and 111>, which reads ua lollowfi . ' An oliinUnt lull cibinet photo (from a recent copy taken by ro\a' cormnund of Hur Miiji nty, f^uGtii V lotoria , a four | ago ( urn) h'e ^ivin^ hit en of birtha, marriai'OH nn I deaths, and othei item * of mttin Httng und m-i Jul information relating te tlm roy- al Tamil), that but few nroplo have accenB o , his J)iamoud Dve Delia with mix o\tra driHbth; tnifi h ourd oC fo-tytivo funipkn nf dyed clot li, idiewitig coloiu ot Diamond \)\* s, 11 ut frei*- tc every man, woman and i Ijid_jvnj2jyxdj1eai^_ui^wontydlvo OLiitu in mem y or ntainps fm one ycai'ti nubfaerip- ion to Om llonu', u piqier tluit thouaaudo iiLohiio to he woitli A ilollar." In oi lei toco.nn!^ i/tb the wi'huch ot i be bidicH i ver) 'vhert>, wo huvo oKion.li d nur h ri ii ugunicntt' wubl t|io puhhiibei"- of ()i)i Ilomfj, and liavo alun ouloro l miotbot an Lk of the i levant i abmct pholos i nd other pieiuiuu-ih, and will t-stimd our oifot* noti] i to hihi da,\ ' t I one ' Wi iiiisifin fru mih will lorni in thur oicn i iir one , i o i i to au ul anv' el lay that ma. nail 11 ma a uiihof ordom at tlio end of t on . miilij T vouiy iNo o. i.j \u\ i t irnpn or money .v/iU a' rnift Our M"in fo* ope year, and al it' c n'le i oiiiiipioj mentioned ainvo. \\ -if. W-, I1" iV' pic/lu -dhon Ou, Montroul, V. O. ESSEX Hall! Ifoitdquurrei a tor HoVionl HooUm, Hehoml Muppbt h. Note rapnr,J'jnvelnpMi, Inltu, W iNrig Tiit.bits nnrl nH\tiH fUiLUoijiity. ' ^*,,,*>r'* oiunillv 'iron,, who for nniLrlytwt J ( M torn Hiu'ciiiiiiddly eouihtotoil a (Jemsrut In I nan Hi id kutatit and It'hiaiiolal \U01'oy(iruc DTSPKNftlNr; AND X'A-MIDY DIUTG0IHT. XhoununJH have toflted thrf groat balld. Ing-up power of llood'n Haraapardla and liavo fttund roiioWod etrnn^tb, Yi^oP and vitality in Uh imo. . TO BENT. "pHAT Wtcrjfi KNOWN H'I'ANp OH HANI> I wr 'II wy. Wl-HT, fonnurly aaoiintod by iron,, who for Hourly twonty fleiHiral Iimur- A^onoy.irucoat- ly ri timid. liiin In tlm iihaniiy nf n lltu tluici for ono oy two inuii[[mim of uiodi'ViLtai iiioiuiM aiid uvorasa ability to btnp Into n Vainly outdo p roll table Ijiuiliiimii an [ i mi null to {ntlioi with Inauo ot piewnhan a I'ood |>iolitul In IiiHiiliLnnn Aifonoy duly ihej'i'i iiiiiiiuhiK laiuliic.iiii tnnid ui ply. JOHN H. OONNKLCt; 71 I'lttHt,. IhiHt.Wlndi.oi'.Ont. That old Bug*g*y hhouhl lie replacid by oi e ol Ibitobi oh g oil now Uund-mudu I'M iidomi or TJugyioH. X have a nice amioi linen* ou hand to cboon. from. GET IT RENOVATED If Yunjt'o not want to buy a new one. [ have a brat-clasu painter and triramor, i an (juarantejo you woi k c epi i\ to the b.)iit ejf the city ulmfis and ill under myi wnjna| Livihion. Hlacksmiihine and General Jobbing Wo aio preparorl to do all kmdn ol irein work in the line of lopairint,', horooohoomg and goneral jobbing, on the aliortest notice. (Jal and hoc me. r,Sbi;\ CAIIHIAHI WOIlkS i.bsi:x, oni' JOHN BATE. For Fine ttBtaaan'aa/anTi;:gv'a^li.'l'^l<Mi7iffata You cannot do better than call at the...... Office. We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Oardg, Or anything in the line of printed matter. We can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of..... Fine C ommoroial Pnnting, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags4 Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes^Receipts, Due Bills, ' Lien Notes, Bank Oheciuea, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of ElSTV^ElILiOJPHlS. W6 print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office, and are Prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. 11 1 *' .? A trial solioii-ocL Mail orders receive prompt attention*! ,0 .$ H, iW^^q^^^^ :nbu$^ s$t$lh ) Kj' ^^Ai^iayj,,!- ., ,'.' .*,ij$ij. ^^..r^^j^i^k^&l^l^*^^

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