ppipi!^^?^^ fHE ESSBiXJ. IfRHMS FM^KSS* A. H. &Co. WE SELL- Tea, Coffee, Su^iir, Flour, Ra'ifthiB,. CurmntH, Pnmea, Ap- riootH, yoapa, Vineparp, Syrups, Oatmeal, Gorxuneal and a full lino of Christie, Brown & Oo.'h fancy and plain Biscuits, We have for CAMPING AND PIC-NIGS Potted ('hickon, Turkey,1 Hum, Trmguo, Chippml BooC Cora Bool, BoHton Baked Boann, .'jnaidinm), Salmon, Muokorol, Haddio. .ttomambor wo havo trlu litrfjOHt nssortmonfc of Oockory, China and Gliuiawave m tho Town. Call ami oxitmino our stock. FroHlj Fruits, Vegetables, etc., in season. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. A, H- SCARFF & Co. The Essex Free Press. FIUDAY, JUNE fi, lHOii. VALEDICTORY, With, this itmuo the Fbew PuKfiopnuscu into tko bandit of a now firm, whose duty it will bo to continue to sarvo tho interests of itn constituency, and who, thow*itof hns uo daubfc, will not per mit those intorosts to bo noglootod in any manner. Both momliors of tho now firm, viz., Mr. It. R. Brett, of Am- barBtbnrg, and Mr. W.-tf. Auld, of Stralhroy, arc capable and experienced practical newspaper raeii, wjiojhave boon connoctocnvlth"Bbmo of tho boat wQoklion iu WoH'torh Ontario, and are taking poHHOBuion of tho Finsn Piikhh with tho intention of carrying out hov- erul improvements coutemplutod by tho rotiriiitr publisher, and of making tho Fiocic Piiijhh one of tho best woolclioa of Ontario, thoroughly representative of tho prosperous town in which thoy in tend mnkiug thoir homos. * - In relinquishing control of tho Fkek Piusrs the writer cannot but fool some rogrot at ueverin^ connections with a constituenoy in which business and other relations have boon so thoroughly ploaaant and satisfactory. Tho writer writer will havo nono but pleasant recollections of his sojourn with tho popple of Ebhox, who nro in the main a community as enterprising as ovor falls ' V>-iho lot of a town to possess, and in retiring can hut express a hopo that tho.so cordial and friendly businesa re lations will 1)0 extended to thojiew firm vitb, if poHsililo, a fuller moasure. All subscriptions unpuid prior to May 3nd, and all unpaid at tho preiienUimo, nro to bo paid to tho new firm, who will roceipt therefor, and who will fulfil all nubscriptions paid in advance. Again I bog to sinoerely thank the people of Essex aud vicinity for tho lib eral patronage accorded the- Funic X^ess during the past four 3 ears, and to solicit a continuance of the same for tho gentlemen who havo placed uie in fv retirement- rsomo an appearance as any of its con- tomporarios. Again soliciting tho co-oporation of all of ottr reader**, Yours truly, BllIITT Sc AuTjP, Tlio Campaign. 13. J. Lovaraci'.. TO OUR U Ed DIMS. . With thw issue tho Fiuiii l.'mws M.irtn oiit under a new nKMiujconient, the tui- dorsi^nod having pivchtisud the ighL, title and iute>estof the business and plant from E. .T. Lovelace. The Fkkh PitKHS will eontiauo to be [mblishod iu the name sta.id ami wo earnestly solVit a continuance of tho pairoua^efro.n tho people of the tow a and siirroiindinjr countly that has been given the paper in tho past. Having h.d considerable oxpoj'ionoe in the newspaper busiuosa, .(Mr, Broit hnviog beou connected with the editorial stair of the Amhoi'stburg Echo for several years past, aid Mr, Auld having been one of tho publishers of the Forest Froo X'rcss for seven yours; wo confidently expect, with your help, to ho able to tur\i out a newspaper sec ond to none i.a (ho county. Our prin cipal aim will bo to preHont our loaders with-an ossoutinlly local paper and at the *amo time to publish tlio news of tho ontho county, .and to attain thin ob ject we iovilo tho co-oponttiou of rll of our readers and would bo pleased at any and airtimeH-to rocfliyo items of iutovHsl; f o'n thorn. Onr reports of locul, political ami ol nor iDoeUngfi will bo as couiiV.'ehcusWo as our columns will povaiit and wo will zealously tid- vocato wb.'iioye!' will1'tend U1 mlvanco tho i-otvn'h mioosls, i" 0^11 a comme'- eial, ^uo:l or Intolloc'ual stmidpoint. Situated in tbovo'.y ce-jtreo1' thecoiuify of JShh'o'; we ah^liHie ouy best endpavors in aiding .and "afls-'si: \; \\ wA-.'.s-i .he Town of Ehhox i 1 all wa-.s the huo of Lhis .-' h and prosperous eor.ity< Wo purpose making iuipi/ovomonts in tho paper i' .ora lii'me 'o 'l^io lo .iieoUho domauds O^ this i;Og es. .VO H-e iuni hopoi'.i :be con.Bi' of a \oyy (ihfu-t time 'to pat i.i aeon) not-uow die's of type " ' "joint 1 juh'U ho Wiiit. i'-oni a wypp^ra/ibicnl siuuii tho FniiiaX'iiwsH uuiy present as] Tho political campaign in B011LI1 Khfjqx wan virtually started at Amhorstburt; on Tuouday uifjht of last wook, whou the iirut of tho joint niotit*n wlnoh tho two oati* didatoti, Pr. King and M. K. Cowan, havo agreo'l to hold, took plaoo iu tho town ball. It hua boon u^roocl by tha oanaiilu.ttm that tliey are to take alternate uuditii iu opon- in^'tlio inoutin^, each nido to have an hour and a half to bo filled in by any opoaliors thoy may cloture, tho oatulidato opomug to huvo twenty minutes at tho last for a ro* ply. Mavoiftfrdleu prosidod at tho lirat mooting and after Dr. Kin^ had upoken for a f<jw minutofj ho gave way to N.. A, Coufco, who took up tlio balanooof tho Unit hour. !! was followed by M. K. Cowan for au hour, Xiowis Wiylo for liulf an hour, and Hon. W. D, Balfour for half an hour, Dr. King olouiutf tho mooting with a twouty minute apooch. Ah it in agreed not to hold joint moat. inu on VVoduoiiday or Saturday evenings, Dr. King attoqded tho rnootiuf" in Bishou'd rink Wodncauuy nifjht of lust wouk wlailo Mr. Cowan did not bold a meetiny thai nifjht. Tho fiocotd meeting was hold in too town hull in Andocdon on Thursday ovob- iLtr. John 31'ihon was ahuirman and tho HjaiJiikeiH wwro M. K. Cowan for an hour, Dr. King and iS. A. Couto for tho second hour, Hon. W. X>. Balfour and Honry Clay each for half an hour and Mr. Cowan for twenty minatOB. Oil Friday evening tho mooting waa in J tliu Mu.lduu town hall, A. W- Bailey beng lohainnuu aud the same gentlemen fcalnuj up tha allotted time in Bpooohos. On Saturday uvfinih^, Mr Cowan called a meeting at tho nchool houao at Edgar's Mills and was aBststed by- J. I*\ ilura, whilo Fred. II. A. DaviH, boh of D. li, Daviw, of AmhoiBtbnrg, nppearad on b - ha'if of Dr, King. Eli Tinlin was chairman. On Monday m^ht the oaudidatoo appear ed at I\IcGrL-gor nchool-houso, where Mr. Cowan waa anointed by Gaspard Pauaud, of Windsor ,who opolta tor half an hoar in KngliHh and half in French, while N. A. CohIo und Honry Cluy anoiutod Dr. K:ng, tho forme* talking in French. E. E. Golden was ohnirmnn. On Tuesday niglit, tho meeluig v.'i'S hi-ld at tho town hall at GoHto, C. 15. Wt'ldon, being chairman; Dr. King was nHHiHted by Mr. Hobuon, of Gosfiehi North, and Fred. H. A. Davis, of Amlioratburg, und ,1. II. Uodtl, B. A., of Wmdwor, uh- Bi..ted Mr. Cowa-i. . WodnuHday wuh anVoT-night," yet Bach of tho oandidatUH had mootJURd aullod, Dr, King'H being at Cottara and Mr. Cowan'u at California suttlempnt, At tho former,H. G. Brookor wan chairman, W A. Smith, and H. A. King, jr., of KingBvillo, npnko on hoiialf of Dr. Kinti, aud It. F BuMicland, oi vVmduor, and Dr. Jumos Brion a .we oared the claims of Mr. Cow u. At Ci.M- fo-'inu, Dr. ting pot in no appearance aad rer.';ed ^0 Mr. Cowau. H. W. Allan ao- compaoiod Mr. Cowau bnt. Dr. King on- tf7<jd tho ajooting a -or Mr. Cowuii kad boon Bpeal ;ng for oomo time and Mr. Allan gave up hie plaos to Dr. Ki;ig. Last (Tluirsday) night mo joint r.iebu' ig wan at Harrow, who:*o Mr. Go wan w.^t as iHted by Hon. W. D, Balfour, fid D>: King was assiated by other hpoakerii. Dr. Ki:ig on'lo'd a moetinj; at Olinda wbove W. yeotham, of Esor. Town, and \V. A. S'niith, of TCingavillo, spolio for tho Car, tiorvativo nido and Di. Jiuooi Bi.ttn tud II. \V. Allan for tho jjihural nido. 1hi< mcDti .g thin (Fridav) ovontv^ wdl \ hold in Pet-.'s HhII, in towi>; 'J'he yourg Conservatives havo oyoned ei;n,u'i,.0'i rnnnis :n G. ,1. ThomaH' build. .'.tk ud f ' "* ij,o"Tii'^"iiifve CHU'.blin'.ied tW-ir lioir - q u f.fj j-'U'ihicn B'oek, up-atclni V'-O'U where the c<i '.npaign m t'Oing 3iveete#'. J. F. iL.'-e, of WiiHln'ir, in in cliaryo. i and jii (.id.-L caaeii </nvt !ipcal:;n^ boiug 'kept u;; ' II niU't imcimi'ht. _" -. All the njeotiugu 110 far have been Ur^oiy attoiided and tlio huub or order hasp^vall- od. Hlr Ghiirbiii Tuppor will ueiiinioneo IiIh Ontario eampainu at I/utnrboro'on Monday noxt, JunoHth, uuil ho will vomaiti In tho ^roviifioe viTttil olootion day. Among othor places ho will vinlfc Windsor but tho dut is not yet iioleotod. LAUJUI3H OMlN(>. Hon. Wilfrid Laurior.thqrjihoralleador, oponod hid western tour at London on Wednesday availing. Last Thursday ovoning lie addrosHod the oleetors of Chat ham and today and to-morrow ho will-ad- dru'm meetings in Eimox. county in bolialf of Ment>rsMcGregor and Cowau. Ho will leave Chatham thin morning and proceed to Bollo Kivor whoro ho will deliver an add run Ei in Fro noli at 2 p.m. To-night at 8 o'clock, ho will address a mooting at the Opora Hodho, in Wiudtior, speaking in English. Ho will leave Windsor on tlio M.C.R. at 11:10, custom Htandard ttuio, lo-morrow rnorning und oamo as far an Hhs'x, from whoro tho excursion train win ho takon to AiMhorslbarjj, Tha'oiommon tiain will start from Leamington and titop at all stations on tho way arriving titEfiuux about 10:^0 and remaining hero until 1 1:45, oAiii-ovu HCiutdiLfd urno, whon it wi'l leave for Amheriitburg, stopping at'fid^ia' Mills at 11;56 and McGregor us 12:05. Eotnrnjng tho train will loavo Arnhcrbi-- Warg at fir'JO p.m. furba from Estiox aud return COoentH, Edgar, -luoonts, M.:Crogoilib centi, Tho Ehno;: LnuiQ.Hand will 'ia- c mpany tho tjxcnrHiou fro*^. hero Tho mooting at Amheriitburo; will bo hold in tile town park.coparoonoinfi at ':X'i p.m. A platform has boon oreoled in ti/'i park and arraugomonU aro Loiug made to seat a largo numbor of people In chi.u or wet weather the'meetJug woll be hold in tho town hall. Tho Snooting, if tine wuathor prevails, will no donbt be ojo of tbe Urtjeiit over hold in tho old town. J. O. O. r. District Moctmir. Tho finuuul meeting of Essex Distriot, I. O.. O, JF., eotivonud at tho Oddretlowii' largo room in tho Drummond Block, Har row, on Wed.ioiiday morning at II u. n. DDGMW HJiyall, of LoamingU;!), in tho ohair. Tho followiug delegates (ih-d thoir credential : Kohq Lodfo, AmuorHtburjj- G E I'u'ford, Al'rud Horoloy and B R Brott. Frontier Lodge, Windsor Win Bufholl, M J Walidi, Win Douglas, George Nov in, and Thou JoiitH. ' ...... Beaver Lodgo, Ruthvon F MoChariOH aud W. D Wigle. Leamington Lod^e, Loam'ngtou James Neal, W Btvreu, i<nd V Danyharty. Coacord Lojgo, KinMsvillo ErLd Forctor u.d JamoH Sweet. Enterprise Lodge, Essex Town J E Stoiio, Thou RobiiiHou and ChaEj. Huiinac. Woods.oe ljoiigo, Houth Woodnki: A B Taylor. Harrow Lodgo, flu.iow-S C Zimme - ojuu. Ttiuro waH no repioiioutativo fra-n C" *T.bo-: Locifj[s. Mmutna of previous meeting woro read aud adeptud. Mi'iuton of tho spocial com- mittse on tho picnic held last yc:ir were road, and nftercouuidoration were adopv^d, when the meeting adjourned till tho M.;;<jr- uoon. On reouming at l;i;o p. m., tho diffo ;nt, con:<mttce3 presented r* portu, wl ch wa?o adopted. Tho ooinmitten on tho .i;u3 Of tho or Jo-, r.-poii,ad ihat Odo"e|'jwKhip waa advauc'iig in i ho d at1 lot, .bo mombe sl.ip aggi'ea.u>" Hilj. a slight advai'io over Inttt tei'u?. There ar.*o 1) naoord.'.Kito lodc;eu. 2 Enoaiapmeatii and 5 ilcbclfnb pjd^a'e in dbo diHLrict. Throe Rebolcih t'idgrs havo beuu iiiKtitutor' during Cio past term a,ud all nro n a pro[fpuriou3 cenditiou. lb in decided to hold 1I10 annual picuio at tho town ot LouiniM^tou on "WodnoHday, August jth. Thoek'etioi of officerh resultod' in M. J. Walah, 0/ Wiudhor,being oleutod D.D, G.AI. ,-od G. E. i'ulfoid, of AtuhotBtbnvg, Dnitriot Secretary. rLwu D.D.G.M, L'.ppcintod tbo 'o'lowing coinm;tio3 ol 'iho n'Pinu] picnic: AmbcKfli- her.'i. G E Pulfc-a; Windsor, W Buubc'l; rutVv:.i F M Chj.':<); Loaminji^oi, W Bt'jiX'E, Ivi ifrh. do, Ji.mou Sw*"ii<: EB'Jt;:: T.iwn, .t'lioH Eohinscii; South \v*0^.!aV30, A JJ 'J'tiyL'; Oouin^r, A J Ciuwii; i7":ir- row'. B (.' Zimm^rnlan. Mi uooirted io hold iihe mo- t ^ :t T--t .re^iii;^ it.. Bontr WofKlidee. i'< ;-:';ti 'if' i'uv,i l7'i w.ia,[':issd i"o 1. . .'..'J . . ,:i .' ,- .'e.-r. * t'U' J'.ij't; nr-\ ,v: '. *.! . 'ItM? i ! i'Uv' -, ":. 11 .- 'lit'. C ' 1 ' 11! \. :.. a I, (hi. or- 1 "' ie t'ao \) U 'ti'-;|.'.'rd -.ilbjcfir i.j ..Ijo E-. i.i. \ -jium la timumt'i' o;.iH vid V>'**' tit>., ui.r,'n Ki.d hiiyn' nUiiti nt :<)', ,y, WigiciA Ci>, . V, HOUSE-CLEANING IS SUGGESTED By the. warm weather of the pant few clnys; und thechntices are that wlion you arc m the rrridHt of this moBt a'rduouH ^uiulcrinTcing, you will diecover that you need j^ Ne"W Carpet t ^:op.ln,o6 one that liaM hoeoine to lender for further service We have a very nice HBBortment, all this Spring'w goodn, in the newest pa'" priccB aro aboub fit'teon per cent lower than usual. attorns and eoloringa, and the Lace Curtains May also need replacing, and it may interest you to know that in thin line wo are allowing excellent values in nice new patterns ranging in price from 35 cents to $4.00 per pair; see thorn. We are introducing sovoral now lirioa of premium**, All Free When your cash purchasesjamount to,from twenty five to Ibrty dollars; these are elegant goods. Other lines of Bpring gooda are complete, and we invite all cIokc buyers to call and good see us, 4h Yours for Bargains, IDtriTST-aXT BriOOK. E^SB2C- Grant to O. S. VV. Fair. At tho-'moutmi! of tho Finance Cora- mittoo oT tha uoaniy coanoil at Sandwich on Wednoiiday uftomoon, it wan dcoided to grant frfiOO to tho dirootoni of tho Groat South WoHtorn Fair to bo hold at Ehhox Town tho coming" fall. Prenidoufc Btilfoar and Directors A. W. Oohoo unci Wm. Milhn attondod tho nonuion and advocated ma'cin" n (jrant, an did ilIho Mennru Jjaird, i-jarrott| und othorti. Thin Mnm \i*r onablo ih-> directors to mako nroparationn far ovon u mare nncooRftfnl fair than waH hold laat your . JjordiLnd-Ijmty-Ahfirdeon have promised to attond. Lant year the county grant wia V500. ^ oft dale on Htraw hiita on Saturday ut Smith'H. Public School Koporl. Mif-B Wiliiaratt' room, Sr II cUnn, marka noHHiblo fiO; thooo who obtuiued ovor C0% uro an follown: U RahifcH 'M, E Bmith 8fi, V Iliokh 35, O White M, V Burdiok S-i K DoIhoii as, K Laird 32, A Nuylor 5'J, G aoonetl 3*2, L Tho. uu 31, Q RobiaHonBl. Minn SI'aw m ruom, rton'tit pa'j necond olaan, iij;t;liH pofjHJblu "jO, obtained by hij-,.i- t,:. tun: F ll'w , ,0, K M: v -1H, O PnratT .XlrJJtMo^m iJ'.I, W II enroll JJ5, II Uowar :.'), M Wyman 29, G L;i"tl 28, G Koh" ihoh 2>J, L Ith.yndrriih V.>- Alinn AitohUou'rt ro.rn; P^nio1; flt-coi.'d dim. mark'tj poicir.1^ ."(), ob.juud by hi^h- ent ton in ida^ : L Al"-n H^ W Na'ylo- b, A n Bark 88. A W^htrnxn ilH, K K.ishlH, B Dean 33, M ltobiuHOti "/J, C Wi^le 'lu. Junior and tuicrinedia:c hocolkj cIjbsi : M TuclurdiKiu iil), J I'eetli'iiii f*0, M Del rnoru -10, G kapoMU 1^, W Hii^b -i8, F 1 Laiuy 17, S IInM/in il), J Brown Hi, A* Ilathtm -10, 1j 'J'ruwn lu. aiiHH Orussw liei'Hrooru; lajinni'par^ '2e.l niaWifi pn,Hibi(: GO, b',ii"iied by hi^heut ten in **1i"vhh : "M Gn,ci> .,%, h vVocLloy if>, h Hermun II, J5 BiuLinan 4'2 I'j Trwiu Ui'15 KINwurth 41. A T"(h',ur 3'J, il Gurd- Ut' il7, II tll'MIKU. ?12, .1 SilHttiCjU ill. Tha Ladiea' Aid of tho Prtinb.yiurh'.j church will piye a Htra\vbeny hociy.1 on M.', W- II. K'oburdHOn'H .lawn on the everint; of Tuthday, .luno 0. AdaiitiHlou J ^> ceoiB. Special Sale OF ^ SPRING DRY GOODS. . Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Oapa, .and Groc eries. Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Henriettas, Whip Oord, Fancy Lustres at very low prices. Ladies' Gloves, Mitts, Hosery at very low pricee, to start at 5c a pair. Dross Trimmings, We carry the newest designs at very low prices Call and aee before buying. M<ms' Hats at 18c each. ^ Clothing we carry the finest line in the west, and pricee below all, a good suit for Boys at $2.00, $150, $3.00, to $6,00. Mens' as low as S3.50 a suit. Halifax Tweeds at $5.00 worth $7.00. Boots and Shoes at very low prices. Ordered clothing, new spring goods at $12.50, $15, $17, all worth 25 per cent. more. Are fresh, and at lowest prices.' Oall and see before purchasing. Vance's Old Stand. Essex. WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN t'") v.'ork in tno Aiiniuiinn chhko. CJouil jtay. Will I'.eiii] copy rif Viiy liilio liooii, "Vom* I'laco iu Dfn." iruo, (.o uuv who wiiio. Iluv.T. K. Ijinscott, lira lit.;ord. Out. E STRAY. ~ JNotico to X><sbtortik AW partiOH owing I)fft. Bowar and Mc Konziu aro .uouoHiud to kindly nail av . settle at o-joo uit I'd unnaid uucouutsi niU\r Ji'iio 15th \, II bo -dtnod iu Court for go' Jo-,uon, Books oloHod May lat. NKWABVEllTISEMIiNTS. WANTED. /A o p.i .-oiiflowo U. Apply to Wl-H. JOllS *>. ilOHffl, iOimox, HAHMOCK STOLEN. F^OWTHR VM'UNDAU AT JOHN ': OH*'-S uiitlo'ico, on Wodnondiiv tdit, a iiu;:i, e'-.u- liuiUiDtiol;. As tlio tV>uf If. m'.bmhc ri',,f*5 FOR SALE, A n agkd TironounnnafiiD. toijANd CLiIuil tav ojofii.. Apply to '. V.BAEa.K!!pl\ Gonitf. TO RENT. i\ khjL tdiitiiiimiii ho-oii.-'oov*'h.. lor unibor nact-!ouli"'ii ! pply to, E. A. WjRMKH. FOR SAlE. Nixh jvijAck nuvV'Mu mariij. fi.v*s ynr >i- 'O1^, !!.,' i'.uviJti iii;:n, huod hv 'J'ox:>h .Tiio V cr, -lo: >; ^ t n, Ik r-siiij, A'jO uu*l,t, 'in" i* '. o1'". - A""iv to ' . . )5.",' LEFT MY P'tKMfSER, LOT.II, CON. M.. Townnbip ol (.'olclitJiiLor Noi Ui.on or tibor.t April ii.ird Iftiit, a mciMiiiniib.t'd lonu c(iw, o\- jioctftl to Ijo wJth calf. Hud wna duhorned. A tjiiUablo l own ul foriior n covery MUKUOCK OAMPKKIjL. Edgar VI'lu V. O. Mny 20, 'W>, \ t ~~C0URT OF ftEV/SI07T~ Town of Essex. HTMIE li'JItflT RIT'DNG OP TUK COURT OF 1 Itcivinion ol ..ha AtiHominioni Uoll of tho Town or Kanox for tbo your 1630 will bo bold in t.io 'J'owu Hull, Htmox, nn Moudny, Jtuio VXh at i.bo hour oi(.ovoiio|oloelr p. in. J;i J. WAT/TEItS, Town C'o.'ll. Daliul ISsmiS, May 2fith, laotl. 2:-'i AT ONCE I LEAD IN And oblierti follow miloH bobhid. 'O'lio Wh'i Piput rauo ia tiiiao, wind o1- uo wi:id. I will may in.ilie raco and tiovov wiMidfaw. Why hliouldl? Victory iu' nlwuyH aud nanily mino, with t ijo Hampton of a utoalcoJ (100,1-10 rolln in fiOO-'diHoront dotdyiiH at from li'conta to 50 ccni'S a roll.- No ono j.iii pcMRibly fail lo li'id tbo, quality o t'.pnr 1'iiii t.iio. voiy idom-icAl puti-orn lliat n ill bo annronriio n j;o uuv ]0iupl^ room, n.i.-ily a ojoi-'O el(u!d not bo i-indur tin ) in, luy niort*. ii.\vdl ba\n you lrotn 10 t(i ii"> pet oonfc. D.J.WHITNEY, *)a r.-ua AtN'o' Vu. '^tl Mtt.' Several hoavy tonmB to truck loga; also buyora for sovoral Hoa<5o and Lots in tlio Town of Ebso^, und a lot of wild lands in tho surrounding country. Theso proporfcios aro offor- od at a sacrifice. AlriO a largo quantity of coarso dry Lumbor for salo. It may bo seen at tbo Colohostcr milla. Apply lo T or to . H, DeOEW, '. ' W A?n-JS?'TY.ouwo' 0J5 WID^K aged" !;i| VY.. Mli.N of cliijiiioior. HumwdiU forerao'Bt . TflS ij OuiiiKin, iidur.ml wirti ub. Aliout 414 Mli k "->lM '7/iioh 'n IiorIh Vl..!!. Tn*& U'ltADLBY-GAtt-"VW IMlTfiON OO.Jti-LO.,rotouUi, Out. , '}M "HTPLYMOUTH ROfcBt ]|>,V!^KUH. I^OW. 3.H TUffl TiMfl ' TO' 'OBm^ 1 yntir-.tiuuHforHatohi-ia. Oeb l^io Vufct,8W^.V'.lS MtA I'tvojoiiUi Hooka.. Au>Qi-in.ta a"r.m,roa'fi;-" 41.011 piirtnl-i'l'iK oa1^: ' 'V'AiAvifii /.i&.vv-...- itr^^'i'lVAv. vMM^M^-i^ li&a^