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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 5, 1896, p. 3

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'V wu Aw ^HJ ESSEX 'FREE IRES. .18 P I1O0UKSX1CK. Br. JoAuim*, May afiiii, WOK. Con mil I mot, uh il court of ron'mou on ilia uaHORHmunt) roll nti por notic* pill* litihod. '1'horo woro but few uppuulu ayamflt tho roll. Tint* Hpuaku woll for tktt ability of M. Byrmi, thu uwiounor. The mombimi worn all prnnnnt, inibHorjb d to tho oath of oflioo and tonic thoir Boatfl at tho board. Awl row fjaportu oluimad ho was unuowiod too hitfh; roduoud from $H00 to $7nQ oj motion of IjliJouooul' and Dowhiml. ChuH. Laporto ohumud ho wuh uuiiosHod too high; reel'iucd from $1,700 toftl.GOO on motion of Wlhion mid Bylvcntro. lion. Loup*ronoo wan Htruolc nit an tnimnt of hJ 17, At. It. S,, an ho could not uoouro a Who of it, arid tint land wan lumuiwod act ium-remdmjt. h\ Mil lor olaimod bin iitiHOHiimont wan too fafgh. [Koduoi'd from 1,100 to 1,000 on motion of Wilnon and Lmdonsuur. Jan. Tftourko wan umumuQei for 100 nmuii, while* ho only owned 'ill aorofi. Chungu ma'do and tho 2fl nor oh wan imneHHod at t.'I80, Tho roumindor of tho land wan aUMommd an non-romdont at tho untiio rata Dttwhinit and WiIhoii, that tho iwhchh. wont roll bo oonlirmod an amoudud, and tlmt tho court adjourn nino dio. Cur. Council thon mot for fjonaml bumnoHH, Miimfcon load and appiovod. Mr. DowhiriiG roportod that ho had uold ^f- tho job of rowiiriug o' >*ix rodit of ditah on 6th oon. road for VJ1 .10 to Frod. Lonpor- anco. Tho Roovo loportod tlmt ho had oxam- inod Mr. Chiuon'u complaint, and that ho had itllnwod D. Moihou two yi urn fitatuto labor forohmnng part f road oomplamod of, and tlmt ho allowed Thou. Ulatbont $11 for oioanuf! from tho Government road oulvort to tho latio. Potor Cottor complained that a orotic running through tho vilhi^o of South Woodaloo wuh bloolcod by oulvortb broken down. Sy) ventre and Wilnon, that Hoove l>e/\>an i Doputy-Raove Dewhinu interview M, C R. o/Tlciala with a \io*.v of joining witli tho municipality in romodj iuu Mr. Cottor'n oomplai. t Carried TrooGuror Strong prnnpnted Ins monthly roport: Ite?oeiptn, $ 12,750.17-; dudiurflo. monts, 810,'2KU7; bill, on baud, *2,5;J7 110 Liabilities 91,H;J7.1H; g_iioriil fundi) on hand, 8(00.12 Totul amount received from Colnntor, 912.S08.J7 Thou. Byrne nignod an agroeuitmt to perform hih Htatuto labor of 18D5 thiH year, and Mr. Ladouueur win appoints) ooro raioainunr, , Dolpbnn Lajoio \uih trannferred fio n road div. '.U todiv, ;j(i. Dowhirat and WiIhoii, that Jj. hovemjuc oommuto five veain iitatuto labor bv cuii ^" utruotitttl a ditoh on north Hide IJai.o Lin*', tour foot widu, IS inolit'n donp, IK) rodH Jonu, ditch to bo completed by Deo. lo Carrud. Auf; Beauli* u mgntid an a^roemont to porforra work to commutu Iuh htatuto labor for a torin of livo voarw, ditch to bo 100 roda long on I3aHL Lino Wilnon and DowhirHt, that D. Maron- fcotto in anthori^jd to porform tlni Htatuto --------labor of tho Cam or >u fHtatu wuh Roovo Do/iol an commiHuionor Cairicd. Acctf. pumod F UuHjailain &,"), charity, W M Bo^^'a, i:t..")0, brid^o over RiHcom, Maldou Road; C Clark, >."i 00, advcrti'miitf, W 0 Crawford, 822 10, Huwor pipe, M C R, 32.8-1, freight, A rii'drich, 21.>~>Q, icpamng florapor; S Duuharino, ft."- 50, distributing patbraaotors' Iihtu; do, ^.1, ponta^*' and rogiotration; O II MyloH, S2, Htatuto labrir refund; II M JiJauUlmrn, 9s, iiiHurancr- on hall; Thou Byrne, Si>, Htatuto labor r fund, HOW TO-TBA|N FOR RACING. On., ut On* )lin<ILnk-it of I-'lyVr*'iVtl* r tho M. ni (U 1.^.1. Oiin of (ho now trnlnoru on tlic XniiHiinl Clrmill UiIh HniHim \\\\\ ho Vn\Vnlci'H, who will hiivn olmr(c*i of rlio (h'lond tt'inn, wlitoh will oon^lHt nf Conn linker, mul 1'rutik Jonny. Tlimiglini'om- pjirallvn ^tranor In tho oyolo lonno, VuktN thorougiilv undorUundH thDHclonoo of ]iuttlnw an ulhU*to \n <>ondltl<n)1 and I1I4 mici'i'^M with the roproHiMitfillvt'4 of llm llvitVulo Athloiln (nub and tho Sovonty-fourlli Hi%dtiu'nt Athlotio At.no- cliitlon wan loninrlcMldo. TjHtomnny otbor tralnorri In nyollnn, Vokrw is an old hprinli-r, and an lOnnllsliniau. "I I In ldoan aio Ihh'o pnu'tloiilly ciHhndlod* "Tho K"l,Jrt, prlncljdo of (,nilnln|( for any kind of at hid U- cnti\\wiMttn in to do tint pmpor amount of work, tho rl^ht kind of work, and follow regularity In porfoi tiling It. One f-hmihl uluojuiy Hpooiul attention to bin eating and drinking and ulmtalh from tho umi of tnlmeio In every form. When Hlaitlng In to tuiln I gunur- ally glvo my man ii mild purgatUe, t,o im' to get Ids Mnimwh in KOod working order, and In seven lo ten tlayw I give hhn a Hoeond one 1 let him donlow, easy work Iwlcii a day for tho llrui, two weekw, afti'r which I lot him ((""dually hinrou^M IiIb pare, hut ni'\er allow him to got tired <it dlMnssid. Aflor lie (fetM thiotigli with hUwork I glvo lilm a good brink rubbing with a rouiM) towel, otter \slil<-li bo geH a thnrougli ritlibing with cooling linl- mon^ kooplng the muscles unit and pliable "Ah to diet, I helleyo In good plain, wliohwomo food, hiu h oh fruit, oiitmeiil, hecf, mutton, Hnups, fowlfj, tlsh, eggs, lm ad, rice, tuplmu, |elly and \egclahles In moderation I proler tea to anv drink It Rhould bo pretty weak and iwd with llttlo hiigai1 and milk. I consider Mieh food as pork, >eal, lutt bread, pantry, mitH, iei'd dilnlcs and mill!, us lbdde at any lime to upset a man'H stornacli, and would ad\lso the athlele to lea\o them alone " I'll nty ol *di p is \ery ewsent uil to Jus sin <ess. I like to lia\o my men relive about HI oVlnek, rise at 7, and also take an hour's nap al'Lcr their midday mini, espnially foi tho first few weeks of tin lr tiainmg, a-> l( ireslietis them up wonderfully for tin hceond half of the day'H work Twheawiek isoftenenough to bathe, and then all that Is meded is a quick hpongo idV wit Ii tepid water and Koaj). Hot baths an1 \ery weakening, and HhouUl ne\er lm indulged In unions tho log miiM'liH aio getting hardaod knotted. "There are no two men alike (oust it u- tionally. The aiii(TT77it~i)f work* neec^iiry to-gctr one man into laentg condilion would Jk lial>lo to have the opposite ( IT( t t U]ion another. You r.m noon tell whether you are giving your man too little or too much work, but it \^ ahvnys the safest plan to keep him rut hm* undortraWiod, a three or lour starts in noes will pur hhn fairly on edge, while the ovortraiiud oni will ho stale and ha\e to take a- lay otT loi a while and the racing season Is liable to be far adwuuid but ore lie can get himsi li into i audition again "A in.in who has had one or two years expern in e at rating sluuild be able to git into fine (ouditioii in from si\ to eight wei ks, as a rub, hut a joungsrer whom you ha\e to develop loeds a much longer time, as he requheH a larirer amount of long, slow work to get the imisolcH dnu'lojied so that ho i an stand the strain that t-. Ml In put on hhn later. In roiielusiiin, my nd\ue Is to usn good judgment in tho amount ol work you do w bile training. He direful of your diet, keep regular hours, lcL\oall other kinds of exercising and gomes alone, but do all your work awlu el. MaiMlelln niifl ('iiirur (JIuhw. The mandolin and guitar weio befori' so jiopular in this country piesent. '1 lie manutai t urers stale J D A Uo/.iol *jl.">, township buHiiio^, D Marcntotto, &1H, ot ttnto labor loeuptB, H Dujb'tnue, S2 court of revmioi; W 11 Smith, SJ.2a, ditching 7th con, E 1 Kuii iy, 810, timber and work fiyino sidero id; X BaHiiuttd Q.'l ,'11, t\i fi rtifunde 1 lK1).^, RnH- oomb CIioghc Ftiutorv, S' 70, ta\en refunded 18'Jfl, M Uyniij, ?'2.b0. i.tUotung C of R and poHtagc; JJ Man ntotti Srt .10, ruduc lion of ojllector'u roll, do 97 M), uipH lo WindHor and poita^c, do, ^120, Hilai^ as collector. Adjourned to meet Hatuiday, June 37th, at South Woodbloc THE CATTLE BILU Colonlul C'attN" Am Hop<lcsul3' soVitdulud No nirHliltcutloii of the Hill. fjondon, June 2. Mr. Long, in tho Uous, said tho Uovornmcnt had no du- f,Jro to injure- Canadian trade, and was noting with thu htrictest bcrmo of duty It was Hiiro tho Canadian Government Wiltt doing Ha best, in tho mattu*. But tlio hitter was in a difficult position, -Viivlng to the long fiontier, on the other fide of which pjeuro-pneumonla wan con- flnod to !-ho L'nittil htatot., widle tho lat ter cnmplainrd that, tho diseano ox Is ted In C'anaila ami not in the United ^tates. Continuing, Mr Long mild ho did not hesitate, to say tbat-rhtf"dtH?7rse discovered In Canadian imported cattle was pleurn- pneumonin, and nottransital-pncumonio, mul lie further stated the Canadian Gov ormnent was unable to Hlialrt tin expert cvldonco that there weio eight eases dis covered in 1S(J'3, six in January, lS'Jl, und two in 1 ^ 115. The two latter, Mr, Long explained, weio i'ot cted by tho dlmghliM' inmi. It hut! I c m suggested, Mr, Long also Haiti, that the Unvommont appoint ii commiMHion to go to Canada, hub tho Canadian oxpoits contended that the dlsoano wrh Hlmplo and not infectioiis plnuro-pnomnonhi, while tho Imperial Oovcrnmont Mipportod tho \\vw of tho British ox])ortH that the ulisenHo was am- tagiouH, and therefore it was found lm- pOHKlhlo to accept the suggestion. Regard ing tho propOHal to ouaiviutlne rattle, Mi*. Long wild It waR impracticable, an it was (llfYlmiln to Und grazing quarantlncH, 'Tho Government did not tflmvo tho vlow thut tho bill would Injure the trudo of '* i tho oolonlCH and load to colonial hlttor- if, ^nbn ngalnHt Groat Britain, It tiollovod *'"i that tho Canadian bromlerfl would aocom- 2/J< modaw thomuelTCH to tho now condltlona never a. at hat it Is almost Impossible lo fill then oulers. espieially in tho West, where Ihere ts a greater intc rest mamtested than anywheio else. Iliyidreds of young ladies and goii- th men, alter aiquiring a slight know- li dg nf i)k--(' insuuments, ha\e organ- l/t d small (lubs, numbering fiom four u> ten member, as '-non as they ire cap* able of placing their score. An instrument new to, IhlH (ountryhas recently been inlrodmid in these mando lin and guitar (dubs, with pleaslngolTeot. It is one ot the mandolin family, and named the 'niundola " The meaning of the word mandohi I* ' almond," and it is supposed that the shape of the instru ment has given it its name. It Is similar to the \ ioI.i in tone, being tuned one-IIfth below the mandolin. In clubs It takes the <ii < olid pails, as it possi ss< sa rlnh alto quality ottnne. It made its lh'st appear ance in norHit*rn hmrojie, at ihe lourt of Mai>, Queen of f-eots, in eounei tion with tho ill-fated miisieiim, Ua\ id Ri/- /lo As a solo instrument it is stipi rior to the mandolin in power and quality of toni The mandolin is jiart iculariy adapted to ladies, as their ilngitsnre flexible, und they play with a more delieatt touch than the opposite- sex. Boston Herald. THE TWO KINDS OF SNAKES- Vu Aovunlttifd Oyttr tli S.ui ]*', iniMih. In (,<'l( Inu )<*<><Mt. A lictlire li'c-ntlv ghm at tho Boyal Institute by !> I'm sit on the medical treatment of i lm hlio of vouamouu ner- jsMitH fully (onflruiH the popular estimate of the deadly nal in or if the wenjion tat i led by tlu'*'C ser[i(*nt4. The mlnlnium lethal dimo viirh'M In pro[iortloit to tho hIs-o, ami alno to tho Individuality of thocreaturo hllten, for though more ihiIhoii Im needed to kill a man than to kill a cat, the rat needn more In propoitlon to Its welglit. But lion M'liomoiiH mmkew aio the only orealuros which do not succumb almost inutanily tit the polwon,except the venom ous, serpent i thenneUist The cobra in proof against coin a poison, and tho puff- adder against the bite of another puff- adder, apparently because all the food wbh h tliei cat Ih the llesb of antmalH which the HnaKiH tliemsehcH have killed with their own polnmi. Tho best nafo- IfUiird for tho human being, is to obtain immunity in the Kame way, by iiwallow- lng the pohirm Tho Helectlvo power of the stomach intalns for use In tho wyHtem tho protr'etlng element and leju ts the rest, and it has been found that kittens uuckled hy a mother w blob bad been "immunized" by swallowing cobra poi son wero also pioteihd. Hypodermic In jection Is niallily lm lb et ualr because of the frightful power of tin' poison, and the ml< losoople dosr s wlmdi must be used, the amount contained In one or two tcHt-tubiH wliow n by the lecturer be ing probably mote than enough to ha\o killed tho enllio auillenco assembled. The trstlniony lo tho deadly nature of tho serpimt's weapon Is so comphln that the question naturally occurs why the non-\eiiomous serpinls ha\o HiuwUed at all in the struggle fur the survival of tho fltte.t The ptohlom Is attract!\o mainly because the conditions of nnake struc- tuie seem almost inbMided as an illustra tion ot what wuimi) call dogmatic evolu tion (Vitain Hiiakt s, of iiu dlum si/e, carry the most deadly weapon whether ot oil* rise or defense owned by anv ani mal In addition, they have tho perfect, vertebrate structure which Sir Hlchard Owen so much admin d, and can Ihere- foin swdin, climb, and make their way in plates wlieii' no animal of similar sl/e can go They are t lit best equipped ani mals of their kind hide by hide with these are found snakes of similar si/e mid equal powers, e-xrept that they lack tint invincible lethal weapon They have de veloped all tho spot lal attribute-, of tholr kind e\< opt that one which renders them an object nf terror to all other creatures. They only i.urv blank MirtridgcK in thu battle of life Involution seems arrested for no nasrui; they not only fall to grow the powm lonlli, hut do not develop the power of crushing their piey as the const nctois do. It would be far easier for a common grass snake to kill a fiog hy poison beloie eating it, as the cobra docs, thm to have to swallow it alive. It would H.ivelt trouble to mi*-h It, as avoung boa consiiiiior ol the same M/o would do; but it does neitln i, hi t ause il m ithi I' lias developed, nor m em^ m rln least likely to di vt lop, the nci ess i\y f quip- ment lor so doing. By the tin ory of (volution tho grass Hnake ought, therefore, to go hack In the world, while the othi r common Lnglish Biialce, the poisonous v ipt r, armed with a weapon eqimlh powi i-ful as a protection and .i me ins of killing prey, incieuseel in si/e and numbcis, and took its plate Yet this i* c\a< 11_\ w h it has not hap pened (iri'-s mi ikes ue larger and more numerous than addci-., and there is no uvldenee th.it the absenre nf the poison fangs in any way endangers the survh il ol the spt eles Ijist.WKis of tins disparity ol eqiiipint nt, si en in such a marked foim in the (iisr tjf the \enomnus and neni venomous snake s, ai'e cuninionly found among other animals, and tJiough by the analogy ol i ei tain eKaui^les of evolution the less \\i )I-prov ldcel ought' to disaiipeaf, or to develop better physical powers and appliances, they manage to maintain i heir plau without mndille'a- tions <il t In ir sti in t me. There is haidly atfy lurg' "roup of birds, hi-asts, fishes or insects in whieli nist lines do not occur of 1 he nut i ussful hiirv lval rjf creat lire's wblcli liav< nive'r a(qubid the spi i lal i/od powe'is gained by others, ami when ireatincs ol wholly ilith lent orders, hat | living upon uh'iitlcal load, aie compared, such .is the bi'*ds (ishes, moil keys, and U'ptiles which fei tl iqion Insects, the elU- piui'vy of_equlpment \^ e\ui inore strik ing It Is nut dl lie ub to m i mint toi t tie survUal of thu nop venonioiis snakes, o\.cept on the suiiposiuon that the poison is a necessity for obtaining fond or for self- defense, width the (imliniiiei cMstence **. tho non-pois tiious sii ike she.\s that it is not Loinloa .sjiet tator Thamttu A, JoJm*, CURED BY TAKING AYER'S m "X wa'i altlletnd for eight ymin with Halt Uhciun. Dm lug th it tiniu. 1 tried a imut iiiriny mctllcliici vvhhh ucic higlilv um- tiininetided, lint none i,ave me iilicf. I wan at last mlvl'ied to tiy Aver"! H iriii urll! i, jilid bifnie I h.nl llnnliiid CHURCH DIRECTORY MvfHfutiiii. -Hi-. 1'nHoort, l'aaror. Hfiivioe uvui V hillliliiv .it II u. m unit 7 i. in. Kultbutli Uuhoiil ttli.lJIJp, in 0, i;. Naylcr, HuporJatoi il* Hit df ' cIntal |>aiwin lli litiai'ilit pruv riiHiutllu ril'e.l'iv 'Vonltll < I* i i iiiiiU txiilH.iil imiye'r >atn in ii ThiiimiuyuvuiJiiif,. ' OlIUUClI OV KHfiiiJiNP Ilov. A.L.Hnvufly, in aumliiuit, Ut, 1'aiiln, V.RHiiX- OlyJlHMiiirvIiin uvory tiunrliiy ut 7 o'eitoolc, i> m Kiniday Holmol u.t 10 u in. iVInltv Churuti, Nortli HliJ||n DivimiKurvJouii nveiry Kmiday at a p. n\.\ Hon Jh,y (tultool ut l. Kip. m, 'J-'ho publJo mo car- 11 ii My iiivfturl. I'uiiunvi rniAN. W. M- l"lrimln, T'liidor' tint vIomiioii Uiililmth ut II u. in. and V,:t(J]>.m Huh mtli Hehoed ut !: 10 p, m. l'myor mrtiii({ und fimtor'H liibln nliiiui mi TUostluy at'/10 |i in. Mnuhd Union iai WodiHimlay at HJfip. UAi'ii i in at ii. HtivM, P, tiampholl, 1'uii- wr . - vicon mil li Hubbiith nt II a Hi runt < ji i, J'rayor umnllnd on WndunndaV evtudnft ut H o'tdoijt neialii (mo. All uro eoraiully wol- rj<miri<l. tl)Q narli! i, nun l>i tmc (oui-th ijotUo, no hand'! wcioa'i Free from Eruptions n*l ovor they weio. My bushieis, which ti tint o( a calHtiIvor, lequlicH nut to bo out la cold and wet weather often without gleivc't, but tho trouble) li.n never loturned." Tuo.mau A. Joii-VH, bti.itfoid, Ont. Ayer'si^Sarsaparilla Admlttnd at tho WorldM Vnir. ^ ^ JLtfer'a 1*IUh Cleanse the Jlowelx* Harness lean give you a good Httt of Single Harness, warranted liand-rnado ItoifAM (Jaiiioi.io Vr. C JI. Motion Pan tor Kpiwiai uvory otlnu Himrhiy at nui) j> m. ttuneliiy Huhoo] utitji. m. Maiduio.mi: - Iliidi iikuiii and riornioii at 10-ill a, m cutouhiiaa ut \1 ji oi , biLptnim u( 1 |i in , vrslpurii uiiri In nuiliutlel) nt 7 V. III. 0, Jk Mo Clio, PI' __ S\i.va iio*j AH'IV '1 II. Mchood, Captain tuilviLtlon i.in tma'i on VVtiiliKiHiltLy, t'liuni'liiy noil Hniida\ uviiiiliiijii, f"roo uii'l Uativ, oiitiirduy tjvoniiii; iiiid I p in tiumluy, ilolinijiiii laontinfjtt for ohruitluNh I'liilny uvoomn uud 11 a m. Hun etuy, Kuiki Drill 1 a .in. ovoiy Huatlay All aid woloomo. ___ LEGAL. I/* A. WIhMl-.lt, Uarrint.o, Jsolicltor, Notiu Vj m J'llblic Ao jVonny to loun Ollb mi, Dm ntstn [tltx )c, up >>tnii ii, l.hiirtx I ly h PIITMtH Haniutor, Holiollo Public Alouoy to Loan. Ol Struthuni Uuuk. Luoi Contin. t, Notiu Ollian ov< /UAK'JvK, HAIllhbT tt IiA.It'1 MVP, IJiiri U V/ lorn oto Olllcen, Mi dbtiry UlocK, Wiiofroi Pi ivnte tuinlfi to loan A. 11 Cl.U(Kl L L. It. A It liAIUM r. N A. HAium,-! H. A. F. S. Tor $10. Adamsc Talbot St., Ehpox THE TEACHER TAUGHT. RLMtY (J WAM'IJCH UJult .Attorney und Couiiholor ut liuv, .Solicitor In Clianutiry, Proctor in Adinlialtv, I'atont Holiettoi, with AtliiiiiiOiitt HaiyhSH (Jou^'roiifi (it Jwont, IJutrolt, Mich ((Jiinaibiiu cluiuifi a^iiiniit poiuoiis In tho tlnittiil MiUoh ( (jIIik lull ( Hufejroiu iii liiiimr ml Ituiile Jviiiux, Out. J J l'eitciri ' sii , tlulilst.Jl, otc , Khhik, Out 11.A. WihOan, i,iii|., JJairiiitcr, otc , l.i.nox. Out MARRIAGE LICENSES. I,> h. VARK, 1SHUKR ov MAitrtrAaw li- Vj, otiiiKnH, HlalmrrlHoh Bib , Knuoz, One. \Ji HAItUMTT. iNBtior of Mari^jo Ltoaot^" VI . t'oiiuiiiuHioiKirhi O.X.uto, Uoatu.Oab IXf W. UlOARfAN, luHtior of MurrJujfn Tjlcriimnii. foflriraiioo twtmt. Nluht <>M1< o at l>v/o\\hiU, TAMIOT HTKKKT, KBHKX. UNDERTAKING. nPr-UMMl*; til, Cnilortakuy n'aa VuntUnfe . DniLlor. tCoiiiiui. homo antl fuotory mrel front S'f to i-'.U). MotInii;or,Oi>*' ARCHITECTS. J"OItN A. MAYCOCK, AHOUrVVjO'V, Oca.. Iloom 10 and 11, VhMHhiC BuildIhff, WhidBor, Oul Phoim t!l!) SOCIETIES r O. O. V. KNTKTtJ'JIIf.n Loeljjo No 318 Lm niiiftnovory Thiinidny, ovoiiln(( at 7'WI OiMfollowu Hull,In tiiirdutoioy Diimitaii Blq Viiittln/iniomlujyntjf othor lodiputwlll rooidv fratorniil wolcmno. \\> (JIIArTllitTON, M. OHNTUAD KNOAMI'MIJN'I', No. HO, woutl OddfolIovvN' llall.Inmiitan'ii Bloolt, mi tho fl Kiultliird TmiHdiiy inoaoli mouth. VifdtorHo dlally rooofveid. MmnborHof Hiihordhiato led) In tliu turJMillrjtloii, liivltod to join. JIANNAN. C. I'.. O J . HILL, Hoo _l1j Friday ovoniiiit in tlio FJmmon'H room tbe Htotio tmUdtni;. Hobt I'urlfinr, Captain; A. Hurnlaim, Lltmtun- imtt I*. Dllfin, Hot rotary, l"i(fel tUviitb.T .fail, MoMurrav, Clda. , Llmitun- Troimuroi1, CIOUKT ItfJYAh, NO. 2iS, I O. ! '. J Mtiotii Boooinl und fourth Tuoiirlav'H la caafc month In i o o. J'\ Hull at ii o'olook p. m Vii.itmi: brotliorn will bo i;ivon a fnitcraaf* * eomo. Jl McCuuiiland. O.It.W. C. Bhaw, tit<> t M. J. Wifdo, CD. II. O. It. i'i>iIM A A I>lll< m ih e. man vvhu dee-, not ^imv old as fast as home eif Ins frlenels is at a cert tin dis- ad\ nutate in ihcii pit seine. It is relati'il ol i'anili Angler, a Fn neb nut lior* whoso statue was Kientlj' didnatttl jn Parlh, thai on a publb lucaslou an old, bent-, broken man seized his hand and ex claimed "Whv, how arc you, old leliovv" Angler, vsbo should \eiv lltrlc of the etfeits of advancing ycai'h, si i mi d some what tahen aback. "Whv, don't you know me1, old boy9 Wo vve'io i l.isMnafes!" Auf<ier Kieeteil him alVer tlouabdy anil then wont, on, remarking toother Irlends W ho w eie pit sent, "Well, I know tlmt man was just my ajjje, bill I didn't dream I was his!" (iooMi-Itnno \V eul Ihu SIhuh. Tin) i;oosc-hoiie weather prophet K with uh n^nhi, and as he llutls that the* fjno*e bone Is in-u'ly all Y>hih this je,ir he dies not hesitate to proilu t that siiovy will lie on the i^iuiind from early in Ue- cembcr until late in April. These incred ulous persons who may not be convinceil by the wdilteni'Hh t>f tho r/oose-bonn aro leferrod (o the foot, that com husks art) unusually I hick this viae. This ioi dead sure1 si^u of a long, cold winter ami fur ious stoinis, mul mk li prediction is fur ther coufli mod hy the fact that wootl- chm ks and chipmunks am already fat enough to kill. i1 i iibkA. 't v^M'^A^'fok&M Tn Picveiit I'lreltlcH. AM those who urn liable to froclclo should wear a veil on a sunny day, and not leave Mudr umisbade'H behind tlumi. Wliltu vtdlfl, or those with blank spotH on a white ground, urn hot tor protcotorn than hhitdcom'H.iiH tlicnn hitter attract tho boat. You will iiIho iinej tho Julco of a lnnWiii fi(|UecyiMl into a kIuhh of wntor tjikon at Junoh to act iiu an nntldoUi, Our nnccHtrc^HCH had rc(it/jilth in but termilk for removing freckles, .v. -.r A New Iiiilnsti'}. The eloctro-plotinK of aluminum with copper 1ms hi en siiccesslully iiecojn- plishud. I'he nlumluiim is first cle-nftsed with an alalchiuj < arbonain and then washed t borough ty with water. It is then tmmeised In a fi-per tent, solution of hydrochloile ai id, and washtd again in pure water A nridlmismry deposit of topjier is obtained hy Imniersiug the ar ticle in a weak and ^lightly acid solution of sulphate) rjf cop[jii, afti r which the article is c.irelully washeel and placid in tho olectitdyrle bath. This Is tine of the groat iiunihcr of now Industrial branches in wlileh aluminum is being employed. The stnt 1st it son t he rapidly inereaidng pro duction of thismetal In I hi* United States aio sti ikmg In lhh) theintiiu linn out in this i ountry thd not i\cicel eb^hty- tliree pounds. In ISSd It had tnoieased to 11,000 pounds, in ISh'.i to 17, UiH pounds In is'tl to ln(),ho0 piuimls, in IHDII to :t;to,f)^'( pounds, und in lSit| the total was. ,ia()l01)0 pounds The production for lS'J.'i vuih hoO.UUO pounds, and it Ih esti mated that this year it will not fall short of 0,000 pounds per diem. Nc Vinyiil Sei-\ nig I'arsniiiH, An enllre'lv new \\\iy of serving pars nips is in thu shape ol an J'lnglisliwalnut 'with a nut in iho middle. Thu paisnlps aio first boiled and niacin d lino, rheii to e'u ii pint tJieje arc added a tcaspoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of mi'lleei but ter, a dash e>!' jiepper and two tnblospoein- fuls of milk Mix well over the arc and when snmkmg hot mid a thoroughly beaten ami voiy ficsh c ':.s. Sjircail Iho mixture on a dish to cnul. Thon take the nut id an Knglish walnul ami roll iiround It tho parsnip pulp until you liavo a goeHl-si/e-ef nut. Hull In egg and craokoi elnst and fry a light brown iu (loop fat that Ih smoking, ^cvvn hot. AVhy Sir Kflittn Arnold O-usod t Umi Iho Itod itn 1'npJlR. Sir Kdwln Arnold, in tho volumo of autobiography which ho has just, pub lished, tells the iiuieiue story ot how, as masti r of the JJnminghani grammar Hchool, ho was cam d hy one of the boyn. The cla--s was eiigiiged on Cicero. Homo disorder uteurred near the master's chair, and si i/ing the cane, hn "gave ,a nasty cut upon the too tempting back of one vouth who si'emed to lie the1 olTender." "If you please^ sir," said rho boy, si[uirming, "I did nothing Tt was Send- amornthat kicked mo in the stomach underneath the desk."' Tin* statement, was truo, .Scudnmoro had demanded from his neighbor, quite illegitimately, tho explanation of an ob- stuie1 pas-age-, and not being attended to, had taken this much too omphatle me>ann of enforcing atrtuitlon. JIavuig called the class up, Arnold nald to tlio dtmbly wronged boy, who was still rubbing tho plate: "It is l who am most to blame, lor having dealt you an undeserved blow. 'J ok tli it c.tiie anel glvo It hack to me as h mi . wni got irJ) uXo, sir," tho hid aiiswi ml "I can't do that." Tho whoh giiMt si lioohoom was now listen ing, niasti rs and all. Arnold insisted. "Join"-, you must obey me; and If you disobey, I am sorry to say I shall make you wnte out that pa go of Cicero three time-, staying in to do it." Whether It was desperation at this tire at It ill alternative, or the sparkling eyes ot his che-s-fellows, evidently long ing to have the good luck themselves of "licking" a master, that smldonly ln- spircel jfones, L know not. What I do know is that he rcaehetl forth his hand, took tho cane, and dealt mo no sham stroke, but the severest mid most telling rut our my shoulders. X had no idea that the ridiculous Instrument could sling, as it did, like ji scorpion "Rub bing the place" iu mv own turn I man age d to thank Jones for bin obliging compliance, and then said to him, "Iheak that detestable* weapon across your knee and thmw It out of tho win dow. JSi'ver again will wo have anything to elo with Mich methods hero," Sir J'Mwln Arnold adds that corpoial punishment is, In his view, a cownidly and clumsy expedient, and that "ho who cannot tench without the stick had bet ter get some other business, " London liluuo. MEDICAL. ljAItH JUtlKN .t imiLN. Jan Ilrtou. M. I), L It , C. 1\ H>, graduato ot Qi|e)i>n'n Uaivcrnlty, Kmniitoii, mombor of Col- lej;o of X'liymctaini und huru'oonii.Outailo. Orad. unto of Iseiw Yoik, l'oht (tritduato Medical Col" luiro. J. W, Brion, M 1)., C. M , T. T. M. C. Honor Ijrarluati* of 'i'nnitv Mtidloul C'ollotfo. linn or [ litduato of Trinity Univnrmty Momlior of tlm (Jollofjo Of I'nvuiidumi ami bur^oonn, (lot Or ml onto of Kuw York. Tout Graduate) Modloal Collono. OlHcrt ovor biniox ArndJao-l Hull *?iur; ntoio Coiuailtiitiou room ii, both on j; round lleor and ilrflt Hat above, rnluphnno hi both odloo unrl ronidonoo. All calhi attoialod to from olllco, mug Htnro, oi *< mdoimu. ItLiiulrjuco Talbot utir ot, frt>nt of fun groiiudu. Michigan (y^mx* " the JNtugara MlxttouU." ' * QOINQ Hi AT rukliiQ rjfftGt May 19th, ]H0O, nxp. I) US. DJIWAlt & McKKNZIK i'.X.Di.WAit, M.D.O.M.,1" T M H. Honor Gruihi- ito Timity Univoroity Muiabor ( olloi;o Pliye iciiiiiu and Hur^oouu, Out Kohidotici, Tulbo it Uant, (i. McKkwmk U. D. C. M., Coronor, Now Yorlt font Gruduutn, Follow Truiit) ftlodical College). Gratluuto Trinity Univoredty (U bull nco Tiilbnl 8trr t)t, wont of M C, It, Kjllitchourii fl to H u. iu , 1 to.') and Oto h j> iu 'Illoo In Imporitil Iiuiik block, ciound lloor noxt to Thoi nit'n drug htoro 'Lolonhoiioiu coiuioction witli oibco and iori tltlllCI). Orttoia loft at 'Ilioiao'H elniK Htoro will bt promptly iittoudod to DENTAL. HP. MAItTIN, . D 8, L U.S. GradUtitL fn Doiithitry, Koyal Colloge of Dontnl Surt;oor)n, Ontario, ana UnivornHy ot Toronto Churgob.iuodorato. Otlloo, ovor llrion tt Co i lrui: iitoru. 18-lv Dotroit. -Wtiataor-r;. Pol ton .. Maidntonoa I'nrn>Woodnkin . . Uuncomh . Cam ho r IUtlfjotown.. Kodnoy,. St. TlioioiL Loudon . *-t. 'Ilioiuiin Uodnoy Kid){otoM(i. Couiljor HiiHcomh. Wooiluloii. K on ox MuldiiLono Toltoii Wind nor Detroit Miill a.m. 7 ia 7.10 HOI H II H til a lis h:i7 'MB 10,17 a in. 0.50 7SIJ fi.17 Cr 10 00 OtllNfl WKBT. p m. ;j io a -lo 3.111 107 fl'lO 5 II 5 5CJ 0 ()i i; ii fi 15 7.10 a, m. 9.10 10.10 10 03 1150 1.00 a in, 10 ;u 11 fA 1010 lli.J.T Aaoota p.m. fr.o 0.10 &.so rr>o r,FAi 7 10 7.30 H.-tO a in 6.16 o.as 7.aa BW oao n:u) 0.13 DM 10.04 lo.ii ICUo 10.68 Amiiei-Hdiui-u; Ibocnl VrnliiH. VVl ST P m. Ii.10 (I ^i 1^ t'l i> iiH ia jo (i ,io tt aa IL HI. It III ii.ao B,n B '.1 U.I J HU1 I'xnr am, n.ni. j),tn Eimox 7.15 9.B0 0.U0 IhlKUM 7 00 0 40 '6.10 L JJ D It Xliiff 0 tiO 0.1W d.63 McG-ecor o ifl oiui 4m Dn'. VETERINARY^ Wn KK'HAltUhON, VLVIlUINAItY HUH . GLON Hoaornry (jrudnato of Ontario Voteuinnry CoIIcro, Toronto, m* ruber of On tario Vote iinarv Mt'dit'id hot loty; Di]ilomlHt in Deiitlntrj, trua(n till tleiUieiiiH ol doniohticatod nmnialii, c'lttlo duhoriKxl bv thu latttHt improvotl l.oavitt clippor ( ulln bj tclvphona or tolo- f;rai)h niootptly attonilod to. Uuiiidouco,thrLo elooni eifint of crliit mill ol fit o in pout officii hiiildinj;, iiillrniurj. elhectly oppontto. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES H LAIltU, Provincial Land Rurvoyo? aud e'ouiity IOuginoor, Limoi. Contro, Om nuioo, IiunotiiiUiloolr, upiitaliB. (ioorl AtH tee, "Thoro," ho nald, an ho blotted the letter and put it inan imvtdopu; "I don't Hmiposo I will gidi any tltimkri for tlmt, but thoro'fl homo gntal iidvleo in it, any way." "Who aro you sending udvleo tof" "T|io (j^voriiniont. at Washington." "And what'n tho advicoV* ."To gob a fmv tfrouiidhogrt for thu 'weotlior bureau." M$Miu A "W oliib'i fill Ilcimtlj." Jmlgliig by u ft in v i\hhh emanates from (.(loin est or, llngland, Americans ore not tho only people who, according to tho late Mr. Bariium, "like to he hum bugged" (Umieesrer has at pri'MMit tlio unhappy notoriety of hoi' ,* tbe city that '-et its laco agalns-t \ nyination. For many yeaii it ha^ I'icapi'il the ** ourgev of smallpox, but at last a shocking i'pi- demiu luus Ktruck It and the city Ih turner} Into a plague spot. When tho panic canned hy the outbreak wis at Irs height the town whh flooded with adver tisements of a "new discmiry," which was "an nh-.ohiie preventive of -mall- pox and cholera, and all < til n Jnlectlous diseases," Tho sale ol the new ivnicely ' Was phenomenal. This preeloiis object was a jvCarl shaped pad, a laehe's loiu.', fompnserl of a layer of white linen, then a layer of wliite ah^orheiit jiaper, on tho to]) of which was a pit to f black wool On this, tied togi tlier with black cotton, mul se'paratcd with bits ot black cloth, wore a few pieies of idue and topper On top of tho whole wns a drug which chom- ihts call Milphoeyannte nf allyl, which, In plain Knglksh, is tho active ingredi ent of mie-fc ird Kied. Tluw* multifari- oufl tritloK are inclosed In a piece oi black cloth, hound at the edges with black braid and plorcoel at tl tt top with an eye let to take a piece of black core! I'm* hanging the thing around tho nook Tho peculiar point nbotit Llii device is tlmt it wuh intended to ntlmulnlo tho HciiKatlons of mi nlcetrlo mirronii. Of course, nuoh a contrivance Ih lneapablo of generating oloolrlolty, hut It in capable of irritating the Hkln through Mho agency of tho mustard-Kced oil (kept moiHt hymoauM of vinegar), and thuu ureSatliig a'misleadlng iniproHrilon that tt Ih tm autlvo curatlvo aj^mt^y for all tho Ills enumerated. AUCTIONEERS. HKNUY IUJDHICK, Auctioneer fauUe ]>romjitly atteindeitl to AdtiroiiH Houtb Woodtiloft, Oat I'onmnij tlnmriii); to nocuro nit may louvo word ut tho I'ui.h I'ltLiiH oillct), tf II. IIKDUICK DSINCLAIH, LICKNSKD AUCTIONKKIt for tlio County of I'aihcx liaihO of Ltfihth Diviinoii Court. All Khitin of l'arm and othor Hidon comlucti'd pioinptly. Baton roaPonablo and lurniHhi'il on implication. Imqulroni may upply at W. D lioainaii'it olhuo, or nt tho oftlco or IJlviiiion Com t Clti li.Mi-. Jobn Milno ,\inbrhtbuu; II.U0 .JLaPL.^ao'i All truinii aro rnu on coiitrnl iitatulard time, $N.* wliiob in uUty mlnuton Hlowor than lOtiaox tuna For Information and ratoa to bolon- lHt niovint; wont apply to John G. IJavon, Pkb- Hoiipor Ai;ut, Ht. Thouian. 0. \V. lla(tnlUB. Gou- oriLi PuuiitJDgor nnu Ticket Acoiit, CbiceRa, 111 or A. O fitimorii, Atront. Ehbox. L-E.&D.R.Ry- TIMI! TAIiLK NO. '20, taldnfi oflfoot Motlilny. Utio i3t. 1B*. Traind run by ftuiituin Stand- artl TIiho. Daily oxe'opt Sunday s*. AUA M 9 W> 13 on >J IJ UM0 fl HE) 12 10 ii i.i vj. tr, H o P< 'A V SI I) 1Q U'il fj.io '> 50 12 .Vt (J 17 JOHN (ton.MLi:Y, I4C1^NSICI> AUCTIONIH'IR for tho County of Fmio\ All lrinilii of faun ntock nalon, oto , coruitiotod promptly and on nhort nottoo, Itatnii itaiHoriiblo Porr-oufi tiosiiublo to urmiifio Hftlun may Jo no hy callinj! at tho I-iiru 1'iii:iiii otllco oi by applylUK to i J. GORMJ.riY, P. O. Box 151 Krinox, Ont. ilri7 10.02 10(10 I0.1U 10 27 10, .17 10 IS 10"") 11.11 11 20 I1.W 11 IJ5 11.4J ii no 1 1 (Jfi U.C1 liill 12 111 U'2ll 12 :if>| i io nil 1 Ji) Of.'.) 130 710 ISO 7.17 2.0.'l 7.27 2-'J.r 7.JI7 2 60 7 It '1 15 7B| 110 HI!) 4 Ml t IS 5 13 b H 5 15 r*Gfi uon IjII OJJS r> in 7.00 fiTATIONII. r m. I v, it. Pop Walkorv'Io Ar Walliorvlllo June . Polton . ... . . t OJdtoBtlo .... i Paquotto.. McGio(;or , f Now Canaan... ... I MnrnbUold ... Harrow .. .......1 Arnor ..... Kinnovillo.... . . Itutlivon ...... .. Loaminntnn ... , . Whciitltiv...... ri 17 . t Itcmviole . H22i... . LoiLtaworth . H,II2|..... tGlonwooel.. .. 8.401.. . Morlin........ 6 IT. f Iluiton..... H B'-'...... Bamhfion ...... 0 00 ...tCedarBprii'Rfi.. 0 07 lilonln-ini Juuot'u ).]2 . ... Hlonho'm ... 0 20........tWJU.io. . .. 0JI1 Ar ltldfjotownDopI i* sr I a si 0 10 n c;i ,8 57 H mi H 47 K 42 H JO 8 11 fl 2y 8 11 8 01 7 fil 7 40 7 2i 7 15 7 10 7 00 II W 0 l.'i n io 6.11 U It a 2D (i 10 0 00 A.M. -ri A II G.G0 IU1H r.,27 fi.17 5 00 4.-10 t.ittl 4 2,r> ICO 0-15 IMS S.-W lftl i.:w 1.15 12 ao 12.21 12 1-, 12 00 112AJ II 1K1, in 10.1 10.00' tftj 3 r m. 4, tO fi.00 C.05 fi.lli r,.ai K.flfl M13 5.41 5.31 r>m 8.05 il n (1.52 7.03 7.10 7.17 7.22 7.27 7yi 7.37 7,4'* 7./10 I'.M.'l'.M, t I Infi Btatlono. Trainn otop only when thoro nro piifiHoofiorfi at or for thono tttattoim. Mixotl trtiluo nro *t nl tin:on rmbjoot to bti cuuoollod , WW WDOIjI/ATT Gouornl Riii)nHntohdnt JMtANK MaCLOKIUOY, MaidatOiio, 'thirty- ; novon yuarn' oxnorlouoo an an uuotioiujoriu tho County ^f Kimox. fiulou Londuotod piomptly, and on reiafjonablo tetrmti. Purtlt'ti tloniritifi to Qx tho daro for a nolo can tmvo thomoolvoc a drl?<J by callltif! at thfeuri> Puchh oflicn Wo hnvo arranged with MWSi|01oiiIioy and will llx tho elfttoii foi nalon hy telegraph, ontlroly fion of all oliaiijo to thei poifion holdiriff tho nalo. Ad- droimFrnukMoOlonkoy.MttldiitorioCroiiH.Onh 1U& BAKER, 'Kntablimm 187*1. Flrut-oliiHH bioiui ami onlcoii of nl "* ' " .....'......-------i-ui- oraooriuh npIIK olilont buidiioiHi iu town. ltindu*, WndtPur onUoii a opooinHty. proviiitoim, rliiii.fnodi nal t ami iwlt, Con fee tlonory.crookoiy.rTin.iiiiwaiti. Cinmedtnntbaia) voffotablon ot all lthnln, Ooodii promptly ck Uvorod to allpnrtfiof tho town. J. M. IUCKb. 101-tf lAMDAND LOAN AGENTS GEORtlK J TIIOl'Afl, Convoynnoor, Cow rainnionor, in Hlch Court of Juatloo; doahn ia Uoal I'ldlido ami Mortfiaeon. Monoy tp Iohl at tualow>nt rata of IntnrtUet. FarrjiB hoiiKbl and Hold, luHtmiuoo taken Jn tho montrcllabb oomhunhm, Dravvlnffof doods, mortfjftftoo ami InnnoH it Bpoeialty, Ohnrtfos modornio anel nil buBiucso promptly attciiidod to, Oall at the Centra) Tolmdwwo oflloo. BniiosrOoiitro. Kt(-ly ssex Furniture Warerooms. Packed Wiih Good Furniture bf Every Description, A fine Parlor Suit, Oak frame, Good Plush, $16:00. "Wo nuvor w^ra no woll ptoparod'fcJ do bunincHR. tMfi of uao&n mid prioos right. It will pay you to mve uh a call and' i ' (foods Jind not pricon. Wo aro ploaacd. , quote priot-H to any who nttod furmtur, Wo 1ihv(J bocn do in j{ a good steady bus uohh uow for about Hi yuarfi uud we Wl ' to tondur our tiiai)!-.H to the'pubHc fienral, tor tho very liberal patronage wo bavo'i ' coivod ot thetu dunug fche.lfi yeft^e thai Vu * havt' bou iu biiBiuosa iu'tba now l^wu^4 . i'luoo hi the world for you tli* man nnd WoraflU to boo ore u Dunlnonu K(lt]aatioD,Bhortliand,eto.,lti tho Detroit BuhIuuhb Uafveraibv. De troit, Mloh. Uluutratocl qetaloRTiQ Fraq. Iioferenoca : All Detroit, K. JKWBLL.Prea, (P, K. BPBNCEB.Beo. Best uyUNDERTAKING A J. A. HICKS & Co., i.M '^C. (I' 'Ll hi: !k ', l> , \'- 'h

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