i t ' . tT> W a*535" 4M T-f^f- " Ml- v/ THE ESSb^ FREE T>mSgW=* Published Every Friday Morning Ftom'tho cflloo on Talbot, Street, noxl 1 * DniiHtiui Block. The Only ( Rpociitl attention in paid to tho pubhua* au of mutter of local impmtaiicu, accur ate ud Diablo toportH of Town, uoip.hbflr- ing Towimmp and County Council prouood- ixW(.1ooal mid county marktit roporta. oto., thocarfo, anil judioiotiH muniiHumoiit of Tbk Kin:* .Phkhh, with nwpoat to thono and ofchor current matte rn of local importation, hait yjvoii it u widm-proad prtihtii in tho emit roof KHhu\couuiy,which id rt-couni/Hd as one of tho bunt agnoultiirul diulriotmn Ontario Tun Khu: i*iiKn m tho only medium oirouluiuiK thuioutfhly in Huh central portion of tho County, u.mi i enn- equoutly.withoub doubt,tho only thorough a^ortmin^ modiuju for biiHmeim ponplo wiahuin to reach thntolnwi of omUomuw COUUKfU'ONDISNCK, Oar columua aro filwajn opuri fur thu lD&ooublo dbouHinou of mutton* pcrtainm- 1 Jjtho public woluro Ablo couci-pondontii in all rho imrround g looiilitiL-- fumirtli rthnblL iuporlti ol iintwof intoi ht.oucuninn in then m<*.i r \ and tho puldutht'l* m at all liii."* .eaaod to i-coivu mtoru-dinn ltmnii ot awn from any dwpouod to fonwud oontn bullous". ill commmiicRtmiiH of a private and DOoHdoutial tniiuro, Hhould bo io maiktd > Tio oiitHido ot tho envelope. HUimciiii'rioN 1'iiici:. ,-:,0O por annum, atiictly in advaneo, OZ.uJpor annum if not no paid; ana till arroiUH charged at that rate AtrtKllTIrtl'MLNIH, TranHiont IorhI und municipal udver- tinrmontH, nutiooH, oto., charged at tho mto of ton oonta per hue, for lirnl lunortion, and live coutu por lino (or onoh mibhuquoiit imtortion. All imoh advortiHemonto aro moaiuircd by a ucaUi of twelve ImoH to tho inch. Local reading und other noticed pub- lifihod amonK Uu,al iiowh matter charged at tho rate of tou cunU per runnm-; lino for euoh imiortion. '{ A.I1 uoticcHof church or nocioty ontor iialumontB of any description, at which an atlmifiHion foo m oharud, aro rouardod an advortim-montH, and full ndvoiliHiuK raton obai^od m all auoh uihoh. Noticoa of ath enuitu or mooting not for pecuniary bono lit or aid, will bo ohf-urfully publiahod free of ahiirtfo. Bpooiwl oontraot ratou made Tor duiplay r standing advU, All Il^iiI orprofcHiiioii. aJ oardo under ono inch, $5 por annum. joji on couMisncui* rmsxiNa. ' Tho Fiucis Piu:hh Job lJrintint; De- partraont hi nndor tho nuporviniou of thoroughly compoteut mtchanicii, &nd unooiul attention is paid to thin * branch" of tho trade, Our faoihtioH for tho execution of all kiudH of Booh and Fino Job Printing ar unoxcollod. Btoam powor proHfleii. A oull holicitod. I1UHINKHH HUOULAIIONB. All dob Printing and TranHiont Advortimnf! accounts, otrmtly caah. : AtlvortioiuK ftucoiiutH with regular pa trou h uro bottled quart orly. Sub- bkrlptiono duo in advauco. ^o mibuonption to tho Finer- Piu hh, or advortit-emiiut pubhwhed in da colnmnn will bo diHcontuiuud until all urrojirH_aro paid in full. Cliun^eft for adyertinoinontn, to nooure ineortiou in thu Lurront ibhuc, miiBt bo handed in not latoi than noon of tho Tues day piocedin^, and uoti^o of wuch iutoud- od obango io required on tho Monday pru- ooding. Notico of diHContinuancn of auveitihe- m-otitH must be ^ivon ut leant ono wook in aovanco of tho iuhuo in which thoy are demrod to hint appear. ADVMUIBKUB, Subflonbern and patrona qenorally aro roquoatod to road tho above re^ulatioiiB carefully, in order that confusion may bo nvoidod, an they will m all oaeH bo adhered to. AddroHS all commumcationo to THE FRKK lJHKSS, Efinox, Out Great andt thoroughly re- liable building-up .medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Bood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S iarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit, It is not what wc say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. ' The fno of my Httlo p-drl from t Jin time rtiawaH throe monthu old, broke out and watt cqvohkI with ucabH. Wo guvo lior two. oottloii of ttood'a Surfmpiirnia rind it com- plotoly cured hor. Wo nre Kind to yocom- siund Hood'H Bnvimparilla." Thoh. M. Oahuno, Clinton, Ontario. fla buico to Get Hood's Homo HueUeru lRxciirylonu* In order to givu ovoryone uu oppnrtunity to noo the Woatory Oouutiy and enable thu boroe Heokt'ihto Bemre a horuo in tnuo to oommeuco work for tho HoaHon of 1800, tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul It y has urrau^od to iun a uorion of four homo Hook- erV oxcurHionu to vanouH pointn in tho Went, Noith-WoRt and South-Wost on tho following datOH: March 10, April 7 and 31, and May C, at tho Tow rate of two dob loi'fl moro than ono faro for tho round trip, TjoUotH will bo ^ood for return ou and Tuesday or Friday within twenty-one idayu from date of Halo. For laton, time of tiiunH and further details apply to any coupon ticket u^ont in tho Eabt or South}1 orJaddre-HH A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pa[ oon^er|A^out. 2 Kuif; Street Eaat, Toronto' Ont. The -UoKl FIKIh of tnc West Aro now atfraotin[ tho attention of tho whole world, and tho results of placer and quartz mining aro fully equal Io tho finde Ot nUL'gota in the early California day*. Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Wiumin^tou and Britndi Columbia y\u with ouoh other an to Uiooxtraonlmuiy induct muitHoffoied to pionpuotoru, practical mmorn and invtn torn. By thin flprinn tho ^old fever ^\ill have talcon poHHOBHion or thouHutidn of pooplo, and tho WobIoiii roadfj will havo till thoy aim do to tiiWHport the fortune luintnrn. Tho Chicago, Milwaulcco and St. Pan! railway and ilu connecting lhion, m tho bnst route to all neotionH of tho Far Went. ]"ir further information, addrowt A. f, ^Tayloh, Oanadiuu Pav*H. Afjont, Toronto, Out. 93 Hi Hood's Pills KJJi act hurmontou-ily with U Unfa nun will- (tx-*> tTHAixis'i orsii:. (OI ill fl|J III \ISJON. - Suuum, "Mm :(), IH'.n;. Council nv t thiH d >y, ] ur^n uit to notice, in Conn of Uiuhoii on ibe awwu. mont roll fur lri'lli, l'lcmt, Win. I'ricc, .Ju'iuh Dmnin und \V H Poltei, I.-ch made and Mibucubed liii di chu utiuii of- oilU'ii an u niL'inbi'i of haul Court of Hi vim ion and took lint m at ut th i imuiiciI bo-i'd On inotion"of Mo'iBrs. Onnitn und Ptttti, Win Pticu wuH ap| oiute I olimi n.uti ot *mhl o6urt 1'lift following appuila were (oiistdtud tin i dmpo'iud of mi iiidieah 1: Mrs, Murj-'aret. Papincai applied to ha\u hei son1', JoHtph and .John, uem^hLiI h** ownerH of lotj^a 1 I, ni \_iu Ut con. On motion of Mghhw Unmm and Pjttur, Mr a. 1'apii.eau'n lequcal was ^rantuil. Chun. DLroehtir applied to Ij ' a iHc^-Hcd uk owner of lot No, 11, u e pt in l^t coi . On motiou cf M'lhti n. Potter unci JJitiiiin, Mr. iJoioclior'H requoht win grunted. riainuol Hm\nr appeaud at) tollowh agtiitiht Ins artHoHBinent (a) To huve tho itereage of bin hunlH sveht of IUvlt Pulu ti diictd from Hj to SO ar-iti, (b) Io have tho aureate of bia hmdrt eait ot Kiver Puce rcdured from 100 to 7.J aerea, (i) to havo tho nciougo of hirt htndtt \vi nt o( Hello Kivn rtduct'd trom '.l{\\ to M) iieref; (d) to titivc lot No 0, P 1', i W P C , '2") aen a as- HfHHf-d to Albert T hcott as owner; U ) to have Drimii I(,ort ut iihHdhal hh oeeilpael oil hin limclfi wlhi of Puce. On motion of MuHhrH. Potter aud Damn),tho part tuarkud "a" d jMr.Stovei'Hconipluint waiidinpohtd of by reducing the uerHUgo to 81 55 HH acreH, the parts marked "b"' and "o" re main at) ubrteBHtid, lot 1), h u i, wan ohungcd Irotn S. Stover to A.T. Scott hh owner,and UeiiniH FoiuHt wub tiBtjUHHul hh occupant jf Mi Staver'K hind went of Hiver Puce. On motion of Meawru. Dumin and Potter, Ij. E. Ketaiu'n iit'it'ii^o waa reilueed b) 1 vilt.'tO ueree, tho amount hold the oorpot ation for a highway. J'JdwiLrd Sniith'a applieutiou to have bin HiJ^o^Hineiit for onii doj^ Htiuck ulf tho toll witM, on U'Otiou of Mchhth. Potter and I) urnm, grunted, and on motion of uiinui, Alo\. iMouhHcau'h application of mnnlar import waa jrruntul. Moved by Mr. Potiei, Heeondtd by IP. Huriim, that thoCouit of Ueviauu. adjourn for ono hour. Oaiuod. After tho lupHo of one hour for dimioi, the court again resumed its inthn^H ' The leeve and Mr. PI uit, councillor, who had lit en in attundancu at tho huH of it. F. Seymour vs. iMuidbtouo had now returned and after duly qualifying an memhorB ot the court of revision took their HOata with thu oilier menibtrH uc tbu conned boaid, Edward McPharliu'n application to havo tho iihh< Hhmuut or lot No, 10, n -j, H. M. 11., lowertui, wum, on motion of Mewn,H.*Dum!n and Plant, not granted. Juh Na\lor*H application to havo the went pari of lot 'Jl and tho wontpnrt of the n. J. ot lot yfi in ltli conceaaion, 78 acion, ub"essed to Wm. Hichardnon.uH owner,wuh, on inution oE MobHrs. Plant and Darnra, g-anted J A Ilogun'n application to havo Peter Kaliel RhHtiiHtid tor lot 10, u. w. J;, N. J\l. H., an tenant, wan, on motion of Mussre. Plant and Comott guintod. On motion of Mensrs. Oorbett and Durum, W. llaney was aHHCHHod an owner of lot 21, n w (p*. S M R. Ou motion of Memu*a. Duaim and Potter, M. Pollaire waij iinneHned an owner of lot No. 111. n pt n w qi, in 0th con. Op uiotioti of MoHfii's. JJjimm and Cor- hett, 11. Horbart wuh uunuHHed ao owner of lot No. VI in tho 10th eon. On motion of Mt^srw. Plitnt and Corbotl, W. H, St. Clan wai a^ht atied no nwimr of lot JNo. 'So, ii o. qi., 0th eon. On ino,tiun of MumiH.Oorbett and Potter, W. Ht, Clair way am'enod an ownor of lot No. 2rj, ii a qi*, con, 0, On motion ot Memm. I'lautainl Coi'bott, Alni'hiiiii Wii(,ht wan. iin0HHcd an tenant ioi lot 10, pt u qr, 110 ticrtiH. __________ a On motiou of MiUtirH.Oorbett und Damtn, Ijoum Oirard'H amtuBHUiunt for one doj; waa iitriiek off tho roll, On motion or Muwavti. Uamm and Potior, tho Hov. J. P. Mat- Iunin WHa uHHoaflod aattnant for tho piirtcf gore, o pt W HI', owned by tho oorpora tion of tho ProHbytoirlun oKuroh, at a rat ing of 8200. On motion of Munm. Plant and I'noo, Henry liowull and Bamuul 1'jUw had uaoh one dog Htvuuk off tbn roll. On motion of Mcimra. Plant and Corbott, Henry Klhn wuh entered ou tho roll uu a furtnor'n mm, on lot ilHfl, w hf n o qr. On motion of Mommm. Plant and Corbott, Thou. Klliu v/aa tuuioufuid an joint owmr with hui fathur on lot 11, w hf, enn 7. On motion of Myi^rii. Plant and Cor biitr, Henry Langier waa aaHeaned an ten unt on lot 13. eon. On motion of MeHnin.CorbU und Unmm, lot 11, w hf e hf, in con. 7, waa annoitnr.d to .humph Paillurgoon uu owner. On motion of MoHaru. Corbott and Damni, Chan l:*anw(dl wan niilleiiiied uu tenant on lot No. Hi, n o <\r, in con. ft. On motion of Mohhmi.Corbott and Plant, Kulpli KouUicr wau aHHetmed an tenant no lot 1, n \v cor, IJ 1' C. Moved by Mr. Plant, hoenndud by Mr. Coibett, that the iihscfihuieiu roll of tin towimlnp (jf MaidMloini tor lfi'ili, as n t\leviaul ami correcli'il, be eunimncd and adopted. (Jnri'ied. Moved by Mr Plant, uteondcd by Mr P<itter, that tin Court of Hovnnou now (do-to and that the council tut for general Ii iiimifHn. Carried. ' COLK< It, MI'I UNO. U. M. Kourke addronicd tho eomioil re lative to tho noctHuity of itn taking piompt notion to prevent the upreud of tho "prick ly lettuce" and other iiokiouu woedw. NelHon Mon^Heiiu preaentod a bill or Hi ")() foi HuivicLh um drain uit-noator. On motion of Mohhih. l'etter and Price, h nd bill waa paid. Win St. Chur mado allidavit that 1 e liad una idiLcp kill, d by unknown dngi- aiid thtimutod hif loHH ut ftO. On innin !i TWAN8VAAL PRISONEHS FREE. All toot Ithmlf^, Th 1)11(><*. 1 ui nir uiHl Kiiiu- itmiid Aru Nii\i ul Idltfi'lv. London, May !il. 'I'ho Colonial Ollhe hub teeelve<L tv UdnKruwt from the lllltUli dkploiiiutle a^fiii ut Pruoiorln, Advoeato Cloetu, tinythtf thut nil of \lw .lohunnei.- b*rw H* for hi ('niiutilHw prbfonera expect, the four who wum eondninncit ro dimh lliuniiiend, Fanin', PhllllpH and lilmdt'H Imvo hi'on leb'u^'d. Tim Hentinte of tjHUlahiaoufc which wum Impnyed upon the men roluiiwd lmn been uuiqicndlng upon tholr undertaking to nu\er ayidn Inter- feio in t lie affalni of the South Afrlenn UepubUu The .luhaniieHherg Standnrd tnlegrnplm that the udenio of all the membeiii of t ho Ueloi-m Conunlltm*. wlt.li tbu e^eipthm of Mi'isrH. Mhiulet, Ilainmond, rurrur und Phillips, 1he finir leaders, who wiiii) originally eumlenined to death, baa euu'wed widei [iii'itd l'ljnhdnpf In the TraiiH- vual und oluowhuru In South \frha When tho fad, became known Pienldent Kruyer, tn -whom the release In due, wiw iiithiialuth'nily elu en d The nii'iuhern of the .lotnmneHliere; Km lnij.;e * ni a t^do ruiu to Pro'ildent Kruger expn sslnt' to him thMr warmest thnnlvH en* hl gi'ner- oiH action, wlih-h thev dpehirrd would h,'ve il benelii \n\ i;|lc(t throughout South ilthiL. Tin d -.puti li .idiUtliut cnntldenie i lelt that tin- I'lc-idi-iil will extend hW gnnuroslty to t h" four leaders who mo atlll In jail under u <>enteneo of fltyen yeaiM* hnpi l->(innn nt s> I'liirfoi'lu, Muj U. --I'm -blent Kruger .ind t-fd'itary el St.ite ht-yd-. einpluiLli nl lj ill nv tin ihitiMii'Mit- nmdi' \<\ N-jimmr Fmt, who was pilv.iie ->i"|pta \ tn Lord Le.di whin the latter \% i-. ( i i-h High CoiniuiHriloner In hontli Aire "Ur. I mt, an eftbhid lu n*, n mM'-d that Or. J.uue non designed ti> make a rinb in Pinetorhi and i-ei/e dncune nl^ ]iiovtng the e tlst- eiien of an ulfcnsi\e and iI'-U'imui alli ance between the Tramuial and Ger many. Horn Tn nldent Kruger and St-in-- tary of State dieluio that the repirihUo would not toll rate the Intm feu net- of tint many, Pniim or nv (ith< r power lu hei intern.il oi t\i' nil i lv lis The re- li i-, (if (Me piiljinnl 1HI-.OH l I i Milled gi i nt i e | in i ; .ii ' \ ( 11>.\ 11 iti hlisiatt tit alt\ < In nil n -i lent t, 'n/i i as he u i li t\ in 11,** i u i in Ue hii'ldlng aftei aiu: au.i inj; tn.it tin jnhoneih would be heb at Ilia rty. A Strong and HapDy Assurance Paine's Celery Compound Posi tively and Permanently Cures. Men and Women Made Strong for the Hot Weather. Tf the Doctoi-H Have Failed to Give You Health, Paine's (JoUry Compound Will Meet Your Cao Your Blood Will Be I'horoaghly OloauRcd Your Norvoun Syntjjni Will be Strengtho'iod You Will Fool Bright and Happy. Tynir^eTnCI'rtcn-irrid-Pot.ter, Mr. Ht. Clair vuj paid two thinlH ot mud \aluiitiuii in full satisfaction i I claim. Ou m ition id Mi caiB Pmuq and Port/i, tho teeii'MHor wiu paid $' for tUra \wnK and iliHbuiHt nu ntn an anHioaoi. MtUoii Mnti-meuii tendered bin ri iiuiiu- tiou of the oilifo of di.un inimeidnr, Muveil by Mi. Phiut, tHContlud by Mr Puce, tint Mi. Mouihuhu'b lOhiHnution bu ucceptcJ. Cariiod. A petition, indued b> .himon Navlor and ob veil oLhera, aidun^ council to cauue the rtiiidvalof the fence o(f the road allow- ance in front (,l 'ot '211, con .'J, waaprenont- od and read. On motion tho conwidoratum of Hinl petition was deferred till tho ne\t ineeMnn of council. The engineer pn Hunted hia lopoit oo tho \\ iltion dram. Said report waa read and, on motion o Meuiirn. Vchm und Dumm tho (dork wuu niHtructal to notify all in* ti-rentcd parties that the petition would bo cjnmderul by the council at itn meottng to bo held at tho to.vn ball, Maidatone, en the "7tli of dune next On motion of AIl>hhia Plant and Price, ,], n Laird wan paid ^00 for profeanioi al nervioeii in auit of Boytuour va. tMuulhtom and ftfi'i for Hiirvey, plana, etc , of the Wil Hon drnin. On motion oE McHiira. J'laut aud Puce, Mrs. dueknon wan paid ^7 for board of Laune, indigent to date. Edward McPharlin and dohn Moian notiiied tho council that ihoy would hold the corporation reupoiihiblo for ally damage they niav Buffer ro their lundn and crop-- bv itn allowing parti* a not tiHHCHaod for tho original conntruetion ot 'lio Puce dram to bnne walin from other drains into the Puzo. Nntico hied. Wm Green way complained to council of a wuhhmp; away of a portion of hia landf) by tiio went townliae drain and or BiiTfei in mconveniencoH for which the corporationa of Maidhtono and Suudwioh Houth wlto rGHponHible On motion of Meaam. Plant and Dumm, tho Ht-eveand Deputy-Reevo wero appoint o I a committee to ooufer with Iho Heeve of Sandwich South, ro Mr. Groouway'n eompbunt U. P. Seymour notified council that the "ird con centre hue drain nt j til ot M.C H trucli wuh not oufliQiont to cany tho water of tho llyhind diain and that ho will hold tho corporation io*ponHib' for any dam- ugo he may receive. On motion of Meaur'. Plant and Pamm.tlu angimor wna iiintruot- od toexainiuo tile diain complained of by ^lr. Hcyni-en and repoit thereon to Lbu- council ut m xt meeting. O . mo'mn of "dossia Prce and D.tmm, J. K. Arnold vnu paid UI00 from tho tile drain fund for drum couatruotion, hh per T. D. iuHpector'n report. On motion of Moanra. Price and Plant, the Huron and Brio Loan & Havings Co wan paid ftooTor a poilion of~lot ISr >'- * '* \ ui Oth con., purohuHed for a roadway and for oxpoiiHU of turniahinp; partial diochar^ of it nunt^ni^n on Hiiid parcel of land. On motion of Mommi. Plant and Price aounoil iidjourned to moot again on Satui- dav, the 27th day of Juno. Porioct \Vi<!iii Would give nu perfect health. Bocauue men and women are not perlectly who, tlioy muat take modiotnen to Itoop tliem mtlvbH pcifeoily hetiphy. Pure, rich blood iu tbn biuiiH of (fcod health. Ilood'a Rur. Hiipuvilla in tho Ono Trim Blood Puriflor. It ijlvim good huillth buoainie it buddn up on the truo Hotindution pure blood. Hood'H Pilla aro purely VnMOtabln, perfectly harmless, alwuyi rolitiblo and bouoUoial. I NE^RlhC- CULUWAYO. '1 he ] fu'ht iT < i |>I. ' him nun >' J im WllU 1 In MhIhI'i I' - -In lii lu I 4 ( hii < fl fi- '1 \fi Mill --lh ( je ili'ie.utir ylhucmbty 1) i , "Mi i i iin.ur-< 11ui mini.nit (*< It-iit< <l. LoiHt<.i,May i\>. 'iho Dally Teleprnph him a ile-puteh from Bulir-nvn v, .deh {/ivo a de-M i|ii ion of the li t of Cap tNuri I'lummep'*. tone with the in-mrtf- ents , nil h of Hulii a rtu (im, ' hiiyn tlie eu: r -pendent ' Vmld tin- i h eis of tlie wbil ii'inp. i- <\ml tlie hojn-. war (.hunts el Ki" ' Kbania'H mon, wiuio tho hilN were re oinnllni* will) Zulu war Ronsjs*, tho Uu in1 i ii iii-ln d mi tho rebelm, who w und' r the prut< et ion of Oiell kojjje '1'nr w^ Mi iff*-- lilt i-,it lie of Hlb s iinn u' MaMin "in- '1 he tmops fought then w \y, inch by inch, thioiifrh tlie Ini U until the eiieniv waa suddenly itr-nek h" a pnuieand letMated, They wr re eluded frn* two mlh *, and h.nl 100 Ulllt it It i- belie\eil then were 11,000 rcbi-N en^a^ed, and it m -i-ppimt'd that they urn nowiniUMii|* In thc^latopo hill' for a llrml Mtand Mr. ( eeil Ilbodcs 1-, expei ted betel hourly." Cape Town, May J*. '! be Ummn of A-'f'embly today \nted ii'joii Mr. Merrl- m.uiV .Hiiendment in favm of riuoUmp; the < h irti r of tin Piltl*>h *- mth Milium Coinpanv, owin1; in tlie mannor In wbiili they liave In en Iniplh.ited in tlio .Tiuncon l dd The ilon^e ifjeeUd tho amendment by a vote of (10 to 11, The Hon-' of V--,- nilily then adopted, without a ihvUion, Mr behieiner\ mo tion to thi died tlmr the Houve con- deniuo the danuwon mroud; trusts that hei Majesty'-- Covernnient will -.et on loot a '-enn bin" ln(*inrv Into tlv oil^ln ami carryinp; out ot i be wvne; prfimUurt ith**htani e to tie- in plirv vnMiefnluer. the Btep-i altuidy tahe-i truflU that, hor Majesty's (iovorTUiirnt will tuh fur*Vr uieiiH.iH'H by thi^dml,iUt*-.itlo of the terntorlea, or nth' -vi-". to prevent a lepetltlon of tin- lur.iiili, and feob- ib In a- mihlt of niutiial conciliation uid forbenvanrio eoni- plete trampiilltv will bo reotoicd, arwl further diM'iird, so fatal to the p.>nne of Son lb Afilmi, will he pre\i-n"H" Mr Seliii'ini r'- morion Mc i eenleoipbiteq that .i heleot lominit e should he ap pointed to Inquire into rho eiieum- Htances of the i.nd n idTeofrlnj^ (>apn Colony. c, .i-1 'i Jhy/'y: vai 1 III) Virion t Disn^tcr. Victoria J* C , May This innrn- lu" the eoroinu' npi in d .in imiur -.1 Into the causes of tin- ib m h ul the rtotir is of the dirinster, und uiinounced that, the Inquiry would bo of the mout thorouwh nature. Ho annuU'.vl tb.it all t-bht. wui xeipilied for tb pit -it vm the hlnutlfl oulIon of bodie- by the iurl^rtlTet whieh the in\e*.tip;nLhm as to tihe fnr-tr, won hi go on. hevernl piopln who bad been pin- panelled wm*o renmvi d as hie'ljjflble Thu mmihor of woumh d so fur as ascertained is between flO and 70. Pour more holier Wi io recovered to dav P I j I [idine-., hnii of C. L Holuiei, iliaiiinan of Hoard of County Conuui Inn. r , Tuionia; Y. II. Talbot, rnndin tor; MoUirman Farr and MIsh Lilly hhlnvrt, lea\lnK, it l*, happened, many moio still in thu wntor. Many of the \U tlms came from oiitnlde places. No dentin huvo ticcurred fiom liijiuloh or ex]insin;.- amm- of tho imsi-n are ot a juiili' ul.nl.* painful idiarae- toi\ One entue i u ill." U - med out In one ease ami a number ul 111 lie (iilldion deprived of both 'lather and mutlior. Ibcii' in cen^idcial'le filK as to who la re-iptm^dde, niul hei\y id dins for dam- ucr.m are likolv to Im m.ide. ~~~ ^MANITOBA MATTERS. Fo roi m u Cold M Inline* <nn|.uiiy Hntlden Dentil ul slin.."*, Mi.iiul iln. Winnipeg, Muy^l. -An iulornial meet ing of hiudnos-i nu n w i hi id on T"i Uhty to consider tho formation of a (eold min ing and development company, ro npmir.0 In the Lake of tin Wo ul. district. Thu company will be stocked for g'lOO.milvln ^lu share-i, Mr, llobei-t Purden, a^ed 75, died mai denly at Stony Mountain yemerilay. Ito camp hero from L;nmr'.,Ont., n year mjo, The HunUern' \ iMttdathm of the dty eontemphite ehan^uu* ihe Saturday hnulc hnui i, the mutt".--h.ulnr; been l'avotahly fonslderd nt a k teliti mm Uup; -if tho members, l'lm Uli'ti \h to elo;^ the hanlH on Haliui1 lay at noon. The mlaud rovnfto eoUenllon hiv May ut tho port of Winnipeg amnuntod io *Hl.fM>:i.y7. Alo3tundi<hi und Calm and m 1 - ih i Pi - to\vn"h*d 9a dtwths from oUoUtii \\^b Dtuday. . ' O V , ' Tin re ounlit to be no nt enmity of con tinually reminding people that tliev tibould look cloaoly to thoir condition ut health at, thin uouhou of the ynr, Not witlnttundiii^ coiiflant wiirntn'ot tlioinnnidii iteern to >x quite indilterent to what they term tho amall ilia of life. Hinall atieaina multo mighty, ruohini1, iiyoiUi thu amal[ lib of hfo, when neglected, fifmioutly bnutl on danyorouH maladifH that end in 'loath. The tnllt a of to day weuK and ilcaililj fn lini^a, iiei vimh iwitohmua, th bilily, ^!i eph t-HiH hh, t ir* d feehne;n, and h' n\ , ami pain in lliti head may to mm row riHidt in dread diueano, puralynif, innarjitj. or that awful painin thai Oinht life v,n (jiueldy Tbn ih indeed tlie timo whin Panic u (Jelery Compound hhouhl Ijo unod by old and yotiufj; who feel they aru not up to tho iitundiird of full health, fdreneth and ai livpy, Tin hot, out i vaii,e. Acatber oi iiuinnirr will anon ow riakn tho wuik, languid, mirvoua aurl broken down The rcMilui inUHtbo appa Iiiij^ and fatal iu tin uaaiids, iT the iiyatum ih not fortified by eaith'tJ bent modioirtQ, I^aiiie'ii Coloiy Cornpoimd. 'J be fact that Piuiio'h Celery Componud ban met tho inoat nany 11*110 et|Hotationn of phytucam., and cured uo many ui tho pant, iihonld be'tho nt rongeur, and buppieat aaiu- raricn to thoae who need a life-nivin^ modi- , ciuc at tho proHcmt time. Tlnit Paino'a Celury Compound ouroa poHitavely and per- mauently all dinoaHoaarihin}' from impure blood, or from decline iu vi^or of the uervo hihtum, m fully pioyed hy thoumiiidn of euuieiit and happy men ami women who liave Hilled lettera to th it 1 ffoot Lot utt kindly ur^o every individual, younf and old, who ih out of condition, to make a trial of one bottle ut Paino'ii Celery Compound. The roaultfi will be antotnuh- wn. oonymoiiiji and nhiddi-nin^. No othoy, X_. mi dicme 10 tho world hko it for pure, rich blood, and for buHtnwiu^ that robuid health that, can Hiieocnufully oopo with the dantjorH that havtj to bo encounter id in mid- aumiiier. limvatiiof uuicationu and iiubiuttuten, hen that, you not "Puino'a" tho kind that "makcb people well". TREASTTBER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXIS. _ ~ TOWN OI1' LS'-'l'.-X, [ Whrrcfifiby \irtuev1*a waiiant ihoncd by thu Mayor ot tho To W11 J Town of JOkhox, iu the County ol Kitn.x and uuthcinticated by the corpoiaU mh! if the mud Town bearing date the fourth day of I'ebruarj, 1896, 1 nd to me dm < n u i ommanding mo to levy upon the following loto or paicolu of landn in arrt arti for 1 < \i lue thoreon with cotitH. 1 lieiehy e., *i i.nuco that uuhtiH tho naid tn^te und loiHh are noon* r paid 1 idiull, on -vednoHdny, Mt -J. It h day of dune, lb'Jti, at tbo lioui of Uu o'clock in the forenoon, at 1'ock'H llall, in 1 In 'J iiwn of Knh( x, pioctt d to eell by publn, auction the mud landn or o much the in 1 io> rnny b" raithcn nt to pay auch nrreiirn of tiixen and all lawful contn incurrod : Lota. __ Taxea. (JontH. Total. ........bH..............SI.08........ bli).~>........SO 0.1 .......39.____'.......... 1 OH..........1*13........ 0.03 .......8.............. 3()iili..........217........ 33.13 .. . 7 and H............u7 (J 1.........."2 81........ fi'> 87 ..... <i an>l liii........ S5H7..........2 :i.j........2fl 22 . *.n partu 2b and 27......17.U1..........2 1."/........ 20.01J' :!:"l,,,1:^ ......89.20 ........55a...;. Plan. .107.......... .107.......... um......... i07........ A-M....... 170.......... 1 '.">...,....... 1711.......... ib7......... :io:i........ Pdock !H........ nioek 10......................................ton* ......part Kill .......27 and 2B| .....211 and 21 j........ 3.1.00..........123,... . 7.11..........1.03.... ........2.72.... 94.70 1J7.83' 9 OB 43.71 W D. BEAMAN, Tieanuror. .Z3J? X O LL Building* ? We 01111 supply you with all kinds of Wooden Material, plain und ornamental. Pine, Himlock and native Lumber always on build. Kliiug'es, Cedar Pcate Doors, Bash and (-Qad. screen Doors and Window? That will last a Life-tiine. Laing Bros. J. GOtTRLAY & SON. ESSEX ONT. mmmx$a&x^^^}>, * * - -(V. TH33 TBP0MPH CORN SnEirjLER ThiH Maobino coumats of a horizontal caufc oylindor, with wrought iron Into, with stool tooth bolted to tho cylluilov so ae to bo reversible when i-hft UeMi hooomo worn on tho front nido, limning in.a porfomled concave iroU) -liuil, which tho shelled coro pateicB through into a bhoot iron onse, with s an or elr-imor attaoliod bolow, which takes all tho dust J torn tho grain. 9?be > hoapost bohi, mofit Bmiplo anddurublo Ppwor *6oru hollut* in use; shelle nhollipg and cleaning from 0110 to twe uninutnd buHhols of aars per day, according io power. v > J)iHM8tflNH. Pulley, 111 in. diam-V .1 , (1 in. fane; Motion, BOO to BOO revolution per minuto; \Voi"bt, 5fi0 ftfl. -VJ itoc, EVERY SHELLERJJWAHftANTED. J. GOtfRLAY A SOhtfi. . ^ 'wJ